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Las 50 frases más usadas del inglés laboral

En este documento encontrarás las 50 frases en inglés más usadas en el

ámbito laboral. Será tu as bajo la manga para comunicarte con confianza y
destacar en tu carrera. Cada frase viene con su traducción y una breve
explicación, ¡sin complicaciones!

Además, te presentamos ejemplos prácticos para que veas cómo aplicarlas en

situaciones reales. ¿Estás listo para impresionar a tus colegas en inglés?
¡Vamos a ello!

Win-win: Una situación o resultado que es beneficioso/bueno para todos los

Example: By implementing the new scheduling system, we were able to create
a win-win situation for both the employees and the company, increasing
productivity and work-life balance.

Think outside the box: Pensar de manera diferente, creativa, fuera de las
posibilidades normales.
Example: In order to stay ahead of the competition, we need to encourage our
team to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions.

Going forward: A partir de ahora. En el futuro.

Example: Going forward, we will focus on expanding our international market
presence and strengthening our partnerships.

Reach out: Intentar comunicarse. Metafóricamente, avanzar hacia adelante o

hacia arriba para tocar.
Example: I will reach out to the potential clients to schedule a meeting and
discuss their needs in more detail.

Touch base: Hacer o renovar brevemente contacto con alguien.

Example: Let's touch base with the marketing team to discuss the progress of
the new campaign.

Give 110%: Dar más de lo estándar, superar las expectativas. Expresión

matemáticamente irracional.
Example: Our team is dedicated and motivated to give 110% to meet the
project deadline and deliver exceptional results.

Paradigm Shift: Un término sobreutilizado desde el siglo pasado, que significa

"cambio fundamental" o "ajuste crítico".
Example: The introduction of renewable energy sources marked a paradigm
shift in the way we generate power and reduce our carbon footprint.
At the end of the day: A menos que realmente sea el final del día, significa
"finalmente" o "en última instancia".
Example: At the end of the day, customer satisfaction is our top priority and
drives our decision-making process.

Raise the bar: Ampliar los límites y alcanzar la excelencia.

Example: Our goal is to raise the bar in customer service by providing
personalized experiences and exceeding customer expectations.

Ball is in your court: Depende de ti tomar la próxima decisión o paso.

Example: We have presented our proposal, and now the ball is in your court to
review and provide feedback.

Synergy: Básicamente una palabra de moda para el trabajo en equipo. El

esfuerzo conjunto y el resultado de dos o más organizaciones o personas es
mayor que la suma de sus efectos individuales.
Example: By fostering a collaborative culture, we can harness the power of
synergy and achieve remarkable results.

Best of breed: Se utiliza para describir al mejor representante de una raza,

una categoría o un producto.
Example: Our company is proud to offer the best of breed technology solutions
that meet the specific needs of our clients.

Take it to the next level: Mejorar algo o llevarlo a un nivel superior.

Example: After successfully launching our product in the domestic market, it's
time to take it to the next level and expand internationally.

It is what it is: Significa que algo no va a cambiar y hay que aceptarlo tal como
Example: We didn't win the contract, but it is what it is. Let's regroup and focus
on other opportunities.

The bottom line: Significado, el punto esencial, inferencia de algo (también, la

línea de fondo se refiere a las ganancias netas, el ingreso neto o las ganancias
por acción (EPS) de una empresa).
Example: The bottom line is that we need to increase sales and reduce costs to
improve our financial performance.

Scalable: La capacidad de un proceso para manejar una cantidad creciente de

trabajo o el potencial de ampliarse para acomodar ese crecimiento.
Example: Our software platform is highly scalable, allowing us to accommodate
a growing user base and handle increased demand.
Down the Road: En un punto posterior, más tarde o no especificado. Similar a
"down the line".
Example: We have some exciting projects in the pipeline, and down the road,
we anticipate significant growth and expansion.

Learn the ropes: Aprender lo básico de algo.

Example: As a new employee, it's important to take the time to learn the ropes
and understand the company's processes and culture.

Let's hit the ground running: Estar listo de inmediato para trabajar cuando
comienza una nueva actividad.
Example: We have a tight deadline for this project, so let's hit the ground
running and start working on it right away.

Ball-park figure: Una estimación numérica aproximada.

Example: Can you give me a ball-park figure for the cost of the marketing

Downsizing: Reducir el tamaño de una empresa u organización mediante la

eliminación de puestos de trabajo.
Example: Due to financial challenges, the company had to resort to downsizing
and lay off a portion of its workforce.

No-brainer: Algo que es obvio y fácil de comprender sin esfuerzo.

Example: Choosing the more affordable option was a no-brainer for the budget-
conscious consumer.

Open the kimono: Un término japonés para compartir de manera precisa toda
la información necesaria y relevante.
Example: In order to build trust and foster transparency, the CEO decided to
open the kimono and share the company's financial status with all employees.

The elephant in the room (or corner): Un problema obvio y grande, del cual
todos son conscientes, pero nadie quiere hablar (un tema delicado).
Example: The decreasing sales figures were the elephant in the room that the
team avoided discussing during the meeting.

Benchmark: Una medida estándar o punto de referencia con el cual se

comparan o evalúan cosas.
Example: The company compared its customer satisfaction ratings to industry
benchmarks to gauge its performance.

Let's take it offline: En lugar de decirlo al azar, menciona específicamente,

"Después de la reunión, durante el receso".
Example: We can address the technical issues separately. Let's take it offline
and discuss them during the break.
Let's circle back: Una expresión que significa "Volvamos a discutir este tema
en otro momento".
Example: We don't have time to discuss it now, but let's circle back to this topic
during next week's meeting.

In the pipeline: Algo que está en proceso, en espera.

Example: We have several new product ideas in the pipeline that we plan to
launch next year.

Bite the bullet: Una expresión que significa "Tomar la decisión difícil" o "dar un
paso difícil".
Example: In order to save costs, the company had to bite the bullet and reduce
employee benefits.

I have a lot on my plate: Tener más trabajo o responsabilidades de las que se

puede manejar.
Example: With multiple deadlines approaching, I have a lot on my plate right

Drastic times call for drastic measures: Cuando estás extremadamente

desesperado, necesitas tomar medidas extremas.
Example: In order to save the company from bankruptcy, the CEO
implemented drastic measures, including significant layoffs and budget cuts.

Low-hanging fruit: Realizar una tarea fácil o alcanzar algo que es fácilmente
alcanzable (con poco esfuerzo).
Example: Let's focus on the low-hanging fruit first and complete the small,
quick-win projects before tackling the larger ones.

Back to the drawing board: Volver a comenzar algo desde el proceso o etapa
de planificación.
Example: The initial marketing campaign didn't yield the desired results, so we
have to go back to the drawing board and come up with a new strategy.

The 80-20 rule: Es una regla general que establece que "el 80% de los
resultados se pueden atribuir al 20% de todas las causas de un evento dado".
En los negocios, el 80-20 se utiliza a menudo para destacar que el 80% de los
ingresos de una empresa proviene del 20% de sus clientes totales. Por lo tanto,
la regla se utiliza para ayudar a los gerentes a identificar y determinar qué
factores operativos son más importantes y deben recibir más atención, basado
en un uso eficiente de los recursos.
Example: By focusing on the top 20% of our customers who generate 80% of
our revenue, we can maximize our sales efforts and allocate resources more
Net-net: Es una técnica de inversión de valor desarrollada por Benjamin
Graham en la cual se valora una empresa únicamente en función de sus
activos netos actuales. En general, el término se utiliza para inferir el resultado
final de algo.
Example: Net-net, what do we have pending? Let's summarize the key points
and determine the next steps.

Feel a bit under the weather: Sentirse ligeramente enfermo.

Example: I won't be able to come to the office today as I'm feeling a bit under
the weather.

Read between the lines: Entender algo que no es obvio o algo que no se
comunica directamente.
Example: The email was polite, but when I read between the lines, I sensed
some underlying dissatisfaction.

My hands are tied: La incapacidad de tomar cualquier acción.

Example: I understand your request, but unfortunately, my hands are tied in
this situation.

Bite off more than you can chew: Asumir una tarea que es demasiado
Example: I wanted to take on additional projects, but I realized I had bitten off
more than I could chew and had to delegate some tasks.

Curiosity killed the cat: Ser curioso puede llevarte a una situación
Example: John's curiosity led him to investigate a sensitive matter, but it ended
up causing trouble for him.

The fact of the matter is: Esto básicamente significa "Lo que has presentado
hasta ahora no es un hecho y estoy a punto de corregirte".
Example: The fact of the matter is that your calculations were incorrect, and we
need to recalculate the numbers.

Beat around the bush: Evitar el tema principal. No hablar directamente sobre
el asunto.
Example: Instead of giving a direct answer, he kept beating around the bush,
avoiding the question.

Back to square one: Volver a empezar desde cero.

Example: After realizing the initial plan was flawed, we had to go back to
square one and come up with a new strategy.
Let the cat out of the bag: Revelar información que antes estaba oculta.
Example: John accidentally let the cat out of the bag and revealed the surprise
party to his sister.

Push the envelope: Empujar los límites o ampliar las fronteras de lo que es
Example: The company is known for pushing the envelope in terms of
technological innovation.

Move the needle: Hacer una diferencia notable o un progreso significativo en

Example: The new marketing campaign really moved the needle and increased
our sales by 20%.

Take with a grain of salt: Esto significa no tomar lo que alguien dice
demasiado en serio.
Example: He tends to exaggerate, so you should take his stories with a grain of

It takes two to tango: Las acciones o comunicaciones requieren más de

una persona.
Example: Resolving this conflict will require cooperation from both parties. It
takes two to tango.

Hit the nail on the head: Hacer algo exactamente bien, acertar en el blanco.
Example: Mary's analysis hit the nail on the head and identified the root cause
of the problem.

We can't boil the ocean: Expresar una tarea irrazonable o una situación
Example: Trying to redesign the entire product in a week is like trying to boil the
ocean. It's not realistic.

Throw him/her under the bus: "Traicionar o sacrificar a una persona,

especialmente en beneficio propio o para proteger sus propios intereses".
Example: Instead of taking responsibility, he threw his colleague under the bus
to save himself.

Let's take a deep dive: Entender a fondo para encontrar el sentido interno o
información oculta (no tan obvia).
Example: Before making a decision, let's take a deep dive into the data and
analyze it thoroughly.
360-degree thinking: Es una forma de maximizar el éxito y minimizar el
fracaso. Pensar desde todas las perspectivas y personas (público, clientes,
clientes) con empatía. Considerar los efectos y repercusiones de tus acciones
antes de comprometerte con ellas.
Example: In order to create a successful marketing campaign, we need to
adopt a 360-degree thinking approach and consider all stakeholders'

Power to the elbow: Obtener información adicional de respaldo para fortalecer

tu argumento.
Example: I gathered extensive research and data to present to the board,
giving power to the elbow of my proposal.

Golden parachute: Es un acuerdo entre una empresa y un empleado

(generalmente un ejecutivo superior) que especifica que el empleado recibirá
ciertos beneficios significativos si se termina su empleo.
Example: The CEO negotiated a golden parachute in his contract, ensuring a
substantial payout if he is let go.

Barking up the wrong tree: Buscar en el lugar equivocado. Acusar a las

personas equivocadas.
Example: The police were barking up the wrong tree when they arrested the
wrong suspect.

Best thing since sliced bread: Una buena invención o innovación. Una buena
idea o plan.
Example: According to him, the new smartphone is the best thing since sliced
bread, revolutionizing the way we communicate.

Don't count your chickens before the eggs have hatched: No hagas planes
para algo que podría no suceder.
Example: Don't start celebrating your promotion until it's officially confirmed.
Don't count your chickens before the eggs have hatched.

Let sleeping dogs lie: Deja que una situación sea como es, ya que cualquier
perturbación causaría problemas o complicaciones.
Example: We should let sleeping dogs lie and not bring up old conflicts that
may reignite tensions.

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