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El 10 de diciembre de 1948, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas aprobó y proclamó

la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos, cuyos artículos figuran a continuación:

Artículo 1.- Artículo 21.-

Todos los seres humanos nacen libres e iguales en dignidad y derechos y (...) 1. Toda persona tiene derecho a participar en el gobierno de su país,
deben comportarse fraternalmente los unos con los otros. directamente o por medio de representantes libremente escogidos.
Artículo 2.- 2. Toda persona tiene el derecho de acceso, en condiciones de igualdad, a las
Toda persona tiene todos los derechos y libertades proclamados en esta funciones públicas de su país.
Declaración, sin distinción alguna de raza, color, sexo, idioma, religión, opinión 3. La voluntad del pueblo es la base de la autoridad del poder público; esta
política o de cualquier otra índole, origen nacional o social, posición económica, voluntad se expresará mediante elecciones auténticas que habrán de
nacimiento o cualquier otra condición. Además, no se hará distinción alguna celebrarse periódicamente, por sufragio universal e igual y por voto secreto
fundada en la condición política, jurídica o internacional del país o territorio de u otro procedimiento equivalente que garantice la libertad del voto.
cuya jurisdicción dependa una persona (...). Artículo 22.-
Artículo 3.- Toda persona (...) tiene derecho a la seguridad social, y a obtener, (...) habida
Todo individuo tiene derecho a la vida, a la libertad y a la seguridad de su cuenta de la organización y los recursos de cada Estado, la satisfacción de los
derechos económicos, sociales y culturales, indispensables a su dignidad y al
Artículo 4.-
Nadie estará sometido a esclavitud ni a servidumbre; la esclavitud y la trata de libre desarrollo de su personalidad.
esclavos están prohibidas en todas sus formas. Artículo 23.-
Artículo 5.- 1. Toda persona tiene derecho al trabajo, a la libre elección de su trabajo, a
Nadie será sometido a torturas ni a penas o tratos crueles, inhumanos o condiciones equitativas y satisfactorias de trabajo y a la protección contra el
degradantes. desempleo.
Artículo 6.- 2. Toda persona tiene derecho, sin discriminación alguna, a igual salario por
Todo ser humano tiene derecho, en todas partes, al reconocimiento de su trabajo igual.
personalidad jurídica. 3. Toda persona que trabaja tiene derecho a una remuneración equitativa y
Artículo 7.- satisfactoria, que le asegure, así como a su familia, una existencia conforme
Todos son iguales ante la ley y tienen, sin distinción, derecho a igual protección a la dignidad humana y que será completada, en caso necesario, por
de la ley. Todos tienen derecho a igual protección contra toda discriminación cualesquiera otros medios de protección social.
que infrinja esta Declaración (...). 4. Toda persona tiene derecho a fundar sindicatos y a sindicarse para la defensa
Artículo 8.- de sus intereses.
Toda persona tiene derecho a un recurso efectivo, ante los tribunales Artículo 24.-
nacionales competentes, que la ampare contra actos que violen sus derechos Toda persona tiene derecho al descanso, al disfrute del tiempo libre, a una
fundamentales (...). limitación razonable de la duración del trabajo y a vacaciones periódicas
Artículo 9.- pagadas.
Nadie podrá ser arbitrariamente detenido, preso ni desterrado. Artículo 25.-
Artículo 10.- 1. Toda persona tiene derecho a un nivel de vida adecuado que le asegure, así
Toda persona tiene derecho, en condiciones de plena igualdad, a ser oída como a su familia, la salud y el bienestar, y en especial la alimentación, el
públicamente y con justicia por un tribunal independiente e imparcial, para la vestido, la vivienda, la asistencia médica y los servicios sociales necesarios;
determinación de sus derechos y obligaciones o para el examen de cualquier tiene asimismo derecho a los seguros en caso de desempleo, enfermedad,
acusación contra ella en materia penal.
invalidez, viudez, vejez u otros casos de pérdida de sus medios de
Artículo 11.-
1. Toda persona acusada de delito tiene derecho a que se presuma su inocencia subsistencia por circunstancias independientes de su voluntad.
mientras no se pruebe su culpabilidad (...). 2. La maternidad y la infancia tienen derecho a cuidados y asistencia especiales.
2. Nadie será condenado por actos u omisiones que en el momento de Todos los niños, nacidos de matrimonio o fuera de matrimonio, tienen derecho
cometerse no fueron delictivos según el Derecho nacional o internacional. a igual protección social.
Tampoco se impondrá pena más grave que la aplicable en el momento de Artículo 26.-
la comisión del delito. 1. Toda persona tiene derecho a la educación. La educación debe ser gratuita,
Artículo 12.- al menos en lo concerniente a la instrucción elemental y fundamental. La
Nadie será objeto de injerencias arbitrarias en su vida privada, su familia, su instrucción elemental será obligatoria. La instrucción técnica y profesional
domicilio o su correspondencia, ni de ataques a su honra o a su reputación. Toda habrá de ser generalizada; el acceso a los estudios superiores será igual
persona tiene derecho a la protección de la ley contra tales injerencias o ataques. para todos, en función de los méritos respectivos.
Artículo 13.- 2. La educación tendrá por objeto el pleno desarrollo de la personalidad humana
1. Toda persona tiene derecho a circular libremente y a elegir su residencia y el fortalecimiento del respeto a los derechos humanos y a las libertades
en el territorio de un Estado. fundamentales; favorecerá la comprensión, la tolerancia y la amistad entre
2. Toda persona tiene derecho a salir de cualquier país, incluso del propio, y todas las naciones y todos los grupos étnicos o religiosos, y promoverá el
a regresar a su país. desarrollo de las actividades de las Naciones Unidas para el mantenimiento
Artículo 14.- de la paz.
1. En caso de persecución, toda persona tiene derecho a buscar asilo, y a 3. Los padres tendrán derecho preferente a escoger el tipo de educación que
disfrutar de él, en cualquier país. habrá de darse a sus hijos.
2. Este derecho no podrá ser invocado contra una acción judicial realmente Artículo 27.-
originada por delitos comunes o por actos opuestos a los propósitos y 1. Toda persona tiene derecho a tomar parte libremente en la vida cultural de
principios de las Naciones Unidas. la comunidad, a gozar de las artes y a participar en el progreso científico y
Artículo 15.- en los beneficios que de él resulten.
1. Toda persona tiene derecho a una nacionalidad. 2. Toda persona tiene derecho a la protección de los intereses morales y
2. A nadie se privará arbitrariamente de su nacionalidad ni del derecho a
cambiar de nacionalidad. materiales que le correspondan por razón de las producciones científicas,
Artículo 16.- literarias o artísticas de que sea autora.
1. Los hombres y las mujeres, a partir de la edad núbil, tienen derecho, sin Artículo 28.-
restricción alguna por motivos de raza, nacionalidad o religión, a casarse y Toda persona tiene derecho a que se establezca un orden social e internacional
fundar una familia (...). en el que los derechos y libertades proclamados en esta Declaración se hagan
2. Solo mediante libre y pleno consentimiento de los futuros esposos podrá plenamente efectivos.
contraerse el matrimonio. Artículo 29.-
3. La familia es el elemento natural y fundamental de la sociedad y tiene derecho 1. Toda persona tiene deberes respecto a la comunidad (...).
a la protección de la sociedad y del Estado. 2. En el ejercicio de sus derechos y en el disfrute de sus libertades, toda persona
Artículo 17.- estará solamente sujeta a las limitaciones establecidas por la ley con el único
1. Toda persona tiene derecho a la propiedad, individual y colectivamente. fin de asegurar el reconocimiento y el respeto de los derechos y libertades
2. Nadie será privado arbitrariamente de su propiedad. de los demás, y de satisfacer las justas exigencias de la moral, del orden
Artículo 18.- público y del bienestar general en una sociedad democrática.
Toda persona tiene derecho a la libertad de pensamiento, de conciencia y de 3. Estos derechos y libertades no podrán, en ningún caso, ser ejercidos en
religión (...). oposición a los propósitos y principios de las Naciones Unidas.
Artículo 19.- Artículo 30.-
Todo individuo tiene derecho a la libertad de opinión y de expresión (...). Nada en esta Declaración podrá interpretarse en el sentido de que confiere
Artículo 20.- derecho alguno al Estado, a un grupo o a una persona, para emprender y
1. Toda persona tiene derecho a la libertad de reunión y de asociación pacíficas. desarrollar actividades (...) tendientes a la supresión de cualquiera de los
2. Nadie podrá ser obligado a pertenecer a una asociación. derechos y libertades proclamados en esta Declaración.
o ok
's B
n t

My first name is

My last name is

My school is

My address is
Título de la obra

Students Book
Se complementa con CHEER UP PRE-INTERMEDIATE 3
Activity Book

© Derechos de autor reservados y registrados PROHIBIDA

© Derechos de edición, arte gráfico y diagramación PUBLICADA EL 20 DE JULIO DE 2004
reservados y registrados conforme a ley
Coordinadora general del área: DE AUTOR Y CONEXOS
Lic. Flor Amanda Oyola Gabriel
Reproducción, difusión, distribución y circulación de la obra sin
Diseño, diagramación y corrección: la autorización del autor.
Editorial Escuela Activa S.A.
Artículo 217.o.- Será reprimido con pena privativa de
libertad no menor de dos ni mayor de seis años y con treinta
Ilustración: a noventa días-multa, el que con respecto a una obra, una
Banco de imágenes Editorial Escuela Activa S.A. interpretación o ejecución artística, un fonograma o una emisión
o transmisión de radiodifusión, o una grabación audiovisual o
Editorial ESCUELA ACTIVA S.A. una imagen fotográfica expresada en cualquier forma, realiza
Jr. Pomabamba 325, Breña alguno de los siguientes actos sin la autorización previa y
Tels. 332 6314 332 6667 escrita del autor o titular de los derechos:
Correo electrónico:
a. La modifique total o parcialmente. b. La distribuya mediante venta, alquiler o préstamo
Tiraje: 3500 ejemplares c. La comunique o difunda públicamente por cualquiera
de los medios o procedimientos reservados al titular del
Impreso en: respectivo derecho.
Corporación Gráfica Navarrete S.A. d. La reproduzca, distribuya o comunique en mayor
Carretera Central 759 – km 2 número que el autorizado por escrito.
Santa Anita, Lima – Perú La pena será no menor de cuatro años ni mayor de ocho
Tel. 362 0606 y con sesenta a ciento veinte días-multa, cuando el agente
la reproduzca total o parcialmente, por cualquier medio o
procedimiento y si la distribución se realiza mediante venta,
alquiler o préstamo al público u otra forma de transferencia de
la posesión del soporte que contiene la obra o producción que
supere las dos (2) Unidades Impositivas Tributarias, en forma
fraccionada, en un solo acto o en diferentes actos de inferior
ISBN N.o 978-612-4348-98-3 importe cada uno.
Proyecto Editorial N.o 31501051900868
Ley N.o 28086
Hecho el Depósito Legal en la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú
N.o 2019-11757


La Editorial se hace responsable por el rigor
académico del contenido del texto de acuerdo con
los principios de la Ley General de Educación.
Know your book

What is your job?

1. Listen and repeat. Then act out the dialogue.


Track 28
5 Unit

What is your job?

I'm a secretary. Key


Third Grade 67

Grade Page

Third Grade


Then play Yes
or No and say
the job.
Track 27 A: Do you build
B: Yes / No!

1. Listen and

Key language

Key la ng ua
Lesson 2
with a partner. Activities
e sentences
ples. Then mak
1. Read the exam
usually fixes
the mechanic
breaks down, .
E.g. If your car will fix the pipes
t, the plumber
in the basemen
If there is a leak
Then decide
at each place.
uss wha t you can do
flyers below
and disc
e install electrical
2. Look at the go.
clean the hous power
where you will report the news
the animals. build a house
zoo, we can feed
If we go to the

/ clothes
• buy shoes
als urants
• feed the anim • eat at resta

ie theater
• see a tiger • go to the mov
res with the anim style hair
• take pictu tings
schedule mee
fix the car
fix pipes


Ha nds on and

r cube s.
1. Make lette
50% discount in all
This week
in restaurants
Ticket prices stores and 25%
ie theater.
Adults: S/ 20 and the mov
Children: S/ scissors
a small die
a black template
colored marker
to see
Go to pg. 127 construction a pencil glue
Zero paper (20cm
more about the
tionals. x 10cm)
and First Condi


ed die templates
Cut out 24 color
the die template
Place and trace r.
construction pape
on the colored

w s j c z i v er nt cc e
x v

x i pw
e w


e f a i w cw t w i w o n
w u
i r
w o

du se uy

Build a movie
letters on the talk about it.
Write different word and then
Glue the flaps
to make black marker.
cubes with the
the cubes.

Board game
Avatar is so that
taining movie
and such an enterit three times.
I've watched


toge ther
Having fun

1. Say the matc

hing numbers
to form phrases and
then mak e a sentence
car tonight.
/ could fix the
may / might
The mechanic

Reading corn
hair meetings
install Track 32
Living the dre
read , then ask a partn
8 1. Listen and
ser !
I'm a hairdres
6 like to make
5 I found that I
ideal job, but resser. I
n't seem like the That's why I became a haird s.
style I know it does
and look good
become my friend the
news people feel good a lot of them have
pipes have met a lot
of people and
rician. If there
is anything wron
g with
fix who is an elect who is a build er, actually
I have a friend of my friends, I have a
s to fix it. One house next year.
power, he come fully build my rcycle
12 , and will hope to get my moto
11 built my salon when I needed likes
is a mech anic. I met her rcycl e for haircuts. She
10 friend who on my moto
9 exchange work
fixed. Now we I. rcycles
es and so do He didn't ride moto might
clean to ride moto rcycl
is a reporter for
the local news .
end we
report Our other friend toget her. This week ing. If
house until he met us.
Now we all go
tains and we may
even go camp
car ride into the moun
take a two-day what I love. I
like to
, we will go.
16 we are all off work I'm living the dream and doing
15 Some can say
14 meet new peop dream job?
13 What is your
the electrical

17 answer.
to the correct
power 2. Put an X next
a schedule According to
the text, .
the house to make people feel c. important
1. the hairdresser likes b. good
a. bad
calls the
wron g with the power he c. electrician
2. when there's something b. plumber
a. reporter
built his salon c. builder
3. his friend the b. reporter
a. mechanic
moto rcycle? c. a housekee
4. who fixes his b. a mechanic
a. a builder
two-day ride? c. to the city
they go on their
5. where will b. to a lake 75
a. to the mou

Third Grade
Culture corne

Culture corn
in pairs.
talk about the topic
1. Read and

se a career
How to choo
gths, values,
self, your stren
• Know your help you
skills. This will
personality and

choice best fits
decide which about each one.
your options and learn in
• Know really interested
to see if you're
• Do research thing you'd enjoy
sure it's some
this (to make in that field
peop le who have worked
• Talk to insights.
advic e and
to get their

pupp ets.
2. Make job

write a report
they like it. Then
friends why
and ask your
m job survey popsicle
1. Do a drea
describing your
findings. Materials a black
craft glue
a work report builder repo
rter job faces
How to write
n. housekeeper
factual informatio mechanic
- It should give age and is impe
rsonal. plumber
in formal langu hairdresser
- It is written follow ing layou t: secre tary
rt will have the lusion.
- A work repo part and conc
duction, main
Heading, intro

report the new

build a hous
Dream Jobs!

fix pipes
style hair
I found
and this is what
their dream job
mates about
various class to work on
I interviewed use she'd like
reporter beca
lina migh t study to be a
out. My friend
ram, she will
her own prog
TV. If she has er.
and talk to a partn
Choose a job
ng pipe in your
faces Write the phra
ses If there's a leaki
Remove the job jobs. house, I'll fix it.
the faces that match the
from T3. Glue
icle sticks. 77
onto the pops

Third Grade

build houses
report the news
clean houses
install electrical
fix pipes
fix cars
schedule mee
style hair

er. ates
2. Talk to a partn I interviewed
various classm
job and this
about their dream My friend Phrasal verb
is what I found
study to be a
Carolina might to get on
se she'd like
reporter becau her own
If she has get off
work on TV. will
program, she


Key words
Review What is your
Unit 5
Key words
1. Match.
a. fixes the car
1. a builder b. styles hair Professions
2. a mechanic c. schedules
mee tings

3. a plumber d. reports the


4. an electrician e. cleans the

hous e

5. a reporter f. fixes pipes electrician

6. a secretary g. builds a hous
e reporter
per r
7. a housekee h. installs elect
rical powe
8. a hairdresse
the sentence
to complete
of the verbs to get here for
correct form be / been able
2. Choose the said he may not
pipes, but he
ber to fix the
a. I called a plum y. hairdresser
t of Peru toda
two days. news abou t the presiden secretary
rts / report the the house toda
y. mechanic
they may repo rical power to plumber
b. I heard that ll / installed elect
they migh t insta
company said
c. The power to fix it by myse
, but I may be / am able
e down
d. The car brok an appointment
/ fit you in for rrow.
ser might fits intment to tomo Activities
e. The hair dres ged your appo
t change / chan
said she migh
f. The secretary

the word s from the box.

the sentences with
3. Complete
clean schedule
fix build
e install electrical
a meeting. clean the hous power
secretary will report the news
the office, the t contractor. build a house
a. If you call a grea
a house, I know
to anic.
b. If you want call the mech
the car, she'll
some one to
c. If you need .
the pipes, the house will
d. If we don't fix the house.
have to
havin g a party, they
e. If they are
style hair
114 schedule mee
fix the car
fix pipes


Third Grade
Scope & Sequence
Unit Topic Vocabulary Key language Listening Speaking
• Months of the • Whats the date today? • Pair work
year and dates • Whens your birthday? • Role play
What s the
Starter date today?
• Celebrations • When do you celebrate
• Numbers 1-1, Mothers Day?
000, 000, 000
• School • The verb be (I, you, • Sentences (understanding • Guessing game
subjects he, she, we, they) specific information about • Act out a dialogue
• School • Present Simple school subjects) • Role play dialogues

What s your
supplies and • Present Continuous • A dialogue (understanding • Group work: Asking questions about school subjects
equipment specific information) • Game: Ask and answer questions about school
subjects, school supplies and equipment
• Talking about school subjects
• Project: Asking about what someone is good at
• Activities • Used to • Four short dialogues • Playing Hangman
• Past Simple vs. (understanding specific • Act out a dialogue
What did • Past Continuous information) • Role play

you use to • A dialogue (completing a • Pair work: Talking about what one used to do or
do when dialogue about what a person didn t use to do
you were a used to or didn t use to do) • Project: Asking about what one used to do as a child
child? • An audio (putting sentences • Talking about one s childhood
in order) • Project: Making sentences with the Past Simple
and Past Continuous
• Camping • should - had better • A conversation (writing a list of • Playing Charades
equipment • have to, don t have to, camping equipment) • Act out dialogues
• School rules must, mustnt, need • A person giving • Role play a dialogue

to, don t need to recommendations for camping • Practicing a dialogue
Let s go
(understanding specific • Pair work: Talking about school rules
camping! • Game: Guessing game to talk about school rules
• A dialogue (completing • Talking about one s school rules
specific information about • Project: Talking about school rules
school rules)
• Types of • so-such • Listening and repeating • Completing words
movies • Tag Questions tongue twisters • Act out a dialogue
• Types of music • A conversation (understanding • Role play a dialogue

What kind of
specific structure) • Discussing movies
movies do
• A dialogue (understanding • Game: Talking about types of music
you like?
specific structure) • Project: Talking about movies
• Talking about a movie review
• Project: Asking about music
• Professions • may, might, could • A reporter asking people about • Playing "Yes or No" to say a job
• Activities • Zero Conditional their jobs (filling the blanks • Act out a dialogue
• First Conditional with jobs) • Role play a dialogue
• Four monologues • Pair work: Talking about what one may(not),

(understanding specific might(not) or could do
What is your
information) • Practice a conversation
• Three monologues • Discussing what one can do at specific places
(understanding specific • Game: Making sentences with may, might or could
information) • Reporting a survey about a dream job
• Project: Making sentences with conditional
• Public places • Indirect Questions • A dialogue (numbering public • Guessing game
• Activities • Relative Pronouns places) • Act out a dialogue
(who, which, that, • A monologue (putting • Role play a dialogue
where) • Pair work: Asking about the location of places

Do you know sentences in the correct order)
• Pair work: Describing what a professional does,
where the
then guess the job
bus stop is?
• Project: Asking about public places
• Talking about what activities family members do
• Project:Talking about places and activities one
does there
• Activities • Passive Voice • A dialogue (numbering • Spelling phrases
(Present Simple - phrases) • Act out a dialogue
Was the Past Simple) • A monologue (understanding • Role play a dialogue

Mona Lisa • Past Perfect Simple specific information) • Ask and answer questions with the Passive Voice
painted by • A monologue (understanding • Making sentences with the Past Perfect Simple
Leonardo da specific information) • Game: Asking questions with the Passive Voice
Vinci? • Talking about what one had done
• Project: Making sentences with the Past Perfect
Simple using a timeline
• Personal • Reflexive Pronouns • A monologue (completing • Play Charades
hygiene • Reported Speech sentences with specific • Act out a dialogue
• Commands (Commands) information) • Role play a dialogue
Do you • An audio (completing a text) • Interviewing classmates

8 brush your
hair before
• An audio (matching specific

Reporting commands
Project: Talking about what people can do by
• Talking about what one can do to prevent global
• Project: Reporting commands
Reading Writing Objective Culture corner Value
• Talking about dates • Tradition
• Talking about special days
• Talking about celebrations
• Identifiying numbers 1-1, 000,
000, 000

• Information about a • Matching school supplies and equipment • Talking about what someone • Peru s geography • Education
group of students • Unscrambling sentences is good at or bad at (school and climate
• Information about a • Completing dialogues subjects)
high school teacher • Completing words • Talking about current
• An e-mail to a friend from another country activities, temporary states
and future plans

• Information about • Putting words in order to write phrases • Talking about past habits • People 100 years ago • Growth
what a person • Matching pictures with vocabulary phrases • Narrating events and stories
used to do or • Completing sentences with used to or didnt use to in the past
didn t use to do and • Completing sentences with the Past Simple or the
an experience he Past Continuous
had when acting • Completing short dialogues with the Past Simple
or Past Continuous
• A paragraph about one s childhood

• Reading sentences • Matching words to their definitions • Asking for and giving advice • What are the schools • Be on time
• A teacher talking • Matching phrases with pictures • Expressing obligation, lack of like in Peru?
about school rules • Completing sentences about school rules obligation and prohibition
• A paragraph about school rules

• Sentences • Labeling movie words • Talking about types of movies • Peruvian music • Talent
(identifying types of • Completing a text with so or such and music
movies) • Completing a dialogue with so or such • Asking for confirmation
• A person giving • Completing sentences with Tag Questions
an opinion about • A review of a movie
types of movies and

• Information about a • Completing sentences with jobs • Expressing possibility • How to choose a • Teamwork
person s job and his • Matching phrases • Referring to conditions and career
friends jobs • Unscrambling sentences their results
• Matching the halves of the sentences
• A report describing people s dream jobs

• Information • Unscrambling letters to write words and matching • Asking for and giving • Arequipa • Citizenship
about someone s them to pictures information about public
neighborhood • Checking the correct phrases places
• Completing Indirect Questions • Defining people and things
• Writing Indirect Questions and giving information about
• Completing short dialogues with Relative them
• A paragraph about one s family s activities

• Reading sentences • Completing sentences with phrases • Giving an account of an event • El Misti Volcano • Opportunity
• A story • Completing phrases • Sequencing past actions and
• Writing sentences with the Past Perfect Simple events
• A paragraph about what one had done

• Information about • Completing sentences by circling the correct word • Talking about personal • How can we help slow • Protect your
an environmental or phrases hygiene and what one does down climate change? body
science major • Writing the missing words to complete phrases by oneself
• Checking the correct Reflexive Pronouns • Reporting commands
• Rewriting sentences using Reported Speech
• A paragraph on how to prevent global warming

Third Grade
What's the date today?
1. Listen and repeat. Track 1

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

first second third fourth fifth sixth

7 th
8 th
9 th
10 th
11 th
12 th
13 th

seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth

14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th

fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth

21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th

twenty-first twenty-second twenty-third twenty-fourth twenty-fifth twenty-sixth twenty-seventh

28th 29th 30th 31st

twenty-eighth twenty-ninth thirtieth thirty-first

2. Talk in pairs.

A: When's your birthday, Daniel?

B: It's on April 17th.
A: Oh, it's on Saturday!
B: Do you want to come to a
A: Sure.What time?
B: At 4pm.
A: Thanks. I'll be there.


When do you celebrate Mother's Day?

1. Listen and repeat. Track 2

Mother's Day Father's Day Teacher's Day

Independence Day Friendship Day Christmas Day

2. Role play.
A: When's Mother's Day in Peru?
B: It's in May.
A: How do you celebrate it?
B: We usually give flowers to our
mom and have lunch together.
A: That's nice!
3. Listen and repeat. Track 3

1 one 18 eighteen 34 thirty-four 10 ten 100 one hundred
2 two 19 nineteen 35 thirty-five 20 twenty 200 two hundred
3 three 20 twenty 36 thirty-six 30 thirty 300 three hundred
4 four 21 twenty-one 37 thirty-seven 40 forty 400 four hundred
5 five 22 twenty-two 38 thirty-eight 50 fifty 500 five hundred
6 six 23 twenty-three 39 thirty-nine 60 sixty 600 six hundred
7 seven 24 twenty-four 40 forty 70 seventy 700 seven hundred
8 eight 25 twenty-five 41 forty-one 80 eighty 800 eight hundred
9 nine 26 twenty-six 42 forty-two 90 ninety 900 nine hundred
10 ten 27 twenty-seven 43 forty-three
11 eleven 28 twenty-eight 44 forty-four 1, 000 one thousand
12 twelve 29 twenty- nine 45 forty-five 10, 000 ten thousand
13 thirteen 30 thirty 46 forty-six 100, 000 one hundred thousand
14 fourteen 31 thirty-one 47 forty-seven 1,000,000 one million
15 fifteen 32 thirty-two 48 forty-eight 10, 000,000 ten million
16 sixteen 33 thirty-three 49 forty-nine 100, 000,000 one hundred million
17 seventeen 1, 000, 000, 000 one billion

Third Grade 9

1. Listen and repeat. Then draw and guess. Track 4

P.E. history math literature geography

computer biology English art science


School supplies and equipment

plays map microscope paint palette

sports equipment compass protractor computer

What's your favorite

subject? UNIT

1. Listen and repeat. Then act out the dialogue. Track 5

My favorite
What's subject is
your favorite science.

Third Grade 11
2. Match the school subjects and what you learn or do.

1. history a. plays

2. biology b. the earth

3. geography c. about plants and animals

4. science d. exercises

5. physical education (P.E.) e. draw pictures

6. art f. programming

7. literature g. people s past

8. English h. numbers

9. computer science i. cells

10. math j. English words

3. Listen and complete. Track 6

a. The person's favorite subject is .

b. Manuel's favorite subject is .

c. Rose's favorite subject is .

d. The college students' favorite subject is .

e. Tom's favorite subject is .

f. Celia's favorite subject is .

g. Jerry's favorite subject is .

4. Match the pictures to the words.

1 2

a. map
3 b. plays 4

c. compass

d. microscope

e. computer

5 f. paint palette 6
g. sports equipment

h. protractor

7 8

5. Role play.

What do you
need for your
art class?
I need a paint

Third Grade 13
Lesson 1 Key language
1. Read the example. Then make sentences with a partner.

E.g. I'm good at geography, but I'm bad at science.

I am (not)
is (not)
good / bad at history.

are (not)

2. Make groups of four and ask each other the questions below.

P.E. history geography math

• What's your favorite subject?

• What subjects are you good at?
• What classes are you in?

computer science science

biology English art literature

Go to pg. 122 to
see more about
the verb be.

3. Put the words in order to make sentences.

a. good / He / is / at / literature /.

b. bad / is / at / biology /. / Mirtha

c. They / not / good / at / are / computer science /.

d. She / at / art / is / good /.

e. is / good / Pedro / at / English /. / not

f. good / at / We / are / not / geography /.

g. I / at / P.E. / am / good

4. Read the information about a group of students. Then circle true or false.

a. Betty isn't good at history.

true false

b. Pablo is good at biology.

true false

Hi, my name is James and these are c. Carla is good at computer science.
my high school friends. We're going to
true false
do a science project together. We like
science, but we're not that good at it.
Betty is good at history. Pablo is good d. James is not good at literature.
at biology. Carla is good at computer true false
science and I'm good at literature. Our
friend Nora is good at science. We're e. Nora isn't good at science.
going to go to her house at three o'clock,
so she can help us. true false

Third Grade 15
Lesson 2 Key language
1. Read the dialogue. Then practice with a partner.

A: What classes are you taking this term?

B: I'm taking geography.

A: What do you need for your geography class?

B: I need a map.

I am (not) I need / don't need

He He
needs /
is (not) She doesn't need
She a map.
taking geography.
You You
need /
We We don't need
are (not)
They They

2. Listen to the conversation and circle the correct answers. Track 7

1. Kate is taking pictures / COLLOCATIONS WITH TAKE

taking a shower in the morning. take a shower

take a picture
2. Sue's brother is taking a vacation / take notes
taking an exam tonight. take an exam
take a taxi
3. Pilar is not taking notes / take a vacation
taking a taxi.

4. The students are taking an exam / Go to pg. 122-

taking notes. to see more
about Present
Continuous and
5. The person is taking a vacation / Present Simple.
taking an exam next month.

3. Choose a or b.

1. A: What do you need for your math class? a. My favorite subject is math.
B: b. I need a protractor.

2. A: What classes is your brother taking this term? a. He's taking science and biology.
B: b. He needs a map.

3. A: What is your sister doing tonight? a. She needs a compass.

B: b. She's taking an exam.

4. A: What does the teacher need for her P.E class? a. Her favorite subject is English.
B: b. She needs sports equipment.

4. Complete the dialogue with the sentences a-d. Then practice it with a partner.

A: Hey Thomas! What's your favorite subject?

a. I'm also taking biology.
B: b. what we need for
A: Are you taking geography this month? c. Let's go.
d. My favorite subject is
B: Yes, and you? computer science.
A: Me too. Do you know

B: A map, I think.

A: Do you know if I'll need a microscope?

B: I'm not sure. Why don't we ask the new teacher?

A: Ok.

Third Grade 17
Having fun together

1. Look at the pictures and complete the words. Then ask.

What's your favorite subject?

What subjects are you good at?
What do you need for your science class?

1 2

b l g a s

3 4

c e c r r a o

5 6

n g i l s

7 8

e a h i o s p

9 10

h s t o m t

11 12

a i e u

Reading corner

1. Listen and read, then ask a partner. Track 8 Everything but

the kitchen sink

Being a teacher
Hi, Im Scott. Im a high school teacher in Dublin, Ireland. I
teach history, biology and science. Right now Im teaching
a science class. We need test tubes, microscopes and lab
coats. My students are taking notes because tomorrow
they are having an exam. Theyre usually good at science
and I think that its their favorite subject.

In the mornings, I usually take a shower, eat breakfast

and then take a taxi to school. Next week, I am taking a
vacation to England to see my parents in Manchester. I
need to take warm clothes because they told me that its
cold there. Even though its cold, I have to be careful not
to over pack and look like I packed everything, but the
kitchen sink!

Which subjects do you take at school?

2. Read again and answer the questions.

a. What is Scotts job?

b. Which subjects does he teach?

c. What are his students doing in class?

d. What does Scott do after taking a shower?

e. Where is he taking his vacation?

Third Grade 19
1. What are you and your friends good at in school?
What do you need for your subjects at school?
Write an e-mail to a friend from another country.

Writing an e-mail geography microscope
Part 1: e-mail subject literature plays
math map
Part 2: Greeting (Hello, Hi, Dear, etc.)
history compass
Part 3: Body (text of your email) computer science protractor
Part 4 & 5: Closing (Thanks, Sincerely, etc.) biology paint palette
Signature (your name) English computer
art sports equipment

Format Insert Draw Options Delete Send
Title 1 Title 2 Undo Redo


Dear Karen,
I haven't heard from you for a long time. I'm writing because yesterday was my first
day of school and I want to tell you about the subjects that I'm taking.

2. Talk to a partner.
Phrasal verbs
I'm taking science,
history and biology take on
this term. take down

Culture corner
1. Read and talk about the topic in pairs.

Peru's geography and climate

Peru is located in the western and central part of
South America. Its territory borders Ecuador and
Colombia to the north, Brazil and Bolivia to the
east and Chile to the south. It is the third largest BRAZIL
country in South America. Peru is an extremely
diverse country with 11 ecological regions. It also
has 84 of the world s 117 different types of "life
zone". It has an amazing variety of scenery thanks
to its geography, which also provides it with a wide
range of natural resources. The country has 3 main
regions: coast, mountains and jungle.

2. Make puzzle words.

Materials D EF
of school printed
bottle caps craft glue
subjects letters



Remove the pictures Your partner

Glue the letters
of school subjects should build the Ask: Are you
onto the bottle from T1. Choose a word with the good at math?
caps. picture for a partner. bottle caps.
Third Grade 21

1. Listen and repeat. Then play Hangman with the phrases. Track 9

go to the gym recycle the garbage make clothes walk to school

use a computer use a cell phone drive a car take the bus

mow the lawn knock on the door watch a documentary turn off the lights

fall off a ladder pick strawberries work in the garden see an accident

What did you use to do

when you were a child? UNIT

1. Listen and repeat. Then act out the dialogue. Track 10

I used to pick
What did you
strawberries with
use to do when you
my dad.
were a child?

Third Grade 23
2. Put the words in order and write the phrases. Then match the phrases to the

1. car / drive / a

2. computer / use / a

3. the / go / gym / to

4. a / documentary / watch

5. in / the / garden / work

6. lawn / mow / the

a b c

d e f

3. Listen to the conversations. Then put a check mark () under true or false. Track 11

true false
Conversation 1
Mia's dad used to make nice suits.

Conversation 2
The school students used to recycle garbage in the fifties.

Conversation 3
Nora takes the bus to work.

Conversation 4
Raul didn't mow the lawn yesterday.

4. Look at the pictures and number the phrases.

1 2 3

____work in the garden

____pick strawberries

____take the bus

4 5 6 ____turn off the lights

____fall off a ladder

____knock on the door

____use a cell phone

____see an accident

7 8 9 ____walk to school

5. Role play.

Did you Yes, I did.

use to walk
to school?

Third Grade 25
Lesson 1 Key language
1. Read the example. Then make sentences with a partner.

E.g. I used to walk to school when I was 10 years old.


He he

She she
used to / didn't use to use to take the
You take the bus to school. you bus to school?

We we

They they

2. Talk in pairs about the things you used to do or didn't use to do. Use some of the
pictures and the ideas in the box.

I used to take the bus to school when I was eight years old.

• go to the gym • drive a car

• recycle garbage • take the bus
• walk to school • watch a documentary
• use a computer • work in the garden
• use a cell phone • pick strawberries

Go to pg. 124 to
see more about
Used to.

Culture corner
1. Read and talk about the topic in pairs.

People 100 years ago

Children didn't have TVs. Instead, they listened to
the radio, read books and did chores after school.
They used to play cards and board games or play
with friends outside. Children also used to walk to
Nowadays people buy so many clothes. In the past
people used to make all their clothes. People used
to grow their own vegetables and raise chickens,
rabbits and pigs. Now, life has changed a lot.

2. Make a phrase box.

a wrapped colored a black scissors
shoebox paper marker

to wa
the lawn sc lk
walk mow work in ho
to school the lawn the garden ol
work in
the garden

Write the vocabulary phrases Cut out the phrases.

on the colored paper.

Take out a vocabulary phrase

Make a slit in the middle of the shoebox
and make a sentence.
cover and then insert the phrases
E.g. I was walking to school when
into the box.
I saw Susy working in the garden.
Third Grade 33
3. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
1. Why did people make their clothes?
a. used to b. use to c. didn't use to

2. I like watching documentaries, but now I don't.

a. used to b. use to c. didn't use to

3. What did you like doing when you were young?

a. used to b. use to c. didn't use to

4. Johnny drive a car, but he doesn't now.

a. used to b. use to c. didn't use to

5. People work in the garden like we do nowadays.

a. used to b. use to c. didn't use to

6. Did your dad use a computer when he was young?

a. used to b. use to c. didn't use to

4. Listen and complete the dialogue. Track 12

Sarah: Hi, Prita. Can you help me please? I don't know how to .

Prita: Ok, no problem. I

how to use one until I took a computer course.

Sarah: When I was younger, I didn't use to know how to

, then my mom
taught me. She used to be a dressmaker.

Prita: Wow, how cool is that. Do you want to have coffee with me this afternoon? We
can downtown.

Sarah: Sure, but can we walk? I'm trying to more.

Prita: I like that idea. I , but then I got lazy.

Sarah: Then we can get healthy together!

Third Grade 27
Lesson 2 Key language
1. Read the examples. Then make sentences with a partner.

E.g. While I was working in the garden, I saw an accident.

I was working in the garden when the accident happened.
As soon as I turned the lights off, I fell asleep.

he was he
watching a got on the
she she
While documentary, As soon as bus, I saw
you there was a you my best
blackout. friend.
we were we
they they

2. Complete the sentences with either the Past Simple or the Past Continuous form of
the verb.

a. While I (get) on the bus, it (start) to rain.

b. As soon as we (see) the accident, we (call)

an ambulance.

c. She (go) to the gym where she (meet)

her best friend.

d. They (find) a snake while they (work)

in the garden.

e. My uncle (knock) on the door as soon as he


Go to pg. 124 to see

more about the Past
Continuous and Past

3. Complete the dialogues with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

Conversation 1

A: I came to see you yesterday at 6 pm, but you weren't at home.

What (you / do)?
B: I was here, but I (watch) a documentary with my son,
so I ( not hear) the doorbell.

Conversation 2

A: I heard you broke your leg. How (it/happen)?

B: It happened when I (take) the bus two weeks ago.
I fell and I (land) badly.

Conversation 3

A: I heard you crashed your car again. (you / drive) too fast?
B: No! It wasn't my fault! I (go) thirty miles an hour when
this other car suddenly (come) out of a side street.

4. Listen to the audio and put the sentences in the correct order. Write 1 - 6. Track 13

a. Kyle's neighbor asked him to help him finish mowing the lawn.

b. Kyle opened the door and it was his mom.

c. Kyle was working in the garden picking strawberries when he heard

someone knocking on the door.

d. While Kyle was going to the gym, his cell phone rang.

e. When Rita was a kid, she didn't use to like strawberries, but now she
loves them.

f. The strawberries were all squashed and Kyle couldn't eat any of them.

Third Grade 29
Hands on and play

1. Make popsicles.


a black popsicle
craft foam templates

a pencil craft glue scissors

Place the popsicle

Trace around
templates on different Cut out the popsicles.
the popsicles.
colored craft foams.

Ask a partner:
recycle the
recycle the drive go to garbage use a
a car
Did you use to watch
garbage a car the gym cell phone documentaries when
go to use a take a
take a
you were a child?
the gym cell phone bus use a

watch a
use a watch a walk to documentary
computer school work in
pick the garden
walk to pick work in strawberries
school strawberries the garden

Write the vocabulary Glue on the popsicle

phrases on the popsicles. sticks.

Reading corner

1. Listen and read, then ask a partner. Track 14

shaken up

Hi, I'm Andy and I live in Mexico. I'm 25 years
old. When I was a kid, I used to walk to school
with my friends. In high school, the school was
too far away so I had to take the bus. My friends
and I used to act in plays. I really like acting!

When I was 20 years old, I was acting on stage

when I lost my voice. I couldn't speak, not a
word! Later that day, I was driving home when
a dog ran in front of my car. Luckily the dog
didn't get hurt, but I was very shaken up.

Later on that night, as soon as I arrived home,

I recycled the garbage, turned off the lights and
went to bed.

What did you use to do when

you were a kid?

2. Number the events (1 - 6 ) in the order in which they happened.

a. I was acting on stage when I lost my voice.

b. My friends and I used to act in plays.

c. I couldn't speak, not a word!

d. I was driving home when a dog ran in front of my car.

e. When I was a kid, I used to walk to school with my friends.

f. The dog didn't get hurt, but I was very shaken up.

Third Grade 31
1. What was your childhood like? Write a paragraph.

When as a conjunction
We use when as a conjunction meaning
School "at the time that". The clause with when
Clothing is a subordinate clause and needs a
main clause to complete its meaning.
ities) If the when clause comes before the
Recreation (free time activ
main clause, we use a comma.

I grew up in a small town. When I was a child, I used to play hopscotch with
my friends.

2. Talk to a partner.
I grew up in a small
town. When I was a
child, I used to play Phrasal verbs
hopscotch with my
friends. get in
get out


1. Listen and repeat. Then play Charades. Track 15

tent flashlight sleeping bag sleeping mat

mosquito repellent sunscreen compass canned food

School rules

be on time wear a uniform be organized chew gum

play in class pass notes text message eat in class

Let's go camping!

1. Listen and repeat. Then act out the dialogue.

Be on time

Track 16

A tent and a
sleeping bag.
What else should
we bring with us to go
camping, mom?

Third Grade 35
2. Match the words to their definitions.

1. sleeping bag a. a portable shelter made of cloth,

supported by one or more poles and
stretched tight by cords
2. sunscreen
b. a battery-operated portable light

3. tent c. a simple pad often used in conjunction

with a sleeping bag

4. canned food d. a warm lined padded bag to sleep in

e. a cream or lotion rubbed onto the skin to

protect it from the sun
5. flashlight

f. food sterilized by heat in a closed,

6. sleeping mat durable container such as tin and
aluminum cans

3. Listen to the conversation and write a list of things they need for camping. Track 17


4. Match the phrases with the pictures.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

a. play in class b. be organized c. chew gum

d. wear a uniform e. eat in class f. be on time

g. text message h. pass notes

5. Role play.

to be on time

Third Grade 37
Lesson 1 Key language
1. Read the dialogue. Then practice it with a partner.

E.g. A: I'm going to go camping. What should I bring?

B: You should bring a tent and you had better take some mosquito repellent.

should / shouldn't
eat canned food.

We had better / had better not


2. Practice the conversation with a partner.

A: Hi, Annie.
B: Hey, Alison. Are we going to go camping this weekend?
A: Yes, we are. What should I bring?
B: You should bring a tent, a sleeping bag and a sleeping mat.
A: What about canned food?
B: Yes, you should bring that too.
A: OK, anything else?
B: You should bring sunscreen and you had better take
mosquito repellent too.
A: Thanks!
B: You're welcome.

Go to pg. 125 to
see more about should
and had better.

3. Which sentence is correct? Circle a, b or c.

1 2
a. You should be on time. a. You should chew gum.
b. You should being on time. b. You should chewing on time.
c. You shouldn't be on time. c. You shouldn't chew gum.

3 4
a. You should passed notes. a. You should put on sunscreen.
b. You should passing notes. b. You should putting sunscreen.
c. You shouldn't pass notes. c. You shouldn't put on sunscreen.

5 6
a. You should ate in class. a. You should played in class.
b. You should eating in class. b. You should playing in class.
c. You shouldn't eat in class. c. You shouldn't play in class.

4. Listen to the information and put a check mark next to true or false. Track 18

a. You should always have enough water for camping. true false

b. You should drink water out of the lakes and rivers without
true false
boiling it.

c. You had better come prepared to carry all your trash out. true false

d. You had better not leave any trash on the mountain, not
true false
even orange or banana peels.

e. You shouldn't leave a campsite better than you found it. true false

Third Grade 39
Lesson 2 Key language
1. Read the examples. Then make sentences with a partner.

E.g. You have to be on time to school.

You don't have to wear a uniform every day.

You must be organized.

You mustn't pass notes in class.

You need to have a notebook.

You don't need to bring a cellphone to class.

2. Talk to your partner about your school rules.

E.g. We must wear a uniform. We don't need to bring a laptop to school.

• be on time

• wear a uniform

• be organized

• chew gum

• play in class

• pass notes

• text message

• eat in class

• bring a laptop to school

• study for a test

Go to pg. 125
to see more about have
to, must and need to.

3. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. There can be more than one

a. You chew gum in class.

b. They be on time to school.

c. We be organized when have to / has to

doing our homework.
don't have to / doesn't have to

d. She pass notes when she's must / mustn't

taking an exam.
need to / needs to

e. They play in class. don't need to / doesn't need to

f. He wear a uniform.

g. I eat in class.

4. Listen and complete the dialogue with the missing words. Track 19

A: Will they need uniforms this year?

B: No, they to wear uniforms.

A: What are the rules about cell phones?

B: They had better not text message during class.

A: What else should we know?

B: They eat in class. They chew gum. They

pass notes and they to be on time, organized, and
ready to work.

A: That was very straight forward, thank you.

Third Grade 41
Having fun together

1. Find someone who…? Then have a partner guess his or her name.

A: I think Andrea chews gum.

B: Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't. Try again!

Classmate's name Classmate's name

chews gum

eats in class

wears a uniform

is on time

plays in class

passes notes

texts messages

is organized

has a notebook

brings a cellphone to class

2. Tell your classmates about your school rules using the phrases above.

E.g. You have to be on time to school.

You don't have to wear a uniform every day.

You must be organized.

You mustn't pass notes in class.

You need to have a notebook.

You don't need to bring a cellphone to class.

Reading corner

1. Listen and read, then ask a partner. Track 20

Bend the rules

School rules
Hi, my name is Ms. Grace and I'm a
high school teacher. On the first day,
I always tell the students the school
rules. If they don't follow these rules, I
ask to speak to their parents.

Students at my school don't have to

wear uniforms, but they must wear
proper clothes. The other school rules
say that they should be on time and
be organized. Students also must not
chew gum, eat or send text messages
in class.

Some students try to bend the rules,

but most of them are good and follow

What rules do you have at your


2. Read again and write T for True or F for False.

a. Ms. Grace doesn't tell her students the rules.

b. She speaks to the students' parents if they don't follow the rules.

c. Students don't wear uniforms.

d. Students should be on time.

e. Chewing gum in class is allowed.

Third Grade 43
1. What are your school rules? Write a paragraph to answer the question.

be on time wear a uniform
are instructions that tell you what
be organized chew gum you are or are not allowed to do.
play in class pass notes
E.g. You mustn't eat in class.
text message eat in class

We shouldn't chew gum. We mustn't eat in class.

2. Talk to a partner.
We shouldn't chew Phrasal verbs
gum. We mustn't
eat in class. listen up
speak up

Culture corner
1. Read and talk about the topic in pairs.

What are the schools like in Peru?

Public schools follow the local Peruvian curriculum with
instructions in Spanish. Some public schools in rural
areas also have instructions in a local language such
as Quechua. The Peruvian education system is split
into three levels: kindergarten, primary and secondary
Students have the responsibility...
• to attend school regularly.
• to respect the rights of others to learn.
• to respect their peers and teachers regardless of ethnicity, religion or gender.
• to respect the property and equipment of the school and others.

2. Make school rule signs.

pictures of popsicle
school rules sticks glue

a black scissors construction
marker paper

be on time chew gum pass notes

Cut out construction Remove the pictures of Write the school rules
school rules from T2. Glue
paper squares. them onto the squares. under the pictures.

be on time chew gum pass notes be on time

Glue the popsicle sticks onto Talk to a partner about each school rule.
the back of the squares. E.g. You must be on time to class.
Third Grade 45

1. Listen and repeat. Then say the initial letter of a vocabulary word for a partner to
complete it. Track 21
A: w
B: western

horror comedy action drama

romance science fiction thriller western

animated musical adventure

Types of music

country classical rock blues

electronic hip hop jazz folk

What kind of movies
do you like?

1. Listen and repeat. Then act out the dialogue.

Track 22

What kind of movies

do you like?
I like comedies.

Third Grade 47
2. Read and circle the correct word.

a. I like to laugh, that is why I like comedies / dramas.

b. I really like technology and the idea of what it will be like in the future, like space
exploration, that's why I like western / science fiction.

c. I grew up on a ranch always watching old western / adventure movies.

d. Drama / Romance is a typical love story.

e. I really like singing, so I like watching animated movies / musicals.

f. I don't like being scared, so I don't like to watch horror / action movies.

g. I like to watch movies with a lot of stunts that are action / thriller packed.

h. I watched a movie about exploring caves and it was full of adventure / comedy.

3. Listen and repeat the tongue twisters. Track 23

1. Laughing until I cry, feeling joy, feeling comfortable,

having a fun feeling, having fun watching comedies.

2. Singing Sally sang badly in the marvelously, magical

musical because singing Sally couldn't carry a single
sweet tune.

3. Car chase, car race, foot chase, running through a

maze, going to a different place, never feeling safe,
nonstop action.

4. Label the pictures.

country classical rock blues

electronic hip hop jazz folk

a. b. c.

d. e. f.

g. h.

5. Role play.

What I like rock.

kind of music do
you like?

Third Grade 49
Lesson 1 Key language
1. Read the examples. Then make sentences with a partner.

E.g. The ending of the movie Titanic was so sad that I cried a lot.
Chucky is such a scary movie that I don't like it.

2. Think of a few movies that you know well (horror, action, drama, etc.). Look at the
adjectives below and discuss the following questions in pairs or groups.

hilarious fascinating entertaining violent

enjoyable brilliant unforgettable surprising

A: What kind of movies do you like?

B: I like science fiction and musicals.
A: Why do you like these genres?
B: Because science fiction is so surprising
and musicals are so enjoyable.

3. Listen to the conversation and circle the correct answer. Track 24

a. Jaws was so / such a realistic thriller that I couldn't swim in the ocean for a
year after I saw it.

b. The movie Chucky was so / such a scary that I couldn't sleep alone for a
month after I saw it.

c. Rocky is so / such a classic movie that it would be surprising if you haven't

seen it.

d. I sometimes pretend I am Indiana Jones on an adventure when I am hiking

and that is so / such a fascinating.

Go to pg. 126 to see more

about so and such.

4. Complete the text with so or such.

What did you do last weekend?

Saturday night, I went to a movie. It was the new movie that

gives a behind the scenes look at the rock music group,
Queen. It is called Bohemian Rhapsody, it's
an amazing story. I had no idea about the true story of the
lead singer, Freddy Mercury. I knew that he died from AIDS,
but had no idea that he wrote a song about it while living
with the disease. It was powerful to
watch it on screen, it took much courage
to know you are dying and to tell the world about it. If you
haven't seen this movie you have to, it is
incredible. It's also an unforgettable film.

5. Complete the dialogue with so or such.

Johnny: Have you seen Despicable Me?

Eric: Is that an animated kid's movie?
Johnny: Yes, but it is hilarious.
How about another animated movie,
Eric: Yes, I have seen that many times because
my niece likes to watch it. She thinks it is
a fascinating movie. We
watched it twice in one day! Oh, have you
seen Avatar?
Johnny: Yes, that is a good movie. It was brilliant.
Eric: Yes, I found it entertaining and relatable to
current situations.
Johnny: What do you mean?
Eric: Like the violent act of deforestation and ruining habitats.
Johnny: I see your point. That is a clever observation.

Third Grade 51
Lesson 2 Key language
1. Read the examples. Then make Tag Questions with a partner.

E.g. Electronic music is loud, isn't it?

You like rock music, don't you?

They went to a jazz concert yesterday, didn't they?

2. Roll a die and talk about different kinds of music. Use the adjectives in the box.

loud soft beautiful awful

out of tune popular traditional rhythmic

Rock music is rhythmic, isn't it?

Miss a
START turn

country classical rock

Go ahead Go back
1 space to start

blues jazz electronic

Go back Miss a
1 space turn
hip hop folk

Go to pg. 126 to
see more about Tag

3. Listen and complete the dialogue. Track 25

A: Hey, Steve. You like to sing, ?

We're going to karaoke later. Do you want to come?

B: Yes, I do, but I always sing out of tune!

A: Don't worry about it. What kind of music do you like? I really like rock and
country music, ?

B: No way! I don't music. It's awful! I prefer to listen to hip hop.

A: Hip hop is popular, ? I think it's and great to


B: Maybe we should go dancing too?

A: Oh no, I have two left feet!

4. Complete the sentences with the correct Tag Questions.

a. You like traditional music, ?

b. She is a singer, but she's out of tune, ?

c. He played folk music beautifully, ?

d. Blues aren't so popular, ?

e. My mom loves classical music, ?

f. They didn't play jazz yesterday, ?

g. You enjoy listening to soft music, ?

h. Your grandpa played a popular song last week, ?

i. She dances hip hop, ?

Third Grade 53
Hands on and play

1. Make letter cubes.


paper (20cm a black a small die
a pencil template scissors
x 10cm) glue marker

Place and trace the die template Cut out 24 colored die templates.
on the colored construction paper.

x i pw

w s j c z i v er nt cc e
a b e w o x v

d u s e u y e f a i w cw t w i w ow n
e w o i r w u

Glue the flaps to make Write different letters on the Build a movie vocabulary
the cubes. cubes with the black marker. word and then talk about it.

Avatar is so fascinating
and such an entertaining movie that
I've watched it three times.

Reading corner

1. Listen and read, then ask a partner. Track 26 Blow my

own horn
A music and movie lover
Hey, I'm Shaye and I'm a big fan of music and movies. My
favorites are romance and drama. The ending to the movie
Titanic was so sad that I couldn't stop crying when it ended!
Animated movies and musicals are great too, aren't they? I
also think they're brilliant and often hilarious.
I'm a singer in a rock band and we're playing in a concert
tonight. Rock music is rhythmic and loud, but I like it! I
don't want to blow my own horn, but we practice a lot and
it sounds great. I don't really listen to electronic music. It's
awful, isn't it?

What kind of music and movies do you like?

2. Read again and check the correct answer.

1. What are Shaye's favorite movies?
a. His favorite movies are romance and science fiction.
b. His favorite movies are horror and comedy.
c. His favorite movies are romance and drama.
2. What does he think about animated movies and musicals?
a. He thinks that they're brilliant and often hilarious.
b. He thinks that they are violent and fascinating.
c. He thinks that they're unforgettable and enjoyable.
3. What's his opinion about rock music?
a. It's out of tune and popular.
b. It's rhythmic and loud.
c. It's awful and traditional.

Third Grade 55
1. Write a review of a movie you've recently seen. Your review should be between 80-
100 words.

When writing a movie review

enjoyable hilarious • choose a movie you know well and make a plan
brilliant violent of what you are going to write.
unforgettable fascinating • give some general information about the movie.
entertaining surprising • only mention a general outline of the plot.
• express your opinion of the movie and say whether
you recommend it or not.

Frozen is such a fascinating animated movie that I'd like to watch it again.
The movie is about…

2. Talk to a partner.
Frozen is such a fascinating
animated movie that I'd
like to watch it again. The Phrasal verbs
movie is about…
act out
get back

Culture corner
1. Read and talk about the topic in pairs.

Peruvian music
Thanks to the recent archaeological discoveries of
musical instruments, experts now know that in Peru,
music has been played at least as far back as 10,000
years ago. This ancient tradition created quenas,
zampoñas, pututos (trumpets made from sea shells)
and a wide variety of other wind instruments. The
encounter between the Andes and the Western World
has given rise in Peru to 1,300 musical genres. But two
of them have crossed the country's borders and have
become symbols of Peru's identity: The huayno and
the marinera.

2. Make maracas.

a pencil popsicle
sticks glue
a black scissors construction
marker paper

Classical music
classical rock blues
classical rock blues is very traditional,
isn't it?

electronic hip hop jazz electronic hip hop jazz

country folk country

Draw and cut out Write the music Glue on the

Role play.
the maracas. vocabulary words. popsicle sticks.

Third Grade 57
Review What's your favorite subject?
Unit 1

1. Circle the correct word.

a. In science class, we used a protractor / microscope to look at different cells.

b. We are learning how computers work in our biology / computer science class.

c. Geography class is my favorite: We use protractors / maps to find different places.

d. In literature / art class we are learning about different people throughout history like
Shakespeare, who wrote plays.

e. Art is fun, we get to create pictures with a paint palette / compass.

f. We are dissecting different animals in biology / history.

g. I learned how to draw different angles using a compass / protractor.

h. In English / P.E. we play different games with all kinds of sports equipment.

2. Complete the sentences by filling in the blanks.

a. I good at P.E., but I'm not good at running.

b. They bad at math.

c. She bad at history that's why she needs to study more.

d. He good at geography and wants to travel to many countries.

e. We bad at math and we think it's boring!

3. Circle the correct word to complete the sentences and then match them.

1. You are taking math / geography and a. they need to read many plays.

2. We are taking art / history and b. he needs to use a microscope.

3. He is taking science / English and c. she needs a computer.

4. They are taking biology / literature and d. you need a map.

5. She is taking computer science / P.E. and e. we need paint palettes.

What did you use to do when Review
you were a child? Review

1. Read the text and underline the correct phrases.

I left my house and turned on / turned off all the

lights in my bedroom. As I was leaving home, I
could smell fresh cut grass because my dad had
just picked strawberries / mowed the lawn. I
ran because I had to make it in time to take the
bus / drive a car. Sometimes, if I am not running
late, I fall off the ladder / walk to school.
After school, I usually go to my friend's house. I
knock on the door and ask if he wants to go to the
gym / make clothes to work out. Today on our
way back home, we saw an accident / watched
a documentary. It was a terrible car crash.

2. Complete the dialogue with used to or didn't use to.

Rose: Hey Sam, do you like strawberries?

Sam: Yes! I like them, but now I love them.

Rose: Awesome, my family buy them, but now we grow them.

Sam: By the way, is Sasha taking the bus to school tomorrow?

Rose: No, she take the bus, now she walks to school.

Sam: OK, text me tomorrow so we can catch the bus together.

Rose: I can't. I have a cell phone, but I lost it!

3. Write the correct form of the verb in parentheses with the Past Simple or the Past

a. While I strawberries, I a snail. (pick / find)

b. As soon as they how to make clothes, they

buying them from the clothes store. (learn / stop)

c. While he the computer, he coffee on it. (use / spill)

d. As she to the gym, she her best friend. (go / see)

e. While we a documentary, the TV blank. (watch/go)

Third Grade 59
Review Let's go camping!
Unit 3

1. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases in the box.

tent sleeping bag sleeping mat be organized wear a uniform

be on time canned food compass text message

a. When you go camping you have to and make sure you have
everything with you.
b. I always check and re-check to make sure I have a so I know where
I am going, a to sleep in, a , so I don't freeze
at night, and a so it is more comfortable than just sleeping on the
ground, and it is easier to bring to eat, so it doesn't go bad.
c. Our school is a private school where everyone has to . There isn't
much self-expression through clothes.
d. Could you send a to Steve, to tell him what time to meet. Make it an
hour earlier since he won't .

2. Underline the correct words.

a. You should / shouldn't bring a tent when you go camping.
b. They should / shouldn't take a flashlight into the cave because it is usually dark.
c. I should / shouldn't take sunscreen and I had better / hadn't better bring mosquito
d. We should / shouldn't take a lot of canned food, it will be very heavy!
e. He should / shouldn't bring a compass and he had better / hadn't better learn to read
a map.

3. Choose a or b to complete the sentences.

1. The teacher told us that we and always do our homework.
a. must be organized
b. mustn't be organized
2. At my school, we a uniform, but our clothes be
clean and tidy.
a. do need to wear / doesn't have to
b. don't have to wear / need to
3. We to use a laptop at school, just notebooks and pens.
a. don't have
b. have to
4. She or eat in class.
a. must chew gum
b. mustn't chew gum
What kind of movies do you like? Review
Unit 4

1. Write the missing letters.

a. c try

b. j zz

c. b e

d. sc n f t n

e. a ven u

f. h r

g. a n a

h. c ed

2. Fill in the blanks with so or such.

a. I can't watch horror movies. They are fake that they aren't even scary anymore.

b. I love the new musical "La La Land". It was a good movie that I am going to
see it again next weekend.

c. "Dumb and Dumber" is a comedy that is funny that I have seen it over twenty

d. I don't like to watch dramas because they are boring movies that I fall asleep.

e. I like watching science fiction movies. They are creative that it really forces you
to use your imagination.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct Tag Questions.

a. Those dancers are really rhythmic, ?

b. Classical isn't always my favorite, but it is beautiful, ?

c. I think hip hop music is too violent, ?

d. African Americans created jazz music, ?

e. Blues is similar to jazz music, ?

f. They like electronic music, ?

Third Grade 61
Key words
School subjects

P.E. history math literature geography

computer biology English art science


School supplies and equipment

plays map microscope paint palette

sports equipment compass protractor computer


go to the gym recycle the garbage make clothes walk to school

use a computer use a cell phone drive a car take the bus

mow the lawn knock on the door watch a documentary turn off the lights

fall off a ladder pick strawberries work in the garden see an accident

Third Grade 63
Camping equipment

tent flashlight sleeping bag sleeping mat

mosquito repellent sunscreen compass canned food

School rules

be on time wear a uniform be organized chew gum

play in class pass notes text message eat in class

Types of movies

horror comedy action drama

romance science fiction thriller western

animated musical adventure

Types of music

country classical rock blues

electronic hip hop jazz folk

Third Grade 65

1. Listen and repeat. Then play Yes or No and say the job. Track 27 A: Do you build houses?
B: Yes / No!

builder reporter housekeeper electrician

plumber mechanic secretary hairdresser


build a house report the news clean the house install electrical

fix pipes fix the car schedule meetings style hair

What is your job?

1. Listen and repeat. Then act out the dialogue.


Track 28

What is your job?

I'm a secretary.

Third Grade 67
2. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

a. He's a .

b. She's a .

c. He's an .

d. She's a .

e. She's a .

f. He's a .

g. He's a .

h. He's a .

3. Listen to a reporter asking people about their jobs and fill in the blanks. Track 29

a. I am a . I fix pipes.

b. I would be cleaning houses. I am a .

c. I am an , so I'd be installing electrical power.

d. I am a . I schedule meetings.

4. Match.

1. build a. the news

2. fix b. the car

3. report c. meetings

4. fix d. pipes

5. clean e. electrical power

6. schedule f. the house

7. style g. hair

8. install h. a house

5. Role play.

What do you I report the news.

do as a reporter?

Third Grade 69
Lesson 1 Key language
1. Read the examples. Then make sentences with a partner.

E.g. The mechanic may (not) have time to fix your car tomorrow.
The secretary might (not) schedule a meeting for tonight.
The reporter could have time to report the latest news tonight.

2. Talk in pairs about what you may (not), might (not) or could do. Use the phrases

I'm on vacation. I
might go on a trip.
take a nap
go on a trip
have a haircut
have a party

3. Practice the conversation with a partner.

Secretary: Hello, Dr. Waters's office. How may I help you?

Patient: Could I speak with Dr. Waters, please?

Secretary: He's with a patient right now. May I take a message?

Patient: I'm having an allergic reaction to the medicine Dr. Waters prescribed.

Secretary: Could you come down to the office? I will push back his next appointment.

Patient: Yes, I might do that. Go to pg. 126-127

to see more about
may, might and
Secretary: Okay, I have you scheduled for an appointment in an hour. could.

Patient: That is perfect. It'll take me thirty minutes to get there anyway.

Secretary: Good, see you soon.

4. Make sentences by putting the words in the correct order.

a. plumber / . / be / pipes / able / to / our / The / broken / fix / might

b. The / our / may / build / month / builder / . / next / start / to / house

c. house / is / a / mess / ! / couldn't / clean / today / Our / housekeeper / and /now / the / it

d. not / afternoon /. / hairdresser / to / this / able / might / hair / my / style / be / My

e. may / a / have / I / party / tonight /.

f. story / . / might / The / interview / his / reporter / for / us

g. appointment / tomorrow / schedule / an / . / secretary / The / may / with / lawyer / the / for

5. Listen and complete the sentences with the words from the box. Track 30

might go could build you a house

may start might restore his Ford Mustang

1. Bob in two months.

2. Cristina and cover a story on the situation in Mexico.

3. James with his son someday.

4. Shaina to do the nails as well.

Third Grade 71
Lesson 2 Key language
1. Read the examples. Then make sentences with a partner.

E.g. If your car breaks down, the mechanic usually fixes it.

If there is a leak in the basement, the plumber will fix the pipes.

2. Look at the flyers below and discuss what you can do at each place. Then decide
where you will go.

If we go to the zoo, we can feed the animals.

• feed the animals • buy shoes / clothes

• see a tiger • eat at restaurants
• take pictures with the animals • go to the movie theater

Ticket prices This week 50% discount in all

Adults: S/ 20 stores and25% in restaurants
Children: S/ 10 and the movie theater.

Go to pg. 127 to see

more about the Zero
and First Conditionals.

3. Match the halves of the sentences.

1. If there is an accident,

2. If there is a leak,

3. If you need to schedule an appointment,

4. If you want to build a house,

5. If the lights go out in your house,

6. If one of the cars breaks down,

a. the plumber will fix it.

b. you have to talk to the secretary.

c. a mechanic will fix it.

d. you will need to hire a builder.

e. the reporter usually reports it on the news.

f. you have to call an electrician.

4. Listen to three people talking about their jobs. Match the people with the
statements a-d. There is one extra statement which you do not need to use. Track 31

a. If something is wrong with the power, he fixes it.


b. If there is an accident, she will report it.


c. If I have time, I sometimes clean the house.

d. If he gets a call about a leak, he usually goes immediately.

Third Grade 73
Having fun together

1. Say the matching numbers to form phrases and then make a sentence.

The mechanic may / might / could fix the car tonight.

1 2 3 4

install hair meetings the

5 6 7 8

fix pipes news style

9 10 11 12

car house report clean

13 14 15 16

the electrical fix build

17 18 19 20

the house a schedule power

Reading corner

1. Listen and read, then ask a partner. Track 32

Living the dream

I'm a hairdresser!
I know it doesn't seem like the ideal job, but I found that I like to make
people feel good and look good. That's why I became a hairdresser. I
have met a lot of people and a lot of them have become my friends.
I have a friend who is an electrician. If there is anything wrong with the
power, he comes to fix it. One of my friends, who is a builder, actually
built my salon, and will hopefully build my house next year. I have a
friend who is a mechanic. I met her when I needed to get my motorcycle
fixed. Now we exchange work on my motorcycle for haircuts. She likes
to ride motorcycles and so do I.
Our other friend is a reporter for the local news. He didn't ride motorcycles
until he met us. Now we all go riding together. This weekend we might
take a two-day ride into the mountains and we may even go camping. If
we are all off work, we will go.
Some can say that I'm living the dream and doing what I love. I like to
meet new people.
What is your dream job?

2. Put an X next to the correct answer.

According to the text,

1. the hairdresser likes to make people feel .

a. bad b. good c. important

2. when there's something wrong with the power he calls the .

a. reporter b. plumber c. electrician

3. his friend the built his salon.

a. mechanic b. reporter c. builder
4. who fixes his motorcycle?
a. a builder b. a mechanic c. a housekeeper
5. where will they go on their two-day ride?
a. to the mountains b. to a lake c. to the city
Third Grade 75
1. Do a dream job survey and ask your friends why they like it. Then write a report
describing your findings.

How to write a work report

- It should give factual information. builder reporter
- It is written in formal language and is impersonal. housekeeper electrician
- A work report will have the following layout: plumber mechanic
Heading, introduction, main part and conclusion. secretary hairdresser

Dream Jobs!

I interviewed various classmates about their dream job and this is what I found

out. My friend Carolina might study to be a reporter because she'd like to work on

TV. If she has her own program, she will

build houses
report the news
clean houses
install electrical power
fix pipes
fix cars
schedule meetings
style hair
2. Talk to a partner.
I interviewed various classmates
about their dream job and this
is what I found out. My friend
Carolina might study to be a Phrasal verbs
reporter because she'd like to
work on TV. If she has her own get on
program, she will
get off

Culture corner
1. Read and talk about the topic in pairs.

How to choose a career

• Know yourself, your strengths, values,
personality and skills. This will help you
decide which choice best fits you.
• Know your options and learn about each one.
• Do research to see if you're really interested in
this (to make sure it's something you'd enjoy).
• Talk to people who have worked in that field
to get their advice and insights.

2. Make job puppets.

a black popsicle
job faces craft glue marker sticks
report the news

build a house

style hair

fix pipes

Remove the job faces Choose a job and talk to a partner.

Write the phrases
from T3. Glue the faces If there's a leaking pipe in your
that match the jobs.
onto the popsicle sticks. house, I'll fix it.

Third Grade 77

1. Listen and repeat. Then blindfold a partner. Have him / her guess the word or phrase
of the picture you pointed to. Track 33

bus stop train station church clothes shop

butcher shop gas station bakery hardware store


catch the bus take the train go to church buy clothes

buy meat get gas buy bread buy pliers

Do you know where

the bus stop is? UNIT

1. Listen and repeat. Then act out the dialogue. Track 34

Excuse me, do you It's on the corner.

know where the bus
stop is?

Third Grade 79
2. Unscramble the letters and write the words. Then match them to the pictures.

a. aheadwrr setro

b. ubs ospt

c. eurtcbh ohsp

d. nrtai sttnaio

e. ags onsatit

f. arykeb

g. rchhuc

h. ocslhte spho

3. Listen and number. Write 1-5. Track 35

a. church

b. clothes shop

c. bakery

d. butcher

e. train station

4. Look at the picture and check the correct box.

a. take the train a. buy pliers a. buy meat

b. catch the bus b. buy meat b. buy clothes

a. get gas a. take the train a. buy pliers

b. go to church b. catch the bus b. buy bread

5. Role play.

Who buys
My grandma.
the bread in your

Third Grade 81
Lesson 1 Key language
1. Read the examples and then ask.

E.g. Do you know where the bakery is?

Can you tell me what time the clothes shop opens?
Could you tell me where you got the beef steaks?
Would you mind telling me when you will catch the bus?

2. Imagine that you're going to go to the clothes shop. Ask your partner.

A: Can you tell me where the clothes shop is?

B: It's in front of the park.
next to
in front of
across from
on Venezuela



Go to pg.

see more

about Indirect





3. Change the direct questions into Indirect Questions.

a. Where is the train station?

Can you tell me ?

b. Where does she catch the bus for school?

Do you know ?

c. When will we go to buy clothes for the party?

Could you tell me ?

d. Where is the nearest gas station so that we can get gas?

Can you tell me ?

e. I love this bread, where did you buy it?

Would you mind telling me ?

f. How will he go to Arequipa?

Do you know ?

4. Look at the answers and write the Indirect Questions.

1. A: Could you tell me ?

B: The bakery usually opens at eight o'clock.

2. A: Do you know ?
B: He bought pliers from the hardware store yesterday.

3. A: Would you mind telling me ?

B: There is a bus stop about ten minutes from here on the right.

4. A: Do you know ?
B: The butcher on Main Street has the best salami.

5. A: Can you tell me ?

B: She will buy her new dress from the clothes shop.

6. A: Excuse me, could you tell me ?

B: You can take the train from central station.
Third Grade 83
Lesson 2 Key language
1. Read the examples. Then make sentences with a partner.

E.g. He's the one who / that buys bread every morning.

That shop where my mom bought her blouse is my favorite.

That is the jacket which / that I will buy in the new clothes shop.

2. Describe what a professional does and have your partner guess the job.

A: It's someone who cleans houses.

B: A housekeeper.

• schedule meetings • fix cars • report the news

• install electrical power • clean houses • fix pipes
• style hair • build houses

builder reporter housekeeper electrician

plumber mechanic secretary hairdresser

Go to pg. 128 to see

more about Relative

3. Complete the dialogues with which, that or where.

1. A: I want to get gas. Can you help me?

B: There is a gas station on the corner you can get cheap gas.
A: Thank you.

2. A: I want to go to church in the morning.

B: There will be a service at the church is near my house.

A: Can I come with you?
B: Of course, come around 9 am and we can walk together.

3. A: I broke my pliers yesterday.

B: What size do you need? I have a pair at home you can borrow.
A: Thanks, but I need to buy my own for my job.

B: I know of a hardware store you can buy good pliers.

A: Great, I will go there this afternoon.

4. Listen to the audio and put the sentences in the correct order. Write 1- 5. Track 36

a. My dad goes to the hardware store, which is close to our house, to buy tools
like pliers and materials for projects around the house.

b. My mother always goes to the bakery which has the freshest bread in town.
Then she goes to the butcher who has the best meats.

c. On the weekends, my sister, who is older than I, usually goes shopping to buy

d. My mom, who usually does the cooking, has already made dinner by this time,
so we usually eat at 8 pm.

e. On the weekdays, I catch the bus which gets to school at eight in the morning.

Third Grade 85
Hands on and play

1. Make a craft bus.


popsicle big and small

craft glue pictures of places
sticks buttons

Make a bus with the popsicle sticks. Glue on the buttons to make
the tires and lights.

Remove the pictures of places from T4. Using the pictures on the bus,
Glue them on the windows. ask a partner Indirect Questions:

E.g. Do you know where the gas station is?

Can you tell me what time the bakery opens?
Could you tell me where you bought your T-shirt?
Would you mind telling me when you will go to the hardware store?

Reading corner

1. Listen and read, then ask a partner. Track 37

Hit the road

Our neighborhood
Hi, I'm Teresa. I like my neighborhood because it's
small, but there's so much you can do! Just down the
road is the bakery where my mom buys bread every
morning because it's fresh and delicious. My dad is
a butcher and many people say his shop is the place
which sells the best salami. My grandma and my
parents like to go to church early, but I prefer to go at
night with my friends. We don't have a mall in our town,
but we have a train station where you can take the train
to a city nearby. Today, we will take the train to the mall
to buy clothes and supplies for my birthday party. My
dad also needs to go to the hardware store to buy tools
that he needs for the butcher shop.
Sometimes we can't take the train, so we take the bus
at the bus stop near my school. We will hit the road
early, so that we can set up the house for my party.
What's your neighborhood like?

2. Read and circle the correct answer.

a. Teresa's neighborhood is small / large, but there's so much you can do.

b. Teresa's parents go to / don't go to church early.

c. They have / don't have a mall in their town.

d. The train goes / doesn't go to the mall in a nearby city.

e. Teresa will buy new clothes / shoes for her birthday party.

f. The family will / won't hit the road early, so that they can set up for the party.

Third Grade 87
1. Who does the following activities in your family? Write a paragraph to answer the

How do you write a paragraph?

catch the bus
take the train • Unity: Unity in a paragraph begins with the
topic sentence.
go to church
• Order: Order refers to the way you organize
buy clothes your supporting sentences.
buy meat • Coherence: Coherence is the quality that
get gas makes your writing understandable.
buy bread • Completeness.

These are the activities that each of my family members do. My youngest brother is

the one who catches the bus to go to school, the rest of us take the train.

2. Talk to a partner.
These are the activities that each
of my family members do. My
youngest brother is the one who
catches the bus to go to school, Phrasal verbs
the rest of us take the train.
run out of
pay off

Culture corner
1. Read and talk about the topic in pairs.

Arequipa dazzles the onlooker with its characteristic pearly white colonial buildings
made of volcanic sillar stone. From the shimmering white Baroque churches,
monasteries and mansions to the white sandy rolling hills surrounding the city. It
is no wonder that Arequipa is known as the White
City. Arequipa boasts the beauty of its palm tree-
lined plazas, countless lovingly preserved colonial
era constructions and a proudly presented regional
cuisine that is venerated throughout the country. Not
far from the historic center, declared a UNESCO World
Heritage Site in 2000, are the rolling green hills of the
campiña, a verdant expanse characterized by Incan
agricultural terraces, rich farmlands and traditional
country living. A large number of bus companies
travel in and out of Arequipa from all different parts
of the region, including Chile and Bolivia.

2. Make a Tic Tac Toe board.

foam craft a black
pictures of activities (30 x 30cm) marker

Remove the pictures of activities

from T5. Play Tic Tac Toe with
the pictures. The winner chooses
a picture for his / her partner to
Choose your favorite Divide the foam craft make a sentence. E.g. Target is
color of foam craft. into ninths. where I like to buy clothes.
Third Grade 89

1. Listen and repeat. Say a phrase and ask a partner to spell it, and then a second
partner should say a word beginning with the last letter of the phrase given. Track 38

set the table wash the clothes repair the oven sell tickets

discover a planet compose a song write a book post a picture


see a volcano watch the stars be in a landslide get caught in

an avalanche

jump off a cliff canoe down the sail the Caribbean snap a photo
Amazon Sea of a glacier

Was the Mona Lisa painted
by Leonardo da Vinci?

1. Listen and repeat. Then act out the dialogue.


Track 39

Was the Mona Lisa

painted by Leonardo
da Vinci?
Yes, it was.

Third Grade 91
2. Fill in the sentences with the correct phrases.

set the tables wash my clothes repair the oven compose a song
sells tickets write a book post a picture discover a planet

a. Before serving, the wait staff in the dining room.

b. My friend . Maybe we can get a good deal on the

Marc Anthony concert.

c. Mom, I need you to for the recital tomorrow.

d. We can't bake anything right now, we need to call someone to .

e. That was a really pretty view, I can't wait to get back and on

f. After all my adventures, I think it is time to sit down and

about them.

g. With the advancements in technology and space exploration, it is easier than ever to

h. It is fun for musicians to get together and .

3. Listen and number the phrases. Write 1 - 5. Track 40

a. post a picture

b. write a book

c. discover a planet

d. compose a song

e. set the table

4. Look at the pictures and complete the phrases with the words from the box.

jump sail snap watch canoe see

a. a volcano b. the stars c. down the


d. the e. a photo of f. off a cliff

Caribbean Sea a glacier

5. Role play.

No, I haven't.
Have you ever seen
a volcano?

Third Grade 93
Lesson 1 Key language
1. Read the examples. Then make sentences with a partner.

E.g. The table is set every day by the waiters.

The clothes are washed by Sam.
Hamlet was written by William Shakespeare.
The ovens were repaired by the repairman.

2. Ask a partner. Use the following question.

A: Who was Yawar Fiesta written by?

B: It was written by José Maria Arguedas.

Karen and Pierina Galileo Galilei José María Arguedas

repairman J. K. Rowling Beethoven

• Who were the clothes washed by?

• Who were the four largest of Jupiter's moons
discovered by?
Go to pg. 128-129
• Who was Yawar Fiesta written by?
to see more about
• Who was the oven repaired by? the Passive Voice.
• Who were the Harry Potter books written by?
• Who was the "Symphony No. 5" composed by?

3. Read the sentences and write "A" in the blank beside the sentence in the Active
Voice, "P" in the blank beside the sentence in the Passive Voice.

a. “Los Heraldos Negros” was written by Cesar Vallejo.

b. My sister washes her clothes in the afternoons.

c. The tables are set by the waiters in the restaurant.

d. The tickets were sold out for the soccer match.

e. He repaired the oven yesterday.

f. The pictures of my last adventure “Biking the Death Road” were

posted by the company.

g. The four largest of Jupiter's moons were discovered by Galileo Galilei.

4. Listen to the audio and choose a or b to complete the blanks. Track 41

1. The table for dinner.

a. is set b. was set

2. The oven by the repairman.

a. is repaired b. was repaired

3. Dinner and the conversation was interesting.

a. is served b. was served

4. There was talk about “The black hole” because we saw a picture of it that
on social media.
a. is posted b. was posted

5. The cake finally .

a. is - baked b. was - baked

Third Grade 95
Lesson 2 Key language
1. Read the example. Then make sentences with a partner.

E.g. I had never seen a big volcano before I traveled to Arequipa.


She never canoed down the Amazon until two years ago.
You hadn't
ever jumped off a cliff until two years ago.


2. Imagine you did these activities. Make sentences as in the example using the timeline.

I had never jumped off a cliff until I went to Acapulco in 2010.

2010 jump off a cliff

2011 see a volcano

2012 sail the Caribbean Sea

2013 watch the stars

2014 canoe down the Amazon

2015 snap a photo of a glacier

Go to pg. 129 to see
more about the Past
2016 be in a landslide Perfect Simple.

2017 get caught in an avalanche

3. What had / hadn't these people done before they were forty years old? Write sentences
using the prompts below.

a. Rosa / watch the stars

b. Peter / not get caught in an avalanche

c. Ricardo / sail the Caribbean Sea

d. Timothy / not snap a photo of a glacier

e. Jim / see a volcano

f. Betsy / not be in a landslide

g. David / canoe down the Amazon

4. Listen to the audio and write T for True or F for False. Track 42

a. The person had seen a volcano.

b. In Guatemala, the person hadn't hiked up a volcano.

c. The person had watched the stars for an hour.

d. The person hadn't jumped off a cliff.

e. The person had sailed the Caribbean from Panama to Colombia.

f. The person had snapped a photo of a glacier in Peru.

g. The person hadn't gotten caught in an avalanche.

Third Grade 97

sell repair telephone board game.

START tickets the oven
write / by William

invent / by Alexander
Graham Bell

La Flor de la wash the

Canela clothes
write a post a
B: Yes, it was. / No, it wasn't.

book picture
compose compose / by
a song Chabuca Granda
Having fun together

Machu Picchu
A: Was Hamlet written by William Shakespeare?

The Mona
discover/ by Hiram set the
Bingham discover
table a planet FINISH
1. Roll a die. Ask present or past Passive Voice questions using the prompts on the

paint / by Leonardo
da Vinci
Reading corner
1. Listen and read, then ask a partner. Track 43
As pale as a ghost

There's something about Maria

There once was a girl working on a cruise ship. Her name was
Maria, from Germany. She had been working for a long time. Every
day she worked in various positions. Some days, she would work
as a waitress and set the tables. When the tables were set, it was
time to serve the guests. One night the food wasn't ready because
the oven was broken. Maria was the one who repaired it. "Who
repaired the oven?" asked the chef. No one knew. Other days,
she would work in the laundry. One day, the laundry attendant
came in and saw that all the clothes had been washed and folded
and she wondered how? She was the last to leave last night and
the first to arrive this morning. Maria was also a tour guide who
was in charge of selling tickets for various tours. When the tickets
were sold, she would embark on different tours. One tour was a
long ride from the port to go canoeing down the Amazon. After they had canoed down the
Amazon, they got caught in a sudden landslide. They were able to survive it and return to the
ship. Everyone was safe, but it could have been a lot worse. They got back to the ship late
and the whole cruise was delayed a day because of it. When the tour got back, the Captain
asked, "Who was the tour guide?" and the people replied, "Maria". The Captain said, "That is
not possible, there is no Maria. There used to be, but she retired and shortly after she passed
away." The guests turned as pale as ghosts. Apparently, Maria still looks after the ship. There
is a true story written about her called "Ghost Ship."

What kind of stories do you like to read?

2. Read the text again. Put a check mark next to the true sentences.

a. When the tables were set, it was time to serve the guests.

b. Maria didn't work in the laundry.

c. When the tickets were sold, Maria would embark on different tours.

d. The guests returned to the ship after they had been in a landslide.

e. Maria passed away shortly after she retired.

Third Grade 99
1. Imagine you had done these activities before and write a paragraph about it.

see a volcano Use before and after

watch the stars
be in a landslide Before: During the period of time preceding
get caught in an avalanche (a particular event, date or time).
jump off a cliff
canoe down the Amazon After: In the time following (an event or
sail the Caribbean Sea another period of time).
snap a photo of a glacier

Last year, I went to Arequipa for the first time and saw the Misti Volcano.
I had never seen a volcano before my trip to Arequipa.

2. Talk to a partner.
Phrasal verbs
Last year, I went to Arequipa for
the first time and saw the Misti climb up
Volcano. I had never seen a volcano
before my trip to Arequipa. climb down

Culture corner
1. Read and talk about the topic in pairs.

El Misti Volcano
El Misti is a volcano in the Andes Mountains of
southern Peru. It is flanked by the Chachani and
Pichupichu volcanoes and rises to 19,098 feet (5,821 m)
above sea level, towering over the city of Arequipa.
Its perfect snowcapped cone is thought to have had
religious significance for the Incas and has inspired both
legends and poetry. Now dormant, el Misti last erupted
during an earthquake in the 1600s.

2. Make timeline cups.

6 paper cups pictures of a black
activities craft glue

watch the stars see a volcano canoe down

the Amazon

jump off a cliff snap a photo sail the

of a glacier Caribbean Sea

Turn the cups upside-down. Remove the pictures Write the phrases of the activities
of activities from T6 and glue them on the cups. on the cups.

sail the
Caribbean Sea
watch the stars see a volcano canoe down 2016
2011 the Amazon
2012 2013 snap a photo
of a glacier
watch the stars
2011 jump off a cliff

canoe down
snap a photo sail the the Amazon
jump off a cliff of a glacier Caribbean Sea 2013
2015 2016 see a volcano
Imagine you had or hadn't done these activities. 2012

Make sentences using your cups. E.g. I hadn't watch the stars
Write the years. watched the stars until the year 2011.
Third Grade 101

1. Listen and repeat. Then play Charades. Track 44

take off your shoes wash your face comb your hair put on deodorant

put on your shoes brush your teeth get dressed clip your nails


Take public Don't waste water. Don't use plastic Don't litter.
transportation. bags.

Turn off the lights. Protect the Reduce, Reuse, Don't cut down
rainforest. Recycle. trees.
Do you brush your
hair before breakfast?
Protect your body

1. Listen and repeat. Then act out the dialogue. Track 45

Yes, I do.

Do you usually brush

your hair before you
perform in a concert?

Third Grade 103

2. Circle the correct phrases to complete the sentences.

a. You should put on / take off your shoes before you come inside the house.

b. Did you take on / put on deodorant today?

c. Make sure to wash / get your face before going to school.

d. Is your sister putting on / washing her shoes?

e. Quickly, get dressed / brush, we're going to the movies.

f. Brush / Clip your nails, they're getting really long.

g. Your hair is messy, comb /clip it.

h. Don't forget to brush / comb your teeth every day!

3. Listen and underline the correct option to complete the sentences. Track 46

1. Every morning, Teresa wakes up at 6:30 and then .

a. combs her hair
b. washes her face

2. She before putting on deodorant.

a. brushes her teeth
b. changes out of her pajamas

3. After brushing her teeth, she

a. changes out of her pajamas
b. puts on deodorant

4. After getting dressed, she .

a. combs her hair
b. puts on her shoes

5. She puts on her shoes and then goes out to .

a. get dressed
b. catch the bus

4. Write the missing words and then match to complete the phrases.

a. Take rainforest.

b. Don't Recycle.

c. Turn litter.

d. Don't use bags.

e. Reduce, trees.

f. Protect transportation.

g. Don't cut water.

h. Don't the lights.

5. Role play.

Don't waste water.

Remember to use a glass
of water when you brush
your teeth.


Third Grade 105

Lesson 1 Key language
1. Read the example. Then make sentences with a partner.

E.g. Susy does her homework by herself every afternoon.

I do my homework by myself.

He does his homework by himself.

She does her homework by herself.

You do your homework by yourself.

We do our homework by ourselves.

You do your homework by yourselves.

They do their homework by themselves.

2. Interview your classmates using the questions below.

• Do you do your homework by yourself?

• Do you look at yourself in the mirror

every day?

• Do you like to buy presents for yourself?

• Do you cook for yourself?

• Do you travel by yourself?

• Do you walk home by yourself after school?

• Do you stay by yourself at home?

• Do you go to the movies by yourself on

the weekends?

Go to pg. 129-130
to see more about
Reflexive Pronouns.

3. Check the correct option.

a. My little sister combs her hair by herself / himself in the morning.

b. My dad painted the house by himself / herself.

c. You are too young to go to the movies by myself / yourself.

d. My brother and I have to brush our teeth by themselves / ourselves.

e. Sometimes we can't clip our toe nails by myself / ourselves.

f. The older kids in school walk home by themselves / himself.

g. After the accident, Tim had to learn how to get dressed by himself / yourself
all over again.

h. When he turned 5, his mom told him to wash his face by himself / herself.

4. Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks. Track 47

My family is usually in a hurry in the morning!

It all starts when our mom wakes us up
because she doesn't want us to be late
for school. My mom does everything by
. She quickly packs
our lunches. She makes breakfast while
helping my little brother get ready. She has to help him get dressed and brush his
teeth because he can't do it by . Then she combs my hair
and braids it because I can't do it by . Then we eat breakfast,
but if we take too long, she will make us hurry up and she tells us to put on our
shoes. I can tie my shoes, but my brother can't do it by . My
mom needs a helper, she has a lot to do by !

Third Grade 107

Lesson 2 Key language
1. Read the examples. Then make sentences with a partner.

E.g. “Turn off the lights,” said my dad.
I me
My dad told me to turn off the lights. you you
he him
“Don't waste water,” said my mom. she her
we us
My mom told me not to waste water.
you you
they them

2. Listen to student A's commands or requests and report them to the class.

A: Don't eat junk food.

B: He told me not to eat junk food.
Don't eat junk food.

Don't litter.

Don't waste water. Wash your hands.

Don't watch too much TV. Turn off the lights.

Go to pg. 130 to
see more about
Don't talk to strangers. Reported Speech.

3. Rewrite the sentences using Reported Speech.

a. “Turn off the lights when you leave the room,” said my mom.

b. “Don't eat so much junk food because you will get sick,” said my brother.

c. “Go and wash your hands,” said my sister.

d. “Don't watch too much TV because it's getting late,” said my dad.

e. “Turn off the faucet and don't waste water, please,” said my grandmother.

f. “Don't talk to strangers,” said my teacher.

g. “Don't litter,” said my grandmother.

4. Listen to the audio and match. Track 48

1. Luca usually takes

2. His dad told him to take a. the lights whenever he leaves the room.

b. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

3. He turns off
c. when shopping for groceries.
4. He takes reusable bags
d. public transportation.

5. Luca never litters e. and asks other people not to as well.

f. quick showers and never have baths.

6. He believes in the motto

Third Grade 109

Hands on and play

1. Make a hand craft.


colored a black a hand

construction marker template

craft glue a popsicle

stick a pencil scissors



e s ur
elv yo
yo lve
mse ours

Choose your favorite Place and trace the Write the reflexive
color of construction hand template on the pronouns on each finger
construction paper and
paper. cut it out. and on the palm.













ge lf




pu rush



ov ies
wa go to the m

Role play using

Write the phrases on the Glue on the the hand craft: E.g. My
other side of the hand. popsicle stick. little sister puts on her
shoes by herself.

Reading corner

1. Listen and read, then ask a partner. Track 49

Think green

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

Hi, I'm Kate! I'm an environmental science major. Today, I have to
give a speech on how to protect the rainforest to help reduce global
warming. I was going over the speech in my head as I brushed my
teeth, combed my hair and got dressed. I also clipped my nails. Then
I made breakfast by myself. I think that there are things we can all do
to help the environment. First, we need to stop cutting down trees.
There are also other ways that each person can make a difference. We
shouldn't waste water, use plastic bags or litter. It's important to turn off the lights when we
leave a room and we need to remember to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Plastics are polluting
the oceans and killing precious wildlife and coral reefs. These are living things that people
are killing. The Great Barrier Reef is getting bleached out and dying. This is a vital resource
to our ecosystem. I'm asking my classmates to get involved by writing a letter to their
representatives in government to declare that this is a state of emergency. Besides, if all the
glaciers melt, this will be a catastrophe. We can all do some things to protect the rainforest
and our planet. If we don't do something now, it will be too late. Think green! I'm ready! Now
I will take public transportation to my university to give my speech.

What are you doing to protect the environment?

2. Read again and complete.

a. Today, Kate is going to give a speech on how to to help reduce
global warming.
b. She says that we need to cutting down trees.
c. She also said that we shouldn't waste ,
plastic bags or litter. It's important to lights and we need to
remember to Reduce, and Recycle.
d. Plastics are the oceans and killing precious
and coral reefs.
e. We can all do some things to protect the and our planet.
Third Grade 111
1. How can we help prevent global warming? Write a paragraph to answer the question.

Don't cut down trees. Besides

Take public transportation. is a preposition or a linking adverb.
Don't waste water. It means "in addition to" or "also".
Don't use plastic bags. E.g. My mom usually asks me to
Don't litter. turn off the lights to save electricity.
Protect the rainforest. Besides, it also saves us money.
Turn off the lights.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

My mom usually tells me to turn off the lights. Besides, it's something we should

all do anyway to conserve energy.

2. Talk to a partner.
My mom usually tells me Phrasal verbs
to turn off the lights.
Besides, it's something cut down
we should all do anyway
to conserve energy. throw away

Culture corner
1. Read and talk about the topic in pairs.

How can we help slow down climate change?

Small changes in your own home can make a
difference. Try switching to energy-saving light bulbs,
walking instead of using the car, turning off electrical
items when you're not using them, recycling and
reducing your food waste. Planting trees, restoring
sea grasses and boosting the use of agricultural
cover crops could help clean up significant amounts
of carbon dioxide. All these little things can make a

2. Make a character.

a wrapped colored a black

match box paper marker

googly scissors
eyes glue

Draw the nose, the Cut out strips of colored

Glue on the googly eyes.
mouth and eyebrows. paper.
Pro n't w
tec ast
Don t the re wa
Redu 't use p ainfotrer.
ce-reu D la
Take public transportation. 't wbeaasstt.e
se anosntic
Turn off Dodnre't cwyacgstlese.. wwaateter.
Don't waste water. Don't waste water. te wate er.
r. the lights r.
Turn off th
was te w
Protect the rainforest. e lights.
Don't cut down trees. Donpl'taswticasba gs.ycle. .
Don't useDonu'tse andr.rece lights
Turn off the lights. e-re 't littoeff th
Reduc rn

Write the commands on the colored strips Role play: Tom told me
and put them into the match box. to turn off the lights.

Third Grade 113

Review What is your job?
Unit 5

1. Match.

1. a builder a. fixes the car

2. a mechanic b. styles hair

3. a plumber c. schedules meetings

4. an electrician d. reports the news

5. a reporter e. cleans the house

6. a secretary f. fixes pipes

7. a housekeeper g. builds a house

8. a hairdresser h. installs electrical power

2. Choose the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences.

a. I called a plumber to fix the pipes, but he said he may not be / been able to get here for
two days.

b. I heard that they may reports / report the news about the president of Peru today.

c. The power company said they might install / installed electrical power to the house today.

d. The car broke down, but I may be / am able to fix it by myself.

e. The hair dresser might fits / fit you in for an appointment today.

f. The secretary said she might change / changed your appointment to tomorrow.

3. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

fix build clean schedule flood

a. If you call the office, the secretary will a meeting.

b. If you want to a house, I know a great contractor.

c. If you need someone to the car, she'll call the mechanic.

d. If we don't fix the pipes, the house will .

e. If they are having a party, they have to the house.

Do you know where Review
the bus stop is? Review

1. Label the pictures.

go to church hardware store bakery buy meat

clothes shop butcher shop catch the bus take the train

a. b. c. d.

e. f. g. h.

2. Underline the correct wh-question word.

a. Can you tell me how / who to get to the bus stop to go downtown?
b. Could you tell me when / where the nearest gas station is?
c. Do you know what time / how the butcher shop opens?
d. Would you mind telling me what / where the church is?
e. Can you tell me when / which they go to church?

3. Choose a or b to complete the sentences.

1. That is the gas station you can get the cheapest gas.
a. who b. where
2. He's the boy goes to church every Sunday.
a. who b. which
3. That is the clothes shop my mom bought all our clothes.
a. which b. where
4. That is the bus stop you catch the bus downtown.
a. where b. who
5. Those are the pliers I will buy to fix the pipes.
a. that b. where
Third Grade 115
Review Was the Mona Lisa painted
Unit 7 by Leonardo da Vinci?

1. Look at the picture and check the correct phrase.

1. a. set the table 2. a. repair the oven

b. wash the clothes b. write a book

3. a. snap a photo of a glacier 4. a. sell tickets

b. get caught in an b. compose a song

5. a. post a picture 6. a. watch the stars

b. discover a planet b. see a volcano

7. a. canoe down the Amazon 8. a. jump off a cliff

b. sail the Caribbean Sea b. be in a landslide

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

a. The book was (write) by Stephen King.

b. The new planet was (discover) by a scientist.

c. The songs were (compose) by Mozart.

d. The tickets are (sell out) for the tennis match.

e. The picture of the sunset wasn't (post) last night.

f. The table is (set) every day for a nice family dinner.

3. Complete the sentences with the Past Perfect Simple of the verb in parentheses.
a. He had only been skiing a couple times and he already (be)
caught in an avalanche.
b. We never (want) to be in a landslide and now here we are.
c. Even though he had watched the stars a lot, he never (see) a
shooting star.
d. She never (see) a volcano until she went to Guatemala.
e. They were in their early twenties and they already (sail) the
Caribbean and canoed down the Amazon.
f. All I ever (want) was to snap a photo of a glacier.
Do you brush your hair Review
before breakfast? Unit 8

1. Complete the phrases.

a. Take public .
b. Don't waste .
c. Brush your .
d. Clip your .
e. Don't use .
f. Don't cut .
g. Put on .
h. Take off .

2. Complete the sentences with the correct Reflexive Pronouns.

a. My sister is too young to put her shoes on by .
b. You need to do your homework by , I can't do it for you.
c. My dad always helps me comb my hair, I don't know how to part it by .
d. The kids always brush their teeth by .
e. He always looks in the mirror while he dresses .
f. Our mom always makes us put on our shoes by .

3. Match.

1. My mom asked me to turn the lights off

2. Our teacher told us to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
3. There were protestors outside City Hall asking people
4. I wish somebody would have told all these people not to litter,
5. My roommate asked me to take quicker showers,
6. There is finally a campaign in multiple countries telling

a. so I don't waste water.

b. to help the environment.

c. people not to use plastic bags.

d. before leaving the house.

e. to save the rainforest.

f. because the beach is trashed.

Third Grade 117

Key words

builder reporter housekeeper electrician

plumber mechanic secretary hairdresser


build a house report the news clean the house install electrical

fix pipes fix the car schedule meetings style hair

Public places

bus stop train station church clothes shop

butcher shop gas station bakery hardware store


catch the bus take the train go to church buy clothes

buy meat get gas buy bread buy pliers

Third Grade 119


set the table wash the clothes repair the oven sell tickets

discover a planet compose a song write a book post a picture


see a volcano watch the stars be in a landslide get caught in

an avalanche

jump off a cliff canoe down the sail the Caribbean snap a photo
Amazon Sea of a glacier

Personal hygiene

take off your shoes wash your face comb your hair put on deodorant

put on your shoes brush your teeth get dressed clip your nails


Take public Don't waste water. Don't use plastic Don't litter.
transportation. bags.

Turn off the lights. Protect the Reduce, Reuse, Don't cut down
rainforest. Recycle. trees.

Third Grade 121

The verb be

• We use the verb be as a main verb and auxiliary verb.

Affirmative Negative
I am I'm I am not I'm not
You are You're You are not You're not or You aren't
He is He's He is not He's not or He isn't
She is She's She is not She's not or She isn't
It is It's It is not It's not or It isn't
We are We're We are not We're not or We aren't
You are You're You are not You're not or You aren't
They are They're They are not They're not or They aren't

Questions Short answers

Am I? Yes, I am. No, I'm not.
Are you? Yes, you are. No, you aren't.
Is he? Yes, he is. No, he isn't.
Is she? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.
Is it? Yes, it is. No, it isn't.
Are we? Yes, we are. No, we aren't.
Are you? Yes, you are. No, you aren't.
Are they? Yes, they are. No, they aren't.

Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

• We use the Present Simple for habits, repeated actions and permanent states.
I usually need a map for my geography class.

• We use the Present Continuous for temporary states.

I'm taking geography this term.

• For actions happening at the moment of speaking.

We're taking a taxi home.

• For future arrangements.

My parents are taking a vacation in July.

Affirmative Negative
I need I do not need I don't need
You need You do not need You don't need
He needs He does not need He doesn't need
She needs She does not need She doesn't need
We need We do not need We don't need
You need You do not need You don't need
They need They do not need They don't need

Questions Short answers

Do I need? Yes, I do. No, I don't.
Do you need? Yes, you do. No, you don't.
Does he need? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.
Does she need? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't.
Do we need? Yes, we do. No, we don't.
Do you need? Yes, you do. No, you don't.
Do they need? Yes, they do. No, they don't.

Affirmative Negative
I am taking I'm taking I am not taking I'm not taking
You are taking You're taking You are not taking You're not taking
He is taking He's taking He is not taking He's not taking
She is taking She's taking She is not taking She's not taking
We are taking We're taking We are not taking We're not taking
You are taking You're taking You are not taking You're not taking
They are taking They're taking They are not taking They're not taking

Questions Short answers

Am I taking? Yes, I am. No, I'm not.
Are you taking? Yes, you are. No, you aren't.
Is he taking? Yes, he is. No, he isn't.
Is she taking? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.
Are we taking? Yes, we are. No, we aren't.
Are you taking? Yes, you are. No, you aren't.
Are they taking? Yes, they are. No, they aren't.

Third Grade 123

always, usually, sometimes, etc.
every day / week, etc.
now, right now, today, these days,
on Monday / Monday afternoons, etc.
this week / year, etc.
in the morning, afternoon, etc.
tonight, tomorrow, etc.
a week, a day, etc.
next week / year, etc.
on the weekend, etc.
once, twice, three times, etc.

Used to

• We use used to talk about something that happened regularly in the past, but no longer
I used to take the bus to school.

Affirmative Negative Questions

You You you
He used to take He didn't use to he
She She she use to take
the bus take the bus Did
We We we the bus?
You You you
They They they

Past Simple vs. Past Continuous

Time clauses (when, while, as soon as)

• We use the Past Continuous and the Past Simple in the same sentences when one
action interrupted another in the past. We use the Past Continuous for the longer action
and the Past Simple for the shorter action. In this case we usually use when or while.

I was watching a documentary when the blackout happened.

While I was watching a documentary, there was a blackout.

• We use as soon as with the Past Simple.

As soon as I got on the bus, I saw my best friend.

Should / Shouldn't

• We use should / shouldn't + bare infinitive to:

• Ask for and give advice.

A: What should I bring with me to go camping?
B: You should bring a tent.

• Make a suggestion.
They should be organized every day.

• Express mild obligation.

You should be on time to meetings.

Had better

• We use had better + bare infinitive to give strong advice. It often expresses threat or
warning and it's stronger than should. It refers to the present or the future, not the past. Its
negative form is had better not. In spoken English the short form is commonly used (I'd
better, you'd better, etc.).
You had better not leave any trash on the mountain.

Have to / Don't have to / Need to / Don't need to / Must / Mustn't

• We use have to and must to express obligation in the present or future.

You have to be on time to school.
You must be organized.

• We use need to when it is necessary for us to do something.

You need to have a notebook.

• We use don't have to or don't need to when it isn't necessary for us to do something.
You don't have to wear a uniform every day.
You don't need to bring a cellphone to class.

• We use mustn't when we are not allowed to do something.

You mustn't pass notes in class.

Third Grade 125

Clauses of Result

• We use Clauses of Result to express the result of an action or a conclusion.

so + adjective / adverb + (that)

The ending of the movie Titanic was so sad that I cried a lot.

such + (a/an) + (adjective) + noun + (that)

Chucky is such a scary movie that I don't like it.

Tag Questions

Tag Questions are short questions at the end of statements. We use them.

• When we are not sure about something.

• When we want the other person to agree with us.

We form Tag Questions with the auxiliary or modal verb of the sentences and a personal
pronoun in the same person as the subject.

You like rock music, don't you?

• When the statement is affirmative, we use the negative Tag Question.

They went to a jazz concert yesterday, didn't they?

• When the statement is negative, we use a positive Tag Question.

He doesn't listen to classical music, does he?

May / Might / Could

• The modal verbs may, might and could

- are followed by the base form of the verb without to.

- are the same in all persons in the singular and plural.
- express possibility in the present / future.
- do not form questions or negative forms with do.
The mechanic may have time to fix your car tomorrow.

The secretary might schedule a meeting for tonight.

The reporter could have time to report the latest news tonight.

• We use may not / might not to express lack of possibility in the present or future.

The mechanic may not / might not have time to fix your car tomorrow.

Zero Conditional

• The Zero Conditional is often used to refer to general truths.

• In Zero Conditional sentences, the tense in both parts of the sentence is the Present Simple.

If your car breaks down, the mechanic usually fixes it.

First Conditional

• We use the First Conditional when we talk about real and possible situations.

• In first conditional sentences, the structure is usually if + Present Simple, and will +
infinitive. It's not important which clause comes first.

If there is a leak in the basement, the plumber will fix the pipes.

Indirect Questions

• We use indirect questions when we ask for information. Indirect questions begin with
phrases like:

Do you know…?

Can / Could you tell me…?

Would you mind telling me…?


Question word + Verb + Subject

Where is the bakery?

Third Grade 127

Phrase + Question word + Subject + Verb
Can you tell me where the bakery is?

Relative Pronouns (who, which, that) and adverb (where)

The relative pronouns who, which, that and the adverb where introduce relative clauses.

PEOPLE who / that

He's the one who / that buys bread every morning.

THINGS/ ANIMALS / IDEAS which / that

That is the jacket which / that I will buy in the new clothes shop.

PLACE where

That shop where my mom bought her blouse is my favorite.

Passive Voice

• We use the Passive Voice to emphasize the action rather than who or what is responsible
for it.

The clothes are washed on weekends.


• The Passive Voice is formed with the verb be in the appropriate form and the past participle
of the main verb.

• The person who causes or carries out the action is called an agent and is preceded by the
preposition by. We usually omit the agent when the action interests us more than the agent,
when we don't know the agent or when it is easy to figure out who the agent is.

The table is set every day by the waiters.

The clothes are washed by Sam.

The oven was repaired by the repairman.

Hamlet was written by William Shakespeare.

Past Perfect Simple

• The Past Perfect Simple is used to express something that happened before another action
in the past.

• We use the verb had and the past participle for the Past Perfect Simple.

I had never seen a big volcano before I traveled to Arequipa.

Affirmative Negative

You You
He He
She had never canoed She hadn't canoed
We We
You You
They They


Had she canoed?

Reflexive Pronouns

• We use Reflexive Pronouns:

- as objects of verbs when the subject and the object of the verb are the same.
- as objects of prepositions when the object of the preposition is the same as the subject
of the verb.
Third Grade 129
Susy does her homework by herself every afternoon.

Subject Reflexive Pronouns

I myself
You yourself
He himself
She herself
We ourselves
You yourselves
They themselves

Reported Speech (Commands)

• When we repeat the exact words that someone said, we usually use the verb say and put
the words in quotation marks. This is called Direct Speech.

“Turn off the lights,” said my dad.

• We use Reported Speech when we report the meaning of what somebody said, but not
with the exact words.

• We usually use tell when we report commands.

My dad told me to turn off the lights.


Affirmative: “Turn off the lights,” said my dad.


tell + object pronoun + to + base form of the verb

My dad told me to turn off the lights.


Negative: “Don't waste water,” said my mom.


tell + object pronoun + not + to + base form of the verb

My mom told me not to waste water.

be was/were been
begin began begun
break broke broken
bring brought brought
buy bought bought
build built built
choose chose chosen
come came come
cost cost cost
cut cut cut
do did done
draw drew drawn
drive drove driven
eat ate eaten
feel felt felt
find found found
get got gotten
give gave given
go went gone
have had had
hear heard heard
hold held held
keep kept kept
know knew known
leave left left
lead led led
let let let
lose lost lost
make made made
mean meant meant
meet met met
pay paid paid
put put put
run ran run
say said said
sell sold sold
send sent sent
set set set
sit sat sat
speak spoke spoken
spend spent spent
stand stood stood
take took taken
teach taught taught
tell told told
think thought thought
understand understood understood
wear wore worn
win won won
write wrote written
Third Grade 131

1. Roll a die and ask: Are you good at science?


Miss a
history computer

back 2
Miss a spaces

geography P.E.

ahead 3 science
math spaces
Go back
to start

biology Finish

1. Ask and cross out if the answer is "Yes".

Did you use Did you use
Did your
Did your sister to recycle the Did your mom to be good at
/ brother use to garbage when use to drive to math when you
use to have a
go to the gym? you were five work? were in primary
cell phone?
years old? school?

Did you use to Did you

Did you and
Did any of your watch horror Did Gian Marco and your
your family use
relatives use to movies when use to sing in neighbors use
to take a bus to
run marathons? you were ten quechua? to go shopping
go on vacation?
years old? downtown?

Did you use Did your mom

Did your cousin Did you use to to watch use to work
use to listen to take a bus to documentaries in the garden
rock music? school? when you were when she was
eight years old? younger?

Did you use

Did any of Did any of your
Did Jorge to be good
your friends family members Did you use to
Chavez use to at computers
use to pick use to reuse play soccer?
fly a plane? when you were
strawberries? plastic bags?
ten years old?

Did you use Did your father

Did you use Did any of your
Did your dad to walk to use to watch
to visit friends classmates
use to mow the school when comedy movies
when you were use to play
lawn? you were in when he was a
a child? basketball?
kindergarten? child?

Third Grade 133


1. Roll a die and talk to your partner about your school rules using the modal verbs in
the box. have to / do not have to
E.g. You should be on time to school. must / mustn't
You mustn't eat in class. should / shouldn't

ahead 2

be on


eat in
play in
back 3


Miss a

wear a

ahead 1


1. Complete with the correct Tag Question. Then roll a die and ask.

1 2 3
There are
You like Rock music different types
Start comedies,
isn't soft,
of folk music in

7 6 5 4
«Gone with the Hip hop
You father loves Wind» is an Your sister likes
singers are very
horror movies, unforgettable classical music
? drama movie, ?

8 9 10 11
Jazz is a very Animated Country
everybody likes
rhythmic kind of movies music is
music, are entertaining, traditional,
? ? ?

15 14 13 12
Adventure Electronic Heavy
women like blues
movies are music is metal music
and romantic
fascinating, awful, is very loud,
? ? ?

16 17 18
Classical Thrillers
brother likes

music is are very
American western
traditional, surprising,
? ?

Third Grade 135


1. Roll a die and talk.

The last
Speak for one A book that was time you A moment you
minute about written by Vargas were given a were not listened
... Llosa. disgusting to.

A song that What was

The last time A situation
was sung by repaired by the
you were invited when you were
your favorite repairman at
to a concert. laughed at.
singer. your house.

The most
A party that was Something that The last time
celebrated at needs to be done you were given
book written by
your school. at home. some money.

An occasion
Music that was A moment that The last time
on which you
composed you were helped you were given a
were asked to
by Mozart. by someone. ride home.
dance alone.

An occasion
The last time an Who are your The last time
you were
e-mail was sent clothes usually you were
phoned by the
to you. ironed by. school director. shouted at.

T1 - pg. 21

Third Grade
T2 - pg. 45

Third Grade
T3 - pg. 77

Third Grade
T4 - pg. 86

Third Grade
T5 - pg. 89

Third Grade
T6 - pg. 101

Third Grade


LEY DEL 25-02-1825 LEY DEL 25-02-1825

El 22 de julio de 2002, los representantes de las sociedad, nos sintamos parte de ella. Con este fin, el
organizaciones políticas, religiosas, del Gobierno y de la Acuerdo promoverá el acceso a las oportunidades
sociedad civil, firmaron el compromiso de trabajar, todos, económicas, sociales, culturales y políticas. Todos los
para conseguir el bienestar y desarrollo del país. Este peruanos tenemos derecho a un empleo digno, a una
compromiso es el Acuerdo Nacional.
educación de calidad, a una salud integral, a un lugar
para vivir. Así, alcanzaremos el desarrollo pleno.
El Acuerdo persigue cuatro objetivos fundamentales.
Para alcanzarlos, todos los peruanos de buena voluntad
3. Competitividad del país
tenemos, desde el lugar que ocupemos o el rol que
desempeñemos, el deber y la responsabilidad de decidir, Para afianzar la economía, el Acuerdo se compromete
ejecutar, vigilar o defender los compromisos asumidos. a fomentar el espíritu de competitividad en las
Estos son tan importantes que serán respetados como empresas, es decir, mejorar la calidad de los productos
políticas permanentes para el futuro. y servicios, asegurar el acceso a la formalización de las
pequeñas empresas y sumar esfuerzos para fomentar
Por esta razón, como niños, niñas, adolescentes o la colocación de nuestros productos en los mercados
adultos, ya sea como estudiantes o trabajadores,
debemos promover y fortalecer acciones que garanticen
el cumplimiento de esos cuatro objetivos que son los
4. Estado eficiente, transparente y descentralizado
Es de vital importancia que el Estado cumpla con sus
1. Democracia y Estado de Derecho obligaciones de manera eficiente y transparente para
La justicia, la paz y el desarrollo que necesitamos los ponerse al servicio de todos los peruanos. El Acuerdo
peruanos solo se pueden dar si conseguimos una se compromete a modernizar la administración pública,
verdadera democracia. El compromiso del Acuerdo desarrollar instrumentos que eliminen la corrupción o
Nacional es garantizar una sociedad en la que los el uso indebido del poder. Asimismo, descentralizar
derechos son respetados y los ciudadanos vivan el poder y la economía para asegurar que el Estado
seguros y expresen con libertad sus opiniones a partir
sirva a todos los peruanos sin excepción.
del diálogo abierto y enriquecedor; decidiendo lo mejor
para el país.
Mediante el Acuerdo Nacional nos comprometemos a
2. Equidad y justicia social desarrollar maneras de controlar el cumplimiento de
Para poder construir nuestra democracia, es necesario estas políticas de Estado, a brindar apoyo y difundir
que cada una de las personas que conformamos esta constantemente sus acciones a la sociedad en general.

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