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Palabras Claves.........................................................................................................................................................3
Verbos y expresiones para hacer recomendaciones y dar consejo......................................................4
Comunicación con clientes en forma telefónica y oral (expresiones más utilizadas de la lengua
extranjera para este propósito)...........................................................................................................................6
CIERRE........................................................................................................................................................................ 10
BIBLIOGRAFÍA........................................................................................................................................................... 11

Las formas en que una empresa se comunica con sus clientes muchas veces determina el éxito que
esta tenga. Para lograrlo, los representantes de una empresa han de siempre mostrar interés en
ayudar a sus clientes, escucharlos con empatía y atender sus solicitudes y reclamos de una manera
positiva y proactiva

Saber guiar al cliente y hacerlo sentir como en casa es fundamental. De una u otra manera, a casi
todas las personas nos gusta sentirnos reconocidos y respetados, por lo que al comunicarnos con
nuestros clientes y colaboradores debemos aprender a tratar sus necesidades individualmente, lla-
marlos por su nombre, reconocer su historia con la empresa y saber solucionar sus inquietudes como
si fueran las nuestras.

En este módulo aprenderás a conectar vocabulario y estructuras léxico gramaticales del Inglés para
la comunicación oral y escrita, por medio de temas relacionados a la comunicación con el cliente.

advice, recommendations, telephone conversation.


Verbos y expresiones para hacer recomendaciones

y dar consejo.

Giving advice in English

Giving advice in English is not so complicated, because there are several ways to do it, and
each of them uses a slightly different sentence structure. So, how do you know which one
to use? Find out with these five simple ways to give advice in English.

1. Use a modal verb

There are two modal verbs to give advice in English: “should” and “ought to”. They both
mean the same thing, but they are not used exactly the same. Here are two examples:

You should do more exercise.

You shouldn't drink so much beer.

As you can see, after “should” an infinitive without “to” is used.

You ought to do more exercise.

You ought not to drink so much beer.

Unlike “should”, we always use put “to” in “ought to” to give advice.



2. Frame it as a question

To make English advice less direct, phrase it as a question to get the other person to
consider it and not take it the wrong way.

Why don't you do some more exercise?

How about doing some more exercise?

With the question "Why don't you...?" the infinitive is used without “to”. When asked: “How
about…?” to ask a question, the gerund is used afterwards.

3. Put yourself in the other person's shoes to give advice in English

If someone asks you for advice, sometimes it is good to put yourself in his or her place. It is
also a good way to explain your advice in English.

If I were you, I would do more exercise.

Remember to use an infinitive after "would" without the "to". To make it negative, put a “not”
after “would”.

4. Make a suggestion

A suggestion or recommendation is another good way to give advice without being direct.
You can use the words “suggest” or “recommend” as in the examples:

I would suggest doing more exercise.

I would recommend doing more exercise.



After “suggest” or “recommend”, use “verb+ing” to give the advice. To make it negative, put
a “not” before the “verb+ing”.

5. Stronger advice

Sometimes you need to put more force into your advice in English so that the other person
understands how important it is. For this, you can use the expression “you had better…”

You had better do more exercise before you start getting fat.

You had better not drink so much beer or you will get fat.

After “better”, you put an infinitive and, if you want to make it negative, put a “not” after

Comunicación con clientes en forma telefónica y

oral (expresiones más utilizadas de la lengua
extranjera para este propósito)

Giving a good impression

The phone call is usually one of the first contacts made between the company and the client;
therefore, the impression of this first call leave is crucial for any company.
A good first telephone conversation can lead to having a happy new customer, while a bad
experience will probably mean losing a business opportunity, ending up with a an upset
client on the other end of the line. The quality of the telephone conversation will be essential
for the continuation of business with the client, and most of the time this will depend on the
communicative qualities that the person behind the phone has, such as their listening skills
and empathy.



Variants of telephone attention

Companies have virtual or call center services to have an effective contact with customers.
This contact can be focused on inbound or outbound calls.

Many companies make outbound calls for different purposes, business or not. They are used
make calls to particular users for a specific reason or to random users, continuously. Sales
campaigns or conducting surveys are among the most common reasons.

When receiving a call, the customer is one interested in contacting the company for various
reasons, asking questions, requesting information, etc. In this way, the telephone service
must inform, advice and guide the client in everything that they request.

Communication techniques to win customers

Phone calls miss the visual cues, body language and physical contact between people.
Therefore, in this type of communication, words and the way of expressing information must
be key elements when the aim is to keep customers satisfied.

People in charge of receiving or making calls must have certain communicative

characteristics in order to reach the business objectives. What are those communication

The voice

Obviously, it does not matter what the characteristics of your voice are, lower, higher, male
or female. The important thing is to maintain a warm and pleasant tone that makes the client
feel welcomed and understood.



Regarding the speed of speech in telephone attention, it is advisable to adapt to the speed
of the interlocutor's speech. Otherwise, the client may feel uncomfortable in the


It is very important to know how to listen to the client and understand their needs during the
telephone service. To do this, it is advisable to make pauses, in which the client can be
invited to speak.

In receiving calls, especially, the listening technique is highly recommended, since it is the
client the one who has contacted the company.

On outgoing calls, it is also very important to listen to the customer. To do this, questions
should be asked that prompt him to respond.

Problem resolution

The telephone channel is used on certain occasions to receive complaints from many users.
Therefore, it is important to have sufficient problem-solving skills to deal with these types of

There are many techniques to carry out in these cases, as long as they can be managed
through the phone call, such as listening, understanding and staying calm. Remember that
in these cases you should never talk to the client about "problem", but about "solution".


In order to offer a quality telephone service, it is essential to know what the company is all
about, as well as its history, what it sells, how it does it, its structure, suppliers, partners...
everything! Without the necessary information, the agent will not be able to efficiently attend
to all the answers that customers need, nor have the necessary techniques to solve any




It is important to show the client our interest in their needs by treating his matter as if it were
unique. If the client has some history with the company, it is always good to show respect
for that.

For every company, it is essential to have a specialized team that can manage enough
communication techniques to offer the best customer service possible. Thanks to this, the
company will be able to increase the volume of clients and even their loyalty.


Junto con desearte mucho éxito en tu proceso de estudios, espero que este material haya sido de
ayuda para que pudieras comprender la importancia de la comunicación con el cliente en inglés.
Espero que todo lo aprendido en este módulo lo puedas aplicar algún día cuando comiences tu
carrera como profesional de la administración.

Los distintos contenidos en este libro han sido elaborados de manera tal que el estudiante y el
profesor los use como guía en el proceso, sin embargo, para lograr los resultados esperados es
importante complementar con otros materiales, tanto escritos como audiovisuales.

4 10
Gómez Monsalve, A. C. (2012). Lengua extranjera profesional para la gestión ad-
ministrativa en la relación con el cliente (MF0977_2). Madrid, Spain: Editorial CEP,
S.L. Recuperado de

Indeed Carrer Advise.

John Hughes & Jon Naunton. (2008). Business Result Intermediate, Student Book,
Oxford University Press

Latham-Koenig, Christina and Oxenden, Clive, Oxford University Press (2019)

English File Elementary fourth Edition (4th ed.). Oxford University Press.

Business communication –


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