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Worksheet Kinder.

ALUMNO (A): _________________________________________ FECHA: 27-10-2022

PROFESORA: Ninoska Pinilla

 Read the instructiona carefully./ Lee atentamente las instrucciones.
 Pay attention to the teacher´s explanations. / Presta atención a las explicaciones de la profesora.
 Raise your hand if you need help. /Levanta tu mano si necesitas ayuda.

II. Look at the number, trace, draw and color. (Observa el número, traza y dibuja y colorea la cantidad)

How many stars do the astronaut see?

I can see five

stars 55

I can see eight

stars 88
I can see FOUR
stars 44

II. Match the pictures with a line. Trace the names and say them. (Une las imágenes, traza y dilos

This is the…


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