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Brochure and Planimeter

Leidy Tatiana Mesa Osorio


Gerson Rafael Celedón

October 25 de 2019
Brochure and Planimeter

1. Cree un documento utilizando la herramienta ofimática adecuada para guardar las actividades a desarrollar.
2. Ingrese al objeto de aprendizaje The Market Thing: “Brochure and Planimetry”. Observe el video tutorial contenido en la
sección “Let’s listen”.
3. Usted va a participar en una feria internacional en Los Angeles, USA. Debe diseñar su propio brochure para promover su
compañía, sus productos o servicios. Debe utilizar las herramientas Microsoft Word, con base en las instrucciones dadas en el
video tutorial. Agregue el brochure al documento dispuesto para enviar las actividades.
4. Descargue y lea cuidadosamente el documento “Brochure”, contenido en la sección “Let’s read”. Con base en la información
dada en la lectura, debe, promover su proyecto dentro del brochure que está diseñando. Agregue la propuesta al brochure en el
5. Recuerde el material estudiado en el objeto de aprendizaje “Commercial exhibition” que se encuentra en la actividad de
proyecto 7: “Elaborar el plan de exhibición”, sobre el planímetro. Luego observe el mapa de planímetro contenido en la sección
“Let’s write” del objeto de aprendizaje “Brochure and planimetry”, y piense en un lugar estratégico para exhibir sus productos y
elabore un mapa o diseño de plano para ubicar y exhibir los productos, de acuerdo con el ejemplo y el espacio del lugar.
Después, haga un contrato del stand. Tome en cuenta el tiempo que va a necesitar, el tipo de negociación y el tipo de pago, entre
otros aspectos. Agregue el mapa al documento.
6. En la sección “Vocabulary”, revise y estudie algunos conceptos sobre este tema. Luego, desarrolle el crucigrama. Al finalizar,
tome una captura de pantalla y agréguela a un documento del formato de su preferencia. Guarde las capturas dentro del
7. Envie el documento con las actividades desarrolladas al instructor a través de la plataforma virtual de aprendizaje.

Sales and exhibition room
Evacuation route
Micro merchandising
Articles from brochure

For the present document of the rental contract of a Commercial Stand, which the Ferrocables Company holds, with RUC No.
765438970, with address for the purposes of this contract on Av. 29 # 55-65, represented by its General Manager Edwin
Castaño, identified with DNI Nº 1017133645, of single civil status and domiciled in Av. Cl 57 spring. 32-65 of the municipality
of bello, Department of Antioquia; whom hereafter will be called THE LESSOR; and on the other hand Mrs. Carolina
Bustamante Mendoza, identified with RUC N ° 10056478 and CC. Nº 07577770, of marital status married to Víctor Sierra,
identified with CC N ° 07577771 and domiciled in the hills, municipality of Envigado, Department Antioquia; to whom hereafter
will be called THE LESSEE, under the following terms and conditions:

FIRST. - THE LESSOR, is Edwin Castaño sub lessor of a Commercial Premises on Av. 29 # 55-65 spring, municipality of
Bello, Department Antioquia, divided into Row B Stand 1 and Row C Stand 2

SECOND. - THE LESSOR, by this contract, should grant two (2) booths for rent, one in ROW B, STAND 1, and the other in
ROW C, STAND 2, for commercial use.

THIRD.- The contract will be valid for one week the same that will begin to take effect from the FIRST OF November 2019 TO
NOVEMBER 09, 2019, expired which if the parties agree, the contract will be renewed otherwise it will proceed to the delivery
and return of the stand.

FOUR. - The rental amount will be 2,000,000, for each STAND, which will be canceled upon signing this contract.
FIFTH. - The commercial stand is made of wood, without door, with its furniture and in optimal conditions, which will be
delivered in the same conditions, otherwise the LESSOR will take care of the damages.

SIXTH. -THE LESSEE, it is prohibited to sublet, assign or transfer to third parties, which in any case must return to their

EIGHTH. - The contracting parties declare that in the execution of this contract they have acted with complete freedom and
knowledge of their facts and obligations, we also declare that they are satisfied with the content and signature of this contract that
we signed in the city of Medellin, on September 30 October 2019.
Carolina Bustamante Mendoza Edwin Castaño
-------------------------------------------- ------ ---------------------------------------------
RUC No. 76543897
DC. No. 07577770
Víctor Sierra
CC No. 07577771
Our benefits will save you time
and money

• Arrange the necessary F errocables sas®

Centro de iluminación y material eléctrico
FERROCABLES S.AS quantities in the most
convenient presentations
• Discounts on volume purchases NUESTRAS MARCAS
We guarantee the • Receive personalized invoices
best price • Request aseria and training for
We are importers your projects, through a
commercial executive
We optimize the supply of your
company or your work with a
high portfolio of multi-brand
products that always meet your
needs in a timely manner.

With support from

FERROCBLES, corporate sales
becomes your effective ally and
the key piece that you should
always take into account for
your large lighting projects.
Cr 45#29-32
Sector industriales

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