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30/12/2020 Pastel de capas de limón y arándanos | Adicción a la repostería de Sally

Pastel de capas de limón y arándanos

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 4.8 de 183 opiniones
Tiempo de preparación: 30 minutos Hora de cocinar: 21 minutos Tiempo total: 3 horas
Rendimiento: porciones 10-12

Pastel de limón dulce como el sol salpicado de jugosos arándanos y cubierto con un exuberante glaseado de queso crema. Puede
usar arándanos frescos o congelados en este pastel. Si usa congelado, no es necesario descongelar.

1 taza ( 230 g ) de mantequilla sin sal , ablandada a temperatura ambiente
1 y 1/4 tazas ( 250 g ) de azúcar granulada
1/2 taza ( 100 g ) de azúcar morena clara compacta
4 huevos grandes , a temperatura ambiente *
1 cucharada de extracto puro de vainilla
3 tazas ( 345 g ) de harina para todo uso tamizada  ( cuchara y nivelada ) *
1 cucharada de levadura en polvo
1/2 cucharadita de sal
1 taza (240 ml) de suero de leche *
2 cucharadas de ralladura de limón *
1/2 taza de jugo de limón ( 3 limones medianos) *
1 taza y media de arándanos , frescos (258 g) o congelados (no descongelar - 275 g)
1 cucharada de harina para todo uso

Crema de queso glaseado

8 onzas ( 224 g ) de queso crema estilo ladrillo con toda la grasa , ablandado a temperatura ambiente *
1/2 taza ( 115 g ) de mantequilla sin sal , ablandada a temperatura ambiente
3 y 1/2 tazas ( 420 g ) de azúcar en polvo
1 - 2 cucharadas (15-30 ml) de crema espesa *
1 cucharadita de extracto puro de vainilla
pizca de sal


1 Precaliente el horno a 350 ° F (177 ° C). Engrase  tres moldes para pasteles de 9 pulgadas, forre con papel pergamino, luego
engrase el papel pergamino. El papel de pergamino ayuda a que los pasteles se suelten sin problemas de los moldes.
2 Haga el pastel:  Con una batidora de mano o de pie con un accesorio de paleta, bata la mantequilla a fuego alto hasta que esté
cremosa, aproximadamente 1 minuto. Agregue los azúcares granulados y morenos y bata a velocidad media-alta hasta que
estén cremosos, aproximadamente 2-3 minutos. Agrega los huevos y la vainilla. Batir a velocidad media hasta que todo esté
completamente combinado, aproximadamente 2 minutos completos. Raspe los lados y el fondo del tazón según sea necesario.
3 En un tazón grande, mezcle la harina, el polvo de hornear y la sal. Agregue lentamente los ingredientes secos a los ingredientes
húmedos. Batir a velocidad baja durante 5 segundos, luego incorporar la leche, la ralladura de limón y el jugo de limón * solo * 1/3
30/12/2020 Pastel de capas de limón y arándanos | Adicción a la repostería de Sally

hasta que se combinen. Mezcle los arándanos con 1 cucharada de harina y dóblelos suavemente en la masa. La masa es
extremadamente espesa. No haga sobre mezcla. Mezclar demasiado dará como resultado una miga de textura dura y densa.
4 Spoon batter evenly into 3 prepared cake pans. If only using 2 cake pans, your bake time will be longer. Bake the three layers
for about 21-25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Remove from the oven and allow to cool
completely in the pan before assembling and frosting.
5 Make the frosting: Using a handheld or stand mixer with a paddle attachment, beat cream cheese and butter together on
medium speed until no lumps remain, about 3 full minutes. Add confectioners’ sugar, 1 Tablespoon cream, vanilla extract, and
salt with the mixer running on low. Increase to high speed and beat for 3 minutes. Add 1 more Tablespoon of cream to thin out,
if desired.
6 Assemble and frost: First, using a large serrated knife, trim the tops o the cake layers to create a flat surface. Place 1 layer on
your cake stand. Evenly cover the top with cream cheese frosting. Top with 2nd layer, more frosting, then the third layer. Top
with frosting and spread around the sides. The recipe doesn’t make a ton of frosting, just enough for a light frost. Top with
blueberries or lemon garnish if desired. Refrigerate for at least 45 minutes before cutting or else the cake may fall apart as you
7 Cover le over cake tightly and store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

1 Make Ahead & Freezing Instructions: Prepare cakes and frosting 1 day in advance. Keep cakes at room temperature, covered
tightly. Refrigerate prepared frosting in an airtight container until ready to use. Bring frosting to room temperature before
spreading as it will be quite sti a er refrigerating. (Add a splash of cream or milk to thin, if needed.) Frosted or unfrosted
cakes may be frozen up to 2 months, thaw overnight in the refrigerator and bring to room temperature if desired before
2 Sheet Cake: The batter makes a perfect sheet cake! Simply spread into a 12×17 inch half sheet/jelly roll pan and bake for
about 20 minutes or until cooked through. It also fits nicely into a 9×13 inch cake pan. Bake for about 40-45 minutes or until
cooked through.
3 Bundt Cake: I haven’t tested this as a bundt cake but it will likely be a bit denser than the original layer version since it’s one
tall layer. It will take significantly longer to bake. I also have a lemon poppy seed bundt cake recipe. You can leave out the
poppy seeds and add 1 and 1/2 cups blueberries. I also have a lemon berry yogurt cake recipe. You can use all blueberries.
4 Cupcakes: Here is my lemon cupcakes recipe. You can add 1 cup of blueberries to the batter and top with cream cheese
5 6 Inch Cake: Use these lemon blueberry cupcakes batter and follow my 6 inch cakes baking instructions. You can use regular
lemons instead of meyer lemons (like the cupcakes call for) if needed.

6 Eggs: Room temperature eggs are recommended because they mix easily and quickly into the cake batter, reducing the risk
of over-mixing (and an overly dense cake!). Place eggs into a bowl of warm water for 5 minutes before using or set the eggs
out when you set out your cream cheese/butter for the recipe.

7 Flour: Be careful not to overmeasure your flour. This will result in a heavy cake. For a lighter crumb, you can use the same
amount of si ed cake flour instead.
8 Buttermilk: Buttermilk helps produce a supremely moist cake. If you don’t have buttermilk, use whole milk instead. You can
use lower fat or nondairy milks in a pinch, but the cake won’t taste nearly as rich and moist.
9 Lemons: You need about 2 Tablespoons of lemon zest and 1/2 cup lemon juice.

10 Cream Cheese: Use brick-style cream cheese. Not cream cheese spread.
11 Cream: Heavy cream with 30% or more milk fat preferred in frosting for the most delicious and creamiest texture. Milk works
in a pinch! 2/3
30/12/2020 Pastel de capas de limón y arándanos | Adicción a la repostería de Sally

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