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T raducción

q ue hace
a gua la
b oca

Guillermo Badenes
SBE Group Settles Class-Action Kobe Beef Lawsuit

The tony SBE Restaurant Group — which

includes Los Angeles sushi restaurants
Katsuya, Mediterranean spot Cleo, and the
nightclub Hyde Lounge in its portfolio —
has settled a class-action lawsuit alleging
that the "Kobe beef" sold in its restaurants
was not legitimate. In the settlement,
diners who purchased Kobe beef from one
of SBE's two-dozen California restaurants
anytime between August 16, 2008 and
October 11, 2013 is eligible for a $20
reimbursement voucher. The settlement
also stipulates that "SBE has agreed to
cease and desist from using the term
'Kobe' beef, but instead will use the term
'Wagyu' beef or 'American Kobe' beef in its
restaurants, bars, or nightclubs."
Terneza, jugosidad y sabor son las
características genéticas que se imprimen
en este producto, exclusivas de la raza
bovina de origen japonés Wagyu, gracias a
su intensa grasa intramuscular, también
conocida como marmoleado, reconocida
por su característica de no saturada.
Además del genotipo de alto potencial
propio de la raza, se incorpora el valor
agregado de ser producido en la Argentina,
suelo de las mejores carnes del mundo
que, junto a un manejo, ambiente y
nutrición adecuados, nos permiten ofrecer
en Kobe Beef Argentina® una carne
diferente, de sabor incomparable.


La lengua y la comida
deben estar
emparentadas, aunque
más no sea porque la
boca les es instrumental
a ambas.


• Estilo narrativo culinario: giros,
estilo y dificultades.
• Recetas y recetarios.
• Críticas gastronómicas y de
• Cocina regional / saludable /
gourmet / casera / de ocasión, etc.


Algunos de los campos de la traducción gastronómica
• Menús
• Libros de recetas
• Etiquetado de productos
• Material de difusión sobre salud y nutrición
• Turismo gastronómico
• Manuales educativos culinarios
• Páginas y sitios web
• YouTube
• Redes sociales (pensemos en los hashtags
• Aplicaciones de cocina/gastronomía
• Documentales sobre comida regional (viajes
gastronómicos, publirreportajes, etc.)
• Campañas de publicidad y marketing
• Artículos en revistas especializadas
• Artículos en diarios y revistas de consumo general
• Artículos académicos
Receta ganadora

Un buen traductor culinario

Tiempo y porciones varían en cada caso

• Tema • Medidas imperiales, métricas
o gastronómicas.
• Terminología.
• Culturemas
• Variedad dialectal de
ingredientes • Claridad de expresión

1. Comenzamos con un interés 4. En este paso podemos usar la
especial por la gastronomía. ayuda de colegas.
2. Incorporamos formación con 5. Separamos la cultura de partida de
movimientos envolventes. No es la de llegada, y agregamos la
necesaria que sea comprada, cultura meta según sea necesario.
puede ser casera.
6. Cocinamos a fuego lento.
3. Le añadimos a la mezcla
documentación específica. 7. Dejamos enfriar y servimos
revisado según el paladar de
nuestros comensales.
Información nutricional: la traducción culinaria no suele contener calorías, excepto
cuando se cocina mientras traducimos.
L a t r a d u c c i ó n
g a s t r o n ó m i c a
La traducción culinaria no
se limita a la traducción
de recetarios y libros de
cocina, sino que incluye
todo tipo de material
referido a la industria
publicaciones sobre
comida o bebida,
etiquetado de productos,
material de difusión sobre
salud y nutrición, menús
de restaurante, y blogs y
sitios web, entre tantos
Los dos costados de la traducción gastronómica
El costado técnico
1. Terminología técnica sobre alimentos, 3. Las medidas imperiales, métricas y
ingredientes, modos de preparación, gastronómicas son un dolor de cabeza:
procesos culinarios, modos de cocción, una taza de harina no pesa igual que una
utensilios (cubertería o taza de azúcar, pero es una taza de todos
cuchillería/cutlery y vajilla o modos.
loza/crockery) y artefactos.
2. Esto incluye la gran variedad dialectal en
todo tipo de alimentos, pero en especial
¡en cortes de carne y lácteos!

El costado creativo
1. Los juegos de palabras y las referencias
culturales son típicas de un campo tan
cultural como la gastronomía.
2. Los nombres de marcas comerciales
pueden variar, y debemos conocerlos o
nombrar el producto (aunque el polvo
Royal es polvo Royal).
3. ¿Qué pasa si un ingrediente no existe en
la cultura meta? ¿Nombramos algo
parecido o describimos?
4. Pero, por sobre todo, ¿estamos tentando
al lector a consumir lo que proponemos?
• ¿Arte u

Estilo narrativo
La narrativa culinaria
D ificul ta de s r e ca r g a da s
La disponibilidad de ingredientes, los diferentes
cortes de la carne, las medidas y el equipamiento de
cocina son mucho más que un problema
terminológico cuando hacen a la receta de un plato.
• Crème fraiche
• Sour cream
• Yoghurt
• Cultivated buttermilk
¿Adaptar o no adaptar?
¿Domesticación o extranjerización?
Cada traducción depende del caso: a veces deberá
ceder el plato, otras, la traducción.

¿Y los nombres que cambian?

French toast – tostada francesa – pain perdu
Russian salad – ensalada rusa – (ensalada Olivier)


What’s in a name?


À la Carte
à la mode
à la Bordelaise
à la Milanaise
à la Maryland
à la Nesselrode
chicken à la King
tomatoes à la mayonnaise
thé à la Camomille
boeuf à la mode


Técnicas de corte (Kitchenese)

Las inglesas Las francesas

• To chop • To julienne
• To chunk
• To cut • Brunoise
• To dice • Concassé
• To mince/grind • Quenelle
• To slice
• Mise-en-place


Técnicas de cocción (Kitchenese)

Las inglesas Las francesas

• To bake • To sauté
• To sear • To deglaze
• To boil
• To poach
• To bring to a boil
• To blanch
• To fry/to deep fry
• To fricassée (or fricassee)
• To melt
• To reduce • To cook in a Bain Marie (or in a water
bath)/to double cook
• To roast
• To sous-vide
• To simmer
• To steam
• To flambé
• To stir-fry


La narrativa paso a paso
The French omelette
• I’m going to do one first, and then I’m going to explain exactly how I did it.
• There. In it goes. You shake pan like this and stir it with your fork and as it coagulates, you let it get gown into the
bottom of the pan. And then you switch hands, and over it goes. And there’s your French omelette.
• This is neat and nice as anything you could see. And what’s lovely about it, it’s soft and creamy inside, that's not a hard,
rubbery kind of a thing that you get on the tray.
• Now, this method is (Better wipe out the pan so I can show you again). this method is a very, very simple one. And once
you know how to do it, you can go right out and make an omelette immediately.
• What you do, you get your butter very hot, and you let it get into your pan, and then you shake your
pan with this hand, and with the flat of your fork you stir it, and as it begins to coagulate, you begin
tipping your pan until it all gets down into the edge of the plate, and then you turn your pan, and you
get your plate, and you just rest it on the lip of the pan, and over it goes like that.
• This unmolding sometimes seems to confuse some people, so I’m going to put this omelette back in again. And show
you again how you unmold it.
• So, there it is on the bottom of the pan. You finished there, with your hand like that. Then you turn your hand over here,
and you put your right hand there with the thumb on top.
• If you had your thumb this way, you wouldn’t be able to turn the pan upside down, but with your
thumb this way, you can do what you want with the pan.
• And then, there’s your plate, that’s tilted. It’s resting, the lip is resting on the pan, and then just over. And you’ve
unmolded it.



Recetas y
“Food and Translation, Translation
and Food”, Delia Chiaro and Linda
Rossatto, 2015.

• La traducción gastronómica se asemeja a

preparación de platos: la traducción parte de un
texto extraño compuesto de palabras unidas por
sintaxis y sostenidas por una gramática. Un plato
extranjero consiste de una serie de ingredientes
inusuales combinados de un modo que resulta
aceptable en una cultura culinaria diversa.
• El cocinero y la traductora deben examinar la
receta o el texto original [sic.] , encontrar los
ingredientes o las palabras apropiadas y tener en
cuenta las estrategias que harán que el plato o el
texto resulte apetitoso a comensales y lectores.
• Las estrategias pueden incluir la omisión o
sustitución de un ingrediente o la explicación de
un proceso. (p. 2)
“Food and Translation, Translation
and Food”, Delia Chiaro and Linda
Rossatto, 2015.

• ¿Qué es la cocina fusión sino una traducción, o al

menos una transcreación? (p. 2)
• Linda Rossatto critica con dureza a los chefs que
reversionan platos tradicionales ya que, –
sostiene– al igual que un poema o un chiste, son
• Tanto la comida como la lengua son partes
indivisibles de la identidad de una persona, y
jugar con ellas puede provocar reacciones fuertes.
• Es un misterio por qué se vendería en Italia un
libro de cocina italiana escrito por un chef
británico (como Jamie Oliver), que recogió las
recetas italianas, las tradujo al (paladar) inglés,
para que después se volvieran a traducir al
Gastronomía bi/trinacional

Pret’s Shakshuka Frittata

• Cage-free egg whites, feta, spinach, roasted
tomatoes, marinara sauce, spicy chipotle sauce,
chili salt and a touch of milk baked to perfection.
A protein packed breakfast to start your day.

Swedish Meatball Hot Wrap

• A classic Pret recipe of pork meatballs combined
with chipotle ketchup, red onions, red pepper
tapenade and melting Greve cheese.


Bagna caoda/Bagna cauda


Aglio (circa 6 teste) 570 g
Olio extravergine d'oliva 600 g
Acciughe sotto sale rosse di Spagna 300 g
Vino rosso 125 g


Aglio (6 teste) 570 g
Olio extravergine d'oliva 150 g
Latte intero 350 g
Acciughe sotto sale rosse di Spagna 300 g


5 dientes de ajo
5 anchoas
Aceite extra
1/2 lt. de crema de leche
1 puñado de nueces


How to Make Brown Butter ( Beurre noisette)
Take your recipes up a notch with the nutty aroma of browned butter. It's easy to make at home and is delicious atop pasta, in sauces or baked goods.
What Is Brown Butter?
Brown butter is regular butter that has been "browned." What you
are doing is cooking the butter slightly past its melting point, just
long enough to toast the milk solids in the butter. By doing this,
you're creating butter magic! It releases a nutty flavor in the butter
that adds an extra layer when you replace it for regular butter in

How To Make Brown Butter

It's super easy to make brown butter! All you need is a pan, some
butter and a tool for stirring the butter as you brown it. We
recommend using a silicone whisk for the best results, but a
wooden or regular spoon will work just as well. You just need to be
able to stir the milk solids while the butter is cooking, so that they
brown evenly and not turn black and burnt.

The cooking time will depend on how much butter you're using,
the amount of heat (we recommend melting over medium heat),
and the surface area of your pot or pan. Using a sturdy, thick pan
ensures even heating for the best results. If you want your butter
to melt faster, cut it first before adding it to your pan.
Ensalada poke de mango y atún
Alejandra Arellano 10 minutos • 4 porciones

680 gramos de atún claro tipo sashimi, 2 cebollas verdes, en rodajas
troceado Semillas de sésamo
140 gramos de lechuga 2 cucharadas de soja (o Coconut Aminos)
1 zanahoria grande, rallada 1 cuchara de vinagre de arroz
1/2 pepino inglés, cortado en semicírculos 1 cucharada de aceite de sésamo
finos 1 cucharadita de jengibre picado
1 aguacate, pelado y troceado
1 mango, pelado y troceado
1 pimiento serrano o jalapeño, con semillas y
en rodajas finas.

1. En un frasco pequeño, se mezclan la
salsa de soja, el vinagre de arroz, el aceite
de sésamo y el jenjibre picado.
2. Mezclar el atún con las 2 cucharadas de
aderezo y dejar reposar mientras se
prepara el resto de la ensalada.
3. Echar la lechuga, el pepino y la zanahoria
rallada con el aderezo restante. Sugerencia: Para esta
Organizar en cuencos individuales y ensalada primaveral, utilice
adornar con atún, aguacate y mango. únicamente atún claro de
Espolvorear con semillas de sésamo, tipo sashimi y de calidad.
chile serrano en rodajas y cebolla verde

Calorías 186; grasa total 11,6 g; grasa saturada 1,6 g; colesterol 5,6 mg; sodio 483 mg; total de carbohidratos
418,6 g; fibra dietética de 5,5 g; proteínas 5,6 g
Rich Boy Esquire • By Francine Maroukian • JUN 4, 2008

Steelhead Diner chef and Louisiana native Kevin Davis upgrades the po'boy with this spicy, sausage Rich Boy
4 links (about 1/2 lb) chaurice (fresh Iceberg lettuce, shredded
chorizo, or, as a substitute, spicy Large ripe tomato, thinly sliced and
pork sausage) dressed with coarse salt and
Soft French-style long loaf, split ground black pepper
horizontally, and cut into 2 six-inch Dill pickle, sliced lengthwise into
pieces long "planks"
Unsalted butter
Hot sauce aioli

1. Halve sausage links Arrange sausage patties on
horizontally, remove meat bottom half (two per
from casing, and flatten into sandwich) and layer shredded
long patties. (You will have lettuce, tomato slices, and dill-
four.) In a skillet over medium pickle planks on top half of
heat, fry patties until cooked bread. Close sandwiches and
through and browned on both press down lightly with the
sides, about 6 to 8 minutes. palm of your hand to flatten
Lightly butter bread and lightly them in place.
toast in skillet (butter side
down). Spread bread (upper
and lower halves) with aioli.
Slow Cooker Creamy Chicken and Dumplings
Easy, creamy chicken and dumplings made from refrigerator biscuits are slow-cooked into comfort-food perfection.


4 skinless, boneless chicken breast

halves 2 tablespoons rosemary
2 (10.75 ounce) cans condensed ground black pepper to taste
cream of mushroom soup
1 cup vegetable broth, or as needed
1 onion, minced
2 (10 ounce) packages refrigerated
2 tablespoons butter biscuit dough, torn into pieces

1. Combine chicken, cream of
mushroom soup, onion,
butter, rosemary, and black 3. Arrange torn biscuit dough on
pepper in a slow cooker; add top of chicken mixture;
enough vegetable broth to continue cooking until dough
cover the ingredients is cooked through, about 30
completely. minutes more.

2. Cook on High for 4 1/2 to 5 1/2

Pâte Sucrée
Pâte sucrée is a French sweet tart crust that is located somewhere between a shortbread cookie and a sugar cookie with a nice buttery richness.


2 large egg yolks ¾ cup granulated sugar

¼ cup heavy whipping cream 1 teaspoon kosher salt
½ teaspoon vanilla extract 1 cup cold unsalted butter, cut into
3 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for 1/2-inch pieces

1. Whisk together egg yolks, cream, and vanilla 5. Carefully roll dough around rolling pin, then
in a small bowl until thoroughly combined; unroll over the prepared pan. Press dough
set aside. Process flour, sugar, and salt in a into the bottom and up the sides of the pan,
food processor until combined, about 3 trimming any excess dough.
6. Alternatively, press dough into pan without
2. Add butter and pulse until a coarse meal rolling. Patch any cracks with excess dough.
forms, about 12 pulses. Add egg mixture and
pulse until mixture starts to clump together, 7. Prick crust all over with a fork. Chill, loosely
10 to 12 pulses. Dough will be crumbly but covered with plastic wrap, 1 hour.
should hold together when squeezed.
8. While tart shell chills, preheat oven to 350
3. Transfer dough to a clean work surface, and degrees F (175 degrees C).
press into a single mass. Divide dough evenly
into 2 portions. Pat each half into a 1-inch-
thick disk. Tightly wrap each dough disk in
plastic wrap. Chill dough until firm, at least 2 9. Line crust with parchment and fill with pie
hours or up to 24 hours. weights or dried beans. Bake in the
preheated oven until crust is golden around
4. Place 1 dough disk on a lightly floured work the edges, 15 to 20 minutes.
surface. Let dough sit at room temperature
10 minutes to soften. Lightly grease 10. Remove weights and parchment. Return to
removable bottom only of a 9 1/2-inch tart the oven and continue to bake until the
pan with butter. Roll dough to a 13-inch bottom of crust is golden brown and looks
circle, dusting dough with flour as needed to dry, 10 to 15 minutes.
prevent sticking. Brush off excess flour from
dough. 11. Transfer tart shell to a wire rack and let cool
completely, about 40 minutes.
Pâte Sucrée
Pâte sucrée is a French sweet tart crust that is located somewhere between a shortbread cookie and a sugar cookie with a nice buttery richness.

1. Whisk together egg yolks, cream, and then unroll over the prepared pan. Press
vanilla in a small bowl until thoroughly dough into the bottom and up the sides
combined; set aside. Process flour, sugar, of the pan, trimming any excess dough.
and salt in a food processor until
combined, about 3 seconds. 6. Alternatively, press dough into pan
without rolling. Patch any cracks with
2. Add butter and pulse until a coarse meal excess dough.
forms, about 12 pulses. Add egg mixture
and pulse until mixture starts to clump 7. Prick crust all over with a fork. Chill,
together, 10 to 12 pulses. Dough will be loosely covered with plastic wrap, 1 hour.
crumbly but should hold together when
squeezed. 8. While tart shell chills, preheat oven to 350
degrees F (175 degrees C).
3. Transfer dough to a clean work surface,
and press into a single mass. Divide
dough evenly into 2 portions. Pat each 9. Line crust with parchment and fill with
half into a 1-inch-thick disk. Tightly wrap pie weights or dried beans. Bake in the
each dough disk in plastic wrap. Chill preheated oven until crust is golden
dough until firm, at least 2 hours or up to around the edges, 15 to 20 minutes.
24 hours.
10.Remove weights and parchment. Return
4. Place 1 dough disk on a lightly floured to the oven and continue to bake until
work surface. Let dough sit at room the bottom of crust is golden brown and
temperature 10 minutes to soften. Lightly looks dry, 10 to 15 minutes.
grease removable bottom only of a 9 1/2-
inch tart pan with butter. Roll dough to a 11.Transfer tart shell to a wire rack and let
13-inch circle, dusting dough with flour cool completely, about 40 minutes.
as needed to prevent sticking. Brush off
excess flour from dough.
5. Carefully roll dough around rolling pin,
Chicken Cordon Bleu
This entree is easy and delicious! It's one of my husband's favorites! Try to use the largest chicken breasts you can find so you'll be able to roll them easier.


nonstick cooking spray 6 slices Swiss cheese

4 skinless, boneless chicken breast 4 slices cooked ham
halves ½ cup seasoned bread crumbs
¼ teaspoon salt
⅛ teaspoon ground black pepper

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F sprinkle chicken evenly with
(175 degrees C). Coat a 7x11- bread crumbs.
inch baking dish with nonstick
cooking spray. 4. Bake in the preheated oven
until chicken is no longer pink,
2. Pound chicken breasts to 1/4 30 to 35 minutes.
inch thickness.
5. Remove from the oven, and
3. Sprinkle each piece of chicken place 1/2 Swiss cheese slice on
on both sides with salt and top of each breast. Return to
pepper. Place 1 Swiss cheese the oven until cheese has
slice and 1 ham slice on top of melted, 3 to 5 minutes.
each breast. Roll up each Remove toothpicks and serve
breast, and secure with a immediately.
toothpick. Place in the
prepared baking dish, and
How Lysée Bakery’s Master Pastry
Chef Makes Realistic Corn Desserts
The NYC shop sells about 400 of these highly coveted pastries
per week

At New York City bakery Lysée, chef Eunji Lee makes pastries that are as inventive as they are labor intensive. “When
people come to our shop, I’d like to feel like they are not only in the bakery but also in the art gallery,” says Lee.
Perhaps nothing Lee makes is as indicative of this as her realistic corn cake dessert. The dish takes three days to make
and may have been among the first examples of the corn dessert trend sweeping the internet right now.
It starts with Lee making a caramel that gets mixed with vanilla bean-infused cream. Next, she makes a sponge cake
from corn flour, which gives the cake its corn flavor. Once the batter is whipped, she makes a meringue out of egg whites
and cream, and mixes that in with the cake batter. “It has to be folded very delicately to keep the meringue texture,” Lee
The batter gets spread over a Silpat baking sheet and generously sprinkled with a corn powder that takes two days to
make and refine, all before heading into the oven.
Once the cake is out of the oven, it gets punched out into dessert-sized portions.
Lee then makes a corn sable to go at the base of the dessert, and a corn mousse that will cover the dessert. Once the
mousse dries, Lee hand pipes the corn kernels onto each dessert, which then gets sprayed with a white chocolate sauce
that is colored yellow to make the dessert look like — you guessed it — corn. The chocolate protects the mousse and also
provides crunchiness. “It defines the final visual of the corn dessert,” Lee says.
Finally, each dessert gets two “corn leaves” made out of green-tinted white chocolate. “At the beginning, you can taste
corn, like, grilled corn flavor,” says Lee. “My favorite part of this corn is the sable, so you finish with the crunchiness and
then chewiness of the sable.”

El campo de trabajo es amplísimo,
pero puede resultar complicado
Si una cultura puede conocerse ante todo por su
gastronomía (porque todos tenemos que comer),
tenemos que reconocer que un texto culinario es
mucho más que un texto: representa a toda una
cultura (con sus productos típicos, especialidades
regionales y modos de preparación de sus
En la traducción gastronómica (tal vez más que en
cualquier otro campo) hay términos intraducibles,
polisemias y juegos léxico-culturales, por lo que a
menudo es necesaria la técnica de equivalencia
descriptiva cuando las analogías culinarias son
Una mala traducción puede dar como resultado un
mal plato, una elección desacertada en un
restaurante, dañar la imagen de una empresa (por
mal etiquetado), exponer(nos) a juicios civiles, y
hasta poner en riesgo la vida de las personas.
Driving y ou nuts!
Los alérgenos (o alergenos) son sustancias que
pueden ocasionar reacciones alérgicas. En
algunas personas, el sistema inmunitario
considera a los alérgenos como "extraños" o
"peligrosos". Como resultado, el sistema
inmunitario reacciona haciendo un anticuerpo
llamado IgE para defenderse en contra del
alérgeno. Esta reacción provoca los síntomas de
alergia, que pueden ser menores (como
inflamaciones leves o picazón) o muy graves
(como edema de glotis).
Este es un punto muy sensible en nuestro trabajo
como traductores gastronómicos. Como ven, la
traducción sí puede matar… o por lo menos dar
diarrea y vómitos.
La crítica
Review: Josette, Dubai’s fancy
French fun -dining restaurant
Is this the city’s best new restaurant?
“Welcome to 1920s Paris,” we’re warmly greeted as the grand green velvet drapes of the reception area lifts to reveal
Josette, DIFC’s newest restaurant. It is a dramatic reveal of one of the prettiest restaurants we’ve ever seen. Endless
shades of bubblegum, marshmallow and blush pink provide the backdrop to a restaurant of dazzling detail, all the
master work of acclaimed designer Luke Edward Hall.
This long-awaited restaurant, the latest addition to ICD Brookfield, is the first foray into French cuisine from Orange
Hospitality. The brand’s reputation as creators of two of Dubai’s finest Italian restaurants – Il Borro and Alici – means
the expectations on Josette are high.
Inspired by the extravagant surroundings, we start with a tiered tower of seafood. The Plateau de Josette (Dhs950)
might be a little on the pricy side, but this decadent dish is a stellar showcase of Josette’s menu, with poached
lobster, razor clams, fresh crab, plump Gillardeau oysters, mussels and prawns all neatly arranged on a bed of
crushed ice. The tartare de thon (Dhs110), is another prettily presented dish that might not be classically French, but
with a sweet blood orange dressing and caviar topping, it’s a suitably elegant and flavourful addition to the menu.
Another must-try is the escargot de Josette (Dhs105), plump snails are stuffed with a rich garlic and almond butter,
which we mop up with soldiers of crispy toasted brioche. Our only critique is that we wish there was more bread to
enjoy the last drops of almond butter. Another standout dish is the crevette grillées (Dhs85), swiftly served to the
table as mouthfuls of juicy prawn, josper grilled and delicately seasoned with a delicious tomato concasé with hints
of garlic and red chili.
All the Michelin-star restaurants in Lisbon
Discover the eight the Lisbon restaurants awarded with a shining Michelin star - and in some cases, two stars

1. Alma
2017 was a happy year for chef Henrique Sá Pessoa. He consolidated his new Alma in
Chiado, finally won the first Michelin star of his career - repeated the feat in 2018 - and
opened a workshop where he experiments with new dishes. In four tasting menus (from 80
to 100 €) and à la carte, he presents a fine dining kitchen with reinterpretations of
Portuguese classics, some Asian touches and other influences of his life and work abroad.
Pay close attention to the stove, if you get a chance: a 750kg piece designed by the chef.
Perfect for: going to a soulful and relaxed Michelin star restaurant.
Must try: the calçada de bacalhau with onion and egg yolk puree.
10 Fast-Food Restaurants That Serve Healthy Foods

Many fast-food restaurants offer nutritious options, including wraps, salads, and burritos

1. Chipotle
Chipotle Mexican Grill is a restaurant chain that specializes in foods like tacos and burritos.
The company tries to use only organic, local ingredients, with meats from naturally raised animals.
Healthy options: burritos, tacos, and salads, with a variety of meats, veggies, rice, beans, and
Locations: all over the United States, as well as Canada, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom.

3. Wendy’s
Wendy’s is the third-largest hamburger fast-food chain in the world, behind McDonald’s and Burger
Although their menu consists mostly of hamburgers, chicken sandwiches, and French fries, they also
offer some healthier alternatives.
Healthy options: chicken salads and chicken wraps
Restaurant review - I went to Stones Cafe in
Fareham and managed to please a grumpy
Most of us want to please everybody all of the time. Those with children know that often you have to
make do with pleasing somebody some of the time, and more often than not you’re the one not
pleased. That’s fine. It’s part of the deal

Eating out is – certainly with the cost of living the way it is at the moment – for many of us a rare treat.
It’s something to be savoured as a break from the norm. But most adults don’t want to have to go to
McDonald’s, and most children will not tolerate a curry.
So where's the middle ground? Well, some pubs – including the Farmhouse in Portsmouth, a recent
Dish Detective stopover – do alright with a mixture of soft play and activities for small ones, and sport-
showing tellies for bigger people. But you can’t always go to a pub.
While it is decorated in the gentle brown hues of the coffee house, Stones is a proper cafe. To use a
reference that the three-year-old would understand, it feels like it could be the cafe that Sophie and her
family go to after the Tiger Who Came To Tea cleaned out their house of all food and drink, and that
book came out in the late 60s. If you want fry-ups and simple meals, this really is your kind of place
(although it must be said Fareham’s West Street is blessed with great independent venues, who deserve
all the support they can get).

Cocinas especiales
Cocina regional
30 of the Best Thai Foods & Dishes You Absolutely Have to Try
(Asian Highlight)

Thai food, as a popular international cuisine, distinguishes itself by its freshness, exotic fragrance,
and extravagant spices. The best Thai food includes pad Thai and Thai fried rice, yet there are
many other mouthwatering dishes you should order, such as various Thai curries, sizzling Thai
hot pot, and spicy shrimp soup. They are all ready to thrill your taste buds to the extreme. Here,
we introduce you to the best 17 gourmet Thai dishes you should try in Thailand.

Tom Yum Goong (Spicy Shrimp Soup)

Thai food, as a popular international cuisine, distinguishes itself by its
freshness, exotic fragrance, and extravagant spices. The best Thai
food includes pad Thai and Thai fried rice, yet there are many other
mouthwatering dishes you should order, such as various Thai curries,
sizzling Thai hot pot, and spicy shrimp soup. They are all ready to
thrill your taste buds to the extreme. Here, we introduce you to the
best 17 gourmet Thai dishes you should try in Thailand.
Cocina regional
(Cuddly Nest)

Restaurants around the world have adapted certain dishes and Italian recipes to create their own
version of the food. However, when it comes to traditional preparation, it’s important to know
the correct methods and ingredients in order to make your Italian dishes just right. Or Perfetto
come Italia, as the Italians say. Here are the quick facts about Italian recipes, food, and
restaurants, that will make you wanna head over to the kitchen straight away and prepare a
superb dinner for your family.

Italians don’t use too much garlic.

While you may find garlic bread at the top of most menus in Italian restaurants around the world,
traditional Italian restaurants don’t serve garlic bread. Rather, bread is typically served plain.
Italians avoid overusing garlic in their dishes. They prefer to rely on flavorful and fresh
Spaghetti and meatballs is not an authentic Italian dish.
Don’t worry, we’re not denying that spaghetti with tomato sauce and meatballs is delicious,
however, it is not an authentic Italian dish. Italians actually rarely serve meat in their pasta.
Pepperoni means “bell pepper” in Italian.
If you have ever walked into a pizzeria in Italy and asked for a pepperoni pizza, you were probably
surprised when a pizza with bell peppers was brought to your table.
Cocina gourmet
The Ultimate Guide to Making The Fancy Restaurant Dishes You
Never Thought You Could
(The Spruce Eats)

You don't need a culinary degree to master your favorite fine dining dishes. Whether you are
planning a special dinner for Valentine's Day, New Year's Eve, or simply want to step up your
cooking game, these are the restaurant recipes you should add to your arsenal. We've included
our best gourmet recipes for appetizers, entrees, side dishes, desserts, and cocktails you can
make at home to impress even the most discerning guests.

French Pork Rillettes

Start any meal like a Parisian with a plate of pork rillettes. The classic French
appetizer designed for spreading on baguette slices will remind you of a
decadent pate. In fact, it is actually closer to confit, since it is made by slow-
cooking meat for several hours in its own fat, flavored with herbs and seasonings.
Cocina saludable/de ocasión
Vegetarian Christmas menú (BBC Good Food)

Go meat-free this festive season. We’ve put together our favourite veggie Christmas
dinner recipes, complete with breakfast and snack ideas

Start the big day with a satisfying breakfast to tide you over until the main feast later on. Want to
satisfy a sweet tooth? Try a stack of fluffy, perfectly spiced pancakes or an equally indulgent
Christmas-inspired French toast. Cheesy omelettes, scrambled eggs and porridge are also great
options to keep you full and sustain kids' energy levels, helping them power through until it's
time to open presents.

Starters & canapés

Keep starters relatively light – you don't want to peak too soon. Cheese, fruit and salads are
perfect options for preceding a more filling main. Feeling adventurous? Add a pop of colour to
your plate with our rainbow spring rolls, packed with vibrant fresh veg. Serve creamy goat's
cheese with beetroots for a winning combination.

Veggie main course recipes

Make your Christmas centrepiece a vegetarian showstopper to remember. Try our cheesy chard
gratin for an indulgent option, and please a crowd with our leek & caerphilly crumble tart.
Cocina casera
(Spoon University)

The 8 Best Crock-Pot Recipes for an Easy Home-Cooked Meal

If you've been using "I can't cook" or "I don't have the time" as excuses for ordering pizza every
second night or living off of boxed Minute Made Rice, this article about crock-pot recipes is for
you. Crock-pots have earned a bad reputation among CTV's This is Us fans for playing a role in a
certain character's untimely death. Despite that, they really are a staple kitchen item, especially
for students.
Crock-pot recipes are a perfect time-efficient solution to all of your cooking problems. There is no
skill required; crockpots are ideal for cooking rookies who want a taste of home without the
work. All you have to do is pour in the ingredients and wait. Here are 8 easy and quick recipes that
you can make in your slow cooker for lunch, dinner, or dessert today.

1 Chili
Now that winter is here, chilli tastes better than ever. With this recipe, you
can substitute the type of beans that are used to suit your own preferences,
and make it with or without beef. You can also spice it in different ways each
time you make it.
Cocina casera
(Dinner Then Dessert)

Slow Cooker Beef Chili

An EASY, classic Slow Cooker Beef Chili that takes no effort and makes a perfect meal the
family will love. Perfect for dinner or game day!

▢ 2 pounds lean ground beef , 80/20

▢ 1 yellow onion , chopped
▢ 3 garlic cloves , minced
▢ 2 16-ounce cans red kidney beans , rinsed and drained
▢ 29 ounces canned diced tomatoes , not drained
▢ 1/4 cup tomato paste
▢ 3 tablespoons chili powder
▢ 1 teaspoon Kosher salt
▢ 1 teaspoon coarse ground black pepper
▢ 1 teaspoon ground cumin
▢ 1 minced jalapeno , optional (if you want it spicy)
▢ 1/2 cup saltine cracker crumbs , finely ground

• Cook the beef and onion together in a large pot or cast iron skillet over medium high heat until
the beef is browned well.
• Add it to the slow cooker with the rest of the ingredients.
• Cook on high heat for 3 hours or on low heat for 6 hours.
Algunas agencias que se ocupan de traducción
gastronómica Nunca trabajé para ellas; no sé qué pagan; no sé dónde están; no sé nada.

• Architekst
• Blarlo
• Crisol Translation Services
• Language Direct
• Semantix
• Signewords
• Translated By Humans
• Stepes (no es agencia, es sitio web de mercado)
Recursos útiles
Robuchon, Joël, et al. Larousse Gastronomique en español.
Traducción de Josep María Pinto e Imma Estany. Barcelona:
Ediciones Larousse, 2004.

Montagné, Prosper. The New Larousse Gastronomique. The

Encyclopedia of Food, Wine and Cookery. Traducción de Marion
Hunter M. I. L. Nueva York: The Hamlyn Publishing Group, 1977. (¿Y hoy qué comemos?) (Recetas de Esbieta)
Y todo lo que se les ocurra y les guste.
Guillermo Badenes


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