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- Se utilizan en lugar de un sustantivo que ya se ha mencionado o que ya se conoce, a

menudo para evitar repetir el sustantivo
Pronombres personales
 Personales
Actúan como el sujeto en una oración. I, You, She, He, It, We, You, They.
 Objetivos:
Actúan como el objeto de una oración que a su vez recibe la acción del verbo. Se usa cuando
el pronombre es el objeto directo, indirecto o el objeto del verbo o preposición. me, you,
her, him, it, us, them.
 Posesivos:
Muestran posesión. Define a una o varias personas que poseen algún objeto en particular.
Mine, yours, hers, his, its, ours, theirs.
 Demostrativos
Señalan algo específico dentro de una oración, usualmente el sustantivo. This, that, these,
 This y these se refieren a cosas que tengamos cerca mientras que that y those hacen
referencia a cosas que están más lejos en el espacio o en el tiempo.

Pronombre Interrogativos
Se usan para realizar una pregunta who, whom, which, what
Who y whom se usan para hablar de personas. Who siempre actúa como sujeto en la oración
mientras que whom actúa como el objeto. Which es para referirse a cosas o a animales.

Pronombres Relativos
THAT para cosas o personas
Ex: The girls that are laughing over there are my sisters. (personas)
The houses that are located behind the bank are old. (cosas)
WHO para referirnos a personas
Ex: Can I talk to the person who is in charge of ticket reservations?
WHICH para referirnos a cosas
Ex: I bought a hamburger last night, which was really spicy.
WHOSE para indicar posesión
Ex: This is the boy whose father is a professional soccer player.
WHOM para referirnos a personas (más formal) y siempre que hablemos de persona y
tengamos una preposición ante el relativo (to whom).
Ex: That is the man whom I owe a lot of money.
 When and where and why
- Estos adverbios relativos a veces se utilizan en lugar de un pronombre relativo para
hacer la frase más fácil de entender. Estos adverbios se refieren a expresiones de
tiempo, lugares o motivos.

Pronombres Reflexivos
Para enfatizar al sujeto que realiza una acción determinada. Expresan cuando se realiza alguna
acción sin ayuda de otra persona. Myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves,

Pronombres Intensivos
Hacen énfasis en el sustantivo o en otro pronombre que siguen. Terminan en -self o -selves.
funcionan para reforzar la acción. La mayoría de las veces la oración que posee un pronombre
intensivo podría funcionar perfectamente sin él sin embargo ejerce una intensidad particular a
la frase. Siempre se encuentra el pronombre personal que le corresponde en la oración.
Myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves, themselves.

 Pronombres Recíprocos
Indican que dos o más sujetos están realizando o realizaron alguna acción recibiendo ambas
las consecuencias de dicha acción. Each other, one another.

 Pronombres Definidos e Indefinidos

Se refiere a algo específico. Los pronombres personales también son pronombres definidos.
All You ate all the cookies!
Another Another glass of wine please.
Any Is there any milk?
Anybody Is there anyone home? (anyone)
Anything It’s so dark, I can’t see anything.
Both We can go anywhere you want.
Each Both of my children speak French.
Either Each of them is different.
Enough There is never enough time.
Every Every student failed the exam.
Everybody Is everybody /everyone here? (everyone)
Everything How’s everything?
Everywhere The water spilled everywhere.
Few He has few friends.
Fewer There are fewer students this year.
Less There is less work this year.
Little There is little to do here.
Many She has many books to read.
More There is more work this year.
Most It rains most of the time here.
Much We don’t have much money.
Neither Neither of us speaks Spanish.
Nobody Nobody / No one was in class today.
None None of the children wanted to answer the question.
Nothing There is nothing in the fridge.
Nowhere He has nowhere to stay.
One One never knows what the future will bring.
Other The other class has more students.
Others The others are going to a concert tonight.
Several There are several movies playing.
Some There are some dogs in the park.
Somebody Somebody /someone is in the bathroom. (someone)
Something I have something in my eye.
Somewhere Right now it is raining somewhere.
Such He is such a nice man.
They They say this is the best restaurant in town.
You You never know.

- No se refieren a ninguna persona, cosa, lugar, ni cantidad específica.

- Los pronombres indefinidos en singular siempre llevan el verbo en singular.
- Cuando nos referimos a un pronombre indefinido, normalmente utilizamos un
pronombre plural.
- Podemos utilizar el genitivo sajón (“-’s”) con pronombres indefinidos de personas y
cosas para indicar posesión.

- Son una forma especial de cláusula dependiente que comienzan con un pronombre
relativo (who, which, whose, or that) o un adverbio relativo (When? where? why?)
- Son aquellas palabras que permiten unir dos oraciones o añadir más información sobre
algo de lo que estemos hablando.
- Una cláusula relativa describe el sustantivo y le indicará cuál o de qué tipo es.
- Son usadas definir, identificar o clasificar un objeto a una persona y aportan
información adicional a cualquier oración

 Defining Clauses
- Aportan información esencial para entender de quién o de qué estamos hablando.
- Su función es definir el sustantivo del que se habla.
Ex: The boy who lives next door is a tennis player
- En este tipo de relative clauses which y who pueden sustituirse por that
Ex: The book which / that you are reading is amazing
- En ocasiones podemos omitir los pronombres relativos who, which, that, when, why.
Debemos fijarnos si detrás tenemos otro sujeto y si es así podemos omitirlo.
Ex: The exercise (which) the teacher corrected was really hard.

 Non defining clauses

- Aportan información extra no esencial para entender a quién o a qué nos referimos.
- Van entre comas.
- Nunca usaremos -that- en este tipo de cláusulas relativas.
- No podemos omitir el pronombre relativo.
- Si se elimina esta cláusula se eliminan detalles, pero el sentido principal de la oración
se mantiene.
Ex: María, who won a medal last year, is going to take part in the marathon
The new fil, which will be released in May, revolves around the adventures of a group of
My boss, whose wife owns three restaurants, is a hard-working person

 Sujeto u objeto
- El pronombre relativo dentro de las cláusulas relativas puede definir el sujeto o el
objeto del verbo.
Ex: They’re the people who/that wants our house. (sujeto)
- En algunas ocasiones se pasa por alto el pronombre relativo cuando éste es el objeto
del verbo.
Ex: They’re the people who/that he met at Claire’s party.
They’re the people he met at Claire’s party.

 Clásulas Relativas Oracionales

- Siempre se usa which para introducir la cláusula.
Ex: My mom was upset with my dad, which is understandable for his bad behavior in recent
My daughter won a scholarship to college, which is very good.
1. Complete the sentences with a relative pronoun. Draw an X next to the sentence if
the relative pronoun can be omitted.
This bike, ............................. I bought last moth, cannot be fixed.
The neighbour .................................. works for my dad is very noisy at night.
That's the woman ................................ son lives in Brooklyn.
The art gallery, .......................... you can admire the early works of Van Gogh, is located in the
city centre.
The flowers ................................ she gave me have bright colors.
I know the village ............................. the film was shot.
She shouted at me and that's the reason ........................... I am quitting the job.
Tania, ............................ first job was as a receptionist, runs a small café in town now.
I have a classmate ........................... failed 5 subjects last term.
I'll never forget the day ............................... I met your father.

2. Complete the sentences with a relative pronoun

a) Thomas Edison died in 1931. His inventions changed the world.
b) Carla is studying medicine now. She was my classmate last year.
c) _____________________________
d) The cottage is being renovated. We spent New Year’s Eve there.
e) __________________________________
f) My uncle has a brand-new car. It cost him a fortune.
g) ____________________________
h) My laptop stopped working last night. I have been using it for 5 years.
i) _________________________________

3. Elige la respuesta correcta.

a) The book that I am reading is fantastic.
__The pronoun is necessary.
__The pronoun isn't necessary.

b) Can you buy me the book that won the Booker Prize last year?
__The pronoun is necessary.
__The pronoun isn't necessary.
c) Bill has many CDs which were recorded by his brother's record company.
__The pronoun is necessary.
__The pronoun isn't necessary.
d) The man who I met at the party last week wants to go out to dinner this weekend.
__The pronoun is necessary.
__The pronoun isn't necessary.
e) Rachel said that she was going to Rome next week.
__The pronoun is necessary.
__The pronoun isn't necessary.
f) My birthday, which is also the birthday of my father, is September 3rd.
__It is a defining relative clause.
__It is a non-defining relative clause.
g) I received many gifts for my birthday, but the gifts I love the most are the ones that my
children gave me.
__It is a defining relative clause.
__It is a non-defining relative clause.
h) Those are our neighbors whose house just burned down.
__It is a defining relative clause.
__It is a non-defining relative clause.
i) My friend Victor, who is a great guy, is single now.
__It is a defining relative clause.
__It is a non-defining relative clause.
j) He has had many jobs, but his favorite was the one that he had in the museum when
he first finished university.
__It is a defining relative clause.
__It is a non-defining relative clause.

4. Choose the correct sentence:

__Peter, which is the manager, is not here today.
__Peter, who is the manager, is not here today.
__Peter who is the manager is not here today.
__Peter which is the manager is not here today.

__These shoes, that I bought for the party, aren't very comfortable.
__These shoes that I bought for the party aren't very comfortable.
__These shoes, which I bought for the party, aren't very comfortable.
__These shoes, who I bought for the party, aren't very comfortable.

5. Escribe las palabras en el orden correcto.

last / looked at / house / sold / that / the / we / is / week
? / what is / of the hotel / the name / where you stayed
you / book / reading / I / are / the / like
? / have / who / friend / do / us / a / you / help / can

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