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Semana seis: 8 de noviembre de 2021

Inglés I
Tomás Costal Criado

Octubre 4 6 11 13 8 horas
18 20 25 27 8 horas
Noviembre 1 3 8 10 9 horas
15 17 5 horas
30 horas en total

Sesiones (en directo y grabaciones)

Se celebrarán un total de 14 sesiones en directo a través

de Microsoft Teams: martes y jueves de 17:00 a 18:00.
Se facilitarán clases grabadas y presentaciones antes de cada
sesión en directo, cuya duración aproximada es de una hora.
Se recomienda ver las clases grabadas antes de asistir
a las sesiones en directo, siempre que les convenga el horario.
Programación temática (ii)

U7. Present perfect.

U8. Future simple (will + infinitive).
U9. Future (be going to + infinitive).
U10. General review.


Independientemente de la modalidad de seguimiento:

- Asistencia o visionado completo de las sesiones, ya sea presencialmente
o por medios telemáticos.
- Realización de las tareas guiadas.
- Estudio de las unidades propuestas.
- Si desea recibir el certificado de aprovechamiento del curso una vez
finalice, entrega de las tareas obligatorias antes del 13.11.2022.
Tareas obligatorias

Al final de cada presentación, se incluyen diversas tareas recomendadas que

puede completar individualmente. Algunas de ellas incluyen un solucionario, de
modo que no es necesario entregarlas.
Si desea recibir el certificado de aprovechamiento del curso hacia finales de
noviembre, debe remitir por correo electrónico al menos tres bloques de tareas
antes del domingo 13 de noviembre de 2022.
No es imprescindible asistir a las sesiones en directo, aunque sí recomendable,
dado que se centrarán en la realización y resolución de tareas.
Qué hacer en caso de duda

Si les surgen dudas mientras siguen el curso, pónganse en contacto

con su profesor por correo electrónico. Indiquen, por favor, el curso en que
están matriculados y sus datos personales junto con la consulta:

Tomás Costal Criado

Let’s get started
Tennis players must stay in hotel rooms

The two-week tennis tournament, the Australian Open, is starting

on February 8, and the more than 1,200 people who take part in the tournament
must keep strict rules.
These people are officials, players, and their teams who came on three planes,
and later, some other passengers on the same flights had positive tests for COVID-19.
Tournament organizers decided to isolate 72 players in hotel rooms, and all players
need to go for a COVID-19 test every day. They can leave their rooms only for five
hours to train and get medical care.
Some players got angry because they could not get enough training.
Novak Djokovic is the world’s No. 1 star, and he asked organizers to get more time
to train. He said that players could move into houses with tennis courts.
Tennis players must stay in hotel rooms – relevant lexicon

The two-week tennis tournament, the Australian Open, is starting

on February 8, and the more than 1,200 people who take part in the tournament
must keep strict rules.
These people are officials, players, and their teams who came on three planes,
and later, some other passengers on the same flights had positive tests
for COVID-19. Tournament organizers decided to isolate 72 players in hotel rooms,
and all players need to go for a COVID-19 test every day. They can leave their rooms
only for five hours to train and get medical care.
Some players got angry because they could not get enough training.
Novak Djokovic is the world’s No. 1 star, and he asked organizers to get more time
to train. He said that players could move into houses with tennis courts.
Bloomberg Quicktake: Now
‘No special treatment’ for tennis players
Updated 18th January 2021

Regular people and exceptional individuals [7.1]

Writing practice and oral delivery:

[1] Consider whether individuals who are exceptional in a given field
–such as sportspeople– are treated differently than everybody else.
[2] Argue in favour or against these differences in social consideration.
[3] Produce an opinion piece in 4-6 paragraphs.
Some ideas → political representatives; Olympic champions; royal families;
elderly people and pensioners; babies and very young children; prison
inmates; ambassadors and consuls; disabled people.

Everything that you have decided [7.2]

Writing practice and oral delivery:

[1] Choose one or several of the pictures in slides 30 to 33.
[2] Think about everything that you have decided for the times still to come
and focus on how your personal expectations have changed as you have
gone through important life events. For inspiration, you may be interested
in reading this piece here.
[3] In 5-6 paragraphs, write about a watershed moment or event that made
you reconsider important decisions, change your priorities, think differently
about people you thought you knew, or decide on an alternative course of

Veganuary is a campaign that started in 2014, and its idea is to inform people
about veganism and make them eat vegan food for the whole January.
In January 2021, 500,000 people joined Veganuary, and they did it for many
reasons. Some people wanted to become healthier or they wanted to help
the environment. Many people cared about the animals and how they lived on farms.
Many professional sportspeople supported Veganuary, and they said
that their lives changed when they became vegan. They had more energy,
they felt stronger, and they could train harder. Their friends and teammates
could not believe that plants could give people so much energy.
Some people try very hard to become vegan, but they do not enjoy it.
Sometimes it is better to simply eat better and think about where food comes from.
Veganuary – relevant lexicon

Veganuary is a campaign that started in 2014, and its idea is to inform people
about veganism and make them eat vegan food for the whole January.
In January 2021, 500,000 people joined Veganuary, and they did it for many
reasons. Some people wanted to become healthier or they wanted to help
the environment. Many people cared about the animals and how they lived on farms.
Many professional sportspeople supported Veganuary, and they said
that their lives changed when they became vegan. They had more energy,
they felt stronger, and they could train harder. Their friends and teammates
could not believe that plants could give people so much energy.
Some people try very hard to become vegan, but they do not enjoy it.
Sometimes it is better to simply eat better and think about where food comes from.
ITV News
Trying Veganuary? Here’s some top tips to succeed
Updated 13th January 2020

Veganuary – translation practice [7.3]

Please provide an English to Spanish translation of the following lines:

[1] Whether it’s ethical, environmental, or health reasons, all of us who care about
these issues will find Veganuary very rewarding.
[2] Vegans are very friendly bunch: there’s a lot of meet-ups, Facebook groups, and
online forums that can help you familiarise yourself with this lifestyle.
[3] The most obvious swaps happen when you are eating your traditional
new meat and two veg dinner, but you swap the meat for a vegan alternative.
[4] In terms of milk, tea, or cereal, you can buy plant milk, you’ve got many
different choices: soya, almond, coconut, oat, hazelnut; something for everyone.
[5] A lot of people know in their heart that killing animals is wrong, and none of us
would do it out of themselves: it’s the ethical way of living. 36
Pirates attack ship

The Gulf of Guinea is an important way for big ships which deliver products
to West African countries. Pirates know it, and they know that companies will pay
a lot of money for their ships and sailors.
Many pirates come from Nigeria which is a country with big economic problems.
The country went through two recessions in the past five years, and many people lost
their jobs. Some people did not know what to do, and they decided to attack ships.
Pirates wait in rivers near the coast, they attack a ship, and they kidnap the crew.
They ask companies for money and when companies pay, pirates release the ship and
the crew.
25 countries try to stop the pirates, but it is important to work together because
the pirates have guns and they are very dangerous.
Pirates attack ship – relevant lexicon

The Gulf of Guinea is an important way for big ships which deliver products
to West African countries. Pirates know it, and they know that companies will pay
a lot of money for their ships and sailors.
Many pirates come from Nigeria which is a country with big economic problems.
The country went through two recessions in the past five years, and many people
lost their jobs. Some people did not know what to do, and they decided to attack
ships. Pirates wait in rivers near the coast, they attack a ship, and they kidnap
the crew. They ask companies for money and when companies pay, pirates release
the ship and the crew.
25 countries try to stop the pirates, but it is important to work together
because the pirates have guns and they are very dangerous.
What pirates looked like in real life
Updated 15th July 2018

Unusual cards

Indy Mellink is a 23-year-old psychology student and designer who created

unusual cards.
Last summer, she was explaining a game to her cousin, and she asked herself
why a king ranked more than a queen on playing cards. She thought that it was
important to make people see that in history, men were always more important than
Mellink got an idea to make cards which would have no images of men
and women on them. She made cards where there were gold, silver and bronze bars
instead of a king, queen and jack.
Mellink tested the cards and she sold around 1,500 packs. Some players said
that they never thought about the different situation of men and women when they
played cards. They did not think that a king was more important than a queen.
Unusual cards – relevant lexicon

Indy Mellink is a 23-year-old psychology student and designer who created

unusual cards.
Last summer, she was explaining a game to her cousin, and she asked
herself why a king ranked more than a queen on playing cards. She thought that it
was important to make people see that in history, men were always more important
than women.
Mellink got an idea to make cards which would have no images of men
and women on them. She made cards where there were gold, silver and bronze
bars instead of a king, queen and jack.
Mellink tested the cards and she sold around 1,500 packs. Some players said
that they never thought about the different situation of men and women when they
played cards. They did not think that a king was more important than a queen.
South China Morning Post
The life of Macau’s gambling tycoon Stanley Ho
Updated 26th May 2020

British pubs and the coronavirus

Lamb and Flag is a pub in Oxford, UK, and it opened in 1566. Later,
it moved to the city center, and it became a favorite place of famous writers like
Tolkien and Lewis.
Oxford was a place where students and scholars lived, and pubs became
a part of their lives. Students kept some pubs alive to this day,
but the coronavirus pandemic changed everything.
Now, after 455 years, Lamb and Flag must close because of money.
The coronavirus had an impact on many pubs, restaurants, and hotels,
and people started to see how important these places are for them.
Some politicians asked the government to give more money to pubs because
they are an important part of British life and tradition.
British pubs and the coronavirus – relevant lexicon

Lamb and Flag is a pub in Oxford, UK, and it opened in 1566. Later,
it moved to the city center, and it became a favorite place of famous writers like
Tolkien and Lewis.
Oxford was a place where students and scholars lived, and pubs became
a part of their lives. Students kept some pubs alive to this day,
but the coronavirus pandemic changed everything.
Now, after 455 years, Lamb and Flag must close because of money.
The coronavirus had an impact on many pubs, restaurants, and hotels,
and people started to see how important these places are for them.
Some politicians asked the government to give more money to pubs because
they are an important part of British life and tradition.
Global News
British bars, pubs adapt to new COVID-19 rules
Updated 25th September 2020

Week 6 → Week 7 (November 15)

Regular people and exceptional individuals [7.1]

Everything that you have decided [7.2]
Veganuary translation practice [7.3]
Grammar practice [7.4] [KEY]

The sections of this presentation that remain incomplete after the seventh
session will be finished at a later date, as indicated during class.
Final reminder

For any doubts and questions, do not hesitate to contact your teacher.
Please provide details about yourself, your modality of enrollment (in person,
online via streaming, or on-demand), and of course your questions and where
you experienced issues with the study materials:

Tomás Costal Criado


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