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CODIGO: 2015163564








CAPACIDAD: Discrimina y utiliza estructuras gramaticales en el comentario de hechos reales.
Realiza tareas comunicativas relacionadas a la bienvenida y negociaciones con los clientes.



Con él expresamos una opinión subjetiva. Es cercano a aconsejar: estaríamos brindando nuestra opinión a
nuestro interlocutor.
 It's Mary's birthday, you should call her. - Es el cumpleaños de Mary, tendrías que llamarla.

Es decir, por muy amiga tuya que sea Mary, es un poco opcional que la acabes felicitando o no, ya que no
habría mayores consecuencias si no lo hicieras. Te recordamos que la forma negativa sería: shouldn't.

Con ought to, en cambio, estamos ante un verbo modal de obligación y lo que decimos es una verdad en sí
misma, objetiva. El ejemplo más paradigmático es usarlo cuando se está sujeto a leyes y otras obligaciones
 Mary the lawyer needs to talk to you about the case. You ought to call Mary
(La abogada Mary necesita hablar contigo acerca del caso. Tienes que llamarla.)
Fíjate además que en el caso de Ought to, la forma ought siempre se usa seguida de to: Ought+ to+ verbo
principal. Te recordamos que la forma negativa es: oughtn’t. También ten presente que estos verbos son a
veces intercambiables. Tienes que pensar en el tipo de obligación que se exprese en cada momento. Si la
obligación, sea moral o tenga consecuencias legales por así decirlo, es mayor o más rígida, usa ought to.

Estamos hablando, como ya sabes, de verbos modales. Lo que significa que estos dos verbos pertenecen a la
lista de verbos auxiliares, que siempre acompañan a un verbo principal. Recuerda que van a su lado para dotar
a ese verbo de un matiz diferente, como puede ser obligación, posibilidad...


La verdad es que en algunos casos los puedes intercambiar. Céntrate, de todos modos, en sus diferencias para
que así puedas tener una guía fiable y no equivocarte al usarlos. Se pueden traducir más o menos de la misma
Para decir, por ejemplo, “debes llamar a Mary” puedes usar should, ought to:
 You should call Mary

 You ought to call Mary


1. Escoge la opción correcta para cada verbo que falta en cada una de las siguientes frases. ¿Should
ought to?:
a) They OUGHT TO follow the rules, or they will get the consequences.
b) The doctor suggest you SHOULD not eat so much meat.
c) I think you _SHOULD____ study more than you do.
d) According to the law, dogs __OUGHT__ not _TO___enter the building.

2. Corrige los posibles errores de estas frases:

a. You should to stop smoking.
b. She ought visit your grandparents more often.
c. I should have save some extra money for the weekend.
d. I think Lena ought to eat more vegetables.
A) You should stop smoking.
b) She ought to visit your grandparents more often.
c) I should have saved some extra money for the weekend.
d) I think Lena should eat more vegetables.

3. MAKE A FREE THEME: Resalte cualquier tema propuesto: (Direcciones, Viajar (girar, seguir, pasar, ...),
Situación de algo en el espacio (lado derecho, lado izquierdo, delante de ...), Situación en el tiempo
(siguiente, antes, pronto, ...), Palabras: aquí '-' allí.

Chavetas (Samoa)
I perfectly remember the day we arrived in Samoa. The flight arrived at 2 in the morning
and it appeared that jugs of water were being thrown into the hands of "the little angels."
For this day we had been almost blind with a guy we found on the internet to have
accommodation. The first on the forehead, no one appeared to look for us there. It took us
half an hour for someone to finally point us to their car, nor had they been unfazed to get
out of it. But the funny thing started when we reached an area in the middle of nowhere,
and under 4 sticks with a plastic tarp he had planted a bed under which it was a storm with
lightning and thunder. There we had to sleep. Now we laugh but the "ostrich technique"
was never better said (sleep and not think about what could happen, haha). The next
morning the tarp was about to overflow with the water I had and Paula was pulling me to
get out of bed and disappear, haha


¿Cuál es la diferencia entre There is y There are?

Básicamente la diferencia es que There is se usa con complemento SINGULAR (lo cual quiere decir
que estamos hablando de una sola cosa, persona, lugar, etcétera) y There are se utiliza con
complemento PLURAL (lo cual quiere decir que hablamos de 2 o más cosas, personas o lugares):

 There is a curtain in my bedroom / Hay una cortina en mi dormitorio

 There are 2 curtains in my bedroom / Hay dos cortinas en mi dormitorio


a) ……THERE IS …………… a package for you. (Hay un paquete

para usted.)

b) ………THERE IS………… someone asking for her. (Hay alguien que pregunta
por ella.)

c) ………IS THERE…………. anything I can do for you? (¿Hay algo que pueda hacer
por usted?)

d) ……IS THERE…..……… anything missing?

(¿Falta algo?)

e) ……THERE IS………….. a new employee at the office. (Hay un nuevo empleado en

la oficina.)

f) ……IS THERE …………… anybody here? (¿Hay

alguien aquí?)

g) ………THERE ARE………. ten flags at the entrance. (Hay diez banderas en

la entrada.)

h) ………THERE IS ……………. a chance I can do it. (Existe la posibilidad de que pueda


i) …………IS THERE………….. a problem? (¿Hay algún


j) …………THERE ARE…………. a lot of changes. (Hay

muchos cambios.)

k) ………THERE ARE…………. two main entrances. (Hay dos entradas



Los pronombres posesivos muestran que algo le pertenece a alguien. Los pronombres posesivos
I my
YOU your
SHE her
HE his
IT its
YOU your
WE our
THEY their

También hay una forma "independiente" de cada uno de estos pronombres: el mío, el nuestro, el
tuyo, el suyo, el suyo, el suyo y el de ellos. Los pronombres posesivos nunca se escriben con
apóstrofes. Los pronombres posesivos simplifican las construcciones que muestran la posesión de
un sustantivo.
Por lo tanto, los pronombres posesivos son bastante útiles y se usan con frecuencia en el idioma

Examples of Possessive Pronouns:

a) The kids are yours and mine.
(Los niños son tuyos y míos.)
b) The house is theirs and its paint is flaking.
(La casa es de ellos y su pintura es escamosa.)
c) The money was really theirs for the taking.
(El dinero era realmente suyo para tomarlo.)
d) We shall finally have what is rightfully ours.
(Finalmente tendremos lo que es legítimamente nuestro.)
e) Their mother gets along well with yours.
(Su madre se lleva bien con la tuya.)
f) What's mine is yours, my friend.
(Lo que es mío es tuyo, amigo mío.)
g) The dog is mine.
(El perro es mío.)
h) The cat is yours.
(El gato es tuyo.)

a) This is ……my…… car. a) Este es mi coche.

b) I have been with ……my…… friends. b) He estado con mis amigos.
c) This book is ………mine…. c) Este libro es mío.
d) The fault is …mine………. d) La culpa es mía.
e) They are friends of ……mine……. e) Ellos son amigos míos
f) Those dolls are not ……mine……. f) Esas muñecas no son mías.
g) That’s ……your…… brother? g) ¿Ese es tu hermano?
h) I can’t find ……your…… books. h) No encuentro tus libros.
i) It is none of ……your…… business. i) No es asunto tuyo.
j) Is this scarf ………yours…? j) ¿Es tuya esta bufanda?
k) I like …your/her……dress. k) Me gusta su vestido.
l) Luis is ……his/her……friend. l) Luis es su amigo
m) He/ she got away with …it……… m) Se salió con la suya.
n) I have reached …our……… goal. n) He alcanzado nuestro objetivo.
o) This is …our……… house. o) Esta es nuestra casa
p) Our colleagues… colleagues work p) Nuestros compañeros trabajan duro.
q) It’s pleasure is …ours………. q) Es placer es nuestro.
r) What’s ……your…… president’s name? r) ¿Cómo se llama vuestro presidente
s) I went to ………your… wedding. s) Fui a vuestra boda.
t) I want to talk to …your……… t) Quiero hablar con vuestros vecinos
u) He answered …your……… questions. u) Respondió a vuestras preguntas
v) I saw ……your…… photos. v) Vi sus fotos.
w) These are w) Estas son sus obras maestras.
x) He helped …his……… people. x) Ayudó a los suyos.

Comprehensive reading:


The Internet is a global communication network that allows the interconnection between computers
for the exchange of information. The ease of accessing information and content on a variety of topics
and formats seems like a great opportunity, but at the same time it can backfire in some cases.
Therefore, it is important to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the internet to understand
how we can take better advantage of it.


Thanks to the internet, it is possible to take advantage of and enjoy content on the web. These are
some other advantages of its use:

1. Speed in communication
Although the speed of the internet depends on technical factors inherent in the levels of
technological development in each country, the reality is that the speed with which we can access
information has progressively increased over time.
This expands the communication possibilities, which have gone from traditional mail to electronic
mail, or from telegrams to video calls. This new way of interacting has had a profound impact on
daily and organizational dynamics, which are now influenced by immediacy.
2. Access to multiple contents
The Internet allows access to content on various topics through the web. From news information
to highly specialized topics, scientific, humorous, cultural, entertainment, educational, recreational
content, etc.
This expands the available options and gives users much more freedom to choose what interests
them, which makes an important difference compared to past times, in which traditional media
set the tone with respect to the content that could be to receive.
3. Dissemination of own content
Another advantage of the internet is the possibility of sharing your own content. With the invention
of the web in the 1990s, the possibility of generating and transmitting hypertexts prompted a
series of communicational changes that gave users the power to create and disseminate their
From the first blogging platform called Blogger, to Instagram stories or YouTube channels, the
internet helped users abandon the role of passive receivers to simultaneously become senders
and receivers of messages.
4. Simplification of processes
The Internet has contributed to substantially improving daily and organizational processes that
have an impact on quality of life and social evolution.
For example, the possibility of making purchases over the internet, doing business or hiring staff
remotely, having cloud management systems that allow having company data updated in real
time, etc.
5. Massive knowledge
One of the most significant advantages of the internet has to do with the fact that it allows access
to knowledge without geographical limits.
At this time, a person with a computer or mobile phone with an internet connection can learn
about multiple topics, generating new skills or improving the ones they already have no matter
where they are.
With the internet it is possible to receive or give remote classes, have access to remote libraries,
tutorials, manuals, technical or scientific reports, etc. This advantage has been used as a tool that
is now indispensable in educational processes, especially in places with difficult geographical
6. Collaborative spirit
The Internet has driven the creation of projects that require the work of groups of people around
the world, who are motivated by a common goal.
One of the most significant examples of this type of initiative is Wikipedia, which brings together
the work of thousands of people who create and edit the content housed in this iconic free online
7. Interaction with interest groups
The possibility of interacting in real time with people from anywhere in the world has generated
thousands of groups with multiple interests. From animal aid organizations to technical discussion
groups, through clubs of different kinds (anime, video games, etc.).
8. Generation of new jobs
Advances in technology driven by the creation and evolution of the internet have driven the
creation of new jobs, which broadens the possibilities for training and specialization, in addition
to growing the job market in general terms.
Profiles linked to programming, Big Data analysis, user experience design, SEO, and digital
marketing are highly valued today, and have become new academic alternatives to traditional
9. Access to new entertainment formats
From television, radio and the written press, we have moved on to streaming content, podcasts
and online news, the transmission of which is possible thanks to the evolution of the internet.
Although these formats are created on the web, they depend on the internet to be shared.
10. New social dynamics
The possibility of making a work meeting by video call and remote work (home office) are only
two of the most visible possibilities that the internet has generated, and that have an impact not
only on the organizational environment, but on the quality of life of people.

These changes have generated new social and labor dynamics that are highly influenced by the
use of the internet.


The violation of privacy and digital insecurity are two new problems created by the use of the
internet and new technologies, as detailed below:

1. Use of personal data for unknown purposes

Currently, most of the applications we use in our daily lives ask for a large amount of data in
exchange for optimal operation (access to the microphone, location, photo gallery, phone data,
messages, etc.).
However, in most cases there are no clear guidelines regarding the use that companies make of
users' personal data.
Many times this information is sold or used without authorization from users, which implies a clear
violation of privacy.
2. It stimulates a sedentary lifestyle
Today, the internet is a means of work, entertainment and shopping, among other uses. This
encourages social isolation and sedentary lifestyle, since it is not necessary to leave the house
to have access to the goods or services that previously required a minimum of travel.
3. Digital crime
With the internet new forms of crime also evolved, hence the stories of internet scams are very
common today.
One of the oldest techniques that is still used today is pishing, which consists of sending emails
or instant messages that seem reliable to obtain confidential data, especially bank passwords.
4. Online bullying
One of the disadvantages of the internet that has become more apparent in recent years is online
bullying, or cyberbullying.
Today, practically anyone is susceptible to harassment, which can consist of insults, threats or
exposure of personal data through the internet.
However, it is much more evident in school-age children, who are subjected to public scorn by
classmates or close people. It is a practice that can have very serious consequences for those
who suffer it, since it can lead to suffering from emotional, psychological and even physical
See also:
Harassment and bullying.
Types of bullying.
5. Invasive advertising
Invasive advertising is an annoying practice for internet users, but it is also detrimental to the web
pages that allow it, since it can affect a considerable drop in their traffic (users stop visiting the
page to avoid advertising), not counting that they could be penalized by the search
6. Spam
Another disadvantage of the internet has to do with spam, which are unsolicited emails or
messages, and which are generally repetitive. Spam is used by some companies or individuals
as an advertising strategy, but it is also a means of transmitting viruses or pishing.
7. Fake news
Fake news or false news is information that has been manipulated, misrepresented and even
invented with a specific objective.
With the use of the internet it has become very easy not only to create fake news, but to transmit
it, which is why it is very common for content of this type to go viral in a few hours or days.
And although you can try to reverse its effect (denying the facts that are stated in the alleged
news or correcting it), the truth is that this measure does not usually have the same impact that
the false news generated.
8. Exposure to inappropriate content
Today, users can find any type of content on the internet, and that includes material of a violent,
degrading or inappropriate nature that may be available to minors.
Although each platform has its own policies to try to regulate this type of content on the internet,
the reality is that the amount of content of this type that is generated each day is so large that it
becomes very difficult to control its dissemination in real time.
9. Can generate addiction
The Internet, with all the facilities it offers, can make users develop dependency.
This is highly damaging because it isolates the person from the real context, influencing their
work, family and personal environment. In addition, this situation can stimulate the appearance
of other conditions, such as depression.
10. Limit interpersonal communication
Although one of the most outstanding advantages of the internet has to do with the ability to allow
the exchange of information instantaneously, at the same time the excessive use of this resource
is generating a decrease and even the absence of fluid communication in the offline world .
In many cases the use of devices such as mobile phones generate a kind of self-absorption of
individuals that prevents them from communicating efficiently with the outside world. And this can
lead to family, work or couple problems, since communication with others is put digitally instead
of face-to-face contact with the immediate environment.



 The Internet is a global communication network that allows the interconnection between
computers for the exchange of information.
 Thanks to the internet, it is possible to take advantage of and enjoy content on the web.

 The reality is that the speed with which we can access information has progressively increased
over time.
 The Internet allows access to content on various topics through the web.

 The violation of privacy and digital insecurity are two new problems created by the use of the
internet and new technologies.

 The ease of accessing information and content on a variety of topics and formats seems like
a great opportunity, but at the same time it can backfire in some cases.
 -Thanks to the internet, it is possible to take advantage of and enjoy content on the web.
 -With the internet it is possible to receive or give remote classes, have access to remote
libraries, tutorials, manuals, technical or scientific reports, etc. This advantage has been used
as a tool that is now indispensable in educational processes, especially in places with difficult
geographical access.
 -Advances in technology driven by the creation and evolution of the internet have driven the
creation of new jobs, which broadens the possibilities for training and specialization, in
addition to growing the job market in general terms.
 -The possibility of making a work meeting by video call and remote work (home office) are
only two of the most visible possibilities that the internet has generated, and that have an
impact not only on the organizational environment.
 -These changes have generated new social and labor dynamics that are highly influenced by
the use of the internet.

CAPACIDAD: Expresa de manera clara y detallada un procedimiento.

Iniciando la reunión
“Good Morning / Afternoon, ladies and gentelmen.” – al llegar a la reunión.
“It looks like everyone’s here, so let’s get started.” – si eres tú quien está al mando de la reunión (chair a
“Mr. (surname), let me introduce /allow me to introduce you to Mr. (name / surname), our (job title).” –
en el caso de que haya alguien desconocido para el resto de los presentes a la reunión.
“Would you mind taking minutes?” – pedir a alguien que haga el acta de la reunión.
“First of all, thank you everyone for attending the meeting.” – agradecer la asistencia de los presentes.
“We’re here today to…” o “I’ve called this meeting to…” – exponer el motivo de la reunión al resto de
“Has everybody got a copy of the agenda?” – asegurarse de que todo el mundo tenga una copia del orden
del día.

Recapitulando la última reunión

“To begin, let’s approve the minutes from our last meeting.” – expresión para aprobar el acta (o no) de la
anterior reunión.
Entrando en materia
“Let’s move on to…” – se usa para pasar de un punto a otro en la reunión.
“Sorry to interrupt but…” o “Excuse me for interrupting” o “Sorry to butt in…” – en el caso de que
quieras interrumpir la reunión de manera educada.
“I see what you’re saying but….” o “I know what you mean but…”– mostrar desconformidad con lo que se
está hablando, de manera educada.
“I agree with you a hundred percent.” o “You’re absolutely right.”– mostrar total conformidad con lo que
ha expresado otro asistente.
“In my opinion…” o “As far as I am concerned…” – mostrar tu opinion sobre un asunto.

Finalizar la reunion
“Let me summarize the main points of this discussion” o “To sum up…” – recapitular lo hablado para
hacer un resumen final.
“Any other business? “ o “Are there any final questions?” – dar la palabra para que alguien intervenga
con algún asunto extra.
“Ok. Let’s finish here. Thank you all for coming” – dar por finalizada la reunión.
Fijar la próxima reunión
“Let’s set a time for our next meeting” o “I’ll confirm the date and location of our next meeting by email” – agenda
una reunion en otra fecha.
CODIGO 2015163564


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