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Asignatura: Ingles VIII Profesor: Claudia Martínez Martínez

Fecha: 22/03/2023
Nombre del alumno:Marco Antonio Barrios Joo
Tema/Título del ensayo: Eutanasia
Aspecto a 10/10 puntos 9/10 puntos 8/10 puntos 7/10 puntos Insuficiente
evaluar NA
Estructura El ensayo contiene El ensayo contiene El ensayo contiene El ensayo no presenta la El ensayo no
introducción, desarrollo introducción, desarrollo introducción, desarrollo del estructura adecuada. Falta posee la
del tema (tres párrafos con del tema (tres párrafos tema (dos párrafos con al menos una de las estructura
ideas de apoyo) y con ideas de apoyo) y ideas de apoyo) y siguientes partes: adecuada. Falta
conclusión. Su estructura conclusión, pero presenta conclusión, pero presenta introducción, desarrollo del al menos una
es clara y precisa. mínimos errores de algunos errores de precisión tema (3 párrafos) y/o de las
precisión en la estructura. en la estructura. conclusión. Presenta errores siguientes
de precisión en la partes:
estructura. introducción,
desarrollo del
tema y/o
conclusión o
las presenta de
forma poco
clara e
Contenido El ensayo responde a la El ensayo responde a la El ensayo responde a la El ensayo no responde a la .El ensayo no
pregunta en pregunta en cuestión/ pregunta en cuestión/ pregunta en cuestión responde a la
cuestión/aborda el tema de aborda el tema de manera aborda el tema de manera /aborda el tema de manera pregunta en
manera clara y objetiva. objetiva. Los argumentos objetiva con algunos objetiva. Presenta pocos cuestión/aborda
Los argumentos son son sólidos y con leve argumentos sólidos pero argumentos sólidos y el tema de
sólidos y precisos. Los imprecisión pero los con ejemplos poco claros ejemplos poco claros y/o manera
ejemplos son claros y ejemplos son claros y y/o contundentes. contundentes. objetiva. No
contundentes. contundentes. presenta
sólidos ni
ejemplos claros

Organización Los argumentos están Los argumentos están Los argumentos no están Los argumentos no están Los
vinculados a una idea vinculados a una idea vinculados a una idea vinculados a una idea argumentos no
principal (tesis) y están principal (tesis) y están principal (tesis) en su principal (tesis) en su están
organizados de manera organizados de manera totalidad. Se apoyan en totalidad. Se apoyan en vinculados a
lógica y clara. Se apoyan lógica y clara. Se apoyan ideas secundarias y ideas secundarias y una idea
en ideas secundarias y en ideas secundarias y ejemplos que en su ejemplos que no refuerzan principal (tesis)
ejemplos que refuerzan la ejemplos que en su mayoría refuerzan la idea la idea principal de forma en su totalidad.
idea principal. mayoría refuerzan la idea principal de forma contundente. Se observan El ensayo
principal de forma contundente, pero no se problemas de organización carece de ideas
contundente. presentan de forma y secuencia lógica, lo cual secundarias y
organizada y con secuencia reduce el impacto de los ejemplos que
lógica, lo cual reduce el argumentos. refuercen la
impacto de los argumentos. idea principal
de forma
Se observan
problemas de
organización y
Gramática Demuestra un buen uso de En general, el trabajo está Se observan algunos errores Se observan errores en el El trabajo
las estructuras bien escrito. Se observan en el uso de estructuras uso de estructuras muestra graves
gramaticales y ortografía. escasos errores referentes gramaticales y/o ortografía. gramaticales, y/o faltas de
a estructuras gramaticales ortografía, lo cual dificulta ortografía y
y/o ortografía. la compresión del problemas de
contenido. redacción.
Estilo y Las ideas son expresadas Las ideas son expresadas Las ideas son expresadas Las ideas son expresadas En el texto se
vocabulario con un estilo directo, con un estilo directo, con un estilo directo y con un estilo directo y observan
conciso y sencillo. El conciso y sencillo, sencillo, pero poco preciso. sencillo, pero poco preciso. problemas de
autor emplea el empleando el vocabulario Emplea al menos el 80% Emplea al menos el 70% estilo y una
vocabulario mínimo mínimo requerido del vocabulario mínimo del vocabulario mínimo falta de
requerido correctamente. correctamente y algunos requerido correctamente y requerido. Se observa una investigación
Enriquece el texto con términos investigados por pocos términos falta de investigación en en relación al
términos investigados por el autor. investigados por el propio relación al vocabulario vocabulario. El
el propio autor. autor. relacionado al tema. autor emplea
menos el 70%
del vocabulario

Nombre del alumno – Matricula

Marco Antonio Barrios Joo-203027

Ingles VIII
Cuatrimestre / periodo escolar
8vo (enero– abril 2023)

Unidad - Tema

Nombre de la práctica / proyecto.

EP1: Ensayo sobre la eutanasia

Plan de estudios.
Ingeniería en Logística y transporte

Mtro. Claudia Martínez Martínez

Tapachula, Chiapas a 22 de marzo de 2023

Medicine has been governed by moral principles since ancient times, and these
principles have set the standard for what is correct and what is not, and have been
the basis for the development of professional duties. The subject of euthanasia is
of great complexity, since as time goes by, the points of view and the thought is
more and more liberal, having inconformity in the way the norms have been
governed in such controversial cases, since seeing an individual with a constant
suffering that will only be permanent in his last days of life, many do not think it is
right to wait for the patient to die, For this reason, euthanasia has been classified
from different points of view, and the one we will deal with in depth is its passive or
active form, which has brought controversy to the bioethical discussion of health
professionals, the rulers of each country, and even the patient's own family.

The human being by nature will always seek his own survival, no matter the cost of
it, nor the conditions in which he has to remain alive, since he is only certain of one
thing, and that is life. Throughout the years there have been countless
conferences, closed meetings, discussions, debates among many other things, but
all of them with the aim of addressing the issue of euthanasia, seen by some as
murder or suicide by the doctor or the patient, by others it is the grace to stop the
suffering of the person, but all with the common, the end of a life, either directly or

Euthanasia is defined as:

"Action or omission that, in order to avoid suffering to terminally ill patients,

accelerates their death, with or without their consent"; or, as "death without
physical suffering" (Real Academia Española).

Understanding the meaning of this action is vital when debating whether it is right
or wrong to put it into practice, since without a clear and objective judgment on the
subject, it will not be possible to contemplate all the alternatives; in many cases
euthanasia itself has been confused, since sometimes there are medical
treatments that are useless rather than helping the patient and therefore should be
suspended in order not to continue with procedures that have no response, this
could not be considered as euthanasia since the treatment itself is not something
vital or adequate for the individual, On the contrary, if the patient has a disease that
possibly has no cure but there is a medication capable of prolonging his life and
the patient refuses to take it or to depend on it and has a medical knowledge of it,
we could already deal with the issue of euthanasia, which would give way to
discuss the concepts of passive or active euthanasia.

For many, passive euthanasia is that in which the treatment already started by the
patient is suspended, thus ceasing to intervene in the natural process of the
disease, which would inevitably lead to death, on the contrary, active euthanasia is
understood as that which is distinguished by intervening by causing death in a
rapid manner, without pain, either directly by applying a lethal dose or indirectly by
providing painkillers that in their effects cause another alteration and consequently
cause death, thus being an action of double effect.

When visualizing the application of euthanasia it can be taken into account that the
prohibition of this practice goes beyond a simple momentary point of view, since
seventeen oaths of the Hippocratic stemma contained in the document "The
prohibition of euthanasia " and the medical oaths of Hippocratic stemma were
studied (Merino, Aruanno, Gelpi, Rancich, 2017) all of them grouped according to
the period of time where they were written: 4 medieval, 2 modern and 11
contemporary, divided by those that express the same or similar commitment to
the Hippocratic oath, and those that do not express anything about it.

Thus it can be seen that the discussion about whether it is correct or not, does not
date only from recent dates, but it is a discussion of hundreds of years, a document
prepared by the Central Commission of Deontology, Medical Law and Visa of the
General Council of Official Medical Colleges of Spain ( April 18, 2016) made very
clear its position towards passive and active euthanasia, giving as a conclusion a
statement of several decades ago since for them there is no passive euthanasia
and active euthanasia

"There is only euthanasia, a conduct always deontologically condemnable, aimed

at killing (by action or omission) those who suffer from an incurable disease or
unbearable suffering" (Madrid, May 24, 1993).

At the onset of any disease that leads to inevitable death, it is necessary the
investigation and awareness of the same by the patient, his relatives and as a
priority the doctor in charge of the situation, in order to make the right decisions,
without pressure or external wills, only considering the patient's own and analyzing
the future consequences.

Thus it is understood that passive and active euthanasia will always depend for its
definition of the perspective of the individual who is carrying out the analysis of this,
since the opinion on such controversial issues, can not be defined as mathematics,
if not, that any decision must be consciously, and well defined, because death is an
end that no one wants to experience with a greater suffering, to be tormented by
the awareness that it suffers.

When talking about euthanasia in Mexico it is an almost non-existent topic since

the masses that suffer from terminal diseases in most cases do not even know
their diagnosis since they do not have enough economic resources to have access
to the costly studies that such a complex disease requires, that is why talking about
passive or active euthanasia in Mexico is like talking about technology of third
world countries, since analyzing the possibility of applying it is to take into account
that the patient even has the capacity to be able to carry it out.

Mexico does not currently have the approval to perform euthanasia in the full
sense of the word, since morally speaking society remains rooted in ancient
beliefs, based on religion and ancient oaths, and those who might be inclined to
favor the practice do not have the privilege of having an economy so sufficient to
maintain even the treatment to preserve life or not.

Putting an end to a life is not an issue to lightly, nor momentary decisions, it implies
a deep and conscious analysis of the consequences, since it is the only action that
can not be fixed in any way after proceeding to it, this is why death has always
been an imminent fear that threatens life and everything that one has certainty of
possessing and thus euthanasia contributes to this fear, It is true that applying it
would give peace in what is known so far, without having the capacity to affirm it
with certainty, but that is why issues such as euthanasia have given way to the
birth of bioethics to question medicine and the practices it entails and to be able to
decide with a clear judgment. In spite of all this, euthanasia is a complex issue and
to date there is no unanimous opinion in society, nor in the professional health
guild, and so far it is a topic that is still on the table for discussion.
n Bastos Brandalise, V., Pertile
Remor, A., De Carvalho, D., Bonamigo, L. E., “Suicidio assistido e eutanásia na
perspectiva de profissionais e académicos de un hospital univeristário”, Rev. Bioét.
vol.26 no.2 Brasília Apr./June 2018.
n Organización de las Naciones
Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura, “Eutanasia Pasiva”, 18 de abril
n Merino, S., Aruanno, M. E., Gelpi, R. J., Rancich, A. M., “La prohibición de la
eutanasia” y los juramentos médicos de hipema hipoocrático, Acta bioeth. Vol.23
no.1 Santiago, jun.2017,
n Excerlsior, “Pobreza, principal problema para legalizar la eutanasia en México”,
09 de junio del 2018,

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