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Coordinación de Inglés

UNIDAD DE COMPETENCIA ASOCIADA: Utilizar tiempo presente y pasado para describir
situaciones de nivel básico para comunicarse en un entorno laboral y social con expresiones y
vocabulario afín, de acuerdo con el nivel CEFR A2.

Nombre de la Unidad de Aprendizaje: HOW TO DESCRIBE YOUR WORK


Conocimientos Aprendizajes Procedimentales

1. Word order y Grammar Review,:  Utiliza estructuras gramaticales presentes y

pasadas más complementos gramaticales, de uso
 Presente Simple y Continuo, cotidiano en el entorno laboral para redactar
Pasado Verbo “to be” y Pasado Simple, párrafos breves, según caso dado, de acuerdo al
Adjetivos, Preposiciones y Conectores. nivel CEFR A2.

 Identifica la idea principal de textos en tiempo

2. Writing E-mails: Presente y Pasado Simple apoyándose en el
contexto para utilizarlo como fuente de información
 Uso, formato formal y vocabulario y opinión según caso dado, de acuerdo al nivel
a fin. CEFR A2.

4. Vocabulario y Expresiones:
 Identifica la estructura, formato y redacción
Inglés formal, tipos de saludos y formal de e-mails y notas formales comunes en el
despedidas, notas y mensajes. ámbito laboral, de acuerdo al nivel CEFR A2.

 Redacta e-mails breves utilizando plantillas

de redacción, frases comunes en el ámbito laboral
más complementos gramaticales en tiempo
Presente y Pasado, de acuerdo al nivel CEFR A2.

Aprendizajes actitudinales:

 Ejecuta su trabajo de forma responsable y

autónoma, en base a una planificación previa.

Coordinación de Inglés


Before we start:

Read the police report . Look ar the highligter grammar examples:

1. Now read the sentences. Choose the correct words in italics. The highlighted grammar
examples will help you:

a) We can stay at this hotel and/ or we can look for a better one.
b) Both Sony and / or Philips produce electrical goods.
c) I left my job so / because I was getting bored with the work.
d) While/ when we turned on the light, we noticed the broken window.
e) Please wait here until the dentist will be / is ready for you.
f) During/ while we were having dinner at the restaurant, it started to rain.
g) You have to buy a ticket at the machine before getting / get on the bus.

Coordinación de Inglés

We can use AND / BUT / OR to join two sentences. We put them between the sentences:

Sentence A Sentence B

We stayed at home AND Watched TV.

My sister is married AND Lives in Santiago.

He doesn´t like her, AND She doesn´t like him.

I bought a sandwich, BUT I didn´t like it.

It´s a nice house, BUT It doesn´t have a garden.

Do you want to go out, OR Are you too tired?

After AND and OR we don´t need to repeat the subject ( I, he, you , etc) or the auxiliary / model

I washed up AND ( I ) put the dishes away.

I can wash up OR ( I can ) put the dishes

We don´t need to repeat the verb if it is the same in both sentences:

I made a cake AND ( I made ) some biscuits.

Would you like some tea OR (Would you like)

We repeat the subject ( I he, she, we , etc) after BUT:

I want to go BUT I haven´t finished my homework


Coordinación de Inglés


1. Complete the sentences with AND / BUT / OR:

a) I booked the flights AND I found a great hotel!

b) I booked the flights _____ I couldn´t find a hotel.
c) I know the answer ________ will not tell you.
d) We rushed to the station __________ the train had gone.
e) The bus was crowded ____________ I managed to get in.
f) This Sunday we can go for a picnic __________visit Uncle James.
g) I think he will come, ___________I am not sure.
h) I called ____________he did not answer.
i) If you want it, come _________ get it.
j) Most people work by day ___________sleep at night.

2. Write sentences. Choose from the boxes and use AND / BUT / OR.

I stayed at home I didn´t have your number.

I bought a sandwich. I didn´t eat it.
I went to the window. I went by bus this morning.
I jumped into the river. I swam to the other side.
I usually drive to work. I looked out.
I wanted to call you. I watched TV all day

a) _________________________________________________________________
b) _________________________________________________________________
c) _________________________________________________________________
d) _________________________________________________________________
e) _________________________________________________________________
f) _________________________________________________________________

Coordinación de Inglés

3. Read the sentences and choose the correct alternative:

I really like this company _______ I don´t like my boss.

a) And
b) But
c) Or

The company shares are rising _________ the directors are happy.

a) And
b) But
c) Or

Kate gave a good presentation _________ the customers agreed with the conditions.

a) And
b) But
c) Or

This year our earnings are getting better _______ better.

a) And
b) But
c) Or

The goods are delayed, I called the supplier _______ he didn´t answer.

a) And
b) But
c) Or

What is the best price $ 10 _____$ 11 dolars.?

a) And
b) But
c) Or

Coordinación de Inglés




 Dear Sir/ Madam,

 Dear Sir or Madam,
 To whom it may concern:}
 Dear Mr/ Ms Jones,
 Dear Dr Smith,
(Note: First names are NOT used. Using Miss or
Mrs to address a woman is not appropriate, as
you don’t know whether she’s married or not)


 I am writing to make a reservation/ to apply

for the position of…/ to confirm my booking/ to
ask for further information about …
 I am writing with regard to the sale of …/
to the complaint you made on 29th February
 Thank you for your e-mail of 29th February
regarding the sale of… / concerning the
conference in Brussels.
 With reference to our telephone
conversation on Friday, I would like to let you
know that…



 Could you please let me know if you can

attend … / if you are available for a meeting on
12th December?
 I would appreciate it if you could please
send me a brochure/ if you could please reply
within two days.
 Could you possibly arrange a meeting with
the Logistics Manager?
 I would also like to know if there are any
swimming pools in your area.
 Please let me know how much the tickets

Coordinación de Inglés

 I am attaching my CV for your

 I am sending you the brochure as an
 Please see the statement attached.
 Please find attached the file you requested.
 I am afraid I cannot open the file you have
sent me.
 Could you send it again in … format?


 I look forward to hearing from you.

 I look forward to hearing when you are
planning to visit our town.


 Yours faithfully, (when you start with Dear

Sir/ Madam,)
 Yours sincerely, (when you start with the
name Ex: Dear Ms Collins)
 Sincerely Yours, (AmE)
 Sincerely, (AmE)
 Yours Truly, (AmE)

Coordinación de Inglés


1. Look at the e-mail below and consider these questions:

a) Who is the sender? The receiver?


b) Is there a signature? a disclaimer?


c) Is the subject line filled in?


d) Is the importance option used?


e) Is the e-mail copied to anyone else (using the bcc (blind carbon copy) or cc (carbon copy)

f) What is the purpose of the e-mail?


g) What format would the attachment be in?


h) What is the receiver expected to do?

Coordinación de Inglés


2. Some companies have guidelines on how staff should use e-mails. Look at these
following extract from the guidelines of Travel Express. Complete the gaps using words from
the context section.

1. Make sure you have the _______´s e-mail address correct. It´s easy to send an e-mail to
the wrong person!

2. Use the _____________only if someone else needs to be kept informed or to take action.

3. Include the following information in your ________: your name, job title, company name
and telephone number.

4. The company´s website address and a legal _______ are sometimes automatically added
to all outgoing messages.

5. Make sure that the ________ clearly describes what the e-mail is about and is free of

6. If you need to send an ___________. First check with the receiver that the format (word,
excel etc.) and file size are appropriate.

7. Use the bcc field instead of the ____________ field to avoid having large number of names
in the e-mail header, and avoid making e-mail addresses known to other people.

8. Only use the _______ (high priority) if your e-mail requires quick action, or if others need
to receive information from you ungently.


Giving the reason for writing Making reference to Making reference to future
previous contact contact
 We wish to inform you  With reference to (ex:  I hope to hear from you
about a change in our prices. recent phone call) … soon.
 Just wondering if you  I reply to your last e-  If you would like any
could help me. * mail. additional information please
 I am writing in reply to…  I was really glad to do not hesitate to contact us.
 I am writing concerning… hear…  If you have any
 I am writing with regard to  I saw your questions, please -mail or
( ex: you latest brochure) advertisement in a website. phone me.
 Just a quick e-mail to  We understand from  I enyoyed meeting you
remind you about the sales your e-mail that you are and look forward to ( ex:
conference. interested in … working with you on the
*Informal phrase.

Coordinación de Inglés

3. Match the reasons for writing to the opening phrases below:

a) Inviting 1. Just wondering If you´d like to

b) Apologizing 2. On Behalf of Sandra Perez, I would like to thank you for …

c) Informing 3. I wish to apologize for not …

d) Requesting 4. I am writing to ask if you could …

e) Thanking 5. I am writing to complain about …

f) Complaining 6. This is just to let you know that …


4. Match these key terms with their definitions:

a) Nettiquette 1. Where you write the topic of your message.

b) Subject line 2. Type of electronic file ( ex: Word).
c) Attachment 3. Good- practice guidelines for e-mail.
d) To cc someone is 4. Your contact details below your e-mail.
e) Signature 5. A document e-mailed to someone.
f) Format 6. A folder containing messages for you to read.
g) In- tray 7. To copy your message to another person.


5. Put the words in the correct order to form sentences:

a) Your / from / I / writing / am / reply/ in/ to/ e-mail / June 5th

b) Look/ I / forward / to / your / receive / reply

c) Please / attached / find / a copy / catalogue / of / our

d) You/ thank / for / e-mail / your

e) you / if / have / questions / any / please/ not / do / hesitate / contact / to / me

f) for / I / writing / am / concerning / the / launch / product / week / next / scheduled

g) really / I'm / the / glad/ to / about / good news / hear

Coordinación de Inglés

6. Complete the e-mail using words and phrases from the preview exercises:

Subject: USEL´S product range
________ Ms. Martina:

I am writing 2 ________ regard 3_______ your advertisement in Business

I would be grateful if you 4 ________ send me some information about your
latest product range.

I 5 ____________ forward to 6 _________ from you shortly.

Yours 7__________,
Petra Harmer.

7. Complete the How to … box with the headings ( a - d ):

a) Start a formal email.

b) Finish a formal email.
c) Ask for the exact information you need.
d) Say your main reason for writing.

Coordinación de Inglés
8. Choose 2 of the 6 situations and write an e-mail for each one according to the information


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