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Cash balance: Saldo en efectivo Issue shares: Emitir acciones

Cash Flow statement: Estado de flujo de caja Loan: préstamo

Corporate income tax: Impuesto sobre sociedades long-term: a largo plazo
Decrease: Disminuir net: neto
Deductions: Deducciones owe: deber
Dividend: Dividendo profitable: rentable
Expense: gastos purchase: compra
Figures: Cifras renovation: renovación
Go out of business: Quebrar revenue: ganancia
Gross: Bruto shareholder: accionista
Income: Ingreso survive: sobrevivir
Increase Aumentar waste: perder
Interest rate: Tasa de interés

Accounts payable: cuentas por cobrar Investor: Inversor

Accounts receivable: cuenta pendiente Liabilities: Pasivo/ obligaciones
Accrued expenses: Gastos acumulados Merchandise:
Assets: Activos Net worth Valor neto
Balance sheet: Hoja de balance non-current: no urgente
Composition: composición Out of stock: agotado
Ceeditor: acreedor own: propio
Current: actual Property: propiedad
Debt: Deuda retained earnings: Ganan pendi
Equity Equidad Share capital: Acciones de capi
Equivalent: equivalente Sign: signo
In stock: disponible para venta Turnover: volumen de ventas
Arrangement fee: pago de arreglo line of credit: línea de credito
Borrow: Tomar prestado overdraw: Sacar + dinero
Branch: sucursal payment holiday: paga de vc
business account: cuenta de negocios pay off: saldar
colateral: aval personal guarantee:
credit limit: límite de créditos projection: proyeccción
credit ranting: calificación crediticia secured: asegurado
current account: cuenta corriente standing order: orden permanent
deny: negar terms: condicciones
lend: prestar withdraw: retirar

Courtesy: Cortesia negligence: negligencia

Covered covered no-claims dscuento:
Despite: a pesar de payment: pago
e-risk insurance: electrónico policy holder: titular de poliza
fine(v): multar premium
fire insurance Prof Indemnity Ins: Identf pro
identity fraud Publioc and..: S de resp civil
injured: herido sued: demanda
in mind: en mente suffer: sufrir
insurance policy: póliza de seguro Third party: tercera parte
legal fees: horarios legales Van insurance: Seguro de
liable: responsable

P R E S E N T P E R F E C T / PA S T S I M P L E

 Present perfect: para hablar sobre una acción del pasado que tiene relación con el
presente (yet, already, never, since, for…)
 Past simple: para hablar sobre acciones que han empezado y finalizado en el pasado
( last year, a few.. ago)


 Affirmative: He used to work here

 Negative: He didn not use to have a security camera
 Interrogative: Did she use to work as a telemarketer?
 Short: Yes/No he did/not
 Use: Para hablr sobre habitos del pasado


 Se emplea para señalar que un evento ocurrió antes que otro en el pasado.
 En cambio, el pasado simple para algo más reciente
 After ira seguido del past perfect al igual que because
 Before ira seguid del past simple al igual que by the time

This year has not been as Good as we expected for our XT7 product. sales have been growing
till June. In Europe from JAnuary to June was 78,000 and from July to December was 115,000.
The same has happened to North America. In the firt period 145,000 and from july have
increased to 180,000.
And the sales of the order XT6 happened the other way around, they have decreased. In Europe
95,000 and 88,000 and in North America 116,000 and 105,000. However next year we expect
those figures will rise in XT7 around 225,00 and 228,000 and in XT6 will decline around
55,000 and 85,000.

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