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Teacher: Yamilet Rivera Marín

Institutional mail: Yamilet.rivera@colegiomanantialdeovalle,cl

Asignación N°20
Unit 4: Sustaninable development
Nombre: Fernanda morales Cifuentes Curso: 2° Medio A

Nombre de actividad: Fecha de la Asignación: 05/11

What´s your excuse? Fecha de Recepción de Asignación: 12/11
Eje: Comprensión de lectura Habilidad (es): comprensión lectora
Estrategias: glosario, alternativas, completación
Objetivo de aprendizaje: OA 9 Demostrar comprensión de ideas generales e información explícita en textos
adaptados y auténticos simples, en formato impreso o digital, acerca de temas variados (como temas de interés
de los y las estudiantes, temas de otras asignaturas, del contexto inmediato, de actualidad e interés global, de
otras culturas y algunos temas menos conocidos) y que contienen las funciones del año.

Sellos colegio Manantial: Pensamiento Divergente (Sello Cognitivo)

Vida Saludable (Sello Social)
Emprendedor - Innovador (Sello Cultural)
Instrucciones Generales: Lea comprensivamente las instrucciones de cada ítem antes de realizar las


1. Look at the pictures and answer the questions below.

a) What do these pictures represent?

represent caring for the environment

b) Do you think we need to take care of the environment? What for?

yes because the environment is important to be able to live

Teacher: Yamilet Rivera Marín
Institutional mail: Yamilet.rivera@colegiomanantialdeovalle,cl
2. Place the letter that corresponds with the image.
A) Biomass Energy B) Tidal Energy C) Solar Energy
D) Hydro Energy E) Wind Energy F) Geothermal





3. Read the following texts and choose the correct alternative to answer the questions.
Teacher: Yamilet Rivera Marín
Institutional mail: Yamilet.rivera@colegiomanantialdeovalle,cl

Which type of energy….

1. Uses panels as its main tool to capture energy
a) Tidal Energy
b) Geothermal
Energy c) Solar
d) Hydro Energy
2. It is located underneath the sea
a) Biomass Energy
b) Tidal Energy
c) Wind Energy
d) Solar Energy

3. Needs water
a) Biomass and Wind Energy
b) Hydro and Tidal Energy
c) Solar and Geothermal
d) Hydro and Biomass

4. Helps recycling
a) Hydro Energy
b) Solar Energy
c) Wind Energy
d) Biomass Energy
Teacher: Yamilet Rivera Marín
Institutional mail: Yamilet.rivera@colegiomanantialdeovalle,cl
5. Uses windmills
a) Wind Energy
b) Biomass Energy
c) Solar Energy
d) Hydro Energy


4. Explain the meaning of the different types of energy in your own words to your partner.
biomass - hydro power - geothermal - tidal - wind power - solar
2. Use the words in point 1 to complete the sentences.
a. Chile could produce tidal energy because it has a long coast and many beaches.
b. Bamboo and corn are good sources of biomass energy.
c. The reason for the interest in hydro power energy is that all rivers have a great potential capacity
of approximately 300000 megawatts.
d. Wind power is considered one of the purest energy sources.
e. In the Atacama Desert, in Chile, scientists are placing special emphasis on producing solar
f. Hot water and steam that lie deep inside the Earth can be used to generate geothermal energy
cleanly and efficiently.

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