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Professor: Biol. Fernando Miguel Viesca Farías


California, USA 2020 (Wildfires probably due to climate change and droughts)
Introduce myself
Present yourselves
1. What is your name?
2. What are you studying? What semester
3. How do you picture the world in 40-50 years?
Are you optimistic or pessimistic? Why?
4. Why do many people not want to do anything to fight climate change?
4. What are some of the biggest problems the world faces nowadays?
5. What are some human common practices people do, that have a
negative impact on the environment?

Are you familiar with the term sustainability or sustainable development
In your opinion what is Sustainable Development?
What are three basic aspects we should consider in sustainability?

Interesting quotes
The question is not what kind of planet you will get in the future, but what
kind of people you will be in the future of the planet.

A butterfly flapping its wings in China can affect the weather in New York..
butterfly effect.

What values did these primitive men use in order to hunt the mammoth?

Competencias previas:

competencias previas:
 Conoce conceptos básicos de ciencias naturales y ciencias sociales.
 Aplica los elementos de la investigación documental para elaborar escritos
académicos de su entorno profesional.
 Identifica y resuelve problemas afines a su ámbito profesional, aplicando el método
inductivo y deductivo, el método de análisis-síntesis y el enfoque sistémico.
 Posee iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor.
 Asume actitudes éticas en su entorno.

Nueva competencia:
Competencia(s) a desarrollar
Competencia(s) específica(s) de la asignatura
Aplica una visión sustentable, en los ámbitos social, económico y ambiental
que le permitirá evaluar y disminuir el impacto de la sociedad sobre el
entorno, tomando en cuenta estrategias y considerando profesionalmente
los valores ambientales.

No. Temas Subtemas
1- Introducción al Desarrollo
1.1 Concepto de sustentabilidad.
1.2 Principios de la sustentabilidad.
1.3 Dimensiones de la sustentabilidad.

2- Escenario natural
2.1 El ecosistema
2.2 Flujo de energía

2.3 Biósfera
2.3.1 Hidrósfera
2.3.2 Litósfera
2.3.3 Atmósfera
2.3.4 Ciclos biogeoquímicos (C,H,O,N,P)
2.3.5 Biodiversidad
2.4 Estrategias de sustentabilidad para el
manejo de recursos naturales
2.4.1Servicios ambientales
2.4.2Programas sectoriales de medio
ambiente y recursos naturales: desarrollo
social; economía; agricultura, ganadería y
pesca; salud; turismo; trabajo y previsión
social, entre otros.
2.4.3. Derecho, Legislación y normatividad
ambiental para el desarrollo sustentable
2.4.4. Ordenamiento ecológico territorial.
3 Escenario socio-cultural
3.1 Sociedad, organización social
3.2 Cultura, diversidad socio-cultural
3.2.1 Desarrollo humano
3.2.2 Índice de desarrollo humano
3.2.3 Índice de desarrollo social
3.2.4 Desarrollo urbano y rural
3.3 Impacto de actividades humanas sobre la
3.3.1Fenómenos poblacionales:
desertificación, migración.

3.4 Cambio climático global: causas y
3.5 Estilos de vida y consumo
3.6 Estrategias de sustentabilidad para el
escenario socio-cultural
3.6.1 Carta de la tierra
3.6.2 Agenda 21
3.6.3 Política ambiental

4 Escenario económico
4.1 Economía y diversidad económica
4.2 Sistemas de producción (oferta y demanda)
4.3 Economía global vs economía local
4.4 Producto interno bruto (PIB), distribución
del PIB
4.5 Externalización e internalización de costos
4.6 Obsolescencia planificada y percibida
4.7 Valoración económica de servicios
4.8 Estrategias de sustentabilidad para el
escenario económico
4.8.1 Análisis del ciclo de vida: Huella
4.8.2 Empresas socialmente responsables
4.8.3 Oportunidades de desarrollo regional a
partir de los servicios ambientales o los
recursos naturales.
5 Escenario modificado
5.1 Crecimiento demográfico,
industrialización, uso de la energía.
5.1.1Fenómenos naturales
5.2 El Estado como regulador del desarrollo.
5.2.1 Constitución política de los Estados
Unidos Mexicanos
5.3 Inseguridad alimentaria, social, política,
jurídica, económica
5.4 Distribución de la riqueza
5.5 Estrategias de sustentabilidad para los
escenarios modificados
5.5.1 Producción más limpia
5.5.2 Procesos ecoeficientes
5.5.3 Planes de Desarrollo Nacional Estatal y
Competency-based learning
Competency-based learning is learner‑focused and works
naturally with independent study and with the instructor in the
role of facilitator.
Learners often find different skills more difficult than others.
This learning method allows a student to learn those skills they
find challenging at their own pace, practicing and refining as
much as they like.

Know (knowledge)
Know how to do it (skills)
Know how to be (attitude, ethics, values)


1- Ser puntuales. 5 minutos tarde máximo.

2- No usar el celular, a menos que sea para buscar información de la clase.

3- Ser respetuosos con los demás.

we will have 50 sessions approx.. during the semester.
Attendance 10%
abs points
0,1,2 ----10
5,6 ----8
7,8 ----7
12/02/2023 14+ REPEAT
Why nobody should miss classes
Every class you miss is a missed opportunity to learn or share something.
You should use this class to increase you overall average.
Try to eliminate the culture of missing classes. You are not in high school
any more. Be responsible.
Not every one has the opportunity to study at this level and at this
institution. Take advantage of the opportunity given to you. Do not waste

But what happens when you miss a

Did I Miss Anything?
Nothing. When we realized you weren’t here we sat with our arms crossed
on our desks in silence, for the full hour.
Everything. I gave an exam worth 40 percent of the grade for this term and
assigned some reading due today on which I’m about to hand out a quiz
worth 50 percent.
Nothing. None of the content of this course has value or meaning. Take as
many days off as you like: any activities we undertake as a class I assure
you will not matter either to you or me and are without purpose

Everything. A few minutes after we began a shaft of light suddenly
descended and an angel appeared and revealed to us what each woman
or man must do to attain divine wisdom in this life and the hereafter.
This is the last time the class will meet before we disperse to bring the
good news to all people on earth.
Nothing. When you are not present how could something significant

Papers, essays, homework assignments, reports, etc. Will be received only
on the due date or before.
1/2 days late 50%

Trabajos, ensayos, o tareas deben ser de tu autoría.
Copiar y pegar o cualquier tipo de plagio será muy penado, pudiendo ser
expulsado y perder el curso. Hablando de ética y valores.

Unit 1 10 %
Unit 2 20%
Unit 3 10%
Unit 4 10%
Unit 5 10%
Redmia/Project 15%
Magazine 15%
Attendance 10%
Total 100%

Competencia específica a
desarrollar. Unidad 1 (10%)
Comprende adecuadamente los conceptos y principios de la sustentabilidad,
para integrar y contextualizar los conocimientos adquiridos.

 Capacidad de abstracción, análisis y síntesis.
 Habilidades para buscar, procesar y analizar información procedente de
diversas fuentes
 Capacidad de trabajar en equipo

1- Introducción al Desarrollo Sustentable
1.1 Concepto de sustentabilidad.
1.2 Principios de la sustentabilidad.
1.3 Dimensiones de la sustentabilidad.
1.4 Objetivos del desarrollo sustentable 2030. ODS 230

1.1 Concept of sustainability (sustainable development)
Get in groups of 5
Answer and discuss:
What is development?
What is sustainable?
What is sustainable development?
What is globalization, when did it begin, and what is its
relationship with Sustainable Development?

What do you know? Get in small groups and share your
ideas with your partners.
What are some sustainable techniques or methods people
are using now in their every day production processes?
Agriculture, architecture, industrial. Give examples.
What will happen in the future if we continue to use non
sustainable methods?
Why do you think some people don’t care about
destroying the planet?
Ask Google the definition of Sustainable Development.

Share some of your ideas with class.

 change, growth, or improvement over a period of time.
 The process of improving the economy of a country or
region by increasing the amount of business activity.
A specified state of growth or advancement.
Human social economic development fundamentally means a
growth process which enables people and societies to reach
their full potential.
Do you think it is possible to have economic development
without destroying the environment?
In your opinion what are some factors that affect social
development? Why can´t Mexico ever be like Denmark or
Holland? Or can we?

Able to be used without being completely used up or
 Involving methods that do not completely use up or
destroy natural resources, or other resources.
Able to last or continue for a long time.
Relating to, or being a method of harvesting or using a
resource so that the resource is not depleted or
permanently damaged. 
Do you think this is possible? Why or why not?

Keeping societies functioning properly and with economic growth over a
long period of time.
All human societies have not been sustainable: the Egyptians, Greeks,
Romans, Spanish, they were successful and dominant but eventually they
Why do you think these societies collapsed over time?
Do you think the same will happen to the USA?
Who will take over after The USA collapses?

Team presentations
1-Monsanto: Historia, a que se dedican, DDT (que es y como afecto al medio
ambiente) glifosfato (que es y como afecta al ambiente y seres vivos) PCBs
(lo mismo)
2- Cuarta revolución industrial
3-GMOs (que son, donde y como se utilizan, posibles efectos en los seres
vivos, semillas terminator y patentes de semillas)
4- Biocomustibles y uso de metano producido en rellenos sanitarios.
5- Ver documental what the health y explicarlo
6- Antibióticos y hormonas y otros quimicos en la crianza de animales para
consumo humano
Programa de las presentaciones
Equipo uno y dos: martes 16 de marzo (20min aprox)
Equipo tres y cuatro: miércoles 17 de marzo
Equipo cinco y seis: jueves 18 de marzo
Buffalo Hunters in the Old West

Sustainable Development
"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the
present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their own needs."
The concept of sustainable development can be interpreted in many
different ways, but at its core is an approach to development that looks to
balance different, and often competing, needs against an awareness of the
environmental, social and economic limitations we face as a society.

1987 Informe Brundtland
Desarrollo sustentable es desarrollo (crecimiento, avance, mejora) que
satisface las necesidades del presente, sin comprometer/afectar la
habilidad de las futuras generaciones para satisfacer sus propias
Esto puede ser interpretado de diferentes maneras, pero básicamente es un
enfoque para un desarrollo que busca balancear las diferentes necesidades
con la concientización de las limitaciones ambientales, sociales y
económicas que enfrentamos como sociedad.

In the name of economic development, the price of
environmental damage is paid in the form of land
degradation, soil erosion, air & water pollution,
deforestation, climate change, etc. This damage may
surpass the advantages of having more quality output of
goods and service.
Are you willing to sacrifice economic development to
protect the environment?

In your opinion how can we achieve sustainable development.
Sustainable development can be achieved if we follow the following points,
Restricting human beings (reduce population)
Technological development should be sustainable and efficient and help
with this problem.
The rate of consumption should not surpass the rate of recovery.
All types of pollution should be minimized
Stop climate change
Consider social, and economic aspects.
In the end all come to overpopulation (population growth) and people’s
ambition to have more and more.
And, of course, all the social and economic aspects that will be impossible
to mention on one slide, but we will review during this course
Do you think that human population will continue growing like in the last
hundred years?

Reasons for the Environmental Crisis:
(1) Population Explosion. (overpopulation)
(2) Rise in Economic Activity
(3) Rapid Industrialization
(4) Urbanization
(5) Deforestation
(6) Increased Use of Insecticides, Pesticides and
Chemical Fertilizers.
(7) Resource overexploitation.
(8) people’s ambition
Any other?

The focus of sustainable development is far broader than just the
environment. It's also about ensuring a strong, healthy and just society. This
means meeting the diverse needs of all people existing now and the future
communities, promoting personal wellbeing, social cohesion and inclusion,
and creating equal opportunity. Including economic prosperity.

Desarrollo Sustentable
Enfoque: Es mucho más amplio que solo el factor ambiental, También se
trata de asegurar una sociedad fuerte, saludable y justa. Esto significa
satisfacer las diversas necesidades de toda la gente en el presente y futuro,
enfatizando el bienestar personal, la integración social e inclusión, y la
igualdad de oportunidades. Sin olvidarse de la prosperidad económica.

Anthropogenic climate change?
Do you believe in climate change (global warming)

Anthropogenic climate change

Why do you think Donal Trump and other USA congressmen deny
antropogenic climate change?
What is globalization?
One of the factors that has contributed more to the deterioration of the
planet is probably globalization. Now everything is closer, easier and faster
to do, thus causing the decay of the planet.

Globalization describes a process by which national and regional economies,

societies, and cultures have become integrated through the global network,
trade, communication, migration and transportation.
We all live in the Global Village.
What do you think of globalization? Good or bad?
Discuss with a partner and share you ideas with the class.

Some world historians attach globalization big bang' significance to 1492
(Christopher Columbus stumbles on the Americas in search of spices) and
1498 (Vasco da Gama makes an end run around Africa.
Some others consider that it started when the first Homo sapiens left Africa
and moved to Europe and Asia, some 100,000 years ago.

4 Industrial Revolution.

The road to sustainability
•1937: Last known Balinese tiger shot.
• 1943: Aerosol can invented.
•1957: Thalidomide first marketed in Germany (causes more than 10,000
birth defects worldwide before drug sales discontinued in 1962); Asian flu
leaves 2,000,000 dead.
•1945: United Nations established (replaces the League of Nations, 45
member nations); UNESCO established; first test detonation of atomic bomb
(Trinity site, New Mexico, July 16) – nuclear testing provides clear global
stratigraphic marker between 1945 and 1963, when Nuclear Test Ban takes
effect after some 500 nuclear blasts; World War Two ends – more than two-
thirds of today’s 195 countries did not exist as sovereign states or within
existing boundaries.
The road to sustainability
1962: Rachel Carson, Silent Spring; Thomas Kuhn, Structure of Scientific
Revolutions; launch of the first communications satellite.
 Rachel Carson es conocida sobre todo por su última obra Primavera
silenciosa, publicada en 1962, poco antes de morir víctima de un cáncer
que la maltrató durante buena parte de su vida. En este libro, la bióloga
marina denunciaba el peligro del uso intensivo de pesticidas químicos (DDT)
y despertó la conciencia universal sobre lo que representaba proteger el
medio natural y el compromiso que la humanidad tenía respecto a la
supervivencia de posteriores generaciones.
1968: Paul Ehrlich, Population Bomb; Garrett Hardin introduces Tragedy of
the Commons (follow-on essay in 1976, carrying capacity as an ethical
concept, ‘Lifeboat Ethics’); Aureilio Pueccei founds the Club of Rome; Hong
Kong flu leaves 1,000,000 dead; first UN Biosphere Conference in Paris
(hosted by UNESCO).
1987: Montreal Protocol; Our Common Future (the Brundtland Report);
atmospheric CO2 concentration exceeds 350 ppm; ISO (quality management)
9000 series; global population 5 billion; Conservation International founded
Sustainable development has been defined in many ways, but the most
frequently quoted definition is from Our Common Future, also known as
the Brundtland Report
1988: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change created; Chico Mendez,
assassinated in Brazil;  Biodiversity.
1992: William Rees introduces ecological footprint; ‘Earth Summit’ in Rio
de Janeiro (Agenda 21) – Convention on Biological Diversity signed, comes
into force 1993.
1997: Kyoto Protocol adopted 11 December; launch of Journal of Industrial
Ecology; forest fires burn more than 5 Million Ha (largest global total in
human history)
2000 Earth Charter
2007: Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth wins Academy Award (IPCC and Gore
share Nobel Peace Prize)
2012: Rio+20 strives (unsuccessfully) for an agreement to ‘greening’ the
world’s economies; in Pakistan 14-year-old Malala Yousafzai shot in the
head; ‘Lonesome George’, last known specimen of the Pinta island tortoise,
2016 Paris Climate Change Conference.
Practicas sustentables cercanas a nosotros
¿Sabes de algunas practicas sustentables cercanas?
Metrorrey (subway)
•Did you know that garbage can be used to generate energy?

•This is what happens in Monterrey’s subway. (light train)

•It takes the biogas produced by some bacteria during the decomposition of garbage (methane)

•Methane is a greenhouse gas (23 x more powerful than CO2) (sustainable)

•If they didn’t use this gas it would go straight to the atmosphere and contribute to global
• CH4 + 202 C02+ 2H20

•Monterrey’s light train is the first train system fueled by garbage (80)
But is it really clean as they say_

Aura Solar I

Mexico’s goal is to get 35% of its energy from clean
sources by the year 2024
This plant is already under construction
Aura Solar 1 is its name.
La Paz, Baja California
It could supply 64% of La Paz energy needs
164,000 inhabitants. (of 242,000)


Non-sustainable practices. Why?


Principles of sustainability.
Interdependence and interconnectedness
Efficiency and moderation
Integrality (holism)

Go to small groups
Precautionary principle (principio de precaución o precautorio)
What it is and examples
10 mins
Precautionary Principle
The Precautionary Principle is a strategy to cope with possible risks where
scientific understanding is yet incomplete, such as the risks of
nanotechnology, genetically modified organisms and systemic insecticides.
The Precautionary Principle is defined as follows:
When human activities may lead to morally unacceptable harm that is
scientifically plausible but uncertain, actions shall be taken to avoid or
diminish that harm. Morally unacceptable harm refers to harm to humans
or the environment that is
threatening to human life or health, or serious and effectively
irreversible, or inequitable to present or future generations, or
imposed without adequate consideration of the human rights of those
The judgement of plausibility should be grounded in scientific analysis.
Analysis should be ongoing so that chosen actions are subject to review.
It considers the burden of proof which is a rule that makes a person prove a
certain thing or the contrary will be assumed. If you cannot prove that
something is safe then it will be considered unsafe.
DDT and other insecticides.
Nuclear bomb testing or use
City expansions where they block river beds.
Medications released without complete studies.

El principio precautorio. Si reconocemos que la naturaleza es
más sabia que los seres humanos deberíamos actuar con
precaución y cautela cuando no disponemos de los suficientes
conocimientos sobre los efectos que pueden ocasionar en el
ambiente ciertas tecnologías y compuestos químicos que podrían
poner en riesgo a los seres humanos o a las otras especies. El
principio precautorio busca prevenir la utilización de nuevas
tecnologías de probable alto impacto negativo como puede ser
la tecnología terminator o los organismos transgénicos que
encierran el peligro de la contaminación biológica.
Organismos transgénicos/genéticamente modificados.

Armas nucleares, biológicas y químicas.
Gases venenosos.
Pesticidas (DDT)
Gases CFCs que destruyen la capa de ozono.
Talidomida y otros medicamentos.

En tu1-¿Qué
equipo investiga:
son Organismos
o GMO. Ejemplos.
Genéticamente Modificados? OGM

2-¿Cuándo se empezaron a utilizar por primera vez y en

3-¿Cuál es la legislación en México, Europa y Estados
4-¿Cuál es la opinión del equipo? ¿Representan un peligro
o no? ¿Qué riesgos podrían traer a los seres humanos?
5-¿Qué es la nanotecnología y como se aplica en la
industria alimentaria? ¿Es segura?

GMO Genetically Modified
What is a GMO?
A GMO, or genetically modified organism, is a plant, animal, microorganism or
other organism whose genetic makeup has been modified using recombinant DNA
methods (also called gene splicing), gene modification or transgenic technology.
This relatively new science creates unstable combinations of plant, animal,
bacterial and viral genes that do not occur in nature or through traditional
crossbreeding methods.
Are GMOs safe?
Most developed nations do not consider GMOs to be safe and have significant
restrictions or outright bans on the production and sale of GMOs. The U.S. and
Canadian governments, though, have approved GMOs based on studies conducted
by the same corporations that created them and profit from their sale.

How do GMOs affect farmers?
Because GMOs are novel life forms, biotechnology companies have been able
to obtain patents with which to restrict their use. As a result, the companies
that make GMOs now have the power to sue farmers whose fields are
contaminated with GMOs, even when it is the result of inevitable drift from
neighboring fields. GMOs therefore pose a serious threat to farmer
sovereignty and to the national food security of any country where they are
grown, including the United States and Canada.

How do GMOs affect farmers?
Because GMOs are novel life forms, biotechnology companies have been
able to obtain patents with which to restrict their use. As a result, the
companies that make GMOs now have the power to sue farmers whose
fields are contaminated with GMOs, even when it is the result of
inevitable drift from neighboring fields. GMOs therefore pose a serious
threat to farmer sovereignty and to the national food security of any
country where they are grown, including the United States and Canada.

What are the impacts of GMOs on the environment?
More than 80% of all GMOs grown worldwide are engineered for
herbicide tolerance. As a result, use of toxic herbicides like Roundup
has increased 16 times since GMOs were introduced. GM crops are also
responsible for the emergence of herbicide resistant “super weeds” and
“super bugs,” which can only be killed with more toxic poisons like 2,4-
D (a major ingredient in Agent Orange). GMOs are a direct extension of
chemical agriculture and are developed and sold by the world’s biggest
chemical companies. The long-term impacts of GMOs are unknown, and
once released into the environment, these novel organisms cannot be

Principle of integrality (holism)

Integrality is the “continuous mutual human and environmental field
process.” Integrality describes the oneness of human
and environmental fields. Human and environmental fields co-evolve
together in mutual process. Integrality reflects the oneness and unity or
wholeness of humans and their environment
It comes from the premise that everything is going to end up somewhere.
Many of the high consumption products of modern industrial societies are
not recyclable and remain, almost intact, for hundreds of years in the
environment. Some examples are plastic products and chemical
substances, that not only acummulate in dumpsters and landfills but
reach soil, air and water reservoirs.

This means that we must think thoroughly where all the waste and other
nonrecyclable products, like computers and cell phones, are going to end

The integral use of the resources means to forsee and prevent their
impacts in all the productive process.

Sistema Tierra

WEEE (waste electrical and electronic
equipment) RAEE

Los países ricos “regalan” computadoras “funcionales” a países pobres
como algunos de África. Hasta se las mandan “ sin costo” porqué son “muy
En realidad lo que mandan son PCs que no funcionan en su mayoría y que
van a causar contaminación y problemas de salud, pero eso si lejos del país
de origen.

La Isla de Plástico en el Pacifico.

Isla de plástico en el Pacifico.

Cuantos pares de zapatos y pantalones usaras en toda tu vida.
Cuantas PCs, tablets y celulares usaras en tu vida.
A donde va a ir a parar todo esto cuando se termine su vida útil?
Que podrías hacer para disminuir tu impacto sobre el medio ambiente?

Ya checamos el principio precautorio y el de integralidad,
Busca información de los principios restantes:
Interdependencia e interconexión.
Eficiencia y mesura.
Y busca ejemplos de cada uno.
Busca en qué consiste la tragedia de los comunes y a qué
principio lo relacionas.

El Principio de interdependencia
e interconexión.
Deriva de la premisa de que todo está conectado a todo, es decir que ni en
la naturaleza ni en la sociedad hay fenómenos que operan de forma aislada
o independiente. El ser humano no es más que un hilo en el tejido de la
vida y el daño a una parte del tejido puede afectar a la totalidad del
mismo. Dependemos de los sistemas sustentadores de vida y todas las
formas de vida tienen valor ya que prestan servicios ambientales incluyendo
a las bacterias. El evitar la extinción de las especies debería ser un
imperativo del desarrollo sostenible ya que sin las otras especies nuestra
existencia no es posible, dependemos, por ejemplo, del fitoplancton marino
que produce más oxígeno que los bosques.
Esto se da en todos los niveles, las naciones dependen unas de otras y los
seres vivos dependen unos de otros.
3. Interdependence: The Win-Win Principle
Interdependent relationships are mutually beneficial; there are no losers.
Within interdependent systems, the output of one process becomes input
for others. The wastes of one species provide resources for other species.
For example, each species in a diverse natural ecosystem provides the food
or energy needed by other species.

Interdependencia e Interconexión.

Bee colony collapse disorder
Principio de eficiencia y mesura
El Principio de eficiencia y mesura. Deriva de la premisa de que en la naturaleza no
hay nada gratuito. Todo lo que aparentemente nos provee la naturaleza de forma
gratuita como el oxígeno, significa millones de años de evolución, su destrucción implica
grandes pérdidas a veces irreversibles. Si cortamos los bosques a un ritmo más rápido de
su capacidad de regeneración natural, perderemos el recurso. Por ello, no se puede
consumir los recursos renovables a un ritmo mayor de la capacidad de reemplazarlos en
la naturaleza. En consecuencia, deberíamos utilizar la naturaleza de forma eficiente y
mesurada de tal forma que no se produzca escasez o pérdida. La sobrepesca, que ha
ocasionado el colapso de industrias pesqueras en muchas partes del mundo, es un claro
ejemplo de insostenibilidad. Este principio implica basarse en la norma de reducir,
reutilizar y reciclar.
Tragedia de los comunes

Agotamiento de las pesquerías.

La sobreexplotación de los recursos naturales se produce cuando se extraen
los organismos o se explota los ecosistemas a un ritmo mayor que el de su
regeneración natural. Por lo tanto, son varias las actividades que ocasionan
este problema. El mayor impacto de la sobreexplotación es la pérdida de
biodiversidad, es decir, la extinción del recurso, lo cual tiene otras
consecuencias, tanto ambientales -por ejemplo la interrupción de la redes
tróficas- como socioeconómicas se pierde un fuente importante de ingresos

Investiga que es la tragedia de los comunes y llega a una conclusión en tu

Cuenta la historia de un grupo de pastores que utilizaban una misma zona
de pastos. Un pastor pensó que podía añadir una oveja más a las que pacían
en los pastos comunes, ya que el impacto de un solo animal apenas
afectaría a la capacidad de recuperación del suelo. Los demás pastores
pensaron también, individualmente, que podían ganar una oveja más sin
que los pastos se deteriorasen. Pero la suma del deterioro imperceptible
causado por cada animal arruinó los pastos, y tanto los animales como los
pastores murieron de hambre

En la sociedad moderna, los “comunes” son los bienes públicos, accesibles
para todos los miembros, incluidos aquellos que no han contribuido a su
producción ni a su conservación. Hablamos del aire puro, el agua, las
especies vegetales, las fuentes de energía o los recursos pesqueros. A
simple vista podríamos pensar que cualquier miembro de la sociedad podría
abusar de estos recursos sin que se observen efectos importantes. Pero la
realidad es que nuestro papel individual no es en absoluto insignificante si
se suma a las acciones de otros individuos

Dimensiones de la Sustentabilidad

Dimensiones de la sustentailidad.

Busca información de las tres dimensiones de la sustentailidad.

Haz un cuadro con la información siguiente:
en que consiste cada una de las tres
dimensiones, que elementos debería incluir
cada una (ejemplo: la dimensión social debe
incluir igualdad de oportunidades y generos,
etc) y por que las tres deben de lograrse para poder
hablar de un verdadero desarrollo sustentable.
Consulta de lo que trata el concepto Tragedia de los comunes y
escribe un pequeño resumen.
Presenta esta información para entregar en equipos.

The concept of "social sustainability" encompasses such
topics as: social equity, livability, equity, community
development, social capital, social support, human
righs, labour rights, placemaking, social
responsibility, social justice, cultural competence,
community resilience, and human adaptation.

Environmental sustainability concerns the natural environment and how it
endures and remains diverse and productive. Since natural resources are
derived from the environment, the state of air, water, and the climate are
of particular concern.
Environmental protection.
Moderate use of resources.
Use of alternative energies, etc.

Economic Dimension
Be profitable.
Fair costs to customers and producers, so that it is convenient for both
Make products that people want.
Support our communities by buying local goods and services, paying taxes
and participating in local activities.
Make environmental friendly products
Recycle, reuse, reduce
Top environmental issues
Climate changE
Resource depletion
Loss of habitats and biodiversity
Oceans acidification

Top social problems
Drug addiction
Crime and violence
Wars (civil wars)
Migration and refugees
Gender inequality
Religion and beliefs
Top economic problems
Public debt
Healthcare cost
Tax evasión
Government spending
Minimum wage. Poorly paid Jobs.
Import export imbalance
Wealth distribution
Dimensión ecológica o ambiental
La Dimensión ambiental consiste en el desarrollo armónico entre la
diversidad de ecosistemas, el hombre y su ambiente en el mismo territorio,
de modo tal que se puedan llevar a cabo los objetivos de orden social,
económico y cultural, sin dañar la naturaleza.


La dimensión social

El origen de los problemas ambientales guarda una relación estrecha con los
estilos de desarrollo de las sociedades desarrolladas y subdesarrolladas.
Mientras en las primeras el sobreconsumo provoca insustentabilidad, en las
segundas es la pobreza la causa primaria de la subutilización de los recursos
naturales y de situaciones de ausencia de cobertura de las necesidades
básicas que dan lugar a problemas como la deforestación, la contaminación
o la erosión de los suelos.

Dimensión Económica
El modelo económico actual se basa en la búsqueda de la plusvalía y
obtener mayores ganancias sin importar el costo ambiental y social.
Las administraciones deben intentar hacer lo posible para que la mayor
plusvalía se obtenga realizando actividades sostenibles, ya sea mediante
ayudas a la mejora tecnológica o cambiando los procesos de producción por
los que sean sustentables.

What is economy and economical development?
What is a society and social progress?
What is environment and environmental responsibility?
What is culture?

Economy: Economy is the large set of inter-related activities
such as the production, distribution and consumption of goods
and services that are scarce.

Economic development: Economic development can be defined

as "a sustained community effort to improve both the local
economy and the quality of life by building the area's capacity
to adapt to economic change.”

Economic development usually refers to the adoption of new

technologies, transition from agriculture-based to industry-
based economy, and general improvement in living standards

Society:Society is defined as a group of people living as a community or an
organized group of people for a common purpose.
The term society can also have a geographic meaning and refer to people
who share a common culture in a particular location. 

Social progress: PROUT defines social progress as movement directed
towards the goal of well-being for all.
Progress is commonly associated with increases in material comfort, or
advances in technology and medicine.

Compare the current Mexican society with the one from 100 years ago.
Which one do you think progressed more?

Culture: consists of the beliefs, behaviors, customs, traditions and other
characteristics common to the members of a particular group or society.
Through culture, people and groups define themselves, conform to society's
shared values, and contribute to society.

In pairs or groups discuss about strange customs in other cultures.
Share with the class.
What is cultural diversity?
Are societies losing their cultural identity?

Dimensión ecológica o ambiental
La Dimensión ambiental consiste en el desarrollo armónico entre la
diversidad de ecosistemas, el hombre y su ambiente en el mismo territorio,
de modo tal que se puedan llevar a cabo los objetivos de orden social,
económico y cultural, sin dañar la naturaleza.


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