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Máster en Gestión de Proyectos Logísticos SAP ERP

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

La gestión de proyectos en SAP

Un caso real: Proyecto de implantación SAP en African Logistics

Profesor: M. de Pablos / J. Heredia 27/06/2020

MPLSAP © Máster en Gestión de Proyectos Logísticos SAP URJC

1. Contexto del proyecto
• African Logistics ha definido dentro de su estrategia IT a SAP como la
aplicación principal para dar cobertura a sus procesos de negocio.

• Durante el presente año, African Logistics ha comenzado a utilizar SAP en

ciertas áreas de la compañía, y la mayor parte de sus procesos financieros
están actualmente cubiertos por esta herramienta.

• African Logistics ha solicitado a Birchman recomendaciones sobre los

próximos pasos a dar para implantar SAP en otras áreas de la compañía,
así como para optimizar los procesos financieros actuales, añadiendo
asimismo capacidades de control de gestión y contabilidad analítica a los

• El presente documento describe el enfoque de Birchman para esta nueva

etapa que African Logistics se dispone emprender, de acuerdo a la
información recogida durante las diferentes sesiones mantenidas con el
´Top Management´ y el ´Middle Management´ de la compañía.

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1. Contexto de proyecto:
actuales limitaciones
• El Sistema de Información adolece de integridad
– Procesos muy dependientes de intervenciones manuales y no regladas
– Baja calidad de los datos proporcionados por el Sistema
– La solución SAP actual presenta un alto número de gaps en ciertas áreas

• La actual infraestructura IT promueve ´islas de información´

– El acceso a la información de negocio no es transparente – esto refuerza la ´cultura del Excel´
– Actualmente, SAP no lo facilita, sino que lo entorpece

• El trabajo colaboratívo con proveedores clave aún no es possible

– SCM aún no se encuentra implementado en African Logistics, y en otras de las empresas del grupo lo está con una
funcionalidad muy limitada

• Muchos de los actuales procesos en SAP, necesitan ser optimizados

– Las facturas de venta se generan mediante sistemas ´legacy´
– El cierre de mes contable actualmente se realiza de forma incompleta, y no está hecho enteramente en SAP
– El reporting de Libro Mayor (GL) es incompleto, e inconsistente en varias áreas y entre varios códigos de compañía
– La divisa de Controlling (básica para el reporting de la Dirección) asociada al Grupo está en XOF (moneda local de
Senegal)  si African Logistics requiriera que fuera el USD, la implantación de este cambio no es trivial y debería ser
abordado cuanto antes
– Los procesos del área de Controlling aún no han sido abordados en SAP
• Falta de equipo interno cualificado dedicado al proyecto
– Alta dependencia en recursos externos: mayores costes y además impide o dificulta la gestión del cambio interna

• A nivel general
– La comprension del Sistema por el usuario y su nivel formatívo es pobre
– Alta dependencia en pasos manuales a lo largo de cada proceso, que causa fallos en el mismo, lo cual además
repercute en errores en el área y de compras y en las imputaciones financieras

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Project Approach 2. Enfoque de proyecto
Reenfoque hacia el ‘valor’
Los procesos necesitan ser automatizados y optimizados mediante el uso efectivo de
la tecnología de un modo pragmático y de acuerdo a las Best Practices del mercado
Hoy Futuro African Logistics puede transformar su Supply
Chain a través de:
Planning and forecasting • La adecuada implantación de procesos básicos
Alto de negocio soportados por la tecnología
Proactive Mgt against plan
‘valor’ • Estandarizar los procesos y los datos asociados
Management by exception a los mismos
• Uso de una plataforma integrada que permita:

– Procesos repetibles y escalables

– Automatización y optimización de
• Reconocer la complejidad de su entorno:
– Altos tiempos de entrega
– Global sourcing
– Logística compleja – Gestión de Envío,
Gestión de Transporte, Aduanas, etc
Manual tasks / Paper work
Bajo ‘valor’ – Entorno cambiante – inestabilidades
políticas en los paises en los que opera
– Altos volúmenes de envíos, y envíos
unitarios en ocasiones voluminosos
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Project Approach 3. Ámbito del proyecto

Durante los estadios iniciales del proyecto, analizaremos los procesos

principales del grupo, con el fin de identificar y definir aquellos que
deben ser incluidos en el ámbito del proyecto, así como su secuencia
recomendada de implantación

Asímismo, durante la fase de Diseño, definiremos que procesos deben

ser diseñados a nivel corporativo (Core Model Processes) y cuales
deben ser particularizados para cada una de las empresas del grupo.

Con el fin de minimizar costes del proyecto, así como para reforzar su
asimilación interna, una vez realizada la primera fase de implantación,
el equipo de AL podrá ir extendiendo paulatinamente estos procesos y
otros al resto de las entidades organizativas del grupo, contando para
ello con soporte de tercer nivel de Birchman únicamente

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Project Approach 3. Ámbito del proyecto

El ámbito del Proyecto deberá cubrir al menos los procesos

esenciales de la compañía:
 Gestión de Datos Maestros
 Gestión de stocks e inventario, y Gestión de Almacén básica (mediante
el modulo de SAP IM)
 Durante la fase de BluePrint phase definiremos los procesos de Gestión de
Almacén, y se analizará con los usuarios clave de AL la conveniencia de
incluir Gestión de Almacén extendida ´(con el modulo de WM) así como su
possible impacto en coste, esfuerzo y plazo.
 Logistica de Entradas y Salidas de mercancía
 Gestión Import/Export
 Gestión comercial (ofertas, pedidos, facturas)
 Finanzas (extension a procesos actualmente no cubiertos)
 Controlling básico(CO-CCA)

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Project Approach 3. Ámbito de proyecto
African Logistics desea asímismo analizar la conveniencia de implantar los
siguientes procesos, y obtener recomendaciones respecto a la duración y
complejidad esperada, así como a la fase recomendada de implantación:
 Extended Warehouse Management  Finanzas (extension a otros
(mejoras respecto a la fase I) procesos no cubiertos en fases
 Gestión de Flotas anteriores)
 Gestión del Transporte  Controlling Extendido (CO-PA, 3)
 Mantenimiento en Planta (relativo a la  Document Management
flota de camiones) (funcionalidad básica o extendida,
 Integración de la Supply Chain (con relativa principalmente al proceso
otros clientes o proveedores) import/export)

El Grupo African Logistics opera actualmente a través de un conjunto de

compañías, que deberán conformar el ámbito del proyecto:

• African Logistics Senegal (base en Senegal)

• African Logistics-Sales South Africa (base en South Africa)
• African Logistics Mali (base en Mali)
• African Logistics Ivory Coast (base en Ivory Coast)
• African Logistics-SCM SA (base en South Africa)
• Africa Transport Services (base en Senegal)  Nueva
• African Logistics International (base en Mauricio)  Nueva
• Logistic Platform Company (base en Senegal)  Nueva
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Trabajo en equipo: aspectos a considerar
1.Enfoque de implantación recomendado
. Big-bang vs arranque por fases
. Secuencia de implantación recomendada
. Equipo de proyecto
. Plan de proyecto: fases y documentos a entregar en cada

2. Alcance de proyecto:
. Módulos SAP y otras tecnologías recomendadas
. Definir posibles cuestiones a tratar en las sesiones de
toma de datos con el área de compras y con el de ventas

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Trabajo en equipo: aspectos a considerar

3. Plantear la estructura organizativa de compras y la de

ventas en SAP

4. Otros factores a considerar:

. Ideas a plantear para minimizar el coste del

proyecto, y el ´Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)´

Factores clave de éxito

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Project Approach:
General Overview
The duration of the GLOBAL Project will depend on the outcomes of the BusinessBluePrint and the final scope (functional areas and
organisational entities within the project)
Early outcomes will come through the identification and deployment of Quick Wins during the first months of the project

& GoLive &
BBP Construction Final Testing
Ana. Support

Recruiting internal Team Processes Design Approved Quick win Training

deployment Finished
Project Kick off
Development Designs User Testing
Approved Acceptance
Detailed Project Scope GO LIVE
Migration Designs Approved Quick win
Integrated African Logistics SCM deployment


Project Management

African Logistics participation is KEY


Technological Infrastructure to achieve the project GOALS !!!!

Change Management


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Project Approach: phases Planification
&& Analysis
Analysis Design
Design Construction
Construction Implementation
Implementation Support

Phase 1: Planning & Analysis (Project Preparation)

Main Activities African Logistics Participation

Identification of project resources: October
- Recruit internal Team for the project
(Project Manager and Business
2 3 4 5 6
Analists per area) 1

Understanding of main African Logistics 1 Select, recruit (if needed) and train the internal
Group processes team
Give Initial solution overview Participate in the Kick-off Meeting 2
Review and fix project scope
• Determination of Project Scope per
Company Code
3 Review project scope for each group
• Core Processes Definition
• Local Processes Identification
Revised Project Planning
4 Pre-Design Meetings
Identify Change Management Impact
Establish Project Procedures Communicate the positive
news of the project to all
5 future system users
6 Express business requirements not
reflected in our initial view

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Project Approach: phases Planification
& Analysis Design Construction Implementation Support

Phase 2: Design (Business Blue Print)

Main Activities African Logistics Participation

November December
• Core Processes Design (Corporate
1 2 2 3 4 3 4 5 6
• Local –Company Specific-
Processes´ Design (for each single
• Revised Project Planning Express business requirements not
• Select and design developments reflected in our initial view 1
(Functional and Technical design)
2 Respond to our Data Requirements
Design Migration Programmes and
Interfaces (Functional and
Technical) Review Prototype 3
Design Approval
Prototype Approval in specific areas 4 Take decision on system
During this phase, quick process 5
Review Reporting / Special
improvements to be put in place
supported with the new tool will be
identified (Quick Wins) -Express Disagreements
-Add missing information
At the end of this phase, it will be
performed a Supply Chain 6 Approve the solution
Allighment with main design / prototype
stakeholders/business partners to
agree on the joint processes
MPLSAP © Máster en Gestión de Proyectos Logísticos SAP URJC
Project Approach: phases
& Analysis Design Construction Implementation Support

Phase 3: Construction (Realisation)

Main Activities African Logistics Participation

Configure the system and transport January February March

into a pre-production environment
Develop a unit testing guide
Develop the standard functionality 1 2 3 4 4 5
Customize and test developments,
interfaces and conversion programs
Define an integrated testing guide and Review / Develop the testing cases 1
develop the integrated testing
Identify final users and responsibilities
Develop training manuals 2 Identify end users and
Design and plan training courses to responsibilities for defining systems
final users authorizations
Communicate the global training
calendar 3
Establish the transition plan from the Communicate the training strategy
old to the new organization and
Participate in the testing and propose
During this phase, the Quick wins
identified in the previous phase will
be delivered
5 Review user manuals

MPLSAP © Máster en Gestión de Proyectos Logísticos SAP URJC

Project Approach: phases Planification
& Analysis Design Construction Implementation Support

Phase 4: Implementation (Final Testing)

Main Activities African Logistics Participation

April May June
Develop the user acceptance test
Complete the knowledge transfer
activities 1 2 4 2 4 2 3 2 4 5 6
Deliver the training by levels
Configure User systems 1
Transport programs from development Receive the train the
environment to production trainer sessions
Communicate the Go-Live of system
2 Perform the end users
Develop the final conversion of data
Go-Live of System
User System
4 Perform Data Clean

Participate in 5
MPLSAP © Máster en Gestión de Proyectos Logísticos SAP URJC
Project Approach: phases
& Analysis Design Construction Implementation Support

Phase 5: Go-Live & Support

Main Activities African Logistics Participation

June July  Onwards

Go Live

Develop a continue improvement plan

Establish application control
procedures 12/1 09/2 23/2
Communicate the information and
support procedures K
Team DeloitteR esourceFinanceLeaderBSG Team M
emberBusinessU nitTeam
berOtherTeam M
Stabilization and improvements on PM O SteveM
Am lanG
cC aughey
upta KeliLester
Em eryW halen

CharleneW alker KeliLester

production environment ChangeLeadershipKarenLaw

Training LianneC
Filtrate the first level issues
Data Base tuning to increase Budgeting G
A FrankD
aborT oth StephenC
icheleLane KeliLester
'Addio StephenC


Reporting G lenT achinski R obinH arvey JilC leveland

performance AccountsPayablesPadam Bansal W arrenLong JanetR eid JanetS prague

Facilitate meeting to identify needs Act as change

between the groups in the new drivers
Implement a training methodology to
new hires

MPLSAP © Máster en Gestión de Proyectos Logísticos SAP URJC

Project Approach: Deliverables

The following deliverables will be provided during the project by the

Birchman-AL Team (1/2):
Preparation Phase:
 Kick-Off meeting document
 Scope Validation
 Detailed Project Plan

Business BluePrint Phase:

 Process Model Validation (validation of Process Design Documents)
 Data Migration Strategy and Plan
 Final Acceptance Plan Definition
 Prototype Process Selection
 Gap Analysis List (WRICEF list)
 Revised Project Plan

Realisation Phase:
 Design and realisation of Interfaces and Enhancements
 Prototype Validation
 Configuration Guides
 Templates/Spread sheets for Data Loads
 Go-Live Plan (first version)
 Profile and user list

MPLSAP © Máster en Gestión de Proyectos Logísticos SAP URJC

Project Approach: Deliverables

The following deliverables will be provided during the

project by the Birchman-AL Team (2/2):
Final Preparation:
 End User Manuals
 Data Load Files
 Data Load Approvals
 End-user training
 User Acceptance Tests – approval
 Integrated Testing - approval

 End project Acceptance Meeting
 Post Go-Live Support Procedure

Go-Live Support:
 Post Go-Live Follow-Up Issue List

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Project Approach: Data Conversion

Data Conversion and Data Load

During the Business BluePrint phase it will be analised more
deeply the different data loads to be done, as well as the
convenience to do them manually or in an automated way,
according to the data volume and the complexity of each one.
We will work on this preliminary Data Load List:


 Chart of Accounts  Balance Sheet Statements
 Customers  Vendor Open Postings
 Vendors (Suppliers)  Customer Open Postings
 Fixed Assets  Purchase Orders
 Materials (Product codes)
 Sales Orders
 Cost Centers
 Cost Accounts
 Pricing Conditions

AL will be responsible to clean the data, and to fill it into the

spreadsheets to be provided by Birchman, . AL will do as well the
validation of the data loads into the new SAP System.

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Ideas to minimise project costs
and TCO (1/3)
Building the African Logistics internal consultant team
A shared approach showned in the different meetings maintained
between the AL Top Management and Birchman is the need to
build internal capabilities during the project in order to:

 Strenghten the ownership of the project

 Facilitate the growth and coherence of
the existing solution to cover additional
areas of the company and to increase
gradually the functionality of the
system during the coming years.
 Decrease the total cost of the project,
 Minimise the dependency on external

We propose to give initial SAP training to the new members of the

team before the project starts, in order to maximise the value
added by the team since the very begining of the
BusinessBluePrint phase and to easier their outcomes in
subsequent phases.
MPLSAP © Máster en Gestión de Proyectos Logísticos SAP URJC
Ideas to minimise project costs
and TCO (2/3)
In order to minimise the costs of the Project, we recommend that:
• AL Business Analysts increase the number of activities to perform into the Project:
• Customizing of several entities in the new SAP System, Technical documentation, End
user training materials, end user training and Unit testing
• All the Birchman team to join the team will be senior profiles (juniors will be provided
by AL)
• All the processes will be configured according to the standard functionality of SAP,
and the SAP Best Practices.
• Data cleansing , Data conversion and Data Loads:
• It will be used the master data of the current AL´s SAP System. Therefore no effort has
been allocated for this.
• In case any additional data cleansing or data conversion would be needed, it should be
done entirely by AL team and it should finalise before end of June.
• Birchman will provide specific training to perform this task if needed.

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Ideas to minimise project costs
and TCO (3/3)

• All the enhancements gathered during the BBP, or even later during the
Project, will be developed after the Go-Live, and it will be valuated then
• The historical data will not be loaded nor considered in the new SAP system.
• Basis is not included, since it would be covered by the Service Support
• All the workshops will be done in one specific location (e.g. Dakar) and
therefore the sessions will not be repeated in any other different locations.
(Just one BBP, done in one place, at the same time for all the locations).
• All the AL team should be on the project full-time available.
• The Final preparation and the Go-Live phases are assumed to require less
senior consultants to support the team. According to the skills provided by AL
the consultancy would decrease whenever possible.
• Optimise blended rate of the project, by using Spanish consultants for
technical & more junior roles, and only UK roles for the more senior team
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Project Team: governance

Provide steer,
responsible for
budget. Senior Steering Group
Manage costs,
resources, plan,
risks, issues, Project Management
Solution design,
change, design Business Process Leads – Finance & Logistics
authority, aim
to support long
term Functional internal consultants
Will provide
ongoing SMEs and Key Users
support and
decrease TCO

Group finance


Specific Local finance

Change Mgt
support data

and testing

Work streams

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Project Team
African Logistics will deploy resources for the following
Project Manager
With a deep SAP and business background, and wide experience
managing ERP projects, will be leading the business and IT African
Logistics transformation.
Business Analists
Junior profiles that will be trained in SAP, and that will gain knowledge of
the business processes of the company during the project. They will
reinforce the African Logistics ownership of the project, and will decrease
the total project costs.
Full-time project Business Process Lead (BPL) for functional areas
Logistics & Purchasing
Finance & Controlling
Part-time business Subject Matter Experts (SME)
Specific experts by functional area

BPL will represent all companies and geographies

SME can be across companies or local, as required

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Project Team

The Steering Group

Provide steer to programme
Clear roadblocks, help prioritise and manage key risks
Manage budget
Senior stakeholder management
Accountable for realising business benefits
Role profile
Clear understanding of strategic direction
Senior stakeholder management – expectation setting
and resolve blocks
~ Monthly 2 hr meeting with pre-set agenda (more
frequent during busy project periods)
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Project Team
Project Management
Responsible for delivering projects that enable business change
Focus on business benefits, not on technology
Scoping, definition, planning, risk and issue management
Manage delivery teams
Define, evolve and use pre-defined approved tools and
Role profile
Ability to plan and manage
Issue resolution
Budget control
Stakeholder management
Weekly 2 hr meeting with pre-set agenda
As required detail planning sessions

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Project Team
Business Process Lead
Members (full-time)
Supports development and implementation of the solution
Supports solution testing and documentation
Responsible for data standards and migration
Responsible for supporting end-users of the solution – coaching,
top-up and localised training and issue resolution
First point of contact with end users
Defines organisational impact and support change management
Responsible for Continuous Business Improvement (CBI)
Role profile
Good understanding of business process and technical solution
Problem solving
Coaching and mentoring
Able to engage and influence within their department / area

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Project Team

Subject Matter Experts

Members (part-time)
Provide specific expertise on requirements within their
area of expertise
Support solution development and testing
Support data validation
Role profile
In-depth knowledge within their area
Business analysis experience
Able to engage and influence within their department /

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Key Success Factors

Key factors for the project success are the following:

Project Sponsorship

Change Management

Scope Control

Project Team Expertise

Consolidated and Structured Focus

Business Process Knowledge

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