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Cuerpos extraños en vía aérea en niños

Autor: Fadel E Ruiz, MD
Editores de sección: George B. Mallory, MD, Dra. Susan B. Torrey
Redactor adjunto: Alison G. Hoppin, MD

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Revisión de la literatura actual hasta: febrero de 2022. | Última actualización de este tema: 13 de mayo de


La aspiración de cuerpo extraño traqueobronquial (FBA) es un evento potencialmente mortal

porque puede bloquear la respiración al obstruir las vías respiratorias, lo que afecta la
oxigenación y la ventilación. La FBA en niños puede sospecharse sobre la base de un episodio
de asfixia si un adulto presencia dicho episodio o si el niño lo recuerda. Por el contrario, la
presentación clínica de la FBA no presenciada puede ser sutil y el diagnóstico requiere una
revisión cuidadosa de la historia, la evaluación clínica y el uso juicioso de la radiografía y la

Aquí se revisará la aspiración de cuerpos extraños en niños. Una discusión de FBA en adultos y
niños mayores se presenta por separado. (Consulte "Cuerpos extraños en las vías respiratorias
en adultos" .)


La aspiración de cuerpo extraño (FBA) es una causa común de mortalidad y morbilidad en los
niños, especialmente en los menores de dos años de edad. Durante el año 2000, la ingestión o
aspiración de un CE fue responsable de más de 17 000 visitas al servicio de urgencias en niños
menores de 14 años en los Estados Unidos [ 1 ]. and symptoms&search=cuerpo … 1/36

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Antes del siglo XX, la aspiración de un CE tenía una tasa de mortalidad del 24 por ciento. Con el
desarrollo de las modernas técnicas de broncoscopia, la mortalidad se ha reducido
drásticamente [ 2 ]. No obstante, en los Estados Unidos, FBA fue responsable de
aproximadamente 4800 muertes en 2013, o aproximadamente 1 muerte por cada 100 000
niños de 0 a 4 años [ 3 ]. La muerte causada por asfixia después de FBA es la quinta causa más
común de mortalidad por lesiones no intencionales en los Estados Unidos y la causa principal
de mortalidad por lesiones no intencionales en niños menores de un año [ 4 ]. En 2016, hubo
118 muertes por asfixia en el grupo de edad de uno a cuatro años, y 49 de ellas (41 por ciento)
se debieron a FBA [ 4]. En una revisión de la muestra nacional de pacientes hospitalizados de
2009 a 2011 de todos los casos con FBA pediátrica en los Estados Unidos, la tasa combinada de
muerte o lesión cerebral anóxica fue de alrededor del 4 % y el costo anual asociado de
pacientes hospitalizados fue de cerca de $13 millones [ 5 ] .

Aproximadamente el 80 por ciento de los episodios de FBA pediátrica ocurren en niños

menores de tres años, con una incidencia máxima entre uno y dos años de edad [ 6-13 ]. A esta
edad, la mayoría de los niños pueden ponerse de pie y moverse de forma independiente y son
aptos para explorar su mundo a través de la vía oral. También tienen habilidades motoras finas
para llevarse un objeto pequeño a la boca, pero aún no tienen molares para masticar
adecuadamente los alimentos y pueden tener mecanismos de deglución descoordinados o
inmaduros [ 14 ].]. Additional predisposing factors to FBA in this age group include access to
improper foods or small objects, activity while eating, and older siblings (who may place food or
objects into the mouths of infants or toddlers). Young children are also particularly vulnerable
to FBA because of the smaller diameter of their airway, which is prone to obstruction [15]. In
older children and adults, neurologic disorders [16], loss of consciousness, and alcohol or
sedative abuse predispose to FBA [17]. Most case series in children report a male
predominance, with a sex ratio ranging from 1.5:1 to 2.4:1 [6,11,18]. (See "Airway foreign bodies
in adults".)

Commonly aspirated FBs in children include peanuts (36 to 55 percent of all FBs in Western
society), other nuts, seeds (particularly watermelon seeds in Middle Eastern countries),
popcorn, food particles, hardware, and pieces of toys ( picture 1A-B) [8-10,12,13]. Food items
are the most common items aspirated by infants and toddlers, whereas nonfood items (eg,
coins, paper clips, pins, pen caps) are more commonly aspirated by older children [19-22].
Jewelry, followed by coins, are the most common consumer products aspirated, at 30 and 10
percent, respectively, in one study [23]. Toy balloons or similar objects (eg, inflated gloves or
condoms) are the most common objects involved in fatal childhood FBA [15]; balls, marbles,
and other toys also are commonly involved. Inert foreign bodies remain in place longer and
cause less complications [14]. Factors that make FBs more dangerous include roundness (round and symptoms&search=cuerpo … 2/36

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objects are most likely to cause complete airway obstruction and asphyxiation); failure to break
apart easily; compressibility; and smooth, slippery surface [15]. The effects of pill aspiration
depend on the properties of the medication. Certain medications such as iron or potassium
may dissolve in the airways and cause intense inflammation and eventually stenosis, so early
diagnosis and timely extraction is important to minimize long-term consequences [24,25].

The majority of aspirated FBs in children are located in the bronchi [6,10,26]. Laryngeal and
tracheal FBs are less common. In a large case series of FBA aspirations in children, the sites of
the FB were as follows [6]:

● Larynx – 3 percent
● Trachea/carina – 13 percent
● Right lung – 60 percent (52 percent in the main bronchus, 6 percent in the lower lobe
bronchus, and <1 percent in the middle lobe bronchus)
● Left lung – 23 percent (18 percent in the main bronchus and 5 percent in the lower
● Bilateral – 2 percent

Although most aspirated FBs are located in the bronchi, large, bulky FBs (eg, food) or those with
sharp, irregular edges may become lodged in the larynx [10,27]. This is particularly common in
infants younger than one year. Tracheal narrowing or weak respiratory effort may predispose to
tracheal FB [10]. Compared with bronchial FBs, laryngotracheal FBs are associated with
increased morbidity and mortality [27,28].


The presentation of foreign body aspiration (FBA) depends to some extent upon degree of
airway blockage and the location of the object, as well as the age of the child, type of object
aspirated (particularly, its size and composition), and elapsed time since the event (which often
depends on whether the event was witnessed). Unfortunately, delayed presentation is common:
Presentation and diagnosis within 24 hours of aspiration occurs in only 50 to 60 percent of
cases [10,14]. To avoid delayed diagnosis and associated morbidity, a high index of suspicion
for FBA is warranted.

Signs and symptoms — Children who present with severe respiratory distress, cyanosis, and
altered mental status have a true medical emergency that demands prompt recognition, life
support, and rigid bronchoscopic removal of the FB. (See 'Life-threatening foreign body
aspiration' below.) and symptoms&search=cuerpo … 3/36

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More commonly, children with FBA present with partial airway obstruction. The most common
symptom is cough, followed by tachypnea and stridor, often with focal monophonic wheezing
or decreased air entry. Regional variation in aeration is an important clue to the diagnosis and
is often detected only if the clinician completes a thorough examination when the child is quiet
and with minimal ambient noise. Nonspecific findings of cough and generalized wheezing are
often present. The classic triad of wheeze, cough, and diminished breath sounds [29] is not
universally present [10,29]. In a review of 135 cases of airway FB in children, the classic triad
was present in only 57 percent [10]. The presence of the triad has high specificity (96 to 98
percent) for the diagnosis of FBA, but the sensitivity is low (27 to 43 percent) [30].

The signs and symptoms of FBA vary according to the location of the FB [31,32]:

● Laryngotracheal – Laryngotracheal FBs are uncommon (5 to 17 percent of FBs) but are

particularly likely to be life-threatening. Symptoms include stridor, wheeze, salivation,
dyspnea, and sometimes voice changes. FBs in this location are most likely to present with
acute respiratory distress, which must be addressed promptly [27,28]. Laryngeal FBs or
large penetrating FBs with sharp edges also may cause symptoms related to the
esophagus. (See 'Life-threatening foreign body aspiration' below.)

● Large bronchi – The usual symptoms are coughing and wheezing. Hemoptysis, dyspnea,
choking, shortness of breath, respiratory distress, decreased breath sounds, fever, and
cyanosis may also occur [6,7,33]. The right main bronchus ( image 1) is the most
common location, followed by left bronchus ( image 2) and bilateral bronchi. Compared
with adults, children have less predilection for the right versus left main bronchus because
the airway in children is not fully developed and there are few significant anatomical
differences between left and right bronchial tree [14].

● Lower airways – Children with these FBs may have little acute distress after the initial
choking episode ( algorithm 1).

History of choking — A witnessed episode of choking, defined as the sudden onset of cough
and/or dyspnea and/or cyanosis in a previously healthy child, has a sensitivity of 76 to 92
percent for the diagnosis of FBA ( table 1) [6,10,11,34-36]. The choking phase occurs
immediately after the episode and lasts a few seconds to several minutes. The acute episode
usually is self-limited and may be followed by a symptom-free period, which must not be
misinterpreted as a sign of resolution, since it may delay the diagnosis [20]. In other cases,
children continue to have respiratory distress, wheezing, and/or persistent coughing (
algorithm 1). and symptoms&search=cuerpo … 4/36

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Although highly suggestive of FBA, a history of choking may not be recalled during initial
evaluation; detailed and repeated questioning of all caregivers may be necessary to stimulate
recall of the choking episode. In one review of 200 cases of FBA, 19 percent presented more
than one month after aspiration, even though a history of choking was present in 88 percent

Delayed diagnosis — Patients who present days or weeks after the aspiration often develop
symptoms due to complications related to the presence of the FB, such as infection and
inflammation of the airway. Thus, they may present with fever and other signs and symptoms
of pneumonia. In the absence of a history of choking, FBA may not be suspected. These
patients with occult FBA may improve with antibiotic therapy. However, the infiltrate on chest
radiograph usually does not resolve and recurrence of pneumonia is common.

One reason for delay in diagnosis is that children with lower airway FBs may present with subtle
or nonspecific symptoms [37]. As a result, they may come to medical attention only when they
develop dyspnea, wheezing, chronic cough, or recurrent pneumonia ( algorithm 1) [35]. Other
factors contributing to diagnostic delay include unwitnessed aspiration; decision by the parents
or clinician not to pursue evaluation once the acute choking episode has resolved; and
misinterpretation of symptoms as evidence supporting the diagnosis of de novo pneumonia,
asthma or asthma exacerbation, or bronchiolitis [10,37-39]. (See "Evaluation of wheezing in
infants and children" and "Approach to chronic cough in children".)


The sequence of evaluation and management depends on the clinical characteristics of the
patient at presentation and during the initial work-up. Patients with complete or impending
airway obstruction move immediately to intervention, whereas stable patients with suspected
foreign body aspiration (FBA) undergo further evaluation, as described below.

Life-threatening foreign body aspiration — If a child presents with complete airway

obstruction (ie, is unable to speak or cough), dislodgement using back blows and chest
compressions in infants, and the Heimlich maneuver in older children, should be attempted. In
contrast, these interventions should be avoided in children who are able to speak or cough
since they may convert a partial to a complete obstruction [10]. For the same reason, "blind"
sweeping of the mouth should be avoided.

The recommendations of the American Heart Association regarding interventions for choking
represent the standard in acute life-threatening events ( algorithm 2) [40]. When the and symptoms&search=cuerpo … 5/36

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obstructing FB is below the larynx and does not move with the American Heart Association-
recommended procedures, intubation may permit some ventilation until rigid bronchoscopy is
possible. The administration of oxygen and other life-sustaining care should be provided until
bronchoscopy can be performed. Occasionally, extracorporeal oxygen support (ECMO) has been
used before and/or after FB removal to stabilize a gravely ill, hypoxemic patient [41]. (See
"Emergency evaluation of acute upper airway obstruction in children" and "Basic airway
management in children".)

Suspected foreign body aspiration — All children with suspected FBA who are stable should
undergo a focused history and physical examination, followed by plain radiography of the chest
(see 'Imaging' below). The caregivers should be specifically asked about a history of a choking
episode in the hours or days prior to symptom onset. A history of choking, when specifically
sought, is found in approximately 80 to 90 percent of confirmed cases (see 'History of choking'
above). The physical examination should evaluate for wheezing, stridor, and regional variation
in breath sounds, which may be subtle and difficult to detect in a young, uncooperative child.

Level of suspicion — The extent of the evaluation depends on the clinical suspicion for FBA (
algorithm 3).

● A moderate or high suspicion of FBA is suggested by any of the following:

• Witnessed FBA, regardless of symptoms.

• History of choking, with any subsequent symptoms or suspicious characteristics on


• Young child with suggestive symptoms without other explanation, especially if there
are suspicious characteristics on imaging. Suspicious symptoms include cyanotic spells,
dyspnea, stridor, sudden onset of cough or wheezing (often focal and monophonic),
and/or unilaterally diminished breath sounds.

The tracheobronchial tree should be examined in all cases with a moderate or high
suspicion of FBA, using rigid bronchoscopy (or, in some cases, computed tomography
[CT]). On occasion, the adjunctive use of a flexible bronchoscope may be helpful. Normal
chest radiographs are not sufficient to rule out FBA, primarily because most FBs are
radiolucent. The morbidity and mortality may be increased if bronchoscopic evaluation is
delayed [10,11,38,42,43]. Therefore, the clinical suspicion of FBA is the most important
step in diagnosis. (See 'Bronchoscopy' below.) and symptoms&search=cuerpo … 6/36

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● A low suspicion of FBA is appropriate if none of the above features are present. In this
case, normal results of plain radiographs are sufficient to provisionally exclude FBA.
However, such patients should be observed, with follow-up in two to three days and
further evaluation (eg, bronchoscopy) if symptoms persist or progress. (See 'Imaging'

Imaging — For patients with suspected FBA who are asymptomatic, or symptomatic but
stable, the first step in the evaluation is to perform plain radiography of the chest. Subsequent
steps depend on the degree of clinical suspicion for FBA and may include CT or other modalities
( algorithm 3).

Conventional radiography — Conventional ("plain") radiographic evaluation of the chest

may or may not be helpful in establishing the diagnosis of FBA, depending upon whether the
object is radiopaque and whether and to what degree airway obstruction is present. The
diagnosis of FBA is easily established with conventional radiographs when the object is
radiopaque (approximately 10 percent of FBs) ( image 3). However, most objects aspirated by
children are radiolucent (eg, nuts, food particles) [44] and are not detected with conventional
radiographs, unless aspiration is accompanied by airway obstruction or other complications
[6,44-46]. As a result, normal findings on radiography do not rule out FBA, and the clinical
history is the main determinant of whether to perform a bronchoscopy [47].

In children with lower airway FBA, the most common radiographic findings in lower airway FBA
are [18,31,32,48]:

● Hyperinflated lung (lucency distal to the obstruction) – This is caused by partial airway
obstruction with air trapping, such that air passes with inspiration but not with exhalation
( image 4A-B).

● Atelectasis – This is usually caused by complete obstruction of an airway since air is

resorbed from the distal alveoli over time. (See "Atelectasis in children".)

● Mediastinal shift – The mediastinum tends to shift away from the lung field containing the

● Pneumonia – Infection often develops distal to an obstructed airway. Therefore, a

consolidated infiltrate is also a possible finding. (See "Community-acquired pneumonia in
children: Clinical features and diagnosis", section on 'Radiologic evaluation'.)

Pulmonary abscesses and bronchiectasis are late manifestations of a retained airway FB [49,50]. and symptoms&search=cuerpo … 7/36

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The chest radiograph is normal in at least 30 percent of cases [6,18,36]. The sensitivity of chest
radiography has been reported to be 68 to 76 percent and the specificity 45 to 67 percent when
evaluating for FBs in the airway [51]. Ideally, both inspiratory and expiratory radiographs should
be obtained, if this is possible, because this may increase the sensitivity for detecting a
radiolucent FB. In young children in whom it is difficult to obtain expiratory radiographs (either
because they are tachypneic or because they cannot cooperate), left decubitus films may
simulate expiratory radiographs. However, two retrospective studies suggested that these films
did not add diagnostic value, at least as routinely performed [52,53].

If a laryngotracheal FB is suspected based on symptoms (stridor, wheeze, dyspnea, and

sometimes hoarseness), a neck radiograph should be performed. These should include
posteroanterior and lateral views, with the arms and shoulders positioned inferiorly and
posteriorly to optimize the image of the larynx and trachea. Even if the FB is radiolucent, these
films may suggest the diagnosis if they show a subglottic density or swelling [28].

Advanced imaging — CT or (to a lesser extent) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are
possible diagnostic options for patients who are asymptomatic or symptomatic but stable, who
have normal or inconclusive conventional radiographs but an ongoing clinical suspicion of FBA.
However, this imaging is only helpful if the provider judges that negative imaging would be
sufficient to preclude bronchoscopy [54,55]. In most cases, such patients proceed directly to
bronchoscopy without these studies.

● CT – CT is potentially a valuable tool in diagnosing FBA, with a sensitivity of almost 100

percent and specificity of 66.7 to 100 percent [56]. Unlike conventional radiography, CT
usually can detect radiolucent foreign bodies such as vegetables. It is available in most
institutions with high-resolution, multiplanar, three-dimensional, and other image
reconstruction capabilities. CT can indicate the exact location of the FB and detect
associated complications ( image 2 and image 1) [14]. The main disadvantage of any
CT technique is the exposure to ionizing radiation and delay in proceeding to therapeutic
bronchoscopy. Where low-dose CT protocols are available, early use of this modality may
be appropriate for many patients and may reduce the need for bronchoscopy [56,57].

● MRI – MRI is a good tool for FB imaging because of its multiplanar and tissue
differentiation properties. MRI is particularly useful for identifying aspirated peanuts due
to their high fat content, which provides high contrast differentiation. However, MRI is
rarely used for the evaluation of FBA in young children due to the need for sedation [14].

Fluoroscopy — Fluoroscopy may be used in selected patients as an adjunct to

conventional radiography to help identify and localize a radiolucent FB. Findings suggesting and symptoms&search=cuerpo … 8/36

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FBA include abnormal mediastinal shift with decreased excursion of the diaphragm,
representing air trapping. Tracheal and bronchial narrowing demonstrated via digital
subtraction fluoroscopy suggest the presence of an adjacent radiolucent FB. However, findings
are only positive in approximately 50 percent of pediatric cases [14].

Bronchoscopy — The tracheobronchial tree should be examined in all cases with a moderate
or high suspicion of FBA, typically using rigid bronchoscopy so that the object can be safely
removed. (See 'Foreign body removal' below.)

Flexible rather than rigid bronchoscopy may be used for diagnostic purposes in cases in which
the diagnosis is unclear or if the FBA is known but the location of the object is unclear [58]. In
this case, most centers also arrange to have rigid bronchoscopy available on standby because
this is the preferred approach for FB removal. In some centers, flexible bronchoscopy is also
used for FB removal, as discussed below. (See 'Foreign body removal' below.)


Once the diagnosis of foreign body aspiration (FBA) has been established by imaging and/or
flexible bronchoscopy, the object should be removed as quickly as possible. Laryngeal or
tracheal FBs require particularly urgent management.

Foreign body removal — If FBA is known to have occurred or is strongly suspected, rigid
bronchoscopy is the procedure of choice to identify and remove the object [31,58,59]. Rigid
bronchoscopy permits control of the airway, good visualization, manipulation of the object with
a wide variety of forceps, and ready management of mucosal hemorrhage [22,60-62].
Bronchoscopy is successful in removing the FB in approximately 95 percent of cases, with a
complication rate of less than 1 percent [6,63,64]. Thoracotomy is occasionally indicated in the
rare cases in which FBs are visualized but cannot be removed through a rigid bronchoscope.

FB extraction should be performed by an experienced operator to minimize the risk of

complications. Unsuccessful attempts to remove the FB may push it into a distal position,
making it more difficult to retrieve. In addition, dislodgement of all or part of the FB, or a
fragment of the FB, into the mainstem bronchus of the contralateral lung are potentially lethal
complications if the originally involved bronchus remains obstructed by inflammation or a
residual FB [65]. Major complications of FB extraction include pneumothorax, hemorrhage, and
respiratory arrest, but they occur rarely.

Alternatively, flexible (rather than rigid) bronchoscopy is used to remove the FB in some centers
with high levels of experience in this technique. [32,61,66,67]. This technique usually is limited and symptoms&search=cuerpo … 9/36
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to older adolescents or young adults and uses a removal tool using biopsy, grasping forceps, or
wire baskets, with varying success rates [32,68,69]. Potential advantages of using flexible
bronchoscopy for FB extraction are avoidance of general anesthesia and the ability to reach
subsegmental bronchi. In a large case series, the FB was successfully removed by flexible
bronchoscopy in 91 percent of patients [32]. The main disadvantage of flexible bronchoscopy
for FB removal is the risk of dislodging the FB and further compromising the airway. Because of
these concerns, the American Thoracic Society states, "In general, rigid instruments are
superior for detailed anatomic assessment of the larynx and cervical trachea and for operative
manipulation, principally foreign body extraction" [62]. Flexible bronchoscopy is also used by
most centers for management of FBA in adults. (See "Airway foreign bodies in adults", section
on 'Foreign body removal'.)

If there is a suspicion for multiple small FBs or fragments, we recommend performing a

complete flexible bronchoscopy after FB removal to evaluate the entire tracheobronchial tree
[35,70]. If the FB has been retained long enough for an infection to occur, a Gram stain and
culture should be obtained through the bronchoscope to guide postoperative antibiotic
management. If clinical symptoms, signs, or abnormal radiographs persist after the FB removal
and treatment of infection, repeat bronchoscopic examination is warranted to look for a
second, previously unseen FB.

Occasionally, an FB that has been retained for several weeks will cause such intense airway
inflammation and infection that it cannot be removed. In such cases, antibiotics should be
administered, guided by Gram stain and cultures obtained at bronchoscopy. In addition, a
three- to seven-day course of systemic corticosteroids (methylprednisolone [or equivalent] 1 to
2 mg/kg per day either by mouth or intravenously) may help reduce inflammation [71],
although the use of corticosteroids has not been objectively studied in this situation. After
appropriate antibiotic and corticosteroid therapy, the FB may be removable at a second rigid
bronchoscopy. Corticosteroid therapy may result in dislodgement of the FB, followed by
unwitnessed expectoration and swallowing; therefore, these patients should have a repeat
physical examination and radiographic evaluation to determine if the FB is still present before
bronchoscopy is repeated. Thoracotomy may be required if the second procedure is

Complications — When FBA is diagnosed soon after the event, there is usually little damage to
the airway or lung parenchyma. Complications such as atelectasis, postobstructive pneumonia,
or bronchiectasis may develop if the diagnosis is delayed. As examples, studies have reported
complication rates of 64, 70, and >95 percent if diagnosis is delayed by 4 to 7 days, 15 to 30
days, or greater than 30 days, respectively [37,42,72,73]. An FB that causes chronic or recurrent and symptoms&search=cuerpo… 10/36

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distal infection may lead to bronchiectasis in 25 percent of cases if the FB is present for 30 days
or more [35,49,50,74,75]. This complication should be treated after the FB is removed. Cultures
obtained during bronchoscopy guide the initial antibiotic choice in treating infected areas of
bronchiectasis. Failure to promptly diagnose the FBA may also cause complications from the
use of non-indicated treatments, such as steroids, antibiotics, or bronchodilators [76,77].


As a general rule, primary passive intervention strategies to reduce the risk of foreign body
aspiration (FBA), such as legislation that eliminates choking hazards from the market, are more
effective than active intervention strategies (strategies that require constant parental
supervision) [78]. (See "Pediatric injury prevention: Epidemiology, history, and application",
section on 'Principles of injury prevention and control'.)

Legislation — In the United States, legislative efforts to prevent FBA in children were initiated
in 1927 with passage of the Federal Caustic Act, which prohibited misbranded shipments of
dangerous caustic or corrosive substances in interstate or foreign commerce. This act was the
first child-environmental safety act, and its passage was due largely to the efforts of the
pioneering laryngologist, Chevalier Jackson [75].

Additional legislative efforts to prevent FBA in children include various portions of the Federal
Hazardous Substances Act (FHSA, 1979). The Consumer Products Safety Act banned from
interstate commerce any toy or other article intended for use by children younger than three
years old that is potentially hazardous for choking, aspiration, or ingestion because of small
parts [19]. "Small parts" are objects that fit into the Small Parts Test Fixture (SPTF), a cylinder
with a diameter of 3.17 cm and a depth between 2.54 and 5.71 cm [79,80]. Similar standards are
included in the European Toy Safety Directive of 2009 [81,82] and the Canada Consumer
Product Safety Act of 2010 [83].

Use of the SPTF has not been universally successful in preventing choking deaths [19,84,85]. In
a review of the characteristics of FBs involved in choking episodes, objects that were spherical
or had spherical parts caused asphyxiation even when they met SPTF standards [19]. Based
upon the sizes and shapes of the FBs in this study, the authors suggest that spherical objects
should be at least 4.44 cm in diameter and linear objects should be at least 7.62 cm in length to
prevent fatal choking [19].

Since 1995, packaging for toys with small parts, balls with diameters <4.44 cm, and marbles
must contain a label stating that the item contains small parts, is a choking hazard, and should and symptoms&search=cuerpo… 11/36

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not be used by children younger than three years. In addition, packages of balloons must
contain a label stating that balloons are a choking hazard, that children younger than eight
years can choke or suffocate on uninflated or broken balloons, and that adult supervision is
required [86].

The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 [87] amended the FHSA to require
choking hazard warnings to be displayed on or adjacent to product advertisements on
websites, catalogs, or other printed materials that provide direct means for purchase of a
product for which a warning is required under the FHSA [15].

Of note, food items, which are the most commonly aspirated FB in infants and toddlers, are not
regulated by the FHSA and are not subject to SPTF testing. Actions by the federal government to
prevent choking on food by young children should include surveillance, cautionary food
labeling, recalls when necessary, and public education. Legislation has been proposed but
never enacted [15].

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) maintains information on hazardous toys;
product defects can be reported to the CPSC on their website or to their telephone hotline (800-

Education — Education is another strategy to prevent FBA in children. Although educational

efforts may change safety-related knowledge and behavior, direct evidence that educational
counseling results in lower injury rates is lacking. Nonetheless, the American Academy of
Pediatrics recommends that anticipatory guidance to prevent choking/FBA be provided to
caregivers beginning when the child is six months of age [15,88]. At this age, children begin to
develop the fine motor dexterity to pick up small objects and put them into their mouths.
Important aspects of anticipatory guidance include the following [15,21,89]:

● Marbles, small rubber balls, and latex balloons should be mentioned specifically since
aspiration of these items may be fatal. Latex balloons are the leading non-food cause of
fatal choking episodes among children [15].

● Hard and/or round foods should not be offered to children younger than four years of
age; these include (but are not limited to) hard candy and other candies, peanuts, meat
chunks, hot dogs, grapes, raisins, apple chunks, nuts, popcorn, watermelon seeds, and
raw carrots [12,13]. Among these items, peanuts are the most common single food
causing injury and hot dogs and candy are the most common causes of fatal injury [13].

● Infants should be fed solid food only by adults and only when the infant is sitting upright;
all meals for young children should be supervised by an adult. and symptoms&search=cuerpo… 12/36
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● Children should be taught to chew their food well; shouting, talking, playing, running,
crying, and laughing while eating should be discouraged.

● Chewable medications should be given only after the age of three years (when molars are

● Coins and other small items should not be given to young children as rewards.

● The practice of using the mouth to hold school supplies or other small objects should be

● Avoid toys with small parts, and keep other small household items out of the reach of
infants and young children.

● Follow the age recommendations on toy packages.

● Be aware of the actions of older children. They may give dangerous objects to younger

● Parents, teachers, child care providers, and others who care for children should be
encouraged to take a course in basic life support and choking first aid.


Links to society and government-sponsored guidelines from selected countries and regions
around the world are provided separately. (See "Society guideline links: Airway foreign bodies in


UpToDate offers two types of patient education materials, "The Basics" and "Beyond the
Basics." The Basics patient education pieces are written in plain language, at the 5th to 6th grade
reading level, and they answer the four or five key questions a patient might have about a given
condition. These articles are best for patients who want a general overview and who prefer
short, easy-to-read materials. Beyond the Basics patient education pieces are longer, more
sophisticated, and more detailed. These articles are written at the 10th to 12th grade reading
level and are best for patients who want in-depth information and are comfortable with some
medical jargon. and symptoms&search=cuerpo… 13/36

17/3/22, 10:05 Airway foreign bodies in children - UpToDate

Here are the patient education articles that are relevant to this topic. We encourage you to print
or e-mail these topics to your patients. (You can also locate patient education articles on a
variety of subjects by searching on "patient info" and the keyword(s) of interest.)

● Basics topics (see "Patient education: Starting solid foods during infancy (Beyond the
Basics)" and "Patient education: Cough in children (The Basics)" and "Patient education:
Coughing up blood (The Basics)" and "Patient education: Bronchiectasis in children (The

● Beyond the basics topics (see "Patient education: Starting solid foods during infancy
(Beyond the Basics)")


● Foreign body aspiration (FBA) should be suspected in children who have sudden onset of
lower respiratory symptoms or those who do not respond to standard management of
other suspected etiologies such as pneumonia, asthma, or croup. The risk is highest in
children between one and three years of age. (See 'Presentation' above.)

● A history of choking is highly suggestive of FBA, even if it occurred days or weeks before
presentation. The episode may be immediately followed by respiratory symptoms or there
may be a symptom-free period, which must not be misinterpreted as a sign of resolution,
since it may delay the diagnosis. The absence of choking history does not rule out FBA,
since choking events may be unwitnessed or unrecalled. (See 'History of choking' above.)

● The presence of asphyxia indicates the need for immediate resuscitation and examination
of the airway ( algorithm 2). (See 'Life-threatening foreign body aspiration' above.)

● For patients with suspected FBA who are asymptomatic or symptomatic but stable, the
first step in the evaluation is to perform plain radiography of the chest ( algorithm 3).
Ideally, both inspiratory and expiratory radiographs should be obtained, if this is possible,
because this may increase the sensitivity for detecting a radiolucent FB. Subsequent steps
depend on the degree of clinical suspicion for FBA and may include computed
tomography (CT) or bronchoscopy. Normal radiographic studies do not exclude the
presence of an aspirated FB. (See 'Imaging' above.)

• A moderate or high suspicion of FBA is appropriate for all children with a witnessed
FBA (regardless of symptoms), as well as for young children with suspicious respiratory
symptoms or characteristics on imaging, especially if there is a history of choking. and symptoms&search=cuerpo… 14/36

17/3/22, 10:05 Airway foreign bodies in children - UpToDate

Suspicious symptoms include cyanotic spells, dyspnea, stridor, sudden onset of cough
or wheezing (often focal and monophonic), and/or unilaterally diminished breath
sounds. (See 'Level of suspicion' above.)

• A low suspicion of FBA is appropriate if none of the above features are present. In this
case, normal results of plain radiographs are sufficient to exclude radiopaque FBA and
lessen (but not completely eliminate) the concern for a radiolucent FBA. However, such
patients should be observed, with follow-up in two to three days and further evaluation
(eg, bronchoscopy) if symptoms persist or progress.

● Stable patients with a high clinical suspicion of FBA usually should proceed to
bronchoscopy, even if the plain radiographs are normal or inconclusive. Alternatively, CT
can be performed first to help clarify the diagnosis, if the provider judges that negative
imaging would be sufficient to preclude bronchoscopy. Flexible rather than rigid
bronchoscopy may be used for diagnostic purposes in cases in which the diagnosis is
unclear or if the FBA is known but the location of the object is unclear. (See 'Bronchoscopy'

● We suggest rigid rather than flexible bronchoscopy for removal of most aspirated FBs in
children (Grade 2C); this procedure should be performed by an experienced operator.
Flexible bronchoscopy is also used to remove the FB in some centers with high levels of
experience in this technique. (See 'Suspected foreign body aspiration' above and 'Foreign
body removal' above.)

● Prevention of pediatric FBA is possible through legislation, caregiver education, and

continued product safety vigilance. (See 'Prevention' above.)

Use of UpToDate is subject to the Terms of Use.


1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Nonfatal choking-related episodes
among children--United States, 2001. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2002; 51:945.

2. Kramer TA, Riding KH, Salkeld LJ. Tracheobronchial and esophageal foreign bodies in the
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4. WISQARS Leading causes of death reports, 1999 - 2001. National Center for Injury Preventi
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5. Kim IA, Shapiro N, Bhattacharyya N. The national cost burden of bronchial foreign body
aspiration in children. Laryngoscope 2015; 125:1221.

6. Eren S, Balci AE, Dikici B, et al. Foreign body aspiration in children: experience of 1160
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7. Burton EM, Brick WG, Hall JD, et al. Tracheobronchial foreign body aspiration in children.
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8. Mu L, He P, Sun D. Inhalation of foreign bodies in Chinese children: a review of 400 cases.
Laryngoscope 1991; 101:657.

9. Schmidt H, Manegold BC. Foreign body aspiration in children. Surg Endosc 2000; 14:644.
10. Tan HK, Brown K, McGill T, et al. Airway foreign bodies (FB): a 10-year review. Int J Pediatr
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11. Ciftci AO, Bingöl-Koloğlu M, Senocak ME, et al. Bronchoscopy for evaluation of foreign body
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13. Altkorn R, Chen X, Milkovich S, et al. Fatal and non-fatal food injuries among children (aged
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14. Laya BF, Restrepo R, Lee EY. Practical Imaging Evaluation of Foreign Bodies in Children: An
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15. Committee on Injury, Violence, and Poison Prevention. Prevention of choking among
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16. DeRowe A, Massick D, Beste DJ. Clinical characteristics of aero-digestive foreign bodies in
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17. Wolkove N, Kreisman H, Cohen C, Frank H. Occult foreign-body aspiration in adults. JAMA
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18. Sahin A, Meteroglu F, Eren S, Celik Y. Inhalation of foreign bodies in children: experience of
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21. Lemberg PS, Darrow DH, Holinger LD. Aerodigestive tract foreign bodies in the older child
and adolescent. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1996; 105:267.
22. Jiaqiang S, Jingwu S, Yanming H, et al. Rigid bronchoscopy for inhaled pen caps in children.
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24. Küpeli E, Khemasuwan D, Lee P, Mehta AC. "Pills" and the air passages. Chest 2013;
25. Kinsey CM, Folch E, Majid A, Channick CL. Evaluation and management of pill aspiration:
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26. Black RE, Johnson DG, Matlak ME. Bronchoscopic removal of aspirated foreign bodies in
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27. Lima JA. Laryngeal foreign bodies in children: a persistent, life-threatening problem.
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28. Esclamado RM, Richardson MA. Laryngotracheal foreign bodies in children. A comparison
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29. Wiseman NE. The diagnosis of foreign body aspiration in childhood. J Pediatr Surg 1984;
30. Singh H, Parakh A. Tracheobronchial foreign body aspiration in children. Clin Pediatr (Phila)
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31. Zhijun C, Fugao Z, Niankai Z, Jingjing C. Therapeutic experience from 1428 patients with
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33. Laks Y, Barzilay Z. Foreign body aspiration in childhood. Pediatr Emerg Care 1988; 4:102.
34. François M, Thach-Toan, Maisani D, et al. [Endoscopy for exploration for foreign bodies of
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37. Mu L, He P, Sun D. The causes and complications of late diagnosis of foreign body
aspiration in children. Report of 210 cases. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1991;
38. Mantor PC, Tuggle DW, Tunell WP. An appropriate negative bronchoscopy rate in suspected
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39. Kugelman A, Shaoul R, Goldsher M, Srugo I. Persistent cough and failure to thrive: a
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41. Anton-Martin P, Bhattarai P, Rycus P, et al. The Use of Extracorporeal Membrane

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52. Assefa D, Amin N, Stringel G, Dozor AJ. Use of decubitus radiographs in the diagnosis of
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53. Brown JC, Chapman T, Klein EJ, et al. The utility of adding expiratory or decubitus chest
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58. Martinot A, Closset M, Marquette CH, et al. Indications for flexible versus rigid
bronchoscopy in children with suspected foreign-body aspiration. Am J Respir Crit Care
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children: retrospective analysis of 822 cases. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1991; 39:95.
61. Wood RE, Gauderer MW. Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy in the management of
tracheobronchial foreign bodies in children: the value of a combined approach with open
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value of history and plain chest radiography in delayed presentation. Otolaryngol Head
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65. Pawar DK. Dislodgement of bronchial foreign body during retrieval in children. Paediatr
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67. Golan-Tripto I, Mezan DW, Tsaregorodtsev S, et al. From rigid to flexible bronchoscopy: a
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68. Rodrigues AJ, Scussiatto EA, Jacomelli M, et al. Bronchoscopic techniques for removal of
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69. Tenenbaum T, Kähler G, Janke C, et al. Management of Foreign Body Removal in Children
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72. Tatsanakanjanakorn W, Suetrong S. Do Times until Treatment for Foreign Body Aspiration
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73. Shlizerman L, Mazzawi S, Rakover Y, Ashkenazi D. Foreign body aspiration in children: the
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74. Cataneo AJ, Reibscheid SM, Ruiz Júnior RL, Ferrari GF. Foreign body in the tracheobronchial
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75. Jackson, C, Jackson, CL. Diseases of the air and food passages of foreign body origin, WB Sa
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76. Louie MC, Bradin S. Foreign body ingestion and aspiration. Pediatr Rev 2009; 30:295.

77. Chung MK, Jeong HS, Ahn KM, et al. Pulmonary recovery after rigid bronchoscopic retrieval
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80. US Consumer Product Safety Commission. Method for Identifying Toys and Other Articles I
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1979. 16 CFR 1501.
81. European Commission Toy Safety Directive 2009: An explanatory guidance document. Avail
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82. European Union-Mandated Harmonized Standards: Toy Safety. Available at: https://law.reso (Accessed on March 21, 2016).

83. Canada Consumer Product Safety Act, section on Toys regulations. Available at: http://laws- (Accessed on March 21, 2016).
84. Reilly JS, Walter MA, Beste D, et al. Size/shape analysis of aerodigestive foreign bodies in
children: a multi-institutional study. Am J Otolaryngol 1995; 16:190.
85. Jumbelic MI. Airway obstruction by a ball. J Forensic Sci 1999; 44:1079.

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87. Consumer product safety improvement act of 2008. Available at:
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88. Bright Futures: Guidelines for Health Supervision of Infants, Children, and Adolescents, 4th
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89. Mofenson HC, Greensher J. Management of the choking child. Pediatr Clin North Am 1985;
Topic 6382 Version 24.0 and symptoms&search=cuerpo… 21/36

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Ejemplos de cuerpos extraños orgánicos extraídos

de niños y adultos

Cortesía de Charles Marquette, MD.

Gráfico 68615 Versión 2.0 and symptoms&search=cuerpo… 22/36

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Ejemplos de cuerpos extraños inorgánicos extraídos

de niños y adultos

Cortesía de Charles Marquette, MD.

Gráfico 81535 Versión 2.0 and symptoms&search=cuerpo… 23/36

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Tomografía computarizada de cuerpo extraño en bronquio

intermedio derecho

Corte coronal de tomografía computarizada en un niño de 20 meses que

muestra un cuerpo extraño (hueso) en el bronquio intermedio derecho
(flecha). El pulmón está hiperinflado distal a la obstrucción.

TC: tomografía computarizada.

Cortesía de R. Paul Guillerman, MD.

Gráfico 129050 Versión 1.0 and symptoms&search=cuerpo… 24/36

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Tomografía computarizada de cuerpo extraño en bronquio

principal izquierdo

Coronal section of CT scan in a 22-month-old child, showing an aspirated

peanut in the left mainstem bronchus (arrow).

CT: computed tomography.

Courtesy of R. Paul Guillerman, MD.

Graphic 129051 Version 1.0 and symptoms&search=cuerpo… 25/36

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Natural course of foreign body aspiration

Graphic 68288 Version 3.0 and symptoms&search=cuerpo… 26/36

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Diagnostic value of specific findings in children with suspected foreign body


Positive Negative
predictive Sensitivity Specificity predictive
value value

History of choking 50/63/78 85/79/81 21/46/33 60/64/38

Unilateral decrease in 84/84/- 65/67/- 88/85/- 73/68/-

breath sounds

Wheezing 65/47/74 33/10/60 84/87/40 57/45/26

Radiopaque foreign body 100/100/- 20/7/- 100/100/- 57/47/-

Unilateral obstructive 81/86/- 53/55/- 88/89/- 67/63/-


Abnormal inspiratory 72/-/83 70/-/82 74/-/44 73/-/41


Diagnostic value of specific findings in children with foreign body aspiration, as estimated in 3 different
case series in which the diagnosis was confirmed or excluded by bronchoscopy. Each value is given as Ref
1/Ref 2/Ref 3. A hyphen (-) is used where no data were provided by the reference.

Data from:
1. Martinot A, Closset M, Marquette CH, et al. Indications for flexible versus rigid bronchoscopy in children with suspected
foreign-body aspiration. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1997; 155:1676.
2. Francois M, Thach-Toan, Maisani D, et al. [Endoscopy for exploration for foreign bodies of the lower respiratory tract of the
child. Apropos of 668 cases.] Ann Otolaryngol Chir Cervicofac 1985; 102:433.
3. Hoeve LJ, Rombout J, Pot DJ. Foreign body aspiration in children. The diagnostic value of signs, symptoms, and pre-
operative examination. Clin Otolaryngol 1993; 18:55.

Graphic 64415 Version 4.0 and symptoms&search=cuerpo… 27/36

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Management of upper airway obstruction due to a foreign body in children* and symptoms&search=cuerpo… 28/36

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17/3/22, 10:05 Airway foreign bodies in children - UpToDate

FB: foreign body; CPR: cardiopulmonary resuscitation; RSI: rapid sequence intubation; ETT: endotracheal
tube; OR: operating room.

* The following findings suggest upper airway obstruction:

Inspiratory stridor, wheezing, or stertor
Suprasternal or supraclavicular retractions
Prolonged inspiratory phase
Oral mucosa or tongue swelling
Positions of comfort to help maintain airway patency in patients with severe obstruction:
"Sniffing" position (neck is mildly flexed and head is mildly extended)
Tripod position (leaning forward while bracing on the arms, with neck hyperextended and chin
thrust forward)
¶ Refer to UpToDate algorithms and topics on pediatric basic life support for health care providers and
FB obstruction.

Δ Refer to UpToDate topics on evaluation of upper airway obstruction in children.

◊ Surgical cricothyrotomy may be appropriate in selected patients younger than 12 years of age, as
determined by cricothyroid membrane size. Refer to UpToDate topics on needle and surgical

Graphic 55990 Version 5.0 and symptoms&search=cuerpo… 30/36

17/3/22, 10:05 Airway foreign bodies in children - UpToDate

Algorithm for suspected foreign body aspiration in children

CT: computed tomography; FBA: foreign body aspiration.

* Refer to algorithm for complete airway obstruction in children.

¶ A moderate or high suspicion of FBA includes all children with a witnessed FBA
(regardless of symptoms) and those with suggestive respiratory symptoms or
suspicious characteristics on imaging, especially if there is a history of choking.

Δ For stable patients with a high clinical suspicion of aspiration, it is reasonable

to proceed directly to bronchoscopy, even if the plain radiographs are normal or
inconclusive. Alternatively, CT can be performed first to help clarify the diagnosis
(dotted line), if the provider judges that negative imaging would be sufficient to
preclude bronchoscopy. Where low-dose CT protocols are available, early use of
this modality may be appropriate for many patients and may reduce the need
for bronchoscopy.

◊ Rigid bronchoscopy is the procedure of choice to remove a foreign body. In

cases where the diagnosis or location of the foreign body is unclear, it is usually
preferable to perform flexible bronchoscopy first and then proceed to rigid
bronchoscopy for foreign body removal. and symptoms&search=cuerpo… 31/36

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Courtesy of Fadel Ruiz, MD.

Gráfico 105656 Versión 5.0 and symptoms&search=cuerpo… 32/36

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Cuerpo extraño radiopaco en la vía aérea

Cuerpo extraño radiopaco extraído de la vía aérea de un niño de 1


Cortesía de Charles Marquette, MD.

Gráfico 70775 Versión 5.0 and symptoms&search=cuerpo… 33/36

17/3/22, 10:05 Airway foreign bodies in children - UpToDate

Enfisema obstructivo en un niño por aspiración de

cuerpo extraño

Radiografías de tórax inspiratorias y espiratorias de un niño de 2 años

con un cuerpo extraño radiotransparente en el bronquio principal
izquierdo. Hay marcada hiperlucidez en el pulmón izquierdo durante la
espiración (imagen de la derecha) en comparación con la inspiración
(imagen de la izquierda).

Cortesía de Charles Marquette, MD, PhD.

Gráfico 76951 Versión 6.0 and symptoms&search=cuerpo… 34/36

17/3/22, 10:05 Airway foreign bodies in children - UpToDate

Enfisema obstructivo en un niño tras aspiración de

cuerpo extraño

Radiografías de tórax inspiratorias y espiratorias en un niño después

de la aspiración de un cuerpo extraño del lado derecho.

(Panel superior) La película inspiratoria parece normal.

(Panel inferior) La película espiratoria demuestra hiperlucencia del

pulmón derecho, lo que indica enfisema obstructivo.

Cortesía de Charles Marquette, MD.

Gráfico 55279 Versión 7.0 and symptoms&search=cuerpo… 35/36

17/3/22, 10:05 Airway foreign bodies in children - UpToDate

Contributor Disclosures
Fadel E Ruiz, MD Grant/Research/Clinical Trial Support: Vertex [Cystic fibrosis]. Other Financial Interest:
Roche México [Cystic fibrosis]. All of the relevant financial relationships listed have been
mitigated. George B Mallory, MD No relevant financial relationship(s) with ineligible companies to
disclose. Susan B Torrey, MD No relevant financial relationship(s) with ineligible companies to
disclose. Alison G Hoppin, MD No relevant financial relationship(s) with ineligible companies to disclose.

El grupo editorial revisa las divulgaciones de los contribuyentes en busca de conflictos de intereses.
Cuando se encuentran, estos se abordan mediante la investigación a través de un proceso de revisión de
varios niveles y mediante los requisitos para que se proporcionen referencias para respaldar el contenido.
Se requiere que todos los autores tengan contenido referenciado de manera adecuada y debe cumplir con
los estándares de evidencia de UpToDate.

Política de conflicto de intereses and symptoms&search=cuerpo… 36/36

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