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“Educamos para la paz”

ESTANDAR: Expresa acerca del cambio y explica cómo fue la vida hace tiempo atrás.
APRENDIZAJE: Explica por escrito, de forma coherente y sencilla, situaciones y hechos que le son familiares.
COMPETENCIA: Lingüística
DOCENTE: José De Jesús Velásquez Pabón
TEMA: Past simple

FASE DE EXPLORACIÓN: En esta parte de la guía encontrarás preguntas relacionadas con la temática a desarrollar, es importante
responderlas ya que te servirán como fundamento para la comprensión de la temática propuesta.

contenidos vistos
1 What is the past simple?
2 why is important the past simple?
3 How many types of verbs are there?

FASE DE ESTRUCTURACIÓN: Durante esta fase se da a conocer todo el componente conceptual de la temática tratada en la guía,
debes leer muy bien y organizar sus ideas.


Simple past / pasado simple

Simple past is used to express actions that started and ended in the past. / El pasado simple es usado para expresar acciones que
iniciaron y terminaron en el pasado.

Examples / Ejemplos:
 Lucy called me last night.  Robert went to the theater with his girlfriend.


Most verbs are formed in past by simply adding -ed at the end of the verb. Those verbs are called regular verbs. / La mayoría de los
verbos son formados en pasado, agregando simplemente -ed al final del verbo.

Examples / Ejemplos:

Lic. Marcia Bonilla

“Educamos para la paz”


1. For regular verbs that end in -e, add –d. / Para verbos regulares que finalizan en -e, agregue -d.

For example: Hope – hoped

2. For regular verbs that end in other vowel than -e, add -ed. / Para verbos regulares que finalizan en vocal diferente a -e,
agregue -ed.
For example: Echo – echoed

3. For regular verbs that end in a vowel + y, add -ed. / Para verbos regulares que finalicen en una vocal + y, agregue –ed

For example: Play – played

4. For regular verbs that end in a consonant + vowel + consonant, double the final consonant and add –ed. / Para verbos
regulares que finalizan en consonante + vocal + consononante, duplique la consonante final y agregue -ed.
Do not double if the consonant is w or x. / No duplique la consonante si esta es w o x.

For example: Plan – planned Mix – Mixed


Irregular verbs don’t follow any of the above mentioned rules. They have their own past. / Los verbos irregulres no siguen ninguna
de las reglas mencionadas arriba. Ellos tienen su propio pasado. (LA LISTA DE VERBOS)


AFFIRMATIVE Subject + Verb in past + Complement

I studied English at SENA.

NEGATIVE Subject + did not or didn’t + Verb. Present + Complement

I did not (didn’t) study English at SENA.

INTERROGATIVE FORM Did + Subject + Verb Present + Complement

Did You study English at SENA?
Answer: Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

Lic. Marcia Bonilla

“Educamos para la paz”

FASE DE EJECUCIÓN: A continuación encontrarás una actividad práctica que debes resolver en esta misma hoja y enviar una
fotografía a través del grupo de whatsaap, plataforma (No olvides marcar la hoja en la sección correspondiente)

Nombre: ___________________________________Grado: ____________ Fecha: __________________

1 . Put the verbs in brackets into the simple past. / Ponga los verbos en paréntesis en pasado simple.

1. Yesterday I ______ (go) to the theater.

2. Mr. Clark _______ (pay) his rent on time.
3. Sofia ______ (call) you. She ______ (say) there was a problem in the office.
4. I ______ (talk) to the teacher. I _______(tell) him I ______ (be) sick.
5. She ______ (swim) in the pool yesterday.

2. Choose the verbs from the box to complete the sentences. Use the verb only one time. / Elija los verbos del cuadro para completar
las oraciones. Use el verbo sólo una vez.

1. Peter ______ in the park for two hours. He has good physical condition.
2. My uncle ________ his house. He used blue paint.
3. We _______ a spider on the table. It was black and big.
4. My teacher ______ me how to write an article.
5. My son _______ a window with a ball.
6. I was in a party. Sonia _______ Mexican food. It was delicious.
7. I ______ home because I was tired. Angela _______ until midnight.
8. They ______ a new apartment. It is big and comfortable.
9. I was thirsty, so I ______ three glasses of water.
10. She _______ a letter to his friend who is in Italy.

3. Make the past simple negative.

(they / not / play tennis yesterday) …...they did not play tennis yesterday ........................................
(she / not / love chocolate as a child) …...........................................................................................................
(he / not / like sport) …...........................................................................................................
(we / not / study for the exam) …...........................................................................................................
(they / not / cook at the weekend) …...........................................................................................................
(I / not / stay at home) …...........................................................................................................

Lic. Marcia Bonilla

“Educamos para la paz”

5. Complete the table

Positive Negative Question

The children played baseball The children didn’t play baseball Did the children play baseball?
Laura studied story yesterday
Max didn’t cook pizza
Did they live in London?
Did my sister swim in the sea?
We didn’t go to the movie
She didn’t work in the company

6 Put in order

1 She / did / the newspaper? / read Did she read the newspaper?
2 you / did / see / him / yesterday? ……………………………………………………………………..
3 where / the shoes? / did / you / find …………………………………………………………….
4 did / you / drink / the milk? …………………………………………….
5 My sister / make / homework / did / not ………………………………………………………………….

7 Write 8 sentences using the past simple (Este ejercicio lo desarrollan en el cuaderno, le toma foto con el nombre de ustedes)


Actividad opcional para aquellos estudiantes que puedan y tengan acceso a internet para complementar la temática vista.

a. Video: pasado simple

b. Online activities: Past simple

Lic. Marcia Bonilla

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