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Maryella Rodriguez Cardenas

Miguel Angel Gonzalez Cardenas
ADN Contiene la información
Acido genética que debe ser
copiada y transmitida de
Desoxirribonucleico una célula a otra durante
un ciclo celular

El ADN es la molécula
responsable de la herencia
Caracteristicas del ADN

Replicacion Almacenaje de Variacion por

informacion mutacion

Tiene una
Expresion de la
estructura de
doble helice
Composicion quimica del ADN

Contiene 4 tipos de nucleotidos cada uno formado por un

Nucleotidos grupo de fosfato, azucar (pentosa), base nitrogenada

Modelo La pentosa y un grupo de fosfato formal las helices (el

de doble esqueleto externo) y la base nitrogenada esta dispuesta en
el interior de esta

5´- 3´ Las cadenas son antiparalelas unas de otras

3´- 5´

Dextrógiro Dos cadenas de nucleotidos enrrolladas hacia la derecha

Ayuda a las células del
La guanina se aparea con la organismo a convertir
citosina en la doble hélice, carbohidratos en
Los pares CG crean uniones energía. Es un tipo de
más fuertes que los pares AT piridimina

la citosina tiene un
producto químico
adicional ligado a ella; Proporciona energia y
grupo METILO. Esta es un tipo de purina
metilación del ADN en
citosinas ayuda a regular
los genes, a activarse y
01 02
Los átomos de carbono en las posiciones 5'
Universalidad en el
Histonas prima y 3'
codigo genetico prima del azúcar desoxirribosa forman
La capacidad de un La molécula de ADN se enlaces con los grupos fosfato. Las
ser de leer o asocia a proteínas, llamadas
5´- 3´ posiciones de 5' prima y 3' prima se
interpretar el codigo histonas, y se encuentra 3´ - 5´ utilizan para indicar la orientación, o
genetico de otro ser muy enrollada y dirección, de una hebra de ADN. Durante la
diferente de misma compactada para formar el replicación del ADN, las
especie cromosoma enzimas van construyendo hebras de ADN
añadiendo nucleótidos en dirección de 5'
prima a 3' prima.
DNA Infographics

Venus has a
beautiful name

1 2
El ADN debe replicarse, es Cada una de éstas servirá
decir generar una copia de sí como molde para la síntesis
mismo. de nuevas hebras de ADN.

3 4
Posteriormente la enzima El proceso de replicación del ADN es
ADN-polimerasa coloca semiconservativo, ya que al finalizar la
nucleótidos siguiendo la regla duplicación, cada nueva molécula de
de apareamiento A-T y C-Gd ADN estará conformada por una hebra
Gracias por ver lindos seres
DNA Infographics

Venus has a beautiful
name, but it’s terribly
Saturn is a gas giant
and is composed of
hydrogen and helium

Earth is the third
planet from the Sun
and it harbors life
DNA Infographics

Mars 1 2 Venus
Mars is red and is very cold Venus has a beautiful name

Jupiter 3 4 Mercury
Jupiter is a gas giant as well Mercury is the smallest planet
DNA Infographics

01 Neptune is the farthest planet
from the Sun

02 Jupiter is a gas giant as well
and the biggest planet

03 Saturn is the ringed one and
the sixth from the Sun

04 Venus has a beautiful name,
but it’s terribly hot
DNA Infographics

Mercury Saturn
Mercury was named It’s composed of
after a Roman god hydrogen and helium

Jupiter Neptune
It’s the biggest planet in Neptune is very far
the Solar System away from Earth

Venus Mars
Venus is the second It’s a cold place. It’s full
planet from the Sun of iron oxide dust
DNA Infographics

Venus has a beautiful 01

name, but it’s terribly hot

Mercury is small and is 02

the closest planet to the
Sun Mercury
03 Saturn is composed of
hydrogen and helium
Saturn mostly

04 Mars is a very cold place.

It’s full of iron oxide dust
DNA Infographics

Earth is the only planet

Neptune is the farthest
known to have life on it
planet from the Sun
so far

Mars is a actually a cold Venus is terribly hot. It

place. It’s full of iron is the second planet
oxide dust from the Sun
DNA Infographics


Saturn is the It’s a gas giant Venus has a It’s actually a
ringed one as well nice name cold place
DNA Infographics

Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s terribly hot. It’s the
second planet from the Sun

Saturn is the ringed one. It’s a gas giant and is composed
mostly of hydrogen and helium

Despite being red, Mars is actually a very cold place. Its
atmosphere is full of iron oxide dust
DNA Infographics

Mercury Jupiter is actually the Saturn
biggest planet in the
Mercury is small and Solar System Saturn is composed
is the closest planet to mostly of hydrogen
the Sun and helium

Venus Mars
Venus has a nice name Despite being red,
indeed, but it’s terribly Mars is actually a very
hot cold place
DNA Infographics

Saturn is the ringed planet. It’s a gas giant and is composed

Saturn mostly of hydrogen and helium

Despite being red, Mars is actually a very cold place. Its

Mars atmosphere is full of iron oxide dust

Mercury is small and is the closest planet to the Sun. It was

Mercury named after a Roman messenger god

Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s terribly hot. It’s the
Venus second planet from the Sun
DNA Infographics

Mercury is the closest to the
Sun and the smallest one in
the Solar System

Mars Venus is the second planet
from the Sun. It has a very
poisonous atmosphere
Mars is actually a very cold
place. Its atmosphere is full of
iron oxide dust

Saturn is the ringed one. It’s
composed mostly of hydrogen
and helium
DNA Infographics


It’s terribly hot It’s the biggest It’s the farthest


It’s a cold place It’s ringed It’s the smallest

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