Está en la página 1de 146


ar y
o ok
's B
n t

My first name is

My last name is

My school is

My address is
El 10 de diciembre de 1948, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas aprobó y proclamó
la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos, cuyos artículos figuran a continuación:

Artículo 1.- Artículo 21.-

Todos los seres humanos nacen libres e iguales en dignidad y derechos y (...) 1. Toda persona tiene derecho a participar en el gobierno de su país,
deben comportarse fraternalmente los unos con los otros. directamente o por medio de representantes libremente escogidos.
Artículo 2.- 2. Toda persona tiene el derecho de acceso, en condiciones de igualdad, a las
Toda persona tiene todos los derechos y libertades proclamados en esta funciones públicas de su país.
Declaración, sin distinción alguna de raza, color, sexo, idioma, religión, opinión 3. La voluntad del pueblo es la base de la autoridad del poder público; esta
política o de cualquier otra índole, origen nacional o social, posición económica, voluntad se expresará mediante elecciones auténticas que habrán de
nacimiento o cualquier otra condición. Además, no se hará distinción alguna celebrarse periódicamente, por sufragio universal e igual y por voto secreto
fundada en la condición política, jurídica o internacional del país o territorio de u otro procedimiento equivalente que garantice la libertad del voto.
cuya jurisdicción dependa una persona (...). Artículo 22.-
Artículo 3.- Toda persona (...) tiene derecho a la seguridad social, y a obtener, (...) habida
Todo individuo tiene derecho a la vida, a la libertad y a la seguridad de su cuenta de la organización y los recursos de cada Estado, la satisfacción de los
derechos económicos, sociales y culturales, indispensables a su dignidad y al
Artículo 4.-
Nadie estará sometido a esclavitud ni a servidumbre; la esclavitud y la trata de libre desarrollo de su personalidad.
esclavos están prohibidas en todas sus formas. Artículo 23.-
Artículo 5.- 1. Toda persona tiene derecho al trabajo, a la libre elección de su trabajo, a
Nadie será sometido a torturas ni a penas o tratos crueles, inhumanos o condiciones equitativas y satisfactorias de trabajo y a la protección contra el
degradantes. desempleo.
Artículo 6.- 2. Toda persona tiene derecho, sin discriminación alguna, a igual salario por
Todo ser humano tiene derecho, en todas partes, al reconocimiento de su trabajo igual.
personalidad jurídica. 3. Toda persona que trabaja tiene derecho a una remuneración equitativa y
Artículo 7.- satisfactoria, que le asegure, así como a su familia, una existencia conforme
Todos son iguales ante la ley y tienen, sin distinción, derecho a igual protección a la dignidad humana y que será completada, en caso necesario, por
de la ley. Todos tienen derecho a igual protección contra toda discriminación cualesquiera otros medios de protección social.
que infrinja esta Declaración (...). 4. Toda persona tiene derecho a fundar sindicatos y a sindicarse para la defensa
Artículo 8.- de sus intereses.
Toda persona tiene derecho a un recurso efectivo, ante los tribunales Artículo 24.-
nacionales competentes, que la ampare contra actos que violen sus derechos Toda persona tiene derecho al descanso, al disfrute del tiempo libre, a una
fundamentales (...). limitación razonable de la duración del trabajo y a vacaciones periódicas
Artículo 9.- pagadas.
Nadie podrá ser arbitrariamente detenido, preso ni desterrado. Artículo 25.-
Artículo 10.- 1. Toda persona tiene derecho a un nivel de vida adecuado que le asegure, así
Toda persona tiene derecho, en condiciones de plena igualdad, a ser oída como a su familia, la salud y el bienestar, y en especial la alimentación, el
públicamente y con justicia por un tribunal independiente e imparcial, para la vestido, la vivienda, la asistencia médica y los servicios sociales necesarios;
determinación de sus derechos y obligaciones o para el examen de cualquier tiene asimismo derecho a los seguros en caso de desempleo, enfermedad,
acusación contra ella en materia penal.
invalidez, viudez, vejez u otros casos de pérdida de sus medios de
Artículo 11.-
1. Toda persona acusada de delito tiene derecho a que se presuma su inocencia subsistencia por circunstancias independientes de su voluntad.
mientras no se pruebe su culpabilidad (...). 2. La maternidad y la infancia tienen derecho a cuidados y asistencia especiales.
2. Nadie será condenado por actos u omisiones que en el momento de Todos los niños, nacidos de matrimonio o fuera de matrimonio, tienen derecho
cometerse no fueron delictivos según el Derecho nacional o internacional. a igual protección social.
Tampoco se impondrá pena más grave que la aplicable en el momento de Artículo 26.-
la comisión del delito. 1. Toda persona tiene derecho a la educación. La educación debe ser gratuita,
Artículo 12.- al menos en lo concerniente a la instrucción elemental y fundamental. La
Nadie será objeto de injerencias arbitrarias en su vida privada, su familia, su instrucción elemental será obligatoria. La instrucción técnica y profesional
domicilio o su correspondencia, ni de ataques a su honra o a su reputación. Toda habrá de ser generalizada; el acceso a los estudios superiores será igual
persona tiene derecho a la protección de la ley contra tales injerencias o ataques. para todos, en función de los méritos respectivos.
Artículo 13.- 2. La educación tendrá por objeto el pleno desarrollo de la personalidad humana
1. Toda persona tiene derecho a circular libremente y a elegir su residencia y el fortalecimiento del respeto a los derechos humanos y a las libertades
en el territorio de un Estado. fundamentales; favorecerá la comprensión, la tolerancia y la amistad entre
2. Toda persona tiene derecho a salir de cualquier país, incluso del propio, y todas las naciones y todos los grupos étnicos o religiosos, y promoverá el
a regresar a su país. desarrollo de las actividades de las Naciones Unidas para el mantenimiento
Artículo 14.- de la paz.
1. En caso de persecución, toda persona tiene derecho a buscar asilo, y a 3. Los padres tendrán derecho preferente a escoger el tipo de educación que
disfrutar de él, en cualquier país. habrá de darse a sus hijos.
2. Este derecho no podrá ser invocado contra una acción judicial realmente Artículo 27.-
originada por delitos comunes o por actos opuestos a los propósitos y 1. Toda persona tiene derecho a tomar parte libremente en la vida cultural de
principios de las Naciones Unidas. la comunidad, a gozar de las artes y a participar en el progreso científico y
Artículo 15.- en los beneficios que de él resulten.
1. Toda persona tiene derecho a una nacionalidad. 2. Toda persona tiene derecho a la protección de los intereses morales y
2. A nadie se privará arbitrariamente de su nacionalidad ni del derecho a
cambiar de nacionalidad. materiales que le correspondan por razón de las producciones científicas,
Artículo 16.- literarias o artísticas de que sea autora.
1. Los hombres y las mujeres, a partir de la edad núbil, tienen derecho, sin Artículo 28.-
restricción alguna por motivos de raza, nacionalidad o religión, a casarse y Toda persona tiene derecho a que se establezca un orden social e internacional
fundar una familia (...). en el que los derechos y libertades proclamados en esta Declaración se hagan
2. Solo mediante libre y pleno consentimiento de los futuros esposos podrá plenamente efectivos.
contraerse el matrimonio. Artículo 29.-
3. La familia es el elemento natural y fundamental de la sociedad y tiene derecho 1. Toda persona tiene deberes respecto a la comunidad (...).
a la protección de la sociedad y del Estado. 2. En el ejercicio de sus derechos y en el disfrute de sus libertades, toda persona
Artículo 17.- estará solamente sujeta a las limitaciones establecidas por la ley con el único
1. Toda persona tiene derecho a la propiedad, individual y colectivamente. fin de asegurar el reconocimiento y el respeto de los derechos y libertades
2. Nadie será privado arbitrariamente de su propiedad. de los demás, y de satisfacer las justas exigencias de la moral, del orden
Artículo 18.- público y del bienestar general en una sociedad democrática.
Toda persona tiene derecho a la libertad de pensamiento, de conciencia y de 3. Estos derechos y libertades no podrán, en ningún caso, ser ejercidos en
religión (...). oposición a los propósitos y principios de las Naciones Unidas.
Artículo 19.- Artículo 30.-
Todo individuo tiene derecho a la libertad de opinión y de expresión (...). Nada en esta Declaración podrá interpretarse en el sentido de que confiere
Artículo 20.- derecho alguno al Estado, a un grupo o a una persona, para emprender y
1. Toda persona tiene derecho a la libertad de reunión y de asociación pacíficas. desarrollar actividades (...) tendientes a la supresión de cualquiera de los
2. Nadie podrá ser obligado a pertenecer a una asociación. derechos y libertades proclamados en esta Declaración.
Título de la obra

Student’s Book
Se complementa con CHEER UP ELEMENTARY 2
Activity Book

© Derechos de autor reservados y registrados PROHIBIDA

© Derechos de edición, arte gráfico y diagramación PUBLICADA EL 20 DE JULIO DE 2004
reservados y registrados conforme a ley
Coordinadora general del área: DE AUTOR Y CONEXOS
Lic. Flor Amanda Oyola Gabriel
Reproducción, difusión, distribución y circulación de la obra sin
Diseño, diagramación y corrección: la autorización del autor.
Editorial Escuela Activa S.A.
Artículo 217.o.- Será reprimido con pena privativa de
libertad no menor de dos ni mayor de seis años y con treinta
Ilustración: a noventa días-multa, el que con respecto a una obra, una
Banco de imágenes Editorial Escuela Activa S.A. interpretación o ejecución artística, un fonograma o una emisión
o transmisión de radiodifusión, o una grabación audiovisual o
Editorial ESCUELA ACTIVA S.A. una imagen fotográfica expresada en cualquier forma, realiza
Jr. Pomabamba 325, Breña alguno de los siguientes actos sin la autorización previa y
Tels. 332 6314 332 6667 escrita del autor o titular de los derechos:
Correo electrónico:
a. La modifique total o parcialmente. b. La distribuya mediante venta, alquiler o préstamo
Tiraje: 3500 ejemplares c. La comunique o difunda públicamente por cualquiera
de los medios o procedimientos reservados al titular del
Impreso en: respectivo derecho.
Corporación Gráfica Navarrete S.A. d. La reproduzca, distribuya o comunique en mayor
Carretera Central 759 – km 2 número que el autorizado por escrito.
Santa Anita, Lima – Perú La pena será no menor de cuatro años ni mayor de ocho
Tel. 362 0606 y con sesenta a ciento veinte días-multa, cuando el agente
la reproduzca total o parcialmente, por cualquier medio o
procedimiento y si la distribución se realiza mediante venta,
alquiler o préstamo al público u otra forma de transferencia de
la posesión del soporte que contiene la obra o producción que
supere las dos (2) Unidades Impositivas Tributarias, en forma
fraccionada, en un solo acto o en diferentes actos de inferior
ISBN N.o 978-612-4348-97-6 importe cada uno.
Proyecto Editorial N.o 31501051900868
Ley N.o 28086
Hecho el Depósito Legal en la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú
N.o 2019-11756


La Editorial se hace responsable por el rigor
académico del contenido del texto de acuerdo con
los principios de la Ley General de Educación.
Know your book

What's your
favorite food?
Healthy eating

1. Listen and repeat. Then act out the dialogue. Track 26 Unit

What's your
favorite food?

Instruction Key
I like salads. question

Second Grade 47

Grade Page

Second Grade


say a word and
Track 25
A: tea
B: a cup of tea
repeat. Then
1. Listen and

a loaf of

Key language
a bottle of bread
a piece of yogurt
a carton cheese
of milk

a glass of
a jug of orange juice
a bowl of rice water
a cup of tea
ge Go to pg. 126-1

Key la ng ua for more about

countable and
Lesson 1 uncountable
er. Track 28 a box of
ask and answ a jar of honey cereal
repeat. Then a can of Coke
1. Listen and 2 a bar of
1 chocolate Desserts
Main courses
are there?
y cans of Coke
A: How man Coke.
are there? a few cans of
cartons of milk B: There are
A: How many
carton of milk.
B: There is one 4 chocolate cake
3 grilled fish
chicken soup
green salad

h tea is there
A: How muc
little bit of tea.

h orange juice
is there B: There is a
A: How muc juice.
glass of orange
B: There is a 6 ice cream
steak and fries
5 onion soup
tomato salad

h honey is there
A: How muc
rt are there ? lot of honey. 46
y bottles of yogu yogurt. B: There is a
A: How man s of
a lot of bottle
B: There are
with a partner. Ha nds on and
2. Practice the Soups

y to order? onion soup

A: Are you read soup to
some chicken u.
B: Yes! I'd like chicken soup 1. Make a men
start. Materials
the main
d you like for Main courses
A: What woul
course? steak and fries
grilled fish.
B: I'd like the ? grilled fish
d you like to drink
A: And what woul e. Salads pictures of food
of water, pleas and drinks
B: I'd like a glass Desserts a black
green salad construction marker
A: Anything else? chocolate cake
paper (20 cm
x glue
chocolate cake 10 cm)
B: A piece of tomato salad ice cream
A: Will that be
it. ses
B: Yes, that's Salads cour
Main d fries
green an
steak h
50 salad grille
d fis

Soups erts
Dess cake
soup olate
soup cream

Create your men
r in half.
truction pape
Fold the cons

Salads cour
green fries
salad and
tomato steak
salad h
d fis
Soups grille ts
Dess ke
soup ola te ca
soup cream

“MENU” and
Write the word
res. your card.
Glue on the pictu

and ask:
Use your menu
you like to eat?
What would ?
you like to drink

Board game
What would


toge ther
Having fun

1. Complete
the pictures
parts. Write
by numberin
the words or
g the missing
phrases and
then ask. What do you
What are you
What can you every day?
doing now?
1 2
3 4
Reading corn
3 4

er. Track 31 Piece of cake

read, then ask a partn
1. Listen and

1 2

local market
1 4 the
Shopping at
4 ia. My mom
3 I'm from Boliv
Hi, I'm Lucia and at the local
ed shopping
and I just finish from my
fifteen minutes
market. It's only block s, turn left, go
house. Just walk , then it's right next
down Checkers ng to the market is
2 . Getti
1 to the skate park
2 a piece of cake
bought? We
1 2 to see what we
4 Do you want rt, a jar of honey,
of yogu
4 bought a bottle s, a lot of
3 juice, a few onion
two bottles of
3 of fresh bread.
fruit and a loaf king the fridge
is chec
Now my mom make a salad.
wants to
because she se and a bit of
piece of chee
There's a big few carro ts and a
are also a
lettuce. There
2 lot of radishes. go
2 buy when you
1 What do you
shopping ?
1 4
3 4
( ).
n and check
buy? Read agai
a and her mom
2. What did Luci
e. a bar of choc
42 a. a can of coke
f. a few onion
yogu rt
b. a bottle of
g. a loaf of fresh
c. a carton of

d. a jar of hone

Second Grade
Culture corne

Culture corn
topic in pairs
talk about the
1. Read and

fish and
ared with raw
Ceviche is prep acid in the
lemon juice. The
marinated in g it a delicate

the fish, givin
juice “cooks” y cons istency.
slightly chew
flavor and a red onions
lly spiced with
The dish is usua d (typically
ers, and serve
and chilli pepp or corn.
sweet potato
at lunch) with

map .
2. Make a city

Writing a black scissors

graph. Materials colored
glue marker
and write a para construction
at the picture paper
the fridge? Look
1. What's in rk
city pa
as a box or can)
is an object (such
that can hold c places on the
Write the publi
black marker.
ed strips with the
Cut strips of color r.
construction pape
Excuse me,
e are a to the
of ketchup. Ther how do I get
There is a bottle

First Avenue


few bananas





Sucre Street
First Avenue


Colon Bouleba





Sucre Street

Second Avenue

Colon Boulebar

BAKERY Second Avenue







Third Avenue


Third Avenue


a carton of milk giving directions


Role play by

truction .
se sheet of cons Use your map
a piece of chee Take a bigger on the strips. Write
rt paper and glue to finish your map. 57
a bottle of yogu the street nam

a bowl of rice Second Grade

a jug of water
ge juice
a glass of oran
a can of Coke

a jar of honey

Phrasal verb
2. Talk to a partn There is a bottl
boil down
of ketchup.
There are a
few cut up
bananas and


Key words
orite food? Unit 4
What's your fav

1. Write.
and containers
erts: Food, drinks
a. three dess

b. three soup

a loaf of
a bottle of bread
s: a piece of yogurt
c. three salad a carton cheese
of milk

d. three main

many. a glass of
questions with much or a jug of
Complete the orange juice
are there? a bowl of rice water
cans of coke a cup of tea
a. How there?
orange juice is
b. How r are there?
bottles of wate
c. How ?
yogurt is there a box of
d. How a jar of honey cereal
are there? a can of Coke
bowls of rice a bar of
e. How chocolate
coffee is there?
f. How

corr ect answer. Desserts

3. Choose the ge juice. Main courses
bottles of oran Soups
1. There are b. a few Salads
a. a little

cartons of milk.
2. There are b. a lot of
a. a little
chocolate cake
grilled fish
bit of yogurt. chicken soup
3. There is b. a few green salad
a. a little
boxes of cere
4. There are b. a few 61
a. a little
ice cream
Second Grade
steak and fries
onion soup
tomato salad 65

Second Grade

Second Grade
Scope & Sequence
Unit Topic Vocabulary Key language Listening Speaking
• Greetings • Good morning! • Role play
• Numbers What's up? Bye!
• Pair work
Good 1-100 • What's your
Starter morning! cellphone number?
• Classroom
language • Imperatives /

• Moods • Let's / How about?

• Sentences • Guessing game
(understanding mood • Act out a dialogue
• Personality • The verb be (I, you, adjectives) • Describing personalities
he, she, we, they)

characteristics • Role play dialogues
• Dialogues
I'm happy! • Ask and answer questions
specific information • Game: Making suggestions
about people's • Describing oneself and other's personalities
personalities) • Project: Describing one's favorite person
• Personal • This / That / These • Completing a • Guessing game
items / Those shopping list with • Act out a dialogue
personal items
• Clothes • mine, yours, his, • Role play dialogues

Whose hers, ours, theirs • Completing a dialogue
with Possessive • Ask and answer questions
cell phone
• It's Rita's. Pronouns • Project:Talking about possessions
is this?
• Answering questions • Talking about what one and one's family members
• Present Simple
about what people usually wear
usually wear • Project: Talking about what one wears
• Activities • The verb can • Three short dialogues • Guessing game
• Hobbies • Present Simple (understanding specific • Act out a dialogue
information about • Role play dialogues

Can you • Present
Continuous people's skills) • Game: Talking about skills, routines and what one is doing
ride a • Talking about routines, what one is doing and skills
• A monologue
horse? • Project: Talking about skills, routines and what one
(understanding specific
information) is doing

• Food, • How much / How • Listening and • Completing words and phrases
drinks and many? repeating a tongue • Act out a dialogue
What's containers • a few / a little / a twister • Role play dialogues

4 your • Prepositions lot of • Ask and answer questions

of movement • A dialogue (asking for
favorite and giving directions) • Project: Offering food and drinks
food? • Locations • Talking about what's in a fridge
and • Project: Giving directions

• Health • The modal verb • Short dialogues • Guessing game

problems should (understanding health • Act out a dialogue
• Activities • Past Continuous problems) • Role play dialogues

5 What's
• Past Simple • Two short dialaogues
specific information)
• Game: Making sentences with the Past Simple
and Past Continuous
• Narrating a short story
• Project: Talking about health problems

• Physical • Comparative • Short dialogues • Giving the opposite of adjectives

appearance forms (Completing with • Act out a dialogue
adjectives • Superlative forms physical appearance • Role play dialogues

What does
adjectives) • Saying the comparative form of the adjectives
he look
• A dialogue • Project: Describing friends' physical appearance
like? (understanding • Comparing one's family members
specific information) • Project: Describing famous people's physical
• Weather • Future be going to • Listening and • Guessing game
What's • Activities • Future will repeating a tongue • Act out a dialogue

the twister • Role play dialogues
weather • A dialogue • Game: Talking about the weather and weekend activities
like (understanding • Describing one's and family members' weekend
today? specific information) activities
• Project: Asking about the weather
• Extreme • Present Perfect • Listening and writing • Play Charades
sports Simple sport words • Act out a dialogue
Have you • Role play dialogues

• Activities • An audio
ever • Ask and answer questions
played • Project: Talking about experiences
specific information)
golf? • Describing one's and family members'
• Project: Asking about one's experiences
Reading Writing Objective Culture Value
• Greeting words • Greeting and saying goodbye • Trust
and phrases • Introducing oneself and asking
about one's health
• Exchanging basic personal
• Using classroom language

• Information • Categorizing adjectives • Making suggestions • Christopher • Be in

about a group • Completing dialogues with Let's / How about? • Talking about personalities Columbus a good
of people's • Correcting sentences mood
personalities • Answering questions about people's personalities
• Unscrambling words
• A paragraph describing oneself and a best friend's

• Information • Completing a crossword with school supplies • Expressing possession • Sep 9, • Neatness
about what • Completing a dialogue with the auxiliary verb do • Talking about what people 1947 CE:
a girl usually / does usually wear World's first
wears and • Writing Present Simple sentences in the correct computer
what her family order bug
members are • A paragraph about what one and family members
shopping for usually wear

• Information about • Writing words and phrases • Expressing ability • Chess / • Friendship
two friends' • Matching phrases • Discussing habitual actions and Painting
routines and • Correcting sentences about skills routines
skills, plus what • Completing sentences with Present Simple or
a boy and his Present Continuous • Talking about current activities
relatives are • A paragraph about skills, routines and what one is
doing doing

• Information • Completing phrases about food containers • Ordering food • Ceviche • Healthy
about going • Labeling food • Asking for and giving directions eating
shopping and
cooking • Correcting questions about quantity
• Completing sentences about locations and directions
• A paragraph about what's in a fridge

• Information • Matching health problem words • Asking for and giving advice • What are • Health
about • Completing phrases • Narrating past events the five
someone's • Completing sentences with the correct form of have senses?
health and what • Writing some advice for health problems
someone was • Writing the -ing form of verbs
doing when • Completing sentences with the Past Simple or Past
something Continuous
happened • A short story
• Information • Writing physical appearance adjectives • Describing appearance • Organs • Attitude
about a family's • Correcting comparative sentences • Making comparisons
physical • Writing comparative sentences
• Completing superlative sentences
• A paragraph comparing one's family physical

• Information • Completing sentences with the weather • Making future plans • The • Protect
about the • Completing phrases • Talking about what people want weather in the
weather in Lima environ-
• Completing sentences with going to to do or are willing to do
Russia and two ment
• Completing sentences with will
• A paragraph about one's and family members'
weekend activities

• Information • Unscrambling sport words • Talk about experiences • Guitarrero • Inspiration

about a group • Matching and writing phrases Cave
of friends' • Completing sentences with the Present Perfect
adventures Simple
• Completing and answering questions
• A paragraph about one's and family members'

Second Grade
Good morning!
1. Listen and repeat. Track 1

Good Good What's up?

morning! afternoon!
Good Good Bye!
evening! night! See you!

Good bye.
How are you? So-so.
Good night!
How's it going? Not much.
See you later.
How's everything? Not bad.
See you tomorrow.
I'm fine, thanks.
Take care.
Have a nice day.
I'm OK.
Have a nice weekend!
I'm very well. And you?

2. Talk in pairs.

A: Hello, my name is Carla.

I'm a new student.
What's your name?
B: Hi, I'm Jorge. How are you?
A: Great!
B: See you later.
A: See you.


How old are you?

1. Listen and repeat. Then practice the dialogue in pairs. Track 2

1 one 8 eight 15 fifteen 40 forty
2 two 9 nine 16 sixteen 50 fifty
3 three 10 ten 17 seventeen 60 sixty
4 four 11 eleven 18 eighteen 70 seventy
5 five 12 twelve 19 nineteen 80 eighty
6 six 13 thirteen 20 twenty 90 ninety
7 seven 14 fourteen 30 thirty 100 one hundred

What's your address?

It's 23 Pomabamba Street. For e-mail addresses we say:
I live at 15 Luzuriaga Avenue. Susana 14 “at” hotmail “dot” com

A: Hello, what's your name? B: I'm 14 (years old).

B: My name is Susana. A: What's your e-mail?
A: What's your cellphone B:
number? A: What's your address?
B: 985 936 746 B: It's 23 Pomabamba Street.
A: How old are you? A: Thanks.

Classroom language
• Speak in English, please.
• Read the text.
• Listen to the audio.
• Write sentences.
• Turn to page…
• Any questions?
• Look at the board.
• What's the answer to question…?
• I don't understand.
• What does this word mean?
• I don't know.
• Can you repeat that, please?

Second Grade 9

1. Listen and repeat. Then mime and guess. Track 3

happy sad hungry thirsty

tired bored busy

Personality characteristics

active lazy hardworking rude

serious outgoing shy polite

I'm happy!

1. Listen and repeat. Then act out the dialogue.

Be in a good mood

Track 4

I'm hungry.
Let's eat some

Second Grade 11
2. Look at the pictures and choose the correct answers.

1 2

a. happy a. hungry

b. sad b. tired

3 4

a. happy a. hungry

b. bored b. busy

5 6

a. hungry a. tired

b. bored b. happy

a. thirsty

b. hungry

3. Listen and circle. Track 5

a. I'm hungry / thirsty.

b. Paul is happy / sad.

c. She's busy / tired.

d. We're bored / hungry.

e. They're sad / bored.

4. Categorize the adjectives. Then describe a person.

Characteristics rude

lazy hardwo

Positive Negative

5. Role play.

What's your He's very

brother like? active.

Second Grade 13
Lesson 1 Key language
1. Listen and repeat. Then practice the conversation. Track 6

1 2 3

A: I'm hungry. A: He's thirsty. A: She's sad.

B: Let's eat a sandwich. B: How about making B: Let's buy her some
A: Good idea! some lemonade for him? flowers.
A: Ok. I'll make it. A: Wonderful!

4 5

A: We're tired. A: They're busy.

B: How about going home? B: Let's do it ourselves then.
A: Sounds good. A: That's not a bad idea.

2. Practice the conversation with a partner.

A: Hey, let's do the math homework together.

B: I'm hungry. How about going to the cafeteria to eat

something and then we can do the homework?

A: Great idea! Let's go.

Go to pg. 122 to
see more about
Let's and How

3. Complete the dialogues with Let's or How about.

1. A: We're hungry.
B: eating a cake?
A: Sounds good.

2. A: I'm bored.
B: go to the cinema.
A: Good idea!

3. A: They're thirsty.
B: buy a soda.
A: Ok.

4. A: He's tired.
B: resting for a few minutes?
A: Perfect.

4. Read each sentence. If there is a mistake, check the box. Then correct it.

a. Let's go to the cinema.

b. How about eat some fruit salad?

c. How about drinking an orange juice?

d. Let's going to the amusement park.

e. How about go to the beach.

f. Let's go fishing.

Second Grade 15
Lesson 2 Key language
1. Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer. Track 7

1 2 3

A: What are you like? A: What's he like? A: What's she like?

B: I'm not a rude person. B: He's not a lazy person. B: She's not a shy person.
I'm a polite person. He's hardworking. She's very outgoing.

4 5

A: What are you like? A: What are they like?

B: We're not serious. B: They're not lazy.
We're just shy. They're active.

2. Listen to the dialogues and complete the blanks. Track 8

1. Cathy is .
Go to pg. 122 to
2. Paul is very . see more about
the verb be.
3. Laura is .

4. Jose is .

5. I am a person.

6. Fredy and Simona are very .

3. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

a. What's she like? b. What's he like?

c. What's he like? d. What are they like?

e. What are they like? f. What's she like?

g. What is he like? h. What's he like?

Second Grade 17
Having fun together

1. Unscramble the letters and write the words. Then role play.

t y t
s a d
i r
h n s
g h r
u y

p h i r
y p A: I'm thirsty. t
a d
B: Let's drink some water.

a p p
h y u
b d r s
y u
o e b

Reading corner

1. Listen and read, then ask a partner. Track 9

It's thirsty

Hanging out with friends

Hi, I'm Ben. I'm from Fort McMurray,
Canada. When my friends Angela,
Grace, and I are bored, we hang out at
the skate park. We only see Angela on
the weekends because she's always
busy playing sports. She's a great soccer
player. Playing sports is a thirsty job!

Grace is shy and quiet. Angela is outgoing

and hardworking, especially at school
and sports. I'm always happy when I play
basketball. Sometimes when I'm tired, I
get lazy and just want to stay home. When
I'm hungry, I eat a chicken sandwich and
drink some juice.

What are you and your friends like?

2. Read again and write T for True or F for False.

a. Ben is from Canada.

b. Angela is always busy playing sports.

c. Grace is outgoing.

d. Ben is sometimes lazy when he's tired.

e. When Ben is hungry, he eats a cheese sandwich.

Second Grade 19
1. What are you like? Write a paragraph describing yourself and your best friend.


active rude
are words or phrases that lazy outgoing
describe or modify nouns. hardworking serious
E.g. He's a serious person. polite shy

I'm an outgoing person.

2. Talk to a partner.
Phrasal verbs
I'm an outgoing
chill out
calm down

Culture corner
1. Read and talk about the topic in pairs.

Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa between August
and October 1451. His father was a weaver and small-time
merchant. As a teenager, Christopher went to sea, travelled
extensively and eventually made Portugal his base. It was here
that he initially attempted to gain royal patronage for a westward
voyage to the Orient - his 'enterprise of the Indies'. When this
failed, and appeals to the French and English courts were also
rejected, Columbus found himself in Spain, still struggling to win
backing for his project. Finally, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella agreed to sponsor the
expedition, and on 3 August 1492, Columbus and his fleet of three ships, the Santa Maria,
the Pinta and the Niña set sail across the Atlantic. Columbus landed on a number of other
islands in the Caribbean, including Cuba and Hispaniola, and returned to Spain in triumph.
He died on 20 May 1506.

2. Make a poster of your favorite person.

a picture of
your favorite colored construction
person glue markers paper

ve ve work
acti acti ing
wo rkin hard
hard acti
ve ing

outg poli
ing shy
ing shy
te outgo

Glue the picture Choose the Find a partner

Write the words
of your favorite adjectives that and tell him/her
around the
person on the describe the about your favorite
construction paper. person. person.
Second Grade 21

1. Listen and repeat. Then spell a word and guess. Track 10 A: S-T-A-P-L-E-R
B: It's a stapler.

cell phone earphones laptop calculator

pencil holder stapler hole punch scissors


T-shirt dress socks shoes

jeans jacket shorts sneakers

Whose cell phone
is this?

1. Listen and repeat. Then act out the dialogue. Track 11

It isn't mine.
It's Teo's.
Whose cell
phone is this?

Second Grade 23
2. Look at the pictures and complete the crossword.

2 1

e 4
c l


s 5

3. Two people are shopping. Listen and complete the shopping list. Track 12



4. Match the words with the correct pictures.

a. jeans b. shoes c. jacket

d. sneakers

e. dress f. socks g. T-shirt h. shorts

5. Role play.

What do you I usually like to

usually like to wear jeans and
wear? T-shirts.

Second Grade 25
Lesson 1 Key language
1. Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer. Track 13

Possessive Pronouns
mine yours his hers ours yours theirs

1 2

A: Whose laptop is this? A: Whose scissors are these?

B: It isn't mine. It's Rita's. B: They're not hers. They're Laura's.

3 4

A: Whose stapler is that? A: Whose earphones are those?

B: It isn't his. It's Piero's. B: They're not ours. They're Kate's.

2. Circle the correct words.

1. A: Whose / Who's laptop is this?

B: It isn't her / hers. It's Carla's.
Go to pg. 123
to see more
2. A: Whose scissors are this / these? about Possessive
B: They aren't their / theirs. They're Pam's. Pronouns.

3. A: Whose / Who's calculator is that?

B: It isn't his. It's Willys / Willy's.

4. A: Whose / Who's earphones are that / those?

B: They aren't your / yours. They're Sam's.

3. Choose the correct answer.

a. This is her cell phone. This is her / hers.

b. That is their pencil holder. That is their / theirs.

c. Those are our earphones. Those are our / ours.

d. This is my hole punch. This is my / mine.

e. These are your staplers. These are your / yours.

4. Listen and complete the dialogue. Track 14

Shelley: Hey, Ben. Is this your stapler?

Ben: No, it isn't . It's Andrew's. Here, you can borrow mine.

Shelley: Great, thank you.

Ben: Is that your new cell phone?

Shelley: No, it isn't mine. It's Albert's. Are these earphones too?

Ben: Yes, they're . Whose calculator is that? Is it Anna's?

Shelley: Yes, that is .

Ben: Ok, I'll ask her if I can borrow it.

Shelley: Whose scissors are these?

Ben: They're .

Second Grade 27
Lesson 2 Key language
1. Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer. Track 15

1 2 3

A: What does she usually A: What does he usually

A: What do you usually wear at the park?
wear to parties?
wear when you go out? B: He usually wears shorts,
B: She usually wears
B: I usually wear a jacket. but today he's wearing

4 5

A: What do you usually

A: What do they usually
wear when you hang
wear to soccer games?
out with your friends?
B: They usually wear
B: We usually wear
Peruvian soccer
shorts, but sometimes
we wear jeans.

2. Complete the dialogues with do or does.

1. A: What you usually wear when you go to the beach?

Go to pg. 124 - 125
B: Well, I usually wear shorts. to see more about
the Present Simple.
2. A: What he usually wear when he plays soccer?

B: He usually wears sneakers, but today he isn't.

3. A: What they usually wear to parties?

B: They usually wear jeans.

3. Make sentences by putting the words in the correct order.

a. wears / He / usually / a / jacket /. / in / evening / the

b. We / usually / sneakers /. / wear / when / go / we / trekking

c. They / wear / usually / jeans /. / to / shopping / go

d. wears / dresses /. / She / usually / parties / to

e. I / T-shirts /. / usually / wear / when / I / housework / do

4. Listen to the dialogues and choose a or b. Track 16

1. What does Sue usually wear to play volleyball?

a. T-shirts b. socks

2. What does Carlos usually wear when he rides a bike?

a. jeans b. jackets

3. What does Marcela usually wear when she goes running?

a. sneakers b. shoes

4. What does Santiago usually wear to the beach?

a. shorts b. jeans

5. What does Karen usually wear to weddings?

a. jackets b. dresses
Second Grade 29
Hands on and play

1. Make a pencil holder.


red, white a black googly

and green marker eyes

a can craft glue

Wrap the can with the Draw the seeds of the

red, white and green Glue on the watermelon with the
paper. googly eyes. black marker.

Put school supplies from other students into your

Draw the mouth. pencil holder. Show them to your partner and talk
about it. E.g. This is hers.

Reading corner

1. Listen and read, then ask a partner. Track 17 Dress to


Let's go shopping!
Hi, I'm Sofia and this is my closet.
I'm going to my friend Grace's
birthday party this evening.
I usually wear jeans, T-shirts and
sneakers, but tonight all the girls
have to wear a dress. My mom
wants to take me shopping later,
so I can dress to impress!
My mom is shopping with my
brother now. He's going to
University and needs a new
laptop, a cell phone, a calculator,
a hole punch and a stapler.
What do you usually like to

2. Read again and complete.

a. Sofia is going to .

b. Sofia usually wears ,

and .

c. Sofia's mom wants to take her .

d. Sofia's brother is going to University and needs a new ,

a ,a ,a

and a .

Second Grade 31
1. What do you and your family usually wear on the weekend? Draw a picture and write
a paragraph.

Apostrophes (')
T-shirt dress socks shoes
jeans jacket shorts sneakers Use an apostrophe to show that a thing or
person belongs to or relates to someone
or something.

I usually wear T-shirts and jeans at home.

2. Talk to a partner.
Phrasal verbs
I usually wear
T-shirts and
jeans at home.
put on
take off

Culture corner
1. Read and talk about the topic in pairs.

Sep 9, 1947 CE: World's first computer bug

On September 9, 1947, computer scientist Grace Hopper
reported the world's first computer bug. A bug is a flaw or
glitch in a system. Thomas Edison reported “bugs” in his
designs as early as the 1800s, but Hopper was the first
to identify one in a computer.

In Hopper's case, it was literally a bug. Her coworkers at

Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, found
that their computer was delivering consistent errors.
When they opened the computer's hardware, they found
a moth. The trapped insect had disrupted the electronics
of the computer.

2. Make a clothes fan.

a colored pictures of clothes glue

Choose your favorite Glue the clothes Tell a partner about what you usually
clothes. onto the fan. wear. E.g. I usually wear jeans and
sneakers on the weekends.

Second Grade 33

1. Listen and repeat. Then mime the actions and guess. Track 18

run ride a horse play soccer draw a picture

dance sing use a computer cook


playing chess writing e-mails ice skating painting

playing cards swimming juggling watching TV

Can you ride a horse?

1. Listen and repeat. Then act out the dialogue.


Track 19

Can you ride a

Yes, I can.

Second Grade 35
2. Look at the pictures and write.

a. b.

c. d.

e. f.

3. Listen to three short conversations and choose the correct answer a, b or c. Track 20

1. Sue can 2. Jessica can 3. James can

a. run. a. use a computer. a. sing pop songs.

b. ride a horse. b. dance. b. draw a picture.

c. sing. c. cook pasta. c. run.

4. Match the phrases with the pictures.

1 2
a. playing chess

b. writing e-mails

3 4
c. ice skating

d. swimming

e. painting 5 6

f. watching TV

g. juggling 7 8

h. playing cards

5. Role play.

Hi, Sara. I usually run at this

What are you time, but I'm writing
doing now? an e-mail now.

Second Grade 37
Lesson 1 Key language
1. Listen and repeat. Track 21

1 2

I can ride a horse, but He can draw a picture, but

I can't sing. he can't cook.

3 4

She can sing, but We can run, but

she can't dance. we can't play soccer.

They can use a computer, but

they can't draw a picture.

2. Practice the conversation with a partner.

A: Hello, Lisa.
Go to pg. 125 - 126
B: Hi, Nestor. How are you? to see more about
the modal verb can.
A: I'm fine, thank you. And you?
B: I'm good. Can you cook?
A: Yes, I can. I can run, dance and sing too. And you?
B: I can't sing, but I can play basketball and ride a horse.
A: Wow! Ride a horse? I can't do that.

3. Find the mistake, underline it and write the correct word.

a. I can singing.

b. She cans ride a horse.

c. We can't uses a computer.

d. He not can dance very well.

e. They can running fast.

f. She can't cooked dinner!

g. He can to play soccer.

4. Listen and put a check mark next to true or false. Track 22

a. Robert's mom can cook Peruvian food. true false

b. His brother can't dance pop music. true false

c. His sister can run very fast. true false

d. His uncle can't use a computer. true false

e. His grandpa can't ride a horse. true false

Second Grade 39
Lesson 2 Key language
1. Listen and repeat. Track 23

1 2

I usually run at this time, He always plays soccer at this time,

but now I'm writing e-mails. but now he's juggling.

3 4

She often rides a horse at this time, We usually dance at this time,
but now she's watching TV. but now we're ice skating.

They sometimes dance at this time,

but now they're playing chess.

Go to pg. 126 to
2. Practice the conversation with a partner. see more about the
Present Simple and
A: Hello, Bob. How are you? Present Continuous.

B: I'm great! How are you doing?

A: Good. Do you play soccer here?
B: Yes, I usually play soccer here with my friends, but now we're swimming.
What about you?
A: I sometimes ride a horse here, but now I'm playing chess.
B: Sounds like fun.
3. Put the verbs in paretheses in Present Simple or Present Continuous.

a. Andrea sometimes lunch. (cook)

b. Listen! Sam in the bathroom. (sing)

c. My mom TV now. (watch)

d. They often soccer in the morning. (play)

e. Look! The boys cards. (play)

f. My friends every day. (dance)

g. We chess right now. (play)

h. I usually a horse in the afternoons. (ride)

4. Present Simple or Continuous? Choose the correct alternative(s) in the sentences

a-h below.

a. They usually are running / run around the park.

b. She is playing / plays cards with her friends now.

c. I sometimes am using / use a computer to check my e-mails.

d. Rosa and Teo often are dancing / dance ballet in the mornings.

e. He never is cooking / cooks dinner because he always arrives home late.

f. Look! We are swimming / swim. The water is warm.

g. She can't answer the phone now, she is painting / paints a picture.

h. Peter is singing / sings rock songs every day.

Second Grade 41
Having fun together
1. Complete the pictures by numbering the missing What can you do?
parts. Write the words or phrases and then ask. What do you do every day?
What are you doing now?

1 1 1 2

3 4 3 4 4

1 1 2 1

3 4 3 3 4

1 2 2 1 2

3 3 4 4

1 1 2 2

3 4 4 3 4

Reading corner
1. Listen and read, then ask a partner. Track 24

I like to be active
Hey, I'm Eric and I live in Orlando, Florida. I can sing and dance.
I'm in the drama club at school. I can also play soccer and run fast.
My friend John and I play on the same team, he's the captain. He's
a real go-getter!
John can paint beautiful pictures, but he can't use the computer. On
the weekends, we usually play cards because I can't play chess or
juggle. I often go skating in the mornings, now I'm writing an e-mail
to my grandparents and listening to music. My mom is cooking and
my dad is watching TV.
What can you do?

2. Answer the questions.

a. What can Eric do?

b. What can John do?

c. What do Eric and John do together?

d. What is Eric doing now?

Second Grade 43
1. What can you do?
Word order
What do you do every day?
What are you doing now? We always put the subject of a sentence
Write a paragraph to answer the before the verb and the object after the verb.
questions above. (60 - 80 words) E.g. I run with my friends every day.

run ride a horse play soccer playing chess writing e-mails

draw a picture dance sing ice skating painting playing cards
use a computer cook swimming juggling watching TV

I can play soccer very well. I usually do my homework at

this time, but now I'm studying English.

2. Talk to a partner. Phrasal verbs

I can play soccer very
well. I usually do my
homework at this time,
play around
but now I'm studying play against

Culture corner
1. Read and talk about the topic in pairs.

Chess is a game for 2 players who take turns moving
each of the 16 pieces according to fixed rules. They play
on a checkerboard and the goal is to checkmate the
opponent's king.

Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment,
color or other mediums to a solid surface. The medium
is commonly applied to the base with a brush, but you can
also use knives, sponges, and airbrushes.

2. Make matching cards.

colored a black
paper marker scissors

pictures of skills
and hobbies

Choose your favorite colored paper. Cut strips of paper.

playing chess
watching cook ride a playing
watching TV TV horse chess
ride a horse
Remove the pictures of skills and hobbies from
T1. Match the words or phrases to the pictures
Write the words or phrases on the and then ask: What can you do? / What do you
strips of paper. do every day? / What are you doing now?
Second Grade 45

1. Listen and repeat. Then say a word and complete. Track 25 A: tea
B: a cup of tea

a carton a piece of a bottle of a loaf of

of milk cheese yogurt bread

a cup of tea a bowl of rice a jug of a glass of

water orange juice

a bar of a can of Coke a jar of honey a box of

chocolate cereal

Salads Soups Main courses Desserts

green salad chicken soup grilled fish chocolate cake

tomato salad onion soup steak and fries ice cream

What's your
favorite food?
Healthy eating

1. Listen and repeat. Then act out the dialogue. Track 26

What's your
favorite food?

I like salads.

Second Grade 47
2. Look at the pictures and complete.

a. carton of b. a jug of c. a bottle of

d. a jar of e. a cup of f. a bowl of

g. a piece of h. a can of

a b c d

e f g h

3. Listen and repeat the tongue twisters. Track 27

1. A cup of totally, tasty, tea, stops an itchy, tickly


2. Creamy, milky, piece of cheese, crackers,

stackers morning tea.

3. Bottle rattles in the fridge, jiggly, jolly, water,


4. Spicy, steamy, sizzling, steak, side of fries,

dinner's made.

4. Label the pictures.

grilled fish chocolate cake chicken soup

green salad steak and fries onion soup
tomato salad ice cream

a. b. c.

d. e. f.

g. h.

5. Role play.

Would you like a

glass of orange
Yes, please.

Second Grade 49
Lesson 1 Key language Go to pg. 126-127
for more about
countable and
1. Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer. Track 28 nouns.

1 2

A: How many cartons of milk are there? A: How many cans of Coke are there?
B: There is one carton of milk. B: There are a few cans of Coke.

3 4

A: How much orange juice is there? A: How much tea is there?

B: There is a glass of orange juice. B: There is a little bit of tea.

5 6

A: How many bottles of yogurt are there? A: How much honey is there?
B: There are a lot of bottles of yogurt. B: There is a lot of honey.

2. Practice the conversation with a partner.

A: Are you ready to order? Soups

B: Yes! I'd like some chicken soup to onion soup
chicken soup
A: What would you like for the main
Main courses
B: I'd like the grilled fish.
steak and fries
A: And what would you like to drink?
B: I'd like a glass of water, please. grilled fish
A: Anything else?
green salad Desserts
B: A piece of chocolate cake.
chocolate cake
A: Will that be all? tomato salad
ice cream
B: Yes, that's it.
3. Read each question and then circle either the word correct or incorrect. If it's
incorrect, write it correctly.

a. How much cheese is there? correct incorrect

b. How many box of cereal are there? correct incorrect

c. How many cups of tea are there? correct incorrect

d. How much soup are there? correct incorrect

e. How many bowls of rices is there? correct incorrect

f. How much ice cream is there? correct incorrect

4. Choose the correct answer.

a. There is a few / a little bit of grilled fish.

b. There are a few / a little bars of chocolate.

c. There is a few / a little bit of orange juice.

d. There is a few / a little bit of yogurt.

e. There are a few / a little cans of Coke.

Second Grade 51
Lesson 2 Key language
1. Listen and repeat. Then practice the conversation. Track 29


Sucre Avenue


Arequipa Avenue
Luzuriaga Avenue

Artes Street AMUSEMENT First Street


Central Street
Gamarra Avenue


• Turn right / left at the… /

Excuse me, how Go up Luzuriaga onto…Street
do I get to the Avenue and…
• Go up / down….
• Go straight (ahead)
• Walk towards
• Walk two blocks
• It's on your right / left.

2. Listen and complete the dialogue. Track 30

How do I get to the fire station?

A: Excuse me, how I get to

the fire station?

B: Go on Palm Street.

Turn at the corner.

Then go Deck Road.

The fire station is on your ,

in front of the police .

A: Thank you very much.

B: Goodbye.

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

right get next to

Turn Excuse straight next

a. me, how do I to the cinema?

b. Go .

c. Turn at the corner.

d. left there.

e. The restaurant is on your left, the cinema.

f. Then take the road on your right.

Second Grade 53
Hands on and play

1. Make a menu.


construction pictures of food

paper (20 cm x a black and drinks
10 cm) glue marker

ds ses
n sa Main s
lad d frie
k an
to sa stea
lad d fish
onio Dess
n so
up cake
chick choc
en s
oup ream
ice c

Fold the construction paper in half. Create your menu.

ds ses
n sa Main
lad d frie
toma k an
to sa stea
Sou d fish
ps grille
n so Dess
up cake
en s choc
oup ream
ice c

Glue on the pictures. Write the word “MENU” and decorate

your card.

Use your menu and ask:

What would you like to eat?
What would you like to drink?

Reading corner
1. Listen and read, then ask a partner. Track 31
Piece of cake

Shopping at the local market

Hi, I'm Lucia and I'm from Bolivia. My mom
and I just finished shopping at the local
market. It's only fifteen minutes from my
house. Just walk two blocks, turn left, go
down Checkers Road, then it's right next
to the skate park. Getting to the market is
a piece of cake!
Do you want to see what we bought? We
bought a bottle of yogurt, a jar of honey,
two bottles of juice, a few onions, a lot of
fruit and a loaf of fresh bread.
Now my mom is checking the fridge
because she wants to make a salad.
There's a big piece of cheese and a bit of
lettuce. There are also a few carrots and a
lot of radishes.
What do you buy when you go

2. What did Lucia and her mom buy? Read again and check ( ).

a. a can of coke e. a bar of chocolate

b. a bottle of yogurt f. a few onions

c. a carton of milk g. a loaf of fresh bread

d. a jar of honey

Second Grade 55
1. What's in the fridge? Look at the picture and write a paragraph.


is an object (such as a box or can)

that can hold something.

There is a bottle of ketchup. There are a

few bananas and

a carton of milk

a piece of cheese

a bottle of yogurt

a bowl of rice

a jug of water

a glass of orange juice

a can of Coke

a jar of honey

2. Talk to a partner.
Phrasal verbs
There is a bottle
of ketchup.
There are a few boil down
bananas and cut up

Culture corner
1. Read and talk about the topic in pairs.

Ceviche is prepared with raw fish and
marinated in lemon juice. The acid in the
juice “cooks” the fish, giving it a delicate
flavor and a slightly chewy consistency.
The dish is usually spiced with red onions
and chilli peppers, and served (typically
at lunch) with sweet potato or corn.

2. Make a city map.

Materials colored
construction a black
glue marker scissors

city park


Cut strips of colored Write the public places on the

construction paper. strips with the black marker.

Excuse me,

First Avenue
how do I get to the


Colon Boulebar

Sucre Street



Second Avenue First Avenue







Colon Boulebar

Sucre Street




Third Avenue CITY






Take a bigger sheet of construction Role play by giving directions.

paper and glue on the strips. Write
the street names to finish your map. Use your map.

Second Grade 57
Review I'm happy!
Unit 1

1. Cross out the odd word.

a. happy - sad - hungry - apple

b. pen - active - lazy - shy

c. hungry - book - thirsty - tired

d. hardworking - rude - carrot - outgoing

2. Match.

1. I'm hungry. a. Let's buy her some flowers.

2. She's sad. b. How about making some lemonade for him?

3. They're busy. c. Let's eat a cheese sandwich.

4. He's thirsty. d. How about going home?

5. We're tired. e. Let's do it ourselves then.

3. Read the question and choose the correct answer.

1. What's he like? 2. What are you like?

a. He's hardworking. a. We're good looking.

b. He cooks every day. b. We're shy.

3. What are they like? 4. What's she like?

a. They're polite. a. She gets up at six o'clock.

b. They're working. b. She's outgoing.

Whose cell phone is this? Review

1. Look at the pictures and write the words in the correct category.

Stationery Clothes

2. Replace the Personal Pronouns with Possessive Pronouns.

a. This cell phone is (you) .

b. The red hole punch is (he) .

c. These scissors are (she) .

d. The blue pencil holder is (they) .

e. This laptop is (we) .

3. Complete the questions.

1. A: What wear at the park?

B: I usually wear jeans.

2. A: What wear in winter?

B: He usually wears jackets.

3. A: What wear to soccer games?

B: They usually wear sneakers.

4. A: What wear to parties?

B: She usually wears dresses.

Second Grade 59
Review Can you ride a horse?
Unit 3

1. Match and write the phrases.

a. ride a chess a.

b. writing computer b.

c. play skating c.

d. playing horse d.

e. use a e-mails e.

f. ice soccer f.

2. Complete the sentences with can and can't.

a. They dance, but b. He draw, but

they sing. he run.

c. We use a computer, d. She cook, but

but we sing. she ride a horse.

3. Present Simple or Present Continuous? Complete the sentences.

a. They (play) soccer on Sundays.

b. We (watch) TV now.

c. She (run) on the weekends.

d. I (swim) at the moment.

e. He (paint) a nice picture now.

What's your favorite food? Review
Unit 4

1. Write.

a. three desserts:

three soups:

three salads:

three main courses:

2. Complete the questions with much or many.

How cans of coke are there?

How orange juice is there?

How bottles of water are there?

How yogurt is there?

How bowls of rice are there?

How coffee is there?

3. Choose the correct answer.

There are bottles of orange juice.
a. a little b. a few

There are cartons of milk.
a. a little b. a lot of

There is bit of yogurt.
a. a little b. a few

There are boxes of cereal.
a. a little b. a few

Second Grade 61
Key words

happy sad hungry thirsty

tired bored busy

Personality characteristics

active lazy hardworking rude

serious outgoing shy polite

Personal items

cell phone earphones laptop calculator

pencil holder stapler hole punch scissors


T-shirt dress socks shoes

jacket shorts sneakers

Second Grade 63

run ride a horse play soccer draw a picture

dance sing use a computer cook


playing chess writing e-mails ice skating painting

playing cards swimming juggling watching TV

Food, drinks and containers

a carton a piece of a bottle of a loaf of

of milk cheese yogurt bread

a cup of tea a bowl of rice a jug of a glass of

water orange juice

a bar of a can of Coke a jar of honey a box of

chocolate cereal

Salads Soups Main courses Desserts

green salad chicken soup grilled fish chocolate cake

tomato salad onion soup steak and fries ice cream

Second Grade 65

1. Listen and repeat. Then mime and guess. Track 32

mouth tooth
neck shoulder
backache fever
elbow arm

finger hand

hip leg
toe foot
toothache stomachache

earache headache sore throat broken leg


go to a concert bake a cake clean the windows write a poem

take the dog have a picnic mop the floor plant flowers
for a walk

What's wrong?

1. Listen and repeat. Then act out the dialogue.

Track 33

What's wrong?

I think I have a

Second Grade 67
2. Match the pictures to the words.

a b


c d
broken leg


e f


sore throat

g h headache


3. Listen to the dialogues and choose a, b or c. Track 34

1. Helen has a .

a. headache b. toothache c. fever

2. Carlos has an .

a. earache b. backache c. broken leg

3. Karina has a .

a. fever b. stomachache c. backache

4. Noel and Mirtha have a .

a. earache b. headache c. toothache

4. Circle the word that completes the phrase.

1. go to a. a concert b. a poem c. a cake

2. have a. a cake b. a picnic c. the windows

3. plant a. a concert b. the floor c. flowers

4. write a. a picnic b. a poem c. a walk

5. mop a. the windows b. a cake c. the floor

6. bake a. a cake b. flowers c. a concert

7. take the dog for a. flowers b. a poem c. a walk

8. clean a. a concert b. the windows c. a poem

5. Role play.

What's wrong?

I have a

Second Grade 69
Lesson 1 Key language
1. Listen and repeat. Then practice the dialogues. Track 35

1 2

A: I have a sore throat. A: He has a toothache.

B: You should take some cough syrup B: He should go to the dentist and
and you shouldn't eat any ice cream. he shouldn't eat so many candies.

3 4

A: She has a fever. A: We have a headache.

B: She should stay in bed and B: You should take a pain reliever and
she shouldn't go out. you shouldn't listen to loud music.

A: They have a stomachache.

B: They should go to the doctor and
they shouldn't eat greasy food.

2. Practice the conversation with a partner.

Dr. Smith: Hello, Victor. How are you feeling today?

Victor: I don't feel well. Go to pg. 127
to see more
Dr. Smith: What's wrong? about the
Victor: Well, I have a terrible headache. modal verb
Dr. Smith: Hmm…Anything else? Does your throat hurt?
Victor: Yes, it hurts a little. I have a cough too.
Dr. Smith: Do you have a fever?
Victor: Yes, I do.
Dr. Smith: You should get some rest and drink plenty of liquids.
Victor: Thank you.
3. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb “have”.

a. I a fever.

b. He a sore throat.

c. My sister the flu.

d. You a headache.

e. My grandma a toothache.

f. We a stomachache.

4. Read the sentences and write some advice with should or shouldn't using the

1. A: I have a stomachache.

B: (drink hot tea)

2. A: I have a toothache.

B: (go to the dentist)

3. A: I have a backache.

B: (not exercise)

4. A: I have an earache.

B: (go to the doctor)

5. A: I have a fever.

B: (not eat any ice cream)

6. A: I have a broken leg.

B: (stay in bed)

Second Grade 71
Lesson 2 Key language
1. Listen and repeat. Track 36

1 2 3

She was mopping He was taking the dog for

I was writing a poem
the floor when the a walk when he slipped
when my friend called.
doorbell rang. and broke his leg.

4 5

We were cleaning the They were planting

windows when a soccer some flowers when it
ball broke the glass. began to rain.

2. Write the -ing form of the verbs.

a. bake
Go to pg. 127 -
128 - 129 to see
b. clean more about the
Past Continuous
c. plant and Past Simple.

d. cook

e. mop

f. write

g. take

3. Complete the sentences with the Past Continuous or Past Simple form of the verbs
in parentheses.

a. My mom (bake) a cake when I (arrive)

home from school.

b. She was (take) the dog for a walk when she

(have) an accident.

c. We (plant) flowers when my dad (call) home.

d. I (clean) the windows when I (see) Jane.

e. He (mop) the floor when he (hear) a strange

noise downstairs.

4. Listen to the dialogues and answer the questions. Choose a, b or c. Track 37

1. What was Rose doing when she burned her hand?

a. She was planting flowers.

b. She was baking a cake.

c. She was cleaning the windows.

2. Where was Guillermo going when he had a car accident?

a. He was mopping the floor.

b. He was taking the dog for a walk.

c. He was going to a concert.

Second Grade 73
Having fun together
1. Play by making sentences with the Past Continuous and the Past Simple.

I was baking a cake when my mom arrived.

1 2 3

START go to
a concert
have a picnic back to

4 5 6 7

the soccer Go to
clean the write
ball broke
windows number a poem
the glass

8 9 10 11

my mom
Go back bake a cake one
to start turn

12 13 14 15

take the Go to
the doorbell plant
number flowers
for a walk 17

16 17 18

Miss a
It began
to rain
mop the
floor FINISH

Reading corner
1. Listen and read, then ask a partner. Track 38
Shaken up

An eventful weekend
Hey, I'm Ethan and this is my dog, Jack. We live
in Wellington, New Zealand. On the weekend, it
was a sunny day so I decided to have a picnic in
the park with my friend, Anaise. We were taking
Jack for a walk when Anaise had to sit down
because she had a bad stomachache, sore
throat and fever. She asked me what she should
do, and I said that she should go to the doctor
and she shouldn't go to a concert that evening.
Later that day, I was writing a poem when the
phone rang. It was my mom. She asked me to help
her plant some flowers in her garden because
she had a terrible backache. I said that she should
take a pain reliever, relax and watch TV.
I was planting flowers in my mom's garden when I tripped over a hole and
broke my leg! It was so painful. Luckily, my dad came home from work and
took me to the hospital. The doctor told me to walk using crutches and that I
shouldn't put my broken leg on the ground. The weekend definitely had me
shaken up, but I think I'll be ok!
What did you do on the weekend?

2. Read again and match to make true sentences.

1. Ethan decided to a. he tripped over a hole and

broke his leg.
2. Anaise had a
b. terrible backache.

3. Ethan was writing a poem when

c. the phone rang.

4. Ethan's mom had a d. have a picnic in the park with

his friend.
5. Ethan was planting the flowers
in his mom's garden when e. bad stomachache.
Second Grade 75
1. Write a short story with a partner.

How to write the best story ever!

write a poem Part one: Ideas
clean the windows Part two: Outline the "basics" of your story
plant flowers Part three: Fill in the details: Character and conflict
have a picnic Part four: Plan the plot
mop the floor Part five: Plan your scenes
go to a concert Part six: Write
bake a cake Part seven: Revise
take the dog for a walk

One morning, Wara woke up and

2. Talk to a partner.
Phrasal verbs
One morning,
Wara woke get better
up and
take care

Culture corner
1. Read and talk about the topic in pairs.

What are the five senses?

The five human senses are the sense of sight, hearing,
touch, smell, and taste. These five human senses play
a unique role by receiving signal information from the
environment through the sense organs and relaying
it to the human brain for interpretation. The brain on
receiving and interpreting the information tells the
body how to respond. These senses are contained
in specially adapted body sense organs that include
the eyes, ears, skin, nose, and the tongue.

2. Make a puzzle.


pictures of health problems

Remove the pictures of health problems from T2.

Cut the pictures along the folded lines.
Fold them in fours.

Take turns turning over the four pieces. If they

match, put the pieces together and then ask for
Spread the pictures face down.
advice. I have a toothache. What should I do?

Second Grade 77

1. Listen and repeat. Then name an adjective for a partner A: young

to say its opposite. Track 39
B: old

tall - short young - old thin - chubby

beautiful ugly strong

handsome pretty weak

What does he look

1. Listen and repeat. Then act out the dialogue. Track 40

He's tall and


What does your

dad look like?

Second Grade 79
2. Find the adjectives and write them in the box.

Hi! My name is Dora. This is

my family. My father is tall and

handsome. My mom is young

and very pretty. My grandma

and grandpa are old. My brother

is short and thin. We are going

to see a lake that is near a

beautiful glacier. We're always

together and are very happy.

3. Listen to the dialogues and complete. Track 41

1. He's .

2. She's .

3. They're .

4. He's .

5. She's .

4. Look at the picture and check the correct box.

a. handsome a. weak

b. ugly b. strong

a. young a. chubby

b. old b. thin

5. Role play.

He's short
and chubby.

What does
your brother
look like?

Second Grade 81
Lesson 1 Key language
1. Listen and repeat. Track 42
good better bad worse

1 2



Carlos is younger than William. Sara is taller than Noelia.

3 4

Carol Robert



Teresa is more beautiful than Carol. Robert is more handsome than Luis.

2. Roll a die and play by making sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives.

START young short chubby

Go to pg. 129 to
see more about
ugly handsome weak pretty

thin old beautiful FINISH

3. Correct the sentences.

a. Cathy is more young than Jenny.

b. David is tall than Mario.

c. Walter and Mark are more handsomer than Paul.

d. He is more thinner than Pablo.

e. They are pretty than Carla.

f. She is more beautiful Manuela.

4. Write comparative sentences using the prompts.

a. short: Maria / Carmen

Maria is shorter than Carmen.

b. handsome: Hugo / Angel

c. thin: Elisa / Eva

d. weak: Oscar / Daniel

e. chubby: George / Saul

f. beautiful: Romina / Valeria

g. old: Manuel / Danilo

Second Grade 83
Lesson 2 Key language
1. Listen and repeat. Track 43

1 2

Noel is the strongest child. Erica is the shortest student.

3 4
Victor Violeta

Victor is the most handsome boy. Violeta is the most beautiful girl.

2. Practice the dialogue with a partner.

A: Who is the tallest in your family?

Go to pg. 129 to
B: My dad. see more about
A: What about the youngest?

B: My little sister. She's five years old.

A: And who is the oldest?

B: My grandpa. He's ninety years old.

3. Complete the following sentences with a superlative form using the adjectives
in parentheses.

a. My brother is (tall) in his class.

b. I am (worst) student in mathematics.

c. They are (beautiful) girls on the team.

d. She is (young) teacher at the school.

e. He is (thin) boy in his class.

f. My grandpa (old) of all his friends.

g. He is (handsome) in the group.

4. Listen to the dialogue and write Yes or No. Track 44

a. Joel is the tallest in his class.

b. Noel is the most handsome.

c. Bertha isn't the shortest.

d. Luciano is the chubbiest.

e. Monica is the youngest.

Second Grade 85
Hands on and play

1. Make comparative and superlative cards.


colored a cardboard
construction strip template scissors

a black
a pencil marker hole punch ribbon

short shorter shortest

thin thinner thinnest

more most
beautiful beautiful beautiful

Place the template on the Write the adjective with

colored construction paper Cut out the strips. the comparative and the
and trace the shape. superlative form of each.

e st Find a partner and

ng describe your friends
st t
es using your cards.
er old
I think that my friend Beto
ro er is the most handsome in my
st test
old shor class, but he is shorter than
orort shor my friend Daniel.
shshh t thinnest
s oinr thinner
beathutiful more
beautifu most
l beautifu

Punch a hole in one end of the strips, then

use the ribbon to tie them together.

Reading corner
1. Listen and read, then ask a partner. Track 45

Happy go lucky

We live on a farm
Hey, I'm Jessica and this is my family. We live on a farm in Belgium. My dad is taller than
my mom, but shorter than my uncle. My brother, Jacques is tall and thin. My sister, Angelica
is older than I am. I have a younger brother. My grandma, Teresa is chubbier than my aunt.
My grandpa, Mario is the oldest in our family and my cousin, Joanna is the youngest. My
uncle has the biggest feet and Joanna has the smallest. I think that my sister Angelica is
the most beautiful in my family. We're a happy go lucky family!
Who are the members of your family?




aunt grandma


2. Read again about Jessica's family and complete the sentences with names.

a. Her brother, is tall and thin.

b. Her sister, is older than Jessica.

c. Her grandma, is chubbier than her aunt.

d. Her grandpa, is the oldest in her family.

e. Her cousin is the youngest in her family.

f. Her sister is the most beautiful in her family.

Second Grade 87
1. Write a paragraph comparing the members of your family.

tall thin short chubby
beautiful young old handsome is used after the verb “to be”.
pretty weak strong E.g. He is also handsome.

My dad is taller than my mom, but my grandpa is the tallest. He is also


2. Talk to a partner.
Phrasal verbs
My dad is taller than my
mom, but my grandpa is the
tallest. He is also handsome.
take after
look up to

Culture corner
1. Read and talk about the topic in pairs.

The brain controls thoughts, memory and organs.
The heart pumps blood around the body.
The lungs separate oxygen from the air and
remove carbon dioxide from the blood.
The stomach helps to digest food.
The intestines absorb nutrients from food.
The liver removes poisons from the blood.
The kidneys filter blood and produce urine.
The bladder stores urine.
The skin protects the body.

2. Make a poster.

flip chart
paper glue

pictures of your favorite

singers or actors
colored a black
paper marker

pretty sho

thin tal


handsome some

Glue the pictures of your Cut out strips of

favorite actors or singers colored paper and Glue the adjectives
on the flip chart paper. write the adjectives. around the pictures.

Compare your favorite actors or singers. E.g.Will Smith

is taller than Jackie Chang. Shakira is the thinnest.

Second Grade 89

1. Listen and repeat. Draw the weather and guess. Then mime the activities. Track 46

cold rainy snowy hot

windy cloudy sunny stormy


go shopping buy a new car paint the house learn English

go to the beach have a barbecue celebrate a travel by plane


What's the weather
like today?
Protect the
1. Listen and repeat. Then act out the dialogue. Track 47

What's the
weather like


Second Grade 91
2. What's the weather like? Look and complete.

a. It's b. It's c. It's d. It's

e. It's f. It's g. It's h. It's

3. Listen and repeat the tongue twisters. Track 48

1. Chilly Cindy broke the umbrella in the wacky

windy weather.

2. Sweaty Betty bet baker Ben that the sunny

summer is hotter than an oven.

3. Stormy shallow seas rock rolling rocky boats.

4. Charcoal colored cloudy sky, rain's coming

stay inside.

4. Look at the pictures and complete the phrases with the words from the box.

go travel paint celebrate buy have

a. a new car b. the house c. shopping

d. a barbecue e. a birthday f. by plane

5. Role play.

Will you learn

English next year? Yes, I will.

Second Grade 93
Lesson 1 Key language
1. Listen and repeat. Track 49

1 2

It's snowing. I'm going to It's cold. I'm going to

make a snowman. put my jacket on.

3 4

It's raining. She's going to It's windy. He's going to

take an umbrella. fly a kite.

5 6

It's sunny. We're going to It's hot. They're going

go to the beach. to take a bath.

2. Practice the conversation with a partner.

A: Hi! Where are you from? Go to pg. 130 to

see more about the
B: I'm from Lima, Peru. Future be going to.
A: What's the weather like in Lima now?
B: It's hot and sunny.
A: So this must be like summer for you!
B: It is!
3. Match.

1. It's cloudy. a. We're going to put on a hat and gloves.

2. It's raining. b. They're not going to go outside.

3. It's sunny. c. I think it's going to rain.

4. It's windy. d. I'm going to put on a raincoat.

5. It's cold. e. She's going to put on her sunglasses.

6. It's stormy. f. He's going to fly a kite.

4. Complete the sentences with going to and the verbs in parentheses.

a. It's hot. He's (take) a bath.

b. It's snowing. They're (make) a snowman.

c. It's raining. She's (take) an umbrella.

d. It's cold. She's (put) her jacket on.

e. It's sunny. They're (go) to the beach.

f. It's windy. I'm (fly) a kite.

g. It's stormy. We're (stay) home.

h. It's cloudy. I think it's (rain) today.

Second Grade 95
Lesson 2 Key language
1. Listen and repeat. Track 50

1 2

I won't travel by train this weekend. You won't have enough paint to finish
I'll travel by plane. the wall. I'll buy you some.

3 4

He won't buy a new car next year. She won't learn Chinese next month.
He'll celebrate his birthday instead. She'll learn English.

5 6

We won't go to the beach on Sunday. They won't paint the house on

We'll go shopping at the mall. Saturday. They'll have a barbecue.

Go to pg. 131
2. Practice the conversation with a partner. to see more
about the
A: What will you do on the weekend? Future will.

B: I'll go to the beach with my friends. And you?

A: Well, we'll celebrate my mom's birthday and have a barbecue at home.

B: That sounds great!

3. Write will or won't in the sentences.

a. We won't paint the house next week,

but we will buy a new car.

b. She celebrate her birthday on Sunday,

but she have a barbecue.

c. He travel by bus to Cajamarca,

but he travel by plane.

d. I go to the beach on the weekend,

but I go to the pool.

e. They learn French next month,

but they learn Italian.

f. He buy a present for his mom,

but he travel with her.

4. Listen to the dialogue and write T for True or F for False. Track 51

a. Laura will go to the beach with her parents.

b. Laura and her parents will go shopping at the mall.

c. Laura and her parents won't have a barbecue.

d. Nestor will travel to Arequipa.

e. Nestor will travel by bus.

Second Grade 97
Having fun together
1. Roll a die. Ask a question and then have your partner answer it. E.g. If you roll a six,
the question will be "What will you do on the weekend?" or "What's the weather like?"

What is the weather like?

What are you going to do if it's cold?
What will you do on the weekend?

i ny
go shopping ra
a rn sh
stormy le gli

travel by buy a cold


plane new car

paint the celebrate

h e
ac t h

house a birthday
be to


snowy have a
windy hot barbecue

Reading corner
1. Listen and read, then ask a partner. Track 52
Four seasons in
one day

Cold days in Russia

Hi, my name's Tammy. I'm from St.

Petersburg, Russia. It's winter and it's
very cold. Right now, it's snowing, but
sometimes it rains. Somedays we have
four seasons in one day. Later, when
the snow stops, I'll go shopping for
warm clothes. And as my car is very
old, I'm going to buy a new one.
On the weekend, my friend Samantha
won't travel out of town because she
will celebrate her birthday. She'll have
a barbecue. If it's windy, we are going
to eat at a restaurant instead.

What's the weather like in

your town?

2. Read again and write T for True, F for False or NM for Not Mentioned.

a. It's winter and very cold in St. Petersburg.

b. It isn't raining in St. Petersburg.

c. It's summer time in St. Petersburg.

d. Tammy isn't going to buy a new car.

e. Tammy's friend will celebrate her birthday on the weekend.

Second Grade 99
1. What will you and your family do on the weekend? Write a paragraph.

Use because
go shopping travel by plane to introduce subordinate clauses.
paint the house celebrate my birthday They connect the result of something
have a barbecue buy a new car with its reason. E.g. My mom will
go to the beach learn English travel by plane to Chiclayo because
my grandma suddenly got sick.

My mom will travel by plane to Chiclayo because my grandma suddenly

got sick. My dad is

2. Talk to a partner.
Phrasal verbs
My mom will travel by
plane to Chiclayo because
my grandma suddenly got cloud over
sick. My dad is
clear up

Culture corner
1. Read and talk about the topic in pairs.

The weather in Lima

The weather in Lima is cool with humid mornings and
fog from December to April, and low misty clouds from
May to November, which pass quickly. Summer and
winter also take place over a much longer period of time
than usual, while autumn and spring act as transitional
seasons. It's also one of the driest capitals in the world
with little to no significant rainfall. While most of the
time Lima experiences mild to cool temperatures,
summer is the notable exception. People commonly
experience sunny, hot and humid days, making it an
ideal time to hit the local surf. In contrast to the sunny
days of summer, Lima in winter experiences windy
weather, cloudy gray skies and cool temperatures.

2. Make a weather card holder.


a black colored
marker construction scissors weather pictures
glue paper

hot rainy
udy sunny snowy
windy stormy

Cut out a piece of construction Cut out 8 small pieces of Write the weather words on the
paper (25 x 25). construction paper. small pieces.

hot rainy hot rainy

cold sunny cloudy cold sunny cloudy

snowy windy stormy snowy windy stormy

Glue the sides and bottom edges of the small pieces Remove the weather pictures from T3. Match each picture with the
onto the big sheet of construction paper. correct weather word. Then ask: What's the weather like today?

Second Grade 101


1. Listen and repeat. Then play Charades. Track 53

scuba diving skydiving parachuting

rock climbing surfing sandboarding


ride an elephant swim in a lake explore a cave

play golf collect seashells see a tiger

Have you ever
played golf?

1. Listen and repeat. Then act out the dialogue. Track 54

Yes, I have.

Have you ever

played golf?

Second Grade 103

2. Unscramble the letters and match the words to the pictures.

a. nurgfis

b. kidvisngy

c. crok cmbingil

d. ascbu ingdiv

e. rapcutihnga

f. ndabsordiang

3. Listen and write. Track 55







4. Match and write.

a. collect golf a.

b. explore a tiger b.

c. ride in a lake c.

d. swim seashells d.

e. play a cave e.

f. see an elephant f.

5. Role play.

Have you ever

collected Yes, I have.

Second Grade 105

Lesson 1 Key language
1. Listen and repeat. Track 56

1 2

I have never ridden a horse, but You have never collected stamps,
I have ridden an elephant. but you have collected seashells.

3 4

She has never seen a monkey, but He has never gone scuba diving, but
she has seen a tiger. he has gone skydiving.

5 6

We have never climbed a glacier, but They have never played soccer, but
we have tried rock climbing. they have played golf.

2. Match.

1. She has never climbed a glacier, a. but I have seen a wolf.

2. They have never gone skydiving, b. but he has ridden a horse.

3. We have never collected seashells, c. but she has tried rock climbing.

4. He has never ridden an elephant, d. but they have gone scuba diving.

5. I have never seen a lion, e. but we have collected stamps.

3. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect of the verbs in parentheses.

a. We (never / play) golf, but we

(play) tennis.

b. She (never / try) rock climbing, but she

(go) scuba diving.

c. They (never / ride) an elephant, but they

(ride) a horse.

d. Monica (never / collect) seashells, but she

(swim) in a lake.

e. My grandparents (never / be) to Cajamarca, but they

(be) to Ica.

4. Listen to the audio and number 1-5. Track 57

a. Patricia and Wendy have never swum in a lake.

b. Manuel has never gone skydiving.

c. Fernanda has never gone surfing.

d. Doris and Luis have never explored a cave.

e. Nora has never climbed a glacier.

Second Grade 107

Lesson 2 Key language
1. Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer. Track 58

1 2 3

A: Have you ever swum A: Has he ever A: Has she ever gone
in a lake? explored a cave? sandboarding?
B: Yes, I have. B: Yes, he has. B: Yes, she has.
No, I haven't. No, he hasn't. No, she hasn't.

4 5

A: Have you ever tried A: Have they ever gone

rock climbing? surfing?
B: Yes, we have. B: Yes, they have.
No, we haven't. No, they haven't.

2. Practice the conversation with a partner.

A: Hi Patty, have you ever seen a tiger? Go to pg. 132 to

see more about
B: No, I haven't, but I have seen a lion at the zoo. the Present
Perfect Simple.
A: Wow! I like all kinds of animals and I'd like to go to the zoo too.

B: And have you ever explored a cave?

A: Not really, have you?

B: Yes! I explored the Guitarreros Cave last year.

A: I see that you're adventurous.

3. Look at the pictures and write questions with the Present Perfect.






4. Complete these questions with the past participle of the verbs in the box. Then
answer the questions.

go swim explore see play collect ride

Have you ever…

a. a cave?

b. sandboarding?

c. in a lake?

d. a fox?

e. an elephant?

f. seashells?

g. golf?
Second Grade 109
Hands on and play
1. Make a die.


a pencil construction
paper craft glue scissors

a die
pictures of sports template

Place the template on the

construction paper and trace Cut out the die.
around it.

Work in pairs.
I have never gone
scuba diving, but I
have gone skydiving.

Remove the pictures of the

Glue the flaps together
sports from T4. Glue them
to make the die.
on the die.

Reading corner
1. Listen and read, then ask a partner. Track 59
Throw caution
to the wind

New adventures
Hi, I'm Sasha and these are my friends,
Tina and Joe. We are on holiday in
Greece. Joe has never gone scuba
diving, but he went yesterday. He really
liked it. Tina and I have never tried
rock climbing or explored a cave, but
tomorrow we'll throw caution to the wind
and give it a go! I have never swum in
the sea, but I have swum in a lake. Tina
has been surfing, but she has never
tried sandboarding. I love my friends
because they're adventurous like me!
Are you the adventurous type?

2. Read again and match.

a. Joe has never gone

1. sandboarding.
b. Sasha and Tina have never tried
2. in the sea.

c. Sasha has never swum 3. surfing.

4. scuba diving.
d. Tina has been
5. rock climbing or explored a cave.

e. Tina has never tried

Second Grade 111

1. Write a paragraph about your experiences and your family's experiences.

Avoiding repetition
scuba diving ride an elephant
skydiving explore a cave
When writing don't use the same
parachuting collect seashells
rock climbing see a tiger words all the time. E.g. Monica has
surfing swim in a lake never tried rock climbing, but she
sandboarding play golf has tried scuba diving.

I have never seen a lion, but I have seen a snake.

2. Talk to a partner. Phrasal verbs

I have never
seen a lion, but join in
I have seen a
snake. work out

Culture corner
1. Read and talk about the topic in pairs.

Guitarrero Cave
It is located in the Callejon de Huaylas Valley,
in Yungay Province, in Ancash Peru.
Archaeological findings
Guitarrero Cave has evidence of human
use that dates from around 8,000 BC and
possibly as early as 10,560 BC. In the 1960s,
archaeologists discovered artifacts, textiles,
wood, leather tools and basketry that have
been preserved intact. Some evidence of
beans, chili and corn have been found.

2. Make a card box.

Materials white construction

paper (60x15 cm) a wrapped box
pictures of (15x15 cm) glue

Remove the pictures of activities from T5.

Fold the construction paper into eights. Glue them onto the top sides.

Find a partner and ask: Have you ever

Glue both sides to the individual boxes. explored a cave?
Second Grade 113
Review What's wrong?
Unit 5

1. Look at the pictures and write the health problems. Then write some advice with
should or shouldn't.

a. He has a b. She has a

He She

c. He has a d. He has an
He He

e. He has a f. He has a
He He

g. He has a h. He has a
He He

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct tense Past Simple or Past Continuous.

a. I (mop) the floor when my dad (arrive).

b. When the doorbell (ring), we (plant)

some roses.

c. She (clean) the windows when her friend


d. They (bake) a cake when their grandparents


e. When the rain (begin), he (walk) the dog.

What does he look like? Review

1. Write the correct words in the boxes below the pictures.

beautiful weak ugly chubby handsome thin strong pretty

2. Complete the dialogue with the sentences.

a. I have a younger sister.

b. he's also the most handsome in the family.
c. I'm also weaker.
d. Who's the tallest in your family?
A: Hi! 1.

B: Well, my dad is the tallest and 2.

He's very polite.
A: Are you thinner or chubbier than your brother?
B: I'm thinner and 3. , but I'm going to the gym.
A: Do you have a sister?
B: Yes! 4. She's very beautiful and taller than I.
A: Have a good weekend!
B: Thanks.

Second Grade 115

Review What's the weather like today?
Unit 7

1. Choose the correct answer.

1. It's hot. I'm going to .

eat some ice cream b.
make a snowman c.
put on a jacket

2. It's cold. She's going to .

go out b.
take a cold bath c.
drink some hot tea

3. It's windy: He's going to .

take an umbrella b.
fly a kite c.
hang out the clothes

4. It's snowing. We're going to .

make a snowman b.
drink some lemonade c.
take a bath

5. It's sunny. They're going to .

put on a raincoat b.
put on sunglasses c.
put on a jacket

6. It's raining. My dad is going to .

fly a kite b.
paint the house c.
take an umbrella

2. Complete the sentences with will or won't and the correct form of the verbs.

a. I (learn) Italian next year.

b. My brother (not buy) a new car.

c. We (have) a barbecue on Sunday.

d. My aunt (celebrate) her birthday next week.

e. They (not go) to the beach on the weekend.

f. She (not go) shopping tomorrow.

g. My grandparents (travel) by plane to Trujillo.

h. My dad (not paint) the house. He has a terrible backache.

Have you ever played golf? Review
Unit 8

1. Read the sentences about extreme sports. Choose the correct answer.

a. surfing
1. For this sport, you need a board and a wetsuit. b. rock climbing
c. skydiving

a. sandboarding
2. In this sport, you wear a wetsuit and a mask. b. scuba diving
c. surfing

a. skydiving
3. In this sport, you wear a safety harness and
b. surfing
move up a rope.
c. rock climbing

a. parachuting
4. For this sport, you need a board and sunglasses. b. sandboarding
c. scuba diving

a. skydiving
5. In this sport, you wear a jumpsuit and a helmet. b. rock climbing
c. surfing

2. Circle the correct word.

a. I have / has never gone scuba diving.

b. My oldest sister has never / ever collected seashells.

c. We have often see / seen beautiful elephants at the zoo.

d. She has / have never tried rock climbing.

e. Has your father never / ever ridden an elephant?

f. They have swim / swum in a lake many times.

g. Have / has you ever explored a cave?

Second Grade 117
Key words
Parts of the body

mouth tooth
neck shoulder

elbow arm

finger hand

hip leg
toe foot

Health problems

backache sore throat stomachache fever

toothache headache earache broken leg


go to a concert bake a cake clean the write a poem


take the dog have a picnic mop the floor plant flowers
for a walk


tall - short young - old thin - chubby weak

beautiful ugly strong pretty handsome

Second Grade 119

The weather

cold rainy snowy hot

windy cloudy sunny stormy


go shopping buy a new car paint the house learn English

go to the beach have a barbecue celebrate a travel by plane


Extreme sports

scuba diving skydiving parachuting

rock climbing surfing sandboarding


ride an elephant swim in a lake explore a cave

play golf collect seashells see a tiger

Second Grade 121

Let's / How about?

• We use Let's or How about to make suggestions.

• Let's + the base form of the verb.

Let's buy a soda.

• How about + ing form of the verb.

How about eating a cake?

The verb be

• We use the verb be as a main verb and auxiliary verb.

Affirmative Negative
I am I'm I am not I'm not
You are You're You are not You're not or You aren't
He is He's He is not He's not or He isn't
She is She's She is not She's not or She isn't
It is It's It is not It's not or It isn't
We are We're We are not We're not or We aren't
You are You're You are not You're not or You aren't
They are They're They are not They're not or They aren't

Questions Short answers

Am I? Yes, I am. No, I'm not.
Are you? Yes, you are. No, you aren't.
Is he? Yes, he is. No, he isn't.
Is she? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.
Is it? Yes, it is. No, it isn't.
Are we? Yes, we are. No, we aren't.
Are you? Yes, you are. No, you aren't.
Are they? Yes, they are. No, they aren't.

Possessive Pronouns

• Possessive Pronouns show that something belongs to someone.


• We use whose to ask about possession.

Whose laptop is this?
It isn't mine.

Subject Possessive
Pronouns Pronouns
I mine
you yours
he his
she hers
we ours
they theirs

Apostrophes (') showing possession

• We use an apostrophe to show that a thing or person belongs or relates to someone or

Here are the main guidelines for using apostrophes to show possession:

• With a singular noun or most personal names: add an apostrophe plus s:

It's Rita's.
• With personal names that end in -s: add an apostrophe plus s when you would
naturally pronounce an extra s if you said the word out loud.
It's Charles's house.
• There are some exceptions to this rule, especially in names of places or organizations,
for example:
St Thomas' Hospital
• With personal names that end in -s but are not spoken with an extra s: just add an
apostrophe after the -s:
Connors' finest performance was in 1991.
• With a plural noun that already ends in -s: add an apostrophe after the s:
It's a girls' school.
• With a plural noun that doesn't end in -s: add an apostrophe plus s:
The children's father is here.

Second Grade 123

Present Simple

• We use the Present Simple to talk about habits or actions that happen regularly.

I usually wear a jacket.

Affirmative Negative
I wear I do not wear I don't wear
You wear You do not wear You don't wear
He wears He does not wear He doesn't wear
She wears She does not wear She doesn't wear
We wear We do not wear We don't wear
You wear You do not wear You don't wear
They wear They do not wear They don't wear

Questions Short answers

Do I wear? Yes, I do. No, I don't.
Do you wear? Yes, you do. No, you don't.
Does he wear? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.
Does she wear? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't.
Do we wear? Yes, we do. No, we don't.
Do you wear? Yes, you do. No, you don't.
Do they wear? Yes, they do. No, they don't.

• For most verbs we add -s to the base form to make the she, he, it (third person
singular) form:

I wear- She wears

• For other verbs, the spelling changes are: When the verb ends in -ch, -ss, -sh, -x or
-zz, we add -es.

I watch - She watches

• Verbs ending in a consonant + y, drop the -y and takes -ies.

I study - She studies BUT I play - She plays

• No -s in the 3rd person singular after does / doesn't.

Present Simple (Yes/No questions, Wh-questions)
• Questions which start with Do/Does have a Yes/No answers.
A: Do you usually wear jeans?
B: Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
• We use Who, What, Where to ask questions and request information.
A: What do you usually wear when you go out?
B: I usually wear a jacket.

Adverbs of frequency
• Adverbs of frequency tell us how often an activity happens. We place them before the
main verb.

He usually wears shorts, but today he's wearing jeans.

Adverbs of frequency
100% always
90% usually
80% frequently
70% often
50% sometimes
30% occasionally
10% seldom
5% rarely
0% never

The modal verb can

• We use can to express ability.

She can sing.

Affirmative Negative
FULL FORMS Full Forms Short Forms
I can dance I cannot dance I can't dance
You can dance You cannot dance You can't dance
He can dance He cannot dance He can't dance
She can dance She cannot dance She can't dance
It can dance It cannot dance It can't dance
We can dance We cannot dance We can't dance
You can dance You cannot dance You can't dance
They can dance They cannot dance They can't dance

Second Grade 125

Questions Short answers
Can I dance? Yes, I can. No, I can't.
Can you dance? Yes, you can. No, you can't.
Can he dance? Yes, he can. No, he can't.
Can she dance? Yes, she can. No, she can't.
Can it dance? Yes, it can. No, it can't.
Can we dance? Yes, we can. No, we can't.
Can you dance? Yes, you can. No, you can't.
Can they dance? Yes, they can. No, they can't.

Present Simple vs Present Continuous

• We use the Present Simple for habits, repeated actions and permanent states.

I usually run at this time.

• We use the Present Continuous for actions happening at the moment of speaking, for
temporary states.

She's watching TV now.

Time expressions
Present Simple Present Continuous
always, usually, sometimes, etc.
every day/ week, etc.
on Monday/Monday afternoons, etc.
now, right now, today, these
in the morning, afternoon, etc.
days, this week /year, etc.
a week, a day, etc.
on the weekend, etc.
once, twice, three times, etc.

Countable and uncountable nouns

• Countable nouns (or count nouns) are those that refer to something that can be counted.
They have both singular and plural forms (e.g. apple/apples; pear/pears, etc.). In the singular,
they can be preceded by a or an.
a pen - five pens
• A smaller number of nouns do not typically refer to things that can be counted and so they do
not regularly have a plural form: these are known as uncountable nouns (or mass nouns).
Examples include: milk, water, orange juice, etc.

A few / A little / A lot of

• We use a little with singular uncountable nouns.

There is a little bit of tea.

• We use a few with plural countable nouns.

There are a few cans of Coke.

• We use a lot of before countable nouns and uncountable nouns. It means a large amount or
number of people or things.
There are a lot of bottles of yogurt.
There is a lot of honey.

How much / How many

• We use How much…? with singular uncountable nouns to ask about the quantity of
How much honey is there?

• We use How many…? with plural countable nouns to ask about the number of something.
How many cans of Coke are there?

The modal verb should

• We use should to ask for and give advice.

I / You / He / She / We / You / They should go to the dentist.

I / You / He / She / We / You / They shouldn't go to the dentist.

Should I / you / he / she / we / you / they go to the dentist?

Past Continuous vs Past Simple

• Often, the action described by the Past Simple tense interrupts the situation described by
the Past Continuous tense.

She was mopping the floor when the doorbell rang.

Second Grade 127

Past Continuous

Affirmative Negative
FULL FORMS Full Forms Short Forms
I was writing I was not writing I wasn't writing
You were writing You were not writing You weren't writing
He was writing He was not writing He wasn't writing
She was writing She was not writing She wasn't writing
We were writing We were not writing We weren't writing
You were writing You were not writing You weren't writing
They were writing They were not writing They weren't writing

Questions Short answers

Was I writing? Yes, I was. No, I wasn't.
Were you writing? Yes, you were. No, you weren't.
Was he writing? Yes, he was. No, he wasn't.
Was she writing? Yes, she was. No, she wasn't.
Were we writing? Yes, we were. No, we weren't.
Were you writing? Yes, you were. No, you weren't.
Were they writing? Yes, they were. No, they weren't.

Past Simple

Affirmative Negative
Full Forms Full Forms Short Forms
I called I did not call I didn't call
You called You did not call You didn't call
He called He did not call He didn't call
She called She did not call She didn't call
We called We did not call We didn't call
You called You did not call You didn't call
They called They did not call They didn't call

Questions Short answers

Did I call? Yes, I did. No, I didn't.
Did you call? Yes, you did. No, you didn't.
Did he call? Yes, he did. No, he didn't.
Did she call? Yes, she did. No, she didn't.
Did we call? Yes, we did. No, we didn't.
Did you call? Yes, you did. No, you didn't.
Did they call? Yes, they did. No, they didn't.

• With most verbs the past tense is formed by adding -ed:
call - called
But there are a lot of irregular past tenses in English.
Note: Look at the list of irregular verbs on page 133.

Time expressions
yesterday, last night, last Sunday, etc.

Comparative form

• We use the comparative form of the adjectives when we compare two people, animals or

Sara is taller than Noelia.

Teresa is more beautiful than Carol.

adjective + -er
more + adjective + than

Superlative form

• We use the superlative of the adjectives when we compare one person, animal or thing with
several of the same kind.

Erica is the shortest student.

Violeta is the most beautiful girl.

adjective + -est
the + most + adjective + of / in

Second Grade 129

Future be going to

• We use the Future be going to express future plans.

They're going to go to the beach.

I am going to go I'm going to go
You are going to go You're going to go
He is going to go He's going to go
She is going to go She's going to go
We are going to go We're going to go
You are going to go You're going to go
They are going to go They're going to go

I am not going to go I'm not going to go
You are not going to go You're not going to go
He is not going to go He's not going to go
She is not going to go She's not going to go
We are not going to go We're not going to go
You are not going to go You're not going to go
They are not going to go They're not going to go

Questions Short answers

Am I going to go? Yes, I am. No, I'm not.
Are you going to go? Yes, you are. No, you aren't.
Is he going to go? Yes, he is. No, he isn't.
Is she going to go? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.
Are we going to go? Yes, we are. No, we aren't.
Are you going to go? Yes, you are. No, you aren't.
Are they going to go? Yes, they are. No, they aren't.

Time expressions
next week, month, Saturday, etc.

Future will
• We use will to talk about what people want to do or are willing to do.

They'll have a barbecue.

They won't paint the house on Saturday.

I will go I'll go
You will go You'll go
He will go He'll go
She will go She'll go
We will go We'll go
You will go You'll go
They will go They'll go

I will go I won't go
You will go You won't go
He will go He won't go
She will go She won't go
We will go We won't go
You will go You won't go
They will go They won't go

Questions Short answers

Will I go? Yes, I will. No, I won't.
Will you go? Yes, you will. No, you won't.
Will he go? Yes, he will. No, he won't.
Will she go? Yes, she will. No, she won't.
Will we go? Yes, we will. No, we won't.
Will you go? Yes, you will. No, you won't.
Will they go? Yes, they will. No, they won't.

Time expressions
next week, month, Saturday, etc

Second Grade 131

• We use the Present Perfect Simple when we are talking about our experiences up to the

You have never collected stamps, but you have collected seashells.

• The Present Perfect Simple is formed from the present tense of the verb have / has and
the past participle of a verb. The past participle of regular verbs is the same as the Past
Simple (verb + -ed)

I have collected I've collected
You have collected You've collected
He has collected He's collected
She has collected She's collected
We have collected We've collected
You have collected You've collected
They have collected They've collected

I have not collected I haven't collected
You have not collected You haven't collected
He has not collected He hasn't collected
She has not collected She hasn't collected
We have not collected We haven't collected
You have not collected You haven't collected
They have not collected They haven't collected

Questions Short answers

Have I collected? Yes, I have. No, I haven't.
Have you collected? Yes, you have. No, you haven't.
Has he collected? Yes, he has. No, he hasn't.
Has she collected? Yes, she has. No, she hasn't.
Have we collected? Yes, we have. No, we haven't.
Have you collected? Yes, you have. No, you haven't.
Have they collected? Yes, they have. No, they haven't.

Time expressions
ever, never, etc.

Base Form Past SImple Past Participle
be was/were been
begin began begun
break broke broken
bring brought brought
buy bought bought
build built built
choose chose chosen
come came come
cost cost cost
cut cut cut
do did done
draw drew drawn
drive drove driven
eat ate eaten
feel felt felt
find found found
get got gotten
give gave given
go went gone
have had had
hear heard heard
hold held held
keep kept kept
know knew known
leave left left
lead led led
let let let
lose lost lost
make made made
mean meant meant
meet met met
pay paid paid
put put put
run ran run
say said said
sell sold sold
send sent sent
set set set
sit sat sat
speak spoke spoken
spend spent spent
stand stood stood
take took taken
teach taught taught
tell told told
think thought thought
understand understood understood
wear wore worn
win won won
write wrote written

Second Grade 133


1. Roll a die and describe their moods and personalities characteristics.

your dad

your sister

START your mom

He is very shy.
She is hungry.
a singer


Describe Describe
your teacher your brother

your best

1. Find and write the school supplies.

e a r p h o n e s p c n

t l q k t w v a x e a s

s p e r u j r m s n l t

p i g f r a n c g c c a

a t y i p p q l g i u p

s c i s s o r s r l l l

n l t a l n r p j h a e

a l a p t o p t q o t r

z v y l n h o s d l o n

g a q p x m b r r d r e

c e l l p h o n e e b n

d u l o p u w c y r i k

h o l e p u n c h h f d








Second Grade 135

1. Roll a die and play.

Name 3 liquid Name 2 kinds GO Name 3 kinds

START containers of salads BACK of soda

Name 3
ingredients to GO Name 2 red Name 3 kinds Name 2 main
make a green FORWARD fruits of bread courses

Name 3 types Name 3 Name 2 kinds MISS A Name 3 kinds

of juice desserts of cheese TURN of cakes

GO BACK 2 Name 2 kinds Name 2 ice Name 3 green Name 3 food

SPACES of soups cream flavors vegetables containers

Name 2 yellow Name 3 kinds GO Name 2 kinds

fruits of cereals FORWARD of chocolate FINISH

Present Simple
1. Match the questions to their answers.

1. What do 2. What does 3. What do you

your friends your brother usually wear
usually wear usually when you
to soccer wear at the hang out with
games? park? your friends?

4. What does 5. What do you 6. What does

your sister usually wear your mom
wear to when it is usually wear
parties? raining? to a wedding?

a. She usually b. They c. He usually

wears a usually wear wears shorts,
T-shirt and Peruvian but today
pants. soccer he's wearing
T-shirts. jeans.

d. I usually e. I usually wear f. She usually

wear a shorts, but wears a
jacket. sometimes I dress.
wear jeans.

Second Grade
T1 - pg. 45

Second Grade
T2 - pg. 77

Second Grade
T3 - pg. 101

Second Grade
T4 - pg. 110

Second Grade
T5 - pg. 113

Second Grade


LEY DEL 25-02-1825 LEY DEL 25-02-1825

El 22 de julio de 2002, los representantes de las sociedad, nos sintamos parte de ella. Con este fin, el
organizaciones políticas, religiosas, del Gobierno y de la Acuerdo promoverá el acceso a las oportunidades
sociedad civil, firmaron el compromiso de trabajar, todos, económicas, sociales, culturales y políticas. Todos los
para conseguir el bienestar y desarrollo del país. Este peruanos tenemos derecho a un empleo digno, a una
compromiso es el Acuerdo Nacional.
educación de calidad, a una salud integral, a un lugar
para vivir. Así, alcanzaremos el desarrollo pleno.
El Acuerdo persigue cuatro objetivos fundamentales.
Para alcanzarlos, todos los peruanos de buena voluntad
3. Competitividad del país
tenemos, desde el lugar que ocupemos o el rol que
desempeñemos, el deber y la responsabilidad de decidir, Para afianzar la economía, el Acuerdo se compromete
ejecutar, vigilar o defender los compromisos asumidos. a fomentar el espíritu de competitividad en las
Estos son tan importantes que serán respetados como empresas, es decir, mejorar la calidad de los productos
políticas permanentes para el futuro. y servicios, asegurar el acceso a la formalización de las
pequeñas empresas y sumar esfuerzos para fomentar
Por esta razón, como niños, niñas, adolescentes o la colocación de nuestros productos en los mercados
adultos, ya sea como estudiantes o trabajadores,
debemos promover y fortalecer acciones que garanticen
el cumplimiento de esos cuatro objetivos que son los
4. Estado eficiente, transparente y descentralizado
Es de vital importancia que el Estado cumpla con sus
1. Democracia y Estado de Derecho obligaciones de manera eficiente y transparente para
La justicia, la paz y el desarrollo que necesitamos los ponerse al servicio de todos los peruanos. El Acuerdo
peruanos solo se pueden dar si conseguimos una se compromete a modernizar la administración pública,
verdadera democracia. El compromiso del Acuerdo desarrollar instrumentos que eliminen la corrupción o
Nacional es garantizar una sociedad en la que los el uso indebido del poder. Asimismo, descentralizar
derechos son respetados y los ciudadanos vivan el poder y la economía para asegurar que el Estado
seguros y expresen con libertad sus opiniones a partir
sirva a todos los peruanos sin excepción.
del diálogo abierto y enriquecedor; decidiendo lo mejor
para el país.
Mediante el Acuerdo Nacional nos comprometemos a
2. Equidad y justicia social desarrollar maneras de controlar el cumplimiento de
Para poder construir nuestra democracia, es necesario estas políticas de Estado, a brindar apoyo y difundir
que cada una de las personas que conformamos esta constantemente sus acciones a la sociedad en general.

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