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SEDE: Principal Guía 2 (excepcional) – IV Período

Áreas de la bina: Inglés Básico y lenguaje

701,702,703,704,705 Asignaturas: Inglés

Semana : Noviembre 8 a Noviembre 23

Competencia: Ide n t if ic a e st ru ct ura s bá sic as de l t ie m po p re se n te si m pl e , pas ado

sim p le , u so de C AN Y s upe r lat iv o s y co m p ara tiv o s re pa san do alg un o s a spe cto s y
h acie n do e je r ci cio s de co m pre n si ó n le ct o ra.
DBA: Comprende discursos orales producidos con un Ejes temáticos: Simple present, simple past. Can.
objetivo determinado en diversos contextos sociales Superlatives and comparatives.
escolares en inglés a través de ejercicios de
comprensión lectora.

Docentes: Patricia Molina–Germán Rodríguez

Patricia Molina: 3134660725 Los estudiantes que están en presencialidad deben entregar
German Rodríguez: 3142010375 en físico durante el proceso académico e interacción con el
docente, o como el docente lo indique en las clases.
Plazo máximo entrega: Noviembre 23


Las actividades deben ser desarrolladas por los estudiantes bajo la supervisión y acompañamiento de padres de
familia o acudientes.
• El trabajo debe presentarlo de forma cuidadosa, con buena ortografía y letra legible.
• En la fecha convenida y con el encuadre pedagógico.
• Debe resuelve la totalidad de la guía para ser enviada
Diligenciar el siguiente acuerdo pedagógico:

Fecha: _______________________

Yo ____________________________________________ identificado con numero de documento ___________________

estudiante del grado __________, y acompañado de mi acudiente _____________________________________________
identificado con CC: ________________, me comprometo a realizar las actividades de las clases de inglés básico y
acepto el acuerdo pedagógico socializado por los docentes en clase.
Firma Alumno: _____________________________
Firma Padre/ madre o acudiente ______________________________

El nuevo modelo de educación remota requiere la producción de material audiovisual (fotografías, videos, audios),
cuya finalidad será netamente pedagógica.
• Escribir y diligenciar el siguiente formato de autorización de imagen con sus padres de familia o acudiente
para el envío de trabajos con imágenes y videos propios.
Atendiendo al ejercicio de la Patria Potestad, establecido en el Código Civil Colombiano en su artículo 288, el
artículo 24 del Decreto 2820 de 1974 y la Ley de Infancia y Adolescencia, la institución Educativa Técnica Francisco
Manzanera Henríquez solicita la autorización escrita del padre/madre de familia o acudiente del (la)
estudiante____________________________________________________, identificado(a) con tarjeta de identidad
número____________________, estudiante de la Institución para que aparezca en grabaciones o imágenes con fines
pedagógicos que se realizaran en las actividades de clase y proyecto de aula.
Firma: _____________________________________ ___________________
Nombre del padre/madre de familia o acudiente Cédula de ciudadanía
Firma: _____________________________________ ___________________
Nombre del estudiante Tarjeta de Identidad

Exploration activity what I must know Lo que debo saber….

Se debe saber lo relacionado con el verbo to be en presente simple y el manejo de otros verbos como
play, dance, read, write etc en tiempo present simple como en pasado simple.
The simple present reading has many verbs in the simple present. Read the passage and answer the
questions at the bottom:
Tom’s Job
Tom works at a bank. He is the manager. He starts work every day at 8:00 am. He finishes work every day at 6:00 pm.
He lives very close to the bank. He walks to work every day. His brother and sister also work at the bank. But, they do
not live close to the bank. They drive cars to work. They start work at 9:00 am. In the bank, Tom is the boss. He helps all
the workers and tells them what to do. He likes his job. He is also very good at his job. Many customers like Tom, and
they say hello to him when they come to the bank. Tom likes to talk to the customers and make them feel happy. Tom
really likes his job.
Activity 1
1. Question: 1. What time does Tom start work?
a. 9.00 am
b. 8:00 am
2. Question 2. Does Tom drive a car to work?
a. No
b. Yes
3. Question: 3. Does Tom live close to the bank?
a. No
b. Yes
4. Question: 4. Does Tom talk to customers?
a. No
b. Yes
5. Question: 5. How does Tom feel about his job?
a. Good
b. Bad
Activity 2
Verb to Be Test
1. Question: Fill in the spaces with am, is, or are.

1. I _______ happy. A. am B. is C. are

2. She ________ tall. A. am B. is C. are
3. We ______ students. A. am B. is C. are
4. They _____ Japanese. A. am B. is C. are
5. It _____________ hot. A. am B. is C. are
6. Donald ______ a doctor. A. am B. is C. are
7. He _____ short. A. am B. is C. are
8. I _____ from India. A. am B. is C. are
9. The boy______ hungry. A. am B. is C. are
10. We_______ sleepy. A. am B. is C. are

Simple Past Reading

Yesterday Debbie had a job interview. She went downtown to the company. The interview was for an accounting
job. Debbie graduated university 3 months ago.
Her interview was at 10:00 am. She woke up at 7:00 am and left her house before 8:00 am. She waited for the bus, but
it was late. She was very worried because she did not want to be late for the interview. She tried to phone the
company to warn them, but her phone battery was dead.
When the bus arrived, it was almost 9:00 am. Then the bus was slow because there were many other cars. The bus
finally arrived at Debbie’s stop at 9:45 am.
Debbie ran from the bus stop to the office building. When she entered she saw a sign that said the company was on
the 24th floor. The elevator ride took almost 5 minutes because many people stopped at different floors.
When Debbie arrived at reception, it was 9:58. She was in time!
“I am here to see Mrs. Lewis” said Debbie.
The receptionist checked her book and replied:
“She is not here today. What is your name please?”
“My name is Debbie Gregson.”
“Sorry Debbie, but your appointment is tomorrow.”
Debbie checked her agenda. It was true. She was there on the wrong day!
Activity 3
Answer the questions with information from the reading.
1. What time did Debbie wake up?_______________________________________________________________
2. When did the bus arrive at the stop?____________________________________________________________
3. Was Debbie late? (Yes/No)_____________________________________________________________________
4. Did Debbie go on the correct day? (Yes/No)____________________________________________________

Comparative Adjectives Test

Comparative adjectives are used to compare two things in English. They can use “er” or “more”.
Activiy 4
1. Question
Good: a. More better b. Better
2. Question
Fast: a. More fast b. Faster
3. Question
Beautiful: a. Beautifuler b. More beautiful
4. Question
Bad: a. Worse b. More bad
5. Question
Old: a. Older b. More old
6. Question
Dangerous: a. Dangerouser b. More dangerous
7. Question
Happy: a. More happy b. Happier
8. Question
Cheap: a. Cheaper b. More cheap
9. Question
Hungry: a. Hungrier b. More hungry
10. Question
Expensive: a. Expensiver b. More expensive

Superlative Adjectives Test

Superlative adjectives are used to compare two things in English. This superlative adjectives test checks your
understanding of when to use “est” and when to use “most”.
Activity 5
the tallest
1. Big _____________________________ 2. Interesting ______________________
3. Crazy __________________________ 4. Beautiful _______________________
5. Old ____________________________ 6. Intelligent ______________________
7. Great __________________________ 8. Soft ____________________________
9. Small __________________________ 10. Exciting _______________________

Can for Ability

Can is used to show ability. Let’s look at an example. These sentences show the abilities of Jane:
Affirmative sentence:
1. Jane can play the piano.
2. Jane can swim.
Negative sentence:
1. Jane can’t play the piano
2. Jane can’t swim
Interrogative form:
1. Can Jane play the piano? Yes, she can no, She can’t
2. Can Jane swim? Yes, She can no. she can’t


Simple Present Questions Test

Part 1
Fill in the spaces with the correct words for the simple present sentences. The options are “do“, “does“, is“, “are“,
“am“, “Who“, “What“, “Where“, “When“, “Why“, and “How“.

1. Where __________ you live? 2. ______________you a student? 3. __________ she have a sister?
4. When _______ the class? 5. ___________ time is it? 6. ______ is your favourite singer?
7. Why _______ it red? 8. ______________ the children want something to eat?
9. __________ they ready? 10. ______________ does the game start? 11. ________ is your name?
12. Where _____________ the washroom? 13. ________you like jazz music? 14. ____ many brothers do you have?
15. What _________ you want to eat for lunch? 16. _________ she live in Mexico?

17. __________ are my keys? I can't find them. 18. _________ we need more juice?
19. __________ the laptop broken? 20. Why _________ you angry?

Past Tense

Tenga en cuenta la siguiente table con verbos:

Base Verb Past Tense Verb
Be -Was, Were
Can -Could
Have -Had
Do -Did
Go -Went
Say -Said
Take -Took
Make -Made
Know -Knew
Eat -Ate
Run -Ran
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the simple past verb.
Part 2
1. I _________ (play) video games last night.
2. Michael ________________ (jump) on the sofa.
3. We _______________ (go) to school yesterday.
4. Dana __________ (watch) a movie yesterday.
5. Last night, it _______________ (rain) very hard.
6. He ____________ (write) his name on the book.
7. The computer __________ (break) 2 weeks ago.
8. The girls _____________ (make) a sand castle at the beach last weekend.
9. I __________________- (open) the door 3 minutes ago.
10. He _________________ (forget) his jacket at his house.
Part 3
Fill in the blanks with “did”, “was”, or “were”.
1. __________________ you play soccer yesterday? A. did B. was C. were
2. ____________________ you early for class today? A. did B. was C. were
3. What time _____________ she go home last night? A. did B. was C. were
4. Where ______________________ my hat yesterday? A. did B. was C. were
5. __________________ he have lunch today? A. did B. was C. were
6. Why __________________ you sad in the morning? A. did B. was C. were
7. Who ______________________ the winner? A. did B. was C. were
8. ____________________ they hungry before lunch? A. did B. was C. were
9. _________________ the movie have good actors? A. did B. was C. were
10. ____________________________ the movie funny? A. did B. was C. were
Part 4
Using Modal verb: Can in order to express ability
Escriba 10 oraciones usando EL verbo modal CAN, expresando habilidad, siga los ejemplos que se presentaron
con anterioridad. En Affirmative, negative and interrogative form)
Affirmative form Negative form Interrogative form
I can run I can’t run Can I run?
1.________________________ 1. __________________________ 1._______________________________________
2.________________________ 2. __________________________ 2._______________________________________
3.________________________ 3. __________________________ 3._______________________________________
4.________________________ 4. __________________________ 4._______________________________________
5.________________________ 5. __________________________ 5._______________________________________
6.________________________ 6. __________________________ 6._______________________________________
7.________________________ 7. __________________________ 7._______________________________________
8.________________________ 8. __________________________ 8._______________________________________
9.________________________ 9. __________________________ 9._______________________________________
10._______________________ 10._________________________ 10.______________________________________

Part 5
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the “comparative adjective”.
Sr estudiante: Siga los ejemplos con se dieron con anterioridad:
1. The red jacket is ________________ (cheap) than the blue jacket.
2. The shoes are ___________________________ (nice) than the boots.
3. The pink socks are ___________________ (expensive) than the white socks.
4. The brown sweater is _________________ (good) than the blue sweater.
5. The chocolate looks _________________________ (bad) than the candy.
6. The radio is ____________________________ (new) than the DVD player.
7. The CDs are __________________________________ (old) than the DVDs.
8. These apples are _______________________ (bright) than those apples.
9. This dress is ______________________________ (beautiful) than that dress.
10. Those green tomatoes are ______________________ (sweet) than the red tomatoes.
Parte 6
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of “the superlative adjective”.
1. Her computer is the ____________________ (new).
2. Those glasses are the ____________ (nice) in the store.
3. She is the ___________________________ (old) person in her family.
4. Mr. Kendrick is the ___________________ (good) teacher in the school.
5. My puppy is the ___________________ (young) of all my friends' dogs.
6. These books are the ________________________ (expensive) books in the store.
7. I am the _____________________ (bad) soccer player on the team.
8. These oranges are the ______________________ (sweet) type of orange.
9. He is the ____________________ (hard) worker in his company.
10. That was the __________________ (interesting) movie I have ever seen.

Objectives (You should know how to...) Red Yellow Green

1 Differentiate between present simple and past simple.
(Diferenciar entre presente simple y pasado simple.)

2 Understand grammatical rules of the present simple and past

simple( Aplicar reglas gramaticales de los tiempos Presente y
pasado simple)
3 Understand when You must use comparative and superlative

4. Use the modal verb CAN

continuous (Aplicar reglas gramaticales de los tiempos


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