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TITLE: Redesigning an Introductory Programming Course to Facilitate Effective Student Learning: A Case

CITATION: U. Yeliz Eseryel, Dan Jiang, Deniz Eseryel

Lexicon: (10 words) Multitasking: a person's or product's ability to do more than one thing at a
Banning: not permitted or allowed.
Furthermore: in addition to what precedes
Aware: knowing that something exists, or having knowledge or experience
of a particular thing
Behavior: the way that someone behaves
Outcomes: a result or effect of an action, situation, etc.
Ubiquitous: seeming to be everywhere
Societal: relating to or involving society
Findings: a piece of information that is discovered during an official
examination of a problem, situation, or object
Ban: to forbid (= refuse to allow) something, especially officially

INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) • Being able to fully include mobile multitasking in the school
▪ give a brief introduction to give the nec environment so that students can take advantage of it
cessary background to the study and • to challenge current instructors and learning management system
state its purpose. interface designers who should take into account multitasking with
▪ Why was the study conducted? mobile technologies.
▪ What was it about? • is about the findings and successes of college students with mobile

• A quasi-experimental design was used in the study. Contrary to the

literature, it was found that multitasking involving IT text messages
PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) does not decrease students' learning performance as previously
▪ describe the specifics of what this thought.
• The study noted that data was collected from 117 students in two
study involved
sections of an introductory Management Information Systems
▪ Who were the subjects?
▪ What was measured? • The role of mobile multitasking in learning performance. Since
▪ What was being compared? mobile technologies are ubiquitous and their use in multitasking is
common, therefore, in an environment suitable for university
students, it would be very helpful.
• It was compared how feasible it would be for multitasking to be
established in a university environment, this with the question of
whether it would be a problem of distraction or a learning tool.
FINDINGS(3-5 sentences) •
As mentioned in the article, it was created in 2010, so the findings
▪ Discuss the major findings and results. may have changed a bit from today, but I think that given the
▪ How useful or significant is this? pandemic we experienced before, it was proven that the use of
▪ What did the author say about it? mobile devices in the classroom promotes the development of
cognitive skills such as problem solving, decision making, reflective
and critical thinking.
• Personally, as a university student, I consider that multitasking
should be used more efficiently in the classroom, since it favors our
learning, and it may be easier to understand a topic or activity in a
dynamic and fun way.
• What the article says is that multitasking involving IT texting does
not decrease student performance in class compared to not
multitasking. Second, our study showed that, in general,
multitasking reduced students' learning satisfaction despite
literature suggesting otherwise. We found that attitude towards
multitasking moderated the relationship between multitasking and
satisfaction with learning, also stating that its use in multitasking
affects social performance.
CONCLUSIONS (3-5 sentences) • The article mentions that the use of multitasking is of great help
▪ Summarize the researcher’s but that previously they were not carried out at all, either because
conclusions. of the way some teachers decide or if they are familiar with them.
▪ What was the major outcome of the He also mentions that multitasking presents a way to promote a
study? positive attitude towards the study, however this does not mean
that a higher performance in the study was presented
• That there may be a greater increase in positive activity towards
multitasking and they may be mostly very efficient in studying, but
also there may not be much student performance even when these
have been implemented
I found it interesting since multitasking can be very efficient as long as it is
PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 words) used correctly, because otherwise it would be very distracting and that
would affect our learning. Also how the LTI can be very helpful in this
▪ What did you learn from the study?
Something that I also found very interesting is that applying multitasking
▪ How might you apply the information in does not decrease the performance of students in class compared to not
your academic training? multitasking, but at the same time it is mentioned in the article that if
▪ How this study relate to your field multitasking is implemented, it is not certain that there will be an increase
of preparation? in learning performance, that is why I consider that multitasking is very
variable and also depends a lot on each student and how it is easier for
them to learn.
The recommendation that is mentioned in the article is that; instructors
and learning management system designers to consider mobile
multitasking when designing courses and course interfaces, rather than
ban multitasking and assume students don't multitask. Which seemed very
interesting to me since, as is commonly known, there are many teachers
who still do not implement these tools, either because they are a bit
complicated to understand or because they require a greater ability to
understand digital devices, which is fine, but we understand that we are
already in a new era where digital predominates, that is why we should
accept and learn to use these tools for everyone, whether young or old.
Student’s name: Samantha Pamela Ruiz Aguirre ARTICLE Nº:

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