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Inglés II 8104719 9-10 Past tense of (2

Past time the verb “to SEMANAS)
Expressions be”
Linking negative/
words interrogative)



· Identificar la forma y uso del verbo “ser o estar” en pasado simple para
describir eventos o información ocurridos en el pasado y que ya han concluido.

· Revisar el vocabulario en relación con “expresiones de tiempo” que son

empleadas en el pasado simple.

· Estudiar y poner en práctica las llamadas “Linking words” para la redacción

de oraciones más complejas y textos cortos más avanzados.


Apreciado estudiante:

A continuación, encontrará una guía detallada que le ayudará a identificar el uso del
verbo “ser o estar “en su forma del pasado para describir o relatar acciones o eventos
que ya ocurrieron. Además del uso de expresiones de tiempo y conectores lógicos que
son apoyo para la contextualización y uso de los distintos tiempos verbales. Con esta
guía encontrará audios y videos que le facilitarán desarrollar los ejercicios de escucha.
Además, esta guía comprende un periodo de trabajo de 2 semanas, el cual está
proyectado para 4 horas de trabajo semanales. Así mismo, usted podrá solicitar
tutorías a su docente por los canales de comunicación establecidos. Los docentes
tenemos toda la disposición de colaborar.
1. Initial reflection and knowledge activation ( Reflexion Inicial )

Si surgen dudas o dificultades para el desarrollo de esta actividad inicial, no hay

de qué preocuparse, podrá plantearlas y resolverlas en el proceso junto con el

a. Observe el siguiente video e intente responder a las siguientes preguntas,

no olvide activar los subtítulos y recuerde que esto es solo una experiencia
de contacto con el inglés.

The history of the world according to corn - Chris A. Kniesly

Question Answer

Which is the most popular type of corn? Is the de yellow dent #2 corn

Where was the corn domesticated? Was domesticated in

Mesoamerica from a kind of
grass called teosinte

What is theTeosinte? The teosinte is a kind of grass

native from Mesoamerica

How was the “ammonium nitrate” useful for The ammonium nitrate became
farmers? useful as a synthetic fertilizer

Who was Richard Nixon? Was the president of united

states of America


2. The verb “TO BE” in the past simple tense

¡Es muy fácil! Recuerde que cuando queremos decir “YO SOY O YO ESTOY” en
inglés, debemos usar el VERBO TO BE. Démosle un vistazo rápidamente y POR
PASADO:Ahora lo único que debe hacer es crear oraciones teniendo en cuenta la
información del cuadro de arriba. Veamos algunos ejemplos:

Affirmative sentences with “was and were”.

● Yo FUI un buen estudiante en el colegio = I WAS a good student at

● Tú ESTUVISTE en el concierto ayer = You WERE at the concert
● Ella FUE mi mejor amiga en la Universidad = She WAS my best friend at
● Nosotros ESTUVIMOS presentes en la reunión = We WERE present at
the meeting.

Negative sentences with “was and were “.

Para hablar en FORMA NEGATIVA lo único que debe hacer es AGREGAR la
palabra “NOT” después del VERBO TO BE EN PASADO SIMPLE. Así:

● Yo NO ERA cantante cuando YO ERA joven = I WAS NOT a singer

when I WAS young
● Tú NO ESTUVISTE en el concierto ayer = You WERE NOT at the
concert yesterday.
● Nosotros NO ESTUVIMOS presentes en la reunión = We WERE NOT
present at the meeting.

Yes/No questions with “was and were” .

Para hacer preguntas lo único que debe hacer es invertir la posición del VERBO
TO BE. Es decir, poner el verbo TO BE al principio de la oración y agregar el
SIGNO DE INTERROGACIÓN. Veamos algunos ejemplos:
❖ Mire esta oración afirmativa transformada en interrogativa

● She WAS in the bank yesterday.

● WAS she in the bank yesterday ? Yes, she was.

Recuerde que estas preguntas sencillas por lo general se responden con “sí o

Aquí encuentra dos ejemplos más. Observe:

We WERE pilots in the air force of the USA.

❖ WERE we pilots in the air force of the USA? Yes, we were.

Lucas WAS the best gamer of the world

❖ WAS they the best gamers of the world? Yes, he WAS.


- Para construir “information questions'' o “wh-questions” (what, where ,

when, why , how, etc…) se sigue el mismo orden de las “yes/no questions”,
pero se se incluye al comienzo de la pregunta, antes de was/were, una de
estas palabras, dependiendo de lo que lo que se quiere preguntar.

Was she at home? Yes, she was.

When was she at home ? She was there at night.

Why was she at home at night? Because she was exhausted.

Aquí encontrará también una tabla con el resumen de las formas afirmativa
negativa e interrogativa del verbo “ TO BE “ en pasado.

A. Transform the following text from the simple present tense to the past simple of
the verb to be ( Transforma el siguiente texto del presente simple al pasado simple del
verbo to be).

She is Imarú, she is an indigenous girl, her family is not in the picture. but her
parents are indigenous too. The corn, potatoes and beans are their main crops.
and pesticides are not used in the territory. Their traditions and natural sources
are very important for the entire community because they consider the forests and
rivers as huge temples for all creatures. Cats and dogs are very common in the
town but there are many kinds of birds, lizards and mammals too. For that reason,
they are protectors of the animals and plants, and sometimes they are not friendly
with hunters and lumberjacks.

She was Imarú, she was an indigenous girl, her family is not in the picture. but her
parents were indigenous too. The corn, potatoes and beans were their main crops.
and pesticides were not used in the territory. Their traditions and natural sources
were very important for the entire community because they consider the forests
and rivers as huge temples for all creatures. Cats and dogs were very common in
the town but there were many kinds of birds, lizards and mammals too. For that
reason, they were protectors of the animals and plants, and sometimes they were
not friendly with hunters and lumberjacks.
B. Complete the sentences with was/wasn’t or were/weren’t. (complete las
oraciones con was/wasn’t or were/weren’t).

I __was___ born in Tunja on 22nd June 1977, but my parents weren´t Colombian.
They were from Venezuela. My mother’s name was Elizabeth and my father’s
name was Jaime.

My mother wasn´t old when I was born. She was only 17 and my father was 19
years old . When I was 12 years old, we moved to Cartagena. It was amazing and
hot there. We weren´t a rich family, but we were happy with the simple things .

C. Ask questions for the following answers.(Formule preguntas para las siguientes


0. How was the movie ? it was boring, i left the cinema 20 minutes later.

1. Were you busy yesterday? Yes , I was very busy yesterday.

2. Where were you this morning ? We were in the pool this morning.
3. Why was she sad? She was sad because she lost her math’s book
4. Were they mad with me? No, they weren’t mad with you.
5. Why was that exam important? The exam was important because it’s the final
6. Was the dog in the park? No, the dog ? wasn’t in the park.
7. Was good the food in the restaurant? I consider that the food was amazing in
that restaurant.

3. Time expressions in the past tense

“Time expressions” son palabras clave que dan una pista acerca de el tiempo
verbal que se necesita usar .Por ejemplo, si la oración inicia o termina con la
expresión “Two days ago,…”,sabemos que la acción ya ha terminado.

The most common time expressions are :


last night -anoche 10 minutes ago -hace yesterday- ayer

10 minutos

last Sunday-el domingo an hour ago- hace una yesterday morning-

pasado hora ayer en la mañana

last week- la semana three days ago- hace yesterday afternoon-

pasada tres días ayer en la tarde

last weekend-el fin de a week ago-hace una yesterday evening-

semana pasado semana ayer en la noche

last year- el año pasado a month ago- hace un the day before

mes yesterday- antes de


last month- el mes a year ago- hace un año


Aqui encontrará también un video de apoyo sobre las diferentes

expresiones de tiempo (time expressions) que se pueden usar en pasado


1. Choose the correct past time expression for each sentence:

a. Julia was at the hospital………….. night.

last yesterday ago

b. My parents weren’t at home……….. evening.

ago yesterday last

c. Martin and Maria were online for an hour ……….

yesterday last ago

d. My best friend was in Paris ………. year.

last ago yesterday

e. He was ill some days …….

last yesterday ago

2. LISTENING PRACTICE. Listen to the 4 short conversations (Audio 1)

and choose true or false for each statement.

Conversation 1
The movie was scary. The place was not crowded.

True False True False

Conversation 2

The woman was at The man was not at her shop.

True False
True False

Conversation 3

There were about 30 The woman’s score wasn’t

problems. great.

True False True False

Conversation 4

Tom and Katie weren’t at the The party was fun.

True False
True False

4. Linking words
Linking words son palabras que vinculan o relacionan dos ideas, dentro de una
oración o dentro de un párrafo. Los también llamados conectores tienen varias
funciones, tales como contrastar información, hacer comparaciones, agregar
información, dar razones o explicaciones.

Si usamos incorrectamente estas palabras podemos cambiar completamente el

significado de la frase y causar confusión. Por lo tanto, es importante tener una
buena comprensión de los diversos significados y usos de estas palabras. A
continuación encontrará una lista de las palabras de enlace según su función. Por
ejemplo, en expresiones como:

“I am very enthusiastic and collaborative ”

And es un conector que une dos oraciones “I am very enthusiastic ” con “I am

collaborative”. Significa “y” y se usa para vincular o complementar todo tipo de
ideas. Sirve para evitar repetición de sujeto y/o verbo en la oración.

Existe diversidad de palabras que cumplen varias funciones dependiendo de su

significado exacto, aquí algunas de ellas

But: significa “pero” y lo usamos para contradecir una idea inicial.

Also, too: significan “también” y se usan para complementar ideas , por lo

general “too” se usa al final de las oraciones.

Because: significa “porqué” y se usa para hablar de la causa o justificación de


For example, for instance – significan “por ejemplo” y se usan para demostrar


A. Now try to use these words properly in a short text (Ahora intente usarlos
apropiadamente en un texto corto).

Life in the XV century was hard and dangerous too . Europe was ravaged in that
age and many people were infected with several illnesses and the health problems
were extreme, because the knowledge about medicine was a sum of superstition
and good will. For example the consumption of contaminated water was a reason
for many illnesses too and the people drank it anyway.

The “black plague” was a big enigma for people and the doctors of the age didn’t
know the cause of this deadly sickness. People killed dogs and cats but the
plague was advancing anyway, but the actual reason was a microorganism called
”yersinia pestis“ transmitted by rats and fleas in the human houses. The
importance of the first scientists; For example Louise Pasteur, who helped with
the prevention of cholera and he demonstrated that the water was a huge source
of illnesses and it was important to boil it before drinking it .

B. Organize the sentences correctly taking into account the use of the linking
word underlighted. Pay attention and try to learn by heart the meaning of
the words ( Organiza el párrafo teniendo en cuenta el uso de las “linking words”
subrayadas. Preste atención e intente memorizar el significado de las palabras).

a. also its it very interesting but difficult for people to reveal the mysteries of
the universe,3

b. but there are many more secondary sciences,7

c. for example the physics and chemistry are two big fields5

d. The study of the natural sciences was always of great interest for humans
from the beginning, 1

e. for that reason humans organized these phenomenon in several fields to

study them better,4

f. that study the inner and external properties of all objects,6

g. and many more.9

h. like mechanics, optics, and magnetism8

i. because without the study of science, it is very difficult to advance as a

_d_. The study of the natural sciences was always of great interest for


__i__ …………………………………………………………………………

__a_ ………………………………………………………………………

__e__ ………………………………………………………………………

__c__ ………………………………………………………………………

_f__ ………………………………………………………………………

__b__ ………………………………………………………………………

__h__ ………………………………………………………………………

__g_ ………………………………………………………………………

Enseguida encontrará algunas “ linking words” en cuatro categorías según su


C. Organize the sentences in the first column (1 to 6) to form complete ideas

with the second column (a to f) using the linking words correctly. (Organiza las
oraciones en la primera columna (1 a 6) para formar ideas completas con la segunda
columna (A a la F) usando las “linking words” correctamente.)
0. Many animals are extinct z. because humans hunted them.

1. The first humans were in the A. because all the organisms help
moon in 1969 to maintain the valance in the

2. Several indigenous cultures B. but the potatoes, the beans and

survive today squashes were important too

3. It’s important to protect the C. and they can react in many

biodiversity different ways--4

4. Atoms are objects and they have D. however today it is considered a

mass university city full of history and

5. Tunja was a colonial and E. but they never returned to the

religious city artificial satellite until now--1

6. The Maize or corn was important F. although they and their traditions
for all the native americans, are in danger--2

a. Written Production

En este ejercicio de producción deberá redactar un texto corto de mínimo de 15

líneas que hable de un tema libre, en dicho texto incluya y subraye los siguientes

When i was a child I went in to the zoo and I saw a lot of animals, I thought that
animals were hurt there, but over time I understood that zoos are sanctuaries that
protect and care for animals that have been in captivity or whose habitat was
destroyed. Seeing a sad animal was one of my strongest moments of life and that
is why I decided to start supporting causes that help animals and I hope one day
with a stable job to provide more support.

Humanity has destroyed the habitats of many species. since the industrial
revolution we have walked enormously towards a bleak future, however human
beings have become aware of those things that our ancestors overlooked, focused
on money, forgetting that this planet is not ours and that we share it with more
beings whose lives are worth the same as ours.

- The verb to be in the past tense forms (was- were, wasn’t -weren,t)
- Time expressions of the past tense
- Linking words

b. Oral production

Ahora con el escrito hecho, grabará un audio o video para hacer práctica y
evaluación de su pronunciación. Recuerde que es importante consultar la
pronunciación de las palabras antes de grabar el archivo.

Nota: recuerde que puede hacer uso de la siguiente herramienta para revisar y
practicar su pronunciación, pero si persisten las dudas, es importante comunicarse
con el profesor por alguno de los canales establecidos.

Lector de textos online:

You can continue practicing the correct use of these linking words in the
following links (Incluya los pantallazos como evidencia de los ejercicios

Further explanation:



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