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El 10 de diciembre de 1948, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas aprobó y proclamó
la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos, cuyos artículos figuran a continuación:

Artículo 1.- Artículo 21.-

Todos los seres humanos nacen libres e iguales en dignidad y derechos y (...) 1. Toda persona tiene derecho a participar en el gobierno de su país,
deben comportarse fraternalmente los unos con los otros. directamente o por medio de representantes libremente escogidos.
Artículo 2.- 2. Toda persona tiene el derecho de acceso, en condiciones de igualdad, a las
Toda persona tiene todos los derechos y libertades proclamados en esta funciones públicas de su país.
Declaración, sin distinción alguna de raza, color, sexo, idioma, religión, opinión 3. La voluntad del pueblo es la base de la autoridad del poder público; esta
política o de cualquier otra índole, origen nacional o social, posición económica, voluntad se expresará mediante elecciones auténticas que habrán de
nacimiento o cualquier otra condición. Además, no se hará distinción alguna celebrarse periódicamente, por sufragio universal e igual y por voto secreto
fundada en la condición política, jurídica o internacional del país o territorio de u otro procedimiento equivalente que garantice la libertad del voto.
cuya jurisdicción dependa una persona (...). Artículo 22.-
Artículo 3.- Toda persona (...) tiene derecho a la seguridad social, y a obtener, (...) habida
Todo individuo tiene derecho a la vida, a la libertad y a la seguridad de su cuenta de la organización y los recursos de cada Estado, la satisfacción de los
derechos económicos, sociales y culturales, indispensables a su dignidad y al
Artículo 4.-
Nadie estará sometido a esclavitud ni a servidumbre; la esclavitud y la trata de libre desarrollo de su personalidad.
esclavos están prohibidas en todas sus formas. Artículo 23.-
Artículo 5.- 1. Toda persona tiene derecho al trabajo, a la libre elección de su trabajo, a
Nadie será sometido a torturas ni a penas o tratos crueles, inhumanos o condiciones equitativas y satisfactorias de trabajo y a la protección contra el
degradantes. desempleo.
Artículo 6.- 2. Toda persona tiene derecho, sin discriminación alguna, a igual salario por
Todo ser humano tiene derecho, en todas partes, al reconocimiento de su trabajo igual.
personalidad jurídica. 3. Toda persona que trabaja tiene derecho a una remuneración equitativa y
Artículo 7.- satisfactoria, que le asegure, así como a su familia, una existencia conforme
Todos son iguales ante la ley y tienen, sin distinción, derecho a igual protección a la dignidad humana y que será completada, en caso necesario, por
de la ley. Todos tienen derecho a igual protección contra toda discriminación cualesquiera otros medios de protección social.
que infrinja esta Declaración (...). 4. Toda persona tiene derecho a fundar sindicatos y a sindicarse para la defensa
Artículo 8.- de sus intereses.
Toda persona tiene derecho a un recurso efectivo, ante los tribunales Artículo 24.-
nacionales competentes, que la ampare contra actos que violen sus derechos Toda persona tiene derecho al descanso, al disfrute del tiempo libre, a una
fundamentales (...). limitación razonable de la duración del trabajo y a vacaciones periódicas
Artículo 9.- pagadas.
Nadie podrá ser arbitrariamente detenido, preso ni desterrado. Artículo 25.-
Artículo 10.- 1. Toda persona tiene derecho a un nivel de vida adecuado que le asegure, así
Toda persona tiene derecho, en condiciones de plena igualdad, a ser oída como a su familia, la salud y el bienestar, y en especial la alimentación, el
públicamente y con justicia por un tribunal independiente e imparcial, para la vestido, la vivienda, la asistencia médica y los servicios sociales necesarios;
determinación de sus derechos y obligaciones o para el examen de cualquier tiene asimismo derecho a los seguros en caso de desempleo, enfermedad,
acusación contra ella en materia penal.
invalidez, viudez, vejez u otros casos de pérdida de sus medios de
Artículo 11.-
1. Toda persona acusada de delito tiene derecho a que se presuma su inocencia subsistencia por circunstancias independientes de su voluntad.
mientras no se pruebe su culpabilidad (...). 2. La maternidad y la infancia tienen derecho a cuidados y asistencia especiales.
2. Nadie será condenado por actos u omisiones que en el momento de Todos los niños, nacidos de matrimonio o fuera de matrimonio, tienen derecho
cometerse no fueron delictivos según el Derecho nacional o internacional. a igual protección social.
Tampoco se impondrá pena más grave que la aplicable en el momento de Artículo 26.-
la comisión del delito. 1. Toda persona tiene derecho a la educación. La educación debe ser gratuita,
Artículo 12.- al menos en lo concerniente a la instrucción elemental y fundamental. La
Nadie será objeto de injerencias arbitrarias en su vida privada, su familia, su instrucción elemental será obligatoria. La instrucción técnica y profesional
domicilio o su correspondencia, ni de ataques a su honra o a su reputación. Toda habrá de ser generalizada; el acceso a los estudios superiores será igual
persona tiene derecho a la protección de la ley contra tales injerencias o ataques. para todos, en función de los méritos respectivos.
Artículo 13.- 2. La educación tendrá por objeto el pleno desarrollo de la personalidad humana
1. Toda persona tiene derecho a circular libremente y a elegir su residencia y el fortalecimiento del respeto a los derechos humanos y a las libertades
en el territorio de un Estado. fundamentales; favorecerá la comprensión, la tolerancia y la amistad entre
2. Toda persona tiene derecho a salir de cualquier país, incluso del propio, y todas las naciones y todos los grupos étnicos o religiosos, y promoverá el
a regresar a su país. desarrollo de las actividades de las Naciones Unidas para el mantenimiento
Artículo 14.- de la paz.
1. En caso de persecución, toda persona tiene derecho a buscar asilo, y a 3. Los padres tendrán derecho preferente a escoger el tipo de educación que
disfrutar de él, en cualquier país. habrá de darse a sus hijos.
2. Este derecho no podrá ser invocado contra una acción judicial realmente Artículo 27.-
originada por delitos comunes o por actos opuestos a los propósitos y 1. Toda persona tiene derecho a tomar parte libremente en la vida cultural de
principios de las Naciones Unidas. la comunidad, a gozar de las artes y a participar en el progreso científico y
Artículo 15.- en los beneficios que de él resulten.
1. Toda persona tiene derecho a una nacionalidad. 2. Toda persona tiene derecho a la protección de los intereses morales y
2. A nadie se privará arbitrariamente de su nacionalidad ni del derecho a
cambiar de nacionalidad. materiales que le correspondan por razón de las producciones científicas,
Artículo 16.- literarias o artísticas de que sea autora.
1. Los hombres y las mujeres, a partir de la edad núbil, tienen derecho, sin Artículo 28.-
restricción alguna por motivos de raza, nacionalidad o religión, a casarse y Toda persona tiene derecho a que se establezca un orden social e internacional
fundar una familia (...). en el que los derechos y libertades proclamados en esta Declaración se hagan
2. Solo mediante libre y pleno consentimiento de los futuros esposos podrá plenamente efectivos.
contraerse el matrimonio. Artículo 29.-
3. La familia es el elemento natural y fundamental de la sociedad y tiene derecho 1. Toda persona tiene deberes respecto a la comunidad (...).
a la protección de la sociedad y del Estado. 2. En el ejercicio de sus derechos y en el disfrute de sus libertades, toda persona
Artículo 17.- estará solamente sujeta a las limitaciones establecidas por la ley con el único
1. Toda persona tiene derecho a la propiedad, individual y colectivamente. fin de asegurar el reconocimiento y el respeto de los derechos y libertades
2. Nadie será privado arbitrariamente de su propiedad. de los demás, y de satisfacer las justas exigencias de la moral, del orden
Artículo 18.- público y del bienestar general en una sociedad democrática.
Toda persona tiene derecho a la libertad de pensamiento, de conciencia y de 3. Estos derechos y libertades no podrán, en ningún caso, ser ejercidos en
religión (...). oposición a los propósitos y principios de las Naciones Unidas.
Artículo 19.- Artículo 30.-
Todo individuo tiene derecho a la libertad de opinión y de expresión (...). Nada en esta Declaración podrá interpretarse en el sentido de que confiere
Artículo 20.- derecho alguno al Estado, a un grupo o a una persona, para emprender y
1. Toda persona tiene derecho a la libertad de reunión y de asociación pacíficas. desarrollar actividades (...) tendientes a la supresión de cualquiera de los
2. Nadie podrá ser obligado a pertenecer a una asociación. derechos y libertades proclamados en esta Declaración.
ar y
o ok
y B
i t
c tiv

My first name is

My last name is

My school is

My address is
Título de la obra

Activity Book
Es complemento con CHEER UP ELEMENTARY 2
Student's Book
© Derechos de autor reservados y registrados LEY DE LUCHA CONTRA LA PIRATERÍA LEY 28289

© Derechos de edición, arte gráfico y diagramación TÍTULO VII

reservados y registrados conforme a ley DELITOS CONTRA LOS DERECHOS INTELECTUALES
Coordinadora general del área: Reproducción, difusión, distribución y circulación de la obra sin
Lic. Flor Amanda Oyola Gabriel la autorización del autor.

Diseño, diagramación y corrección: Artículo 217.o.- Será reprimido con pena privativa de
Editorial Escuela Activa S.A. libertad no menor de dos ni mayor de seis años y con treinta
a noventa días-multa, el que con respecto a una obra, una
interpretación o ejecución artística, un fonograma o una emisión
Ilustración: o transmisión de radiodifusión, o una grabación audiovisual o
Banco de imágenes Editorial Escuela Activa S.A. una imagen fotográfica expresada en cualquier forma, realiza
alguno de los siguientes actos sin la autorización previa y
Editorial ESCUELA ACTIVA S.A. escrita del autor o titular de los derechos:
Jr. Pomabamba 325, Breña
Tels. 332 6314 332 6667 a. La modifique total o parcialmente.
Correo electrónico: b. La distribuya mediante venta, alquiler o préstamo
público. c. La comunique o difunda públicamente por cualquiera
de los medios o procedimientos reservados al titular del
Tiraje: 3500 ejemplares respectivo derecho.
d. La reproduzca, distribuya o comunique en mayor
Impreso en: número que el autorizado por escrito.
Corporación Gráfica Navarrete S.A.
Carretera Central 759 – km 2 La pena será no menor de cuatro años ni mayor de ocho
y con sesenta a ciento veinte días-multa, cuando el agente
Santa Anita, Lima – Perú la reproduzca total o parcialmente, por cualquier medio o
Tel. 362 0606 procedimiento y si la distribución se realiza mediante venta,
alquiler o préstamo al público u otra forma de transferencia de
la posesión del soporte que contiene la obra o producción que
supere las dos (2) Unidades Impositivas Tributarias, en forma
ISBN N.o 978-612-4348-97-6 fraccionada, en un solo acto o en diferentes actos de inferior
Proyecto Editorial N.o 31501051900868 importe cada uno.
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La Editorial se hace responsable por el rigor
académico del contenido del texto de acuerdo con
los principios de la Ley General de Educación.

What's your
favorite food?
thy eating
4 2. Number the
pictures to matc
h the words.

3. chicken soup
re. 2. tomato salad
ct word under each pictu 1. green salad
1. Write the corre
6. chocolate cake
bowl cup 5. ice cream
piece jug 4. steak and fries
box bar
bottle jar 8. grilled fish
can loaf
glass 7. onion soup


a of b.
a of a.
of bread
of a chocolate
a cheese


a of
a of .
a of
Coke 3. Fill in the chart Desserts
a honey Main courses
cereal Soups


a of 29
a of
of tea
of a rice
a orange juice Second Grade


Key language

Key lan gu ag right alternative
Lesson 1 2. Cross out the
ore than one
here may be m water is there?
e appropri ate quantifier. T How many
1. Fill in the blanks with th a. How much
a lot of there?
a little jars of honey are
a few How many
b. How much

are there?
bars of chocolate
orange juice. How many
c. How much
a. There is

milk is there?
How many
d. How much

cups of tea. ?
b. There are e juice are there
glasses of orang
How many
e. How much

yogurt is there?
How many
bit of water. f. How much
c. There is
are there?
cups of coffee
How many
g. How much

boxes of cerea
d. There are , a few, a little,
a lot.
s with many, much
3. Fill in the blank
bit of cheese.
a. There is a
rice. ?
e. There is apples are there
b. How

cartons of milk.
c. There are
cans of Coke.
f. There are tea is there?
d. How
of bars of choco
e. There are 31
bit of cheese.
g. There is
Second Grade



Key lan gu ag gue asking and
giving directions

Lesson 2 3. Write a dialo

. Write 1- 6. Street
the correct order at the… /onto…
gue in - Turn right / left
1. Put the dialo ….
- Go up / down
tell me how to
get there? - Go straight (ahea
A: Could you
- Walk towards
here. - Walk two block
one four blocks from / left.
B: Yes, there's - It's on your right

A: Thanks a lot.

blocks. Turn left.

ahead for two
B: Go straight park.
It is behind the
Then turn right.

rant near here?

is there a restau
A: Excuse me,

B: You're welcome.

map and answer the
2. Look at the

to the bus station?

Gamarra Road
Gamarra Road
Bond Stree


Sucre Avenue
Sucre Avenue
to the post office?
c. How do I get MUSEUM

Second Grade

I'm happy!
Be in a good mood 1
1. Write the missing letters in the gaps.

a b

h ngr th rst

c d

t r d h ppy

e f

b r d s d

2. Unscramble the adjectives.

a. das

b. ppyah

c. risthty

d. usby

e. redob

f. tedir

g. ghnury

3. Match the pictures to the words.

1 2
a. lazy

b. shy

3 4
c. polite

d. hardworking

5 6
e. outgoing

f. rude

7 g. serious 8

h. active

4. Find the adjectives and write them in the spaces provided.

r t y s u i o p
e o i h u y k ñ
l a z y j u m l b.
a c s d f y n k
z t s z h l b j
x i c b n m b h d.
r v e c p r u g
s e r i o u s f
t r d p l d y d f.
y t s g i e v s
b g h u t v c a
i f k l e o x z h.
o u t g o i n g

Second Grade 5
Lesson 1 Key language
1. Choose the correct answer.

1. I tired.

a. are b. is c. am

2. We sad.

a. are b. is c. am

3. They hungry.

a. are b. is c. am

4. She busy.

a. are b. is c. am

5. He bored.

a. are b. is c. am

6. My sister happy.

a. are b. is c. am

7. We thirsty.

a. are b. is c. am

2. Circle the correct words.

A: I'm tired.

B: Let's / How about going home?

We can finish this tomorrow.

A: Thanks.

B: I'm hungry.

A: Let's / How about go to the Chinese restaurant.

B: Good idea!

A: Oh, I forgot that I was going to meet my sister

for dinner. She's sad because she lost her wallet.

B: That's not good. Let's / How about calling her to join us?

A: I'll do that.

3. Complete the dialogues.

1. A: I am thirsty.

B: How about drinking some orange juice?

2. A: We bored.
B: go to the mall.

3. A: The children tired.

B: putting them to bed?

4. A: The teacher busy.

B: call her later.

5. A: He hungry.
B: ordering a pizza?

Second Grade 7
Lesson 2 Key language
1. Complete the dialogue. Use the words in the box.

serious active outgoing rude hardworking

A: Hello! My name is Patricia.

B: Hi, Patricia. I'm Tommy.

A: Where are you from?

B: I'm from France.

A: Wow! Are your parents from France too?

B: Well, my mom is from Spain.

A: What's she like?

B: She's very . She works for two companies.

A: What about your dad?

B: He's from France. He's an person. He

works for a big company downtown and he rides a bike to work.

A: Do you have any brothers or sisters?

B: I have a brother. He goes to school in the morning. He's not

a person, he's just .

A: And what are you like?

B: I'm an person. I like to meet new people.

A: Nice talking to you.

B: See you later.

A: Bye!

2. Match.

1. What's he like? a. They're outgoing.

2. What's your aunt like? b. I'm shy.

3. What's she like? c. My brother is hardworking.

4. What are you like? d. He's lazy.

5. What's your brother like? e. My aunt is very active.

6. What are they like? f. She's rude.

3. Write eight true sentences about yourself and a friend using the adjectives below.

I'm not a lazy person. I'm very active.




h. active

Second Grade 9

1. Label the pictures.

hungry busy bored tired thirsty happy

a. b. c.

d. e. f.

2. Complete the table with the opposite adjectives.

Adjectives Opposite adjectives





3. Complete the sentences with the moods and Let's or How about.

a. He's . giving him some water?

b. We're . go to sleep.

c. They're right now. come back later.

d. I'm . doing something else?

e. She's . give her a hug.

4. Complete the dialogues with the personality adjectives.

1. A: What's she like?

B: She's . She's loud and angry.

2. A: What's he like?

B: He's . He watches TV all day!

3. A: What's he like?

B: He's very . He's always busy.

4. A: What are they like?

B: They're . They don't talk to many people.

5. A: What's she like?

B: She's . She rides her bike to school.

Second Grade 11
Whose cell phone
Neatness 2 is this?

1. Fill in the blanks with the missing word.

cell phone laptop earphones calculator

stapler scissors pencil holder

a. I use a to call my friends.

b. I use to cut paper.

c. I use a to staple my exams together.

d. I use to listen to music.

e. I use a to organize my pencils.

f. I use a to send e-mails.

g. I use a to do my math homework.

2. Look at the pictures and complete.

a. They're s .

b. It's a j .

c. They're s .

d. It's a T .

e. They're s .

f. It's a d .

g. They're s .

h. They're j .

Second Grade 13
Lesson 1 Key language
1. Choose whether each sentence requires a Possessive Adjective or a Possessive

a. Is that your laptop or (my / mine)?

b. I don't like (their / theirs) house.

c. Your scissors are green while (my / mine) are red.

d. He's (our / ours) teacher.

e. Is this calculator (your / yours)?

f. Are these earphones (her / hers)?

g. This laptop is (their / theirs)?

2. Complete with the Possessive Pronouns.

a. I have a stapler. This is my stapler. This stapler is .

b. He has a cell phone. This is his cell phone. This cell phone is .

c. We have earphones. These are our earphones. These earphones are .

d. She has a hole punch. That is her hole punch. That is .

e. You have a pencil holder. This is your pencil holder. This is .

f. They have scissors. Those are their scissors. Those are .

3. Finish the sentences with the Possessive Pronouns.

a. It's your calculator. It's .

It's my laptop: It's .

They're his earphones. They're .

It's her cell phone. It's .

They're our scissors. They're .

It's their hole punch. It's .

It's my pencil holder. It's .

It's his stapler. It's .

4. Choose the correct words.

a. This is a nice laptop. Is it your / yours?

b. Is that Olivas / Oliva's stapler?

c. Whose scissors are these? Your / Yours or my / mine?

d. Is that you cell phone or Anas / Ana's?

e. Are these your earphones or her / hers?

f. Whose hole punch is this? It isn't my / mine. It's Pauls / Paul's.

Second Grade 15
Lesson 2 Key language
1. Match the questions to the answers.

1. What do you usually wear to birthday parties?

2. What does she usually wear to the office?

3. What does he usually wear on Saturdays?

4. What do they usually wear to the movies?

a. They usually wear jeans.

b. I usually wear red T-shirts and black sneakers, but

today I'm wearing a suit.

c. He usually wears blue jackets, but today he's wearing a

green jacket.

d. She usually wears a red dress, but today she's wearing

a blue dress.

2. Complete the questions with do or does.

a. What they usually wear to the mall?

b. What she usually wear to the theater?

c. What you usually wear on Sundays?

d. What he usually wear to walk the dog?

3. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

1. A: What does she usually wear on weekdays?


2. A: What do they usually wear in winter?


3. A: What does he usually wear to the beach?


4. A: What does she usually wear to parties?


5. A: What do they usually wear to hang out?


6. A: What does he usually wear in the summer?


Second Grade 17

1. Match the words with the pictures.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

a. earphones b. calculator c. cell phone

d. pencil holder e. hole punch f. stapler

2. Cross out the odd word. Then add one more.

a. T-shirt - jeans - laptop

b. socks - banana - shoes

c. carrot - dress - sneakers

d. jacket - shorts - calculator

3. Choose a, b or c.

1. Whose calculator is this? 2. Whose earphones are these?

a. It isn't mine. It's Carla's. a. They aren't her. They're Ruth's.

b. It isn't my. It's Carla's. b. They aren't hers. They're Ruth's.

c. It isn't I. It's Carla's. c. They aren't she. They're Ruth's.

3. Whose hole punch is that? 4. Whose stapler is this?

a. It isn't our. It's Christian's. a. It isn't their. It's Monica's.

b. It isn't we. It's Christian's. b. It isn't theirs. It's Monica's.

c. It isn't ours. It's Christian's. c. It isn't they. It's Monica's.

4. Answer the questions.

a. What do you usually wear at home?

b. What does your mom usually wear to go shopping?

c. What does your dad usually wear to work?

d. What does your brother or sister usually wear to school?

e. What does your grandma or grandpa usually wear to church?

Second Grade 19
Can you ride a horse?
Friendship 3
1. Unscramble and match.

a. unr

b. erid a roseh 2

c. adnce

d. gnsi 4

e. dwar a ptureic 5

f. seu a mpuoterc 6

g. coko 7

h. ypal scerco

2. Match the words with the correct definitions.

1. skate a. to float on water

2. paint b. to perform tricks with a ball

3. swim c. to glide along on skates

4. juggle d. to apply color, pigment or paint

3. Complete the phrases.

a. playing

b. watching

c. writing

d. playing

Second Grade 21
Lesson 1 Key language
1. Complete the sentences with can or can't.

a. I play soccer, but I can't ride a horse.

b. They can run, but they sing.

c. We use a computer, but we can't cook.

d. He can dance, but he draw a picture.

e. Pedro sing, but he can't dance.

f. Lorena cook, but she can't use a computer.

g. They can ride a horse, but they play tennis.

h. I run fast, but I can't draw a picture.

2. Find the activities and write them in the correct boxes.

I know how to play lots of sports. I can swim and I can play
soccer. I can play basketball too because we are learning
it now. But I can't play baseball because we don't have
a baseball team at school. What else can I do? Well, I
can't ride a horse, but I can run very fast! I can also draw
beautiful pictures, but I can't sing reggae songs.

Things I can do Things I can't do


3. Make sentences which are true for you. Write two extra sentences with your own ideas!

a. use a computer I can use a computer very well.

b. ride a horse

c. play soccer

d. cook

e. run

f. draw a picture

g. dance

h. sing



Second Grade 23
Lesson 2 Key language
1. Complete the sentences below using one of the verbs in the box in the correct form.
You may use each verb only once.

dance ride playing

sings plays writing

a. He usually soccer at this time. Now he's playing cards.

b. I always run at this time. Now I'm e-mails.

c. They often at this time. Now they're watching TV.

d. She sometimes at this time. Now she's chess.

e. We usually a horse at this time. Now we're skating.

2. Choose the correct form for each verb.

1. Marie often dinner after work.

a. cook b. cooking c. cooks

2. We're cards now.

a. playing b. plays c. play

3. I sometimes TV with my friends on Saturdays.

a. watches b. watch c. watching

4. They usually together on the weekends.

a. swimming b. swims c. swim

5. She's a beautiful picture for her mom.

a. painting b. paints c. paint

3. Read the sentences and underline the correct one.

1. a. He writing e-mails right now!

b. He writes e-mails right now!
c. He's writing e-mails right now!

2. a. I'm not usually sing in concerts.

b. I don't usually sing in concerts.
c. I'm not usually singing in concerts now.

3. a. My brother doesn't watching TV now because he has to do his homework.

b. My brother isn't watching TV now because he has to do his homework.
c. My brother doesn't watch TV now because he has to do his homework.

4. a. My sister uses a computer every day.

b. My sister use a computer every day.
c. My sister is using a computer every day.

5. a. We sometimes run in the mornings.

b. We sometimes running in the mornings.
c. We sometimes runs in the mornings.

6. a. He playing cards with his grandfather at the moment.

b. He plays cards with his grandfather at the moment.
c. He's playing cards with his grandfather at the moment.

7. a. My uncle plays soccer with his friends on the weekends.

b. My uncle playing soccer with his friends on the weekends.
c. My uncle is play soccer with his friends on the weekends.

Second Grade 25

1. Match.

1. run a.

2. draw a picture b.

3. ride a horse c.

4. play soccer d.

5. use a computer e.

6. sing f.

2. Unscramble the letters to make words or phrases.

a. yinlapg esshc

b. eic aksgtin

c. ianitpng

d. yginalp dcasr

e. gmimsiwn

f. gugjnigl

g. iwitrgn m-elais

h. atwgnihc VT

3. Read about Sol. Check ( ) what she can do and cross out (X) what she can't do.

What can I do? SOL

Hi! I'm Sol. What can I do? I can
use a computer
cook, draw a picture and I can use a

computer, but I can't run very fast. I dance

can't sing, but I can dance. I can't swim sing

or ride a horse. cook


ride a horse

draw a picture

4. Find the mistake, circle it and then write the correct sentence.

a. She cook every day.

b. We're play chess right now.

c. Carlos usually drawing beautiful pictures.

d. My grandparents are watch TV now.

e. He often is rides a horse in the mornings.

f. Sue sometimes using a computer to do her homework.

g. Ben are painting a nice picture for his mom.

Second Grade 27
What's your
Healthy eating 4 favorite food?

1. Write the correct word under each picture.

piece carton bowl cup

bottle box bar jug
glass can loaf jar

a b c d

a of a of a of a of
water cheese chocolate bread

e f g h

a of a of a of a of
cereal honey milk Coke

i j k l

a of a of a of a of
yogurt orange juice rice tea

2. Number the pictures to match the words.

1. green salad 2. tomato salad 3. chicken soup

4. steak and fries 5. ice cream 6. chocolate cake

7. onion soup 8. grilled fish

a. b. c. d.

e. f. g. h.

3. Fill in the chart.

Salads Soups Main courses Desserts

Second Grade 29
Lesson 1 Key language
1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate quantifier. There may be more than one

a few a little a lot of

a. There is orange juice.

b. There are cups of tea.

c. There is bit of water.

d. There are boxes of cereal.

e. There is rice.

f. There are cans of Coke.

g. There is bit of cheese.

2. Cross out the right alternative.

a. How much How many water is there?

b. How much How many jars of honey are there?

c. How much How many bars of chocolate are there?

d. How much How many milk is there?

e. How much How many glasses of orange juice are there?

f. How much How many yogurt is there?

g. How much How many cups of coffee are there?

3. Fill in the blanks with many, much, a few, a little, a lot.

a. There is a bit of cheese.

b. How apples are there?

c. There are cartons of milk.

d. How tea is there?

e. There are of bars of chocolate.

Second Grade 31
Lesson 2 Key language
1. Put the dialogue in the correct order. Write 1- 6.

A: Could you tell me how to get there?

B: Yes, there's one four blocks from here.

A: Thanks a lot.

B: Go straight ahead for two blocks. Turn left.

Then turn right. It is behind the park.

A: Excuse me, is there a restaurant near here?

B: You're welcome.

2. Look at the map and answer the questions.

a. How do I get to the bus station?


Gamarra Road Gamarra Road

b. How do I get to the hospital?
Bond Street


c. How do I get to the post office? Sucre Avenue Sucre Avenue


3. Write a dialogue asking and giving directions.

- Turn right / left at the… /onto…Street

- Go up / down….
- Go straight (ahead)
- Walk towards
- Walk two blocks
- It's on your right / left.

Second Grade 33

1. Look at the pictures and circle the correct word.

a. a can / jug of water b. a loaf / piece of bread

c. a bottle / jar of honey d. a can / cup of Coke

e. a glass / carton of milk f. a piece / loaf of cheese

g. a carton / box of cereal h. a bar / bowl of chocolate

2. Complete the blanks with the correct words.

tomato soup cake fries

chicken grilled ice salad

a. salad b. steak and

c. onion d. fish

e. cream f. chocolate

g. green h. soup

3. Write questions using How much or How many.

a. milk ?

b. bottles of yogurt ?

c. cups of tea ?

d. rice ?

e. water ?

f. bars of chocolate ?

g. soup ?

h. honey ?

i. cans of Coke ?

j. sugar ?

k. glasses of orange juice ?

l. onion soup ?

4. Underline the correct word.

a. Walk towards / right the traffic lights.

b. It's on your straight / left.

c. Go up / street Luzuriaga Avenue.

d. Go blocks / straight (ahead) and keep left.

e. Turn / Towards right at the next street.

f. Walk two blocks / left and the park is on your left.

Second Grade 35
What's wrong?
Health 5
1. Choose the correct option.

1 2 3

a. stomachache a. toothache a. backache

b. fever b. stomachache b. earache
c. broken leg c. sore throat c. broken leg

4 5 6

a. earache a. headache a. sore throat

b. toothache b. stomachache b. fever
c. fever c. backache c. earache

7 8

a. headache a. broken leg

b. sore throat b. earache
c. toothache c. fever

2. Put a check mark next to the correct option.

a. mop the windows floor plants

b. write a concert poem picnic

c. bake a cake flowers poem

d. plant floor picnic flowers

e. clean the cake windows concert

3. Match.

1. go a. the floor

2. have b. a cake

3. take c. the dog for a walk

4. clean d. a poem

5. plant e. a picnic

6. bake f. to a concert

7. mop g. flowers

8. write h. the windows

Second Grade 37
Lesson 1 Key language
1. Circle should or shouldn't.

a. When you have a headache, you should / shouldn't take a pain reliever.

b. When you have a toothache, you should / shouldn't eat candies.

c. When you have a sore throat, you should / shouldn't take cough syrup.

d. When you have a fever, you should / shouldn't go out.

e. When you have a stomachache, you should / shouldn't drink hot tea.

f. When you have a backache, you should / shouldn't take a rest.

2. Read and answer the questions below.

Hello, I'm Nina and I feel very sick. I think I

have a cold. I have a headache and a sore
throat. I have an earache and I'm coughing.
I feel terrible. I can't go to school. I have an
appointment with the doctor today at 3 o'clock.
I hope I feel better tomorrow.

a. How does Nina feel today?

b. What are her symptoms?

c. What is she going to do?

3. Match the sentences to the advice and underline the correct word.

1. They have an earache.

2. Teresa has a fever.

3. I have a stomachache.

4. She has a backache.

5. I have a broken leg.

6. He has a toothache.

a. You should / shouldn't drink hot tea.

b. He should / shouldn't go to the dentist.

c. She should / shouldn't exercise.

d. They should / shouldn't go to the doctor.

e. She should / shouldn't eat ice cream.

f. You should / shouldn't stay in bed.

4. Write a short paragraph about how you and your family feel today.

Second Grade 39
Lesson 2 Key language
1. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple or the Past

1 2
1. They (go) to a
concert when the rain started.

2. They were planting flowers when

they (see) a

3 4
3. She was writing a poem when she
(get) sick.

4. They (bake) a
cake when their parents arrived.

5 6
5. Susan (clean)
the windows with her mom when
her dad called.

6. Carol was mopping the floor when

the doorbell (ring).

7 8
7. He (take) the dog
for a walk when the dog bit a girl.

8. Betty and her family were having

a picnic when they
(find) a fly in their food.

2. Write the past simple form of these regular and irregular verbs.

a. mop

b. go

c. bake

d. write

e. clean

f. have

g. take

h. plant

i. ring

3. Choose the correct options.

a. She wrote / was writing a poem when her friend called / was calling.

b. I mopped / was mopping the floor when the doorbell rang / was ringing.

c. He planted / was planting flowers when it began / was beginning to rain.

d. She took / was taking the dog for a walk when she slipped / was slipping and broke /
was breaking her leg.

e. They cleaned / were cleaning the windows when the soccer ball broke / was breaking
the glass.

f. We went / were going to a concert when our car crashed / was crashing into a tree.

g. They had / were having a picnic when a snake appeared / was appearing.

Second Grade 41

1. Choose the correct words from the list below and write them under the correct

a b

Word list

c d • headache
• stomachache
• fever
• broken leg
• earache
• toothache
e f

2. Complete the phrases.

a. go to a
b. have a
c. take the dog for a
d. clean the
e. mop the
f. plant
g. write a
h. bake a

3. Choose the correct option.

1. When you have a toothache, you go to the dentist.

a. should
b. shouldn't

2. When you have a broken leg, you exercise.

a. should
b. shouldn't

3. When you have an earache, you go to school.

a. should
b. shouldn't

4. When you have a fever, you eat any ice cream.

a. should
b. shouldn't

5. When you have a broken leg, you rest.

a. should
b. shouldn't

4. Match.

1. He was cleaning the windows a. when I crashed my car into a tree.

2. They were having a picnic b. when we heard a strange noise.

3. She was mopping the floor c. when her mom arrived.

4. We were baking a cake d. when the rain started.

5. I was going to a concert e. when his friend knocked on the door.

Second Grade 43
What does he look
Attitude 6 like?

1. Number the letters in order to make adjectives and then write them.

l t l a

u c h b y b

i t h n

t p e r t y

u g o n y

g n o s r t

u l g y

n a h s o m d e

k e w a

2. Find the adjectives.

young chubby old thin pretty

weak tall strong short ugly

h f d r y o u n g o p

q d i n o w x u g l y

a g t o n e c i s o k

t s o n d a y o t j h

r h l l a k b l r h s

e o d s y m n k o g d

w r d n e s d a n f c

ñ t a d h f g h g d h

j i y g f d s a t a u

p r e t t y l a h z b

d u z h i k l ñ i p b

z y d v d j s d n v y

r t a l l t h j d a y

i r a n y z a q r t u

3. Match the opposites.

a. old bad

b. ugly short

c. chubby young

d. tall thin

e. good beautiful

Second Grade 45
Lesson 1 Key language
Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the comparative
form of the adjectives in the box.

chubby young weak short

Juan Leo
a. Melissa is
than Juan.

b. Pilar is
Melissa than Leo. Pilar

Fidel c. Fidel is
than Fernando.

d. Kate is
Fernando than Milagros. Kate Milagros

2. Write the comparative form.

a. thin

b. short

c. weak

d. handsome

e. tall

f. young

g. old

h. beautiful

i. strong

j. ugly

3. Look at the pictures and write comparative sentences using the adjectives in

a. (tall)



b. (old)



c. (strong)


d. (thin)

Betty Rona

4. Write five sentences using comparative adjectives.






Second Grade 47
Lesson 2 Key language
1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.

weakest most beautiful thinnest

ugliest oldest

a. Susana is the girl in her school. She is the Prom Queen.

b. The snake is the reptile.

c. He is the person in the office. He's in his 70s.

d. They are the students. They usually get the lowest grades.

e. She is the girl. She's always on a diet.

2. Write some true sentences about Jack, Carla, Sara and Leonardo.

Carla Leonardo

a. Sara is

b. Jack is



3. Write the sentences in the correct order.

a. is / the /. / He / best / student

b. They / the / are / boys / youngest / in /. / group / the

c. the / He / weakest / . / is / child

d. I / shortest / the /. / class / in / am / my

e. are / strongest / We / hikers / the / .

4. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

a. He's short / the shortest in his class.

b. They're the most strong / the strongest on the team.

c. She's the most beautiful / beautiful girl.

d. Victor and his friends are the most youngest / the youngest soccer players.

e. We're old / the oldest boys in our family.

f. I'm the tallest / the most tall boy.

g. Betty is pretty / the prettiest in the group.

h. My teacher is the most handsome / the handsome in the school.

Second Grade 49

1. Look at the pictures and circle the correct words.

1 2
a. handsome a. chubby

b. ugly b. handsome

c. pretty c. pretty

3 4
a. beautiful a. strong

b. ugly b. pretty

c. old c. weak

5 6
a. pretty a. weak

b. strong b. thin

c. old c. chubby

7 8
a. ugly a. beautiful

b. thin b. tall

c. strong c. handsome

2. Write the opposite.

a. shorter

b. older

c. thinner

d. stronger

e. uglier

f. worse

3. Find the comparative and superlative adjectives and write them in the boxes.

This is my family. I'm taller than my brother

and sister, but my dad is the tallest. My mom is
a teacher and my dad is a police officer. I think
being a teacher is more interesting than being a
police officer because you work with students.
I want to be an astronaut. I think that it is the
most interesting job! Being a police officer is
easier than being a teacher though because
teachers have to correct lots of homework. My
job is the easiest. I'm a student!

Second Grade 51
What's the weather
Protect the
environment 7 like today?

1. Look at the map and describe the weather in each department.

Tumbes • • Loreto

• Amazonas
Piura •

Lambayeque •
Cajamarca • • San Martin

La libertad •
• Ucayali
Ancash • Huanuco •
Pasco •
Lima • Junín •
• Madre de Dios
Huancavelica • • Cusco

• Apurimac
Ica •
• Ayacucho • Puno

Arequipa •
Moquegua •

a. The weather in Loreto is

b. The weather in Cajamarca is

c. The weather in Ancash is

d. The weather in Lima is

e. The weather Ica is

f. The weather in Cusco is

g. The weather in Arequipa is

h. The weather in Puno is

2. Read and match.

1 2

a. go shopping

b. have a barbecue

3 4
c. learn English

d. paint the house

e. go to the beach
5 6

f. buy a new car

g. celebrate a birthday

7 8

h. travel by plane

Second Grade 53
Lesson 1 Key language
1. Read and answer the questions below.

The weather
The weather today is very cold and it's
probably going to rain. The sky is gray and
cloudy. Yesterday's weather was like today's.
It was cold and cloudy and then it rained in the
afternoon. In the evening, it got really, really
The winter is long and hard here. Usually, the
rain comes in December and it stops in April.
Some days when it rains, the sky is dark and
gray, but other days it's very sunny with blue
skies. Isn't that interesting?

a. What's the weather like today according to the reading?

It's .

b. Was yesterday's weather the same or different?

It was .

c. How was the weather in the afternoon?

It was .

d. When does winter start?

It starts in .

e. What color is the sky when it's sunny?

It's .

2. Complete the table with the correct form of be.

I put a jacket on.

You make a snowman.

She take an umbrella.

He going to fly a kite.

It rain.

We go to the pool.

They drink a cold lemonade.

3. Look at the picture and circle the correct option.

a. It's snowing / raining. I'm going to make a snowman.

b. It's cold / windy. He's going to fly a kite.

c. It's raining / cold. She's going to take an umbrella.

d. It's raining / sunny. We're going to go to the beach.

e. It's hot / snowing. They're going to take a bath.

Second Grade 55
Lesson 2 Key language
1. Put the verbs in the correct form using will.

a. They (learn) English for two years.

b. I (buy) a new car next year.

c. She (go) to the beach on the weekend.

d. He (paint) his house tomorrow.

e. We (travel) by plane to Arequipa.

f. They (go) shopping on Sunday.

g. She (have) a barbecue this afternoon.

2. Change the sentences below to the negative.

a. He'll learn English in The United States next year.

b. We'll go to the beach on the weekend.

c. She'll buy a new car on Saturday morning.

d. I'll paint the house for two weeks.

e. They'll travel by plane to Spain.

f. He'll have a barbecue with his friends on Sunday.

3. Write sentences about what Ramona will do when she goes to Trujillo.

a. She / go to the beach

b. I think that she / buy a new car

c. She / go shopping on Saturday

d. She / celebrate her birthday

e. She / paint her house

f. She / travel by plane

4. Circle the correct option.

1. I won't by plane to Chiclayo.

a. traveling b. travel c. travels

2. They will shopping at the mall together.

a. goes b. going c. go

3. We will a barbecue for my dad's birthday.

a. have b. having c. has

4. He won't a new car this year.

a. buying b. buy c. buys

5. I will my birthday in Trujillo.

a. celebrated b. celebrates c. celebrate

6. She won't English with her parents.

learn b.
learned c. learning
Second Grade 57

1. Fill in the missing letters for each of the following words.

a. r in b. sn w

c. h t d. clo d

e. st rm f. c ld

g. w nd h.
s nn

2. Unscramble the words.

a. noswy

b. ynrai

c. nysun

d. oth

e. srmoty

3. Complete the phrases.

a. travel by

b. celebrate a

c. go

d. paint

e. buy a new

f. learn

g. go to the

h. have a

4. Underline the correct words.

A: What will you do on the weekend, Gustavo?

B: Well, I'll go / have to the beach with my parents.

A: Will you celebrate / go your birthday next week?

B: No, I won't. I think that I'll travel / paint to Tarapoto. What will you do on the weekend?

A: I'll have / celebrate a barbecue on Saturday and I'll buy / go shopping with my mom on

B: That sounds great! Have a nice weekend.

A: You too!

5. Write three sentences about what you will do after class. Then write three
sentences about what you won't do after class.







Second Grade 59
Have you ever
Inspiration 8 played golf?

1. Look at the pictures and complete the words.

r c c b

s d g

s d d

r u n

c d n

u f

2. Look at the pictures and complete.

a. see b. swim c. play

d. collect e. explore f. ride

3. Circle the correct answers.

a. explore a lake / cave

b. play seashells / golf

c. ride an elephant / a turtle

d. swim in a cave / lake

e. collect seashells / elephants

f. see a tiger / golf

Second Grade 61
Lesson 1 Key language
1. Choose the correct form of the words in parentheses to complete the sentences.

a. I (has/have) never collected stamps, but I have

(collect/collected) seashells.

b. You (has/have) never ridden a horse, but you have

(ride/ridden) an elephant.

c. He (has/have) never played soccer, but he has

(play/played) golf.

d. We (has/have) never climbed a glacier, but we have

(try/tried) rock climbing.

e. They (has/have) never gone scuba diving, but they have

(go/gone) sandboarding.

f. She (has/have) never seen a monkey, but she has

(see/seen) a tiger.

g. I (has/have) never gone skydiving, but I have

(explore/explored) a cave.

h. We (has/have) never swum in a lake, but we have

(swim/swum) in the sea.

2. Fill in the blanks with have or has to form the present perfect.

a. They never gone scuba diving.

b. He climbed a glacier.

c. We seen a big lion at the zoo.

d. She never ridden an elephant.

e. I collected seashells at the beach.

f. He never explored a cave.

3. Complete the dialogue with the words from the table.

have tiger have ridden has they are

seen have explored Definitely played

A: Is your family adventurous?

B: Sometimes we are! We never gone scuba diving, but we have
a cave.
A: That's great. I never seen a , but I have
a monkey.
B: My sister is the most adventurous. She never ridden a horse, but she
has an elephant.
A: Wow! What about your cousins?
B: My cousins like other types of sports. They never gone skydiving, but
they have golf.
A: Are they good?
B: Yes, .
A: Can I join you and your family on your next adventure?
B: !

4. Circle the correct word to complete the sentence.

1. We have never an elephant, but we have ridden a horse.

a. ride b. ridden c. riding

2. She has never , but she has gone scuba diving.

a. go skydiving b. gone skydive c. gone skydiving

3. I never collected stamps, but I have collected seashells.

a. have b. has c. had

4. They have never , but they have played basketball.

a. play golf b. played golf c. playing golf

5. You have never explored a cave, but you have in a lake.

a. swim b. swam c. swum

6. He has never , but he has seen a tiger.

a. seen a lion b. see a lion c. saw a lion
Second Grade 63
Lesson 2 Key language
1. Put the words in order to make questions.

a. Have / in / they / a / lake / ever / swum / ?

b. ever / Have / surfing / ? / you / gone

c. ever / gone / Has / he / sandboarding / ?

d. ever / tried / rock / ? / Have / you / climbing

e. ever / explored / Has / she / a / cave / ?

2. Complete the questions with the words in parentheses. Use the Present Perfect.

a. scuba diving? (she / go)

b. a glacier? (you / climb)

c. an elephant? (he / ride)

d. rock climbing? (they / try)

e. surfing? (she / go)

3. Ask people questions about things they have done. Make questions with ever using
the words in parentheses.

a. (you / go surfing) Have you ever gone surfing?

b. (she / try rock climbing)

c. (they / swim in a lake)

d. (he / explore a cave)

e. (you / go sandboarding)

f. (he / see a tiger)

g. (they / play golf)

h. (she / collect stamps)

4. Answer the questions.

a. Have you ever swum in a lake?

b. Have you ever tried rock climbing?

c. Have you ever gone sandboarding?

d. Have you ever gone surfing?

e. Have you ever explored a cave?

f. Have you ever seen a lion?

g. Have you ever played golf?

Second Grade 65

1. Look at the pictures and circle the correct word.

a. skydiving b. sandboarding c. rock climbing

a. surfing b. parachuting c. rock climbing

a. scuba diving b. sandboarding c. surfing

a. rock climbing b. surfing c. parachuting

a. skydiving b. sandboarding c. surfing

a. scuba diving b. parachuting c. rock climbing

2. Match each picture to the related phrase.

1. a. swim in a lake

2. b. play golf

3. c. ride an elephant

4. d. collect seashells

5. e. see a tiger

6. f. explore a cave

3. Circle the correct words.

a. Beto has ever / never seen a tiger in his life.

b. The boys have ever / never tried rock climbing.

c. Have you ever / never swum in a lake?

d. My dad has ever / never explored a cave.

e. Has your sister ever / never gone scuba diving?

f. Has your uncle ever / never ridden an elephant?

g. I have ever / never climbed a glacier.

4. Read and answer the questions below.

a. Have they ever seen wild animals before? Hello, my friends and I are travelling
around Peru. We are excited
because we have never seen wild
animals before and we are going
b. Has Carolina ever explored a cave? to the zoo to see a beautiful lion.
My friend, Carolina has never
explored a cave, so we are also
going to Guitarreros Cave. My
c. Has Pablo ever swum in a lake?
friend Pablo has never swum in a
lake, but he wants to try. My friend,

Paulita has never gone skydiving,
so she is going to Cusco with her
d. Has Paulita ever gone skydiving?
sister Joanna. My friend Travis has
never been sandboarding, so he

is planning to go to Ica and have a
great time!
e. Has Travis ever gone sandboarding?

Second Grade 67
Culture corner

Best (and not-so-usual) hobbies to inculcate in teens

There are many interests that parents don’t align with youth but that provide an
educational outlet or a unique perspective on the world. For parents looking to round
out their child’s interests and encourage an extracurricular avenue that diverts from the
norm, in a good way. Here are a few unconventional hobbies to introduce into the lives
of kids:

Chess While many associate chess with a proclivity towards math and academia,
chess is simply a game of skill and strategy. Chess teaches problem solving and honest
planning skills. A player must always anticipate an opponent’s next move and be able to
visualize the moves on the board.

Astronomy Not to be confused with astrology. E.g. horoscopes! Studying the stars,
constellations and viewing planets through a telescope helps teach kids about the
vastness of our universe. Seeing the depths of space and viewing the many celestial
bodies of the universe also help teens understand that we are all part of a larger picture.

Gardening We live in a fast-paced society and so many families have to rush through a
drive-through on the way to the next game, meeting or recital. Planting a garden allows
teens and all members of the family to appreciate how our food is grown and harvested.
Growing produce also provides clean food while teaching self-sufficiency.

Improve Public speaking is an important skill that can be learned but never taught.
Encourage kids to overcome the fear of the public through improve classes and
performances. Improve teaches the ability to problem solve and uses imagination. Plus,
it’s ok to laugh if you make a mistake.

Role-playing games Much like improve, games like Dungeons and Dragons encourage
an ability to think skillfully. They also encourage imaginative ideas and foster creativity.

Archery For teens that maybe aren’t athletically inclined but who still want to participate
in a sport, pursue archery. The game requires stealth, skill and helps work on hand-eye
coordination. Goals can be individualized per each player. Plus, a bow and arrow is
absolutely en vogue.

Creative fandom For the teen who loves Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Stranger
Things or any popular franchise, encourage creative expressions of their fandom.
Professional make-up artists have celebrated their own obsessive fandom by creating
television show themed palettes, brush sets and other cosmetics collections. There are
no limits to fandom creativity.

Cosplay and costumes For the budding fashion designer, encourage cosplay. Have
teens create costumes of their favorite characters to pay homage to a particular show,
series or genre. Get really creative by mixing and mashing up characters.

Sewing While sewing has fallen out of popularity, learning how to sew is a fun and
useful skill. Those interested in a career in fashion design should know their way around
a sewing machine. And learning to quilt and embroider also takes the knowledge up a

Treasure hunting This isn’t about finding a lost treasure; but teaching teens the value
of thrift. Thrift store hobbyists have a knack of finding incredible treasures at fantastic
prices. And thrifting also is a way to teach teens to be cautious and responsible with
their money.

Second Grade 69
Can three minutes of exercise a week help make you fit?

The fact is that people respond to exercise in very different ways. In one international
study 1,000 people were asked to exercise four hours a week for 20 weeks. Their
aerobic fitness was measured before and after starting this regime and the results were

Although 15% of people made huge strides (so-called "super-responders"), 20% showed
no real improvement at all ("non-responders").

There is no suggestion that the non-responders weren't exercising properly, it was simply
that the exercise they were doing was not making them any aerobically fitter. Jamie
and his collaborators investigated the reasons for these variations and discovered that
much of the difference could be traced to a small number of genes.

On the basis of this finding they have developed a genetic test to predict who is likely to
be a responder and who is not. Jamie offered me that test. But I would not be told the
results until I had completed my HIT regime.

I agreed, had blood taken and went through some baseline tests to assess my starting
point, fitness-wise. Then I began to do HIT.

Full throttle

It's actually very simple. You get on an exercise bike, warm up by doing gentle cycling
for a couple of minutes, then go flat out for 20 seconds.

A couple of minutes to catch your breath, then another 20 seconds at full throttle.
Another couple of minutes gentle cycling, then a final 20 seconds going hell for leather.
And that's it.

Climate change: How hot cities could be in 2050
London could feel as hot
as Barcelona by 2050, with
Edinburgh's climate more
like Paris, Leeds feeling like
Melbourne and Cardiff like
That's from a study looking at how a 2C temperature increase could change the world's
520 major cities. And that's not as good as it might sound. More than a fifth, including
Singapore and Kuala Lumpur will experience conditions big cities haven't seen before,
the Crowther Lab says. London could suffer from the type of extreme drought that hit
Barcelona in 2008 when it was forced to import drinking water from France at a cost of
£20 million. The 2C rise by 2050 is comparing the present day to what temperatures were
in the "pre-industrial period", usually considered to be between the years 1850 and 1900
when fossil-fuel burning hadn't yet changed the climate.

That temperature increase would result in the average UK temperature during summer's
hottest month increasing by about six degrees to 27C. Scientists hope pairing up cities
will help people visualise the impact climate change could have within their own lifetimes.

The study published in the journal PLOS One, suggests summers and winters in Europe
will get warmer, with average increases of 3.5C and 4.7C respectively. It's the equivalent
to a city shifting 620 miles (1,000km) further south, with those furthest away from the
equator being most affected.

Will the world really get 2C warmer?

Governments around the world have pledged to limit rising temperatures to 1.5C by
2050. The global temperature has already increased by 1C above pre-industrial levels,
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says. And at the current rate
of warming (- 0.2C per decade) global warming will reach 1.5C between 2030 and
2052. The UN body has warned that exceeding 1.5C warming will push us into "a
highly uncertain world" - adding that "the current global commitments are not sufficient
to prevent temperature rise above 2C, let alone 1.5C". It estimates that under current
national commitments, average temperature increases will range from 2.9C to 3.4C by
2100. To keep us below 1.5C, the panel says carbon emissions need to be cut by 45%
by 2030, and reach net zero by 2050.

Second Grade 71


LEY DEL 25-02-1825 LEY DEL 25-02-1825

El 22 de julio de 2002, los representantes de las sociedad, nos sintamos parte de ella. Con este fin, el
organizaciones políticas, religiosas, del Gobierno y de la Acuerdo promoverá el acceso a las oportunidades
sociedad civil, firmaron el compromiso de trabajar, todos, económicas, sociales, culturales y políticas. Todos los
para conseguir el bienestar y desarrollo del país. Este peruanos tenemos derecho a un empleo digno, a una
compromiso es el Acuerdo Nacional.
educación de calidad, a una salud integral, a un lugar
para vivir. Así, alcanzaremos el desarrollo pleno.
El Acuerdo persigue cuatro objetivos fundamentales.
Para alcanzarlos, todos los peruanos de buena voluntad
3. Competitividad del país
tenemos, desde el lugar que ocupemos o el rol que
desempeñemos, el deber y la responsabilidad de decidir, Para afianzar la economía, el Acuerdo se compromete
ejecutar, vigilar o defender los compromisos asumidos. a fomentar el espíritu de competitividad en las
Estos son tan importantes que serán respetados como empresas, es decir, mejorar la calidad de los productos
políticas permanentes para el futuro. y servicios, asegurar el acceso a la formalización de las
pequeñas empresas y sumar esfuerzos para fomentar
Por esta razón, como niños, niñas, adolescentes o la colocación de nuestros productos en los mercados
adultos, ya sea como estudiantes o trabajadores,
debemos promover y fortalecer acciones que garanticen
el cumplimiento de esos cuatro objetivos que son los
4. Estado eficiente, transparente y descentralizado
Es de vital importancia que el Estado cumpla con sus
1. Democracia y Estado de Derecho obligaciones de manera eficiente y transparente para
La justicia, la paz y el desarrollo que necesitamos los ponerse al servicio de todos los peruanos. El Acuerdo
peruanos solo se pueden dar si conseguimos una se compromete a modernizar la administración pública,
verdadera democracia. El compromiso del Acuerdo desarrollar instrumentos que eliminen la corrupción o
Nacional es garantizar una sociedad en la que los el uso indebido del poder. Asimismo, descentralizar
derechos son respetados y los ciudadanos vivan el poder y la economía para asegurar que el Estado
seguros y expresen con libertad sus opiniones a partir
sirva a todos los peruanos sin excepción.
del diálogo abierto y enriquecedor; decidiendo lo mejor
para el país.
Mediante el Acuerdo Nacional nos comprometemos a
2. Equidad y justicia social desarrollar maneras de controlar el cumplimiento de
Para poder construir nuestra democracia, es necesario estas políticas de Estado, a brindar apoyo y difundir
que cada una de las personas que conformamos esta constantemente sus acciones a la sociedad en general.
helps students to develop their
communicative skills.


2 2
Cheer up Elementary
Cheer up Elementary

helps students to develop their helps students to develop their

communicative skills. communicative skills.

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2 2
Cheer up Elementary
Cheer up Elementary

helps students to develop their
Cheer up Elementary

helps students to develop their

communicative skills. communicative skills.

op their



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2 2
helps students to develop their

communicative skills.
helps students to develop their
communicative skills.



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1 1

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Beginners Beginners

Beginners Beginners st
ju ise

c k
1 1
Beginners Beginners


It w sun
Beginners Beginners

tea oo
Student's Book
with free CD
Activity Book Tales


• Songs and chants
• Projects
• Interesting • Scenes that

• Games
activities that
a story or acted
can be read as Student's Book

Beginners Beginners • Short stories

reinforce each
out as a play.
with free CD
Activity Book Tales

• Key words
unit's vocabulary
• Songs and chants
• Projects
• Interesting • Scenes that
• Culture corner • Quiz
and grammar.
• Games
activities that can be read as
a story or acted
Beginners st
ju ise
• Short stories
reinforce each

• Key words
unit's vocabulary out as a play.


• Culture corner • Quiz
and grammar.

Beginners Beginners

as r

Our oteb
It w sun
Beginners Beginners

tea oo
Student's Book
with free CD
Activity Book Tales

• Songs and chants • Scenes that
• Projects
• Interesting
can be read as Stu Act
ivity Book
• Games dent's Book
activities that

• Short stories
reinforce each a story or acted
Student's Book Full-color

• Key words
unit's vocabulary out as a play.
with free CD Activity Book Tales
• Songs and chants
• Culture corner • Quiz
and grammar.
• Projects
• Interesting • Scenes that

• Games
activities that

• Short stories
reinforce each a story or acted
can be read as

• Key words
unit's vocabulary out as a play.

• Culture corner • Quiz

and grammar.

Our oteb n
Beginn Beginn

tea oo
de nt's Boo
k Act
ivity Book Student's Book Full-color
with free CD Activity Book Tale

Student's Book Full-color

Tale n • Vocavulary
• Key words
• Interesting activities
that reinforce each
• Scenes that can
be read as a story

with free CD Activity Book

ch k
• Games unit's vocabulary and or acted out as a

• Vocavulary • Interesting activities • Scenes that can • Projects grammar. play.
• Key words that reinforce each be read as a story

• Readings • Quiz
• Games unit's vocabulary and or acted out as a

• Culture corner
• Projects grammar. play.
• Readings • Quiz
CD Flashcards (virtual)
• Culture corner
• Vocabulary
CD • Monologues 2
Flashcards (virtual)
• Dialogues
• Vocabulary • Listening comprehension
• Monologues 2

Our oteb

• Dialogues • Readings CD

• Listening comprehension • Flashcards (virtual)

Student's Book

Beginn Beginn

tea oo

• Readings CD

Stud Acti
vity Book
Student's Book
• Flashcards (virtual)
ent's Boo
Stud A c ti
vity Book

ent's Boo
Student's Book

Activity Book

Our oteb
Student's Book Full-color
Student's Book Full-color

Tale with free CD Activity Book
Activity Book

with free CD Activity Book

• Vocavulary • Interesting activities • Scenes that can be
• Vocavulary • Interesting activities • Scenes that can be
• Key words that reinforce each read as a story or
• Key words that reinforce each read as a story or
• Games unit's vocabulary and acted out as a play.
• Games unit's vocabulary and acted out as a play.

te oo
can be • Projects grammar.
• Projects grammar.
ory or • Readings • Quiz
• Readings • Quiz
a play. • Culture corner
• Culture corner

CD Flashcards (virtual)
CD Flashcards (virtual)
• Vocabulary
• Vocabulary
• Monologues 2
• Monologues 2
• Dialogues
• Dialogues
• Listening comprehension
• Audios for listening Elementary


Our oteb
comprehension Class
• Readings
• Readings CD
Student's Book
Student's Book • Flashcards (virtual)
• Flashcards (virtual)

A cti
ent's Boo
k vity Book
A cti
vity Book
Student's Book

Activity Book

Activity Book
Student's Book
with free CD
• Vocavulary
Activity Book
• Interesting activities

• Scenes that can be

• Interesting activities • Scenes that can be
• Key words that reinforce each read as a story or
that reinforce each read as a story or
• Games unit's vocabulary and acted out as a play.
unit's vocabulary and acted out as a play.
• Projects grammar.
• Readings • Quiz
• Quiz
• Culture corner

CD Flashcards (virtual)
Flashcards (virtual)
• Vocabulary
• Monologues 2
• Dialogues
• Listening comprehension Elem

Class CD
CD • Readings
Student's Book
Student's Book • Flashcards (virtual)

A cti
ent's Boo
k vity Book

Student's Book Full-color

with free CD Activity Book
• Vocabulary • Interesting activities • Scenes that can be
• Key words that reinforce each read as a story or
• Games unit's vocabulary and acted out as a play.
• Projects grammar.
• Writing tasks • Quiz
• Readings
• Culture corner

CD Flashcards (virtual)
• Vocabulary
• Monologues 2
• Dialogues
• Audios for listening Ele
ry ride a horse

comprehension Class
• Readings CD draw a picture

Student's Book
• Flashcards (virtual) play soccer

• Tale

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