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Formato brief - campaña publicitaria en inglés

Tecnología en Gestión de Mercados


Noviembre de 2020


2. Escuche la publicidad radial en la sección “Let’s listen”. Después de
escucharla conteste las preguntas de comprensión. Pegue una captura de
pantalla en cada respuesta correcta en el documento.
3. Descargue el material “Guidelines for creating an advertising campaign”,
ubicado en la sección “Let’s listen”. Escriba una publicidad radial de una
compañía X y preséntela de manera oral en la sesión virtual (encuentro
sincrónico) “Creative Brief”, habilitada y programada por el instructor. La
publicidad debe durar dos minutos como máximo.

Voz Mensaje Time

Natalia Muñoz A housewife tired of not being 2 minutos
Sandra Oviedo able to enjoy her favorite
foods with a delicious,
preservative-free sauces
comes to the Fresh market.

Natalia Muñoz (Vendedora):

Good morning, how can I help

Sandra Oviedo (client):

Good morning, you
recommended this
freshmarket to me, I am
looking for a healthy line in
sauces, I like them a lot but
the ones I know have many

Natalia Muñoz: Sure, I'll show

you this handmade sauce is
called De mi Región and you
can try it with these nachos.

Sandra Oviedo: This is

delicious! what flavors do you

Natalia Muñoz: Buffalo that is

a flavor between sweet and
spicy, roasted onions
especially for steamed
potatoes, roasted peppers
that is the one you tried and
it’s perfect with meats and
the chimichurri.

Sandra Oviedo: Perfect! from

now on I declare myself a
customer of your store and of
the sauces, because it is what
I was looking for: Quality and
good taste.

4. En la sección “Let’s write”, descargue las instrucciones para elaborar una

campaña publicitaria (Radial, de televisión o promocional) y el
diligenciamiento de un brief. Agregue el brief diligenciado en este
documento y envíe la publicidad en el formato de su preferencia al


Through this brief we present the need we have as a brand and the expectations
regarding the result of the advertising campaign.
Información empresarial:
Mission: we are an experience of homemade flavors. At DE MI REGION, we are
dedicated to the production of handmade sauces. Our products are carefully
prepared with the satisfaction of the most demanding palates in mind. Homemade
and natural flavors are our essence.
Vision: by 2023 we will be a recognized brand in the city of Medellín. Our
marketing strategy will allow us to have an organized system of shipments
nationwide and to project ourselves in the market as a reliable company due to the
quality of our handmade products.
Corporate values: Trust, honesty, integrity, service, responsibility.

Corporate objectives: Impact the market with a new consumption habit in people
who enjoy the sauces category.
Generate closeness and trust of customers towards the brand, which is reflected in
the increase in sales by 10% each quarter.
Implement an external audit system to control the commercial and production area.
Prepare profiles of consumers through networks and fresh market stores in order
to make recommendations, follow up and promote those points of sale that are
below the sales budget required by the commercial department.
Needs: plan to present
Objective: this advertising campaign is to publicize the handmade sauces Of my
region, in this category of food that has been processed foods.

Audience: people from 18 to 54 years old in strata 3,4 and 5.

The tone of the campaign: emotional

Budget: $ 20,000,000

Campaign period: March 2021 to June 2021.

Conditions for submitting proposals

Presentation requirements: the company that offers must present 2 campaigns that
it has led with 3 companies.
Have the certification that accredits it as a quality company and serious in
Requirements for submission:
It must be submitted within 30 calendar days following the launch of the tender.
For this it is important that it be done with the full staff with whom the campaign will
Term for execution: Term 3 months.
5. En la sección “Vocabulary” aparee la palabra en inglés con el concepto
correcto. Tome capturas de pantalla de cada grupo de palabras
correctamente ubicadas y agréguelas al documento.

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