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Integrative Task:



A refrigerated compartment, cabinet, or room for
preserving food at very low temperatures.

Un compartimento, armario o habitación refrigerada

para conservar alimentos a temperaturas muy bajas.
An electric device for making toast.

Dispositivo eléctrico para hacer tostadas.

Pressure Cooker
An airtight pot in which food can be cooked
quickly under steam pressure.

Olla hermética en la que los

alimentos se pueden cocinar
rápidamente bajo presión de vapor.
Machine for removing juice from fruit or

Máquina para sacar jugo de frutas o

Bowl → Tazón grande:
E: Container commonly larger than a cup, approximately
hemispherical in outline, sometimes with a distinct foot and
generally without a handle. cup, bowl
S: Recipiente comúnmente mayor que una taza, de contorno
aproximadamente semiesférico, a veces con un pie diferenciado y
generalmente sin asa. taza, bol.

Casserole→ Cacerola
E: Metal vessel, cylindrical in shape, low in height, with handles,
used for cooking and stewing.
S: Recipiente metálico, de forma cilíndrica, de poca altura, con
asas, utilizado para cocinar y guisar.

Chopping board→ Tabla para cortar

E: The cutting board or chopping board is a flat utensil used in the
kitchen mainly to cut and chop food.
S: La tabla de cortar o tabla de picar es un utensilio plano empleado
en la cocina principalmente para cortar y picar alimentos

Coffee maker → Cafetera

E: A coffee maker is a machine intended for preparing coffee
and a container for serving it.
S: Una cafetera es una maquina destinada a la preparación del
café y recipiente para servirlo.
Cutlery→ Cubiertos
E: Table service that is provided to each person who is to eat, consisting of a
plate, knife, fork and spoon, bread and napkin.
S: Servicio de mesa que se pone a cada uno de los que han de comer,
compuesto de plato, cuchillo, tenedor y cuchara, pan y servilleta.
Forks / Tenedor.
- E: An implement with two or more prongs used for lifting
food to the mouth or holding it when cutting.Refrigerator.
- S: Instrumento con dos o más puntas que se utiliza para
llevar la comida a la boca o sujetarla al cortarla.

Knife / Cuchillo.
- E: A knife is a sharp tool that's used for slicing or cutting.
- S: Un cuchillo es una herramienta afilada que se utiliza para
rebanar o cortar.

Microwave oven / Horno de microondas.

- E: A microwave oven or simply microwave is an electric oven
that heats and cooks food.
- S: Un horno microondas o simplemente microondas es un
horno eléctrico que calienta y cocina alimentos.

Refrigerator / Refrigerador.
- E: A box, room, or cabinet in which food, drink, etc., are kept
cool by means of ice or mechanical refrigeration.
- S: Una caja, habitación o gabinete en el que los alimentos,
bebidas, etc., se mantienen frescos mediante hielo o
refrigeración mecánica.

Mixer / Mezcladora.
- E: A machine or device for mixing things, especially an
electrical appliance for mixing foods.
- S: Una máquina o dispositivo para mezclar cosas,
especialmente un aparato eléctrico para mezclar alimentos.
Breadbox / Caja de pan.
- E: A container for storing bread and other baked goods to
keep them fresh.
- S: Un recipiente para guardar pan y otros productos
horneados para mantenerlos frescos.
Boil (v) = cause to reach the temperature at which it bubbles and turns to vapor / hervir.
Cup (n) = a small bowl-shaped container for drinking from, typically having a handle /
Drain (v) = cause the water or other liquid in (something) to run out, leaving it empty, dry,
or drier / escurrir.
Fry (v) = cook in hot fat or oil, typically in a shallow pan / freír
Grind (v) = reduce (something) to small particles or powder by crushing it / moler.
Grate (v) = reduce to small shreds by rubbing it on a grater / rallar
Glass (n) = a drinking container made from glass / vaso
Knead (v) = shape flour until it becomes homogeneous / amasar
Mixer (n) = a machine or device for mixing things, especially an electrical appliance for
mixing foods / batidora
Peel (v) = remove the outer covering or skin from (a fruit or vegetable) / pelar
Chop / Picar (V): Cut (something) into pieces with repeated sharp blows of an
axe or knife. / Cortar (algo) en pedazos con repetidos golpes fuertes de un hacha
o un cuchillo.

Freeze / Congelar (V): Store (something) at a very low temperature in order to

preserve it. / Almacenar (Algo) a muy baja temperatura para concervarlo.

Bake / Hornear (V): Cook (food) by dry heat without direct exposure to a flame,
typically in an oven or on a hot surface. Cocinar (alimentos) mediante calor sin
exposicion directa a una llama, generalmente sobre un horno o sobre una
superficie caliente
Caramelize / Acaramelar (V): Cook or be cooked so as to develop the
characteristic brown color and nutty flavor of caramel. Cocinar para desarrollar
wl color marro caracteristico y el sabor a nuez del caramelo

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