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Administración Bilingüe

Número evaluación. EVALUACIÓN DIAGNÓSTICA - Jornada.

AB-110-1 – inglés i

NOMBRE: __________________________________________ FECHA: Fecha.

DOCENTE: Escriba el nombre del docente. PTJE: ______ NOTA:


1. Esta evaluación es representativa de las habilidades de entrada requeridas para el
desarrollo del módulo.
2. La evaluación tiene un total de 44 puntos requiriendo para la nota 4 un puntaje de
26 puntos, correspondiente al 60% del puntaje total.
3. Lea todas las preguntas antes de responder. El/la docente resolverá consultas
solamente en los primeros 10 minutos de iniciada la evaluación.
4. Se recomienda que responda primero las preguntas de menor dificultad.
5. Responda con seguridad, sin borrones y con lápiz de pasta. Las evaluaciones con
lápiz grafito no se corregirán.
6. Trabaje en forma individual, cualquier situación irregular provocará que el/la
docente le retire su evaluación, afectando su calificación.
7. Durante el transcurso de la evaluación NO se permitirá intercambio de útiles,
materiales, ni consultas a sus compañeros/as.
8. Se prohíbe estrictamente el uso de celulares durante la evaluación.

Duración de la evaluación: 35 minutos Vigencia: marzo 2024

Firma del Estudiante

Toma conocimiento de la Nota
Consideraciones: Las preguntas que se presentan a continuación buscan identificar las
habilidades de entrada necesarias para intencionar el desarrollo del módulo. Sus
respuestas son valiosas para determinar las estrategias formativas que serán utilizadas
durante el desarrollo del semestre.
Pregunta Pts.
1 Follow the instructions and write about you. 1*7

1. Write your name in capital letters.

7 points

2. Circle your title: Mr – Mrs. – Miss - Ms

3. Your last name is……………………………………………………….

4. Date of birth……………………………………………………………..

5. Age………………………..

6. Hobbies and interests:

I like / enjoy …………………………………………………………….

I don’t like ………………………………………………………………

Answers vary according to each student’s answers.

Pregunta Pts.
2. Read these people’s descriptions and then write five sentences to describe 5*2


Mary is a young girl. Pedro is an old man

She is short. He is tall
She is slim and fit. He is heavy
She has blond hair he is bald
She is very happy He is a serious person







Answers vary according to each student’s descriptions.

Pregunta Pts.
3 Read the article and write true (T) or false(F). Explain the reason why the 1*11
statement might be False.
11 points
The King’s Language
The Kings´ Language school is in Chile in the city of Santiago. It is a big
school. There are fifteen teachers and they are from the UK and Canada. The
students are from Chile, Colombia and Perú.
Carla and Sam are the managers. They are husband and wife. Carla is

Chilean and Sam is American. They are both forty-five years old.

English Now
The English Now school is in Guadalajara, Mexico.
The manager’s name is Francisco. He is fifty years old. This is a family
language school. They are all Mexican. Francisco’s daughter is the office
worker. His wife, Juanita, and son, Pablo, are teachers. His wife’s brother is a
teacher in the school too. His name is Carlos. There are students from
Mexico, Argentina and Thailand.

1. Carla and Sam are managers of English Now.____ _____________

2. Carla and Sam are brother and sister.___ __________________

3. There are Peruvian and Candian students at The King’s

Language. ___ _____________________________________

4. Sam is from the US.___ _______________________________

5. Carla and Sam aren’t forty-five.___ _________________

6. Juanita is the manager of English Now.___ ______________

7. Francisco is from Canada.___ ______________________

8. Francisco’s wife is a teacher.____ ____________________

9. Carlos is Francisco’s brother. ____ ____________________

10. Pablo is Argentinian.____ __________________________

11. There are Thai students at English Now.____ __________

1. T
2. F – they are husband and wife
3. F- There are not Canadian students
4. T
5. F- they are 45
6. F-Juanita is a teacher
7. F- Francisco is from Mexico
8. T
9. F- Carlos is Juanita’s brother
10. F- Pablo is Mexican
11. T

Pregunta Pts.
4. Read the text messages. Choose the correct answers, a or b.

Hi, Sara! How are you and Nacho ? 

Hi Jenny , We’re fine. Australia is great

but too hot! How are you? 12 points

Fine. Chile is hot too! What

time is it in Australia?

10.30 p.m. But that’s OK, it’s

Saturday tomorrow.

Oh! What do you usually do at the

weekend? Do you swim?

Yes, I sometimes do, but Nacho can’t

swim! He often plays football.

Do you have dinner at home on


No, we don’t. We have lunch at home, but we

always go to a Thai restaurant in the evening.

Great! 

We get up late on Sundays. Then in the afternoon

we do jobs in the house and walk the dog.

OK. Do you work every day from

Monday to Friday?

Yes, I do. I work at a big food company. But Nacho

studies at home on Wednesdays.

OK. Ah! It’s 8.45 now. I usually leave home at 8.30! Bye!

1Who is in Australia?
a Sara b Jenny
2What time is it in Australia?
a 10.30 at night b 10.30 in the morning
3What day is it tomorrow?
a Monday b Saturday
4Who can’t swim?
a Nacho b Sara
5When do they walk the dog?
a In the afternoon b In the morning
6Where does Nacho study on Wednesday?
a At university b At home

Read the text messages again and answer the questions.

1. Where is Jenny?
2. What sports does Sara practice?
3. What does Sara do on Sundays?
4. Can Nacho play football?
5. Do Sara and Nacho always go to a Spanish restaurant?
6. What does Sara do?

1. a
2. a
3. b
4. a
5. a
6. b

1 She is in Chile.
2.She swims.
3. She does jobs at home and walks the dog.
4.Yes he can.
5. No they don’t. they go to a Thai restaurant.t
6. She works at a food company.

Expectativas sobre el módulo Inglés I

Pregunta Pts.
1. ¿Qué espero aprender en este módulo? 2
En este módulo, espero mejorar mis habilidades en el idioma inglés de manera integral. Mi
objetivo principal es fortalecer mi capacidad para comunicarme de manera efectiva tanto en
situaciones cotidianas como en contextos relacionados a mi futura profesión. Aspiro a
perfeccionar mis habilidades de escucha, habla, lectura y escritura, además de desarrollar
un vocabulario más amplio y preciso.

Pregunta Pts.
2. ¿Cómo aportará este módulo en el desarrollo de las competencias 2
necesarias para desenvolverme laboralmente?
Este módulo de inglés desempeñará un papel fundamental en mi desarrollo profesional al
potenciar varias competencias clave. Entre ellas, mejorará mi capacidad de comunicación
en inglés, permitiéndome interactuar de manera más efectiva con colegas, clientes y socios
internacionales. Una comunicación clara y precisa es esencial en el entorno laboral, y el
dominio del inglés contribuirá significativamente a este aspecto.

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