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English Class

Vanesa Treviño González

1.- Phrasal Verbs ( English & Spanish )
Concept: A phrase that consists of a verb with
Concepto: Son verbos compuestos que poseen
a preposition or adverb or both, the meaning of un significado distinto del verbo original, ya
que se forman con un verbo y un
which is different from
complemento gramatical, bien sea
the meaning of its separate parts: una preposición, un adverbio o ambos.

What is Phrasal Verbs used for?: Is used to Que son: Los phrasal verbs son estructuras
verbales compuestas por dos partículas: verbo
combine a verb with an adverb or a
+ adjetivo , adverbio o preposición que
preposition. sirven para definir acciones o estados

Example: Ejemplo:
"Pay for", "work out", and "make up for" are
all phrasal verbs.
2.- Reported Speech ( English & Spanish )
Concept: Reported speech puts the speaker's Concepto: El estilo indirecto o reported speech es la
words or ideas into a sentence without forma en la que puedes contar, explicar, escribir o
quotation marks. Noun clauses are usually used. decir algo con tus propias palabras, cambiando el
In reported speech, the reader does not assume tiempo verbal al pasado.
that the words are the speaker's exact words; Para que se usa: Sirve para contar lo que ha dicho
often, they are a paraphrase of the speaker's alguien sin emplear las palabras exactas pronunciadas
words. por esa persona.
What is reported speech used for?:Reported Ejemplo: She said she was coming to class (Ella dijo
speech is when we tell someone what another que iba a venir a clase). I told you I wouldn't be able
person said. to come (Te dije que no podría venir). You said you
Example: would help me!
3.- Relative Clauses ( English & Spanish)
Concepto: Las relative clauses son lo que en
Concept: Relative clauses are
español llamamos oraciones subordinadas, es
dependent clauses that give the reader
decir, aquellas estructuras que añaden información
more information about another noun esencial o adicional sobre una persona u objeto
in the sentence. que hemos de una oración principal, añadiendo
Example: The unicorn possessed magical más información sobre una cosa o una persona
powers, which could heal the sick. mencionado antes.

What is it use for?: To give us Para que se usa: Ejercen la función de

subordinada respecto que ya se había
information about the person or thing
mencionado antes.
Ejemplo: The cushions that are on the couch are
purple and green.
Conjunctions: Otherwise, Unless ( English & Spanish

Concept: 'Unless' and 'otherwise' are Concepto: Acción de conjugar o combinar dos o
conjunctions. They are used to connect más cosas.
What is the conjunction unless used for: Para que se usa Otherwise:
To say that something can only happen or
be true in a particular situation, Para que se usa Unless:
What is the conjunction otherwise used
for: To mean 'or else' or to show that the Ejemplo:
effect or result will differ if a suggestion or
command is not followed. Otherwise: Ahora que soy maestro, pienso de
otra manera.
Otherwise: Something must be wrong; Unless: Ninguna definición de la poesía es
otherwise, he would have called. adecuada a no ser que sea poesía en sí misma.
Unless: I sleep with the window open
unless it's really cold.
Modals: Present & Past perfect
Concepto: El past perfect es muy similar
Concept: The present perfect is formed using the
al present perfect debido a que el evento
present tense of the verb "to have" and the past
también se inició en el pasado. Sin embargo, la
participle of the main verb. The past perfect tense
diferencia entre los eventos es que el evento del
says that an action was completed at a time
past perfect también terminó en el pasado. Esto
before another action happened in the past.
se puede utilizar con un tiempo especificado.
What is it used for: we use the present perfect to
Para que se usa: El pasado perfecto contempla
talk about recent or past events that happened at
dos situaciones que ocurrieron en el pasado
an indefinite time, and we use the past perfect to
mientras que el presente perfecto relaciona un
refer to something that occurred before something
hecho del pasado con el presente.
Example: The kids had eaten dinner before the
Ejemplo: Los niños habían cenado antes de que la
nanny went home.
niñera se fuera a casa.
Order of Verb´s
Concept: Manner, place (location), frequency, time, Concepto: Son los que sirven para determinar la
reason/purpose. secuencia que sigue una serie de
What is it used for: When there is more than one
of the three types of adverb together, they usually Para que se usa: Como su nombre lo indica,
go in the order: manner, place, time: You start off estos adverbios nos permiten expresar en la
[manner]slowly [time]in the beginning. Not: You oración qué ocurrió primero y qué ocurrió
start off in the beginning slowly. James played después, o indicar la importancia subjetiva que le
[manner] [place]brilliantly in the match on damos al contenido de la oración, o incluso
[time]Saturday. indicarle al receptor a qué cosas debería prestar
Example: atención primero y a cuáles después.

Example: Son ejemplos de los adverbios de

orden los siguientes: primero, segundo, luego,
después, primeramente, últimamente, finalmente.
Elision and ellipsis
Concept: Elision has been restricted to leaving out a letter or a particle whereas ellipsis
has been applied to leaving out or dropping a word or more words including complete
clauses and construction.
What is it use for: Ellipsis & elision are widespread phenomenon in English. Using ellipsis
in spoken and written forms denotes mastery of the language whether in native or non-
native language . Elision, on the other hand , shows how some sounds in connected
speech can be omitted.
Elision: is the omission of sounds, syllables or words in speech. This is done to make the
language easier to say, and faster. 'I don't know' /I duno/ , /kamra/ for camera, and 'fish
'n' chips' are all examples of elision.
Ellipsis: I want to go but I can't' instead of `I want to go but I can't go.
Future continous

Concept: The future continuous refers to an Concepto: El "future continuous" hace referencia a
unfinished action or event that will be in una acción o evento inacabados que seguirán
progress at a time later than now. The future ocurriendo con posterioridad al momento presente.
continuous is used for quite a few different
purposes. The future continuous can be used Para que se usa: Es ampliamente utilizado en ciertas
to project ourselves into the future. pláticas o escritos donde el motivo es que hables de
tus objetivos, sueños o predicciones para un tiempo
What is it use for: Use the future continuous determinado.
tense when you discuss multiple actions in the
future, when one future action interrupts Ejemplo:
another, when you specify an action occurring • I will be writing the letter tomorrow.
during an exact future time range, or when • The baby will be playing the whole night.
you discuss a hypothetical future event with a
high likelihood or desired likelihood.

Example: I will be writing the letter tomorrow.

Mix conditionals

Concepto: Esta clase de oraciones condicionales

Concept: Mixed conditionals are sentences mixtas se refieren a una condición irreal situada en
that combine the second and third el pasado y a su probable resultado en el presente.
conditional together.
Para que se usa:
What is it use for: We can use mixed • El primer condicional mixto se usa para hablar de
conditionals when we imagine a past change with una condición irreal en el pasado y su posible
a result in the present or a present change with a resultado actual.
result in the past. • El segundo condicional mixto se usa para hablar
de una condición irreal en el presente y su
Example: If I had worked harder at school, I posible resultado irreal en el pasado.
would have a better job now.
• I would be happy if Tom asked me to the
• (Estaría muy feliz si Tom me invitara a bailar.)
Mixed conditionals passive

Concept: The Passive Voice is a grammatical Concepto: Es una estructura gramatical que se
structure in which the Object of an Active Voice utiliza cuando no se quiere enfatizar quién o qué
sentence appears as the Subject on whom the Verb realiza la acción, sino que se enfatiza quién o qué la
is acted upon. recibe.

What is it use for: To show interest in the person Para que sirve: Se utiliza para mostrar interés por
or object that experiences an action rather than the la persona o cosa que es objeto de una acción, en
person or object that performs the action. lugar de la persona o cosa que realiza dicha acción.

Example: The infiltrators were defeated by the Ejemplo: Hamlet” fue escrito por William
army. Shakespeare.
Passive inversions and negative adverbials

Concept: In formal English, we can place a negative or restrictive adverb at the beginning of a sentence
to make the sentence more emphatic or dramatic. When we do this, the adverb is then followed by an
inversion: auxiliary verb + subject (+ verb).

What is it use for: to be restrictive, emphatic, or dramatic.


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