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EJE CURRICULAR : Actividades Complementarias
AREA EDUCATIVA : Desarrollo Profesional
HORAS SEMESTRALES : 48 horas académicas


La Asignatura forma parte del Plan de Estudios de La Escuela de Oficiales

de la Policía Nacional del Perú, siendo una asignatura de naturaleza teórica
y práctica.

El curso tiende a orientar a que los cadetes adquieran habilidades y

destrezas para una relación interpersonal fluida a fin de facilitar la
comprensión de los contenidos textuales.

La asignatura es eminentemente práctica y está diseñada para desarrollar

tres competencias fundamentales: comprender, leer y hablar, el Idioma



Expresar oralmente de manera clara, fluida y convincente, empleando

la gramática y las nuevas tecnologías acorde con las exigencias del
mundo globalizado, valorando la importancia de la comunicación en el
ámbito académico y social propiciando el desarrollo profesional.

1. Desarrollar habilidades y destrezas de comunicación

interpersonal, siendo impartida con claridad, fluidez, coherencia,
persuasión; empleando con acierto y eficacia de acuerdo a las
circunstancias y a las personas con quienes interactúa.

2. Intensifica la práctica de vocabularios, conversaciones,

respetando la gramática y desarrollando una comunicación
social. Fomentando la descripción oral de actividades rutinarias,
ideas, opiniones, sentimientos, así como improvisar diálogos.



1. Brinda información sobre sus obligaciones.

2. Utiliza adecuadamente los verbos modales en textos cortos.
Semana Contenido Conceptual Contenido Contenido
Procedimental Actitudinal
Introduction Realiza un examen de Valorar sus años
SEMANA 1 Classroom diagnóstico para conocer previos de cadete
rules el grado de suficiencia para responder al test
del cadete. satisfactoriamente.
Review of The Grammar
AGOSTO Entrance exam
SEMANA 2 Modals: Must Identifica el uso de los Respeta sus
16 modals en los textos. Obligaciones como
AGOSTO cadete.
Expresa mediante Aplica sus
SEMANA 3 Modals: mustn’t/ needn’t Oraciones sus Conocimientos en
obligaciones en forma situaciones de su vida
23 afirmativa y negativa. diaria.
Practice 4 skills: Completa ejercicios de Valora lo aprendido
SEMANA 4 speaking, listening, acuerdo a las 4 aplicándolo en el
Reading and writing. habilidades. ejercicio de sus
30 responsabilidades.

1. Participa en diálogos interactuando con sus compañeros de manera

2. Utiliza el orden correcto de las palabras en la sintaxis del idioma inglés.
Contenido Contenido
Semana Contenido Conceptual
Procedimental Actitudinal
Produce textos
SEMANA descriptivos y Interactúa con sus
5 Comparatives conversaciones compañeros.
breves, tanto orales
06 SET como escritos.
Elabora diálogos
SEMANA usando comparativos
6 y superlativos
Superlatives Se interesa por el tema
basados en los
13 SET
20 SET
SEMANA Practice 4 skills: speaking, Completa ejercicios de Valora lo aprendido
8 listening, Reading and acuerdo a las 4 aplicándolo en el
writing. habilidades. ejercicio de sus
27 responsabilidades.


1. Utiliza las predicciones para situaciones determinadas.

2. Redacta sus planes de acuerdo a la situación dada.
Semana Contenido Conceptual Contenido Contenido
Procedimental Actitudinal
SEMANA Identifica el uso del Aplica sus propios
9 Predictions: Will/Won’t Will/ won’t. conocimientos a
situaciones futuras
04OCT como oficial.
SEMANA Elabora oraciones en Expresa sus planes
10 Plans: Be Going To forma afirmativa y como cadete.
negativa usando El
11OCT Be Going To.
Introducing Present Identifica y reconoce Se esfuerza por
SEMANA Perfect. el uso del Present conseguir logros.
11 Perfect.
Regular and irregular verbs.
18 OCT Discrimina los verbos

25 OCT


1. Utiliza el presente perfecto para hablar de sus experiencias.

2. Crea conversaciones sobre sus experiencias en la EO PNP.
Contenido Contenido
Semana Contenido Conceptual
Procedimental Actitudinal
SEMANA Present perfect: Elabora oraciones Aplica sus
13 affirmative/negative afirmativas y negativas conocimientos a
statements. usando el presente situaciones reales.
Questions:yes/no. perfecto.
01 NOV

08 NOV

15 NOV
22 NOV

A. Las técnicas de enseñanza se orientarán a la interacción permanente

docente – educando, enmarcadas en la cultura participativa, el trabajo
en equipo, y el método de laboratorio.

B. Se promoverá la práctica permanente de los conocimientos



El docente para el desarrollo de la asignatura empleará los siguientes

equipos y materiales:

Computadora, proyector multimedia.

Para el desarrollo temático, ayudas audiovisuales, fuentes de
información; así como Hoja de Práctica para los Talleres. Proveerá
separatas a los educandos, así como empleará transparencias o
videos para reforzar las técnicas de enseñanza.

La asistencia a las sesiones académicas es obligatoria en el 100%, en

caso de inasistencias, de no existir justificación alguna por La Sub-
Dirección Académica - EO PNP, el Cadete desaprobará la asignatura.

El proceso de evaluación del aprendizaje será permanente, comprenderá:

A. Evaluación Diagnóstica o de Entrada para valorar el nivel de

conocimiento del idioma.

B. Evaluación Formativa Interactiva, en relación a la participación activa

del Cadete en el aula. El promedio de las intervenciones orales
constituirá Nota de Paso Oral.

C. Evaluación Formativa o de Proceso para comprobar el rendimiento

académico, pronosticar posibilidades de desarrollo y reorientar la
metodología, compromete la aplicación de:

1. Prácticas calificadas.
2. Exposiciones.
3. Dos exámenes escritos parciales (7ª y 12ª semana), enmarcados
en los modelos de la Prueba Objetiva, además, contener
preguntas tipo desarrollo y situación problema, dando prioridad al
empleo de la capacidad reflexiva, la correlación de criterios, el
análisis y el pensamiento lógico.

D. La evaluación está orientada a comprobar el nivel de desarrollo

cognoscitivo, reflexivo y del pensamiento lógico, para lo cual se
aplicará un examen final (16ª semana), de similar característica
empleada en los exámenes parciales.

E. El Promedio General se calculará en concordancia con las

disposiciones establecidas en el Manual de Régimen de Educación de
la Escuela de Formación de La PNP, aplicándose los criterios de
ponderación que corresponde a la naturaleza de la asignatura.
Promedio General:

PG = PEP (3) + PO (1) + TA (2) + EF (4)


PEP = Promedio de Exámenes Parciales

PO = Paso Oral
TA = Promedio de Prácticas Calificadas
EF = Examen Final


A. Clandfield, L. (2012). Straightforward Elementary

Level. Student’s Book. 2nd Edition. MacMillan.
B. Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano - ICPNA
(2016). World Link. Student’s Book. 3rd Edition.
National Geographic Learning.
C. Lathan-Koenig, C. & Oxender, C. (2017). American
English File 2. Student Book. 2nd Edition. Oxford
University Press.
D. Murphy, R. (2017). Basic Grammar in Use 1.
Student Book. 4th Edition. Cambridge University
E. Schoenberg, I. (2017). Focus on Grammar 2.
Student Book. 5th Edition – Pearson.




A. Unscramble the sentences.
1. There / isn’t / the bedroom / any / TV / in __________________________________
2. doesn’t / speak / He / French __________________________________
3. a table/ in/ the dining room/ There`s __________________________________
4. cellphones / My / expensive / are __________________________________
5. classmate / is / Isabel’s / Tomas __________________________________
6. umbrella / is / your / That __________________________________

B. Fill in each blank with the words from the box.

1. Is there __________ sausage for me? 6. There are _________ cookies in the
I’m hungry. cupboard.
2. There are __________ honey in the 7. Are there ____ tomatoes? Let’s
kitchen. make a pizza.
3. How __________ flour do you have? 8. There aren’t ______ potatoes. Sorry,
4. There isn’t __________ orange in the no chips!
kitchen. 9. Would you like _________ coffee?
5. How __________ pancakes do you 10. I am thirsty. Can I have __________
have? water?

C. Choose the best option.

A. Write Yes/No question using the cues in the chart. Next, find someone in
class who answers Yes to each question. Then write their answer. Pay
attention to the singular or plural.

B. Answer the questions.

1. What do you do?
2. When is your birthday?
3. Where were you born?
4. You have a stomachache. What should you do?
5. You have a headache. What should you do?
6. How many cadets are there in your classroom?
7. When does your roommate do laundry?
8. Do you make breakfast every day?
9. Does your brother clean his room?
10. What do you make for breakfast?

VOCABULARY: Places in the city
A. Look at the picture and complete the name of the places.

B. Work in pairs: Look at these signs. In which places do you see these signs?

For example:
Cadet 1: In which places do you see the sign A?
Cadet 2: I see the sign A in discos, cinemas and schools.

GRAMMAR: Modal verb “Must”
A. Study the chart.
Structure Examples
Affirmative (+) Subject + Modal verb (Must) + All passengers must wear
Must Main verb (Base Form) + seat bells.
Personal obligation Complement.
Negative (-) Subject + Modal verb (-) You mustn’t use your
Mustn´t or must (Mustn’t) + Main verb (Base mobile phone while you
not Form) + Complement. are driving.

B. Fill in the gaps with must or mustn’t and one of the following verbs:
touch stop come play make wear

1. You _________ __________ the stove. It is very hot.

2. You _________ __________ when the traffic light is red.
3. You _________ __________ with me. I can’t go alone.
4. You _________ __________ with matches. They’re dangerous.
5. You _________ __________ any noise. The baby is sleeping.
6. You _________ __________ a helmet whenever you ride a bike.
C. Match the sentence to the correct column:
o talk during the exam o respect your parents
o park here o follow the rules
o wear school uniform o run in the museum
o wash your hands o sleep in the library
o shout in the classroom o do your homework
o eat in the bed o listen to the teacher
You must You mustn’t
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.

READING: The importance of wearing a seat belt
A. Read the text carefully

B. Circle if the information below is true or false:

VOCABULARY: Traffic Signs
A. Look at the Traffic Signs and match them to the words below.

B. Unscramble these words.

1.- runt grith ____________ _______________
2.- pretesidan goscrins. _______________ ______________
3.- hadea lyon __________ _______________
4.- desep mitil __________ _______________
5.- runt flet ____________ _______________
C. Circle must or mustn’t for the given traffic signs.

GRAMMAR: “Mustn’t and Needn’t”
A. Study the chart.
“Mustn’t and Needn’t”
Structure Examples
Mustn´t or must Subject + Modal verb (-) You mustn’t use your
not (Mustn’t) + Main verb (Base mobile phone while you
Prohibit actions Form) + Complement. are driving.
No allowed
Needn’t = need not Subject + Modal verb (-) You needn’t clean the
It is not necessary (needn’t) + Main verb (Base windows. They aren’t very
to do it. Form) + Complement. dirty.
Comparative between Needn’t and Mustn’t
Comparative You needn’t go. You can stay You mustn’t go. You must
(example) here if you want. stay here.

B. Fill out the sentences correctly with modal verbs “mustn't" or "needn't".
1) Officers ___________________________ use excessive force when apprehending a suspect.
2) During a hostage situation, negotiators _____________________ rush the process and
take their time to ensure a peaceful resolution.
3) You _____________________ worry about gathering witness statements; another officer
is already handling that task.
C. Match the sentence to the correct column:
o go shopping. You have more than enough to drink at home.
o take the umbrella today. It won't rain.
o come to school late.
o work today. It`s holiday.
o park here. This is a no parking zone.
o talk anyone about our problems.

You mustn’t You needn’t

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

D. Complete the sentence with mustn’t or needn’t:
1) They ______________________ cross this bridge. It's closed.
2) We ________________________ be late. The train will leave in 10 minutes.
3) You _______________________ hurry. We have plenty of time.
4) You _______________________ smoke here. It's prohibited. Look at that sign.
5) We have enough diesel, so we ___________________________________ stop here.
6) You _______________________ come to the party if you don't want to stay there.
7) They _____________________ do the washing up, they have a dishwasher.
8) You ______________________ show this e-mail to anyone else. I'll trust you.
9) The students ___________ forget their homework.

READING: Traffic Ticket for Moving violations

A. Before you read the passage, talk about these questions:
1. What are some traffic laws drivers must respect in your country?
2. What happens when drivers break those rules?
B. Read the traffic ticket. Then choose the correct answers
1. What was the reason for the ticket?
a) The driver was speeding.
b) The driver ran a stop sign.
c) The driver made an illegal turn.
d) The driver didn’t have insurance.
2. What can you infer about the
a) He is from out of state.
b) He has an expired license.
c) He has automobile insurance.
d) He got the ticket near a school.
3. What information is NOT included
on the ticket?
a) The driver`s home address.
b) The officer`s badge number.
c) What kind of car the driver has.
d) When the moving violation occurred.

Complete the conversation and practice with your partner.
I'm really sorry have to Of course I don’t know

• Officer: Do you know why I pulled you over?

• Driver: No, officer, __ _______ __________. Was I speeding?
• Officer: No. You failed to stop at a stop sign two blocks back.
• Driver: Oh, no. ____________ ______________ ______________ about that. I didn’t
even see it.
• Officer: I`m going to__________ ___ give you citation. Can I see your
• Driver: _______ ______________. Here it is, officer.
• Officer: Please remain in the vehicle while I fill out the ticket.
• Driver: Okay, Officer.

Write sentences about your school using must, mustn’t and needn’t. use phrases
from the list below.

Copy your friend`s homework switch off your mobile phone in class
Run in the corridor wear a Police uniform study English
Stand up when the professor comes in







Structure Examples
Affirmative (+) Subject + Modal verb (Must) + All passengers must wear
Must Main verb (Base Form) + seat bells.
Personal obligation Complement.
Negative (-) Subject + Modal verb (-) You mustn’t use your
Mustn´t or must (Mustn’t) + Main verb (Base mobile phone while you
not Form) + Complement. are driving.
Needn’t = need not Subject + Modal verb (-) You needn’t work today. It
It is not necessary (needn’t) + Main verb (Base is holiday.
to do it. Form) + Complement.

Exercise 1: Choose the Correct Option

Read the following sentences and choose the appropriate option: "must," "mustn't,"
or "needn't."

1. Officers ________ carry their identification at all times.

a) must b) mustn't c) needn't
2. In this area, you ________ exceed the speed limit of 40 mph.
a) must b) mustn't c) needn't
3. Officers ________ attend the monthly training session to maintain their skills.
a) must b) mustn't c) needn't
4. You ________ worry about bringing your own equipment; it will be provided.
a) must b) mustn't c) needn't
5. During a detection, officers _____________ take appropriate measures to ensure
public safety.
a) must b) mustn't c) needn't
6. Officers ________ engage in any form of discriminatory behavior.
a) must b) mustn't c) needn't

Exercise 2: Fill in the Blanks
Complete the following sentences by choosing the appropriate word: "must,"
"mustn't," or "needn't."

1. In this training program, participants _____________ complete all assigned readings

before the session.
2. Officers _______________ forget to activate their body cameras before approaching a
potentially dangerous situation.
3. During the investigation, you ________________ disclose confidential information to
unauthorized individuals.
4. If the situation is under control, you _______________ wait for backup before taking action.
5. New recruits _________________ undergo physical fitness assessments to ensure they meet
department standards.
6. When interacting with the public, officers _______________ maintain a respectful and
professional behavior.
7. Before using any new equipment, officers ________________ receive appropriate training
on its operation.
8. If you have completed your paperwork, you _______________ stay overtime unnecessarily.

Conversation 1: Wearing the seatbelt!
A. What is the fault? Read the conversation.
B. Practice the conversation.
Driver: Officer, is something wrong?
Officer: I need to see your license, registration and insurance, please.
Driver: They’re in my purse. (Gets them, hands them to the officer.) Here they are.
Officer: Do you know why I stopped you?
Driver: No, I don’t.
Officer: I see you are not wearing your seatbelt. You must always wear it.
Driver: Sorry, officer.
Officer: It is for safety reason. If you are in a car accident, it may save your life.
According to the rules, you must get a fine.
Driver: Officer, how much it would be?
Officer: 750 dollars.
Driver: Okay, officer. Next time I must be sure to wear my seatbelt.

C. Read the conversation again. Circle TRUE or FALSE.

1. The driver gives the officer his license and registration. True False
2. The driver left his insurance card at home. True False
3. The driver isn´t wearing his seatbelt. True False
4. In a car accident, the seatbelt may save life. True False
5. According to the rules, the driver mustn´t get a fine. True False

Conversation 2: Running a red light

A. Practice the conversation with a partner. Switch roles and practice it again.
Driver 1: You totaled my car!
Driver 2: Look what you did to my car! It was your fault.
Driver 1: No, it was your fault. You ran into me.
Driver 2: That’s because you ran a red light.
Driver 1: I’m sure it was green.
Driver 2: We need to file a report.
Officer: Good morning, sirs! What is the trouble?
Driver 1: He totaled my car.
Driver 2: He did it.
Officer: Calm down, sirs! I must check it myself for evidences.
Driver 1 and 2: Okay, officer!
Officer: Sirs, I took note of everything. Now, we must go to the police station.
Driver 1 and 2: Why?
Officer: Both of you must take the alcohol test. That is the law.
Driver 1 and 2: Can we avoid it?
Officer: No, we must do it.

B. Read the conversation again. Then, read the questions and circle the correct
1. Who ran the red light?
a) Driver 1 b) Driver 2 c) The officer
2. Why did the drivers have a car accident?
a) Because driver 1 ran the red light.
b) Because driver 2 ran the red light.
c) Because driver 2 ran the green light.

VOCABULARY: Police Items I
A. Look, listen to the teacher and repeat.



B. Read the text and answer the question.

Here is a photo of my best friend, Mary and me. Can you guess
who? Mary is taller than I am, and her hair is shorter than
mine. She is stronger than I am, and she can run faster than I
can. She is very friendly and nice. I help her with her
homework sometimes, because I am better at Math and
science than she is. At weekends, we love to ride our bikes in
the park, and sometimes we go shopping together. We talk on
the phone every day. I am so happy Mary is my best friend! I
want to surprise her with our picture in your magazine.

C. Put in circle True or False, the correct answer.

a) This is a picture of Gina and her best friend. TRUE / FALSE

b) Mary is stronger than Gina. TRUE / FALSE
c) Gina is very friendly and nice person. TRUE / FALSE
d) Mary is worse at math and science than Gina TRUE / FALSE

D. Answer the questions with complete sentence.

a) Who has shorter hair, Mary or Gina?


b) Who can run faster?


3. When do they ride their bikes?


4. When does Gina help Mary?


5. When do they talk on phone?


GRAMMAR: Comparatives
A. Study the chart.

B. Comple the sentences. Use comparative.

1. The earth is _______________________ (large) than the Moon.

2. Danny DeVito _______________________ (short) than Arnold Schwarzenegger.
3. History is _______________________ (boring) than Physics.
4. James Bond is _______________________ (adventurous) than Batman.
5. Vegetables are _______________________ (healthy) for you than hamburgers.

C. Choose the correct answer.
1. Cars are more powerful / powerfuler than horses
2. Silver jewelry is more shiny / shinier than gold jewelry.
3. Lima city is more polluted / most polluted than Piura.
4. India is most crowded / more crowded than Uruguay.
5. Trainers are comfortable / more comfortable than high heels.
6. Children are more curious / curiouser than adults.
7. Rugby players are strong / stronger.
8. Watching films at the cinema is better / more good than watching film at home.

A. Practice the conversation.

POLICE OFFICER: Good morning, ma´am. Is there a problem?

WOMAN : Yes, there is. There are some strange noises
coming from my neighbor´s apartment.
POLICE OFFICER: I see. Are there any signs of a break-in?
WOMAN : No, there aren´t. But I´m worried that there
Might be someone in there.
POLICE OFFICER: Ok, I´ll investigate. Is there anyone else in the
Building right now?
WOMAN : No, there isn´t. Everyone else is at work.
POLICE OFFICER: Alright, I´ll check it out. Please stay here in case
I need to ask you any more questions.
WOMAN : Ok, thank you.

B. Read the conversation again. Circle TRUE or FALSE.

1. The woman called the police because someone broke into her apartment T/F
2. The police officer asked the woman if there were any sign of a break-in. T/F
3. The woman heard the strange noise coming from her own apartment. T/F
4. The woman must stay in her own apartment while the police officer investigates. T / F


A. On a separate piece of paper, write 5 sentences with using comparative and

Vocabulary Police Items.

A. Look, listen to the teacher and repeat.



A. Read the text and complete the sentences with superlative or comparative.

Prague is one of the (1) __________________ popular tourist destinations

in Europe. After all the political changes of
the early 1990s, the capital of the Czech Republic began to take
advantage of its beautiful cultural and architectural heritage to
attract (2) _____________________ tourists than ever before. Prague is a
(3) ____________________city than many people imagine and it is very
easy to move around this wonderful city on foot. Public transport is
(4) __________________ in Prague than in most other European cities but
it is often (5) _____________________ to walk, enabling you to appreciate
marvelous buildings you might have missed if you had been
sitting on a bus or a tram.
Few people leave the city of Prague without commenting on the
superb food and drink available here.

B. After you have read the text match the best answer for each blank.

e) a) more b) most c) very

f) a) bigger b) more c) many
g) a) smaller b) more small c) smallest
h) a) very cheap b) more cheaper c) cheaper
i) a) better b) more good c) most good

GRAMMAR: Superlative
A. Study the chart.

B. Complete the chart with the superlative.

long the longest
pretty the prettiest
thin the thinnest

C. Comple the sentences. Use superlative.

1) I (tall) am the tallest person in my family.

2) Jupiter (big) _______________________ planet in our solar system.
3) We bought (expensive) _______________________ TV in the store.
4) Which sports do you think (dangerous) _______________________?
5) My cat (lazy) _______________________ animal I know.
6) This restaurant serves (good) _______________________ subject.
7) What (long) _______________________ word in English that you know?
8) Which place (hot) _______________________ place on earth?
9) I think it (funny) ______________________ show on television.

10) My friend (interesting) __________________________ person I know.
11) Who (famous) ___________________________ person in your country?

D. Choose the correct answer.

1) The boys are quieter /more quieter / more quietly than usual.
2) Carlos is the hardest /hard working person I kwon.
3) Turtle is slowier / the slowest walking animal in the world.
4) She wanted the most expensive / expensivest dress but she didn´t have enough
5) He´s the most / more optimistic person I´ve ever met.

A. Practice the conversation after a traffic accident.
POLICE OFFICER: Good morning. Could you tell me, what make of car was it?
WITNESS : It was a BMW.
POLICE OFFICER: What colour was it?
WITNESS : I think it was black.
POLICE OFFICER: Did you see the number plate?
WITNESS : No, I´m sorry. It was dark.
POLICE OFFICER: What exactly happened?
WITNESS : The man was crossing the road,
then the car suddenly hit him and drove away.
POLICE OFFICER: Which way did he go, left, right, straight on?
WITNESS : He went left.
POLICE OFFICER: Ok, thank you for your help.
WITNESS : You´re welcome.

B. Read the conversation again. Circle TRUE or FALSE.

1. The make of the car was a Ferrari. TRUE / FALSE
2. The witness saw the license plate of the car. TRUE / FALSE
3. The car went to the right TRUE / FALSE
4. The witness helped the Police Officer. TRUE / FALSE

A. On a separate piece of paper, write similar to text previously.


A. Circle the correct option:

1. Graham is stronger / the strongest person in my family.

2. Sarah is better / the best at swimming tan Linda.
3. I am always hungrier / the hungriest in the morning than in the evening.
4. Flip-flops are more comfortable / the most comfortable than sandals.
5. Is this bigger / the biggest teddy bear in the shop?
6. My sister is more romantic / the most romantic person in my family.
7. Steve is worse / the worst football player in our class.
8. Winter holidays are shorter / the shortest than summer holidays.

B. Fill on the blanks with the correct form of the comparative.
1) Estela is _______________ than Monica. (SHORT)
2) Comics are _____________ than newspapers. (FUNNY)
3) My sister is ______________ than my brother (CLUMSY)
4) Summer days are _________________than the Winter days (WARM)
5) Math is _________________ than music (DIFFICULT)
6) I am _____________ than my sister. (POLITE)
7) Apples are __________________ for our health tan hot dogs (GOOD)
8) Breaking a leg is ______________tan breaking a finger. (BAD)

C. Fill on the blanks with the correct form of the Superlative.

1) ___________person in my family is my sister Lilly. (YOUNG)
2) Is Big Ben ____________clock tower in England? (TALL)
3) Which is ____________ day of the year for you? (HAPPY)
4) Which is ____________ subject for you? (EASY)
5) This is ____________T-shirt I have got. (CONFORTABLE)
6) Brenda is __________ a girl in our class. (SERIOUS)
7) What is __________film you´ve ever watched? (GOOD)
8) September is __________month for me. (BAD)

D. Look at the statistics for two cities in the state of New York. Make sentences
and put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative form.

1 (old) New York City is older than White Plains.

2 (big) __________________________________________________________________
3 (cheap) _______________________________________________________________
4 (polluted) ____________________________________________________________
5 (safe) _________________________________________________________________
6 (close to capital) _____________________________________________________

READING: Great places of the world
A. Complete the text with the correct form of the adjectives using

My name is Gabriella. I live in ___________(old) and _______________(beautiful) city in Colombia.

It is called Santa Marta and it´s, by the Caribbean Sea, this has _________________ (important)
tourist areas than Barranquilla due to, it has ___________(large) number of hotels. It has also
become ____________(more) visited area by tourists. There is also ________________(interesting)
variety of restaurants than Barranquilla, it has bars and nightclubs so that you can have
simply unforgettable vacation.
Sierra Nevada is _____________(tall) coastal mountain region in the world. It has __________
views tan Cali and other beautiful places much money because you can camp there, it is
___________(cheap) tan staying in a hotel. You have ____________________ (friendly) areas and
you have _____________ (good) time with your family.
Barranquilla doesn´t have ____________(good) tourist destination places than Santa Martha,
it shows with a landscape characterized for the _____________(deep) waters and its expert
fishermen. The beaches of this area offer _____________(fun) views of the mountains while
the water is fantastic for scuba diving and extreme sports called Taganga.
Sum up. It considers Santa Martha has _____________________(amazing) activities to do than
Barranquilla, it has ______________________ touristic attractions.

Work in pairs: Student A has a new job. He/She can live in the capital city or a smaller city.
You (Student B) think Student A should live in a smaller city, not the capital.
Here are some reasons why you think the smaller city is a better choice:
• it’s safer in a smaller city • traffic in the capital is worse
• people in the smaller cities are friendlier

I think you should choose … because …

VOCABULARY: Describing Work
A. Find the opposites of these words in the text.
part-time badly-paid temporary unemployed

B. Complete the sentences with a word from exercise A.

1)There is a ___________________ job at the school. They are looking for a person to work
from February to July.
2)She has a __________________ job in the bank. She only works Tuesdays and Thursdays.
3)He hates his job. It’s dirty, dangerous and _____________________. He never has any
extra money.
4)I’m ______________ at the moment. I can’t find a job.

C. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.

1. What jobs are well-paid in your country? What jobs are badly-paid?
2. What are some problems with work in your country, for example, unemployment,
overwork, low pay, temporary work?
3. Do students have part-time jobs? What kind of jobs do they do?

GRAMMAR: “Will and Won’t”

A. Study the chart.
“Will and Won’t”
Use will to make predictions about the future.
Use will when we are certain something will happen in the future.

Structure Examples
Affirmative Subject + WILL + Main verb Part-time jobs will be more
Will (`ll) (Base Form) + Complement. common than full-time jobs.
Negative Subject + WON`T + Main verb You won’t have a permanent job
Will not (Won`t) (Base Form) + Complement. for life in the future.
Y/N Questions WILL + Subject + Main verb + Will you have a job in 10 years?
Complement + (Time
expression)? Yes, I will. / No, I won`t.
Wh-Questions Wh-word + WILL + Subject + What will you do in 10 years?
Main verb + (Time

B. Complete the sentence with will or won’t+ the verb in brackets. Use
1) Public transport, like buses __________________ (not use) petrol.
They____________________ (work) on electricity.
2) A computer______________________(control) everything in your house: lights,
fridge, television.
3) Every car __________________ (have) a computer with satellite technology.
4) There______________________(be) more problems with bad meat and
people___________________ (be) ill.
5) The weather forecast says it's going to rain tomorrow. I think
_____________________ (bring) an umbrella just in case.
6) The meeting is scheduled for 3 PM. I think he ___________________ (arrive) on time.
7) The traffic is terrible now. I think we ___________________ (be) late to the meeting.
8) People___________________ (not cook), they__________ (buy) prepared food.
9) People____________________ (not live) in tall buildings, they ______________ (live)
C. Order the words/phrases to make negative sentences.

1) a test / we / have / tomorrow / won’t

2) see / I / the teacher / won’t / on Monday
3) help / won’t / she / her mother
4) he / be / a doctor / won’t
5) at 10 am / begin / won’t / the lesson
6) won’t / cook / breakfast / they

READING: The future won`t wait … will you?
A. Read the article. What is Futurework?
1) A book about the future of work in Britain.
2) A webpage about the best jobs in the future in Britain.
3) A magazine article about work and life in Britain.

B. Read the article again and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).
Correct the false sentences.
1) Futurework is about the future of work around the world.
2) Lancaster wrote Futurework quickly.
3) Lancaster thinks that people will change jobs often.
4) Mobile phones will create more stress in the future.
5) Lancaster thinks that working at home is a good thing.
6) There are more old people in Britain now than in the past.
7) It will be important to know other languages to get a good job.

C. Work in pairs. Look at the predictions about work. Discuss with your

SPEAKING: Conversation cards
Work in pair: Practice with your partner using these cards.

VOCABULARY: Resolutions
A. People have strong decisions. Look at the pictures and complete using the word

B. Complete the sentences:

1. I am going to ____________________________________ to enhance my communication skills.
2. My parents are going to _____________________________ in the suburbs to have more
space for our family.
3. We are going to _________________ in the stock market to potentially grow our savings.
4. Next year, I am going to ______________________ Europe to explore different landmarks.
5. My best friend is going to _________________________ in the spring, and I'm excited to
celebrate with them.
6. My sister _______________________ have a baby next year, and I'm excited to become an
7. She is going to _______________________________ so she can have more independence and
flexibility in her commute.
8. During the summer break, I am going to ______________________________ in the
countryside to spend quality time with them.
9. Our team is going to ____________________________________ from other branches at the
annual company conference.
10. After much consideration, we are going to ___________________________ to add a furry
companion to our family.

GRAMMAR: Future with “Be going to”
A. Study the chart.
S + am/is/are + S + am/is/are + NOT Am/Is/Are + S + Yes, I am.
going to + V (BF)+ + going to + V (BF)+ C going to + V (BF)+ No, I’m not.
C C Yes, he is.
She’s going to She isn’t going to Is she going to Yes, she is.
invest her money. invest her money. invest her money? No, she isn’t.

B. For each space, write the letter of the matching sentence.

A. she's going to write a letter B. he's going to clean the windows
C. he's going to have a party D. she's going to paint the walls
E. he's going to have a picnic F. he's going to drive to the supermarket
G. she's going to bake a cake H. he's going to fix the car

1. Mike is holding a ladder and a bucket. ( )

2. Mike is putting his coat on and holding some keys. ( )
3. Angela is sitting at the table with a pen. ( )
4. Angela is in the kitchen. She's wearing an apron. ( )
5. Mike is calling friends. He's telling them his address. ( )
6. Angela is putting a ladder up in the lounge. ( )
7. Mike has some tools in his hand. He's reading a book, "Your Ford". ( )
8. Mike is making sandwiches. He's watching the weather on TV. ( )

C. Choose the Correct Option.

1. She _________________________ travel to Paris next month for a vacation.
a) am going to b) is going to c) are going to
2. They _______________________ invest their savings in a new business venture.
a) am going to b) is going to c) are going to
3. I ___________________________ study medicine at university to become a doctor.
a) am going to b) is going to c) are going to
4. He ___________________________ get married next summer in a casual ceremony.
a) am going to b) is going to c) are going to
5. We _________________________ buy a new car as our current one is getting old.
a) am going to b) is going to c) are going to
6. The company ________________ open a new branch in the city center.
a) am going to b) is going to c) are going to
7. Jane and Mark ____________________ celebrate their anniversary on a romantic trip.
a) am going to b) is going to c) are going to

D. Make sentences using Be going to.


Sentences stress and fast speech.
Listen to your professor and repeat the sentences.

1. What are you going to do tonight?

2. Are you going to see a movie?
3. I’m going to cook a meal for you.
4. We aren’t going to have a vacation this year.

Fast speech: gonna

When people speak fast, they often pronounce going /ˈgoʊ.ɪŋ/ to as gonna /ˈgɑː.nə/

Example: What are you going to do? sounds like What are you gonna do?

COMMUNICATION: What are your plans?

Cadet A:
a. Ask B your questions using going to. Ask for more information.
. /you/go out this evening? When/you/do your English homework?
What/you/wear tomorrow? . /you/study English next year?
b. Answer B`s questions. Give more information.

Cadet B:
a. Answer A`s questions. Give more information.
b. Ask B your questions using going to. Ask for more information.
What/you/do after class? Where/you/have lunch tomorrow?
What/you/do on Saturday night? . /you/go anywhere next weekend?

A. Label the pictures.

B. Complete the meanings with the travel-related vocabulary words:

1. Book: To reserve to have a seat, room, flight, etc.
2. _______________________: A person who is visiting a place for pleasure or vacation.
3. _______________________: A plan or agenda of activities for a trip.
4. _______________________: A place where you stay during your travels, such as a hotel.
5. _______________________: A keepsake bought as a reminder of a trip.
6. _______________________: A trip filled with exciting and new experiences.
7. _______________________: To travel around and discover new places.
8. _______________________: The place you’re going to, often a specific location or country.
9. _______________________: A public march, especially one celebrating a special day.
10. _______________________: A special occasion or period of public enjoyment involving
wearing unusual clothes, dancing, and eating and drinking, usually held in the
streets of a city.

GRAMMAR: “Present Perfect”
A. Study the chart.

B. Complete the following sentences using the present perfect tense.

1) I ______________________________________ (visit) three different countries.
2) She __________________________________ (try) exotic foods in Asia.
3) They ________________________________ (never go) on a cruise before.
4) He __________________________________ (explore) ancient ruins in Greece.
5) We _________________________________ (not see) the Eiffel Tower yet.
6) My parents ________________________ (return) from a trip to Italy.

A. Match the sentences with the correct regular verbs in past participle.
1) I have ________ several European cities. ( ) explored
2) We have ________ our bags for the upcoming trip. ( ) traveled
3) They have ________ a cozy cabin in the mountains. ( ) packed
4) He has ________ to five different countries. ( ) admired
5) She has ________ unique souvenirs from every trip. ( ) collected
6) The tourists have ________ the stunning scenery. ( ) booked
7) We have ________ through challenging terrains. ( ) hiked
8) He has ________ breathtaking photos during his ( ) captured

B. Multiple choice: Choose the correct option for each sentence.

1. Sarah ________________ her passport and is ready for her trip.

a) packs b) has packed c) packed
2. They ________________ to several countries in South America.
a) travel b) have traveled c) traveled
3. He ________________ an exciting adventure in the Amazon rainforest.
a) has experienced b) experience c) experienced

4. The tourists ________________ the historic landmarks of the city.
a) visited b) visit c) have visited
5. She ________________ a collection of unique souvenirs from her journeys.
a) has collected b) collect c) collected
6. We ________________ our tickets for the concert next week.
a) buy b) have bought c) bought
7. Maria ________________ on a solo backpacking trip through Asia.
a) go b) has gone c) went
8. They ________________ the breathtaking views from the mountaintop.
a) have admired b) admire c) admired
9. The team ________________ together for team-building activities.
a) work b) worked c) has worked
10. He ________________ many incredible photos during his travels.
a) takes b) took c) has taken

A. Use the prompts to make questions with the present perfect and ever.
Use video chat Have you ever used video chat?

1. Buy anything online.

2. Lose your mobile phone.
3. Make a mobile call in English.
4. Do a dangerous sport.
5. Study in a foreign country.

B. Work in pairs and take turns. Ask and answer the questions in exercise A.
Cadet 1: Have you ever used video chat?
Cadet 2: Yes, I have… I often use video chat with my girlfriend in the USA.

READING: Experiences in Peru
A. Read the texts and circle true or false:
1. Exploring the Mysteries of Machu Picchu
For centuries, Machu Picchu has stood as an icon of ancient Incan civilization.
Travelers from various corners of the globe have explored its magnificent ruins,
surrounded by lush greenery and awe-inspiring mountain vistas. Many adventurers
have marveled at the ingenuity of Incan architects while wandering through the
intricate stone structures that remain shrouded in mystery.

1) Machu Picchu is a modern city. T/F

2) Travelers from all over the world have visited Machu Picchu's ruins. T/F
3) Machu Picchu is located in a barren desert landscape. T/F
4) The stone structures have no historical significance. T/F
5) Incan architects are known for their innovative designs. T/F

2. Discovering the Rich Cultural Heritage

Peru's cities and towns are a melting pot of cultural influences, and visitors have
experienced the diversity firsthand. From the bustling markets of Cusco to the
traditional festivals in Lima, travelers have witnessed the vibrant tapestry of Peruvian
life. Many have participated in colorful parades and celebrations, embracing the
warmth and hospitality of the local people.

1) Peru's cities and towns reflect a diverse blend of cultural influences. T/F
2) Visitors have only heard about the cultural diversity in Peru, but they haven't
experienced it. T/F
3) Cusco's markets are known for their tranquility and calm atmosphere. T/F
4) Travelers have observed the lively and varied aspects of Peruvian life. T/F
5) Some tourists have avoided participating in the local parades due to shyness.

GRAMMAR 1: “Present Perfect” (since - for)
A. Study the chart.

B. Fill in the blanks with FOR or SINCE.

1. Dyana has studied French at Alliance Française___________________ 2019.

2. Mr. Diaz and I haven’t seen our families ______________________ two months.
3. The judge has worked in this case ________________________________ last year.
4. Captain Aguirre has spent his vacation in Orlando ____________ February14th.
5. We have been in class ___________________ 8:00 o’clock.
6. My mother hasn't visited her hometown __________ a decade.
7. Alice and Candy have been friends _______ they were in high school.
8. He has worked at that company _________ five years.
9. We haven't gone on a vacation ________ last summer.

C. Choose "for" or "since" to complete the sentences

1. They have been best friends ________ years. a) since b) for

2. I haven't visited my grandparents ______ a long time. a) since b) for
3. She has worked at the company ______ five months. a) since b) for
4. We haven't seen each other ______ our school days. a) since b) for
5. They have known each other ______ they were kids. a) since b) for
6. I haven't played the piano ________ a very long time. a) since b) for
7. She has been a member of the club ______ three years. a) since b) for
8. We haven't been to that restaurant ________ last year. a) since b) for

GRAMMAR 2: “Present Perfect” (just – yet – still - already)
A. Study the chart.

B. Select "already" or "yet" to complete the sentences

1. Have you ____________ finished your homework? a) already b) yet

2. Lieutenant Zegarra hasn't eaten lunch __________. a) already b) yet

3. They have ________ booked their flights for the trip. a) already b) yet

4. I've _________ seen that movie twice this month. a) already b) yet

5. Has he _________ visited the new museum downtown? a) already b) yet

6. She hasn't __________ bought a birthday gift for her sister. a) already b) yet

7. Have you ________ visited the art gallery on Main Street? a) already b) yet

8. We've _______ had dinner, so we can watch the movie now. a) already b) yet

9. They haven't ____ finished their project for the presentation. a) already b) yet

10. He's ____ read three chapters of the new novel. a) already b) yet

C. Complete the sentences with "just" or "still".

1. She has __________ finished her project.

2. They haven't ________ arrived at the party.
3. She has _________ finished her meal.
4. They _________ haven't started the presentation.
5. He _________ hasn't called back.
6. I've ________ taken a shower.
7. The cake _________ hasn't been cut.
8. I've __________ completed my training for the day.
9. The train ___________ hasn't left the station.
10. He __________ hasn't decided which movie to watch.

Read the dialog and practice with your partner.
John: Hey, Sarah! How's your day been?

Sarah: Hi, John! It's been busy. I've just finished a big presentation at work.

John: That sounds exciting. Have you already received any feedback on it?

Sarah: Yes, I have. My manager told me that I've done a great job. I'm calmed to hear that!

John: That's awesome! By the way, have you had lunch yet?

Sarah: No, not yet. I'm planning to eat something in a moment.

John: Sounds good. On the other hand, how long have you lived in this neighborhood?

Sarah: I've lived here for about three years now. I moved in since I started my new job.

John: You've adjusted well to the area.

Sarah: Absolutely. It's been a great experience so far.

Structure Examples
Affirmative (+) Subject + Modal verb (Must) + All passengers must wear
Must Main verb (Base Form) + seat bells.
Personal obligation Complement.
Negative (-) Subject + Modal verb (-) You mustn’t use your
Mustn´t or must (Mustn’t) + Main verb (Base mobile phone while you
not Form) + Complement. are driving.
Needn’t = need not Subject + Modal verb (-) You needn’t work today. It
It is not necessary (needn’t) + Main verb (Base is holiday.
to do it. Form) + Complement.

REVIEW THE GRAMMAR 2: Comparative and Superlative

tall taller (than) the tallest
SYLLABLE fast faster (than) the fastest
ADJECTIVES large larger (than) the largest

hot hotter (than) the hottest

big bigger (than) the biggest

easy easier (than) the easiest

TWO happy happier (than) the happiest

SYLLABLES modern more modern (than) the most modern

difficult more difficult (than) the most difficult

IRREGULAR good better (than) the best
ADJECTIVES bad worse (than) the worst

REVIEW THE GRAMMAR 2: Will – Be going to

REVIEW THE GRAMMAR 2: Present Perfect

A. Choose the correct modal verb from the options to complete each sentence:

1. You ___________ carry an umbrella. It might rain later.

a) mustn't
b) needn't
c) must
2. She ___________ forget to buy some bread on her way home.
a) mustn't
b) needn't
c) must
3. Students ___________ complete the assignment by tomorrow.
a) mustn't
b) needn't
c) must
4. We ___________ worry about parking; there's plenty of space.
a) mustn't
b) needn't
c) must
5. He ___________ check his email for updates.
a) mustn't
b) needn't
c) must

B. Rewrite the following sentences using "must," "mustn't," or "needn't," as


1. It's important for you to clean your room. (use "must")

2. You are not allowed to arrive late for the meeting. (use "mustn't")
3. It's not necessary for you to bring your own laptop. (use "needn't")
4. It's necessary for her to study hard for the future test. (use "must")
5. He is not allowed to share his password with anyone. (use "mustn't")
6. You are not required to wear formal outfit to the party. (use "needn't")
7. She should avoid eating too much sugar. (use "must")
8. You are not required to bring a gift to the meeting. (use "needn't")

C. Complete the sentence the correct form of the adjective in parentheses.

1. Lucy is ___________________ (intelligent) student in her class, and she always gets
________________ (good) grades.
2. The weather in Florida is usually ___________________ (warm) than in Maine, but
today it's even ___________________ (hot).
3. This is the ___________________ (delicious) cake I've ever tasted, and the frosting is
even ___________________ (sweet) than the cake itself.
4. The concert last night was ___________________ (loud) than the one we attended
last month, but the sound quality was ___________________ (good) this time.
5. The museum has an impressive collection of artworks, including some of the
___________________ (famous) paintings in history.

D. Choose the correct option for each sentence.

1. Detective Harris: "The suspects have been acting suspiciously. I believe they
__________________ attempt a robbery soon." A) will B) are going to
2. Officer Ramirez: "I forgot my lunch at home. I guess I ______________________________
grab something from the cafeteria later." A) will B) am going to
3. Mayor Davis: "We _________ organize a community event next month to reinforce
our relationship with the neighborhood." A) will B) are going to
4. Officer Lee: "I already have the evidence. I _____________________ present it to the
chief during the meeting." A) will B) am going to
5. Detective Bennett: "The witness saw the suspect fleeing the scene. I think he ___
be hiding in the nearby woods." A) will B) is going to
6. Officer Quispe: "I'm tired of this paperwork. I think I ___ finish it tomorrow
morning." A) will B) am going to
7. Chief Anderson: "Our team ___ conduct a training session on cybercrime for the
officers next week." A) will B) is going to
8. Officer Martinez: "I just received a call about a possible burglary in progress. I
_________________ need backup." A) will B) am going to
9. Detective Carter: "The suspect left behind some fingerprints. We ___ analyze
them to find a match." A) will B) are going to
10. Officer Reynolds: "I have an appointment with the police psychologist. I ___
discuss my stress management techniques." A) will B) am going to

E. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word ("for," "since," "already," "yet," "just,"
or "still")

1. The suspect has __________ escaped from custody.

2. Have you seen the investigation videotape __________?
3. We haven't received the forensic results __________.
4. The officers __________ apprehended the suspect.
5. The missing evidence has __________ not been found.
6. The new recruits have __________ completed their training.
7. The informant has __________ provided us with valuable information.
8. The suspect's Wanda has not been confirmed __________.
9. The forensic team has __________ gathered valuable DNA evidence.
10. The stolen goods have __________ not been located.
11. The victim's statement has __________ been recorded.
12. The suspect hasn't been interrogated __________.
13. The evidence has been processed __________ the crime lab.
14. The officers have __________ apprehended the suspect.

F. Complete the following dialogues using the words in parentheses.

a) Officer Hidalgo: Have you _____________________ completed your report? (already)

b) Officer Juarez: Yes, I _______________________ finished it this morning.

a) Officer Anderson: Have you heard about the recent break-in? (yet)
b) Officer Martinez: No, I haven't heard anything ______________________.

a) Sergeant Huanca: We need to gather more evidence. (for)

b) Detective Milla: We've been collecting evidence __________ a few days now.

a) Officer Torres: Has the suspect confessed _________________________? (just)

b) Officer Medina: Yes, he ____________________________ admitted to the crime.

Past Participle
N° Base Form Past Form Translation
01 Be Was/Were Been Ser o estar
02 Beat Beat Beaten Golpear
03 Become Became Become Llegar a ser
04 Begin Began Begun Empezar
05 Bite Bit Bitten Morder
06 Blow Blew Blown Soplar
07 Break Broke Broken Romper
08 Bring Brought Brought Traer
09 Build Built Built Construir
10 Catch Caught Caught Atrapar
11 Choose Chose Chosen Escoger
12 Come Came Come Venir
13 Cost Cost Cost Costar
14 Cut Cut Cut Cortar
15 Draw Drew Drawn Dibujar
16 Drink Drank Drunk Beber
17 Drive Drove Driven Conducir
18 Eat Ate Eaten Comer
19 Fall Fell Fallen Caer
20 Feel Felt Felt Sentir
21 Fight Fought Fought Pelear
22 Find Found Found Encontrar
23 Fly Flew Flown Volar
24 Forget Forgot Forgotten Olvidar
25 Get Got Gotten Conseguir
26 Give Gave Given Dar
27 Go Went Gone Ir
28 Grow Grew Grown Crecer
29 Have Had Had Tener
30 Hear Heard Heard Oir
31 Hide Hid Hidden Escoger
32 Hit Hit Hit Chocar
33 Hold Held Held Sostener
34 Hurt Hurt Hurt Herir
35 Keep Kept Kept Mantener
36 Know Knew Known Conocer
37 Leave Left Left Salir, dejar
38 Lend Lent Lent Prestar
39 Let Let Let Permitir
40 Lose Lost Lost Perder
41 Make Made Made Hacer, realizer

42 Mean Meant Meant Significar
43 Meet Met Met Conocer
44 Pay Paid Paid Pagar
45 Put Put Put Poner
46 Quit Quit Quit Salir
47 Read Read Read Leer
48 Ride Rode Ridden Montar, manejar
49 Ring Rang Rung Sonar
50 Run Ran Run Correr
51 Say Said Said Decir
52 See Saw Seen Ver
53 Sell Sold Sold Vender
54 Send Sent Sent Enviar
55 Shoot Shot Shot Disparar
56 Show Showed Shown Mostrar
57 Shut Shut Shut Cerrar
58 Sing Sang Sung Cantar
59 Sit Sat Sat Sentarse
60 Sleep Slept Slept Dormir
61 Speak Spoke Spoken Hablar
62 Spend Spent Spent Gastar
63 Stand Stood Stood Ponerse de pie
64 Steal Stole Stolen Robar
65 Swim Swam Swum Nadar
66 Take Took Taken Tomar, llevar
67 Teach Taught Taught Enseñar
68 Tell Told Told Contar, decir
69 Think Thought Thought Pensar
70 Throw Threw Thrown Arrojar, tirar
71 Understand Understood Understood Comprender
72 Wake Woke Woken Despertarse
73 Write Wrote Written Escribir


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