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Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila

Escuela de Bachilleres
“Venustiano Carranza”

Curso de Inducción

Inducción 2018

Palabras de Bienvenida
La Escuela de Bachilleres “Venustiano Carranza” les da la cordial bienvenida a
nuestras instalaciones, esperando contar con su asistencia los 10 sábados en este
curso de inducción para lograr su ingreso a esta su casa, la cual forma parte del Misión
Padrón de Buena Calidad del SiNEMS.
Proporcionar una educación media
superior de calidad a través de una
formación integral basada en
Recomendaciones Generales competencias conforme al Padrón
de Buena Calidad, que le faciliten su
 Este examen trata de evaluar la capacidad de razonamiento No la memoria. ingreso y alto desempeño en los
ámbitos social, laboral y educación
 Busca que el alumno demuestre su habilidad para analizar.
superior, que satisfaga las
 En este examen se cuentan los aciertos y se descuentan los errores, así que necesidades y expectativas de los
en si se tiene duda en una pregunta es preferible dejarla en blanco. estudiantes y de la sociedad en
 No basta con seguir las indicaciones de su profesor, es necesario que
repasen en casa los ejercicios vistos aquí. Visión
 Si se tiene alguna duda resolverla con su profesor lo más pronto posible. Para el año 2019 la escuela de
 La revisión del examen de admisión no se realiza en la escuela ni es Bachilleres Venustiano Carranza es
efectuada por los profesores, son enviados al extranjero y son revisados una institución comprometida
socialmente que brinda una oferta
por lector óptico.
educativa pertinente e innovadora a
 La resolución de esta guía debe de realizarse de manera individual ya que toda la comunidad estudiantil en el
el día del examen es de esta forma en que se contestará el mismo. nivel medio superior, con
estudiantes satisfechos con la
 No hay que precipitarse al dar una respuesta, es importante el razonar
formación integral que reciben.
convenientemente las opciones.
 Aprovecha al máximo esta oportunidad que tienes para continuar con los Valores
estudios que quieres. Basamos nuestro quehacer
académico y operación
Descarga el Cuadernillo administrativa en el apego a valores
de la Teoría como: Honestidad, Responsabilidad,
Busca más información acerca
Libertad, Justicia, Respeto,
de este cuadernillo en la página
Solidaridad, Diálogo y
web de la escuela Sustentabilidad que forman parte
del código de ética institucional de la Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila.

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Inducción 2018

Sesión 1 – Examen de Diagnóstico

1. Encuentre el valor de los siguientes ángulos

x E
2. Se le pide a Berenice y su equipo de compañeros que calculen la altura del Asta donde se
iza la bandera, para ello salen al patio y observan que el asta da una sombra de una longitud
de 20 cm. y que la sombra de Berenice en ese momento es de 10 cm, se sabe que la altura
de Berenice es de 170 cm.

3. Un albañil apoya una escalera de 5 m contra un muro vertical. El pie de la escalera está a 3
m del muro. Calcula a que altura del muro se encuentra la parte superior de la escalera.

4. Calcule el valor de x

5x + 4x – 2x + 10 = 2x – x + 25

5. Encuentre el valor de x e y del siguiente sistema de ecuaciones

x + 2y = 30
2x – 2y = 20

6. Calcule el valor de x

𝑥 3
a) =
10 2

7. Calcule las medidas de los ángulos internos de ∆ ABC


X X 135º

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Inducción 2018

Sesión 2 – Razones y Proporciones

Determine las Razones:

1. Edad de un Padre que tiene 45 años y su hijo que tiene 15.

2. Porcentaje de Manzanas echadas a perder si son 5 manzanas podridas y hay un total de 20
3. Razón de Reprobación en el Salón si Reprobaron 12 alumnos de un total de 60.
4. Si se producen 20 Automóviles y 10 Camionetas por día que razón existe entre ellos.

¿Cuál de los siguientes pares de Razones forman una Proporción?

1 5
5. 𝑦
2 10
2 4
6. 𝑦
3 5
2 12
7. 𝑦
5 3
1 4
8. 𝑦
8 32

Calcula el valor de X:
𝑥 12
9. = 32
5 𝑥
10. 12 = 36
𝑥 1
11. 4 = 2
7 42
12. 𝑥 = 12

Determine las Proporciones:

13. En una fábrica una bebida de 2 litros es llenada en 30 segundos, ¿Cuánto tiempo demorará
en llenarse una botella de 3 litros?
14. Por una llave fluye agua a una razón de 2m3 cada 3 horas, ¿Qué cantidad de agua fluirá en
2 días?
15. En una colmena, 13 abejas fabrican 200 ml de miel, si el trabajo es realizado por el doble de
abejas, ¿Cuánta miel fabricarán?

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Inducción 2018

Sesión 3 - Fracciones

Realice las siguientes operaciones

1 3 1 2 3 1 2 2
1. +5= 2. +3= 3. +6= 4. 1 + =
5 5 8 5 3

2 1 6 5 5 2 16 15 8
5. −4= 6. −3= 7. −9 = 8. + + =
3 5 7 4 3 2

6 4 2 4 2 2 6 4 8
9. + 12 − 5 = 10. ×7 = 11. ×9 = 12. ×6 =
9 3 5 3

6 3 1 1 5 4 2 3
13. ÷2= 14. ÷2= 15. ÷8= 16. 1 ÷ 3 =
5 3 2 5 4

2 2 1
17. Encuentre de 27. 18. Encuentre de 60. 19. Encuentre de 120.
3 5 5

5 3
20. Encuentre de 60. 21. Encuentre de 20.
4 2

22. Descuento del 25% a un producto con precio de $84.

23. Descuento del 15% a un producto con precio de $220.
24. Descuento del 12% a un producto con precio de $200.
25. Descuento del 10% a un producto con precio de $950.

Calcula la fracción que representa

26. La mitad de la mitad.

27. La mitad de la tercera parte.
28. La tercera parte de la mitad.
29. La mitad de la cuarta parte.

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Inducción 2018

Sesión 4 - Lenguaje Algebraico

Escriba las expresiones algebraicas correspondientes a los enunciados

1. El triple de un número. 2. El cuádruplo de un número.

3. La mitad de un número. 4. Un tercio de un número.
5. Un cuarto de un número. 6. Un número par cualquiera.
7. Un número al cuadrado. 8. Un número al cubo.
9. Suma de dos números consecutivos. 10. Suma de dos números consecutivos pares.
11. 15% de un número. 12. El precio de un artículo aumentado un 25%.

Exprese en Lenguaje Algebraico y resuelva

13. Si al doble de un número se le resta su mitad resulta 54. ¿Cuál es el número?

14. Si al doble de un número le sumas su mitad resulta 90. ¿Cuál es el número?
15. La mitad de un número multiplicada por su quinta parte es igual a 160. ¿cuál es ese número?
16. Tres números consecutivos cuya suma sea 51.
17. En un garaje hay 110 vehículos entre coches y motos y sus ruedas suman 360. ¿Cuántas
motos y coches hay?
18. Números que sumados con su anterior y con su siguiente sea 114.
19. La tercera parte de un número es 45 unidades menor que su doble. ¿Cuál es el número?
20. Si a la edad de Rodrigo se le suma su mitad se obtiene la edad de Andrea. ¿Cuál es la edad
de Rodrigo si Andrea tiene 24 años?
21. Un padre tiene 35 años y su hijo 5. ¿Al cabo de cuántos años la edad del padre será tres
veces mayor que la del hijo?
22. Una granja tiene cerdos y pavos, en total hay 35 cabezas y 116 patas. ¿Cuántos cerdos y
pavos hay?
23. Halla el valor de los tres ángulos de un triángulo sabiendo que B mide 40º más que C y que
A mide 40º más que B.
24. Una madre tiene 60 años y su hijo la mitad. ¿Cuántos años hace que la madre tenía tres
veces la edad del hijo?
25. Ana tiene 7 años más que su hermano Juan. Dentro de dos años la edad de Ana será el doble
de la de Juan. ¿Qué edad tiene cada uno en la actualidad?

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Inducción 2018

Sesión 5 - Sistema de Ecuaciones Lineales de dos Variables

Resuelva cada situación

3𝑥 + 2𝑦 = 29 2𝑥 + 5𝑦 = 48 3𝑥 + 𝑦 = 11
1. 2. 3.
4𝑥 − 2𝑦 = 6 −2𝑥 + 3𝑦 = 16 6𝑥 + 2𝑦 = 22

2𝑥 + 6𝑦 = 20 2𝑥 + 3𝑦 = 12 4𝑥 + 3𝑦 = 25
4. 5. 6.
3𝑥 + 2𝑦 = 9 3𝑥 + 2𝑦 = 13 5𝑥 + 4𝑦 = 32

7. Encuentre dos números tales que su suma sea 40 y su diferencia sea 14.
8. Mónica y sus amigos pagaron $114 por 3 hamburguesas y 2 refrescos. Si la semana
anterior consumieron 4 hamburguesas y 5 refrescos y la cuenta fue de $180, ¿cuánto
cuesta cada hamburguesa y cada refresco?
9. ¿Cuáles son las medidas de un rectángulo sabiendo que su perímetro mide 16 cm y que su
base es el triple de su altura?
10. Una granja tiene pavos y cerdos, en total hay 58 cabezas y 168 patas. ¿Cuántos cerdos y
pavos hay?
11. Con dos camiones cuyas capacidades de carga son respectivamente de 3 y 4 toneladas, se
hicieron en total 23 viajes para transportar 80 toneladas de madera. ¿Cuántos viajes
realizó cada camión?
12. Las edades de Pedro y de su papá suman 45 años. Hace 5 años la edad de Pedro era la
sexta parte de la de su papá. ¿Cuántos años tiene cada uno?

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Inducción 2018

Sesión 6 - Áreas y Perímetros

Encuentre el valor de los ángulos

1. Figura 1 2. Figura 2 3. Figura 3


x C B 8x
5x 6x
6x 4x E C
3x 3x 3x 4x
4. Figura 4 5. Figura 5 6. Figura 6

4 X + 30 X X+50 X +10

A=? B=? A=? B=? A=? B=?

7. En el cuadrado de 5cm x 5cm que muestra la figura. ¿Cuál es el total del área no sombreada?

a) 16 cm2
5cm b) 10 cm2
c) 25 cm2
d) 12 cm2


8. ¿Cuál es el perímetro del triángulo equilátero que muestra la figura?

a) 216 cm

b) 36 cm

c) 18cm

6 cm d) 12 cm

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Inducción 2018

9. El ancho de un parque de forma rectangular mide la mitad de su largo. Si su perímetro mide

84 m. ¿Cúal es el área del parque en mts2?


2 2
a) 784 m b) 528 m c) 392 m2 d) 252 m2

10. Si las dimensiones de un patio rectangular de 12 mts y 16 mts; se reducen a la mitad. ¿Cuál
es el valor al que se reduce el área del patio?

a) 48 m2
b) 80 m2
12 m c) 96 m2
d) 66 m2

16 m

11. Calcula el área y el perímetro de una circunferencia de 3 cm de radio.

a) 15.1 cm2 y 12.2 cm

3 cm b) 14.4 cm2 y 14.4 cm
c) 28.26 cm2 y 18.84 cm
d) 30.31 cm2 y 15.52 cm

12. Calcula el área del hexágono regular que muestra la figura

a) 14 cm2

b) 28 cm2

c) 53 cm2
3.5 cm
d) 42 cm2

4 cm

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Inducción 2018

Sesión 7 - Trigonometría

1. En base a la Semejanza de Triángulos 2. Determine la longitud del lado

determine el valor de x de los AB del Triángulo
triángulos ABE y ACD
5 B’
E x
3 9 C 4
A 2 B 18 C A’

3. Calcular para cada Triángulo el valor del ángulo que se indica:

a) J, J’, K, L b) M, N, N’, P c) R, S, T, T’

118º 135º

135º 90º R S
140º 70º

d) X’ e) Q’ f) W’


58º 30º

X Y 40º 105º
60º S T

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Inducción 2018

g) x, y h) A, B, C


3x 4x
y x 40º


4. Encontrar sen, cos y tan (relación) del Triángulo en los ángulos A, B y C

c = 40
a = 25


5. Encontrar el valor de c

c a=4


6. Encuentra el valor de x en los siguientes triángulos

a) b) c)

X 3X X+10

4X 3X X-40 3X
4X 4X

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Inducción 2018

Sesión 8 - Ecuaciones Cuadráticas

Resuelve las siguientes ecuaciones cuadráticas utilizando diferentes métodos.

1. 𝑥2 = 0
2. 2𝑥 2 = 0
3. 𝑥2 − 9 = 0
4. 𝑥2 − 4 = 0
5. 𝑥 2 + 2𝑥 = 0
6. 𝑥 2 − 5𝑥 = 0
7. 𝑥2 − 𝑥 − 6 = 0
8. 𝑥2 + 𝑥 − 2 = 0
9. 𝑥 2 + 2𝑥 − 8 = 0
10. 2𝑥 2 − 5𝑥 − 3 = 0
11. 3𝑥 2 + 6𝑥 + 3 = 0
12. 5𝑥 2 − 3𝑥 − 2 = 0
13. Al comprar una mesa de tenis Juan se da cuenta que uno de sus lados mide 5 pies menos
que el otro lado, y su área son 24 pies cuadrados ¿Cuáles son las medidas de sus lados?
14. Un escritorio de forma rectangular mide 2 m más de largo que de ancho, si su área mide
15 m2 ¿Cuáles son las dimensiones de los lados?
15. Un campo de futbol mide 30 m más de largo que de ancho, si tiene una superficie de 7000
m2 ¿Cuáles son las dimensiones de los lados?
16. Para vallar una finca rectangular de 750 m² se han utilizado 110 m de cerca. Calcula
las dimensiones de la finca.

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Inducción 2018

Sesión 9 - Estadística y Probabilidad

1. Calcula la moda del siguiente conjunto de datos: 3, 3, 4, 6, 5, 7, 2, 4, 3, 2.

2. Calcule la media del siguiente conjunto de datos: 4, 5, 6, 4, 7, 4.
3. Calcule la mediana del siguiente conjunto de datos: 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 4, 5, 2, 1.
4. Calcule la moda del siguiente conjunto de datos: 1, 4, 5, 1, 2, 2, 9, 1, 6.
5. Calcule la media del siguiente conjunto de datos: 1, 2, 4, 3, 8, 2, 6, 7, 9.
6. Calcule la mediana del siguiente conjunto de datos: 3, 2, 8, 7, 6, 1, 3, 2.
7. Juan ha obtenido los siguientes puntajes en los primeros 6 juegos de playoffs: 9, 7, 10, 6,
13, 12; si desea obtener un promedio de 10 ¿cuál debería de ser su último puntaje en el
séptimo juego?
8. A un conjunto de 4 números cuya media es 6 se le añaden los números 1 y 5 ¿cuál es la
media del nuevo conjunto de números?
9. A un conjunto de 9 números cuya media es 2.5 se le añade el número 4, ¿cuál es la media
del nuevo conjunto de números?
10. Un pediatra obtuvo la siguiente tabla sobre los meses de edad de 50 niños de su edad
consulta en el momento de andar por primera vez, determine la moda de esta agrupación
de datos.

Meses Niños
9 1
10 4
11 9
12 16
13 11
14 8
15 1

11. Si en un dado la cara de arriba es un 3 ¿cuál es la cara de abajo?

12. Si en un dado la cara de arriba es un 6 ¿cuál es la cara de abajo?
13. Si lanzamos un dado al aire ¿cuál es la probabilidad de que caiga un 2?
14. Si lanzamos un dado al aire ¿cuál es la probabilidad de que caiga un 5?
15. Si lanzamos un dado al aire ¿cuál es la probabilidad de que caiga un número par?
16. Si lanzamos un dado al aire ¿cuál es la probabilidad de que caiga un número mayor a 2?
17. Si lanzamos 2 monedas al aire ¿cuál es la probabilidad de que caiga 2 águilas?
18. Si lanzamos 2 monedas al aire ¿cuál es la probabilidad de que caiga 1 águila y 1 sello?
19. Si lanzamos 2 monedas al aire ¿cuál es la probabilidad de que caiga 2 sellos?
20. Si lanzamos 2 dados al aire ¿cuál es la probabilidad de que caiga un 7?

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Inducción 2018

Sesión 1 – Examen de Diagnostico

SILOGISMOS.- El inciso que tiene la conclusión de las siguientes premisas es:

Todos los niños inventan juegos.

Todos los que inventan juegos son creativos.
Por lo tanto:

a) Todos los niños son jugadores.

b) Algunos niños no son creativos.
c) Ningún niño es creativo.
d) Todos los niños son creativos.

Todos los pordioseros son menesterosos.

Ningún menesteroso es delincuente.
Por lo tanto:

a) Ningún pordiosero es delincuente.

b) Todos los menesterosos son delincuentes.
c) Ningún menesteroso es delincuente.
d) Algunos menesteroso es delincuente.

Todos los planetas son redondos.

La tierra es un planeta.
Por lo tanto:

a) Ningún planeta es redondo.

b) Algunos redondos son planetas.
c) La tierra es redonda.
d) La tierra no es redonda.

Abecedario a utilizar
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r ,s, t, u, v, x, y, z.

1;b, 5;c, 9;d, ……….., 17;f.

a) 13;e
b) 13e
c) 22;n
d) 54;l

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Inducción 2018

10203, 40506, …………, 10011012.

a) 789
b) 101112
c) 70809
d) 50602

23M, ..., 45K 56J

a) 34N
b) 34L
c) 46N
d) 43L


X _ Z Y

a) Z
b) Y
c) X
D) W

9 11 __ 17
11 9 17 13
17 13 9 11
13 17 11 9

a) 17
b) 13
c) 11
d) 9

m n r s
s m n r
r s _ n
n r s m

a) s
b) r
c) n
d) m

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Inducción 2018


Gato es a felino como cero es a:

a) diez
b) perro
c) dígito
d) nueve

Bueno es a malo como sonrisa es a:

a) llanto
b) alegría
c) tristeza
d) amable

Feliz es a contento como impedir es a:

a) ayudar
b) permitir
c) conspirar
d) frustrar


El presidente es la cabeza de la nación.

presidente : nación :: cabeza :

a) ojos
b) manos
c) brazos
d) cuerpo

Babilonia fue la cuna de la civilización.

Babilonia : civilización :: cuna :

a) mecer
b) recién nacido
c) ciudad
d) cama

La variedad es el condimento de la vida.

Variedad : vida :: condimento :

a) pimienta
b) ajo
c) comida
d) comino

Bachilleres “Venustiano Carranza” | 15

Inducción 2018

Es el inciso que tiene la palabra subrayada escrita correctamente.

a) Marcela pasó muy bien el examen de admición.

b) Falló el motor de impulsión y todo se vino abajo.
c) Ganará la carrera el que sea más velos.
d) Roberto fue la gran atraxión en la fiesta.

Es el inciso que tiene la palabra subrayada escrita incorrectamente.

a) Mostró un comportamiento muy audas.

b) Había muchas cruces que marcaban las lápidas.
c) Se notaba su ansiedad de cariño.
d) Los juegos de azar son un gran riesgo.


Instrucciones: selecciona la conclusión que concuerda con la información proporcionada.

1. Para el baile de graduación, Cecilia recibió varias invitaciones:

Raúl la invitó a ir a cenar a Vips y después a ir a la disco de moda.

Jorge le propuso ir a cenar a casa de sus padres y después ir a casa de Sara, donde ésta y
Rebeca pasarían un rato con varios amigos, bailando y platicando; pero si ella lo prefería irían a
Chilis después de la cena, a platicar con varios compañeros.

Por su parte Gabriel, le pidió que lo acompañara a cenar a Chilis donde se iban a encontrar
otros amigos a departir después de la cena.

Los papás de Cecilia, que llevan una muy buena amistad con los papás de Javier de quien
tienen, además, la esperanza de que éste logre conquistarla, le propusieron ir a cenar los seis y
posteriormente ir al teatro.

Fernando otro de sus compañeros invitó a Cecy a cenar al Fiesta Americana y después ir a bailar
un rato a casa de Sara.

Cecilia se sintió abrumada por tantas atenciones, pero ella decidió pasar todo el tiempo con el
chico que le gusta y pidió disculpas a los demás.

Ella no cenó en ningún restaurante y después de la cena ella y su acompañante departió con
Gabriel y varios amigos en Chilis.

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Inducción 2018

¿Quién le gusta a Cecilia?

a) Gabriel
b) Raúl
c) Jorge
d) Fernando

Cinco volúmenes de una colección están colocados en forma ordenada en un estante de una
biblioteca. Una polilla (insecto que se alimenta con papel) hace un agujero a partir de la página 1
del primer tomo y se abre camino en línea recta hasta la última página del segundo tomo. Si
cada pasta tiene un espesor de dos milímetros, y el espesor de cada volumen, sin pastas, es de
67 mm, ¿el inciso que tiene la distancia que recorrió la polilla, es?

a) 71 mm
b) 73 mm
c) 134 mm
d) 4 mm

¿En qué sector se ubica o ubican las actividades de Rolando?

a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 1

¿En qué sector se ubica o ubican las actividades de Doris?

a) 5
b) 4
c) 3
d) 2

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Inducción 2018


Los diagramas de Venn pueden ser definidos por enumeración de sus elementos o por indicación de una
característica común que los identifica unívocamente. De ahí que haya dos tipos de diagramas de Venn: los
que muestran elementos reunidos por líneas cerradas y los que simplemente muestran enunciados o
conceptos. Estos últimos son más interesantes porque permiten operar de manera abstracta y llegar a
conclusiones más generales.

1. En un edificio hay varios centros que imparten tres diferentes cursos extracurriculares, como son: Danza,
Gimnasia e Idiomas.
Un grupo de amigos se puso de acuerdo este semestre para tomar uno o varios de esos cursos y la
distribución quedo como sigue:

1. ¿En qué sector se ubica o ubican las actividades de Rolando?

a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 1

¿En qué sector se ubica o ubican las actividades de Doris?

a) 5
b) 4
c) 3
d) 2

¿En qué sector se ubica o ubican las actividades de Mary?

a) 5
b) 3
c) 2
d) 1

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Inducción 2018

¿En qué sector se ubica o ubican las actividades de Carlota?

a) 5
b) 4
c) 1
d) 2

¿En qué sector se ubica o ubican las actividades de Carlos?

a) 1
b) 3
c) 6
d) 7

¿En qué sector se ubica o ubican las actividades de Cindy?

a) 7
b) 3
c) 6
d) 2

¿En qué sector se ubica o ubican las actividades de Luis?

a) 2
b) 4
c) 6
d) 7


Es aprender a razonar de manera sólida. Esta capacidad posibilita que sepamos distinguir las buenas razones
de las menos buenas o de las malas o falsas.

Para establecer la solidez de un razonamiento es necesario realizar dos tareas: una de análisis y otra de
evaluación. Tal y como se plantea en el capítulo, las tareas, pasos o habilidades pueden dividirse en 5 (las
tres primeras tareas son de análisis y las dos últimas de evaluación):

1. Identificación de los elementos de un razonamiento.

2. Establecimiento de las relaciones existentes entre ellos. ANÁLISIS
3. Representación de los elementos y sus relaciones.
4. Aplicación de los criterios fundamentales de solidez.
5. Valoración global de la solidez.

Estas destrezas son aplicables tanto en la evaluación de un razonamiento dado como en la elaboración de
uno nuevo; además, se deben aplicar tanto a los argumentos de los demás como a los propios.

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1.- El año pasado, cuando Lucía y sus amigos y amigas salieron del Colegio, unos aspiraban a entrar a la
Prepa Tecmilenio, otros a la Prepa Tec y otros más a la Prepa UDEM. Lucía quiso entrar a Tecmilenio pero su
papá le dijo que si no pasaba el examen tendría que irse a UDEM institución a la que ya tenía acceso porque
ya había pasado el examen. Además su papá prometió comprarle un auto si su promedio final del Colegio
era 90 o más. Ayer Lucía quiso visitar a sus amigos que están en Tecmilenio, por lo que pidió a su amigo
Javier, con quien ha compartido los mismos colegios desde kinder hasta ahora en sus estudios de
preparatoria, que le diera un ¨raid¨. De esta información puede concluirse que

a) Lucía pasó el examen de Tec milenio

b) Lucía obtuvo 90 de promedio en el Colegio
c) Lucía tiene un auto que no usa
d) Lucía no tiene auto y no pasó el examen de Tecmilenio

2.- Al principio del verano los proyectos de Miguel eran comprar un auto BMW o viajar a Europa o
vacacionar en Cancún o en Ixtapa. Por su parte, los proyectos de Raúl eran viajar a Canadá o comprarse un
Mercedes. En cambio Nelly, amiga de ellos cuyos padres viven en Guanajuato los invitó a ambos a pasar las
vacaciones en la casa de sus padres y a hacer un recorrido por todo el Bajío donde abundan la arquitectura
colonial y la belleza natural.
Al regresar al trabajo, Nelly y Miguel contaron a Raúl cómo habían disfrutado de los lugares coloniales y
además de sus viajes por las autopistas a la máxima velocidad permitida. De esta información se concluye

a) Miguel y Raúl estuvieron en Guanajuato durante las vacaciones

b) Miguel sí estuvo en Europa durante sus vacaciones
c) Raúl visitó a Nelly durante las vacaciones
d) Miguel compró el BMW

3.- A una masa de 10 kg se le aplicó cierta fuerza y adquirió una aceleración de 2 m/s 2. Cuando esa misma
fuerza se aplicó a una masa de 5 kg, ésta adquirió una aceleración de 4 m/s2. Después se escogió una masa
de 20 kg y su aceleración fue de 1 m/s2. De esta información se puede concluir que

a) la masa no influye sobre la aceleración

b) cuando disminuye la masa, la aceleración aumenta
c) cuando la masa aumenta, también aumenta la aceleración
d) cuando disminuye la fuerza, la aceleración aumenta

4.- Cuatro amigos se disponen a cruzar un río utilizando para ello una lancha tan frágil que únicamente
soporta 100 kg de peso. Memo pesa 92 kg, Luis pesa 47 kg, Carlos pesa 49 kg y Rubén pesa 89 kg. El inciso
que tiene el número de viajes que deberán hacer para cruzar los cuatro al otro lado del río es

a) 4
b) 6
c) 8
d) 9

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El silogismo es un modelo de inferencia válida. Su doctrina es que si se aceptan ciertas premisas, se deduce
de ellas por necesidad determinada conclusión. El silogismo encarna una ley lógica y permite derivar una
regla de inferencia

El inciso que tiene la conclusión de las siguientes premisas es:

Todos los niños inventan juegos.

Todos los que inventan juegos son creativos.
Por lo tanto:
a) Todos los niños son jugadores
b) Algunos niños son creativos
c) Ningún niño es creativo
d) Todos los niños son creativos

Todos los pájaros son aves

Todas las aves son vertebrados
Por lo tanto:
a) Algunos pájaros no son vertebrados.
b) Algunos vertebrados no son aves.
c) Ningún vertebrado es ave.
d) Todos los vertebrados son pájaros.

Todos los mexicanos son americanos

Algunos científicos son mexicanos
Por lo tanto:
a) Todos los mexicanos son científicos.
b) Algunos americanos no son científicos.
c) Todos los americanos son científicos.
d) Todos los científicos son mexicanos.

Todos los sajones tienen piel blanca

Algunos cantantes son sajones
Por lo tanto:
El diagrama que concilia lo enunciado por las dos premisas es el siguiente:
a) Todos los sajones son cantantes.
b) Ningún cantante es sajón.
c) Algunos cantantes no tienen piel blanca.
d) Algunos sajones no tienen piel blanca.

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La definición de que una secuencia lógica es una sucesión en cadena de procesos y/o procedimientos de
forma tal que el primero sea continuado en uno segundo y complementado, y que desencadene los
siguientes de forma natural, esperada o inesperadamente

Con el propósito de evitar ambigüedades el alfabeto que se utilizará será:

a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z.

1. MEF, NIG, ...,QUJ

a) OOH
b) OOI
c) POK
d) POH

2. 23M , ..., 45K 56J

a) 34N
b) 46N
c) 34L
d) 43L

3. 2015, 0152, 1520, ...

a) 0251
b) 5120
c) 5201
d) 2150

4. .., 5/7, 7/9, 9/11

a) 2/3
b) 1/3
c) 3/5
d) 5/3

5. 12+a/9, ..., 8+c/7, 6+d/6

a) 11+b/8
b) 10+b/8
c) 9+b/8
d) 11+b/10

6. TC11, CT16, ..., CT26

a) CT21
b) CT20
c) TC20
d) TC21

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7. W X Y Z
X _ Z Y

a) Z
b) Y
c) X
d) W

8. 9 11 __ 17
11 9 17 13
17 13 9 11
13 17 11 9

a) 17
b) 13
c) 11
d) 9

9. 6 9 12 15
15 6 9 12
12 __ 6 9
9 12 15 6

a) 15
b) 12
c) 9
d) 6

10. m n r s
s m n r
r s _ n
n r s m

a) s
b) r
c) n
d) m.

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El concepto permite referirse al razonamiento que se basa en la detección de atributos semejantes en seres
o cosas diferentes.

1. Las perlas de su boca

a) el calor de sus labios
b) los dientes
c) la sonrisa
d) la ira

2. El cielo de su mirada
a) color de los ojos
b) color del cielo
c) la sonrisa
d) la tristeza

3. Las grises tormentas volvían a su mente

a) dulces recuerdos
b) alegres pensamientos
c) melancólicos momentos
d) amargos recuerdos

4. El hilo de plata corría entre las rocas

a) mineral de plata
b) viento
c) río
d) plata fundida

5. Estrellas corriendo entre los árboles del bosque

a) luciérnagas
b) grillos
c) mariposas
d) viento

6. Los diamantes de su cara

a) dientes
b) boca
c) nariz
d) ojos

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La metáfora consiste en un tipo de analogía asociación entre elementos que comparten alguna similitud de
significado para sustituir a uno por el otro en una misma estructura. Una metáfora expone dos cosas en
conjunto que permiten la sugerencia a compararse e interpretarse como un solo concepto. Se encuentra
básicamente en todos los campos del conocimiento, puesto que responde a convenciones semánticas dadas
por una cultura, que están implícitas en el lenguaje. Al conjunto de metáforas en una misma estructura, se le
nombra metáfora continuada o Alegoría.

1. La educación es la llave de la oportunidad.

educación : oportunidad :: llave :

a) casa
b) corriente
c) edificio
d) agua

2. La soberbia es la raíz de la maldad.

soberbia : maldad :: raíz :

a) planta
b) suelo
c) agua
d) piso

3. La necesidad es la madre de la invención.

necesidad : invención :: madre :
a) José
b) abuela
c) bebé
d) padre

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Objectives: During this week, ss will diagnose their knowledge of basic english.
Activity: ss will take the quiz.

A. Choose the correct option

1. A. Where are you from? B. What is your from? C. What from are you?
2. Are you French?
A. Yes, I is B. Yes he is C. Yes I am
3. A. He live on London B. He live in London C. He lives in London
4. A. I don't like coffee B. I doesn't like coffee C. I does like coffee
5. A. He goes to work in bus B. He goes to work by bus C. He goes to work by the bus
6. A. George has very big car B. George a very big car has C. George has a very big car
7. Do you speak English?
A. Yes we do B. Yes we don't C. Yes they do
8. A. Look at that house over here B. Look at that house over there C. Look at that house
under there
9. A. He Italian, he not Polish B. He is Italian, he isn't Polish C. They is Italian, they isn't
10. A. What do you have breakfast? B. When do you have breakfast? C. Where breakfast
11. A. Where is the train station? B. What is train Station? C. Where the train station
12. A. Give me the book! B. The book me give! C. Give the book me!

B. Put negatives
Example: I like coffee but I don't like tea
1. I drink whisky but ___________________________ rum.
2. He speaks Japanese but ________________________ German.
3. They like Pop but ________________________Rock.
4. She eats Chinese food but _________________________ Vietnamese food.
5. You play drums but __________________________ guitar.

C. Fill in the correct prepositions: in near on under

We live _______ New York, ___________The Bowery. We live_____________ a big appartment
_________ the third floor. Our building is_____________ the library. __________ our
appartment is
a bakery. We are very happy_____________ our neighbourhood.

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D. Add correct verbs: ask listen live work read speak look write
1 ________________ Book 2 ________________ a letter 3 ________________ to a song
4 ________________ to a picture 5________________ a question
6 _______________ English 7 _______________ in town 8 _______________ in a bank

E. Choose the right question

Who, what, how, where, when, why, how many

1_____________ are you looking at me?

2_____________ did you come?
3_____________ languages do you speak?
4 _____________ is the matter?
5_____________ is that girl?
6_____________ is your father?
7 _____________ do you live?

F Choose the correct question word:

1. __________ is someone who lifts weight called?

Who what
2. __________ do you want to go there?
Where when
3. __________ luggage are you going to take?
How many how much
4. __________ way should we go, up the hill or along the river bank?
Which what
5. __________ makes you nervous? The traffic downtown?
Who what
6. __________ is the depth of this pook?
What how
7. __________ is the weather like in Mexico City?
How what
8. __________ should we go before we find a place to stop and rest for a while?
What far how far
9. __________ books you read last semester?
Who’s whose
10. __________ do we have to go at two o clock?
Where when

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G Read the story "Saturday with Grandpa" and then answer Numbers 1 through 3.
Saturday is our day to clean, but Grandpa turns work into fun. We like to sing when we dust. We
like to dance when we mop. We clean the car together. We do the wash together. We both wear
our caps. When we are done, we hurry to the store. We shop for food. Grandpa lets me pick the
fruits that I like best. We carry the food home. Grandpa tells stories while we walk. At night, our
work is done. Friends come over. We cook dinner. We sing and dance.
Saturday is our day to clean, but Grandpa turns work into fun!

1 What happens in "Saturday with Grandpa"?

a) A boy and his grandpa eat hot dogs.
b) A boy and his grandpa clean together.
c) A boy and his grandpa ride in a car.
d) A boy and his grandpa go to the beach.

2 What do the boy and his grandpa both wear while they clean?
a) Mops
b) Aprons
c) Caps
d) Scarves

3 Read this sentence from the story: When we are done, we hurry to the store.
What does hurry mean?
a) walk
b) skip
c) hop
d) rush

H Read the story "How They Grow" and then answer Numbers 1 through 3.

How does a butterfly grow? It starts out as a tiny egg. It becomes a caterpillar. It eats lots of leaves.
It grows and grows. Then it goes inside a cocoon. At last, it comes out. It’s a butterfly!
How does a frog grow? It starts out as a tiny egg in the water. The egg grows into a tadpole. It keeps
changing. It eats tiny plants. It grows and grows. At last, it hops out of the pond. It’s a frog!
How does a flower grow? It starts out as a seed. Sun and rain help the seed grow. Roots grow into
the ground. The plant grows and grows. At last, a bud opens. It’s a flower!
Now you know how they grow!

1 What do you think the butterfly will do next?

a) Fly away b) Turn into a frog c) Sing a song d) Swim in the water

2 Where does a tadpole live?

a) in a tree b) under a rock c) in the sky d) in the water

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Read this sentence from the story: At last, it hops out of the pond.
3 What does hops mean?

a) Runs b) Jumps c) Falls d) Swims

Subject pronouns: I, YOU, HE, SHE, IT, WE, YOU THEY
Are used to refer to someone or something already mentioned or to refer to a person

I Rewrite each of the sentences below. Replace the subject of each sentence with its correct

1. The thief stole the expensive diamonds.

2. The elegant lady walked into the hotel.
3. The green palm trees were growing abundantly.
4. The lid of the box was left wide open.
5. The woman carefully wrote the letter.
6. Detectives kept diligent watch at the bank.
7. A mouse ran all through the house.
8. The chimney was extremely tall.
9. The Titanic was an enormous ship.
10.The nature photographers filmed the hippopotamus.

II Use the correct personal pronoun.

1_______ often reads books. (Leila)
2______ is watching TV. (Alan)
3_______ is green. (the dress)
4_______are on the wall. (the pictures)

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5_______ is running. (the cat)

6_______ are watching TV. (my sister and I)
7_____ are in the garden. (the roses)
8______ is driving his car. (John)
9______ is from Bristol. (Liza)
10______ has got a brother. (Diana)
11 Have_________ got a car, (Sue)?
III Select the correct pronoun
1. ______ have one sister and one brother.
She I

2. Thomas is my brother. ______ is twenty.

He She

3. Betty is my sister. ______is thirty-three.

He She

4. ______ am eighteen.

We I

5. ______ are older than I am.

She They

6. Thomas, Betty, and I are friends. ______ never fight.

We He

7. Thomas likes to study. ______ goes to college.

He She

8. Betty works at the hospital. ______ is a doctor.

He She

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9. Betty has a car. ______ is blue.

It She

10. Do ______ have brothers and sisters?

He you

IV Read the story "The Star Llama" and then answer Numbers 1 through 3.

Once there was a young Inca boy. He had no family except for an old llama. Each day the boy and
his llama walked many miles, looking for a home. Each night they curled up together and slept. But
one starry evening, the old llama died. The boy buried his friend next to an icy stream. Then he sat
under a tree and cried. What would he do? He had no family and no home.

The boy cried for a very long time. But there was no one to comfort him. There were only the stars
in the sky.

Suddenly, the sky filled with bright light. The boy held his breath. He was afraid to move. One bright
star fell to the ground. Slowly, the star took the shape of the old llama. She bent her head and drank
from the stream. She looked at the boy and smiled. As she jumped back into the sky, bits of llama
wool fell.

As the Sun began to rise, the boy picked up the soft, warm wool. It glowed in his hands like starlight.
He carried the wool to the city and sold it. With the money, he bought a house. He bought two
young llamas. He never forgot the star llama. And he was never lonely again.

1 Why does the boy cry when the old llama dies?

a) Because he is afraid of the dark

b) Because he is always sad
c) Because the old llama is his only family
d) Because he is lost

2 What happened BEFORE the old llama died?

a) The boy bought two new llamas.

b) The boy and the llama walked many miles looking for a home.
c) The boy collected the wool and sold it in the city.
d) The old llama fell to the ground in the shape of a star.

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3 Read this sentence from the story : One bright star fell to the ground.

What does bright mean?

a) Old
b) Shining
c) New
d) Clean

4 What does the boy in the story want?

a) A cart
b) A horse
c) A new wool shirt
d) A home

5 What happens at the end of the story?

a) The boy buys a house and two llamas.

b) The boy buries the llama next to an icy stream.
c) The boy and his llama walk for many miles.
d) The boy cries for a very long time.

6 Read this sentence from the story: As the Sun began to rise, the boy picked up the soft, warm

What does rise mean?

a) Grow darker
b) Fall down
c) Come up
d) Take a step

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Objectives: During this week ss will go over to the verb be in present and past
subject pronouns to be present to be past
I Am was
You Are were
He is was
She is was
It is was
We are were
You are were
They are were

Long form Short form Example Negation Question

I am I'm I am late. I am not late. Am I late?
You are You're You are clever You are not (aren't) Are you clever?
He is He's He is happy He is not (isn't) happy Is he happy?
She is She's She is hungry She is not (isn't) hungry Is she hungry?
It is It's It is cold. It is not (isn't) cold. Is it cold?
We are We're We are late .We are not (aren't) late. Are we late?
you are You're You are sleepy You are not (aren't) sleep Are you sleepy?
They are They're They are great. They are not (aren't) great Are they great?

I Fill in the blanks with the right form of to be ( am, are or is):
1______ you the new student?
2 Yes, I ________ .
3 Leila and Nancy_________ students.
4 Nancy _______ Australian .
5 My sister and I ________ students.
6 The girls _______ tired.
7 These women _________ beautiful.
8 The tea _________ delicious.
9 Nadia and Leila _________ friends.
10 The newspaper ________ cheap.
11 My mother_____ in the kitchen.
12 The pupils______ not at school today.
13 Maria's grandmother______ from Brazil.
14 I_____ a football fan.
15 It _______ Sunday today.
16 They _______ in the car.
17 His pencil case _______ at home.
18______you from Sheffield?
19I ______ not your friend.

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20 Hey John! We _______ here.

II Choose the correct form of the verb "to be" for each question.
1. Russia _________ one of the largest countries in the world.
Is am are

2. French wine _________ very tasty.

Is am are

3. The children _________ in the garden.

Is am are

4. The President of the United States _________ an important person.

Am is are

5. These books _________ very hard to understand.

Am is are

6. I think Arabic _________ a complicated language.

Are am is

7. I _________ sure your friend is coming to the party.

Are am is

8. Do you know if the shop _________ open?

Are is am

III Read the passage and choose the correct options according to the reading.

One of my favorite vacation places is Mexico. I really like the weather there because it never gets
cold. The people are very nice too. They never laugh at my bad Spanish. The food is really good.
Mexico City is a very interesting place to visit. It has some great museums and lots of fascinating old
buildings. The hotels are too expensive to stay but there are more affordable options. For example,
you can stay at one of the beach resorts like Acapulco. If you are planning to visit Mexico, you should
definitely see the Mayan temples near Merida.

a) Sam likes warm weather
b) Sam doesn't like warm weather at all
c) Sam hates warm water
d) Sam likes cold weather

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a) His Spanish is very good
b) He speaks Spanish very well
c) He is Spanish
d) He doesn't speak Spanish very well

a) There's a lot to see and do in Mexico
b) There aren't a lof of beautiful places in Mexico
c) Mexico is a dirty place
d) Tourists never come to Mexico

a) Hotels are very cheap in Mexico
b) The hotels aren't comfortable there
c) Hotels are all poor in Mexico
d) The hotels in Mexico are pretty expensive

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Simple present: it is represented by do, does

I do
You do
He does
She does
It does
We do
You do
They do

Affirmative: I play soccer every Sunday

Negative She doesn’t play soccer
Interrogative Do we play soccer?

I Choose the correct form of the verb

wake(s) up - open(s) - speak(s) - take(s) - do(es) - cause(s) - live(s) - play(s) - close(s) - live(s)

1 Ann___________ hand ball very well.

2 I never ____________ coffee.
3 The swimming pool ___________ at 7:00 in the morning.
4 It _____________ at 9:00 in the evening.
5 Bad driving ____________ many accidents.
6 My parents____________ in a very small flat.
7 The Olympic Games_______________ place every four years.
8 They are good students. They always____________ their homework.
9 My students __________ a little English.
10 I always __________ early in the morning.

II Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form:

Jane (not/drink)_______________ tea very often.

What time (the banks/open) ____________ in Britain?
Where (John/come)________________ from?
It (take) _______________ me an hour to get to work.
She (not/wake)__________________ up early on Sundays.

1 Do you_____ chocolate milk? Like likes

2 He______ not want to come to the movies. Do Does

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3 ____we too late to catch the bus? Is Am Are

4 It________ a beautiful day today. Is Am Are
5 Sorry, Lisa ______ not here at the moment. Is Am Are
6 ______ I correct? Is Am Are
7 Robert________ not go to my school. Do Does
8 My parents_______ in a 2 bedroom apartment. Live lives
9 We_______ European. Are Is Am
10 You________ so happy today! Are Is Are

III Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence. There is only one correct answer
1 Jane ________ in the factory until 6pm.
Works plays play

2. We don't ________ food from the supermarket every day.

Grow buy buys

3. He loves music and ________ to concerts whenever he can.

Go show goes

4. Anna and Hannah ________ tennis on Sundays.

Plays watch buy

5. If you ________ fishing tomorrow, don't kill the fish!

Went go goes

6. If possible, I ________ the dentist every six months.

Sees speak visit

7. My mother ________ my breakfast every morning.

Cooks cook make

8. Sheila always ________ good scores in her exams.

Makes takes gets

9. What ................... they wear to work?

Do does has

10. She ……………. not talk much.

Do does

11 Where ................... he work?

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Do does has

12. John .................. know much about sailing.

Do not does not has not

13. I ..................... not have the time or patience to cook a proper meal.
Do does has

14. I am too busy these days and I .................. manage to leave office on time.
Do not does not has not

15. ................... Susie come here often?

Does Do Has

16. .................... you find Berlin's weather cold?

Does Do Has

17. Raj .................... not smoke or drink.

Does Do has

18. .................... she know what she is doing?

Does Do Has

19. Why .................. they always get into trouble?

Has Do Does

20. What .................... you like to watch on TV?

Do Does Have

III Read the passage and choose the correct options according to the reading.

Last summer, we decided to spend our vacation at the beach because the weather was very hot in
the mountains. The travel agent said that traveling by bus was the cheapest way, but we went by
plane because it was faster. We wanted to have more time to spend at the beach. The weather was
beautiful and we had a great time.

1. We decided to go to the beach because ----.

a) it was cheaper than going to the mountains
b) the travel agent said that it was the cheapest
c) of the hot weather in the mountains
d) we wanted to spend time at the beach

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2. The bus was the ---- way to travel.

a) best
b) easiest
c) cheapest
d) slowest

3. Traveling by plane was ---- than by bus.

a) more fun
b) cheaper
c) expensive
d) faster

8. We ---- our vacation.

a) hated
b) didn't like
c) enjoyed
d) regretted

9. We had very ---- weather during our vacation.

a) good
b) freezing
c) terrible
d) cold

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The simple past is represented by Did

Affirmative I wrote a letter

Negative I did not write a letter
Interrogative Did I write a letter?

Regular verbs irregular verbs

Need needed be was were

Look looked think thought
Live lived see saw
Invite invited forget forgot
Study studied go went
Play played have had

II Put the verbs into the simple past:

1 Last year I (go)__________ to England on holiday.

2 It (be) _____________ fantastic.
3I (visit) ____________ lots of interesting places. I (be) with two friends of mine .
4 In the mornings we (walk) ___________ in the streets of London.
5 In the evenings we (go) _____________ to pubs.
6 The weather (be) ______________ strangely fine.
7 It (not / rain) __________________ a lot.
8 But we (see) _______________ some beautiful rainbows.
9 Where (spend / you) _______________ your last holiday?

III Complete the table in simple past.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

He wrote a book.

He did not sing

Was she pretty?

Anie took a bath

Pamela didn´t come to class

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IV There are 10 questions in this quiz and each question has only one true answer

Mozart ___________ more than 600 pieces of music.

a) writes
b) wrote
c) writed
d) was wrote

We _______ David in town a few days ago.

a) did see
b) was saw
c) did saw
d) saw

It was cold, so I _____________ the window.

a) shut
b) was shut
c) am shut
d) shutted

I ___________ to the cinema three times last week.

a) was go
b) went
c) did go
d) goed

What __________ you _________ last weekend?

a) were / do
b) did / did
c) did / do
d) do / did

The police ___________ me on my way home last night.

a) was stop
b) stopped
c) stops
d) stopping

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The film wasn't very good. I _____________ it very much.

a) enjoyed
b) wasn't enjoy
c) didn't enjoyed
d) didn't enjoy

The bed was very uncomfortable. I ____________ sleep very well.

a) didn't
b) did
c) wasn't
d) not

The window was open and a bird ___________ into the room.
a) fly
b) flew
c) was flew
d) did fly

I __________ a lot of money yesterday. I __________ an expensive dress.

a) spend / buy
b) spent / buy
c) spent / bought
d) was spent / bought

V Reading Comprehension - Do Whales Sleep?

Whales are mammals, so in many ways, they are just like human beings. The most important
difference is that humans and whales live in different environments and whales have a special
respiratory system that enables them to stay underwater for several minutes without breathing
oxygen. For this reason, they are said to be voluntary breathers. That is, because of whales
underwater environment, they must be conscious breathers. They think about every breath they
take and come up to the surface of the water to breathe through blowholes on top of their heads.

What is outstanding about whales is the way they can sleep. While all mammals sleep, whales
cannot afford to become unconscious for long because they may drown. The only way they can
sleep is by remaining partially conscious. It is believed that only one hemisphere of the whale's brain
sleeps at a time, so they rest but are never completely asleep. They can do so most probably near
the surface so that they can come up for air easily.

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Whales are like fish in the way they breathe.

a. True
b. False

Whales don't sleep at all.

a. True.
b. False.

Whales sleep by letting the whole brain rest for a lapse of time.
a. True
b. False

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The structure of the present continuous tense is:

subject + auxiliary verb + main verb

be (am is are) base + ing

subject auxiliary verb main verb

I am speaking to you.
You are reading this.
She is not staying in London.
We are not playing football.
Is he watching TV?
Are they waiting for John?

Write the correct word in the blank:

Am learning is are lying eating starting opening staying working

1 ________ they coming over for dinner?

2 Maxwell _______ not sleeping on our sofa.
3 My mother-in-law is ___________ at our house this week.
4 I am__________ my dinner right now.
5 My sister is ______________- Spanish.
6 I am __________ at the hair salon until September.
7 We are ___________ at a fancy restaurant tonight. Jason decided this yesterday.
8 When are you ______________ your new art class?
9 They are_______________ a new record shop downtown.
10 Melissa is__________- down on her bed

Write the correct form of the verb in present continuous:

1 The train to Glasgow __________________________ (leave) from platform 8.
2 I_______________________ (begin) to understand the Present Continuous now.
3 Sue __________________ (work) tonight.
4 Listen! ____________________The telephone (ring).
5 Ms. Johnson ___________________ (see) a customer at 3 o'clock.

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There are 10 questions in this quiz and each question has only one true answer

1 I am _______ a sandwich now.

not eat

2 I am busy right now. I _______ breakfast.

am have
am having

3 My daughter _________ studying English at Istanbul University.


4 _____ you waiting for a bus?


5 What _____________? It looks awful.

do you drinking
are you drink
are you drinking
does you drink

6 We ________ enjoying our holiday here so much.


7 What _____ John ___________ at the moment?

does / do
is / do

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are / doing
is / doing

8 I ___________ sitting down at the moment.

am not
are not

9 Don't disturb him. He __________.

is sleeping
is sleep

10 They are ___________ their coats..

put on
putting on
doesn't put

Reading Comprehension Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse is a cartoon character who has become an icon for the Walt Disney Company. Mickey
Mouse is short for Mitchell Mouse. It was created in 1928 by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks and voiced
by Walt Disney.

The first appearance of Mickey Mouse was in Plane Crazy on May 15, 1928. But the Walt Disney
Company celebrates Mickey Mouse birth as November 18, 1928 upon the release of Steamboat
Willie, because it is the first Mickey Mouse Cartoon with sound. The anthropomorphic mouse has
developed along the years. He first appeared in color in 1935. The first Technicolor Disney film was
Flowers and Trees from 1932. He also evolved from being simply a character in animated cartoons
and comic strips to become one of the most recognizable symbols in the world.

Mickey's popularity has grown around the world. This was due to his angelic nature. Mickey never
does anything immoral. However, in 2009 the Walt Disney Company announced that they will begin
to re-brand the Mickey Mouse character by moving away from his pleasant, cheerful image and
reintroducing the more devious side of his personality, starting with the upcoming Epic Mickey, a
Mickey Mouse video game. The Walt Disney company thus intends to show the mischievous side of
Mickey's personality.

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1 Mickey Mouse's birthday is celebrated on

a. May 15, 1928
b. November 18, 1928

2 The first Mickey Mouse with sound first appeared in

a. Steamboat Willie
b. Plane Crazy

3 Mickey Mouse first appeared in color in

a. 1932
b. 1935

4 Mickey Mouse has always been popular thanks to

a. his good nature,
b. mischievous side of his character.

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It is form with have / has + the past participle

Present past past participle

Do did done
See saw seen
Play played played
Drive drove driven
Eat ate eaten

I Write positive sentences in present perfect simple

1 Bob / visit / his grandma _______________________________________________

2 Jimmy / play / on the computer __________________________________________
3 Sue and Walter / wash / their car _________________________________________
4 Andrew / repair / his bike _______________________________________________
5 Phil / help / Anne with maths ____________________________________________
6 Brad and Louise / watch / a film __________________________________________
7 Tamara / talk to / her best friend __________________________________________
8 Bridgette / draw / a picture _______________________________________________
9 Carol / read / a computer magazine ________________________________________
10 Tom and Alice / be / to a restaurant_______________________________________

II Write negative sentences in present perfect simple

Sarah / not / wash the dishes ______________________________________________

Anita / not / clean the kitchen ______________________________________________
Maureen and Gavin / not / water the plants ___________________________________
Joey / not / make his bed __________________________________________________
David / not / buy milk _____________________________________________________
Lisa / not / be to the baker's ________________________________________________
Aran and Jack / not / do their homework _____________________________________
Jane and Ben / not / tidy up their rooms ______________________________________
Alex / not / feed the hamster _______________________________________________
Hazel / not / empty the bin_________________________________________________

III Write questions in present perfect simple.

you / answer / the question ________________________________________________
Jenny / lock / the door ____________________________________________________

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Walter / call / us _________________________________________________________

you / see / the picture ____________________________________________________
your parents / get / the letter _______________________________________________
it / rain / a lot ___________________________________________________________
how often / we / sing / the song _____________________________________________
Maureen / watch / the film _________________________________________________
how many books / Bob / read ______________________________________________

IV There are 10 questions in this quiz and each question has only one true answer

1. I _____________ my homework yet.

a) have finish
b) has finished
c) did finished
d) haven't finished
2. My father is on the way. He ____________ home yet.
a) haven't arrived
b) hasn't arrived
c) didn't arrived
d) arrived
3. I am not hungry. I have _______ eaten.
a) yet
b) now
c) just
d) ever
4. I have never ___________ to Paris.
a) been
b) went
c) go
d) was
5. ________ you ever been to New York?
a) Are
b) Were
c) Do
d) Have
6. I am still working. I haven't finished my work ________.
a) already
b) yet
c) still
d) never

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7. I am looking for my pen. I __________ it.

a) have lost
b) lost
c) did lost
d) was lost
8. During the two years David ____________ ten different jobs.
a) has has
b) has had
c) have had
d) have has
9. I __________ a teacher since 2002.
a) was
b) have be
c) have been
d) had be
10. My friend ______________ my new dress yet.
a) haven't seen
b) didn't see
c) hasn't see
d) hasn't seen

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Going to is form with:

Subject + to be (am is are) + going to + basic form of the verb

I am going to play basketball

I Write positive sentences in going to future.

I / work _______________________________________________________________
you / dance - __________________________________________________________
it / rain - ______________________________________________________________
they / ask -____________________________________________________________
he / stays -____________________________________________________________
we / speak -___________________________________________________________
I / give - ______________________________________________________________
she / try -_____________________________________________________________
they / help ____________________________________________________________
he / push - ____________________________________________________________

II Write negative sentences in going to future.

(I / sell / my car) __________________________________________________________

(he / help / us) ___________________________________________________________
(they / study / harder) ______________________________________________________
(we / cook / dinner tonight) __________________________________________________
(I / celebrate / my birthday this year) __________________________________________
(she / cleaning / her room) __________________________________________________
(they / move / house) ______________________________________________________
(she / stay / with Amy) _____________________________________________________
(they / change / their clothes) ________________________________________________
(we / get up early / next Sunday) _____________________________________________

III Write questions in going to

(he / cook dinner / tonight) __________________________________________________

(you / run / in the race) _____________________________________________________
(they / climb / that mountain) _________________________________________________

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(she / exercise / at the gym / in the afternoon) ___________________________________

(you / carry / that heavy box) ________________________________________________
(computer / crash) ________________________________________________________
(we / eat / fish / tonight) ____________________________________________________
(he / play football / tomorrow) _______________________________________________
(Lucy / call / a taxi) ________________________________________________________
(you / sing / a song / for us)__________________________________________________

IV There are 10 questions in this quiz and each question has only one true answer.

1 Rebecca is __________ have a baby next month.

go to
goes to
going to

2 ______ you going to cook supper?


3 What are you going to __________ this evening?


4 Be careful or you ___________ fall.

are go to
are going to

5 I have decided. I ____________ stop smoking.

am going to
am go to

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6 Look at those clouds. It ______________.

is rain
is going to rain
will rain

7 Look out! You ____________ break that glass!

will going to
are going to

8 I am going to _____________ Spanish next summer.

will learn

9 Look at that car! _______________________.

a) It will crash
b) It is go to crash
c) is will crash
d) is going to crash

10 ___________________ because it is too sweet.

a) I don't drink
b) I won't drink
c) I am not going to drink
d) I will drinking

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V Reading Comprehension Elephants

Elephants are large mammals of the family Elephantidae and the order Proboscidea. Traditionally,
two species are recognized, the African elephant and the Asian elephant, although some evidence
suggests that African bush elephants and African forest elephants are separate species. Other
families of the order Proboscidea, including mammoths and mastodons are now extinct.

Elephants are scattered throughout sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. Male
African elephants are the largest surviving terrestrial animals and can reach a height of 4 m (13 ft)
and weigh 7,000 kg (15,000 lb).

All elephants have several distinctive features the most notable of which is a long trunk or proboscis,
used for many purposes, particularly breathing, lifting water and grasping objects. Their incisors
grow into tusks, which can serve as weapons and as tools for moving objects and digging. Elephants'
large ear flaps help to control their body temperature. Their pillar-like legs can carry their great
weight. African elephants have larger ears and concave backs while Asian elephants have smaller
ears and convex or level backs.

One of the biggest threats to elephant populations is the ivory trade, as the animals are poached for
their ivory tusks. Other threats to wild elephants include habitat destruction and conflicts with local
people. Elephants are used as working animals in Asia. In the past they were used in war; today,
they are often put on display in zoos and circuses.

Mammoths and mastodons live in Africa.
a. True
b. False

Elephants live in all continents.

a. True.
b. False.

Ivory trade is the main threat that elephants are facing.

a. True
b. False

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Will it is form with:

Subject + will + basic form

Form of will Future

positive negative question
I will speak. I will not speak. Will I speak?
I won’t speak

I Write positive sentences in will Future.

We (help)______________________ you.
I (get)___________________ you a drink.
I think our team (win)________________ the match.
Maybe she (do) ________________ a language course in Malta.
I (buy) ___________________________ the tickets.
Perhaps she (do) _______________________ this for you.
Maybe we (stay) _______________________________ at home.
She hopes that he (cook)_______________________ dinner tonight.
I’m sure they (understand) _______________________ your problem.
They (go / probably)______________________ to the party.

II Write negative sentences in will future.

(I / answer / the question) ____________________________________________________

(she / read / the book) _______________________________________________________
(they / drink / beer) __________________________________________________________
(we / send / the postcard) _____________________________________________________
(Vanessa / catch / the ball) ____________________________________________________
(James / open / the door) ______________________________________________________
(we / listen / to the radio) ______________________________________________________
(they / eat / fish) _____________________________________________________________
(she / give / him / the apple) ____________________________________________________
(the computer / crash)__________________________________________________________

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III Write questions in will future.

(you / ask / him) ______________________________________________________________
(Jenny / lock / the door) ________________________________________________________
(it / rain) ____________________________________________________________________
(the teacher / test / our English) __________________________________________________
(what / they / eat) _____________________________________________________________
(when / she / be / back) ________________________________________________________
(who / drive / us / into town) ______________________________________________________
(where / we / meet) ____________________________________________________________
(when / I / be / famous) __________________________________________________________
(what / you / do)________________________________________________________________

IV There are 10 questions in this quiz and each question has only one true answer

People will ___________ on the moon in the future.

a) living
b) live
c) are live
d) be live

I _______ return the book after I read it.

a) will
b) am
c) not
d) going to

Tom _____________ at eight tomorrow morning.

a) will arrives
b) arrives
c) will going to arrive
d) will arrive

When Tom arrives we ___________ a party.

a) will has
b) have
c) are going to has
d) will have

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A: This letter is in French, and I don't know French. Can you help me? B: Sure, I ___________ it for
a) am going to translate
b) won't translate
c) will translate
d) am translate

A: Can you give Ann a message for me? B: Sure, Probably I _________________ him at the meeting
this evening.
a) will see
b) am going to see
c) saw
d) am seeing

I am not sure but It ____________________ tomorrow.

a) is going to rain
b) will rains
c) will going to rain
d) will rain

Nobody _______________ recognize you in that wig.

a) are going to
b) will
c) won't
d) isn't go to

Choose the correct sentence.

a) He will comes tomorrow.
b) They will do it for me.
c) He wills be at the meeting.
d) Where will you be yesterday?

I will ____________ right here until Jessica comes.

a) wait
b) waiting
c) waits
d) not waiting

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Reading Comprehension Nelson Mandela

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (also known as Madiba), a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary
and politician who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999, was the first black South
African to hold the office, and the first elected in a fully representative, multiracial election. Mandela
was born to the Thembu royal family. He attended Fort Hare University and the University of
Witwatersrand where he studied law. After the Afrikaner nationalists of the National Party came to
power in 1948 and began implementing the policy of apartheid, a system of racial segragation, he
rose to prominence in the the African National Congress's 1952 Defiance Campaign. Working as a
lawyer, he was repeatedly arrested for seditious activities and, with the ANC leadership, was
prosecuted in the Treason Trial from 1956 to 1961 but was found not guilty. Although initially
committed to non-violent protest, he was arrested in 1962, convicted of sabotage and conspiracy
to overthrow the government, and sentenced to life imprisonment in the Rivonia Trial.

An international campaign lobbied for his release, which was granted in 1990 after 27 years of
imprisonment. Becoming ANC President, Mandela led negotiations with President F.W. de Klerk to
abolish apartheid and establish multi-racial elections in 1994, in which he led the ANC to victory. He
was elected President and formed a Government of National Unity. As President, he established a
new constitution and initiated the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate past human
rights abuses, while introducing policies to encourage land reform, combat poverty and expand
healthcare services.

Nelson Mandela was the president of South Africa from 1990 to 1999
a. True
b. False

He was arrested once.

a. True
b. False

He was imprisoned because of his anti-racial fight.

a. True
b. False

He was released after 27 years of imprisonment, in 1990.

a. True
b. False

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