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Lenguas 4 – Elementary I


Compendio de Actividades

Nombre del estudiante:


Nombre del profesor:




UNIT 1. A beautiful place....................................................................................................................................................4
Actividad de Aprendizaje 1. Travelling to… Where? ......................................................................................................5
Actividad de Aprendizaje 2. My first apartment. ...........................................................................................................9
Contenido unidad 1 ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
UNIDAD 2. Things happen ............................................................................................................................................... 19
Actividad de Aprendizaje 3. Something went wrong (Mexican version) .................................................................... 20
Fase 1. My life, my body and my house. ..................................................................................................................... 22
Contenido Unidad 2 .................................................................................................................................................... 23
UNIDAD 3. Uncertain Future .......................................................................................................................................... 29
Actividad de Aprendizaje 4. Appearance .................................................................................................................... 30
Actividad de Aprendizaje 5. Break a leg!..................................................................................................................... 32
Fase 2. I hope it is over. ............................................................................................................................................... 34
Contenido Unidad 3 .................................................................................................................................................... 35


Lenguas 4 (Elementay I) es una asignatura que favorece la adquisición y práctica de tu segundo

idioma, así como permite el desarrollo de tus competencias de acuerdo con el Modelo Educativo de
Formación Integral (MEFI).
El curso se enfoca a los aspectos de gramática y vocabulario que pueden ser utilizados en diversos
contextos de la vida diaria.
Al pertenecer a la segunda parte del programa de Lenguas del Bachillerato General Universitario y
del Bachillerato con Interacción Comunitaria, crea un vínculo con el Programa Institucional de Inglés
de las Facultades de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, teniendo así, una continuidad de esta al
ingresar al nivel superior.
En la siguiente tabla podrás ver las actividades a desarrollar, fechas tentativas y su valor. Te hemos
anexado una columna para que lleves un registro de tus calificaciones.
Programa: Lenguas 4 – Elementary I Tipo: Básico Nivel: 4
Primer avance (24 de febrero de 2023)
No. Nombre Fecha Valor Calificación
Actividad obtenida.
1 ADA 1. Travelling to… where? 9-02-23 10
2 ADA 2. Prueba de desempeño: My first apartment 17-02-23 10
Suma: 20
Segundo avance (31 de marzo de 2023)
3 ADA 3. Something went wrong (Mexican Version) 10-03-23 15
4 Fase 1. Prueba de desempeño: My life, my body and my 24-03-23 15
Suma: 30
Tercer avance (2 de junio de 2023)
5 ADA 4. Appearances 28-04-23 15
6 ADA 5. Break a leg! 16-05-23 20
7 Fase 2. Prueba de desempeño: I hope it is over 06-06-23 15
Suma: 50
Total: 100

UNIT 1. A beautiful place

Competencia de la Unidad 1
Expresa información de forma escrita acerca de diferentes viajes, compartiendo planes,
recomendaciones y restricciones a seguir en un lugar.

Contenidos temáticos
Grammar: Vocabulary:
• Order of adjectives • Parts of the house
• Modal verbs • Travelling items
• Adjective + to

Actividad de Aprendizaje 1. Travelling to… Where?

Trabajo grupal Entrega: 9 de febrero Valor: 15 puntos.

Resultado de aprendizaje: Utiliza los distintos verbos modales para expresar sugerencias y
restricciones a seguir en un lugar para visitar.

Descripción de la Secuencia de Actividad:

1. Read about modal verbs, questions, and imperatives.
2. Then complete the exercises on the compendio. They will be checked by the teacher in the
3. Get in teams of 3 or 4. Your teacher will raffle the destinations. Find information about the
place you got.
4. Look for information about
a. Transportation
b. Recommendations of activities to do.
c. Restrictions of the place
d. Typical food
e. Interesting data
f. The budget we need to travel there.
5. Create a brochure. See the example on the following page.
a. Mark with red every sentence that includes one of the modal verbs (5 sentences with
suggestions and 5 sentences with restrictions). For example: Ohio is a very cold place,
you should carry a sweater.
6. Hand in your ADA according to your teacher’s requirements.


• El plagio será penalizado de acuerdo con lo establecido desde coordinación.

• Evita traducir, como podrás observar, en el ejemplo las oraciones son sencillas.
• El uso de traductor se permite solo cuando se desconozca la palabra. Es necesario incluir las
palabras nuevas al final del ADA a manera de glosario.
o Example: House = casa.

Instrumento de evaluación: Lista de cotejo

Recursos y materiales

• Material digital
o Wordwall:
• Video complementario:

Evidencia de aprendizaje:

Tríptico sobre un lugar extraño al cual se pueda viajar.


McCarthy Michael, M. McCarten Jeanne &Sandiford, H. (2014). Touchstone 2. 2nd edition.

USA: Cambridge.

Intrumento de evaluación: Lista de cotejo

Resultado de Aprendizaje: Utiliza los distintos verbos modales para expresar sugerencias y restricciones a seguir en un destino a visitar.

Evidencia: Tríptico sobre un lugar extraño al cual se pueda viajar Valor: 10 pts


Nombre de los alumnos: Grupo:

Competencias genéricas:

• Usa las TIC en diversos contextos de manera pertinente y responsable.

• Aplica los conocimientos de acuerdo con el contexto y requerimientos de la situación, con pertinencia.
• Manifiesta comportamientos éticos en los ámbitos en los que se desenvuelve, de manera transparente.

Trabaja de manera eficaz y respetando los tiempos establecidos. 10 pts.

Aplica las herramientas y recursos tecnológicos de manera confiable misma que 5 pts.
permite potencializar el conocimiento sobre el idioma. Por ejemplo: uso de

Aplica los conocimientos adquiridos en el manejo del idioma inglés (gramática y 5 pts.
vocabulario) contextualizándolo en los entornos académicos.

Competencias disciplinares:

• Utiliza las habilidades de comunicación oral y escrita en español, en lengua materna y en lengua extranjera ante los diversos y
cambiantes contextos (local e internacional) con pertinencia, coherencia y creatividad.
• Utiliza la multiplicidad de escrituras, lenguajes y discursos en los que se producen las decisiones que lo afectan en el ámbito
escolar, laboral, familiar y político para convertir la información en conocimientos aplicables a otros campos disciplinares.

Se expresa de manera adecuada, precisa y pertinente en un segundo idioma, 5 pts.

aportando coherente y creativamente ideas y posturas que comunica en diversos

Desarrolla diversos tipos de discurso, de acuerdo con el contexto y a la finalidad 5 pts.

comunicativa, haciendo adecuado uso de las reglas ortográficas y lingüísticas del
idioma inglés.

Contenido a evaluar:
Grammar: Modal verbs
Vocabulary: Items for travelling

Menciona características esenciales (transporte, presupuesto, comida, hospedaje) que 15 pts.

hacen al lugar atractivo sin errores gramaticales.
Utiliza el vocabulario de objetos para mencionar qué y qué no se debe utilizar o 15 pts.
llevar al lugar.
Utiliza adecuadamente 5 modal verbs para expresar sugerencias. 15 pts.

Utiliza adecuadamente 5 modal verbs para expresar restricciones. 15 pts.

El tríptico cuenta con datos de identificación de los estudiantes (nombre, grado, 5 pts.
Incluye glosario. 5 pts.
Comentarios mejora: Resultado:

Actividad de Aprendizaje 2. My first apartment.

Trabajo individual Entrega: 17 de febrero Valor: 10 puntos.

Resultado de aprendizaje: Responde a interrogantes sobre las características físicas de una casa a
través del uso del vocabulario de hogar y partes de la casa, así como el empleo correcto de los
pronombres posesivos y el orden de los adjetivos.
Descripción de la Secuencia de Actividad:

1. Check the Compendio to study the order of adjectives and possessive adjectives.
2. You can also watch the following video about the order or adjectives
3. Practice by describing several items at home.
4. Study all topics seen in ADA 1 un your compendio and answer the review exercises.
5. Check the answers of the review exercises with your teacher.
6. Take your quiz.

Recursos y materiales

• Compendio
• Video complementario:

Evidencia de aprendizaje: Prueba de desempeño

Instrumento de evaluación: Clave de prueba.


McCarthy Michael, M. McCarten Jeanne &Sandiford, H. (2014). Touchstone 2. 2nd edition.

USA: Cambridge.
McCarthy Michael, M. McCarten Jeanne & Sandiford, H. (2014). Touchstone 2 Teacher’s
book. 2ndedition. USA: Cambridge.

Contenido unidad 1
Contenido Unidad 2

Para esta primer ADA, necesitaremos estudiar los siguientes temas:

• Modal verbs: should, must, can, need to, have to. (Affirmative, negative and questions)
• Adjectives + to
• Items to carry when travelling


La estructura para todos los verbos modales es la misma:

Sujeto Verbo modal Verbo princial Complemento

I must study English, so I can pass.
Ana and Didier Don’t have to wear Sunglasses.
She should bring A pencil

En negativo: Sujeto + verbo modal + NOT + verbo principal + complemento

En la tabla podrás apreciar que los verbos ya se encuentran en negativo, pero su función cambia:

• Must – MustN’T
• Have to – DON’T have to
• Should – shouldN’T
Por ejemplo MUST como obligación o fuerte recomendación y MUSN’T como Prohibición, el uso e
interpretación que se le da a cada oración dependerá de la situación (contexto).
Resuelve el siguiente ejercicio y si queda alguna duda, le puedes preguntar a tu profesor.

I. Circle the correct words to complete the conversations.

1. I must fly on Friday, but I have a cold. What I should/ should I do?
Well, you probably shouldn't go/ to go to work. Stay at home and don’t forget take / to take some
cold medicine on the plane with you.

2. I'm going camping next weekend. Should I take / to take insect repellent?
Oh, you need have / to have some this time of year. It's probably good idea / a good idea to take
some long sleeves shirts, too. And why don't you / you don't take something for bites in your first-
aid kit?

3. We're going to the beach next weekend. What need / should I take with me?
Well, you should take / taking an umbrella and you probably need pack / to pack some food.
Restaurants are expensive.


La función del infinitivo para motivos es muy clara, solo se usa para expresar una razón o una
Las estructuras son:
A) It’s + adjective + to + verb

• It’s nice to travel. Es agradable viajar.

• It isn’t nice to travel. No es agradable viajar.
• Is it nice to travel? Es agradable viajar?
B) Subject + verb + TO + verb + TO + verb

• I need to go online to check cheap hotels. Necesito ir/estar en línea para revisar hoteles
• I don’t need to go online to check cheap hotels. No necesito ir/estar en línea para revisar
hoteles baratos.
• Do I need to go online to check new hotels? Necesito ir/estar en línea para revisar hoteles
II. Write sentences using the cues given.

EXAMPLE: We want to go to the Great Barrier Reef to learn to dive (go to the Great Barrier Reef /
learn to dive)
1. I’d like _______________________________________________ (get tickets / see a concert)
2. We’re going ______________________________________________ (fly to the outback / go walking)
3. I need _______________________________________________ (go to the bank / change some money)
4. They bought a guidebook _______________________________________________ (learn more about the
5. Isabel and Abraham went to Cancun _______________________________________________ (see her
III. Complete with your information.

1. EXAMPLE: It’s important to study English.

2. It is bad _________________________________________.
3. It isn’t nice _________________________________________.
4. Is it good _________________________________________?
5. It is rare _________________________________________.


Para esta segunda ADA, necesitaremos estudiar los siguientes temas:

• Order of adjectives • Infinitives for reasons

• Parts of the house • Review the modal verbs


Los pronombres posesivos se emplean para indicar pertenencia. Como puedes observar, antes del
pronombre se encuentra el verbo BE conjugado y no hay un objeto.
Personal Possessive Example & Meaning
pronouns pronouns Whose wallet is this? (¿de quién es esta billetera?)
I Mine It’s mine (es mía) / The wallet is mine.
You Yours It’s yours (es tuya)
He His It’s his (es suya – de un hombre)
She Hers It’s hers (es suya – de una mujer)
We Ours It’s ours (es nuestra)
They Theirs It’s theirs (es suya – plural)

I. Look at the pictures and write questions with whose. Then answer the questions using
possessive pronouns.

A: Whose purse is that? A: ___________________________ A: ___________________________

B: Its hers. B: ___________________________ B: ___________________________

A: ___________________________ A: ___________________________ A: ___________________________

B: ___________________________ B: ___________________________ B: ___________________________


En inglés, para describir objetos se ha establecido un orden específico para cada adjetivo.
Lo usual es el siguiente (DOSASCOMP)
Determiner Opinion Size Age Shape Color Origin Material Purpose Noun
A small red Suitcase
An Ugly wooden Chair
The Amazing Chinese Movie
This new round black Table
Those sports cars

Como puedes ver, siempre se inicia con un DETERMINER, es decir, lo que nos indica si es UN, UNO,
EL, LA, LOS, ESTOS, AQUELLOS (…etc) y siempre se termina con el NOUN es decir el objeto. En la
vida diaria, se usa entre 2 y tres adjetivos juntos para describir un objeto.

En ocasiones AGE y SHAPE se intercambiarán, quedando SHAPE y AGE, esto no afecta.


I. Complete the following sentences with a modal verb.

1. Advice: You ________________ finish your homework.
2. Strong suggestion: You ________________ study for your exam.
3. Prohibition: We ________________ use the phone while driving.
4. No obligation: They ________________ wear skirts at school.
5. Necessity: I ________________ buy a new pair of socks.

II. Write sentences using the cues given.

6. _______________________________________________ ? (important/ bring a guidebook)
7. _______________________________________________ ? (safe / carry cash)
8. _______________________________________________ ? (easy / find cheap restaurants)
9. She wants _______________________________________________ (visit Peru / see her family)
10. They’re going _______________________________________________ (sing a song / celebrate her

III. Read the description and write the name of the object:
11. You use this to travel to other country: __________________
12. You need this to know more about a city: __________________
13. You wear this on your head to cover your eyes from the sun: __________________
14. You put this on yourself to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes: __________________
15. You put this on yourself to avoid sunburn: __________________

IV. Complete the conversations with whose and a possessive pronoun:

16. A. I’m always losing my keys. Do you ever lose __________?
No. We always keep __________ on a shelf next to the door.
17. Do you hang your clothes in the closet every night?
Well, my sister always hangs __________ in the closet, but I just throw __________ on a chair!
My room’s a mess.
18. Where do you keep your shoes? Do you have one places?
No, they’re all over the apartment. I have three brothers, and mom’s always saying “__________
shoes are these?”
19. What do you do with your old clothes?
Sometimes I give things to a friend of __________. But my parents give __________ to charity.

V. Complete the following chart with the objects you can find in each of the parts of the house
at home.

Determiner Opinion Size Age Shape Color Origin Material Purpose Noun
My beautiful old red Cushion

VI. LISTENING. Guess the missing words. Then listen to conversations between Mark and his
friends. Write missing words. (P.71 Track 3.10)
1. You have to ________________________________ a country to really understand its culture.
2. It’s important to ________________________________ when you travel.
3. It’s good to ________________________________ tourist areas when you go somewhere.
4. It’s not possible to ________________________________ in a short trip.
5. You should try ________________________________ when you go to a new place.

I. Read the article. Write the correct heading for each paragraph.
A. Salt, salt everywhere B. A place to chill out C. Dive into the Lobby.

Somewhere different
Three of our fearless travel reporters checked out some very unusual hotels.

1. 2. 3.
__________________________ __________________________ __________________________

Most divers go under water to see The Hotel de Sal Playa in Bolivia It’s a pretty long way to go to stay
fish and coral reefs. But, in is certainly different. It’s almost at the Ishotellet (Ice Hotel) – 100
Florida, in the U.S., you can also completely made of salt – the miles north of the Arctic Circle in
stay at the world’s only underwater walls, tables, chairs, and even the Sweden. But it’s definitely worth
hotel. It takes about an hour to beds. Everything except the the effort. It’s hard to imagine
dive down to the Jules Undersea toilets! While we were there, we sleeping on an ice bed, but with a
Lodge. Then you swim up into the visited Fisherman’s Island with its reindeer skin and a good sleeping
pool into the lobby to check in. fabulous 12-foot cacti. It’s fun to bag, I was warm. And my wake-up
The rooms are small, so you rent mountain bikes to go and see call came with a hot drink.
should only take a few things. the salt hills, lakes, and hot Make sure you check out of the
Fortunately, the hotel packs them springs. Just be sure to take hotel before it melts in the spring!
in a waterproof container and sunglasses – the sun gets But don’t worry – they rebuild it
takes them there for you. extremely bright. every winter.

II. Read the article again. Find the information.

1. How do you get to the Jules Undersea Lodge? ___________________________________________________
2. How long does it take to get to the Jules Undersea Lodge? _______________________________________
3. What are the three interesting things to see near the Hotel de Sal Playa?
4. Why do you need sunglasses at the Hotel Sal Playa? _____________________________________________
5. Where do you sleep at the Ice Hotel? ___________________________________________________

UNIDAD 2. Things happen

Competencia de la Unidad 2
Expresa información escrita acerca de diferentes eventos del pasado implicando el uso del
vocabulario de las partes del cuerpo.

Contenidos temáticos
Grammar: Vocabulary:
• Pasado simple • Parts of the body
• Pasado continuo • Reflexive pronouns

Actividad de Aprendizaje 3. Something went wrong (Mexican version)

Trabajo individual Entrega: 10 de marzo Valor: 15 puntos.

Resultado de aprendizaje: Presenta relatos relacionados a accidentes en la vida diaria

utilizando el vocabulario de las partes del cuerpo, el pasado simple y el pasado continuo.

Descripción de la Secuencia de Actividad:

1. Review past simple, learn past continuous, reflexive pronouns and body parts.
2. After you finish checking all the materials, get in groups of 2 to 3 people.
3. Write on your notebook a brief, but dramatic story which includes an accident related to a part
of the body.
4. Then, rewrite the story making it as dramatic as possible, like it is a Mexican soap opera. Write
between 150 and 250 words and add a glossary.
5. Take some photos of you to present the story.
6. Create a presentation (according to your teacher’s requirements)
7. Present your story to the class.

• El plagio será penalizado de acuerdo con lo establecido desde coordinación.
• Evita traducir, como podrás observar, en el ejemplo las oraciones son sencillas.
• El uso de traductor se permite solo cuando se desconozca la palabra. Es necesario incluir las
palabras nuevas al final del ADA a manera de glosario.
o Example: House = casa.

Instrumento de evaluación: Lista de cotejo

Recursos y materiales

• Material digital.
• Videos complementarios
a. Past simple and past continuous:
b. Reflexive pronouns:

Evidencia de aprendizaje:

Presenta una historia dramática con fotografías o dibujos (cómic) sobre un accidente.


McCarthy Michael, M. McCarten Jeanne &Sandiford, H. (2014). Touchstone 2. 2nd edition. USA:
McCarthy Michael, M. McCarten Jeanne & Sandiford, H. (2014). Touchstone 2 Teacher’s
book. 2ndedition. USA: Cambridge.

Instrumento de evaluación: Lista de cotejo
Valor: 15 pts.

Resultado de Aprendizaje: Escribe relatos relacionados a accidentes en la vida diaria utilizando el vocabulario de las partes del cuerpo, el
Instrumento de evaluContenido Unidad 3tejo
pasado simple y el pasado continuo.

Evidencia: Presentación o cómic de un relato dramático sobre un accidente que implique un herido empleando el pasado continuo, el
pasado simple y las partes del cuerpo.


Nombre de los alumnos: Grupo:

Competencias genéricas:
• Usa las TIC en diversos contextos de manera pertinente y responsable.
• Aplica los conocimientos de acuerdo con el contexto y requerimientos de la situación, con pertinencia.
• Manifiesta comportamientos éticos en los ámbitos en los que se desenvuelve, de manera transparente.

Aplica las herramientas y recursos tecnológicos de manera confiable y 10 pts.

analizando válidamente la información que investiga, misma que permite
potencializar el conocimiento sobre el idioma.

Trabaja de manera eficaz, respetando los tiempos establecidos y demostrando 5 pts.

compromiso con el aprendizaje del tema.

Aplica los conocimientos adquiridos en el manejo del idioma inglés (gramática 5 pts.
y vocabulario) contextualizándolo en los entornos académicos, sociales y

Competencias disciplinares:
• Utiliza las habilidades de comunicación oral y escrita en español, en lengua materna y en lengua extranjera ante los diversos y
cambiantes contextos (local e internacional) con pertinencia, coherencia y creatividad.
• Utiliza la multiplicidad de escrituras, lenguajes y discursos en los que se producen las decisiones que lo afectan en el ámbito
escolar, laboral, familiar y político para convertir la información en conocimientos aplicables a otros campos disciplinares.

Se expresa de manera adecuada, fluida y pertinente en un segundo idioma, 5 pts.

aportando coherente y creativamente ideas y posturas que comunica en
diversos contextos.

Redacta textos apegándose a un mínimo y un máximo de palabras cumpliendo 5 pts.

con las reglas ortográficas y gramaticales que permiten la comprensión del
texto expuesto.

Grammar: Past Continuous & Past Simple
Vocabulary: Parts of the body & Accidents

Utiliza de manera clara y sin errores el pasado simple. 20 pts.

Emplea de manera adecuada el pasado continuo. 20 pts.

Utiliza adecuadamente el vocabulario de partes del cuerpo y accidentes. 15 pts.

Agrega dos fotos/dibujos solicitados representando una parte de la historia. 5 pts.

Redacta el texto entre 150 y 250 palabras y agrega glosario. 5 pts.

El trabajo cuenta con datos de identificación del estudiante (nombre, grado, 5 pts.
Comentarios de mejora:

Fase 1. My life, my body and my house.

Trabajo individual Entrega: 24 de marzo Valor: 15 puntos.

Resultado de aprendizaje: Responde a interrogantes y completa ejercicios utilizando el pasado

simple, los adjetivos, el vocabulario de la casa y las partes del cuerpo.

Descripción de la Secuencia de Actividad:

1. Review all the grammar and vocabulary seen during the previous activities on the compendio.
2. Practice the topics on your notebook and complete the exercises.
3. Check the answers with your teacher.
4. Take the quiz

Recursos y materiales

5. Vídeo complementario:
a. Comparative adjectives:
• Compendio

Evidencia de aprendizaje: Prueba de desempeño.

Instrumento de evaluación: Clave de ejercicios.


McCarthy Michael, M. McCarten Jeanne & Sandiford, H. (2014). Touchstone 2. 2nd edition. USA:

Contenido Unidad 2


Para esta tercera ADA, necesitaremos estudiar los siguientes temas:

• Past simple and past continuous

• Parts of the body and accidents

I. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in Brackets.
1. I was _____________________ (have) lunch in a cafe yesterday when the server accidentally
_____________________ (spill) tomato sauce on my shirt. I guess he _____________________ (not I
pay) attention. I was upset because I _____________________ (have) to buy another lunch.
2. I _____________________ (crash) my parents' car last week. I _____________________ (try) to park,
and my friend _____________________ (talk) to me, and I _____________________ (hit) a wall. Now
I have to pay for the repairs, and I’m grounded.
3. Last week I was on the bus, and I _____________________ (talk) to my girlfriend on my cell
phone. Well, actually, we _____________________ (have) a long argument. We
_____________________ (not get along) at the time. When I _____________________ (end) the call, I
realized that everyone on the bus _____________________ (listen). How embarrassing!

II. Complete the sentences with the
words from the box

sprained broke hurts

black cut

1. I ______ my leg when I was a kid.

2. My sister _________ her ankle
when she was practising ballet.
3. My back _____ because I spend
most of my time sitting on the desk.
4. My neighbour got a ________ eye in
a fight.
5. My father _____ his finger while he
was chopping onions.

III. Circle the correct words.

1. Mayumi says texting is quicker /

quick than calling. It’s more fun than /
that calling, too.
2. Tim thinks real cards are more
personal / personaler than e-cards.
3. Kayla says that videoconferencing
is less expensive / expensiveless than
a business trip.
4. Paco’s parents think that video
calling is good / better than phone
5. Alma says nothing is worse / bad
than spam in your inbox.

I. Complete the conversation. Use the simple past or past continuous of the verbs.

1. Marty. Where ___________ you ___________ (get) that black eye? ___________ you ___________
(fall) or something?
2. Kevin. Not exactly. I ___________ (crash) into a tree with a bike.
3. Marty. You’re kidding! How ___________ that ___________ (happen)?
4. Kevin. Well, I ___________ (ride) my little brother’s bicycle. And his friends ___________ (watch)
me and ___________ (laugh) at me.
5. Marty. So why ___________ they ___________ (laugh)? I mean, what ___________ you ___________
6. Kevin. I ___________ (not do) anything special. But the bike is kind of small.
7. Marty. Yeah. I bet you ___________ (try) to look cool, too.
8. Kevin. I guess. I ___________ (look) at the kids behind me. And I ___________ (not see) the tree
ahead of me. When my brother ___________ (shout), “watch out,” I ___________ (turn) around,
but it was too late.

II. Complete the conversation with the comparative form of each adjective, add “than” when

1. Do you ever use video calling? Our grandparents think it's _______________ (nice) because
they can see us. It's (good) _______________ the phone.
2. Yeah, and it's _______________ (expensive) international phone calls.
3. Do you prefer your tablet or your laptop?
My laptop. It's (big), but it's _______________ (useful) a tablet. Tablets are _______________
(difficult) to work on.
4. Yeah? My sister prefers her tablet. She says it's _______________ (light) her laptop, so it's
_______________ (convenient) to carry around.
5. Do you use email much these days? I just use my social networks nowadays.
Me too. It's _______________ (efficient) emails. And it's _______________ (fun).

III. LISTENING. Listen to the conversations. Check the reasons for the two interruptions in
each conversation.
1 ( ) She got another call. 2. ( ) The TV wasn’t working. 3. ( ) He had to find his wallet
( ) They lost the connection. ( ) There was traffic noise. ( ) He met a friend.
( ) Her battery ran out. ( ) She dropped her phone. ( ) He went the store.
( ) She ordered a coffee. ( ) The pizza arrived. ( ) She had to turn off the

IV. Complete the following crossword with the vocabulary of body parts.

Across: Down:

2 3 4

5 1

7 8 9
3 2

11 5 4

12 13 7

14 9






Around town by Nelson Hunter.

A few weeks ago, I was walking to my car in the I was coming home from a party really late at
parking lot, when someone came up to me and said night, and I missed the last train home. I
he enjoyed reading my weekly column. “But,” he didn’t have enough money for a cab, and I
said, “you always write about everyone’s bad didn’t want to walk home in the dark. I was
experiences. Why don’t you ask people to talk about standing outside the train station, and I guess
their good experiences, too?” I looked worried because a woman came up
and asked me if I needed any help. She
So, I asked readers to write in an tell me about all
offered to share a cab with me and to pay for
the good things that happened to them recently. I got
it! She said she didn’t like being by herself at
hundreds of replies. Here are three of them:
night, either. I was so grateful.
- Abby Walters

When I was shopping at the mall last week, I After class each week, I often go to the local
lost my wallet with all my money and credit donut shop and get some coffee before I go
cards in it, I spent a long time looking for it home. When I was leaving the store las
with no luck, I was really upset because it had week, the owner gave me a bag of donuts
my spare house key and my address in it, from the day before to take home for free.
too. Anyway, later that day after I got home, She said I was a good customer, and she
my doorbell rang. It was a young man, and didn’t want to throw them out. When I got
he had my wallet. Apparently, he saw it on home, I share them with my roommates!
the ground when he was walking into the - John Jones.
mall. He drove all the way to my house to
give it to me! I couldn’t believe it! I was so
lucky! So, thank you for all the letters. For next week, I want
- Andrea Keane to hear about any funny stories you have. What
funny things happened to you recently?

I. Read and underline the sentences in past simple. Circle the sentences in past continuous.

II. Read the article. Write T (true) or F (false) for each sentence).
1. Nelson Hunter usually writes about bad things that happen to people. ____
2. Andrea was worried because if someone found her wallet, they could get into her house. ____
3. A young man found Andrea’s wallet when he as leaving the mall. ____
4. Abby Walters had to pay for a cab home when she missed her train. ____
5. John ate the bag of donuts by himself. ____

UNIDAD 3. Uncertain Future

Competencia de la Unidad 3
Expresa de manera oral y escrita consejos y posibilidades futuras en problemas relacionados con
necesidades inmediatas, utilizando los modales de forma precisa.

Contenidos temáticos
• Have got/has got.
• Futuros: will, be going to, present
• Adjectives to describe people.
continuous for the future.
• Modal verbs: may/ might.

Actividad de Aprendizaje 4. Appearance

Trabajo individual Entrega: 28 de abril Valor: 15 puntos.

Resultado de aprendizaje: Describe de forma oral las características y apariencia física de una
o más personas utilizando los adjetivos calificativos y el have/has got.

Descripción de la Secuencia de Actividad:

1. Before you start the activity, check the vocabulary of adjectives for people and clothing on the
2. Get in pairs.
3. Use an egg carton to create your own board of
“Guess Who.” Add 16 characters in each board.
4. Play it in pairs. Don’t forget to use the vocabulary
and grammar seen. Remember that your teacher
will be evaluating you and you will receive your
feedback when he/she tells you.

Recursos y materiales

• Vídeo complementario:
o Have, have got:

Evidencia de aprendizaje:

Tableros de Adivina quién, los cuales serán usados para demostrar el dominio del vocabulario y la
gramática. Expresión oral.

Instrumento de evaluación:
• Lista de cotejo.

• McCarthy Michael, M. McCarten Jeanne & Sandiford, H. (2014). Touchstone 2. 2nd edition.
USA: Cambridge.

Instrumento de evaluación: Lista de cotejo

Valor: 15 pts.
Resultado de Aprendizaje: Describe de forma escrita las características y apariencia física de una o más personas
utilizando los adjetivos calificativos y el have/has got.
Evidencia: Tableros de Adivina quién, los cuales serán usados para demostrar el dominio del vocabulario y la gramática.

Nombre del alumno: Grupo:

Competencias genéricas:
• Usa las TIC en diversos contextos de manera pertinente y responsable.
• Aplica los conocimientos de acuerdo con el contexto y requerimientos de la situación, con pertinencia.
• Manifiesta comportamientos éticos en los ámbitos en los que se desenvuelve, de manera transparente.
Trabaja de manera eficaz, respetando los tiempos establecidos y 10 pts.
demostrando compromiso con el aprendizaje del tema.
Aplica las herramientas y recursos de manera confiable misma que 5 pts.
permite potencializar el conocimiento sobre el idioma.
Utiliza la creatividad para enriquecer su trabajo, aportando ideas 5 pts.
coherentes e innovadoras.
Competencias disciplinares:
• Utiliza las habilidades de comunicación oral y escrita en español, en lengua materna y en lengua extranjera ante
los diversos y cambiantes contextos (local e internacional) con pertinencia, coherencia y creatividad.
• Utiliza la multiplicidad de escrituras, lenguajes y discursos en los que se producen las decisiones que lo afectan
en el ámbito escolar, laboral, familiar y político para convertir la información en conocimientos aplicables a otros
campos disciplinares.
Se expresa de manera adecuada, fluida y pertinente en un segundo 5 pts.
idioma, aportando coherente y creativamente ideas y posturas que
comunica en diversos contextos.
Grammar: Have got/has got
Vocabulary: Ropa & Adjetivos calificativos
Utiliza adecuadamente el vocabulario de adjetivos calificativos 20 pts.
siguiendo el orden adecuado.
Emplea el have got/has got de manera clara y sin errores. 20pts.
Emplea el vocabulario de ropa de manera correcta. 10pts

Utiliza estructuras gramaticales alternas para complementar las 10 pts.

descripciones de sus personajes
Crea un par de tableros con 16 personajes (c/u). 5 pts.
Emplea la estructura correcta para preguntar por la descripción de un 5 pts.
El trabajo cuenta con datos de identificación del estudiante (nombre, 5 pts.
grado, grupo)
Comentarios de mejora:


Actividad de Aprendizaje 5. Break a leg!

Trabajo Grupal Entrega: 16 de mayo Valor: 20 puntos.

Resultado de aprendizaje: Emplea todos los temas gramaticales vistos en el semestre para el
desarrollo de un sketch basado en su vida diaria.

Descripción de la Secuencia de Actividad:

1. First, look at the different future tenses and practice them.
2. Look for the meaning of if, when, after and before in your dictionary. They are words that will
be helpful in your ADA.
3. You also have to take a look at the vocabulary “what’s next.”

4. Get in groups of 7 or 8 people (or depending on the number of students that are in the
classroom). Then, write a story which includes as many topics seen.
5. Give the draft to your teacher and start practicing.

6. Present your sketch to the class.

• Sugerencia: piensa en situaciones divertidas o aterradoras que te hayan sucedido. Recuerda
que el uso de las estructuras gramaticales no está sujeta únicamente a las actividades
realizadas durante el semestre.
• El plagio será penalizado de acuerdo con lo establecido desde coordinación.
• El uso de traductor se permite solo cuando se desconozca la palabra. Es necesario incluir las
palabras nuevas al final del ADA a manera de glosario.
o Example: House = casa.

Recursos y materiales

• Vídeos complementarios:
o May, might and will:
o Going to and Present Continuous for the Future:
• Ejemplos
• Diccionario

Evidencia de aprendizaje: Sketch

Instrumento de evaluación: Escala valorativa


McCarthy Michael, M. McCarten Jeanne & Sandiford, H. (2014). Touchstone 2. 2nd edition.
USA: Cambridge.

Instrumento de evaluación: Escala valorativa

Valor: 20 pts.
Resultado de Aprendizaje: Escribe distintos textos expresando el futuro de terceras personas
utilizando los distintos verbos modales de futuro.

Evidencia: Sketch
Escala Valorativa: 5 = mayor cumplimiento, 1= menor complimiento
Nombre: Grado y grupo:

Valor: 14 puntos.
Competencias genéricas:
• Gestiona el conocimiento y el aprendizaje autónomo en sus intervenciones académicas y en otros
contextos, de manera pertinente
• Aplica los conocimientos de acuerdo con el contexto y requerimientos de la situación, con pertinencia.
• Manifiesta comportamientos éticos en los ámbitos en los que se desenvuelve, de manera transparente.
Indicadores 1 2 3 4 5
Emplea TIC para el diseño de sus horóscopos.
Demuestra y aplica los conocimiento y autonomía.
Indicadores 0 - - - 10
Trabaja de manera eficaz, respetando los tiempos establecidos y
demostrando compromiso con el aprendizaje del tema.

Competencias disciplinares:
• CDBC 1. Utiliza las habilidades de comunicación oral y escrita en español, en lengua materna y en lengua
extranjera ante los diversos y cambiantes contextos (local e internacional) con pertinencia, coherencia y
creatividad, apoyado con herramientas tecnológicas.
• CDBC 2. Utiliza la multiplicidad de escrituras, lenguajes y discursos en los que se producen las decisiones
que lo afectan en el ámbito escolar, laboral, familiar y político para convertir la información en
conocimientos aplicables a otros campos disciplinares.
Indicadores 1 2 3 4 5
Se comunica de forma escrita en inglés con coherencia y concordancia.
Se comunica de forma oral en inglés con fluidez y precisión.
Desarrolla diversos tipos de discurso, de acuerdo con el contexto y a la
finalidad comunicativa, haciendo adecuado uso de las reglas
ortográficas y lingüísticas del idioma inglés.
Futuros: will, be going to, may , might.
Vocabulary: what’s next
Indicadores 3 6 9 12 15
Emplea contenidos de la unidad uno correctamente.
Emplea contenidos de la unidad dos correctamente.
Emplea contenidos de la unidad tres correctamente.
Pronuncia de manera clara y fluida sus diálogos
Redacta un borrador y realiza mejoras.
Trabaja en equipo de manera respetuosa.

Fase 2. I hope it is over.

Trabajo individual Entrega: 06 de junio Valor: 15 puntos.

Resultado de aprendizaje: Responde a interrogantes y completa ejercicios utilizando el pasado

simple, los adjetivos, el vocabulario de la casa y las partes del cuerpo.

Descripción de la Secuencia de Actividad:

1. Review all the grammar and vocabulary seen during the semester.

2. Use your compendio as a guide to study.

3. Take the quiz

Recursos y materiales
• Vídeos
• Compendio

Evidencia de aprendizaje: Prueba de desempeño.

Instrumento de evaluación: Clave de ejercicios.


McCarthy Michael, M. McCarten Jeanne & Sandiford, H. (2014). Touchstone 2. 2nd edition. USA:

Contenido Unidad 3


Para esta quinta ADA, necesitaremos estudiar los siguientes temas:

• Have got / has got.

• Adjectives to describe people


Se usa have got para hablar de:

• Cosas que tenemos. I have got a new mobile phone.

• Relaciones con otras personas. I’ve got a brother.
• Apariencia física. She has got blue eyes.
• Enfermedades o estado temporal. I’ve got a cold.
No se usa para:

• Cosas que hacemos (comidas, celebraciones). I have a cup of coffee at seven o’clock.
• Respuestas cortas. Have you got a dog? – No, I haven’t.

I. Complete the sentences with have got or has got. If there is a (-) use haven't got or hasn't
1. My sisters ______ long hair.
2. I can't open the door. I _____ a key. (-)
3. We ______ an apple tree in the garden.
4. Robert _______ a lot of friends in school.
5. They _________ two cats and a dog.
6. Ben _________ a lot of books. (-)
7. I _________ enough time to go on holidays.
8. My friend ____________ an orange basketball.
9. Betty and Frank __________ a nice aunt.
10. Hurry up! We __________ much time. (-)

II. Listen and say the sentences. Check the features you like. Tell the class. (Track 4.16)

En caso de que no recuerdes el vocabulario de ropa, puedes usar este.

Para esta sexta ADA, necesitaremos estudiar los siguientes temas:

• Futuros: will, be going to, present continuous for the future.

• Modal verbs: may, might.
• Vocabulario: what’s next.

Ask for a promotion Finish this course
Study abroad Become a millionaire
Get a job Buy a car
Get a master’s degree Retire
Travel around Have a baby
Start your own

I. Choose the correct option that best fits the sentences

A. What are you going to do at the end of this course?

1. B I'm not sure. I guess I take /I’ll take another course.
2. C I don't know. I'm going to / I may travel abroad with my brother. He thinks his
classes might / can finish early this year, so we might / will be able to go in May.
A. Are your friends going away for vacation next summer?
3. B Well, they 're all going to do/ will all do different things. One friend is going/ will
go to Istanbul.
4. I'd love to go, too, but I don't know. I won't / I might not be able to afford it.

II. Choose the correct verbs. Then, complete the sentences with your own ideas.
Try to use the vocabulary of “what’s next”
1. Before this semester will be / is over, I think I’ll be able
2. I’ll probably __________________________________ after I finish / will finish my studies.
3. If I don’t / won’t get a job after I will graduate / graduate, I
4. If I earn / will earn a lot of money in the next ten years, I may
5. I’d like to __________________________________ when I visit / will visit my relatives


I. Read the clues and write the features.


3 4

5 6



Across: Down:
1 It grows under a man's nose. 1 People who do weight training usually get this
3 They have tiny holes for wearing earrings.
2 Some women paint them to make their hands
5 People wear them to see better.
look nice.
8 They are tiny braids close to a person's head.
4 They can make a person's teeth straight.
9 This is what we call men with no hair.
6 It grows on a man's chin.
10 This is your hairstyle if your hair is short
7 People with long hair often wear it in one of
and stands up.
these to keep their hair out of the way.
11 They are little brown spots on a person's
face or body.

II. Complete the sentences with the expressions in the box.
Ask for a promotion Finish this course Retire Get a master’s degree
Become a millionaire Have a baby Study abroad Travel around

1. I think my brother and his wife are going to ________________________ in September – I

think they’ll name it Nina.
2. My uncle might ________________________. He has his own business, and it’s doing great.
3. I think I’m ready for more responsibility at work. Maybe I’ll ________________________.
4. My cousin already has a degree in business, and he’s going to ________________________
in economics this fall.
5. First, I want to ________________________, and then I might take a harder class.
6. It won’t be easy for my mom to ________________________ after working for 40 years.
7. My friends think it will be difficult to ________________________ because all the classes
will be in English.
8. My cousins invited me to ________________________ Australia next summer, but I think
it’s going to be too expensive.
III. Circle the correct verbs to complete the sentences.
Subject: A big change!

Hi Sarah!
My dad recently got a promotion at work so in May we’re going to move / will move to Peru.
I’m so excited because it ’ll be / is being a big change in our lives. Everything is planned. We
will take / are going to take a short vacation first – we are going to visit / will visit Machu
Picchu. I’m a little scared, too, though. I’m 100% sure it won’t / might not be easy to move to
another country where the language is different. I can’t speak Spanish, so I probably am not
making / won’t make new friends quickly. Also, my brother probably won’t come / might not
come with us. He’s studying for his master’s degree, and I don’t think he takes / will take time
off from school.
I think I ’ll be /’m being lonely at first. I’m trying hard to learn Spanish before we leave! I’m
taking a class in the evenings. My teacher says that at the end of the course I can / will know
enough Spanish to get around. I don’t know. I’m just worried that I can understand her now, but
when I’m in Peru I can’t / won’t understand anyone!
Don’t forget to write me.
Racher XX.

IV. LISTENING. Complete the sentences. Write a to h. There is one extra item.
9. Their mother promises she´ll ___ and ___.
10. Jack says he’ll ___. He’ll says he won’t ___.
11. Helen says she’ll ___. She won’t ___. Helen will also ___.
a. burn the food. d. send invitations online. g. shop and do the cooking.
b. buy a gift and a card. e. get the date wrong. h. pay for everything.
c. send a guest list. f. choose the music.
I. Look at the pictures. Then read the article. Match each picture with a decade.

Hairstyles through the decades…

Do you know how people wore their hair 10, 20, The “new romantic” women of the ‘80s wore
or 30 years ago? Look back at some of the hairstyles from the 19th century – long curly hair
popular hairstyles of the last few decades. There and French braids. For many men, the “mullet”
are some styles that come back again and cut (short on top and long in the back) was the
again. hairstyle to have.

The 1950s were the beginning of the “rock ‘n’ In the ‘90s dyed hair became stylish. Both men
roll” era. In the early ‘50s, men had short hair, and women started changing the color of their
but singer Elvis Presley changed all what when hair or adding highlights. Some men began to
he combed his ling hair into a “pompadour” and bleach their hair blond.
“duck tail”. The ponytail was a popular hairstyle
for young women. In the 2000s, many women changed to a more
“natural” look with long hair, similar to the 1970
The 60’s was the decade of the Beatles, who hippie look. Sine neb gad designs shaved into
caused a sensation when they grew their hair their hair; others had a textured or layered look.
long – to their ears! In the late ‘60s and the early
‘70s, the “hippie look” was in style. Men and So, what’s going to be next? Look around you.
women grew their hair very long, and a lot od Do you see any styles that are really “new”?
men had beards. The “Afro” was a popular
hairstyle for African-Americans and anyone with
curly hair or “perms.”

Punk rockers shocked everyone with their

multicolored, spiky hair in the ‘70s. Then in the
late ‘70s and ‘80s, soap opera stars made “big
hair” popular – women wore their hair very long,
curly, and full.
II. Read the article again. Write T (true) or F (false) for each sentence.
1. Before Elvis Presley, guys wore their hair in a pompadour. ____
2. In the ‘60s, the Beatles had very short hairs. ____
3. In the ‘70s, curly hair and long hair were fashionable.
4. In the ‘90s, more people started to change the color of their hair. ____
5. In the 2000s, women started using more hair products than ever before. ____
6. Musicians and singers started some of the fashions in the last 50 years. ____

1. Clandfield, L. & Pickering, K. (2010). Global Pre-Intermediate Coursebook. Universidad de

2. McCarthy, M., McCarten, J. & Sandiford, H. (2014). Touchstone 3. USA: Cambridge.
3. Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. (2002) Marco Común Europeo de Referencias para
las Lenguas, Aprendizaje, Enseñanza, Evaluación. Madrid
4. Rogers M., Taylore-Knowles J., Taylore-Knowles, S., Zemach, D and Wisniewska I. Open mind
edition1. 2nd. Edition. Macmillan. México
5. Saslow, Joan, Ascheer, Allen, Top Notch 1 (2015) Pearson


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