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N DA l
FU N iv e
íA a
G Pa co 3
U r
ás i
Parte 1. Sistema de evaluación.
¿Qué me evaluarán para pasar de nivel?..............................................Pág. 1-2
Cuestionario del nivel..................................................................................Pág. 3

Parte 2. Temáticas a evaluar.

Semana 1 y Semana 2.................................................................................Pág. 4
Semana 3 y Semana 4.................................................................................Pág. 5

Parte 3. Tarea diaria.

Método natural ............................................................................................Pág. 6
Verbos, phrasal verbs, idioms y repeticiones...........................................Pág. 7
Dieta para el éxito........................................................................................Pág. 8
Mental Training sheet..................................................................................Pág. 9

Parte 4. Resumen de lo que aprenderás y uso.

Simple Future..............................................................................................Pág. 10
Simple Present............................................................................................Pág. 11
Simple Past..................................................................................................Pág. 12
Present Perfect...........................................................................................Pág. 13
Past Perfect.................................................................................................Pág. 14
Conditionals.........................................................................................Pág. 15 -17
Comparatives & Superlatives.....................................................................Pág.18
Modal verbs................................................................................................Pág. 19

Parte 5. Verbos, verbos fraséales y expresiones idiomáticas.

Verbos de rutina........................................................................................Pág. 20
Verbos mas comunes................................................................................Pág. 21
Verbos irregulares..............................................................................Pág. 22 - 28
Verbos fraséales.................................................................................Pág. 29 - 34
Expresiones idiomáticas....................................................................Pág. 35 - 41
terial a evalua
Ma r
✔️Sistema de Evaluación: En todo tu nivel tienes 4 actividades muy
importantes que sumarán a tu nota final para pasar de nivel.

Actividad Porcentaje
Semana Descripción
por nivel %

En todas Coach evaluará tu asistencia

las diariamente. Puedes faltar nada más 20%
diaria y tarea
semanas una vez a la semana.

📕 Examen Coach evaluará tu vocabulario y

Semana escrito de comprensión en inglés por medio de
2 lectura y un examen de 30 dificultades e
verbos incluyendo verbos en los 3 tiempos.

Coach elegirá una pregunta del

Nivel temario de la evaluación de la
Intermedio Semana 🍿 Película
película, la cual tienes que responder 30%
3 mensual
por 1 minuto. Solo 1 error es

Tiene una duración de 5 a 10

minutos, donde tu coach seleccionará
Semana 🦜💬Evaluación
6 preguntas de 23, de las cuales 20%
4 oral
tienes 30 segundos a 1 minuto para
responderlas sin errores.

Promedio Final 100 %

Nota Mínima 6

Basic 3 Book and Movie

Book: Harry and the sports competition

Study now

Movie: The last Samurai

Watch now

12 sentences No mistakes
To pass to Basic 4 you must answer 6 of the 21 questions listed below in 30 seconds to 1
minute without mistakes. Questions will be chosen randomly.

Grammar Topic Questions

1. Tell me about yourself / who is ________?
2. What are you going to do after the class/ next Saturday /
Simple Past on your next vacation/ your next birthday?
3. What are your plans after you finish your English course
at E4CC?
4. Describe someone you admire
Past 5. What does (someone) usually do on Saturdays?
6. What is (someone) doing right now?
Progressive 7. Why are you studying English?
8. Tell me the days of the week / months of the year
9. When is your Birthday? /What do you usually do to
celebrate your Birthday?
10. How do you prepare a sandwich/salad/coffe, etc?.
Present Tense 11. What did you do last weekend/ birthday/ vacation/
christmas/ party, etc.
12. Tell me about your childhood/ a happy moment in your
life/ an embarrasing moment.
13. How was your las trip?
Future Tense 14. How did you meet your best friend?
15. How was your first day at E4cc?
16. Tell me about your favorite trip.
Verbs and 17. What did you last friday after class?
18. Tell me about your favorite movie.
phrasal verb 19. What were you doing when the earthquake started/
today in the morning/ yesterday at night, etc.?
Knowledge 20. What was your mom/ dad/ brother/ favorite singer/
doing yesterday in the afternoon?
21. What is the past form of the verb ________?

8 sentences No mistakes
etas semanales
Goal: Simple Past, ed Sounds Goal: Simple past verbs, ed rules
Main questions:
1. What did you do yesterday? 1. How was your fist day at e4cc?
2. What did he do yesterday? 2. Tell me about a happy moment in your
3. What did you last weekend? life.
4. How was your last trip? 3. What did your mom/ dad/ girlfriend do?
5. How was her weekend?
6. Tell me about your last date.

Additional Questions
1. Tell me about yourself / who is ________?
2. What are you going to do after the class/ next Saturday / on your next vacation/ your next birthday?
3. What are your plans after you finish your English course at E4CC?
4. Describe someone you admire
5. What does (someone) usually do on Saturdays?
6. What is (someone) doing right now?
7. Why are you studying English?
8. Tell me the days of the week / months of the year
9. When is your Birthday? /What do you usually do to celebrate your Birthday?
10. How do you prepare a sandwich/salad/coffe, etc?.
11. What did you do last weekend/ birthday/ vacation/ christmas/ party, etc.
12. Tell me about your childhood/ a happy moment in your life/ an embarrasing moment.
13. How was your las trip?
14. How did you meet your best friend?
15. How was your first day at E4cc?
16. Tell me about your favorite trip.
17. What did you last friday after class?
18. Tell me about your favorite movie.
19. What were you doing when the earthquake started/ today in the morning/ yesterday at night, etc.?
20. What was your mom/ dad/ brother/ favorite singer/ doing yesterday in the afternoon?
21. What is the past form of the verb ________?

Verbs (Most Common verbs)

1.How do you say (this verb) in English?
2.How do you spell_____?

etas semanales
Goal: Past Progressive, Past
progressive: while
Goal: Ed sounds rules,
used to
Main questions:
1. Tell me about your favorite movie: Toy Story. 1. Tell me about your favorite trip.
2. What were they doing while they were waiting 2. Tell me about Donald Trump.
for the airplane? 3. Tell me about your favorite movie.
3. What were you doing before the class?
4. What did you do last Friday after class?
5. Tell me about your favorite trip.

Aditional Questions
1. Tell me about yourself / who is ________?
2. What are you going to do after the class/ next Saturday / on your next vacation/ your next birthday?
3. What are your plans after you finish your English course at E4CC?
4. Describe someone you admire
5. What does (someone) usually do on Saturdays?
6. What is (someone) doing right now?
7. Why are you studying English?
8. Tell me the days of the week / months of the year
9. When is your Birthday? /What do you usually do to celebrate your Birthday?
10. How do you prepare a sandwich/salad/coffe, etc?.
11. What did you do last weekend/ birthday/ vacation/ christmas/ party, etc.
12. Tell me about your childhood/ a happy moment in your life/ an embarrasing moment.
13. How was your las trip?
14. How did you meet your best friend?
15. How was your first day at E4cc?
16. Tell me about your favorite trip.
17. What did you last friday after class?
18. Tell me about your favorite movie.
19. What were you doing when the earthquake started/ today in the morning/ yesterday at night, etc.?
20. What was your mom/ dad/ brother/ favorite singer/ doing yesterday in the afternoon?
21. What is the past form of the verb ________?

Verbs (Most Common verbs)

1.How do you say (this verb) in English?
2.How do you spell_____?

Actividad Descripción Duración

Asiste a tu entrenamiento diario para recibir

Clase presencial u 2hrs Presencial
retroalimentación de lo que aprendiste y
Online practicaste el día anterior.
1hr 30min Online

Somos lo que pensamos la mayor parte del

Mental Training 10 min
tiempo. Entrena tu mente para el éxito. 2 horas
Escribe al menos 10 frases en tu cuaderno justo
como lo viste escrito en el video y acompáñala 30 min
de una frase hecha por ti mismo/a
Metodo Natural reemplazando ciertas partes de la frase 2hrs
(usando la regla de sustitución) para que te
asegures que puedas usar las frases en una
2 horas
conversación natural.

Todos los días tu coach asignará una o dos

Audios de Repetición preguntas para practicar en casa. Deberás 1hr
grabar tus repeticiones en tu dispositivo móvil.

¡Mejora tu pronunciación con tan solo 22

lecciones de nuestra experta Alyssa Bayzie, con
American Accent 30 min
tan solo 30 minutos diarios verás grandes

Lectura Lee en voz alta imitando la entonación. 1 hr

Haz un repaso de la gramática vista en clase

Repaso de gramática escribe por lo menos 10 ejemplos en tu 30 min

Natural Learning Method

Listen Listen Listen: Reproduce el video y activa los subtitulos, ve frase por frase y busca su
significado utilizando el traductor.

Repeat, Repeat, Repeat: Repite cuantas veces sea necesario hasta que tu pronunciación e
entonación sea muy similar al del vídeo. Continua haciendo esto frase por frase.

Revise, Revise, Revise: Revisa tu vocabulario todos los días antes de comenzar un nuevo

Write your examples: Escribe al menos 10 frases en tu cuaderno todos los días y escribe una
oración creada por ti utilizando la regla de la sustitución.

¿Cómo escribir las frases del

Natural Learning Method?

Deberás escribir al menos 10 frases nuevas

todos los días en tu cuaderno, tu coach la
revisará que tengas tu tarea de la siguiente

➡️Fecha: Para revisar tu disciplina diaria.

➡️Fuente: Para verificar que estás viendo
series, películas, o vídeos acorde a tu

➡️Metas: Para confirmar que tus objetivos

están en presente, son personales, y
tienen una fecha meta.


Verbs, Phrasal verbs and

idioms: Semanalmente tienes
como meta aprender al menos 25
verbos nuevos, 25 phrasal verbs y
10 idioms.

Todos los días tu coach asignará una o dos preguntas para practicar
en casa. Deberás grabar tus repeticiones en tu dispositivo móvil.





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