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GUÍA No. 2
DOCENTE:: MARIA FANNY TARAZONA FECHA: Lunes 04 de Mayo 2020 Whatsapp 3178631717
ÁREA: Humanidades ASIGNATURA: Ingles GRADO: octavos
EJE TEMÁTICO: Can differentiate the use would like TEMA would like to do and would not like to
to do and would not like to do , review the vocabulary do, the vocabulary Environmental Concerns
Environmental Concerns and verbs. and verbs
COMPETENCIA: Practice would like to do and TIEMPO: 3 H. S.
would not like to do, the vocabulary and verbs.

Explanatión: Cómo usar WOULD LIKE en

Hoy vamos a ver cómo usar like y would like en También hay que tener presente que se usa al
inglés. Son expresiones parecidas, pero con revés que “gustar” en español. Like habla de una
diferencias importantes. sensación que yo siento respeto a algo.
La versión corta es que like es “gustar”, y would “Gustar” es algo que hace el chocolate a mi, like
like is “gustaría” – para ofrecer o pedir algo. es como yo me siento sobre el chocolate.
Like con sustantivo: Normalmente es fácil diferenciar, pero hay que
I like chocolate, but I don’t like chocolate cake. tener cuidado cuando hablamos de dos personas
He likes Japanese cinema, but he doesn’t like que se gustan o no.
Japanese novels. Would like se traduce por “gustaría” y se usa para
She likes coffee, but she doesn’t like tea. ofrecer o pedir algo.
Like con gerundio: I’d like some coffee, would you like some too?
They like going jogging. (Pidiendo y ofreciendo.)
I like walking in the mountains, but I don’t like Would you like a chocolate? (Ofreciendo.)
skiing. Si usamos un verbo después, ponemos to +
He likes listening to music, but he doesn’t like infinitivo:
going to concerts. She’d like to speak with you for a moment.
Entonces, muchas veces like se refiere a algo Q: Would you like to go to the cinema this
en general: el chocolate, , andar, vivir. Luego, evening? (Una invitación.)
puede usarse también para algo específico… A: Yes, I would.
I really like your new flat! It’s beautiful. Q: What would you like to do this weekend?
I like chocolate, I just don’t like this chocolate. A: I don’t know… Let’s go hiking!
(Para entender mejor el tema puedes entrar a
esta página)

***PRACTICE: WRITE IN YOUR NOTEBOOK.. Identify the things you would like
to do and
the things you would not like to do. Point them with a line

a. Rescue abandoned animals I would like to rescue abandoned animals.

b. Pick up rubbish in a public place
c. Organize a petition
d. Participate in a demonstration I wouldn’t like to pick up rubbish, but
e. Volunteer at a community garden I would like to organize a petition.
f. Design a website.
Complete these sentences with like, likes. Would like, I don’t know, in correct
form and translate in your notebook.
1. I____________ lions and tigers very much.

2. She ________________ playing tennis.

3. I _________________ to eat a pizza tonight.

4. They_______________ to buy a house but they haven't got enough


5. My mother____________________ a new dress to go to Paul's birthday.

6. I don’t ________________ your tee-shirt, it's awful.

7. My son___________________ a video game for his birthday.

8. Erin____________________ children very much.

9. Manuela __________________ to work for this company.

10.You __________________ dancing, don't you?

Topic: Environmental Concerns

Read and translate to three stories about teenagers getting involved in
Their communities. Complete the text with environmental concerns
I’m Carlos. I live in Nóvita, Chocó. It’s near the River Támana. My friends and I
love living
in the rainforest with all its plants and animals. We’re concerned about illegal
(a) _______ _____This activity pollutes rivers and streams, erodes land,
and affects our health.
I’m Diego from Ciénaga. I’m the son of a fisherman and I live near the lagoon.

I’m worried about fish. They are dying because the level of oxygen is low.
There is too
much water (b) _______________

I’m Luisa. I live in Arcabuco, Boyacá. I enjoy walking in these beautiful

I’m concerned about (c) ___________ A lot of people cut down trees for
agriculture and cattle farming. It affects ecosystems and biodiversity.

Nota: (Debe desarrollar las actividades a partir de ***PRACTICE en tu cuaderno, tomar una foto de
ellas, en la primera página donde empiecen las actividades debes escribir tu nombre y grado; por
favor enviarlas a este correo: , el trascurso de esta
semana. Cuando envíes el correo en asunto escribir grado y nombre también .)

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