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Técnicas de escritura académica

Juan Carlos Duque

Universidad EAFIT
Escuela de Ciencias Aplicadas e Ingeniería
Revisión y Edición
(parte 1)

Juan Carlos Duque

Universidad EAFIT
Escuela de Ciencias
Departamento de Ciencias Matemáticas

Guión Borrador

3 9/2/23 11:08


9/2/23 10:53 4
¿Qué es la

• Cambios grandes al documento:

• Se elimina o agrega una sección o
parte de una sección.
• Por solicitud de un referee.
• Para ajustar la longitud del artículo a
las condiciones de una revista.
• Para dirigir el artículo a una
audiencia diferente.

6 9/2/23 11:08

• Cambios pequeños al
• Es donde emerge la elegancia del
• Se aplica en múltiples capas.
• Se analiza cada frase del
• ¿Esta frase es fácil de entender?
• ¿Esta frase es interesante y
agradable de leer?

7 9/2/23 11:08
8 9/2/23 11:08
Editing Certificate

This document certifies that the manuscript

Using quantum computing to solve the Maximal Covering Location Problem

prepared by the authors

Alejandro Giraldo, Juan G. Lalinde, Juan C. Duque, and Daniel Sierra

was edited for proper English language, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and overall style
by one or more of the highly qualified native English speaking editors at AJE.

This certificate was issued on June 13, 2022 and may be verified
on the AJE website using the verification code 3196-C6F0-EC5D-3FD1-FC28 .

Neither the research content nor the authors' intentions were altered in any way during the editing process. Documents
receiving this certification should be English-ready for publication; however, the author has the ability to accept or reject our
suggestions and changes. To verify the final AJE edited version, please visit our verification page at
If you have any questions or concerns about this edited document, please contact AJE at

AJE provides a range of editing, translation, and manuscript services for researchers and publishers around the world.
For more information about our company, services, and partner discounts, please visit

9 9/2/23 11:08
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14 9/2/23 11:08
1. Podado
Elimine las palabras innecesarias:

17 9/2/23 11:08
Elimine las palabras innecesarias:

18 9/2/23 11:08
Elimine las palabras innecesarias:

19 9/2/23 11:08
Elimine las palabras innecesarias:

20 9/2/23 11:08
Elimine las palabras innecesarias:

21 9/2/23 11:08
Elimine las palabras innecesarias:

22 9/2/23 11:08
Elimine las palabras innecesarias:

23 9/2/23 11:08
Elimine las palabras innecesarias:

24 9/2/23 11:08
Elimine las palabras innecesarias:

25 9/2/23 11:08
2. Voz pasiva -> Voz activa
Voz pasiva a voz activa:

Voz pasiva: object + verb + subject / object + verb

Voz activa: subject + verb + object / subject + verb

27 9/2/23 11:08
Voz pasiva a voz activa:

Voz pasiva: object + verb + subject / object + verb

The ions from the plasma were sampled by us using
flow injection.
Voz activa: subject + verb + object / subject + verb

28 9/2/23 11:08

¿Quién realiza la acción?

29 9/2/23 11:08
Voz pasiva a voz activa:

Voz pasiva: object + verb + subject / object + verb

The ions from the plasma were sampled by us using
flow injection.
Voz activa: subject + verb + object / subject + verb
We sampled the ions from the plasma using flow

30 9/2/23 11:08
Voz pasiva a voz activa:

Voz pasiva: object + verb + subject / object + verb

The risk of hair loss is increased by vitamin A.

Voz activa: subject + verb + object / subject + verb

31 9/2/23 11:08
Voz pasiva a voz activa:

Voz pasiva: object + verb + subject / object + verb

The risk of hair loss is increased by vitamin A.

Voz activa: subject + verb + object / subject + verb

Vitamin A increases the risk of hair loss.

32 9/2/23 11:08

¿Quién realiza la acción?

En algunos casos nos toca
los autores, estudios previos…

33 9/2/23 11:08
Voz pasiva a voz activa:

Voz pasiva: object + verb + subject / object + verb

The ions from the plasma were sampled by random

Voz activa: subject + verb + object / subject + verb

34 9/2/23 11:08
Voz pasiva a voz activa:

Voz pasiva: object + verb + subject / object + verb

The ions from the plasma were sampled by random

Voz activa: subject + verb + object / subject + verb

We randomly sampled the ions from the plasma.

35 9/2/23 11:08

Es por este motivo que está bien usar

primera persona en escritura
• Permite usar voz activa.
• No le resta objetividad al artículo.
• El autor asume la responsabilidad por el

36 9/2/23 11:08
Voz pasiva a voz activa:

Voz pasiva: object + verb + subject / object + verb

Comparative analysis of ORF2 sequences has been
used in previous studies to elucidate phylogenetic
relationships among different FCV isolates.

Voz activa: subject + verb + object / subject + verb

37 9/2/23 11:08
Voz pasiva a voz activa:

Voz pasiva: object + verb + subject / object + verb

Comparative analysis of ORF2 sequences has been
used in previous studies to elucidate phylogenetic
relationships among different FCV isolates.

Voz activa: subject + verb + object / subject + verb

Previous studies used comparative analysis of ORF2
sequences to elucidate phylogenetic relationships
among different FCV isolates.

38 9/2/23 11:08
Voz pasiva a voz activa:

Voz pasiva:
Two studies have also been found that present a mathematical model,
solution methods, and computational results for college basketball (Van
Voorhis, 2005) and the New Zealander basketball league (Wright, 2006).

Voz activa:

39 9/2/23 11:08
Voz pasiva a voz activa:

Voz pasiva:
Two studies have also been found that present a mathematical model,
solution methods, and computational results for college basketball (Van
Voorhis, 2005) and the New Zealander basketball league (Wright, 2006).

Voz activa:
Van Voorhis (2005) and Wright (2006) present a mathematical model,
solution methods, and computational results for college basketball and
the New Zealander basketball league respectively.

40 9/2/23 11:08
Tip: ¿cuándo usar voz pasiva?

• Cuando no importa quién hizo la acción.

• Lo importante es quién o qué recibe la
• The problem is classified as NP-Hard.
• The students were trained using a guide published by
the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

41 9/2/23 11:08
3. Use verbos y evite
convertir verbos en
El papel de los verbos

• Le dan la fuerza a la frase y deben ser

seleccionados cuidadosamente.
• Los verbos describen acciones, estados y
ocurrencias y no pueden ser debilitados
convirtiéndolos en sustantivos.

43 9/2/23 11:08
sustantivo vs. verbo

• Metropolitan coordination makes a significant

increase in productivity.

• Metropolitan coordination increases productivity


44 9/2/23 11:08
Noten el verbo débil y
sustantivo vs. verbo además innecesario

• Metropolitan coordination makes a significant

increase in productivity.

• Metropolitan coordination increases productivity


45 9/2/23 11:08
sustantivo vs. verbo

Forma débil Forma fuerte

Present a comparison of compare
Perform an analysis of analyze
Make an examination of examine
Produce an improvement in improve
Be in agreement agree
Produce a disruption disrupt

46 9/2/23 11:08
4. No abusar de los

Adverbios que se deben evitar:.


48 9/2/23 11:08
5. No abusar de los verbos
débiles "to be", "there is" o
"to be", "there is" o "have"

• The are many ways in which you can sort an array.

• You can sort an array in many ways.

• There was a large number of instances that did not converge.

• A large number of instances did not converge.

50 9/2/23 11:08
"to be", "there is" o "have"

• The results confirm that there is an association between urban form and
• The results confirm an association between urban form and crime.

• There are many cities that are working on this problem.

• May cities work on this problem.

51 9/2/23 11:08
6. Paralelismo
53 9/2/23 11:08
7. Transiciones
¿Qué son?:

• Son frases o palabras que conectan una idea con la

• Ayudan al lector a moverse de una idea a la siguiente.
• Muestran la relación entre la idea central del párrafo y las
frases de soporte.
• Actúan como “rieles” de la lógica del lector.

55 9/2/23 11:08
¿Para qué?:


I like research very much therefore


56 9/2/23 11:08
57 9/2/23 11:08
8. Evitar frases en negativo
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Técnicas de escritura académica

Juan Carlos Duque

Universidad EAFIT
Escuela de Ciencias Aplicadas e Ingeniería

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