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Anglo American Quellaveco S.A.

Proyecto Quellaveco Fecha 1-Abril-2020
Página 1 de 6
Rev. 1


Este Documento ha sido revisado como se indica abajo, y describe en el registro de revisiones en la
página siguiente. Por favor destruir todas las revisiones previas.

Revisión Fecha Nombre y Firma Nombre y Firma del Páginas

No. del emisor (Contratista) Revisor/Aprobador
A 22-Ago-19 Gabriel Posada M Domingo Lulion 56
AB 3-Oct-19 Gabriel Posada M Domingo Lulion 56
B 28-Nov-19 Gabriel Posada M Domingo Lulion 56
0 23-Ene-20 Gabriel Posada M Juan Velasquez / CDV 56
1 1-Abril-20 José Garrido Senén Cuevas 55


Jefe de Disciplina José Garrido 01-Abril-20

Gerente de Ingeniería Senén Cuevas 01-Abril-20

Gerente de Área Rafael Paredes 01-Abril-20

Gerente de Proyecto Jorge Keupuchur 01-Abril-20

Cliente: Herbert Noriega

EMITIDO PARA : Diseño x Construcción Otro:

Especificación Técnica
Anglo American Quellaveco S.A. MQ13-600-TE-5800-SS3200
Proyecto Quellaveco Fecha 1-Abril-2020
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Rev. 1


Registro de Revisiones

Fecha Descripción

A 22-Ago-2019 Revisión Interna Ingeniería

AB 3-Oct-2019 Revisión Interna Consorcio Belfi – Cosapi

B 28-Nov-2019 Aprobación cliente

0 23-Ene-2020 Emitido para construcción

1 01-Abril-2020 Emitido para construcción

Especificación Técnica
Anglo American Quellaveco S.A. MQ13-600-TE-5800-SS3200
Proyecto Quellaveco Fecha 1-Abril-2020
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Tabla de Contenidos
1.0 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Introducción .............................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Objetivo y Alcance .................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.1 Objetivo .......................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.2 Alcance .......................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Ubicación y Acceso al Sitio ...................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Condiciones Ambientales ......................................................................................................... 5
SPECIFICATIONS), MQ11-02-TE-0000-GA0001_R1, FEL3 ............................................. 5
2.1 En 1.2 General, exclusiones ..................................................................................................... 5
2.2 En 1 General............................................................................................................................. 5

Listado de Anexos

MQ11-02-TE-0000-GA0001 Rev.1 Paint Technical Specifications, abril 25 de 2018

Especificación Técnica
Anglo American Quellaveco S.A. MQ13-600-TE-5800-SS3200
Proyecto Quellaveco Fecha 1-Abril-2020
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Rev. 1


1.1 Introducción
Anglo Américan Quellaveco S.A. (en adelante AAQSA) ha encomendado al Consorcio Belfi-
Cosapi (en adelante El Consorcio), la implementación de las instalaciones portuarias de
embarque de concentrado de cobre del Proyecto Quellaveco, propiedad de AAQSA, bajo el
contrato 2MAY2098, Port Facilities – Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC), en
adelante “el Proyecto”, en la modalidad de EPC.

El Proyecto consiste en la implementación de instalaciones portuarias para la recepción,

almacenamiento, recuperación y embarque de concentrado de cobre, proveniente de la Planta
Concentradora Quellaveco, ubicada al sur del Perú.

Las nuevas instalaciones portuarias serán emplazadas en las instalaciones existentes del Puerto
ENGIE (ex Enersur), propiedad de la empresa Engie, ubicado aproximadamente a 25 km al sur
del puerto de Ilo, en la Provincia de ILO, Departamento de Moquegua, Perú.

El presente documento corresponde a la Especificación Técnica para Preparación Superficial y

Pinturas del Proyecto.

1.2 Objetivo y Alcance

1.2.1 Objetivo
El objetivo del presente documento es establecer las especificaciones técnicas para la
preparación superficial y pintura de todas las obras que así lo requieran y que estén indicadas
en el proyecto.

1.2.2 Alcance
Este documento se ha desarrollado como una ADENDA a la documentación disponible de la
Ingeniería previa (FEL 3) en particular a la especificación MQ11-02-TE-0000-GA0001_R1 Paint
Technical Specificartions, abril 25 de 2018, asociada al Proyecto “2MAY2098, Port Facilities –
Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC)”.

Específicamente, este documento establece las modificaciones y los aspectos no cubiertos por
la especificación técnica de referencia, señalada anteriormente.

Especificación Técnica
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1.3 Ubicación y Acceso al Sitio

La ubicación y vías de acceso a las instalaciones de Puerto, se presentan en el capítulo 3 del
documento “Especificación Técnicas de las Condiciones del Sitio” N° MQ13-600-TE-5830-

1.4 Condiciones Ambientales

Las condiciones ambientales del sector, se detallan en el documento “Especificación Técnica de
las Condiciones del Sitio” N° MQ13-600-TE-5830-ME4001.


SPECIFICATIONS), MQ11-02-TE-0000-GA0001_R1, FEL3
2.1 En 1.2 General, exclusiones
Se elimina la última viñeta del capítulo: “Protection and coating required for tanks, exterior and
interior, is not included in this specification. For workshop or field fabricated steel tanks see
specification MQ11-02-TE 0000-PD0018 Tanques de Acero Fabricados en Taller or Q13-02-TE-
0000-PD0017 Tanques de Acero Fabricados en Terreno, as applicable.”
2.2 En 1 General
Se adiciona el capítulo 1.4 Definiciones

1.4 Definiciones

Donde se use esta especificación, los siguientes términos tendrán las definiciones indicadas a
continuación, salvo que se indique claramente otra cosa debida al contexto en que son usadas.
Términos en letra mayúscula tiene el significado que aquellos en letra minúscula:

Ingeniero (Engineer) : Es el responsable por el diseño estructural de los edificios, tanques y

misceláneos que forman parte del alcance de esta Especificación.

Mandante (Owner): Es el propietario de las estructuras, instalaciones, propiedades y del proyecto

para el cual los aceros estructurales y misceláneos son montados.

Representante del Mandante (Owner´s Representative): También llamado “Representante del

Mandante designado para el Diseño”. Es la entidad responsable ante el Mandante por el diseño
estructural del proyecto.

Especificación Técnica
Anglo American Quellaveco S.A. MQ13-600-TE-5800-SS3200
Proyecto Quellaveco Fecha 1-Abril-2020
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MQ11-02-TE-0000-GA0001 REV.1 (25-Ap r-2018)

Especificación Técnica

IFA – Issued for Approval

May 03, 2018
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Revision Record

Date Description

A 06-Mar-2015 Issued for Internal Coordination

B 02-Jun-2015 Issued for Client Approval

0 10-Ago-2015 Issued for Construction

1 25-Apr-2018 Translated. General revision. Issued for Construction


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1.0 GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Scope .................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Exclusions ............................................................................................................................................ 5
1.3 Related Technical Specifications ....................................................................................................... 6

2.0 APPLICABLE CODES, STANDARDS AND REFERENCES ................................................................. 6

2.1 Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC) ........................................................................................ 6
2.2 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)..................................................................... 7
2.3 Others .................................................................................................................................................. 8

3.0 PAINTS .......................................................................................................................................................... 9

3.1 General ................................................................................................................................................ 9

4.0 SURFACE PROTECTION .......................................................................................................................... 9

4.1 Protection Schemes ............................................................................................................................. 9
4.2 Scheme P1-A ..................................................................................................................................... 11
4.3 Scheme P1-B...................................................................................................................................... 12
4.4 Scheme P2-A ..................................................................................................................................... 13
4.5 Scheme P2-B...................................................................................................................................... 14
4.6 Scheme P3-A ..................................................................................................................................... 14
4.7 Scheme P3-B...................................................................................................................................... 15
4.8 Scheme P4.......................................................................................................................................... 16
4.9 Scheme P5.......................................................................................................................................... 17
4.10 Scheme P6-A ..................................................................................................................................... 17
4.11 Scheme P6-B...................................................................................................................................... 18
4.12 Scheme P6-C ..................................................................................................................................... 19
4.13 Scheme P7.......................................................................................................................................... 19

5.0 PROTECTION SYSTEMS BY AREA ...................................................................................................... 21

6.0 PRODUCT APPLICATION ...................................................................................................................... 23

6.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 23
6.2 Weather Conditions .......................................................................................................................... 23
6.3 Surface Preparation ......................................................................................................................... 23
6.4 Paint Application .............................................................................................................................. 24

7.0 PAINT TOUCH UP .................................................................................................................................... 26

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8.0 QUALITY SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRUCTURES ............................................................................ 27

8.1 Inspection .......................................................................................................................................... 27
8.2 Requirements .................................................................................................................................... 28
8.3 Submittals .......................................................................................................................................... 29
8.4 Transport, Storage and Handling ................................................................................................... 29
8.5 Quality Control at Workshop .......................................................................................................... 30

9.0 HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ..................................................................................... 31

10.0 COLORS ...................................................................................................................................................... 33

10.1 Steel Structures ................................................................................................................................. 33
10.2 Mechanical Equipment .................................................................................................................... 34
10.3 Electrical Equipment ........................................................................................................................ 35
10.4 Instrumentation ................................................................................................................................ 36
10.5 Piping and Tanks .............................................................................................................................. 36

11.0 SUPPLIER SCHEMES ............................................................................................................................... 37

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1.1 Scope

This specification sets forth minimum requirements for materials, manpower and procedures
needed for surface preparation and painting of structural steel, mechanical and electrical
equipment, piping and tanks required for the Quellaveco Project, located in Peru, and

In case of discrepancy between this specification and the drawing notes, the latter shall

The scope of this specification includes:

 Painting of Structural and miscellaneous steels.

 Painting exterior surfaces of electrical and mechanical equipment, platework, tanks,

piping, instrumentation supports, etc.

 Painting interior surfaces of Tanks and surfaces of elements in direct contact with
corrosive, acid and abrasion solutions.

1.2 Exclusions

Unless otherwise specified, the following are excluded from this specification:

 Painting of stainless steel, aluminum and other non-ferrous, non-metallic materials.

 Painting of galvanized steel.

 Architectural finishes and preformed plate coating for building ceilings and walls.

 Paint for elements and equipment operating at high temperatures is not covered by these
specifications. Where the operating temperature of equipment exceeds the recommended
temperature limit for paint as specified herein, the paint shall conform to the equipment
manufacturer´s paint specification.

 Exterior protection and coatings required for underground piping is not included in this
specification. Interior protection and coating required for piping has been excluded as

 Protection and coating required for tanks, exterior and interior, is not included in this
specification. For workshop or field fabricated steel tanks see specification MQ11-02-TE-

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0000-PD0018 Tanques de Acero Fabricados en Taller or MQ13-02-TE-0000-PD0017

Tanques de Acero Fabricados en Terreno, as applicable.

1.3 Related Technical Specifications

MQ11-02-DC-0000-SS0001 Structural and Miscellaneous Steel Fabrication –

Technical Specification
MQ11–02-TE–0000–SS0004 Structural Steel Erection – Structural Specification.
MQ11–02-TE–0000–SS0005 Structural and Miscellaneous Steel Detailing – Technical
MQ11-02-TE-0000-ME0001 Site Conditions - Technical Specification.
MQ11-02-TE-0000-PD0010 Especificación Técnica - Código de Colores para
MQ11-02-TE-0000-PD0018 Especificación Técnica – Tanques de Acero Fabricados
en Taller.
MQ13-02-TE-0000-PD0017 Especificación Técnica – Tanques de Acero Fabricados
en Terreno.


The following codes and standards, which form an integral part of this specification, shall be used:

2.1 Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC)

SSPC-SP1-16 Solvent Cleaning.

SSPC-SP2-04 Hand Tool Cleaning.

SSPC-SP3-04 Power Tool Cleaning.

SSPC-SP5-07 White Metal Blast Cleaning.

SSPC-SP6-07 Commercial Blast Cleaning.

SSPC-SP7-07 Brush-Off Blast Cleaning.

SSPC-SP10-07 Near White Blast Cleaning.

SSPC-SP11-12 Power Tool Cleaning To Bare Metal.

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SSPC-Vis1-02 Visual Standard for Abrasive Blast Cleaned Steel (Standard Reference

SSPC-PA2-17 Procedure for Determining Conformance to Dry Coating Thickness


SSPC-SP COM-04 Surface Preparation Commentary for Steel and Concrete Substrates.

SSPC-PA1-16 Shop, Field and Maintenance Painting of Steel.

SSPC-PA guide 10-08 Guide to Safety and Health Requirements.

SSPC-Paint 20-04 Paint Specification No.20, Zinc-Rich Coating Type I – Inorganic and
Type II – Organic.

2.2 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

B117-16 Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus.

D3276-15e1 Standard Guide for Painting Inspectors (Metal Substrates).

D4541-17 Standard Test Method for Pull-off Strength of Coatings Using Portable
Adhesion Testers.

D1475-13 Standard Test Method for Density of Liquid Coatings, Inks and Related

D4414-13 Standard Practice for Measurement of Wet Film Thickness by Notch


D4400-12 Standard Test Method for Sag Resistance of Paints using a Multinotch

D1640-14 Standard Test Methods for Drying, Curing or Film Formation of Organic
Coating at Room Temperature.

D522-D522M-17 Standard Test Methods for Mandrel Bend Test of Attached Organic

D2697-14 Standard Test Method for Volume Nonvolatile Matter in Clear or

Pigmented Coatings.

G62 -14 Standard Test Methods for Holiday Detection in Pipeline Coatings.

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D344-16 Standard Test Method for Relative Hiding Power of Paints by the Visual
Evaluation of Brushouts.

D1735-14 Standard Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings Using Water
Fog Apparatus.

D4417-14 Standard Test Methods for Field Measurements of Surface Profile of

Blast Cleaned Steel.

D3359-17 Standard Test Methods for Adhesion by Tape test.

D4060-14 Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Organic Coatings by

the Tabor Abraser Test.

D2794-10 Standard Test Method for Resistance of Organic Coatings to the Effects
of Rapid Deformation (Impact)

2.3 Others

NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers.

OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Standard 1910.144
“Safety Color Code for Marking Physicals Hazards”.
NTP-399-010-1 Señales de Seguridad. Colores, símbolos, formas y dimensiones de
señales de seguridad. Parte 1: Reglas para el diseño de las señales de
DS-024-2016-EM Decreto Supremo Perú “Reglamento de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional
en Minería”.
ISO 20340-09 Paints and varnishes - Performance requirements for protective paint
systems for offshore and related structures.

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3.1 General

Paints shall be standard products of well-known brands supplied for use in their original
sealed containers, factory labeled with Supplier’s name, type of paint, color, batch number
and date of manufacture.

Prior to the application of products, suppliers must have certificates, issued by a qualified
laboratory, that demonstrate compliance with this specification.

Only paints within the duration period specified by their supplier shall be used.

Products of same manufacturer shall be used for each protective coat and type of surface.
Protection material and equipment shall be specific for each type of surface.

Paints may only be replaced by equivalent products from other manufacturers if approved. If
this is the case, the replacement must include the name of the product, generic type,
descriptive information and evidence of a successful past performance.

The paint supplier, aside from certifying compliance with technical quality conditions, shall
indicate for each type of paint the mix ratio in terms of volume, solid contents per volume
and weight, density and viscosity of the mix, drying and repainting times, coverage, the
lifespan of paint, stability in the container and type of thinner.

Each paint must use the thinner indicated and provided by supplier, in the minimum amounts
specified by said supplier.

The Engineer will be able to require a supplier presentation indicating mining works in
which the supplier´s product has been utilized (types and volumes of product), among other
information as necessary, to verify experience and suitability of products for the application.


4.1 Protection Schemes

A coating scheme or system shall be applied to all metal structure surfaces, whether they are
buildings, platforms, floor grating, etc. Other structures, such as architectural elements, shall
be painted according to explicit specifications or specifications approved by AAQSA.

Protective paint shall not be applied to faying surfaces of bolted, pretensioned or slip-critical
connections for structural and miscellaneous steel described in specification MQ11-02-TE-
0000-SS0001unless the paint coating for such connections has be pre-approved by the
Engineer and provides a Class A surface as defined in AISC 360-10 Section J3.8. Steel items

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embedded in concrete or steel surfaces in contact with concrete, as indicated in specifications

MQ11-02-TE-0000-SS0001 and MQ11-02-TE-0000-SS0005 shall not be painted.

Equipment, motors, reducers and any other painted component may optionally be prepared
and painted according to manufacturer’s standard procedures, if those procedures provide a
coating system suitable for the intended service conditions and exceed the minimum
requirements stated in this technical specification, as determined by the buyer in the
equipment Data Sheet. When a manufacture’s coating system is approved by the buyer, the
supplier shall adhere to the color scheme presented in section 10.

Electrical panels, control panels and valves must be prepared and painted according to the
manufacturer’s standard procedures, provided those procedures provide a coating system
suitable for the intended service conditions and exceed the minimum requirements stated in
this technical specification, as determined by buyer in the equipment Data Sheet.

For electrical equipment, the supplier shall strictly adhere to the project specified color (See
section 10).

Environmental conditions and corresponding paint schemes for structures and equipment are
classified as follows:

4.1.1 Normal Environment (Scheme P1-A and P1-B)

Schemes P1-A and P1-B are to be applied in non-aggressive environments. All dry
process areas are considered non-aggressive environments.

4.1.2 Moderately Aggressive and Aggressive Environments (Scheme P2-A and P2-B)

Scheme P2-A is to be applied in moderately aggressive environments. All wet process

areas are considered moderately aggressive environments.

Scheme P2-B is to be applied in aggressive environments. Areas with potential

exposure to sulfuric acid, NaSH or other highly corrosive agents are considered
aggressive environments.

4.1.3 Marine Environments (Scheme P3-A and P3-B)

Scheme P3-A is to be applied in marine environments and port facilities where there is
atmospheric exposure to but no direct contact with saltwater or saline solutions, with
or without UV exposure.

Scheme P3-B is to be applied in applied in marine environments and port facilities

where elements to be protected are in direct contact with saltwater or saline solutions,
with or without UV exposure.

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4.1.4 Equipment or Elements with Thermal Insulation (Scheme P4)

Scheme P4 is to be applied to the external surface of equipment or elements that will

be subsequently covered or clad with thermal insulation.

4.1.5 Interior Surfaces of Tanks and/or platework (Schemes P5, P6-A, P6-B, P6-C and P7)

Schemes P5, P6-A, P6-B, P6-C and P7 are to be applied to the interior surfaces of
tanks and platework containing corrosive or noncorrosive fluids or solutions with
average abrasion. Examples of these conditions are as follows:

P5: Noncorrosive fluids such as process water, recovery water fire

protection water;
P6-A: Corrosive fluids such as reagents or diesel fuel;
P6-B: Lime Solutions or Floculants with average abrasion;
P6-C: Sulfuric acid or Sodium Sulfide;
P7: Potable and Fresh water.
Details of the proposed schemes are presented below. For all schemes, variations in
thicknesses and final drying times shall be in accordance with supplier requirements and
recommendations (see section 11). Use of alternative products will not be accepted.
Modifications must be approved by the Owner´s Representative.

For Piping schemes see reference notes in Table N°1 presented in section 5.0.

4.2 Scheme P1-A

This system shall be applied to protect structural and miscellaneous steel (except for handrail
and grating), including instrumentation and piping supports that are located in nonaggressive
or normal industrial environments with or without UV exposure. All dry process areas are
considered non-aggressive environments. Applicable areas are identified in Table N°1.

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP10 Abrasive Blast cleaning to a near white finish,

with roughness profile according to supplier specification,
between 50 - 60 µm.

Primer: Ethil Silicate Inorganic Zinc coating. 75 µm DFT.

Intermediate: N/A

Finish coat: N/A.

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Touch up: Zinc Rich Epoxy coating. 75 µm DFT.


 Non-volatile vehicle: Ethil Silicate - Inorganic Zinc.
 Solid contents by volume according to ASTM D-2697: 55% minimum.
 Zinc dust level classification according to SSPC- Paint 20: Level 2.

Touch-up: 1
 Non-volatile vehicle: Zinc Rich Epoxy.
 Solid contents by volume according to ASTM D-2697: 61% minimum.
 Coating adhesion according to ISO 20340: 30 kg/cm2 minimum.

4.3 Scheme P1-B

This system shall be applied to protect the exterior surface of mechanical equipment,
platework, tanks and other elements except structural and miscellaneous steel, that are located
in nonaggressive or normal industrial environments with or without UV exposure. All dry
process areas are considered non-aggressive environments. Applicable areas are identified in
Table N°1.

Surface preparation: SSPC-SP6 Commercial Blast cleaning, with roughness

profile according to supplier specification, between 50 - 75

Primer: High solids epoxy coating. 150 µm DFT. 1

Intermediate: N/A

Finish coat: Aliphatic Polyurethane acrylic coating. 50 µm DFT.

Touch up: Same as scheme.

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Primer and Touch up

 Non-volatile vehicle: High solids epoxy.
 Solid contents by volume according to ASTM D-2697: 83% minimum.
 Coating adhesion according to ASTM D-4541: 60 kg/cm2.
Finish coat:

 Non-volatile vehicle: Aliphatic Polyurethane acrylic.

 Solid contents by volume according to ASTM D-2697: 60% minimum.

4.4 Scheme P2-A

This system shall be applied to protect exterior surfaces of structural and miscellaneous steel,
mechanical equipment, platework, instrument and piping supports, tanks and other steel items
located in moderately aggressive industrial environments with or without UV exposure. All
wet process areas are considered moderately aggressive environments. Applicable areas are
identified in Table N°1. Scheme P2-A will be applied to all handrail and grating plant wide
except marine facilities in area 5800.
Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP6 Commercial Blast cleaning, with roughness
profile according to supplier specification, between 50 - 75

Primer: High solids epoxy coating. 200 µm DFT. 1

Intermediate: N/A

Finish coat: Aliphatic Polyurethane acrylic coating. 50 µm DFT.

Touch up: Same as scheme.


Primer and Touch up:

 Non-volatile vehicle: Polyamide Epoxy.
 Solid contents by volume according to ASTM D-2697: 60% minimum.
 Coating adhesion according to ASTM D-4541: 72 kg/cm2.
Finish coat:

 Non-volatile vehicle: Aliphatic Polyurethane acrylic.

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 Solid contents by volume according to ASTM D-2697: 60% minimum.

4.5 Scheme P2-B

This system shall be applied to protect exterior surfaces of structural and miscellaneous steel,
mechanical equipment, platework, instrument and piping supports, tanks and other steel items
located in aggressive industrial environments with or without UV exposure. Areas with
potential exposure to sulfuric acid, NaSH or other highly corrosive agents are considered
aggressive environments. Applicable areas are identified in Table N°1.

Surface preparation: SSPC-SP10 Abrasive Blast cleaning to a near white finish,

with roughness profile according to supplier specification,
between 50 - 75 µm.

Primer: High solids epoxy amine coating. 400 µm DFT.

Intermediate: N/A

Finish coat: Aliphatic Polyurethane acrylic coating. 50 µm DFT.

Touch up: Same as scheme.


Primer and Touch up:

 Non-volatile vehicle: Ultra High solids epoxy amine.

 Solid contents by volume according to ASTM D-2697: 98% minimum.
 Coating adhesion according to ASTM D-4541: 800 psi minimum.
Finish coat:

 Non-volatile vehicle: Aliphatic Polyurethane acrylic.

 Solid contents by volume according to ASTM D-2697: 60% minimum.

4.6 Scheme P3-A

This system shall be applied to protect exterior surfaces of structural and miscellaneous steel
including handrail and grating, mechanical equipment, platework, instrument and piping
supports, tanks and other steel items located in marine environments and port facilities where
there is atmospheric exposure to but no direct contact with saltwater or saline solutions, with
or without UV exposure. Applicable areas are identified in Table N°1.

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Surface preparation: SSPC-SP10 Abrasive Blast cleaning to a near white finish,

with roughness profile according to supplier specification,
between 50 - 60 µm.

Primer: Ethil Silicate Inorganic Zinc coating. 65 µm DFT.

Intermediate: High Solids Polyamide Epoxy coating. 200 µm DFT.

Finish coat: Aliphatic Polyurethane Acrylic coating. 65 µm DFT.

Touch up: Zinc Rich Epoxy 65 µm + High Solids Polyamide Epoxy 200
µm + Aliphatic Polyurethane Acrylic 65 µm DFT.



 Non-volatile vehicle: Ethyl Silicate - Inorganic Zinc.

 Solid contents by volume according to ASTM D-2697: 61% minimum.

 Non-volatile vehicle: Polyamide Epoxy.

 Solid contents by volume according to ASTM D-2697: 72% minimum.
 Coating adhesion according to ASTM D-4541: 72 kg/cm2.
Finish coat:

 Non-volatile vehicle: Aliphatic Polyurethane Acrylic.

 Solid contents by volume according to ASTM D-2697: 60% minimum.
Touch up:

 Non-volatile vehicle: Zinc Rich Epoxy.

 Solid contents by volume according to ASTM D-2697: 65% minimum.
 Coating adhesion according to ISO 20340: 30 kg/cm2 minimum.

4.7 Scheme P3-B

This system shall be applied to protect exterior surfaces of structural and miscellaneous steel,
mechanical equipment, platework, instrument and piping supports, tanks and other steel items
located in marine environments and port facilities where elements are in direct contact with

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salt water or saline solutions with or without UV exposure. Applicable areas are identified in
Table N°1.

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP10 Abrasive Blast cleaning to a near white finish,

with roughness profile according to supplier specification,
between 50 - 75 µm.

Primer: High solids epoxy amine coating. 400 µm DFT.

Intermediate: N/A
Finish coat: N/A

Touch up: Same as scheme.


Primer and Touch up:

 Non-volatile vehicle: High Solids Epoxy.

 Solid contents by volume according to ASTM D-2697: 83% minimum.
 Coating adhesion according to ASTM D-4541: 60 kg/cm2.

4.8 Scheme P4

This system shall be applied to protect the exterior surface of mechanical equipment,
platework, pipes, tanks, and other elements that will be subsequently covered or clad with
thermal insulation, regardless of location.

Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP6 Commercial Blast cleaning, with roughness

profile according to supplier specification, between 50 - 75

Primer: Epoxy Phenolic coating for insulation. 100 µm DFT.

Intermediate: N/A.

Finish coat: N/A.

Touch up: Same as scheme.

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Primer and Touch up:

 Non-volatile vehicle: Epoxy Phenolic.

 Solid contents by volume according to ASTM D-2697: 75% minimum.
 Coating adhesion according to ASTM D-4541: 56 kg/cm2.

4.9 Scheme P5

This system shall be applied to protect the interior surfaces of platework and tanks that
contain noncorrosive fluids such as process water, recovery water or fire protection water,
regardless of location.

Surface preparation: SSPC-SP10 Abrasive Blast cleaning to a near white finish,

with roughness profile according to supplier specification,
between 60 - 75 µm.

Primer: High Solids Epoxy coating. 150 µm DFT.

Intermediate: N/A.

Finish coat: High Solids Epoxy coating. 150 µm DFT.

Touch up: Same as scheme.


Primer, Finish coat and Touch up:

 Non-volatile vehicle: High Solids Epoxy.

 Solid contents by volume according to ASTM D-2697: 83% minimum.

 Coating adhesion according to ASTM D-4541: 60 kg/cm2.

4.10 Scheme P6-A

This system shall be applied to protect the interior surfaces of platework and tanks that
contain corrosive fluids such as reagents or diesel, regardless of location.

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Surface preparation: SSPC-SP10 Abrasive Blast cleaning to a near white finish,

with roughness profile according to supplier specification,
between 60 - 75 µm.

Primer: Epoxy Phenolic coating. 165 µm DFT.

Intermediate: N/A
Finish coat: Epoxy Phenolic coating. 165 µm DFT.

Touch up: Same as scheme.


Primer, Finish coat and Touch up

 Non-volatile vehicle: Epoxy Phenolic.

 Solid contents by volume according to ASTM D-2697: 76% minimum.
 Coating adhesion according to ASTM D-4541: 56 kg/cm2 minimum.

4.11 Scheme P6-B

This system shall be applied to protect the interior surfaces of platework and tanks that
contain lime solutions or flocculants with average abrasion, regardless of location.

Surface preparation: SSPC-SP10 Abrasive Blast cleaning to a near white finish,

with roughness profile according to supplier specification,
between 60 - 75 µm.

Primer: High solids Epoxy Amine coating. 250 µm DFT.

Intermediate: High solids Epoxy Amine coating. 250 µm DFT.

Finish coat: N/A

Touch up: Same as scheme.

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Primer, Intermediate and Touch up:

 Non-volatile vehicle: High Solids Epoxy Amine.

 Solid contents by volume according to ASTM D-2697: 98% minimum.

 Coating adhesion according to ASTM D-4541: 56 kg/cm2 minimum.

4.12 Scheme P6-C

This system shall be applied to protect the interior surfaces of platework and tanks that
contain sodium sulfide (NaSH) or sulfuric acid (non-concentrated), regardless of location.

Surface preparation: SSPC-SP10 Abrasive Blast cleaning to a near white finish,

with roughness profile according to supplier specification,
between 60 - 75 µm.

Primer: Vinyl Ester Novolac. 375-500 µm DFT.

Intermediate: N/A.

Finish coat: Vinyl Ester Novolac. 375-500 µm DFT.

Touch up: Same as scheme.


Primer, Finish coat and Touch up:

 Non-volatile vehicle: Vinyl Ester Novolac.

 Solid contents by volume according to ASTM D-2697: 100% minimum.
 Coating adhesion according to ASTM D-4541: 140 kg/cm2 minimum.

4.13 Scheme P7

This system shall be applied to protect the interior surfaces of platework and tanks that
contain potable water and fresh water, regardless of location.

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Surface preparation: SSPC-SP10 Abrasive Blast cleaning to a near white finish,

with roughness profile according to supplier specification,
between 60 - 75 µm.

Primer: High Solids Polyamide Epoxy coating. 175 µm DFT.

Intermediate: N/A.

Finish coat: High Solids Polyamide Epoxy coating. 175 µm DFT.

Touch up: Same as scheme.


Primer, Finish coat and Touch up:

 Non-volatile vehicle: Polyamide Epoxy (with NSF/ANSI 61 certification).

 Solid contents by volume according to ASTM D-2697: 72% minimum.
 Coating adhesion according to ASTM D-4541: 72 kg/cm2.

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Table N° 1 describes the Protection Schemes to be used in each project area:

Table No1: Protection Schemes by Areas

Principal Protection
Area Description
Area Scheme
1000 High Mountain
1100 Intake, Dam and Water Supply P2-A
2000 Quellaveco Mine
2000 Mine - General P2-A
2100 Asana River Diversion P2-A
2600 Primary Crusher P1-A/P1-B
2700 Coarse Ore Handling to Stockpile P1-A/P1-B
2800 Mine Ancillary Facilities P1-A/P1-B
3000 Papajune Plant
3000 Plant - General P2-A
3100 Reclaim Conveyor Stockpile to Grinding P1-A/P1-B
3200 Grinding and Pebbles P2-A
3300 Flotation and Regrinding P2-A
3400 Molybdenum Plant
3410 Molybdenum Plant P2-A
3420 Molybdenum Plant Electrical Room P2-A
3500 Lime and Reagents Plant
3510 Lime Plant P2-A / P6-B
3520 Reagents and Flocculants Plant P2-A / P6-A / P6-B
3530 Sodium Sulfide Plant P2-B / P6-C
3540 Sulfuric Acid Plant P2-B
3600 Thickening, Filtering and Storage P2-A
3700 Tailings Thickeners P2-A
3800 Plant Ancillary Buildings P2-A
3900 Plant Utilities P2-A

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Área Esquema de
Área Descripción
Principal Protección
4000 Tailing Dam
4000 Tailings - General P2-A
4100 Tailings Transportation and Distribution P2-A
4200 Tailing Confinement and Deposit P2-A 1
4300 Water Recirculation P2-A / P2-B
5000 Infrastructure
5100 Main Power Substation P2-A
5200 Power Electrical Distribution P2-A
5400 Water Treatment and Distribution P2-A
5500 Sewage Treatment Plant and Disposal P2-A
5800 Port Facilities P3-A / P3-B


- The protection scheme for handrails and grating shall be P2-A regardless of area, except
that handrails and grating in area 5800 shall be protected with scheme P3-A or P3-B.

- For Pipes in general the scheme indicated in table N°1 shall be considered, except as
otherwise noted in applicable purchase orders, scopes of work or technical specifications
for this project.

- In the case of pipes with thermal insulation, only the Primer for scheme application
indicated in table N°1 shall be considered according to the sector where it is located.

- Interior surfaces of platework and tanks that contain concentrated sulfuric acid (96%)
shall not be painted, regardless of location.

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6.1 General

Notwithstanding what is set forth below, paint application shall strictly adhere to Supplier
indications, especially as regards repainting intervals.

6.2 Weather Conditions

Surface preparation and paint tasks shall be carried out in the weather conditions stipulated
in applicable standards and procedures (see project weather conditions in document MQ11-
02-TE-0000-ME0001 “Site Conditions”). At least the following conditions must be met:

a) Ambient humidity under 83%.

b) Ambient temperature between 10 °C and 35 ºC.

c) Metal surface temperature at least 3ºC over dew point temperature, with a minimum of
4°C and a maximum of 38°C.

d) Ambient temperature may not drop below 1,7 °C before paint dries.

e) Wind speed should not interfere with work; in general all shop and field painting shall be
carried out indoors. Outdoor painting will only be allowed in duly authorized cases.

f) No presence of excess environmental pollution that could affect the protective scheme’s

6.3 Surface Preparation

Before starting work, the Surface Preparations system should be tested. These preliminary
tests will allow assessing the equipment, products, procedures, and standardize quality
according to the design.
As a first stage, power tools should be used to smooth all borders and sharp edges, removing
burrs and irregularities in drillings and welds. Before water blasting pieces for the first time,
remove all weld slag and spatter. If needed, smooth weld beads and trim edges.
Afterward, structures shall be water blasted with potable water at a minimum pressure of
3500 psi, scrubbing them until all dust, salts and dirt are removed from the surface.
In case of oily or greasy sectors, add ecological soap to the washing and let dry completely.

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Vacuum abrasive blast dust. In case of specific sectors where vacuuming is not allowed, this
may be exceptionally done by blowing. Verify the absence of dust using a sponge dampened
in solvent. The sponge must not leave residue on the surface.
Gloves must be worn throughout the surface preparation procedure, in any of its stages.
Compressors must be in good working conditions and have oil and humidity traps. To verify
the absence of compressor contaminants, place a white cloth in the outlet nozzle for 2
Avoid incipient rust formation on treated surfaces by applying the primer within the
minimum time interval specified by manufacturer.
When applying this coat the surface must be free of stains and traces of rust. If not, it must
be re-blasted.
Grease and oil contamination between paint coats must be avoided. If it occurs, use an
adequate solvent to clean without removing the paint. Appropriate personnel shall be
required to wear clean gloves throughout the painting process.
Before applying each coat of paint, the former coat must be thoroughly cleaned, removing all
stains, dirt or foreign matter, using clean rags or vegetable bristle brushes.
Epoxy paints must be applied by experienced staff, since it may be easily over sprayed if
dilutions, application distance and the spray gun’s air pressure are not controlled. Over
spraying shall not be accepted since it is an application flaw that affects the system’s
resistance due to an inadequate paint film.
6.4 Paint Application

Paint must be applied after surfaces have been completely prepared, following
manufacturer’s recommendations and applicable sections of the SSPC standard.

Unless otherwise specified, DFT (Dry Film Thickness) for each coat should not exceed 30%
of the DFT specified in Section 4.0. Minimum DFT per coat must comply with code SSPC-

Paint must be applied only within the temperature and humidity ranges established by

Paint may not be applied in humid or contaminated surfaces.

The protective system’s first coat (primer) should be applied within 2 hours (maximum
4 hours) after abrasive blast cleaning or before the occurrence of any trace of rust or dust.

A minimum curing time must be allowed, as specified by manufacturer, before handling

painted steel or before applying the following protective coat.

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Prior to applying each protective coat, surfaces must be cleaned of all non- compatible
residues, using a soft bristle brush or broom, or an air or water hose.

All structural steel that will be field welded must be applied a primer 50 mm from both sides
of the weld. Machine-finished surfaces should not be painted, but an anti- corrosion rust
inhibitor that can be removed before erection must be used.

All steel structures welded on the field must have a prime protection coat at only 50 mm of
both sides of the weld.

Concrete embedded surfaces must not be painted.

Non-metal and non-ferrous surfaces (such as stainless steel, titanium or plastic) should not be

Any mixing of ingredients in any container must be performed by a mechanical mixer.

Agitation should continue throughout the application. The thickness of each coat must be in
accordance with Section 4.0 of this specification.

The application must be by brush, roller or conventional spray and according to the
manufacturer's recommendations.

Instruments, flow meters, name tags, valve nozzles, and any other items that may not be
painted should be properly protected before painting adjacent areas.

All surface preparation and paintwork must comply with the health and safety
requirements listed in Section 8.0 of this document.

Contact surfaces between pipe supports and structures must be painted.

Angles up to 90° must be brush painted, dampening the area. An adequate number of coats
must be applied to obtain at least the DFT noted for each Painting Scheme.

Products from different suppliers may not be used for a given application. Thinners not
authorized by the paint supplier may not be used.

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Structure surfaces with damaged paint, pores, under thickness, unpainted areas, lack of adhesion,
specific corrosion areas, visible defects or other abnormalities must be touched- up in the shop or

These areas must be treated locally, washing and rubbing them until dust, salts, grease or other
contaminants are completely removed, and then letting them dry.

Once these areas are clean and dry, they must be treated locally by abrasive blasting, according to

As an alternative method, provided it was authorized, a manual mechanical method may be used
for unprotected metal, according to SSPC-SP11.

According to SSPC-SP11, unprotected metal surfaces must have a roughness of at least 25 microns.
If abrasive blasting was applied, anchor roughness should range between 40 and 60 microns.

A 20 mm beveled band should be sandblasted around the damaged area adjacent to the undamaged
area. Appropriate roughness for this beveled area should be obtained using sandpaper, flexible disc
or another element.

Dust and other waste from the surface preparation process must be removed using an industrial
vacuum cleaner. Only when vacuuming is not possible, air may be used in this process. If this is the
case, air must be totally dry, free from oils or other contaminants that could affect paint film

Once the cleaning operation is complete, the surface must be dry, free from contaminants and
adequately prepared for the touch up.

Paint touch ups should use a brush or non-air device to apply painting schemes and products, as

Lastly, the touch up should be smooth and have the same thickness as the rest of the element,
without visible or detectable bumps as compared to the original adjacent paint.

When applying the top coat to shop painted surfaces, they must be cleaned with solvents, in
accordance with SSPC-SP01, after sweeping the blasted sand, in accordance with SSPC-SP7, and
painted as per Section 4.0 of this specification. The top protective coat should be compatible with
the primer.

If site conditions do not allow sanding as indicated in SSPC-SP10, cleaning must be done by
electromechanical equipment, until reaching the cleaning level specified in Section 4.2.1 of this

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After erection, bolts must be degreased and tightened prior to painting as specified for structural
steel. All bolted connections shall be painted.

Field touch up procedures must be approved before starting the work.


8.1 Inspection

The paint job operator must review manufacturer’s specifications and instructions.
Inconsistencies between these specifications and the manufacturer’s standards should be
reported to buyer before applying the products. Unless notified otherwise, specifications
must be understood to comply with manufacturer’s standards.

The manufacturer’s paint system requirements, including application procedures, shall be

written and form part of this specification.

Only qualified personnel shall be employed for all work stages.

An adequate number of qualified workers must be provided for the required jobs, who shall
be informed of the methods and materials to be used.

All safety precautions recommended by the paint manufacturer must be followed at all times
while the work is in progress.

Among others, the following items should be inspected:

 Environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, wind, dust).

 Surface Preparation.

 Paint component preparation.

 Mix procedures.

 Application time.

 Mixed paint duration.

 Dry Film Thickness (DFT).

 Application interval between coats.

 Uniformity.

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 Quality.

 Color.

8.2 Requirements

Paint systems should be provided by a single authorized supplier. Other products of

equivalent or better quality than the one authorized or mentioned in this specification shall be
accepted, with prior approval.

Each paint container’s label should include the following:

 Name of Manufacturer.

 Type of Paint.

 Batch Number.

 Description of paint components.

 Preparation and expiry dates.

 Color (Description and RAL code).

Painters must have at least three years of proven and successful experience in related work.

At least two people, with a minimum of five years of proven and successful experience, who
are familiar with the specific requirements, materials and methods necessary for the
implementation of this work should be present at all times, this persons must have a
supervisor who monitored the labors. They will lead all the work carried out under this
specification and be experienced and certified to carry out the following tasks:

 Surface preparation.

 Pre-treatment.

 Paint mixing.

 Application of first protective coat (primer) and finish coat.

 Surface preparation between coats.

 Post-treatment.

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 Paint touch up.

8.3 Submittals

Supplier must submit a list of paint materials indicating the manufacturer and number of the
product line.

Supplier must submit the manufacturer’s material safety data sheet (MSDS), for every

Supplier must submit an application certificate indicating that products comply with all
Volatile Organic Content government regulations for the place where the product will be use.

Supplier must submit documents guaranteeing painters’ qualifications.

Supplier must submit application procedures.

Supplier must submit Quality Control procedures.

8.4 Transport, Storage and Handling

All paint materials must be handled, stored and delivered in accordance with manufacturer’s
recommendations. Contractor must minimize the risk of fire, explosions or other damage
produced by the handling of these products.

Storage temperature must be limited by the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Manufacturer’s requirements should be strictly followed with regard to the mixed paint’s pot
life, i.e., period of time during which the paint remains useful.

Painted steel shall be handled, stored and delivered with care, to avoid protective coat
damage. Damaged areas should be repaired as indicated in Section 6.0.

Work conditions must comply with supplier and environmental requirements.

Contractor shall comply with environmental conditions when disposing of contaminated

products such as containers, thinners, painted elements, etc.

Contractor shall be prepared to prevent any paint or solution spills. In the event of any soil
contamination, approved methods must be applied.

Shop painted products stored on site should be arranged so that painted surfaces do not touch
each other.

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Containers of products such as paints and thinners must be properly labeled with at least the
following information:

 Name of product.

 Batch number.

 Content volume.

 Net weight.

 Mix ratio.

 Components.

 Manufacturing date.

 Expiry date.

 Product code.

 Code of other mix component.

 Code of thinner.

 Name of Project.

8.5 Quality Control at Workshop

The following items must be inspected, among others:

 Cleaning of surface to be painted.

 Roughness of surface to be painted.

 Thickness of each protective coat.

 Adherence of each protective coat.

 Environmental conditions.

 Repainting intervals for each paint system coat.

 Final thickness of paint system.

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 Paint coats, with no runs, sags, solvent blisters or other stains.

Contractor shall protect all painted surfaces from damage until their acceptance.

All spilled or splattered paint must be removed from the surface.


Paint operators must provide certification guaranteeing that products comply with the strictest
Federal, State and Local Regulations as regards Volatile Organic Compounds.

Main data regarding safety, health, restrictions, environment and first aid for products and paints
used in any specific job should be explicitly provided by supplier in the product’s MSDS (Material
Safety Data Sheet).

Below are the minimum variables to be included in the product’s MSDS.

Products’ MSDS must include as follows:

Section 1: Name of Product.

Section 2: Information on Ingredients.

Section 3: Risk Identification.

Section 4: First Aid.

Section 5: Fire and Explosion Risk.

Section 6: Warning in case of leaks or spills.

Section 7: Handling and storage warning.

Section 8: Human health risk.

Section 9: Physical and physical/chemicals properties.

Section 10: Product reactivity and stability.

Section 11: Toxicological information for special protection.

Section 12: Ecological information.

Section 13: Waste management considerations.

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Section 14: Transport condition information.

Section 15: Regulations.

Section 16: Additional Information.

Regulations considered are International standards and especially applicable national standards.

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Unless otherwise specified, the following paint colors will be used, as applicable.

Safety signs and signals shall be according to NTP-399-010-1.

10.1 Steel Structures

Item Color description RAL

As first coat paint (primer) of all structural steel

White Pearl 1013
as applicable.

Finish coat for all structural steel. Grey Light 7035

Structural steel with first coating (primer) of

Zinc Dust Color
inorganic Zinc.

Grating and stair treads. Grey Light 7035 1

To caution about tripping or moving hazards,
traffic, low heights, protruding objects, and the

 Ramps between different floor elevations.

 Stair accesses. Yellow Traffic 1023

 Dead-end walkways.
 Protruding objects in walkways.
 Handrails

Structural Steel for fire-fighting equipment. Red Traffic 3020

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10.2 Mechanical Equipment

Item Color description RAL

Conveyor Structure Grey Light 7035 1

Plate Work, Chutes, Bins, etc Blue Traffic 5017

 Thickeners feed Box
 Discharge Box
Reed Green
 Conveyor feed Box 1
 Pulp Box
 Tailing Box

Launders Blue Traffic 5017

Crusher Quartz Grey 7039 1

Mills and Reducers, Screening Quartz Grey 7039

Cyclone and overflow and

Blue Traffic 5017
underflow boxes

Cells: 5017
 Flotation
Blue Traffic
 Molybdenum
 Columns

Steel Thickeners Reed Green 6013 1

Samplers Yellow Traffic 1023

Concentrate filters Reed Green 6013 1

Cranes and Hoist Yellow Signs 1003

Hazardous parts of moving

machine and inside surfaces of Blood Orange 2002
machine guards.

Other Equipment Manufacturer Standard --

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10.3 Electrical Equipment

Item Color description RAL

Switchgear 22,9 kV

Switchgear 4,16 kV Pebble Grey 7032

Switchgear 480 kV

CCM Low Tension Pebble Grey 7032

CCM Medium Tension Pebble Grey 7032

Distribution Panels Low Pebble Grey 7032


VFD´s Low Tension Pebble Grey 7032

VFD´s Medium Tension Pebble Grey 7032

Emergency Generator Yellow Zinc 1018

Medium Voltage Induction Beige


Low Voltage Induction Motors Grey Silver 7001

Explosion-proof Motor Yellow-Orange 2000

Gearless Motors Bright Yellow 1026

Electrical Transformers and

Pebble Grey 7032
earthing resistors

Bar Ducts Pebble Grey 7032

Electrical Rooms:

External Walls Beige 1001

External and Internal Doors Grey Silver 7001

Internal Walls and Roof White signs 9003

Floor Green grass 6010

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Item Color description RAL

Internal Stairs Gray moss 7003

Handrails and Grating Traffic Yellow 1023

External ceiling Blood Orange 2002

Internal walkways Gray moss 7003

10.4 Instrumentation

Item Color description RAL

Instrumentation Supports Light Gray 7035

Control Panels Light Gray 7035

10.5 Piping and Tanks

Item Color description RAL

Piping First coating (Primer) Gray window 7040

According to MQ11-02-TE-0000- --
Tanks PD0018 or MQ13-02-TE-0000- 1

Piping identification shall be use bar codes according to specification MQ11-02-TE-0000-

PD0010 “Código de Colores para Tuberías”.

Tank identification shall be in accordance with specification MQ11-02-TE-0000-PD0018 1

“Tanques de Acero Fabricados en Taller” or MQ13-02-TE-0000-PD0017 “Tanques de Acero
Fabricados en Terreno”, as applicable.

The tanks that must be painted with risk classification are those defined in the flow chart
Q11-02-DR-0000-FS1005 "Clasificación de Areas". The materials shall be identified
according to the flow chart and the NPFA 704 chapter 9.1 and 9.1a.

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Scheme Supplier Primer Intermediate Final TOTAL DFT Touch-Up

Zinc Clad 60 (75 µm) / Zinc Clad II

Sherwin Williams N/A N/A 75 µm Zinc Clad IV-80 (75 µm)
(75 µm)

Sigma Coatings Sigmazinc 158 (75 µm) N/A N/A 75 µm Sigmazinc 109 HS (75 µm)

Amercoat Dimetcote 9 (75 µm) N/A N/A 75 µm Amercoat 68 HS (75 µm)

Hempel Galvosil 15700 (75 µm) N/A N/A 75 µm Hempadur AvantGuard 750 (75 µm)

P1 - A Carboline CZ 11 FG (75 µm) N/A N/A 75 µm CZ 859 (75 µm)

Jotun Resist 78 (75 µm) N/A N/A 75 µm Barrier 80 (75 µm)

Revesta Revesta D9FT (75 µm) N/A N/A 75 µm Revesta 31 (75 µm)

Jet Jet Zinc I-760 (75 µm) N/A N/A 75 µm Jet Zinc Organic 850 (75 µm)

International Paints Interzinc 22 (75 µm) N/A N/A 75 µm Interzinc 52 (75 µm)

Anglo American Quellaveco S.A. MQ11-02-TE-0000-GA0001
Quellaveco Project Date 23-Apr-2018
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Scheme Supplier Primer Intermediate Final TOTAL DFT Touch-Up

Sumatane HS (50 µm) / /Acrolon Macropoxy 851 (150 µm)

Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 851 (150 µm) N/A 200 µm
7300 (50 µm) Sumatane HS (50 µm)

Sigmacover 350 (150 µm) /

Sigma Coatings Sigmacover 350 (150 µm) N/A Sigmadur 550 (50 µm) 200 µm
Sigmadur 550 (50 µm)

Amerlock 2 (150 µm)

Amercoat Amerlock 2 (150 µm) N/A Amercoat 450H (50 µm) 200 µm
Amercoat 450H (50 µm)

Hempadur Multi 500 (150 µm) / Hempathane HS 55610 (50 µm) /

Hempel N/A 200 µm Same as sheceme
Hempadur Quattro 17634 (150 µm) Hempathane HS 55210 (50 µm)

CG 890(150 µm)
P1 - B Carboline CG 890 (150 µm) N/A CTh 134 (50 µm) 200 µm
CTh 134 (50 µm)

Jotamastic 87 (150 µm)

Jotun Jotamastic 87 (150 µm) N/A Hardtop XP (50 µm) 200 µm
Hardtop XP (50 µm)

Revesta 340 (150 µm)

Revesta Revesta 340 (150 µm) N/A Revesta 282 (50 µm) 200 µm
Revesta 282 (50 µm)

Jet 85 MP (150 µm)

Jethane 650 HS / Jethane 550 (50
Jet Jet 85MP (150 µm) N/A 200µm Jethane 650 HS / Jethane 550 (50

Interseal 670HS (150 µm)

International Paints Interseal 670HS (150 µm) N/A Interhane 990 (50 µm) 200µm
Interthane 990 (50 µm)

Anglo American Quellaveco S.A. MQ11-02-TE-0000-GA0001
Quellaveco Project Date 23-Apr-2018
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Scheme Supplier Primer Intermediate Final TOTAL DFT Touch-Up

Sumatane HS (50 µm) / /Acrolon Macropoxy 646 (200 µm)

Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646 (200 µm) N/A 250 µm
7300 (50 µm) Sumatane HS (50 µm)

Sigmacover 350 (200 µm) /

Sigma Coatings Sigmacover 350 (200 µm) N/A Sigmadur 550 (50 µm) 250 µm
Sigmadur 550 (50 µm)

Amerlock 2 (200 µm)

Amercoat Amerlock 2 (200 µm) N/A Amercoat 450H (50 µm) 250 µm
Amercoat 450H (50 µm)

Hempadur Multi 500 (200 µm) /
Hempathane HS 55610 (50 µm) /
250 µm Same as sheceme
Hempadur Quattro 17634 (200 µm) Hempathane HS 55210 (50 µm)

CG 554 (200 µm)

P2 - A Carboline CG 554 (200 µm) N/A CTh 134 (50 µm) 250 µm
CTh 134 (50 µm)

Penguard FC (200 µm)

Jotun Penguard FC (200 µm) N/A Hardtop XP (50 µm) 250 µm
Hardtop XP (50 µm)

Revesta 340 (200 µm)

Revesta Revesta 340 (200 µm) N/A Revesta 282 (50 µm) 250 µm
Revesta 282 (50 µm)

Jet 85 MP (200 µm)

Jethane 650 HS / Jethane 550 (50
Jet Jet 85MP (200 µm) N/A 250 µm Jethane 650 HS / Jethane 550 (50

Interseal 670HS (200 µm)

International Paints Interseal 670HS (200 µm) N/A Interhane 990 (50 µm) 250 µm
Interthane 990 (50 µm)

Anglo American Quellaveco S.A. MQ11-02-TE-0000-GA0001
Quellaveco Project Date 23-Apr-2018
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Scheme Supplier Primer Intermediate Final TOTAL DFT Touch-Up

Sumatane HS (50 µm) / /Acrolon Duraplate UHS (400 µm)

Sherwin Williams Duraplate UHS (400 µm) N/A 450 µm
7300 (50 µm) Sumatane HS (50 µm)

Sigmashield 460 (400 µm) /

Sigma Coatings Sigmashield 460 (400 µm) N/A Sigmadur 550 (50 µm) 450 µm
Sigmadur 550 (50 µm)

Amercoat 240 (400 µm)

Amercoat Amercoat 240 (400 µm) N/A Amercoat 450 H (50 µm) 450 µm
Amercoat 450 H (50 µm)

Hempadur Multi Strength GF
Hempathane HS 55610 (50 µm) /
450 µm Same as sheceme
35870 (400 µm) Hempathane HS 55210 (50 µm)

CG 554 (400 µm)

P2 - B Carboline CG 554 (400 µm) N/A CTh 134 (50 µm) 450 µm
CTh 134 (50 µm)


Jotun N/A Hardtop XP (50 µm) 450 µm
FREE) (400 µm) Hardtop XP (50 µm)

Revesta 400 GFF (400 µm)

Revesta Revesta 400 GFF (400 µm) N/A Revesta 282 (50 µm) 450 µm
Revesta 282 (50 µm)

Jet Pox High Resistant (400 µm)

Jethane 650 HS / Jethane 550 (50
Jet Jet Pox High Resistant (400 µm) N/A 450 µm Jethane 650 HS / Jethane 550 (50

Interzone 954 (400 µm)

International Paints Interzone 954 (400 µm) N/A Interhane 990 (50 µm) 450 µm
Interthane 990 (50 µm)

Anglo American Quellaveco S.A. MQ11-02-TE-0000-GA0001
Quellaveco Project Date 23-Apr-2018
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Scheme Supplier Primer Intermediate Final TOTAL DFT Touch-Up

Zinc Clad IV-80 (75 µm)
Zin clad 60 (75 µm) / Zinc Clad II
Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646 (200 µm) Sumatane HS (65 µm) 330 µm Macropoxy 646 (200 µm)
(75 µm)
Sumatane HS (65 µm)
Sigmacover 158 (65 µm)
Sigma Coatings Sigmazinc 158 (65 µm) Sigmacover 350 / 410 (200 µm) Sigmadur 550 (65 µm) 330 µm Sigmacover 350 / 410 (200 µm)
Sigmadur 550 (65 µm)
Amercoat 68 HS (65 µm)
Amercoat Dimecote 9 (65 µm) Amercoat 410/Amerlock 2 (200 µm) Amercoat 450H (65 µm) 330 µm Amerlock 2 (200 µm)
Amercoat 450 H (65 µm)

Hempadur Multi 500 (200 µm) / Hempathane HS 55610 (65 µm) / Hempadur AvantGuard 750 (65 μm) 1
Hempel Galvosil 15700 (65 µm) 330 µm
Hempadur Mastic 45880 (200 µm) Hempathane HS 55210 (65 µm) + Intermediate + final

CZ 859 (65 µm)

P3 - A Carboline CZ 11FG (65 µm) CG 893 (200 µm) CTh 134 (65 µm) 330 µm CG 893 (200 µm)
CTh 134 (65 µm)
Barrier 80 (65 µm) / Penguard
Jotun Resist 78 (65 µm) Penguard express CF (200 µm) Hardtop XP (65 µm) 330 µm express CF (200 µm) / Hardtop XP
(65 µm)
Revesta 31 (65 µm)
Revesta Revesta D9FT (65 µm) Revesta 340 (200 µm) Revesta 282 (65 µm) 330 µm Revesta 340 (200 µm)
Revesta 282 (65 µm)
Jet ZincOrganic 850 (65 µm)
Jet Jet Zinc I-760 (65 µm) Jet 85MP (200 µm) Jethane 650 HS (65 µm) 330 µm Jet 85 MP (200 µm)
Jethane 650 HS (65 µm)
Interzinc 52 (65 µm) / Interseal
International Paints Interzinc 22 (65 µm) Interseal 670HS (200 µm) Interhane 990 (65 µm) 330 µm 670HS (200 µm) / Interthane 990
(65 µm)

Anglo American Quellaveco S.A. MQ11-02-TE-0000-GA0001
Quellaveco Project Date 23-Apr-2018
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Scheme Supplier Primer Intermediate Final TOTAL DFT Touch-Up

Sherwin Williams Duraplate UHS (400 µm) N/A N/A 400 µm Duraplate UHS (400 µm)

Sigma Coatings Sigmashield 460 / 880 (400 µm) N/A N/A 400 µm Sigmashield 460/ 880 (400 µm)

Amercoat Amercoat 240 (400 µm) N/A N/A 400 µm Amercoat 240 (400 µm)

Hempadur Multi Strength GF Hempadur Multi Strength GF 35870 1

Hempel N/A N/A 400 µm
35870 (400 µm) (400 µm)

P3 - B Carboline Phenoline 309 (400 µm) N/A N/A 400 µm Phenoline 309 (400 µm)

Jotun Marathon 500 (400 µm) N/A N/A 400 µm Marathon 500 (400 µm)

Revesta Revesta 400GFA (400 µm) N/A N/A 400 µm Revesta 400GFA (400 µm)

Jet Jet Pox High Resistant (400 µm) N/A N/A 400 µm Jet Pox High Resistant (400 µm)

International Paints Interzone 954 (400 µm) N/A N/A 400 µm Interzone 954 (400 µm)

Anglo American Quellaveco S.A. MQ11-02-TE-0000-GA0001
Quellaveco Project Date 23-Apr-2018
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Scheme Supplier Primer Intermediate Final TOTAL DFT Touch-Up

Sherwin Williams Phenicon HS (125 µm) N/A N/A 125 µm Phenicon HS (125 µm)

Sigma Coatings Sigmaguard 730 (100 µm) N/A N/A 100 µm Sigmaguard 730 (100 µm)

Amercoat Amercoat 90 HS (100 µm) N/A N/A 100 µm Amercoat 90 HS (100 µm)

Hempel Hempadur 85671 (100 µm) N/A N/A 100 µm Hempadur 85671 (100 µm)

P4 Carboline Thermaline 450 EP (100 µm) N/A N/A 100 µm Thermaline 450 EP (100 µm)

Jotun Tankguard Storage (100 µm) N/A N/A 100 µm Tankguard Storage (100 µm)

Revesta * * * * *

Jet Phen HS / Jet Phen EPN (100 Jet Phen HS / Jet Phen EPN (100
Jet N/A N/A 100 µm
µm) µm)

International Paints Interherm 228HS (100 µm) N/A N/A 100 µm Interherm 228HS (100 µm)

(*) It does not have a product that meets the requirements if the scheme.

Anglo American Quellaveco S.A. MQ11-02-TE-0000-GA0001
Quellaveco Project Date 23-Apr-2018
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Scheme Supplier Primer Intermediate Final TOTAL DFT Touch-Up

Macropoxy 851 (150 µm)

Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 851 (150 µm) N/A Macropoxy 851 (150 µm) 300 µm
Macropoxy 851 (150 µm)

Sigmashield 420/ Sigmaguard 720

Sigmashield 420/Sigmaguard 720 Sigmashield 420/Sigmaguard 720
Sigma Coatings N/A 300 µm (150 µm) Sigmashield 420/
(150 µm) (150 µm)
Sigmaguard 720 (150 µm)

Amerlock 2 (150 µm)

Amercoat Amerlock 2 (150 µm) N/A Amerlock 2 (150 µm) 300 µm
Amerlock 2 (150 µm)

Hempadur Multi 500 (150 µm) /
Hempadur Multi 500 (150 µm) /
300 µm Same as sheceme
Hempadur Mastic 45880 (150 µm) Hempadur Mastic 45880 (150 µm)

CG 891 (150 µm)

P5 Carboline CG 891 (150 µm) N/A CG 891 (150 µm) 300 µm
CG 891 (150 µm)

Jotun Jotamastic 87 (150 µm) N/A Jotamastic 87 (150 µm) 300 µm Jotamastic 87 (300 µm)

Revesta 349 (150 µm)

Revesta Revesta 349 (150 µm) N/A Revesta 349 (150 µm) 300 µm
Revesta 349 (150 µm)

Jet 85 MP (150 µm)

Jet Jet 85MP (150 µm) N/A Jet 85MP (150 µm) 300 µm
Jet 85 MP (150 µm)

International Paints Interseal 670HS (150 µm) N/A Interseal 670HS (150 µm) 300 µm Interseal 670HS (300 µm)

Anglo American Quellaveco S.A. MQ11-02-TE-0000-GA0001
Quellaveco Project Date 23-Apr-2018
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Scheme Supplier Primer Intermediate Final TOTAL DFT Touch-Up

Phenicon HS (165 µm)

Sherwin Williams Phenicon HS (165 µm) N/A Phenicon HS (165 µm) 330 µm
Phenicon HS (165 µm)

Sigmaguard 730 (165 µm)

Sigma Coatings Sigmguard 730 (165 µm) N/A Sigmaguard 730 (165 µm) 330 µm
Sigmaguard 730 (165 µm)

Amercoat 90 HS (165 µm)

Amercoat Amercoat 90 HS (165 µm) N/A Amercoat 90 HS (165 µm) 330 µm
Amercoat 90 HS (165 µm)

Hempel Hempadur 85671 (150 µm) N/A Hempadur 85671 (150 µm) 300 µm Same as sheceme
Phenoline 385 (165 µm)
Carboline Phenoline 385 (165 µm) N/A Phenoline 385 (165 µm) 330 µm
P6 - A Phenoline 385 (165 µm)

Tankguard Storage (165 µm)

Jotun Tankguard Storage (165 µm) N/A Tankguard Storage (165 µm) 330 µm
Tankguard Storage (165 µm)

Revesta 90 HS (150 µm)

Revesta Revesta 90 HS (150 µm) N/A Revesta 90 HS (150 µm) 300 µm
Revesta 90 HS (150 µm)

Jet Novopox EPN 800 / Jet Phen

Jet Novopox EPN 800 / Jet Phen Jet Novopox EPN 800 / Jet Phen HS (165 µm)
Jet N/A 330 µm
HS (165 µm) HS (165 µm) Jet Novopox EPN 800 / Jet Phen
HS (165 µm)

International Paints Interline 850 (150 µm) N/A Interline 850 (150 µm) 300 µm Interline 850 (300 µm)

Anglo American Quellaveco S.A. MQ11-02-TE-0000-GA0001
Quellaveco Project Date 23-Apr-2018
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Scheme Supplier Primer Intermediate Final TOTAL DFT Touch-Up

Duraplate UHS (250 µm)

Sherwin Williams Duraplate UHS (250 µm) Duraplate UHS (250 µm) N/A 500 µm
Duraplate UHS (250 µm)

Sigmashield 460/Sigmacover 240

Sigmashield 460/Sigmacover 240 Sigmashield 460/Sigmacover 240
Sigma Coatings N/A 500 µm (250 µm) Sigmashield
(250 µm) (250 µm)
460/Sigmacover 240 (250 µm)

Amercoat 240 (250 µm)

Amercoat Amercoat 240 (250 µm) N/A Amercoat 240 (250 µm) 500 µm
Amercoat 240 (250 µm)

Hempadur Multi Strength GF Hempadur Multi Strength GF 35870

Hempel N/A N/A 500 µm
35870 (500 µm) (500 µm)

PL 4500 S (250 µm)

P6 - B Carboline PL 4500 S (250µm) N/A PL 4500 S (250µm) 500 µm
PL 4500 S (250 µm)

Jotun Jomastic SF (250 µm) Jomastic SF (250 µm) N/A 500 µm Jomastic SF (500 µm)

Revesta Revesta 204 (250 µm) N/A Revesta 204 (250 µm) 500 µm Revesta 204 (500 µm)

Jet Jet Pox High Resistant (250 µm) Jet Pox High Resistant (250 µm) N/A 500 µm Jet Pox High Resistant (500 µm)

International Paints Interzone 954 (500 µm) N/A N/A 500 µm Interzone 954 (500 µm)

Anglo American Quellaveco S.A. MQ11-02-TE-0000-GA0001
Quellaveco Project Date 23-Apr-2018
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Scheme Supplier Primer Intermediate Final TOTAL DFT Touch-Up

Corcote HCR FF (375 µm) Corcote

Sherwin Williams Corcote HCR FF (375 µm) N/A Corcote HCR FF (375 µm) 750 µm
HCR FF (375 µm)

Novaguard 890 + FRP (375 µm)

Sigma Coatings Novaguard 890 + FRP (375 µm) N/A Novaguard 890 + FRP (375 µm) 750 µm
Novaguard 890 + FRP (375 µm)

Novaguard 890 + FRP (375 µm)

Amercoat Novaguard 890 + FRP (375 µm) N/A Novaguard 890 + FRP (375 µm) 750 µm
Novaguard 890 + FRP (375 µm)

Hempel Vynil Ester GF 35910 (800 µm) N/A N/A 800 µm Vynil Ester GF 35910 (800 µm)

Phenoline 353 LT (375 µm)

P6 - C Carboline Phenoline 353 LT (375 µm) N/A Phenoline 353 LT (375 µm) 750 µm
Phenoline 353 LT (375 µm)

Jotun Chemflake special (375 µm) N/A Chemflake special (375 µm) 750 µm Chemflake special (750 µm)

Protecto Coat 900 (375 µm)

Revesta Protecto Coat 900 (375 µm) N/A Protecto Coat 900 (375 µm) 750 µm
Protecto Coat 900 (375 µm)

Jet Jet Pox EPN HCR GFK (375 µm) N/A Jet Pox EPN HCR GFK (375 µm) 750 µm Jet Pox EPN HCR GFK (750 µm)

International Paints Celicote 380 (125 µm) Celicote 232 (375 µm) Celicote 232 (375 µm) 875 µm Ceilcote 232 (875 µm)

Anglo American Quellaveco S.A. MQ11-02-TE-0000-GA0001
Quellaveco Project Date 23-Apr-2018
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Scheme Supplier Primer Intermediate Final TOTAL DFT Touch-Up

Macropoxy 646 PW (175 µm)

Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646 PW (175 µm) N/A Macropoxy 646 PW (175 µm) 350 µm
Macropoxy 646 PW (175 µm)

Sigmaguard 720/ Sigmaguard CFS

Sigmaguard 720 / Sigmaguard 585 (175 µm)
Sigma Coatings N/A Sigmaguard 720 (175 µm) 350 µm
CFS 585 (175 µm) Sigmaguard 720/ Sigmaguard CFS
585 (175 µm)
Amerlock 2 (175 µm)
Amercoat Amerlock 2 (175 µm) N/A Amerlock 2 (175 µm) 350 µm
Amerlock 2 (175 µm)

Hempel Hempadur 35560 (200 µm) N/A Hempadur 35560 (200 µm) 400 µm Same as sheceme

P7 CG 891 VOC (175 µm)

Carboline CG891 VOC (175 µm) N/A CG891 VOC (175 µm) 350 µm
CG 891 VOC (175 µm)

Tankguard 412 (175 µm)

Jotun Tankguard 412 (175 µm) N/A Tankguard 412 (175 µm) 350 µm
Tankguard 412 (175 µm)

Revesta 400 (175 µm)

Revesta Revesta 400 (175 µm) N/A Revesta 400 (175 µm) 350 µm
Revesta 400 (175 µm)

Jet Jet Pox High Resistant (175 µm) N/A Jet Pox High Resistant (175 µm) 350 µm Jet Pox High Resistant (350 µm)

International Paints Interseal 670HS (175 µm) N/A Interseal 670HS (175 µm) 350 µm Interseal 670HS (350 µm)

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