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Equipo docente

Prof. Titular:
Mariana Berberian

Prof. Adjunta:
Mariela Bergamín
Ana Espósito

Jefa de Trabajos Prácticos:

Mariana Eguren
Rocío Acosta

Ayudantes Graduados:
Cintia Lersundi
Ileana Dall’Aglio
Mariano Elicabe

“The GOOD physician treats the DISEASE;

the GREAT physician treats the PATIENT who has the disease.”
-Sir William Osler
Inglés Nivel II



I. Consideraciones generales 3

II. Cronograma de actividades 7

III. Programa de contenidos 8

IV. Preguntas frecuentes 9

V. Unidad 1 10

VI. Unidad 2 32

VII. Unidad 3 41

VIII. Unidad 4 54

IX. Unidad 5 63

X. Práctica adicional 69

XI. Actividades orales 75

XII. Bibliografía 79

Inglés Nivel II


1) Sobre la cursada de la materia

Estarán en condiciones de cursar la materia quienes hayan:
 cumplimentado con los requisitos de inscripción a la materia.
1a) Condiciones de aprobación de la cursada.
Estarán en condiciones de aprobar la cursada quienes:
a) cumplan con el 75% de la asistencia (en caso de intancia presencial).
b) hayan aprobado 3 de 5 Assignments.
c) hayan aprobado 8 de 10 trabajos prácticos virtuales (TPV).
d) hayan aprobado un examen parcial o su recuperatorio.
La aprobación de la cursada es condición necesaria para la instancia de examen final.
1b) Sobre los exámenes parciales.
Estarán en condiciones de rendir el parcial aquellos estudiantes que
 cumplan con el 75% de la asistencia (en caso de intancia presencial).
 hayan aprobado 3 de 5 Assignmets.
 hayan aprobado 8 de 10 trabajos prácticos virtuales (TPV).
La ausencia a un examen parcial implica la renuncia a una oportunidad de evaluación por parte
del estudiante. No obstante, el alumno podrá presentarse al examen recuperatorio, siendo esta
su única oportunidad.
1c) Sobre la instancia de examen recuperatorio.
Estarán en condiciones de rendir el parcial recuperatorio aquellos estudiantes que:
 hayan desaprobado el examen parcial.
 no hayan asistido al examen parcial.
 cumplan con los requisitos que los habiliten a rendir el examen parcial antes

Inglés Nivel II

1d) Fechas de exámenes parciales

Las fechas de exámenes parciales, recuperatorios o finales no están sujetas a modificaciones

por causas particulares de los estudiantes.

Parcial Semana 21 a 26 noviembre

Recuperatorio parcial Semana 5 a 10 diciembre

El horario y lugar de los exámenes parciales será publicado en el campus virtual de la asignatura
1e) Sobre las clases presenciales.
Los estudiantes:
 deben asistir a clase de manera puntual. Quienes no puedan cumplir con el punto
anterior deberán consultar con la docente titular de la
asignatura Mariana Berberian sobre la posibilidad de
realizar el cambio de comisión. Tendrán prioridad
quienes presenten certificado de trabajo.
 deben asistir a clase con el material correspondiente. Se
sugiere traer la versión papel para poder trabajar de manera adecuada.
 deben asistir a la cursada con diccionario bilingüe o monolingüe (versión papel o digital).
Se recomienda traer a clase la versión papel ya que en los exámenes no podrá utilizarse
la versión digital.
1f) Sobre las clases virtuales
● Semanalmente, los estudiantes deberán completar los trabajos prácticos disponibles en
el campus virtual.
● Los trabajos prácticos virtuales se activarán los miércoles a las 20:00 hs. y podrán ser
resueltos hasta el sábado de la semana siguiente a las 23:59. Vencido este plazo, no se
podrá acceder al mismo.
● Los trabajos prácticos virtuales tienen como objetivo:
- consolidar los contenidos trabajados en clase de manera progresiva e
- fomentar el compromiso del estudiante con su propio proceso de aprendizaje.

Inglés Nivel II

● La realización y aprobación con calificación 6 (seis) de los trabajos prácticos virtuales

constituyen un requisito de aprobación de la materia.
● Para la resolución de trabajos prácticos virtuales (TPV), se debe tener en cuenta:
a. El estudiante tiene varios intentos para resolver las actividades. Una vez agotados, el
sistema grabará el progreso logrado hasta ese momento.
b. El sistema no brindará una calificación final cuando el trabajo práctico incluya tareas
en la que el estudiante deba redactar oraciones o textos. La calificación del mismo
será definida una vez que el docente realice la corrección manual del ejercicio en
2) Sobre las instancias de evaluación.
2a) Pautas generales

ACLARACIÓN: Las siguientes pautas son válidas para TODAS las instancias de evaluación
(parciales, recuperatorios y finales)

 Los estudiantes deben asistir con DNI o documento vigente que compruebe identidad.
 El estudiante completará el examen con lapicera azul o negra.
 El estudiante deberá escribir de manera clara. Aquellas secciones del examen que no sean
legibles serán anuladas y no serán tenidas en cuenta al definir la calificación.
 El examen será realizado en un ambiente de orden y silencio. No se podrá conversar,
pedir útiles prestados, o utilizar el teléfono u otros dispositivos.
 No se aceptarán hojas adicionales al examen entregado por el docente.
a) El uso del celular no estará permitido dentro del aula. Durante el examen, el mismo
deberá permanecer apagado o silenciado.
b) Se requiere puntualidad.
c) El uso del diccionario quedará sujeto a criterio de la asignatura. En tal
caso, sólo se aceptará diccionario en formato papel. El mismo será de
uso individual. No se podrá compartir o prestar durante el examen.
2b) Calificación
2.b.1) Exámenes parciales y trabajos prácticos presenciales.
En la instancia de trabajo práctico presencial, examen parcial y recuperatorio:

Inglés Nivel II

 El estudiante deberá aprobar el examen con 6 (seis).

 Quienes acrediten una calificación mínima de 6 (seis puntos) en el examen parcial o en
sus recuperatorio y cumplan los requisitos antes mencionados estarán en condiciones de
aprobar la cursada, habilitando así el examen final.
2.b.2) Examen final (instancia presencial).
Sobre la inscripción.

 El estudiante debe cumplir con el requisito de Cursada Aprobada.

 Debe realizarse en las fechas previstas en el Calendario Académico.
 Cada estudiante tendrá un plazo de 24 (veinticuatro) meses posteriores a la fecha de
finalización de la Cursada Aprobada para rendir y aprobar los exámenes finales
respectivos en las fechas previstas para las correspondientes asignaturas. Si en el
transcurso de ese período no hubiera aprobado el examen final, deberá volver a cursar
la asignatura.
 Los llamados a exámenes finales durante el año están establecidos en el calendario
académico. Cada estudiante podrá presentarse solamente a 3 (tres) de los llamados
para rendir el examen final de cada asignatura, con Cursada Aprobada.
Sobre la aprobación del examen final
 Los exámenes finales podrán ser escritos u orales o escritos y orales. En todos los casos
se establecerán los criterios de evaluación.
 Se aprueba con 4 (cuatro).
-No habrá excepciones-

Inglés Nivel II

Cronograma de actividades 2022

Actividades complementarias
Semana Contenidos
Examen Nivelatorio
22 al 27 agosto
(en cada una de las comisiones)
29 agosto a 03 Presentación de la materia
1 Trabajo Práctico virtual nº 1
septiembre Contenidos Unidad 1
05 a 10
2 Contenidos Unidad 1 Trabajo Práctico virtual nº 2
12 al 17 Trabajo Práctico virtual nº 3
3 Contenidos Unidad 1
septiembre Assignment 1 (Written)
19 a 24
4 Contenidos Unidad 2 Trabajo Práctico virtual nº 4
26 septiembre a Contenidos Unidad 2 Trabajo Práctico virtual nº 5
01 octubre Assignment 2 (Oral)
Contenidos Unidad 3
6 03 a 08 octubre Trabajo Práctico virtual nº 6

10 a 15 octubre Trabajo Práctico virtual nº 7

7 Contenidos Unidad 3
Assignment 3 (Written)

8 17 a 22 octubre Contenidos Unidad 3 Trabajo Práctico virtual nº 8

9 24 a 29 octubre Semana de integración

31 octubre a 05 Contenidos Unidad 4 Trabajo Práctico virtual nº 9

noviembre Assignment nº 4 (Oral)
07 a 12
11 Contenidos Unidad 4 Trabajo Práctico virtual nº 10
14 a 19
12 Contenidos Unidad 5 Assignment nº 5 (Written)
21 a 26 Examen Parcial
noviembre (en cada una de las comisiones)
28 noviembre a Revisión Parcial
03 diciembre (en cada una de las comisiones)
05 a 10 Recuperatorio Examen Parcial
diciembre (en cada una de las comisiones)

Por favor, tener en cuenta que el cronograma podrá sufrir modificaciones en cada comisión.

Inglés Nivel II


 Unidad 1
Revisión de Frase Nominal. La posmodificación del sustantivo. La frase preposicional. La
preposición: definición y clasificación. Las cláusulas relativas: definición y clasificación.
Adjetivos participios y gerundio como modificador de un sustantivo. Vocabulario: prevención
de accidentes.
 Unidad 2
La frase verbal, definición, lectura e identificación. Revisión: presente simple. El presente
continuo. El verbo “be” como verbo auxiliar. Vocabulario: comunicación con el paciente.
 Unidad 3
El pasado simple (be, verbos regulares e irregulares). Posmodificación de la Frase Verbal:
adjetivo, sustantivo, pronombre adjetivo, frase nominal, frase preposicional y adverbio como
posmodificador. Vocabulario: síntomas y heridas. Frases comunes (collocations).
 Unidad 4
Presente perfecto. Contraste con el pasado simple. Adverbios y frases de tiempo. El verbo
“have” como auxiliar. Assessing patients: taking a history. Verbos frase in history taking.
Vocabulario: dolencias frecuentes.
 Unidad 5
La voz pasiva: definición y uso. Tiempos y forma. Diferencia voz activa y pasiva. Vocabulario.
Joint Pain Terminology.

Inglés Nivel II

Preguntas frecuentes/ Frequently asked questions.

¿Qué significa cada consigna?

 Answer the questions below: responder las preguntas a continuación

 Choose the correct option: elegir la opción correcta
 Correct the false statements: corregir las oraciones falsas.
 Identify: identificar.
 Identify if the statements are true or false: identifique si las oraciones son verdaderas o
 Complete the mind map: completar el mapa mental
 Complete with the correct form of the verb: completar con la forma correcta del verbo
 Circle the correct option: hacer un círculo en la opción correcta
 Underline: subrayar
 Translate the statements: traducir las oraciones
 Match: unir
 Summarize: resumir
 Define: definir
 Order/ Put the words in order: ordenar
 Read: Leer
 Replace: Reemplazar
 Spot the mistake: identificar el error
 Write: Escribir
 Listen: Escuchar
 Watch (the video): Mirar (el video)

¿Podemos usar diccionarios?

Sí, el diccionario bilingüe es una herramienta muy útil que recomendamos usar durante la
cursada. Es importante aprender a usarlo para aprovecharlo al máximo. También pueden
utilizar diccionarios online:

Inglés Nivel II

 UNIT 1- La frase nominal: Post-modificación del sustantivo.

What do you remember? A quick review…

¿Qué es una Frase Nominal?




1. Discussion:
a. Where do you think the majority of accidents occur: at home, at work, or
in the street?
b. Which groups of society are more prone to accidents?
c. Are accidents at work generally preventable?

2. Vocabulary. Match the terms to their equivalent.

1. Unavoidable a. mejoras
2. Precautions b. anciano
3. Encouraging c. consciente
4. Improvement d. inevitable
5. Tripping e. (Un) consejo
6. Piece of advice f. reducir
7. Elderly g. adecuado
8. Hillwalking h. precauciones
9. Reduce i. alentador
10. Aware j. tropezar, caer
11. Adequate k. senderismo

Inglés Nivel II

3. Read the ideas below and choose the most appropriate option. Then, listen to an extract
from a talk on accident prevention to check your answers (Medicine 2 (OUP), page 18.
Track 6)

a) As health professionals, we give advice about healthy lifestyles, which

should include accident prevention. When we use the word accident, it
seems to imply that accidents are FREQUENT/ UNAVOIDABLE/

b) The danger of accidents can be minimized by simple

ahead. We can, for example, make patients AWARE/ THINK/
CONSCIOUS of the potential for risk.

c) People need to be reminded to think of others, especially children and the DISABLED / ELDERLY.
Once an accident has happened, it is too late to go back and take precautions.

d) There are many simple pieces of advice that can be given to prevent accidents in the home.
ENCOURAGING/ ASKING/ TELLING people to climb up only on something firm and strong
can help reduce the risk of falls.

e) Another thing to avoid is loose rugs and flooring in order to PREVIEW/ INCREASE / REDUCE
the risk of slipping or tripping especially when old people or children are around.

f) When using power tools, people need to be encouraged to use INADEQUATE/ ADEQUATE
protection including sturdy shoes, gloves, and goggles.

Inglés Nivel II

 Reading comprehension

1. Skim the text and match the headings with the appropriate paragraph A-D.

1 Accidents at home 3 Accidents and children

2 Accidents in the workplace 4 Accidents and the elderly

A In 2004, there were 230 child fatalities due to strength and balance and remove any home
accidents in England and Wales, the highest
numbers being in five-to-fourteen-year-olds. C In England and Wales in 2004, there were

The commonest cause of accidental injury in 3892 accidental deaths in and around the home.
children presenting to UK hospitals is falls. Others Those most at risk of serious or fatal injury in the
include suffocating and choking, burns and home are young children and the elderly. Falls are
scalds, and poisoning. A recent report by the the most common type of accident.
Audit Commission and the Healthcare In 2004, fire brigades attended 442700 fires in the
Commission states that each year there are two UK. There were 508 fire-related deaths and 14600
million attendances to accident and emergency non-fatal casualties. A large proportion of fires in
departments by children as a result of accidents homes were accidental, the main causes being
that might have been prevented. Accidents are misuse of equipment/ appliances and chip pan
more common in the lower socioeconomic group. fires.

B Frailty and health problems make the elderly, D During 2005/2006, there were 148713

particularly those over the age of 75, at increased occupational injuries reported, of which 212
risk of accidents, usually occurring in the home. were fatal. All places of work are potentially
Falls are the most common cause. Inability to get dangerous whether an oil rig, a coal mine, a
up after falling puts the person at risk of factory, an office or a kitchen. The Health and
hypothermia and pressure sores. Hip fractures Safety Executive has stipulated rules about safety
after falls are a major cause of morbidity and in the workplace. It also has the necessary
mortality. NICE guidelines were issued in 2004 on powers to inspect and enforce them. Safety
the assessment and prevention of falls in older equipment must be worn. Risks must be
people. They state that older people should be appreciated. Every workplace should have a
asked routinely if they have fallen in the past year. safety officer who is responsible for indentifying
Those who have fallen or those considered at risk danger and advocating action. As doctors we
of falling should have a multifactorial falls risk have a duty to be aware of measures to prevent
assessment and should be considered for infection and needle-stick injury.
interventions including those to improve their

Inglés Nivel II

2. Find words and phrases in the text which mean the following.

Paragraph A

1. asfixiante: 4. escaldadura:

2. ahogo: 5. envenenamiento o intoxicación:

3. quemadura:

Párrafo B

6. Imposibilidad de levantarse luego de una caída:

Párrafo C

7. Mal uso de electrodomésticos e incendio de freidoras:

Párrafo D

8. Revisar y hacer cumplir las reglas

3. The following statements are all wrong. Correct them using information from the text.

a. En 2004, los adultos mayores de 18 años tuvieron la mayor tasa de mortalidad causada por accidentes.
b. Los accidentes en niños suelen estar relacionados con cuestiones domésticas.
c. La mayor cantidad de accidentes de personas mayores ocurre en la calle.
d. En 2006, se reglamentó el uso de equipamiento de protección para prevenir accidentes por incendio.

4. The following noun phrases appear in the article above. Circle their heads and underline
their premodifiers.
a. Accidents in England and Wales _________________________________________________________
b. The highest numbers being in five-to-fourteen-year-olds.______________________________________
c. A recent report by the Audit Commission and Healthcare Commission____________________________
d. Hip fractures after falls_________________________________________________________________
e. The most common type of accident_______________________________________________________
f. 148713 occupational accidents reported____________________________________________________

Inglés Nivel II

 La posmodificación del sustantivo en la frase nominal (FN)

Cuando hablamos de la posmodificación del sustantivo nos referimos a los elementos que
modifican o complementan al núcleo de la frase nominal que se encuentran a continuación de
éste. Observa el siguiente ejemplo:

An increased risk of deadly accidents

head postmodifier (PP)

En este caso, of deadly accidents es un postmodificador de risk, ya que tiene una referencia
directa respecto a la clase de riesgo y se ubica luego del sustantivo: el núcleo (head).
Frecuentemente, la posmodificación puede darse a través de una frase preposicional, de una
cláusula relativa, de un adjetivo participio presente (terminados en-ing), de participio pasado o
de una cláusula infinitiva.

Pre-modificación Núcleo Posmodificación

Article Adjective Frase preposicional

(a/an/the/zero) ( preposición + sust./ gerund)
Ejemplo: a risk of developing diabetes;
the upper part of the body
To +infinitivo
Ejemplo: The next book to read is Anatomy 2

Quantifiers Comparative Cláusula relativa

(many/much, adjectives (which/who/that/where/when)
some,any,no,etc) Ejemplo: Patients who had no symptoms...

Superlative Adjetivos terminados en -ed/-ing

adjectives Ejemplo: studies published
studies indicating a negative result

Inglés Nivel II

 La frase preposicional
Es una frase encabezada por una preposición. Veamos a continuación a qué denominamos

Una preposición es una palabra invariable que sirve para enlazar dos palabras u oraciones, y
expresar la relación entre ellas. Puede mostrar una relación de movimiento, ubicación o tiempo
entre dos elementos. Algunas de las preposiciones del español son: a, ante, bajo, de, desde, en,
hasta, para, por, sin, sobre, tras.

A continuación, aparecen algunas de las preposiciones más comunes en inglés que servirán de
referencia para lo que analizaremos más adelante.

Preposiciones de lugar

in front of behind above below

on under next to near

on the left on the right


Inglés Nivel II

Preposiciones de movimiento

Consulta el Apéndice 1.2 para ver la lista completa.

La preposición suele venir acompañada de otra frase nominal que aporta información sobre el
núcleo de la frase nominal principal. Observa el siguiente ejemplo:

The prevention of accidents concerns us all.

PREP. + sust (o FN)

Frase Nominal

La frase preposicional “of accidents” aporta información sobre el núcleo de la frase nominal
completa. Es decir, especifica una característica del sustantivo que la precede: La prevención de

Inglés Nivel II

1. Tick the noun phrases containing prepositional phrases. Then, underline the
postmodifier. How would you translate the phrases?

a) Advice about healthy lifestyles..........................................................................

b) The danger of accidents.....................................................................................
c) All risk situations including those in the home or garden..............................
d) Another area with potential for accidents. .......................................................
e) Adequate protection including sturdy shoes, gloves, and goggles................

 “To infinitive” como posmodificador de un sustantivo.

Podemos encontrar una frase nominal que contenga un verbo en infinitivo (to+verbo) como
posmodificador. Al igual que con otros posmodificadores, el to infinitive refiere al sustantivo
que lo precede y completa su significado. Veamos el siguiente ejemplo:

The next book to read is Anatomy of the Human Body.

En este ejemplo, la frase to read completa el significado de una acción que se realizará con el
libro. La frase nominal podría traducirse como:
“El próximo libro para leer”
El infinitivo con “to” puede referirse también a un propósito. Ejemplo:

The key steps (to become a good health worker).

Realizando la lectura inversa en español, podríamos traducirla como:

“Los pasos clave para convertirse en un buen trabajador de salud”

1. How would you translate the following noun phrases?

a. The main points to consider
b. Ten ways to avoid workplace accidents
c. Good ideas to reduce risk

Inglés Nivel 2

 Reading comprehension

1. Read the following texts about Dengue Fever.

Discuss in groups and work on the activities below.

Inglés Nivel 2

Discuss in groups and answer the following questions.

1. Which text talks about the following topics?

a. The different types of dengue virus? _______

b. How fever presents in patients? _______
c. How dengue fever is transmitted? _______
d. The stages at which to conduct tests for dengue fever? _______

2. How long after being bitten by an infected mosquito does high fever occur?

3. What might patients with dengue fever complain of?

 Cláusulas Relativas
La cláusula relativa es una cláusula subordinada que puede estar
introducida por un pronombre relativo o un adverbio relativo
(that, which, who, whom, whose, where, when, etc.).
Estas cláusulas tienen la misma función que los adjetivos y por
esta razón también son llamadas “cláusulas adjetivales”. Agregan
información al sustantivo núcleo o frase nominal (FN) que las
precede que puede ser parte del sujeto o del objeto de la oración.
Sin embargo, difieren de los adjetivos en el lugar que ocupan en la
oración. En general, los adjetivos están ubicados antes del núcleo
de la FN (premodificador) mientras que las cláusulas relativas se ubican después
(postmodificador). Veamos los siguientes ejemplos:


(1) a difficult and delicate surgery.


(2) a surgery [that is difficult and delicate].

Inglés Nivel 2

Dependiendo de su función, la cláusula relativa puede clasificarse de dos maneras. La cláusula

definida (restrictiva) brinda información esencial sobre el sustantivo, en otras palabras, lo
identifica, y si omitimos la cláusula, la oración queda incompleta. (Solo cobraría sentido si
sabemos a quién o qué hace referencia). Por otro lado, la cláusula no definida (no restrictiva)
da información extra o no esencial de algo o alguien que ya ha sido identificado. Va entre
comas y si la omitimos, la oración sigue teniendo sentido.
Veamos algunos ejemplos:
o Defining clause / Identifying

The patient who comes to see Dr. Lee is rather strange.

La cláusula “who comes to see Dr. Lee” nos dice quién es el paciente del cual hablamos. Este
tipo de cláusula no va encerrada entre comas.

o Non-defining clause / Adding

Dr. Evans, who works at St. Andrew’s Hospital, travels to London every year.
La cláusula “who works at St. Andrew’s Hosptital” agrega información adicional sobre la Dra.
Evans y si deseamos omitirla, la oración seguiría teniendo sentido.
Dr. Evans travels to London every year.

Existen ocasiones en que las cláusulas pueden ser reducidas y los pronombres relativos pueden
ser omitidos.
Consulta el Apéndice 1.4 para ver más sobre Cláusulas Relativas.

- La cláusula definida sin pronombre relativo.

Cuando usamos una cláusula relativa definida en un contexto informal y existe un sujeto dentro
de esa cláusula, el pronombre relativo puede omitirse por completo si se refiere al objeto de la
cláusula relativa. Esto no sucede con las cláusulas no definidas.

The nurse who I talk to every morning isn’t here yet.

The nurse I talk to every morning isn’t here yet.

Hay otras ocasiones cuando la referencia no es un sustantivo sino toda una cláusula. Veamos el
siguiente ejemplo:

Mr. Stevens smoked all weekend, which was very bad for his health.

Inglés Nivel 2

 El adjetivo participio (-ed/PASADO PARTICIPIO)

Al reducir una cláusula relativa, el sustantivo queda postmodificado por un adjetivo, llamado
Adjetivo Participio. Frecuentemente, este adjetivo contiene la terminación –ed aunque también
existen formas irregulares (Consulta el Apéndice 1.3 para conocerlas). Analicemos el siguiente

The number of accidents reported in 2018 was 22% higher than in 2017.

núcleo. postmod


Esta oración proviene de su versión más completa:

The number of accidents that were reported in 2018 was 22% higher than in 2017

Piensa en el próximo ejemplo:

(The research published on that journal) received lots of criticism.

(The research that was published on that journal) received lots of criticism.

En otras palabras, podemos encontrar sustantivos postmodificados por adjetivos participios.

En español, podemos reconocerlos por su terminación –ado e -ido. Ejemplos: conocidos,
extraídos, recomendado, mientras que en inglés terminan en –ed o coinciden con la tercera
columna (ver lista de verbos Apéndice 1.3). Ejemplos:

(The gastrointestinal tract, known as alimentary canal) starts in the mouth.

(The areas shown in the graph) refer to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

 El adjetivo participio (-ing/PRESENTE PARTICIPIO)

A continuación de un sustantivo también podemos encontrar un adjetivo terminado en –ing

que completa el significado de la frase nominal. Ejemplo:

A thin fibrous sac enclosing the heart.

Inglés Nivel 2

Si ampliáramos la oración, veríamos que proviene de una versión más completa que contiene
una cláusula relativa:

A thin fibrous sac (that encloses the heart)

The long tube leading to the oesophagus = The long tube (that leads to the


Analiza los siguientes ejemplos: ¿cómo podrías expresar la siguiente oración

utilizando el participio presente?

Serious fungal infections which include meningitis must be treated

quickly and correctly.

Serious fungal infections ………………. meningitis must be treated quickly

and correctly.

A pesar de que ambas oraciones están expresadas de diferente manera, el significado de su

contenido no varía significativamente.
A blockage causing myocardial infarction = A blockage that causes myocardial infarction.

Visita el Apéndice 1.5 para ver otros usos de los adjetivos terminados en -ed / -ing.

1. Identify the type of posmodifier in the following sentences. Write PP ( prepositional

phrase), or PA ( participle adjective). Then, provide a possible translation.

a) Cells are the smallest structural units in the body.


b) Antibiotics are chemical substances produced by microorganisms.


c) The organs of digestion are the principal internal organs in the abdomen.


d) The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland producing thyroxine.


e) It’s a very interesting congress organized by our university.


Inglés Nivel 2

 Apéndice 1.1: Cuadro resumen: Premodificación y posmodificación del sustantivo.

Pre-modificación Núcleo Post-modificación

Artículos Adjetivos Sustantivo Frase preposicional
[the / a(n)] numerales ( preposición +
Zero article (first, second, sust./gerund)
third) Ejemplo: The last part of
the article.

To infinitive
Ejemplo: The steps to become
a doctor.

Adjetivos Gerundio Cláusula relativa

Demostrativos Calificativos (Forma –ing
(Ejemplos: (Ejemplos:good, como sustantivo) (which/who/that/where/when)
This / That small, Ejemplo: The article that he
These / big, tall, wrote
those) bad…)
earlier, more
Adjetivos Adjetivos Adjetivos participios:
Posesivos Superlativos
(Ejemplos: (Ejemplos: Ejemplos…
My/his/her) the latest/ the
most dangerous) Pasado (-ed)
The studies published…

(irregulares / 3er columna)
The results shown…

Presente (-ing)
The results leading to

Pronombres Formas -ing/-ed

Indefinidos (Ejemplos:The
(Ejemplos: required
some, several procedure; An
Many, any) interesting

Inglés Nivel 2

 Apéndice 1.2: Preposiciones

 About (alrededor de, sobre)  Of (de)

 Above (Por encima de)  Off (de (alejándose), fuera de)
 Across (a través de)  On (en, sobre)
 After (después de)  Opposite (enfrente de)
 Against (contra)  Outside (fuera de)
 Along (por, a lo largo de)  Over (por encima de, al otro lado)
 Among (entre (tres o más))  Past (por delante de, más allá de)
 Around (alrededor de)  Per (por)
 As (como)  Round (alrededor de)
 At (en, a)  Since (desde)
 Before (antes de)  Than (que)
 Behind (detrás de)  Through (a través de)
 Below (debajo de)  Throughout (por todo)
 Beside (junto a)  Till = Until (hasta)
 Between (entre (dos o más))  To (a, hasta, hacia)
 Beyond (más allá de)  Towards (hacia, para)
 But (excepto, pero)  Under (por debajo de, debajo de)
 By (por, junto a)  Underneath (debajo de, bajo)
 Despite (a pesar de, pese a)  Until (hasta)
 Down (hacia abajo)  Up (hacia arriba)
 During (durante)  Upon ((poniendo) sobre, encima)
 For (para, por, durante, desde hace)  Via (vía, a través de, por)
 From (de, desde)  With (con)
 In (en, dentro de)  Within (dentro de, a menos de, en
 Inside (dentro de) menos de)

 Into (en, adentro)  Without (sin)

 Like (como, igual a) Near (cerca de)

Inglés Nivel 2

 Apéndice 1.3: Lista de verbos irregulares (infinitivo, pasado simple y pasado participio)
En la siguiente lista, las formas que aparecen en la tercera columna pueden utilizarse como
adjetivo (pasado participio)

Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle Spanish

arise arose arisen surgir
be was / were been ser
beat beat beaten golpear
begin began begun comenzar
become became become convertirse
bet bet/betted bet/betted apostar
bite bit bitten morder
bleed bled bled sangrar
blow blew blown soplar
break broke broken romper
bring brought brought traer
build built built construir
buy bought bought comprar
catch caught caught atrapar
choose chose chosen elegir
come came come venir
cost cost cost costar
creep crept crept arrastrarse
cut cut cut cut
deal dealt dealt dar, repartir
do did done hacer
draw drew drawn dibujar
dream dreamt/dreamed dreamt/dreamed soñar
drink drank drunk beber
drive drove driven conducir
eat ate eaten comer
fall fell fallen caer
feed fed fed alimentar
feel felt felt sentir

Inglés Nivel 2

fight fought fought pelear

find found found encontrar
flee fled fled huir
fly flew flown volar
forget forgot forgotten olvidar
forgive forgave forgiven perdonar
forsake forsook forsaken abandonar
freeze froze frozen congelar
get got got tener, obtener
give gave given dar
go went gone ir
grind ground ground moler
grow grew grown crecer
hang hung hung colgar
have had had tener
hear heard heard oír
hide hid hidden esconderse
hit hit hit golpear
hold held held tener, mantener
hurt hurt hurt herir, doler
keep kept kept guardar
kneel knelt knelt arrodillarse
know knew known saber
lead led led encabezar
learn learnt/learned learnt/learned aprender
leave left left dejar
lend lent lent prestar
let let let dejar
lie lay lain yacer
lose lost lost perder
make made made hacer
mean meant meant significar
meet met met conocer, encontrar
pay paid paid pagar
put put put poner
quit quit/quitted quit/quitted abandonar

Inglés Nivel 2

read read read leer

ride rode ridden montar, ir
ring rang rung llamar por teléfono
rise rose risen elevar
run ran run correr
say said said decir
see saw seen ver
sell sold sold vender
send sent sent enviar
set set set fijar
sew sewed sewn/sewed coser
shake shook shaken sacudir
shine shone shone brillar
shoot shot shot disparar
show showed shown/showed mostrar
shrink shrank/shrunk shrunk encoger
shut shut shut cerrar
sing sang sung cantar
sink sank sunk hundir
sit sat sat sentarse
sleep slept slept dormir
slide slid slid deslizar
sow sowed sown/sowed sembrar
speak spoke spoken hablar
spell spelt/spelled spelt/spelled deletrear
spend spent spent gastar
spill spilt/spilled spilt/spilled derramar
split split split partir
spoil spoilt/spoiled spoilt/spoiled estropear
spread spread spread extenderse
stand stood stood estar de pie
steal stole stolen robar
sting stung stung picar
stink stank/stunk stunk apestar
strike struck struck golpear
swear swore sworn jurar

Inglés Nivel 2

sweep swept swept barrer

swim swam swum nadar
take took taken tomar
teach taught taught enseñar
tear tore torn romper
tell told told decir
think thought thought pensar
throw threw thrown lanzar
tread trode trodden/trod pisar
understand understood understood entender
wake woke woken despertarse
wear wore worn llevar puesto
weave wove woven tejer
weep wept wept llorar
win won won ganar
wring wrung wrung retorcer
write wrote written escribir

Inglés Nivel 2

 Apéndice 1.4: Cláusulas Relativas (pronombres y adverbios).

Rel. Pronoun
Uso Ejemplo Traducción
Rel. Adverb

The doctor who called

La médica que llamó
Personas yesterday wants to see
WHO ayer quiere verme.
Los médicos deben
Doctors must complete
Cosas y completar los
WHICH the documents which
animales documentos que deben
need to be delivered.
ser presentados.
That’s the patient
Esa es la paciente cuya
WHOSE Posesión whose daughter came
hija vino esta mañana.
this morning.

That’s the lady whom I Esa es la señora a quien

WHOM Personas
gave the antibiotics. le di el antibiótico.

I bought the medicine Compré el medicamento
THAT cosas y
that I was prescribed. que me recetaron.

The hospital where you El hospital donde usted

will have your surgery. será operada.

The day when you’ll be El día en el que/cuando

WHEN Tiempo released from the te darán el alta del
hospital. hospital.

This is the reason why Esta es la razón por la

WHY Razón
you’re sick. cual estás enferma.

Inglés Nivel 2

 Apéndice 1.5: Diferencia entre los dos tipos de adjetivos: participio presente (ing) y
participio pasado (ed):

Verbo Forma “ing” Forma “ed”

surprise surprising surprised
interest interesting interested
amaze amazing amazed
entertain entertaining entertained
frighten frightening frightened
secrete secreting secreted
contract contracting contracted
develop developing developed

Como el participio pasado indica un estado, el verbo “to be” equivale a “estar” cuando se usa
con el participio pasado. Ejemplo:

a contracted muscle: un músculo contraído (ESTÁ contraído/contracturado)

a developed embryo: un embrión desarrollado (ESTÁ desarrollado)

Como el participio presente indica una acción el verbo “to be” equivale a “ser” cuando está en
el mismo contexto, o que está en proceso. Ejemplo:

an interesting book: un libro interesante (ES interesante, produce interés)

a developing embryo (un embrión en desarrollo, que se está desarrollando)

Existen palabras que pueden desempeñar más de una función, es decir, según su forma y
ubicación en el contexto, pueden funcionar como verbos, sustantivos o adjetivos. A
continuación desarrollamos los dos casos morfológicos típicos, de alta frecuencia de uso en el
registro académico: -ing form y -ed form.

1) Forma el Participio Presente de un verbo principal en los tiempos continuos: is

working, are considering, was analyzing. Se traduce como las terminaciones “-
ando”, “-endo”: “trabajando”, “resolviendo”.

2) Forma -ing de un verbo principal: taking into account, looking at, etc. No está
-ing form acompañado por ninguna otra forma verbal. Se traduce del mismo modo que el
Participio Presente: “teniendo en cuenta (que)”.

3) Cuando aparece un verbo inmediatamente detrás de una preposición, éste adopta

la forma -ing: By doing this..., etc. Conviene traducirlo por el Infinitivo: “Al
hacer/realizar/efectuar esto...”.

Inglés Nivel 2

4) La forma –ing puede adoptar valor de sustantivo (gerundio). Estos casos se

reconocen porque: se desempeña como núcleo de un frase nominal, precedido de
artículos o adjetivos y postmodificado por una frase preposicional o una cláusula
relativa: the banning of some chemicals = la prohibición de algunas sustancias
químicas. Se traduce como un sustantivo: “prohibición”.

5) Puede desempeñarse con valor de adjetivo: very confusing; so interesting; living

creatures; a working mother. Aquí se lo reconoce porque ocupa las posiciones
habituales de los adjetivos: Premodificador de un sustantivo, modificado por un
adverbio, etc. Ejemplos: a working mother = a mother who is working; a mother
who works. La traducción varía según contexto: “muy confuso”; “tan interesante”;
“criaturas vivientes”; “una madre trabajadora”; “una madre que trabaja”; “una
madre que está trabajando”.
6) Forma palabras compuestas con valor de sustantivo: living standards; dancing
classes = “niveles de vida”; “clases de danza”.

1) Indica el Pasado Simple de los Verbos Regulares: consider - considered; love -

loved; open - opened; deny - denied.

-ed form 2) El verbo en pasado regular o irregular puede tener valor de adjetivo: Para
reconocerlo, puede parafrasearse por una cláusula relativa. The affected tissue will
be removed = The tissue which was affected will be removed.

3) Forma Tiempos Perfectos: have worked; had written; etc., y de la Voz Pasiva en
todos los tiempos de verbo: is being analyzed; were documented; have been
developed; will be considered; etc. Siempre se lo traduce por las terminaciones
“-ado”; “-ido”: han trabajado; había escrito; está siendo analizado/es analizado;
fue documentado; ha sido desarrollado; será considerado; etc.

Inglés Nivel 2

 UNIT 2
Successful communication
1. Discussion: Look at the pictures below and think. What is good doctor-patient
communication? Elaborate your own criteria.

2. Read and complete the description using the words below.


Inglés Nivel 2

 Listening comprehension (English for nursing 2- Track 12)

3. You are going to listen to a conversation between practice nurse David Taylor and Dina
Guyader, aged 28, a patient. Choose the right options.

1. Dina feels pain in: a. her lower back b. her left hand c. in her chest

2. The pain radiates to: a. her head b. her back c. her neck

3. Dina describes her pain as: a. strong but intermittent b. an electric shock
c. soft but continuous

4. She often feels it: a. in the morning b. in the afternoon c. in the evening

Ahora, puedes consultar el guión en el Apéndice 2.1

4. Listen to the second part of the conversation. Complete the conversation with the missing
phrases (English for nursing 2- Track 13)

Take your time – Tell me - understand it´s not easy for you- That´s OK – This is a pain scale

Inglés Nivel 2

5. Evaluate the conversation considering your criteria for good doctor-patient

communication. Use the expressions in the box.

Assessing and giving opinion about a situation

I think that X is Understanding/patient/sympathetic/

flexible/friendly/professional/cold/ sociable/
I believe that
Good social/communicational/ affective skills/
From my point of view
X shows great capacity to put him/herself in the
I don´t think/ believe patient’s shoes/
great interest in the patient’s situation

6. COMMUNICATION: Listening Part 3 (English for nursing 2- Track 14).

Listen to the last part of the conversation and complete the spaces with the missing phrases.

a) Do you have any other problems as a d) what makes the pain worse?
result of the pain? e) I want to ask you a few more questions.
b) Does the pain move at all? f) what makes it better?
c) What about your appetite?

N: ……………………………………….. I hope the baby is Ok.

D: She´s fine. Thanks.
N: Ok, so………………………………………………………?
D: Yeah, like I said, I also get this shooting or electric pain that goes down my leg.
N: Right. The doctor will ask you more about that later. Tell me, ………………………………?
D: Well, I suppose when I lift heavy objects. I have to be careful or it starts up again. The same when I
carry my little girl, it starts to hurt again.
N: and …………………………………….?
D: If I lie down, or take a shower, the heat seems to ease it a little.
N: That´s good. ………………………………………………………?
D: I………………………….. ( not/sleep) very well and then with the baby, I just get so tired
N: ………………………………………….. How´s that?
D: I prepare the kids´ food, but I don´t get time to really eat properly myself. As I said, my husband is
away a lot and when he´s here I tend to get very angry with him when I´m in pain.

Inglés Nivel 2

 La frase verbal (FV) o “Verb Phrase” (VP)

La frase verbal, ubicada en el predicado, refiere a una acción realizada por el sujeto en un
tiempo determinado (presente, pasado o futuro). Está compuesta por un verbo (main verb o
verbo principal) que puede aparecer acompañado de un auxiliar. El núcleo de la frase verbal
siempre es el verbo principal.

I don’t feel very well. I feel a bit sick.

Aux. Verbo ppal. Verbo ppal.


En las siguientes oraciones, ¿cuál es la frase verbal? ¿Cuál es su núcleo?

a) My foot hurts badly when I drive.

b) I sleep 8 hours every day.

c) I don’t have an easy life.

 ¿Qué es un auxiliar?
Es una palabra accesoria que aporta información respecto del verbo principal, tiempo y tipo de
- Negación: don´t (do not), doesn´t, didn´t, haven´t, etc. En “I don´t feel very well”, el auxiliar
don´t genera un sentido negativo de la acción feel e indica que el tiempo es presente.
- Interrogación: Do/Does, Did, Have/Has, etc. Se utilizan para formular una oración
Su función principal es indicar el tiempo de la pregunta. En la pregunta: Did you take your
medication last night?, el auxiliar did nos ayuda a interpretar la acción en pasado.
Piensa en los siguientes ejemplos. Identifica la FV, su núcleo (N) y sus auxiliares (AUX).

1. Do you have any other problems?

2. I don’t know what to do

3. She doesn’t often sleep much at night

Consulta el Apéndice 2.2 para conocer más sobre Auxiliares.

Inglés Nivel 2

 Present tenses: present simple and present continuous.

1. Go back to Listening script on page 39. According to the context, analyze the examples
below and match them to the rules that follow. Write 1, 2 or 3.

a. She´s teething ______

b. She´s sleeping now. ______
c. I work full time. ______
d. I hope you are ok. ______
e. I want you to calm down. ______
f. It usually hurts more in the evening. ______
g. I don´t sleep very well. ______
h . I have two kids. ______

1. Actividad temporal que sucede al momento de hablar.

2. Un hábito, rutina, o actividad frecuente.
3. Estados (verbos que refieren a posesión, opinión, sentidos, actividades mentales, gustos y


 Generalmente describe acciones que ocurren en el momento en que se está hablando


Dr. Evans is seeing a patient at the moment.

(El o la Dr./a Evans está atendiendo a un paciente en este momento).

 Para expresar una actividad temporaria, que sucede en el presente pero no

necesariamente en el momento en que se está hablando.

She‘s writing an article about that case.

(Está escribiendo un artículo sobre ese caso).

 Para expresar planes inmediatos para un futuro cercano. En este caso puede aparecer
una referencia temporal de futuro.

I’m calling him tomorrow. (Lo llamo mañana).

Inglés Nivel 2

Forma afirmativa Forma negativa Forma interrogativa Expresiones de

I/We/ Sujeto+ verbo Sujeto+auxiliar………+verbo Auxiliar……+Persona+verbo? Usually/often/
You/ I feel a sharp pain ………………………………… ……………………………………. sometimes/
Presente simple

in my back . never./ On
He/ Sujeto+……….+….. Sujeto+auxiliar………+verbo Auxiliar……+Persona+verbo? Mondays…/ At
She/ It He travels abroad ………………………………… ……………………………………. 7:00…
a lot. . When I….
I I´m feeling dizzy ………………………………………. ……………………………………….. Now/ these

We/ They are working days/ At the

……………………………………….. ………………………………………..
Presente cont.


You/ now
They Currently/ This
He/ She is teething ………………………………………… …………………………………….. week/ Today
She/ It

Algunos verbos no se utilizan en tiempos continuos.

- los que expresan estado como: be, cost, fit, mean, suit.
- los verbos que indican posesión como belong y have.
- los verbos de los sentidos: see, hear, smell, taste, touch.
- los que indican sentimiento como hate, hope, like, love, prefer, regret, want, wish.
- los que indican actividad pensante como believe, think, know, understand.

2. Identify the verb phrases and its tenses in the sentences below.
a. We are analyzing these patients´s blood. Present continuous
b. The boy´s mother is waiting outside. ____________________________________
c. We are trying to stabilize his pressure. __________________________________
d. I hope the baby is Ok._________________________________________________
e. I don´t sleep very well and I get terribly exhausted. _______________________

3. Complete the translations.

a. When a virus infects a person, it invades the cells.
Cuando un____________________ una persona, ___________________las células.

b. Does the pain move at all?


c. I also get this shooting or electric pain that goes down my leg.
También ___________________________________que __________________ hacia la pierna.

d. I´m not working at the moment but I´m breastfeeding.

Actualmente, ______________________________ pero ______________________________.

e. I really don´t get time to eat properly.

En realidad, ____________________________ tiempo para comer adecuadamente.

Inglés Nivel 2

 Apéndice 2.1: Listening comprehension.

Página 34- Ejercicio 3 (Fuente: English for nursing 2- Audio 12)

Inglés Nivel 2

 Apéndice 2.2: ¿Qué es un auxiliar?

Un auxiliar es un tipo de palabra que acompaña a un verbo. Puede brindar información sobre:
 el tiempo verbal (presente, pasado o futuro)
 clase de oración (afirmativa, negativa, interrogativa)
 modalidad (probabilidad, habilidad, permiso, sugerencia, etc.)

Veamos algunos ejemplos:

 DO/ DOES (Presente simple- no posee traducción)

Where does he study? …………………………………………………………………………...

 DID (pasado simple- no posee traducción)

Where did you go?………………………………………………………………………………..

 HAVE/HAS (Presente perfecto: ha/has/he/han/hemos)

He has studied the human body in depth. ……………………………………………………..

They have studied the human body in depth……………………………………………..

Atención: HAVE como verbo significa TENER, mientras que como auxiliar se
traduce como HE/HA/HAS/HAN/HEMOS. Ejemplos:
I have a pain here. (Tengo un dolor aquí)
I have felt this pain before (He sentido este dolor antes)

 HAD (Pasado perfecto: había)

He had had an episode before

He had lost his medicine

Como mencionamos antes, también pueden indicarnos que una oración es negativa o
 DON´T/ DOESN´T (presente simple)

He doesn´t feel well

I don´t feel my hand

Inglés Nivel 2

 DIDN´T (pasado simple)

He didn´t take the medicine

 HAVEN´T/ HASN´T (presente perfecto)

He hasn´t seen the doctor yet

I haven´t talked to him.

 HADN´T (pasado perfecto)

They hadn´t met before

Los verbos modales acompañan a verbos principales indicando modalidad.


After the stroke, he could talk normally.

You must take antibiotics as indicated.

Inglés Nivel 2

 UNIT 3
1. VOCABULARY. Why do people usually visit the ER? Complete the text about the emergency
rooms with the words in the box.

Abdominal – chest - contusion – injury- respiratory - sprain

2. Discussion. Look at the patients a-f in the emergency room and discuss:
a. Why is each patient at the ER? Identify his/her health problem.

b. In which order should the doctor see them?

Inglés Nivel 2

Listening comprehension (English for nursing 2 – Track 30)

3. Listen to the six patients describing their problems. Were you right?
3a. Listen again and take down notes.
Problem Circumstances: Where were they? What were they doing?

Patient nº 1

Patient nº 2

Patient nº 3

Patient nº4

Patient nº 5

Patient nº 6

Revisa el Apéndice 3.1 para acceder al guión completo.

 Language focus: Past simple: WAS/WERE

A diferencia del presente, el verbo To be (ser/ estar) tiene dos formas verbales en pasado:





Inglés Nivel 2











How does the meaning of was/were change in the following situations?

 There were several cases of smallpox this month.

 The man was about 85 years old.

4. Read the statements below and complete the translations.

a) Twice, I gave her milk but she was sick almost immediately.
Dos veces le di leche pero………………………………………..casi inmediatamente.
b) We weren´t sure about what to do.
…………………………………de qué hacer.
c) I was playing outside this afternoon
…………………………….jugando afuera esta tarde.
d) I wasn´t going very fast.
………………………..muy rápido.
e) Were you alone at the moment of the accident?
……………………………………….al momento del accidente?

Inglés Nivel 2

5. Complete the conversation with the right past form of the verb to be.

D: doctor P: patient
D: So, Mr. Daniels, how would you describe the pain in your chest?
P: Well, it………….. (+)difficult to breathe and I felt a heavy pressure on my chest.
D: Where………….the pain exactly?
P: Right here, in the centre of my chest.
D: On a scale from 1 to 10, how bad …………it?
P: It………………. (-) terrible this time, let’s say 4 or 5
but last Saturday it ………. (+) a 10.
D: How long ….. it?
P: About three minutes long.
D: What ……………… doing at the moment?
P: My son and I………………..(+)carrying some boxes but they ……….. (-) too
D: ………………. you worried, or felt stressed for some reason?
P: Quite the opposite! We……………..(+)planning a trip to the mountain, but
now, I’m not sure about it.
D: don’t worry. We’ll run some tests to make sure you’re fine.

Inglés Nivel 2

 Reading comprehension

Patient: Mrs. Jacqueline Kingston Age: 83

Birthdate: 12/04/34

History: hypertension. Previously well-controlled on diuretic therapy.

Symptoms: She was first admitted to CPMC (California Pacific Medical Center) in 1995

when she presented a complaint of intermittent chest pain. She was well until 11pm on

the night before admission when she noted the onset of “aching pain under her breast

bone” while watching television. The pain was described as “heavy” and did not radiate or

increase with exertion. She did not present nausea, vomiting, diaphoresis, palpitations,

dizziness, or loss of consciousness. She took 2 tablespoons of antacid without relief, but

she slept well during the night. In the morning, she woke up free of pain. However, the

pain returned with increased severity as she was walking to the bathroom. At this time,

she called her husband who gave her an aspirin and brought her immediately to the

emergency room.

Medical Studies: Her electrocardiogram showed sinus tachycardia at 110, with marked ST

elevation in leads I, AVL, V4-V6 and occasional ventricular paroxysmal contractions. The

patient immediately received thrombolytic therapy and cardiac medications, and was

transferred to the intensive care unit.

1. Read the case report. Then, choose the correct option:

1. The report:
a. describes a patient´s case
b. explains what to do in the case of low blood pressure.
c. defines thrombolytic therapy

2. Jacqueline had a previous history of:

a. low pressure b.hypotension c. hypertension

Inglés Nivel 2

3. Her first symptoms were:

a. nausea and fast heartbeating
b. strong pain in the chest
c. sweating and loss of consciousness

4. The pain:
a. disappeared definitively
b. got stronger during the night
c. disappeared but returned the next morning

5. . The phrase At this time refers to:

a. when she woke up b. when she went to the bathroom c. at night

6. The word who refers to:

a. Jacqueline b. Jacqueline´s husband c. an aspirin

1b. True or false? In all cases, justify the statements with information from the report
a) She was at home and well before eleven p.m.
b) The area under the breast bone was aching.
c) The doctor prescribed medicine and then they sent her home.


What´s the past form of these verbs?

Be _________ Describe _________ Present _________

Note _________ Radiate _________ Sleep _________
Wake _________ Call _________ Bring _________
Give _________ Show _________ Receive _________
Mark _________ Prescribe _________ Admit _________

Inglés Nivel 2

Son aquellos verbos que, para formar el pasado, se les agrega el sufijo –ED. Ejemplos:
start- started, faint- fainted, recover- recovered
a) Verbos terminados en -E: sólo se añade la “D”
live→lived like →liked invite →invited.
b) Verbos terminados en consonante +Y: la -y es omitida, y se agrega “IED”.
study →studied carry →carried copy →copied.
c) En algunos verbos, se duplica la última consonante y luego se añade “ED”.
stop →stopped plan →planned prefer →preferred.

En pasado, son aquellos que cambian de manera parcial o total. Ejemplo: go-went,
have- had.
Para familiarizarte con los verbos irregulares, consulta la lista de verbos irregulares.

Los verbos regulares e irregulares se utilizan en oraciones afirmativas para referimos

a un evento que comenzó y terminó en el pasado. Observa los siguientes ejemplos:
She started to feel dizzy and, after a few seconds, she fainted.

When she recovered, she went to the hospital.

2. Identify the verb phrases in the past. Then, translate the whole sentence.
1. Physical examination revealed acute illness with mild cervical, axillary and inguinal

2. The man spent 23 days in the hospital.

3. After eating the pepper, the man started vomiting and couldn't stop.

4. In 1998, the patient developed a respiratory tract infection.

5. We performed 73 transplantations on 42 patients.


Inglés Nivel 2

2a. Complete the patient´s report with the past form of the verbs. Then, match the
statements to the pictures.

a. My son was playing soccer in the park with his dad and he (fall)……………………….over
and………………….(pull) a muscle in his leg.
b. My wife (cough) ……………………….all night so I…………………………………(phone) the
medical helpline. They………………………………(tell) me to make an appointment with her
c. Kira was running a high temperature when the ambulance
services……………………………….. (bring) her in.
d. The patient.……………………………………..(arrive) at the ER at 11pm.
He…………………….(suffer) from serious vomiting.
e. My father was having difficulties walking and
he………………………………..(trip)and ……………………..(fall) inthe street.

Para formular Oraciones negativas, necesitamos el auxiliar DIDN´T (O DID NOT)

seguido del verbo en infinitivo. Observa los siguientes ejemplos:
 The treatment didn´t work well.
 The patient did not respond to chemotherapy.
 He didn´t show any symptoms of heart failure.

 The medications didn´t have any side effects.

3. Turn the following sentences into the negative form

a) At first, the man showed symptoms of severe internal damage.
b) The doctors kept the patient in observation for 24 hours.
c) They discovered bacteria in the intestine.

Inglés Nivel 2

Al igual que en presente simple, para formular una pregunta u

Oracion interrogativa en pasado, debemos aplicar la siguiente

(Pregunta) + Auxiliar +Sujeto+ Verbo en infinitivo?

Where did you catch that virus?

Did you talk to the dentist?

Siempre que una oración contenga un auxiliar, el verbo se utilizará en infinitivo.

Did she take the pills? ………………………………………………..

Where did she fall? …………………………………………………..

¿Cuál de estas preguntas requiere una respuesta afirmativa o negativa?

¿Cómo las contestarías?

4. Complete the statements with the right form of the verbs.

a. My headaches …………………(not/stop) immediately. The tablets I took ………………..(be/not)

strong enough.
b. I……………………………….(not/ think) and I …………………..(give) him the wrong dose of aspirin. He’s
only three. What should I do? I´m really worried!
c. The doctor………………………. (order) a series of tests.
d. However, he……………………..(not / write) that prescription.
e. When …………… (you/ see) the doctor?
f. He …………………. (break) his leg during a football game.
g. Seven-year-old Jerry got trapped under the rubble when his house ………………(collapse) and
he……………………..( emerge) with a severe open fracture to his femur.
4a. Identify the verb phrase in the statements below. Then write their translations.
a. I started working in this hospital in 1989.
b. The patient drank too much in a very short period of time.

Inglés Nivel 2

 Vocabulary: collocations (combination of words usually used


5. Link each verb on the left with a noun on the right to make 10 partnerships.

Administer an improvement

Analyse a baby

Arrange the treatment

Burp some infections

Catch an appointment

Detect a sample

Discontinue the pain

Ease a drug

Resist antibiotics

Prescribe a cold

5a. Complete the following sentences using 8 expressions from Exercise 5. Use the verbs in the past

1. The doctor administered a drug to the patient.

2. As soon as the patient reported severe side-effects, the doctor ___________________ .

3. I think I ____________________ from one of my colleagues at work. I’m not feeling

too well.

4. The laboratory ____________________ of the food and found traces of bacteria.

5. He ____________________ because he´s young and healthy.

6. I ____________________ with the dental hygienist for 10.00am tomorrow.

7. The injection ___________________________. She’s much better now.

8. The nurses _____________________ in the patient's condition.

Inglés Nivel 2

 La modificación de la Frase Verbal.

Generalmente, el verbo es modificado por adjetivos, sustantivos, adverbios o frases
preposicionales, los cuales pueden aparecer antes o después del mismo.
Elementos que premodifican y postmodifican a la Frase Verbal

Los auxiliares no siempre se encuentran junto al verbo principal. Podrán

cambiar su ubicación según la estructura de la oración.


Adverbio Verbo principal ADJETIVO


PRONOMBRES OBJETIVOS (me, you, it, him, her,etc)


(Complemento circunstancial)
tiempo: When? (today, yesterday, last week)
lugar: Where? (here, there, in the room...)
modo: How? (softly, quickly, immediately)

 La premodificación de la Frase Verbal: el adverbio

Un adverbio es una clase de palabra que modifica a un verbo sumando información sobre esa
acción. Existen distintos tipos de adverbios: de modo, de frecuencia, de lugar, etc. y podemos
encontrarlos premodificando al verbo. Ejemplo:

They don´t often prescribe paracetamol to children

Doctors usually prefer milder medicines.

 Los posmodificadores de la Frase Verbal.

Dentro de los posmodificadores del verbo podemos encontrar:
 Adjetivos: He is amazing
 Sustantivo: He never felt pain
 Pronombre objetivo: I never met him
 Frase nominal: He is an amazing doctor

Inglés Nivel 2

 Frase preposicional:
Lugar: He is in the emergency room
Tiempo: He has waited for 2 hours
Modo: He walked in a very strange way.
Razón/ Objetivo: He is studying to graduate soon.
 Adverbio
de tiempo:The congress starts today
de lugar: The patient was here/outside
de modo: usualmente terminados en -ly: He reacted quickly. Aunque también
encontramos excepciones: He reacted well and fast after surgery.
He works hard to fight cancer.

6. Underline the verb phrase in the statements below. Then, highlight its modifiers.

a. The next minute, she was lying completely flat on the pavement.

b. The patient suddenly became pale and started to sweat, but not profusely.

c. She was lying flat, but bystanders were trying to keep her upright.

d. He couldn't see clearly.

e. After collapsing, he didn't get better spontaneously.

f. The patient was a bit drowsy for quite a while afterwards.

g. He recovered completely from the accident. Now he's perfectly OK.

Inglés Nivel 2

 Apéndice 3.1: Listening comprehension.

Actividad 3 Página 43

Inglés Nivel 2

 UNIT 4
Assessing patients: TAKING A HISTORY

 Drug history

 Family history

Inglés Nivel 2

 Social and personal history

 Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs in history taking

Un phrasal verb es un verbo compuesto por dos palabras o más (verbo+prep/adv.)

que funcionan como unidad y al estar juntos adquieren un significado diferente. Ejemplo:
Look: mirar / After: después, pero Look after como phrasal verb significa cuidar.

1. Complete the list of phrasal verbs with an equivalent in Spanish

break down = to start to cry and become upset ROMPER EN LLANTO

bring up = to cough up material such as mucus from the lungs or throat ______________________
cough up = to cough hard to expel a substance from the trachea ______________________
drop off = to fall asleep ______________________
get around = to move about ______________________
get over = to become better after an illness or a shock ______________________
give up = not to do something any more ______________________
go down = to become smaller ______________________
knock out = to hit someone so hard that he or she is no longer conscious _____________________
look after = to take care of a person and attend to his or her needs ______________________
pass out = to faint ______________________
pick up = to catch a disease ______________________
prop up = to support a person, e.g. with pillows ______________________
take after = to be like one or other parent ______________________
take off = to remove something,especially clothes _______________________

Inglés Nivel 2

2. Choose the right phrasal verb.

1. I was advised to GIVE UP/ GO DOWN/ TAKE AFTER smoking.
2. The nurse TOOK OFF/ PROPPED UP/BRING UP the patient with pillows.
3. The swelling has started to COUGH UP/ DROP OFF/ GO DOWN.
4. She often PASS OUT/ PICK UP/ DROP OFF in front of the tv.
5. Since the accident, she has KNOCKED OUT/ GOT AROUND/ BROKEN DOWN using crutches

3. Use the phrasal verbs in the box to complete the statements below. Pay attention to the tense
indicated in brackets.
1. He´s feeling much better. He got over his cold. (past simple)
2. The nurses are _______________her very well. They are tender and attentive. (present
3. I think I _______________ the disease when I was travelling in Africa. (past simple)
4. When we told her that her father was ill, she_______________. A few minutes later, she
woke up but she couldn´t remember a thing. (past simple)
5. The doctor asked him to _______________ his shirt (infinitive).

1. Read Eileen Ashton´s nursing assessment. Which questions do you think her doctor asked?

1a. Discussion: In your opinion, what is she suffering from? What do you think the cause of
her problem is?

Inglés Nivel 2

2. Take a look at the doctor´s notes on Mrs. Eileen Ashton. Then, match them to Eileen´s
1. No previous history of digestive problems.
2. Currently physically inactive- (last time she went for a stroll was months ago)
3. Lives alone (husband passed away last year)
a. “I’ve lived alone for a year or so now.”
b. “Life has been difficult since my husband left.”
c. “No, doctor, this is the first time. I’ve always had a healthy digestive system.”
d. “Mmm, I used to take a walk regularly, but I haven’t felt like it lately. I’ve been a
bit under the weather.”

Otra manera de referirnos al pasado es mediante el Presente Perfecto.
Utilizamos este tiempo verbal para referirnos a:

 una acción que sucede en el pasado pero en un tiempo indefinido. En este caso es más
importante la experiencia o el hecho en sí que el momento en que ocurrió la acción. Ejemplos:

I have treated him for 10 years now. (Lo he tratado por diez años)

I have worked in this hospital for 29 years. (He trabajado en este hospital por 29 años)

The patient has drunk too much. (El paciente ha bebido demasiado)

 una acción que comenzó en el pasado y continúa en el presente. Ejemplos:

I have been here for two days. (Yo he estado aquí por dos días)

(Él ha experimentado los mismos síntomas por 48 horas).

 una acción que sucede en el pasado pero cuyo resultado se puede apreciar en el presente.

Dr. Evans has operated the patient. (La Dra. Evans ha operado a la paciente).

The nurse has prepared the patient. (The patient is ready)

Inglés Nivel 2

 Una acción que se acaba de completar. Ejemplos:

They have just finished the operation.

The doctor has left recently.

 Hay algunos adverbios y preposiciones de tiempo que se utilizan junto al presente perfecto.
Presta atención a su ubicación respecto al verbo y al tipo de oraciones en las que pueden

I have already analysed that sample. (ya)

They have just/recently discovered a new bacteria. (acaban de/recientemente)

Have you ever undergone surgery? (alguna vez)

He hasn´t seen the doctor yet. (todavía)

She has been a surgeon since 1991 (desde)

They have worked together for 5 years. (por)

3. Go back to Eileen´s words in exercise 2. Translate the statements in italics.


4. Translate the phrases in bold

a. -We need to discuss her case again.
- But, we´ve just done it. _____________________________
b. “She’s just entered the operating room.”
______________________________a la sala de operaciones.
c. “The doctor hasn´t received the results of the tests yet.”
El doctor ____________________________________________
d. “She’s been here since this morning.”
Ella _____________________________________ esta mañana.

Inglés Nivel 2

5. Write about yourself. Use the actions in the present perfect tense.

a) I/ live in MDP / since ………………………………………………………………….

b) I/be a student at medical school / for……………………………………………….
c) I/get my degree/ yet………………………………………………………………….
d) I/Pass English Level 1/ already………………………………………………………..
e) I/study with my classmates / for…………………………………………………….
f) I/have the first English mid-term exam/just………………………………………...
g) I/work at a hospital /never- for-since………………………………………………..

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre las siguientes oraciones?

a) She progressed after taking antibiotics.

She has progressed since she started antibiotics.

b) The treatment worked well.

The treatment has worked well.

c) He was the director of the hospital for 10 years.

He has been the director of the hospital for 10 years.

6. Roleplay. You are assessing Eileen Ashton. How would you start a conversation? Prepare a
short dialogue, rehearse it and act it out.

 Say hi to her and ask about her history.

 Include questions about her physical state.

 Include phrases that show empathy.

Inglés Nivel 2

1. Read the extracts taken from the 2018 World Health Statistics Report and solve the
activities that follow.
1a. Read and match the headlines to the extracts. There are EXTRA options.

Reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health - Noncommunicable diseases and mental
- Infectious diseases - Environmental risks - Injuries and violence

The world has made remarkable progress in reducing child mortality, with the global under-five
mortality rate dropping from 93 per 1000 live births in 1990 to 41 per 1000 live births in 2016.
Nonetheless, every day in 2016, 15 000 children died before reaching their fifth birthday. Children
face (1)the highest risk of dying in their first month of life, with 2.6 million newborns dying in
2016 – (2)the majority of these deaths occurring in the first week of life. Prematurity, intrapartum-
related events such as birth asphyxia and birth trauma, and neonatal sepsis accounted for almost
three quarters of all neonatal deaths. Among children aged 1¬59 months, acute respiratory
infections, diarrhoea and malaria were (3)the leading causes of death in 2016.
Globally, HIV incidence has declined from 0.40 per 1000 uninfected population in 2005 to 0.26 per 1000
uninfected population in 2016. The WHO African Region remained the most heavily impacted by
HIV, with an incidence rate of 1.24 per 1000 uninfected population in 2016. In 2016, an estimated 1
million people died of HIV-related illnesses, 120 000 of whom were children under 15 years of age.
The global scale-up of antiretroviral therapy (ART) has been the main driver of the 48% decline in HIV-
related deaths from a peak of 1.9 million in 2005. By mid-2017, approximately 20.9 million people were
receiving ART. However, ART only reached 53% of people living with HIV at the end of 2016, and
a rapid acceleration of responses is needed to increase treatment coverage, along with (4)other
interventions along the continuum of services, including prevention, diagnosis and chronic
3. _____________________________
Road traffic crashes killed 1.25 million people worldwide in 2013 and injured up to 50 million
more. The death rate due to road traffic injuries was 2.6 times higher in low income countries (24.1
deaths per 100 000 population) than in high-income countries (9.2 deaths per 100 000 population),
despite (5)lower rates of vehicle ownership in low-income countries . Latest estimates indicate
that globally almost one quarter of adults (23%) suffered physical abuse as a child and about one
third (35%) of women experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or
nonpartner sexual violence at some point in their life.

Inglés Nivel 2

1b. What do these numbers represent?

a. 15000: cantidad de niños que murieron antes de cumplir cinco años de edad.
b. 2.6 million_________________________________________________________
d. 53%_______________________________________________________________
e. 1.25 million_________________________________________________________
f. 23%________________________________________________________________
g. 120.000____________________________________________________________

1c. Translate the sentences below.

a) The world has made remarkable progress in reducing child mortality.
b) Globally, HIV incidence has declined from 0.40 per 1000 uninfected population in 2005
to 0.26 per 1000 uninfected population in 2016.
Globalmente, la incidencia de VIH………………………………………………………
c) The global scale-up of antiretroviral therapy (ART) has been the main driver of the 48%
decline in HIV-related deaths.
El aumento global de la terapia antirretroviral…………………………………………..

2. Translate the noun phrases in bold that appear in the text above (1-5)

Inglés Nivel 2

3. Tense revision. Translate the sentences below. Pay special attention to the verb phrases.

a) Every day in 2016, 15 000 children died before reaching their fifth birthday.

b) The WHO African Region remained the most heavily impacted by HIV

c) By mid-2017, approximately 20.9 million people were receiving ART


d) Latest estimates indicate that globally almost one quarter of adults (23%) suffered physical
abuse as a child and about one third (35%) of women experienced either physical and/or
sexual intimate partner violence or nonpartner sexual violence at some point in their life.

Inglés Nivel 2

 UNIT 5: passive voice

Hasta ahora hemos trabajado la frase verbal en oraciones en voz activa. ¿Qué significa esto?
Una oración en voz activa implica cierta organización de la información:


Persona que ejecuta una acción Acción

Dr. Stevens saved that girl´s life.

Ahora bien, podríamos expresar el mismo contenido de esta idea de manera diferente,
utilizando la Voz Pasiva y decir:

That girl´s life was saved by Dr. Stevens

frase verbal agente

(to be+pasado participio)

Si bien el significado expresado no varía, el modo de expresar la oración conlleva varios

 Frase verbal: se compone del verbo TO BE + PASADO PARTICIPIO.
 Agente: el sujeto que realiza la acción se ubica al final de la oración, introducido por
la preposición by (por).
 El objeto de la voz activa se convierte en el sujeto de la oración en voz pasiva.

Voz activa: They use this drug on animals
Voz pasiva: This drug is used on animals
Voz activa: They made that research last year
Voz pasiva: That research was made last year

Tanto la voz pasiva como la voz activa pueden darse en todos los tiempos verbales.

Inglés Nivel 2

¿Por qué utilizar la voz pasiva?

La voz pasiva se utiliza para mostrar interés por la persona o cosa
que es objeto de una acción, en lugar de la persona o cosa que realiza
dicha acción. Dicho de otro modo, la persona o cosa más importante
pasa a ser el sujeto de la oración.

The road is being repaired.

(= nos interesa la carretera, no quién la está arreglando.)

En ocasiones empleamos la voz pasiva porque desconocemos o no queremos

mencionar quién realizó la acción, o tal vez porque mencionar quién realizó la acción
resulta una obviedad.

I noticed that a window had been left open.

( se ignora quién la dejó abierta)

Every year thousands of people are killed on our roads.

( quién realiza la acción es irrelevante u obvio)

My car has been stolen!

( no se sabe por quién)

The thief has been arrested

( es obvio que fue arrestado por la policía)

4. Active or passive voice? Write A or P next to the statements.

a) Dr. Evans ordered these tests.

b) These tests were ordered by Dr. Evans.
c) The author of this book has presented the results of his investigation.
d) The results of his investigation have been presented by the author of this book.
e) Scientists consider the hand, foot and mouth disease a cattle disease.
f) The hand, foot and mouth disease is considered a cattle disease.

Inglés Nivel 2

5. Analiza las siguientes frases verbales.¿ Cómo varía su significado?

a. Coronavirus…
is considered fatal………………………….
was considered fatal……………………….

b. This drug…
is used in animals…………………………..
has been used in animals…………………..
was used in animals…………………..

c. DNA damage… blood samples from exposed residents in Argentina and Ecuador.
is observed………………..…..
is being observed……………….....
was observed…………………..…..

d. No more patients…………. to the hospital

were admitted…………….……….
are admitted……………..………….

e. Insulin resistance…by some patients

has been developed…………………….
is developed……………………………..
was developed…………………………..

Inglés Nivel 2

1. The following article was published on the New York Times. As you read the first part, solve
the activities below. Source:

Two Huge Covid-19 Studies Are Retracted After Scientists Sound Alarms
By Roni Caryn Rabin and Ellen Gabler
June 4, 2020
The studies, published in renowned scientific journals, produced astounding results
and altered the course of research into the coronavirus pandemic.

One undercut President Trump’s claim that certain antimalarial drugs cure Covid-19, the
illness caused by the virus, concluding that the medications in fact were dangerous to patients.
The other found that some blood pressure drugs did not increase the risk of Covid-19 and
might even be protective.

a) What did Trump claim?

b) Did the first study agree with Trump´s claim?
c) What was hypothesis in the second study?

Both studies were led by a professor at Harvard, and both depended on a huge international
database of patient medical records that few experts heard of. But on Thursday, the studies
were retracted by the scientific journals in which they had appeared, The New England
Journal of Medicine and The Lancet, because the authors could not verify the data on which
the results depended.

a) Who directed these studies?

b) What was the problem with the source of information he used?
c) What does the phrase in bold mean?
d) Identify the reference of the underlined words

Inglés Nivel 2

The retractions may breathe new life into the antimalarial drugs hydroxychloroquine and
chloroquine, relentlessly promoted by Mr. Trump as a remedy for Covid-19 despite a lack of
evidence. On Wednesday, after the journals noted concerns about the studies, the World
Health Organization announced that it would resume trials of the medications.
But the retractions also raise troubling questions about the state of scientific research as the
pandemic spreads. Thousands of papers are being rushed to online sites and journals with
little or no peer review, and critics fear long-held standards of even the most discerning
journals are eroding as they face pressure to rapidly vet and disseminate new scientific

e) What´s the current situation in the field of medical research today?

2. Identify the statements expressed in the passive voice.

a) Two Huge Covid-19 Studies are Retracted After Scientists Sound Alarms
b) The studies were published in renowned scientific journals.
c) The medications were dangerous to patients.
d) Both studies were led by a professor at Harvard.
e) Thousands of papers are being rushed to online sites and journals with little or no review.
f) The long-held standards of even the most discerning journals are eroding.

3. Complete the translation of the statements below.

a. Clinical trials were halted worldwide while alarmed investigators began safety reviews.
Las pruebas clínicas…………………. en todo el mundo mientras investigadores
alarmados………………………………… de seguridad.

b. The founder and chief executive of Surgisphere, Dr. Sapan Desai, was listed as an author on both
El fundador y gerente de Surgisphere, Dr. Sapan Desai ……………………………………………

c. The data could be used in rapid studies that improved outcomes of patients with Covid-19.
Los datos………………………………..en estudios rapidos que mejoren.....................................

Inglés Nivel 2

 VOCABULARY: Joint Pain Terminology.

Read the following dialogue between a patient and her doctor as they discuss joint pain during
an appointment.

Joint Pain
Patient: Good morning. Doctor Smith?
Doctor: Yes, please come in.
Patient: Thank you. My name is Doug Anders.
Doctor: What have you come in for today Mr. Anders?
Patient: I've been having some pain in my joints, especially the knees.
Doctor: How long have you been having the pain?
Patient: I'd say it started three or four months ago. It's been getting worse recently.
Doctor: Are you having any other problems like weakness, fatigue or headaches?
Patient: Well I've certainly felt under the weather.
Doctor: Right. How much physical activity do you get? Do you play any sports?
Patient: Some. I like to play tennis about once a week. I take my dog on a walk every
Doctor: OK. Let's have a look. Can you point to the area where you are having pain?
Patient: It hurts right here.
Doctor: Please stand up and put weight on your knees. Does this hurt? How about this?
Patient: Ouch!
Doctor: It seems you have some inflammation in your knees. However, there's nothing broken.
Patient: That's a relief!
Doctor: Just take some ibuprofen or aspirin and the swelling should go down. You should feel
better after that.
Patient: Thank you!

 Read the following questions and answer them in Spanish.

1. What seems to be Mr. Smith's problem?

2. Which joints are bothering him the most?

3. How long has he been having this problem?

4. Which other problem does the patient mention?

5. Which phrase best describes the amount of exercise the patient gets?

a. He works out a lot. b. He gets some exercise, not a lot. c. He doesn't get any exercise.

6. What's Mr. Anders problem?

Inglés Nivel 2

Further practice

 UNIT 1: La posmodificación del sustantivo en la frase nominal.

1. Read the text below. Then solve the activities that follow.

The eyes are the two organs of sight.. They are located in the front upper part of the skull and
consist of structures that focus an image onto the retina at the back of the eye which is a
network of nerves that convert this image into electrical impulses to be recorded in a region of
the brain. Each eyeball is moved by six delicate muscles which are activated and coordinated by
nerves in the brain stem. The eyeball has a tough, outer coat called the “sclera”, or white part
of the eye. The front, circular part is the “cornea” and is transparent. Behind the cornea is a
shallow chamber full of watery fluid, at the back of which is the “iris” (colored part) with the
“pupil” (center). The pupil is black and its diameter is changed by light intensity to control the
amount of light which enters the eye. Immediately behind the iris, and in contact with it is the
crystalline lens. On the inside of the back of the eye is the retina, which needs a constant
supply of oxygen and sugar. These are supplied by a thin network of branching blood vessels
which lie just under the retina called the choroid plexus.

A. Classify the noun phrases in bold according to the type of posmodifier they contain. In each
NP, identify its head.

Prepositional phrase Relative clause Other

B. What´s the reference of the words underlined?

1. They…………………….. 2. Its………………………..
3. Which…………………... 4. These…………………..

C- Answer the questions below.

1) What are the eyes? What is their location?
2) How do the eye structures work?
D- True or false? Justify your answer with information from the text.
a. Nerves in the brain stem stimulate the muscles that move the eyeballs.
b. The iris, which is in the cornea, is the colored part.
c. The retina receives oxygen and sugar through the choroid plexus.

Inglés Nivel 2


1. Read an extract from the article. Health and hygiene in the 19th century written by Liza
Picard. Then, solve the activities below.
a. Match the titles to the paragraphs. There is ONE EXTRA OPTION.

The miasma or ‘bad air’ theory - Killer diseases -

Mental health - How long could you expect to live?

In a time when diseases like smallpox, cholera and TB were insatiable and continued to relapse in
epidemical waves, Liza Picard explores how medical pioneers and health innovations shaped the
landscape of medicine in the 19th century.
Middle class men might live, on average, to 45. The average lives of workmen and labourers
spanned just half that time. Children were lucky to survive their fifth birthdays. (The current life
expectancy is around 80, and rising.)
It was believed that bad smells caused diseases. It was obvious; in poor districts, the air was foul
and the death rate high. In the prosperous suburbs, no smells – therefore no disease. The miasma or
‘bad air’ theory. At the time, the London Parliament was worried by the ‘Great Stink’ of 1858, when
the Thames flowed with undiluted sewage, because the smell itself might kill the Members of
Parliament in their debating chamber overlooking the river.
 There were recurrent, terrible epidemics of cholera between 1832 and 1853. It took Dr John
Snow years to persuade the establishment that cholera is a water-borne disease: nothing to
do with bad smells.
 Smallpox was endemic. From 1853 vaccination was compulsory. (Due to public opposition
the law was repealed in 1909).
 ‘Consumption’ (tuberculosis) seemed to run in families. One after another, the girls would
sicken, take to the sofa, and die. A light diet of jelly and port might comfort them, but their
end was inescapable.
 In the slums, prostitutes caught the sexually transmitted disease syphilis and infected their
clients – who infected their wives. Again, there was no remedy, although mercury
sometimes was of use in the worst stages. From 1864 ‘known prostitutes’ working near ports
and garrisons, who were found to have STDs, could be forcibly detained and treated. Due
to public objections the law was repealed after 10 years.

Inglés Nivel 2

b. Answer:

1. What was life expectancy age in the 19th century?

2. Is it the same as today?
3. Does the following statement relate to the content of the article: “El fuerte olor de las ciudades,
producto de las malas condiciones de higiene, era la principal causa de enfermedades”?

2. Choose the correct statements

a. Según el artículo, en el siglo diecinueve:
i. hubo dos grandes epidemias de cólera.
ii. hubo varias epidemias de cólera.
iii. la peor epidemia de cólera fue causada por el mal olor de las ciudades.
b. La vacuna contra la viruela:
i. era obligatoria hasta 1853.
ii. se estableció como obligatoria a partir de 1853.
iii. fue obligatoria sólo durante un período de tiempo.
c. Según Liza Picard:
i. había cura para la tuberculosis pero no para las ETS.
ii. no había cura para la tuberculosis o para las ETS.
iii. había cura para ambas enfermedades.

3. Translate the statements below

a. Children were lucky to survive their fifth birthdays.
…………………………………………………a su quinto cumpleaños.
b. Victorian nurseries were plagued by childhood diseases.
Las nurseries victorianas…………………… plagados de…………………………………………..
c. Childbirth was risky and painful.
………………………………………………riesgoso y…………………………………
d. There was a wide belief that labour pains were imposed by God.
…………………………… que los dolores del parto………………………impuestos por Dios.

Inglés Nivel 2

4. Identify the references.

a. A light diet of jelly and port might comfort them, but their end was inescapable.

The word them refers to…………………. The word their refers to………………..

b. In the slums, prostitutes caught the sexually transmitted disease syphilis and infected their(1)
clients – who infected their(2) wives.

The word their (1) refers to…………………. The word who refers to………………………The word their
(2) refers to………………

c. From 1864 ‘known prostitutes’ working near ports and garrisons, who were found to have STDs,
could be forcibly detained and treated.

The word who refers to………………….

Inglés Nivel 2


Language focus: Past participle (Pasado participio)

El pasado participio denota un grado de compleción de la actividad. En español, corresponde a las
formas verbales terminadas en –ido y –ado. En inglés, esta forma puede adoptar distintas
terminaciones si el verbo es irregular, las cuales podrás encontrar en la tercera columna de cualquier
lista de verbos. En el caso de los verbos regulares, el pasado participio mantiene su caracter de regular,
osea que su terminación es –ed.
El pasado participio se usa en combinación con un auxiliar en los tiempos perfectos. Por ejemplo: I
haven´t done well these days. Sin embargo también se utiliza en otras construcciones, como por
ejemplo la voz pasiva. Por ejemplo: The job was done by these students.

1. Check the verb list on page 26 and complete the spaces with the past participle form of the
verbs below.

Be-………… Catch-……….. Come- …………. Do- …………… Eat- …………….

Go-………… Have-………… Notice- ………… Open- ………… Pass- …………...

2. Translate the statements below.

a. “The operation has been a total success”

b. “The doctor hasn´t received the results of the tests.”

c. “I’ve passed my last final exam! I’m officially a doctor!”

d. “We’ve had a few complications during the procedure.”

Inglés Nivel 2


1. Complete the translations below.

a. The patient was advised to consume plenty of fluids and was prescribed paracetamol syrup to
control fever, and antihistamine syrup to reduce itching.
_________________________________________________ tomar bastante líquido, y _________________ paracetamol
en jarabe para controlar la fiebre, y un jarabe antistamínico para reducir la picazón.

b. Hand, foot and mouth disease, which was once considered a disease of cattle, has been emerging as
a common human childhood disease in the last few years.
La enfermedad de mano, pie y boca, que______________________________considerada una enfermedad del
ganado, ______________________________ como una enfermedad infantil común _______________________.

c. It is a viral disease that is characterized by a brief febrile illness and typical vesicular rashes.
Es una enfermedad virósica _________________________ y erupciones vesiculares típicas.

d. In rare cases, patients may also develop neurological complications.

En casos raros, los pacientes _________________________ complicaciones neurológicas.

e. A two-year-old boy reported to the hospital with a complaint of difficulty in eating.

Un niño de dos años ______________________________________________.

f. He was unable to eat for a day.

No_______________________comer por un día.

g. History revealed the presence of fever.

Su historia________________________________.

h. The patient developed fever suddenly without any symptoms of flu.

El paciente______________________________ sin ningún síntoma de gripe.

i. After 12 hours his mother noticed two papules: one in the palm and one in the foot.
Luego de 12 horas__________________________________ dos pápulas: ______________________.

j. Following that, he developed a severe ache in legs and difficulty to eat.

Luego de eso, ___________________________ un dolor severo en las piernas y dificultad para comer.

Inglés Nivel 2


Inglés Nivel 2


Inglés Nivel 2


Inglés Nivel 2


Inglés Nivel 2


1. Rawdon Wyatt. (2006). Check your English Vocabulary for Medicine. Third Edition.
A&C London.

2. Cowan, Ron. (2008). The Teacher’s Grammar of English, A Course book and
Reference Guide. Cambridge University Press.

3. Docentes U.N.R. (2017). Guía de Aprendizaje. Área Instrumental Idioma Inglés.

Facultad de Ciencias Médicas U.N.R.

4. Eastwood, John. (1999). Oxford Practice Grammar with answers. Oxford University

5. Mc Carter, Sam. (2013). Medicine 1. OUP. Oxford.

6. Mc Carter, Sam. (2014). Medicine 2. OUP. Oxford.

7. Murphy, Raymond. (2007). Essential Grammar in Use. A self-study reference and

practice book for elementary students of English, with answers. Third Edition.
Cambridge University Press.

8. Nieto, Celia. (2009). Manual de gramática inglesa aplicada a la lecto-comprensión.

Buenos Aires

9. IRS Group. (2018). Occupational English Test (OET) Study Guide.

10. Quirk, R.; Greenbaum, S.; Leech, G.; Svartvik, J. (1978). A Grammar of Contemporary
English. Longman Group Limited. London.

11. Wright, Ros. (2012). English for nursing 1. Pearson, Essex, England

12. Wright, Ros. (2011). English for nursing 2. Pearson, Essex, England.


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