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Modalidad Abierta y a Distancia

Listening and Speaking IV

Guía Didáctica
4 créditos
Ciclo Titulación

5 ¡ Ciencias de la Educación, Mención: Inglés

La Universidad Católica de Loja

Área Sociohumanística

Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación

Sección Lenguas Contemporáneas

Listening and Speaking IV

Guía Didáctica
4 Créditos

Titulación Ciclo

ƒ Ciencias de la Educación, Mención:


Cristina Morocho Pintado

La Universidad Católica de Loja

Asesoría virtual:
Guía Didáctica
Cristina Morocho Pintado


4.0, CC BY-NY-SA

Diagramación y diseño digital:

EDILOJA Cía. Ltda.
Telefax: 593-7-2611418
San Cayetano Alto s/n

Primera edición
ISBN digital - 978-9942-04-356-6
ISBN físico - 978-9942-08-042-4

La versión digital e impresa han sido acreditadas bajo la licencia Creative Commons 4.0, CC
BY-NY-SA: Reconocimiento-No comercial-Compartir igual; la cual permite: copiar, distribuir y
comunicar públicamente la obra, mientras se reconozca la autoría original, no se utilice con
fines comerciales y se permiten obras derivadas, siempre que mantenga la misma licencia al ser

7 de Marzo del 2013

2. Contents

2. Contents 4

3. Introduction 6

4. Bibliography 8

4.1. Basic 8

4.2. Complementary 8

5. General guidelines to study 10

6. Teaching-Learning Process for the Achievement of Competences 12



1.1. Focus on the Topic 13

1.2. Focus on Listening 13

1.3. Focus on Speaking 16

Self-assessment 1 19


2.1. Focus on the Topic 23

2.2. Focus on Listening 24

2.3. Focus on Speaking 26

Self-assessment 2 29


3.1. Focus on the Topic 32

3.2. Focus on Listening 33

3.3. Focus on Speaking 35

Self-assessment 3 38

4.1. Focus on the Topic 42

4.2. Focus on Listening 42

4.3. Focus on Speaking 44

Self-assessment 4 47



5.1. Focus on the topic 51

5.2. Focus on Listening 51

5.3. Focus on Speaking 54

Self-assessment 5 57


6.1. Focus on the topic 61

6.2. Focus on Listening 61

6.3. Focus on speaking 64

Self-assessment 6 67


7.1. Focus on the topic 70

7.2. Focus on Listening 71

7.3. Focus on speaking 73

Self-assessment 7 75


8.1. Focus on the Topic 78

8.2. Focus on Listening 79

8.3. Focus on Speaking 81

Self-assessment 8 84

7. Answer key 87

8. References 95
Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV PRELIMINARY

3. Introduction

Listening and Speaking IV belongs to the fifth level of the English Major and it is
offered to the at-distance and face-to-face students. In the curriculum of this major,
this subject is considered as a core subject having four (4) credits.

Thereby, listening and speaking play an important role in communication as it

is said that, of the total time spent on communication, listening takes up 40-50
percent; speaking, 25-30 percent; reading, 11-16 percent; and writing, about 9
percent (Soleimani, 2017). Hence, acquiring a high level of mastery of listening
and speaking skills in English represents a great challenge for many second
language learners.

This subject has been designed to develop oral and aural skills at an intermediate
level, through a series of activities that involve practice, which will contribute to
your linguistic formation during your studies. The aim of this course is to help you
improve your ability to communicate in this language by developing your fluency
in spoken English through the application of various listening and speaking

The study of Listening and Speaking IV is really important because it will

contribute to develop your speaking and listening skills in an intermediate level. It
will also allow you to communicate, using your own expressions based on every-
day topics, which constitute an integral part of the communication process in a
language. It is important to mention that when you achieve good use of these
skills, you will improve you overall language ability.

Referring to the contents of this subject, in the First Mid-term, you will listen and
speak about topics related to: Prodigies, Overcoming obstacles, Medicine, and
Animal intelligence. In the Second Mid-term, you will listen and speak about topics
related to: Longevity, Philanthropy, Education, and Computers.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV PRELIMINARY

In both mid-terms, you will be able to develop your listening skills, understand
predictions, listen for main ideas and details, understand inferences, compare
and contrast viewpoints, organize, synthesize and hypothesize information,
and paraphrase. In speaking, you will be able to support opinions, participate
in discussions, express and solicit opinions, relate personal experiences and
preferences, understand and use metaphorical expressions, emphasize a point,
role-play, frame oral arguments, debate, respond appropriately to complex and
controversial questions, recognize and use figurative language and react to

Several activities will allow you to practice these two skills to build the linguistic
foundations you need. You will have to practice a lot in order to achieve good
results. I would like to invite you to make the study of this subject something
enjoyable. As you are studying on your own, you will need a lot of concentration
and to repeat the exercises as often as necessary in order to develop the required
abilities, knowledge and skills.

Try to do your best, because excellent results depend on yourself!


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV PRELIMINARY

4. Bibliography

4.1. Basic

Ferree, T & Sanabria, K. (2015). NorthStar: Listening & Speaking 4. New York, The
United States: Pearson Education.

The textbook has been chosen since it provides a variety of exercises

that will contribute to improve, practice and acquire new knowledge for
the student’s listening and speaking abilities. It also contains activities that
enhance critical thinking and motivates students to succeed in their academic
as well as personal goals, thus, students will be able to move beyond basic
comprehension to higher-level analysis.

Morocho, C. (2018). Didactic Guide: Listening & Speaking 4. Loja, Ecuador:


The Didactic Guide is complementary material to your book, which helps you
as a guide (as its name says) over your self-study time.

4.2. Complementary

Fuchs, M. & Bonner, M. (2017). Focus on grammar 4: An integrated skills

approach. (5th ed.) New York: Pearson.

This book combines comprehensive grammar coverage with abundant

practice, critical thinking skills, and ongoing assessment, helping students
communicate confidently, accurately, and fluently in everyday situations.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV PRELIMINARY

Williams, J. & Beatty, K. (2013). Leap 4: Listening and Speaking. New York:

This is a task-based textbook for students which encourages them to apply

critical-thinking skills as they engage in academic listening and speaking
tasks across a range of disciplines. Entirely authentic listening and speaking
texts, including video lectures, prepare students for the college classroom,
while thought-provoking content challenges them to reflect on contemporary
global issues.

Cambridge University Press. (2018). Cambridge Dictionaries Online. Retrieved


This website will help you to learn the correct pronunciation of English words
and you can also find the meaning of each word; this way, you will be able to
improve your vocabulary and to produce better speeches.

British Council. (2018). Learn English. Retrieved from: http://learnenglish.

This is another complementary website, since it provides information about

English. It also offers grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation exercises;
news in English; pronunciation tips; questions about English; and general
interest topics in English.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV PRELIMINARY

5. General guidelines to study

You need to be aware that at-distance education requires a lot of responsibility and
self-discipline from the students. For this reason, I will present some strategies and
suggestions that will contribute to your success in this course.

For the study of Listening and Speaking IV, we will be using this didactic guide, the
textbook “North Star Listening and Speaking 4” fourth edition, with its Audio CD’s.

▪▪ The term is divided into two mid-terms. We are going to cover the first four
units in the first half and the other four in the second one.

▪▪ Remember that distance assignments are scored out of six (6) points and
the Speaking evaluation is scored out of ten (10) points by your teacher
at your face-to-face or virtual tutorials. These hours will be taught by a
tutor depending on your location; some students will attend virtual classes
and others on-site classes. Your teacher will grade your attendance, class
participation, oral presentations, quizzes, etc., in order to achieve those ten
points in the tutorial hours.

▪▪ Another important tool are the audio CD’s which contain the dialogues for the
listening activities. The textbook also includes a section called “Audio script”,
here you will be able to find the written dialogues from the listenings; these
will allow you to actually read and better comprehend what you have heard.

▪▪ Do not forget to participate actively in the forum, academic chat and quizzes;
each activity lets you get better grades and to succeed in this subject. These
activities are very useful because you can have some practice with your
classmates and your teacher, at the same time, you can solve any questions
you may have.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV PRELIMINARY

Apart from what was previously mentioned, there are some other strategies that
will help you to organize better your study:

▪▪ Organize your time properly, so that you can have at least four hours per
week to study the subject.

▪▪ Follow the instructions the didactic guide gives you and combine it with the
ones from the textbook, and read them as many times as necessary in order
to understand them well.

▪▪ Practice the exercises provided in this guide and the textbook.

▪▪ Complete each self-evaluation provided at the end of the units.

▪▪ Complete the at-distance assignments (one per mid-term). These are

very useful as a learning strategy. Remember that you must record videos
of yourself talking about different topics, you will upload those videos to
YouTube (make them public); then, you will paste the links of the videos in
the space provided in your EVA.

▪▪ Keep in mind that your on-site evaluations will be held by your tutor during
the tutorial sessions, not on the dates that the University provides for the on-
site tests for the other subjects.

▪▪ Participate actively in the Virtual Learning Platform. (EVA: Entorno Virtual de


▪▪ It is important to mention that whenever you have problems or questions, you

can contact your teacher, who will help you answer all your queries. For that
purpose, there is a tutorial time per teacher scheduled every week. Check
those times at EVA and do not hesitate in calling, writing or asking for help.

I am sure that if you follow these instructions and motivate yourself to study; you
will be very successful at the end of this course.
Good luck!


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

6. Teaching-Learning Process for the Achievement of Competences



Figure 1. Prodigious children

Retrieved from:

In this unit, we will talk about prodigies. Throughout this unit, you will be able to
learn new and important vocabulary about intelligence and related topics.

So, let’s start by referring to the textbook North Star 4 Listening and Speaking.
At the beginning of each unit, you will always find a graph or a picture. Take
some time to think what the topic tells you, and what the unit may be about. This
technique is called “brainstorming” which is very important before you start any
unit, so you can write down everything you already know about the topic, before
discovering and learning new things about it.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

1.1. Focus on the Topic

After you have brainstormed, you can continue with the first section in the unit
which asks you to think about the photo and its message. You may use the ideas
you had in the previous exercise. What can you see there? What is the picture
telling you? What do you think the drawing will tell you about the topic of the unit?

Next, you have to answer some questions according to your own criteria; there is
no correct or wrong answers, just try predicting the content of the unit. As you do
not have a partner or group to work with, you have to do it on your own.

1.2. Focus on Listening

1.2.1. Listening One: The music in my head

Now, let’s move to the initial section, called Vocabulary. Here you have a text in
order to use it for your first listening and vocabulary activity. First, read the text
(exercise 1), then take the Audio CD and play the track that corresponds to this
activity, so you can listen to the text while you read it. Then continue with the next
exercise 2, which asks you to match new expressions or words, with the meanings
you think correspond to them. Try NOT to use a dictionary at first, but understand
the meaning of the words from the context they may have in the reading.
Only if you cannot understand them use a dictionary to help you; remember
to use an English-English dictionary. AVOID the use of translations; it is totally
disadvantageous for your progress.

Now it is time to move to the next section. This is one of the most important
sections from the textbook since here you will develop your listening skills more
deeply. So, I invite you to start with the first part: Preview. Before listening, read
the question or statement and make sure you understand it. Are you ready for the
listening task now? Let’s start… You are going to listen to the introduction of a
report which presents information of a musical prodigy. This information helps you
have a better idea of what you are going to listen in the whole report.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

Continue with the second part: Main Ideas. This time you should take the audio
CD and play it to listen to the report; you should write short answers to the
questions presented in your book. How well did you understand what the speaker
says? I hope you got most of the main ideas. If you did not have all the answers,
you can try listening to the audio again.

Get ready to work on the Details part, in this exercise you will decide if the
statements are true or false. Pay attention to the information that is wrong because
you should write the correct one. You are doing a great job!


We can state that making inferences is a strategy through which the

listener uses acoustic, vocal, lexical or contextual information relevant
to the listening material, and also his or her previous knowledge to
guess the meaning of the message or to compensate for missing
information. By this definition, we consider inferencing as a strategy
that reflects the listener’s ability to extract what is not explained by
the material but also to extract the meaning of an utterance that is
unfamiliar to him or her (Guo, 2015).

In addition to the previous parts, you should work on the Make Inferences part.

Keep in mind that infer means “to deduce or conclude (information) from
evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements.”

For this exercise, you have a specific skill to work with, listening for repeated
words; so pay special attention to some words or phrases you heard regularly
during the report. You will hear to two specific excerpts and you will answer four
questions in total. If you need, you can listen twice. I suggest pushing yourself to
do it at the first time!


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

In order to finish this first listening section, you have another part: Express
Opinions. Here you are asked to work in pairs or groups, but I can imagine you
are studying on your own; for that reason, you should answer the questions just to
have more practice. If you can find someone to work with, it will be perfect! If you
cannot, complete the activity alone.

1.2.2. Listening Two: Where does genius come from?

As in the previous listening section, you have a Vocabulary section to study. First,
try predicting the meaning of the words provided; use a dictionary only if you really
do not understand the word. Then, complete the report with the words you have
learnt in the previous exercise.

Now you are ready to listen to the passage prepared for this second part. You
have three exercises, the first one asks you to choose three options, then you
should choose the correct theory, and finally, you should tick the correct answer.

In order to put into practice the skill for this unit, you are going to listen to two
excerpts and you will decide which part is the emphasized one. Listen carefully to
each statement to choose the correct option.

1.2.3. Connect the listenings

Now it is time to combine the two listening passages you have heard. Here you
have a task which refers to information from both previous listenings. In this
section you have two parts: Organize and Synthesize.

Step 1: Organize – here you have to remember and refer to all of the information
you have acquired in the two listenings and complete the provided chart. First, look
at the chart and after analyzing it, complete it with the correct information based on
both listening passages.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

Step 2: Synthesize – in this section you have to create a role-play; but as you don’t
have a partner, just imagine you are doing it with someone else. The example from
the textbook will help you start. A good idea to practice this exercise alone (without
a partner) is standing up in front of a mirror and acting out there so you can see
yourself acting and trying to be somebody else. It may also be fun. Try doing it; do
not miss the opportunity to practice.

Now that we have finished the Listening section, we are moving forward to the
next part:

1.3. Focus on Speaking

The first part of this section is Vocabulary. The very first segment of the
vocabulary section is called Review, you have to complete a chart with some
words provided in the box. For doing this exercise, you should write different forms
of the given word. This chart will help you complete the next exercise due to you
need to choose the correct form of the word given in italics.

Next, we go to the next segment which is called Expand. Here you have a reading
exercise about how people become geniuses, in which you have to match 15
words or phrases with the correct meaning.

After you have done the previous sections, let’s continue doing the Create
exercise. This will be good practice for you, since here you will be able to practice
questions and vocabulary similar to the ones you have learned during the unit.
Follow the instructions in the textbook.

Remember that grammar is not a skill, but it will help you better
develop your skills and to achieve good communication in your foreign

For this reason, in this section of the unit, we will be revising the Passive Voice.
Follow the instructions from the book and complete the exercises that follow them.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

There is an explanation of the Grammar Point and some tips, to help you before
you actually have to put it into practice.

Try doing all the exercises provided in the book, and if possible, work with a
partner to help you do the next section. If you cannot find someone to help you,
then do it on your own but thinking carefully about the answers.

This third section is very important, especially the first part which is
Pronunciation. This time, we will be focusing on the reduction and contraction of
Auxiliary Verbs. The speakers will make you notice them so be very attentive to
notice the characteristics of this practice. Now listen to the tracks from the audio
CD, and follow the instructions from your textbook. Repeat the examples as you
listen to them, so you can acquire good pronunciation.


In many everyday situations, whether at work or home people will

be asked to give their opinion. This may also involve agreeing or
disagreeing with colleagues and friends around you. It is useful to
know some of the correct language so that we can agree and disagree
politely without causing offence. I invite you to check the common
phrases used to state your opinion.

You have now reached the part of Speaking Skill which will help you state
opinions. You will learn and recognize new phrases and expressions; therefore, it
is important that you read them carefully and if possible, find a partner with whom
to practice your opinions.

To go further in this unit, you now have the Final Speaking Task section. In this
case, it requires you to create presentations of different scenarios related to child
prodigies. You have some ideas to help you (3 steps), but if you cannot find a
partner to work with do not worry, try doing this activity alone so you can practice
your speaking abilities. A good way to know how you performed is recording to


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

yourself speaking, so later you can listen to what you have said and try improving
whatever you feel was not correct, for next time.

Then you can find the Unit Project and some Alternative Speaking Topics from
which you can have a good amount of self- practice and that will help you improve
your fluency in speaking.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

Self-assessment 1

To conclude, try to complete the following questionnaire that summarizes the

contents reviewed in this unit.

Read the conversation. Choose whether each underlined phrase is used to state
an opinion, agree with someone else’s opinion, politely disagree, avoid giving an
opinion, or report someone else’s opinion.

1. Stan: John, did you see the story on the news about that eight-year-old girl
who composes her own music? I think it’s a lie. No one could compose music
like that at her age.

John: Well, as far as I know, it’s the truth. The news station would have
checked their facts.

a. opinion
b. agreement
c. disagreement
d. not an opinion

2. Stan: You have a good point, but I think the girl’s family must be hiding
something. Your brain has to be more mature to be able to compose music
for an orchestra.

a. opinion
b. agreement
c. disagreement
d. not an opinion


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

3. John: Yes, but on the other hand, look at Beethoven. He was composing
music when he was only five years old.

a. opinion
b. agreement
c. disagreement
d. not an opinion

4. Stan: I don’t know what to think about Beethoven. Maybe someone was
helping him, too.

a. opinion
b. agreement
c. disagreement
d. not an opinion

5. Jhon: I don’t think so. Experts think he really did compose at five years old.
There is a connection between Beethoven’s early compositions and his later

a. opinion
b. agreement
c. disagreement
d. someone else’s opinion


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

Complete each sentence by typing in the passive voice. Use the verb and verb
tense indicated in parentheses.

6. The class ____________ (teach / future) how nature and nurture each play
roles in the life of a prodigy.

a. will teach
b. will be taught
c. won’t teach
d. will be teach

7. Do you remember any students in high school who __________ (know /

past) for a special talent?

a. knew
b. knowed
c. be known
d. were known

8. My brother __________ (surprise / present perfect) by all of the attention he

is receiving.

a. has been surprised

b. has surprised
c. have been surprised
d. have been surprised

9. Viewers _________ (show / past) the difference between someone with

talent and a child prodigy.

a. had showed
b. were showed
c. showed
d. had been showed


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

10. The audience thought the boy _________ (supply / past perfect) the answers
ahead of time.

a. had supplied
b. was supplied
c. had been supplied
d. have been supplied


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER


Figure 2. The Achilles heel

Retrieved from:

In this unit, we will talk about challenges, and especially overcoming obstacles.
Throughout this unit, you will be able to learn new and important vocabulary about
some challenges and some related topics.

2.1. Focus on the Topic

Let’s start by referring to the picture that is the presentation of this unit. What can
you see there? What is the man doing there? What do you think the picture will tell
you about the unit and its topic?

Think on the possible answers for the questions that have been proposed on page
27. Try to make a list of possible challenges that people commonly face every day.

Achilles is a figure in Greek mythology whose one weakness was a vulnerable

spot in his heel.

Once you have finished this section, you may continue with the next one which is
based on listening activities.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

2.2. Focus on Listening

2.2.1. Listening One: Artist opens other’s eyes

After you have predicted what the unit is about, it is time to learn some new words
and expressions that will be useful all along this topic. For this purpose, you have
the section Vocabulary in which you have a Cloze Reading. Do you remember
what that meant? No, you cannot remember that? Well, then I will remind you that
it is a reading with gaps to be filled. Have a look at the exercise which requires you
to fill in the gaps from those readings with the words you have in a chart. You have
the definitions of the words there, so you should not need to use a dictionary.

Once you have finished this section, you may continue with the next one which
is about listening comprehension. Thus, you will listen to a report of Carol
Saylor’s story; what did you understand about it? If you got the main ideas,
CONGRATULATIONS… if not, let’s listen to it one more time so you can answer
in the best way possible. Listen again to the report in order to get some specific
details that will help you complete the summary of Saylor’s story.


Understanding meaning is more than just processing individual words;

therefore, comprehending figurative language often requires adjusting
the interpretation of isolated words (Sikos, et al., 2008). We find
meaning by using imagination, reason, and trial and error, for example,
“Time is like a river”; the figurative meaning may be that both life and
a river move on endlessly, or that time follows a limited but wandering
path. We should look for some common elements of both nouns in
order to realize the correct meaning.

Using the previous information, you would be able to work on the section Make
Inferences, so listen to three excerpts and then circle the correct answers. To
finish with this set of listening exercises, you may complete the part Express
Opinions in which you are supposed to work in a small group in order to discuss


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

some questions. As you are working alone at home, for this activity I suggest
looking for someone with whom you can discuss this. If not, then just try speaking
on your own or recording yourself.

2.2.2. Listening Two: The Achilles Track Club climbs Mount Kilimanjaro

It’s time to review the second listening part in the unit. In the first activity, you
should look for a synonym of the underlined words you have on the flyer about Mt.
Kilimanjaro. Look at the picture and read the instructions, then play your CD and
answer the comprehension questions that follow. If it is possible, find someone to
discuss the questions in the Comprehension section. If that is not possible, then
answer the questions on your own and try recording yourself.


Any report or speech usually encloses a small number of main ideas.

Each main idea may be supported by examples, reasons, further
information and other supporting details. To fully understand a report,
you need to be able to see what a main idea is and what a supporting
detail is. The main ideas show you the key points, while the supporting
details explain and expand the information of the main idea. Pay
particular attention to each example provided since those statements
support a main point, which is not always explicit.

Now, you are ready to identify or infer the major idea of two excerpts; listen
carefully and circle the correct answer.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

2.2.3. Connect the listenings

In this section, you have two parts: Organize and Synthesize.

Step 1: Organize – remember and refer to all of the information you have acquired
throughout both listenings and complete the Venn diagram. Take a look at the
chart and after analyzing it, fill it in with the correct information according to both
listenings you have heard. (You have to mark your answer in the correct column of
the circles).

Step 2: Synthesize – it is time to create a role-play, but as you may not have a
partner, just imagine you are discussing the similarities and differences between
the experiences that the exercise requires. Practice it by acting the dialogues, and
say them out loud.

We have just finished with the Listening section. Now, we are moving forward to
the speaking section.

2.3. Focus on Speaking

In this section, it is really important that you have all the new words and
expressions you have learned so far in mind. Can you remember them? I hope
you can since the first section here is about vocabulary.

First, go through all the statements and check your understanding of vocabulary. In
this section, you will be able to acquire lots of new words related to challenges.

In the first part, you have the Review where there are some Cloze Readings. You
have some boxes with words first, and then some online journals with spaces in
blank, to be completed with the appropriate words from the boxes.

Next, we go to the Expand part. Here you will have to mark L (literal) or F
(figurative) based on the sentences provided. If you have any problems with
vocabulary use your dictionary, but only after having tried doing it on your own.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

Now try doing the Create part. This will be good for you, since here you will be
able to practice questions and vocabulary similar to the ones you have learned
during the unit. Follow the instructions in the textbook.

If you want to be successful with the speaking skill, it is of extreme importance

that you acquire good knowledge of grammar as well. Therefore, that’s why we
continue with the next part that corresponds to grammar

In this section and particularly in this unit, we will be taking a look at Gerunds and
Infinitives. Follow the instructions from the book and complete the exercises that
follow them. There is an explanation of the Grammar Point and some tips, to help
you before you actually have to put it into practice.

An important part of the speaking skill is the development of good pronunciation.

This is why in this section of the textbook we will study topics related to this part
of speaking. This time, we will focus on thought groups. The speakers will stress
them in order for you to notice them. Try to repeat and imitate the sounds after
hearing them so you can acquire good pronunciation, intonation and stress on
those sounds. Listen to the tracks from the audio CD and follow the instructions.
Then practice doing the exercises from part 2.

Did you acquire the pronunciation the example provided? If so, congratulations…!
If not, try repeating again as many times as necessary.

Now you have reached the part of Speaking which is an opportunity to put into
practice what you have learned so far in this unit. In this case, you need to share
a personal story. You have some instructions and help in your textbook. Try doing
this activity if you find a partner with whom to practice, if not, record yourself and
listen to what you said. That is a great exercise, so try doing it as often as needed.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

To continue with this unit, you have the Final Speaking Task section. In this case,
it is a personal speech in which you have a topic to develop. Try doing this activity
so you can practice your speaking abilities. Again, if you want, it’s a good idea to
record yourself.

Before the unit ends, you have a list of Alternative Speaking Topics which are
aimet at providing you with ideas to practice on your own.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

Self-assessment 2

To conclude, try to complete the following questionnaire that summarizes the

contents reviewed in this unit

Read each word in bold. Choose the correct definition.

1. average

a. complicated
b. ordinary
c. realistic

2. devastated

a. shocked
b. very poor
c. extremely old

3. grief

a. a dark hole
b. a deep sadness
c. an old memory
4. hardship

a. something that you don’t realize

b. something that makes you wonder
c. something that keeps you from doing well


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

5. inspirational

a. encouraging
b. made by people
c. unlikely to work

6. persevere

a. achieve
b. endure
c. succeed

7. stereotypical

a. unpopular
b. hard to enjoy
c. widely believed

Read each sentence and focus on the phrase in bold. Decide if the phrase is
literal, figurative or does not make sense.

8. Right now, we need to buckle down and work together to overcome our
latest challenge.

a. literal
b. figurative
c. not make sense

9. It keeps me going to know that my family supports me.

a. literal
b. figurative
c. not make sense


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

10. The long jumper jumped far beyond the mark needed to win the competition.

a. literal
b. figurative
c. not make sense


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER


Figure 3. Sleeping habits

Retrieved from:

In this unit, we will talk about sleep habits and medicine. Throughout this unit, you
will be able to learn new and important vocabulary about this and some related

3.1. Focus on the Topic

So let’s start by looking at the picture that is the first page of this unit. What can
you see there?

Discuss the questions presented in order to know more about your sleep habits.
Have you heard the full proverb of this unit? If you do not know, look for it in
Internet. Do you agree with it? What happen if you do not get enough sleep?


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

3.2. Focus on Listening

3.2.1. Listening one: How can teenagers get enough sleep?

Now you are getting to section Vocabulary in which you have to read a few on-
line letters (you may listen to them too) and then try to get the meaning of the
boldfaced words and match them with their definition.

Before listening to the audio of this section, start predicting the explanations
given by Dr. Howell regarding sleep patterns and sleep-related issues facing
adolescents. Then listen to the introduction of the audio to check your predictions.

Bearing this information in mind, listen to the whole report and answer the
statements proposed to get the main ideas of the listening passage. Listen it again
to get more specific details that will help you choose the correct answers of the
other statements.


An assumption is something that is accepted as true or as certain to

happen, without proof. We interpret the world around us based on
our beliefs, for instance, if we see dark clouds, we infer rain. People
automatically make inferences to gain a basis for understanding.
We listen to what people say and make a series of inferences as to
what they mean. To sum up, we humans naturally and regularly use
our beliefs as assumptions and make inferences based on those

After answering the previous questions, it is time now to move to the section
called Make Inferences. Follow the instructions in the textbook and listen to the
corresponding tracks, then choose the correct answer in each question. Do you
think your answers were correct? Try listening again in order to check if you got all
the correct answers.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

Now let’s move to the activity Express Opinions, in which you are supposed to
work with a group. I again suggest finding a friend who speaks English. If not, then
just try speaking on your own or recording yourself. The idea is to say if you agree
or disagree with the four situations provided. Make sure to give reasons to support
your opinion.

3.2.2. Listening Two: Get back in bed!

You have now reached the second listening of this unit. Let’s start with the
Vocabulary, you are going to complete a conversation by using the words or
phrases presented in the box. This vocabulary is key to understand the information
from the listening passage.

Before you start listening, look at the questions the book provides so you can
focus on that information when you listen. Then it is time to play your CD, and start
listening to the interview. I suggest that you take notes while you listen, so you can
use that information later.

After that, do the multiple-choice exercises provided in the textbook. If you were
not able to correctly answer all the questions, try listening again.


A conversation or lecture contains facts, statements, examples which

guide us to a full understanding of the main idea. These supporting
details provide information to clarify, prove, illustrate or explain the main
idea. They often list parts, aspects, steps, or examples of the main idea;
sometimes they may list causes, effects or ways in which it shows itself
to be true.

Now you have to work on the exercises provided in order to identify the supporting
details of the main ideas stated for the two excerpts. Try getting the information in
the first attempt; if you are not sure, listen it again to get the correct information.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

3.2.3. Connect the listenings

When you have finished that, it’s time to combine the two listenings you have done
so far. In this section, you have two parts: Organize and Synthesize.

Step 1: Organize – remember and refer to all of the information you have acquired
throughout both listenings, and complete the chart provided. Look at the chart
and after analyzing it, fill it in with the correct information according to the listening
passages you have heard. (Mark your answer in the correct column).

Step 2: Synthesize – it is time to create a situation, but you may not have a
partner, so imagine you are all the characters (doctor, teen and parent). The
example from the textbook will help you start.

3.3. Focus on Speaking

Now you have finished the Listening section, and you need to move forward to the
Focus on Speaking section, where you start with Vocabulary.

In this section, you start by checking the Review part, where you have an article
to read. Within it, you should circle the correct word to complete each description
of the sleep disorders. Then move on to the next page, you are in the Expand
exercise, where there are several expressions and their definitions. Then there
are two conversations with some blank spaces that you need to complete with
the words or phrases from the box. Try NOT to use a dictionary, only if you really
cannot understand the meaning, use one to help you.

Now you are in the Create exercise in the unit. There are some instructions (steps)
in the textbook, and I will recommend working with someone who speaks English;
if you cannot find anyone, do it on your own, but it is important that you practice
speaking clearly and loudly.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

Once you have done that, you may continue with the Grammar section. Here, you
will be studying Present Unreal Conditionals. Do you remember what conditionals
are? If not, follow the instructions from the book and answer the questions given.
Then you have an important explanation of the Grammar Point and some tips,
before you actually have to put it into practice.

Remember that if you cannot find a partner, it is not a problem, just concentrate on
completing the exercises and if you have any question do not hesitate on asking
your teachers, who are always ready to help you.

Once you know your grammar well, it is time to go to the Pronunciation section.


This is “the stress imposed on a word or syllable contrary to its normal

accentuation in order to contrast it with an alternative word or syllable
or to focus attention on it” (, 2018). This is a common
practice that speakers use in order to conduct the attention of the
audience to a key element of their speech; these words or syllables are
pronounced louder or even more slowly.

The first part deals with pronunciation and we will be focusing on Contrastive
Stress. Listen to the audio CD and follow the instructions of exercises 1 and 2.
Repeat the examples as you listen to them. This will help you identify the stress in
each example provided. After that, in exercise 3 you have a survey to complete. If
it is not possible to find a partner, just do your part.

Next, you have the part of Speaking skill which helps you know how to interrupt
and ask for clarification. Check the examples provided and try putting those
phrases into practice. You have several situations and examples in your textbook.
In addition, you have an example of a situation for interrupting and asking for
clarification. Try doing this activity so you can practice your speaking abilities. You
have some tips and phrases related to the topic, and the procedure. All of these


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

exercises will help you do the speaking task. Try getting some friends to act with
you, even if their English is not good.

You have been doing a great job! Go ahead! Once you have finished the previous
section, you have a Final Speaking Task, it is required to work in groups, if you
cannot find anyone else to work with, try doing the activity by your own providing
the point of view for each role.

Finally, you can work on the Unit Project and find some Alternative Speaking
Topics from which you can have a good amount of self- practice and that will help
you improve your fluency in speaking.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

Self-assessment 3

To conclude, try to complete the following questionnaire that summarizes the

contents reviewed in this unit

Read the conversations. Choose the interruption that best completes the

1. Tom: My wife was snoring so loudly that I couldn’t sleep last night.
Chris: Maybe she has sleep apnea.
Tom: ______
Chris: I said maybe she has sleep apnea.

a. Sleep apnea.
b. I don’t know what that is.
c. I’m sorry. I didn’t catch that.
d. Could you say that another way?

2. Chris: I heard there was a new report out on sleeping. Did you read it?
Tom: Yes. It was about teens and how sleep affects their schoolwork.
Chris: ______
Tom: It was about teens and how sleep affects their schoolwork

a. What do you mean?

b. I don’t know what that is.
c. No, I don’t know what you said.
d. Sorry, I didn’t hear you. What was that?


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

3. Chris: Did you sit in on the lecture?

Tom: Yes. The professor talked about REM sleep.
Chris: ______
Tom: Rapid Eye Movement.

a. What did you say?

b. I know. Rapid Eye Movement.
c. No, I don’t know what you said.
d. Could you say that another way?

4. Tom: What’d I miss in class today?

Chris: The lecture was about melatonin.
Tom: ______
Chris: It was about melatonin.

a. What is melatonin?
b. No, I don’t know what you said.
c. Could you say that another way?
d. I didn’t catch that. Could you repeat it?

5. Chris: I wasn’t in class yesterday. What did I miss?

Tom: We learned about REM sleep.
Chris: ______
Tom: Yeah, that’s what it’s called.

a. What is that?
b. Did you say REM?
c. Could you repeat that?
d. Excuse me? What did you say?


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

6. Tom: How did you sleep last night?

Chris: Not great. I think I might have Restless Leg Syndrome.
Tom: ______
Chris: I might have Restless Leg Syndrome.

a. What?
b. Oh, RLS.
c. What does that mean?
d. Could you say that another way?

Choose the option that corresponds to the definition of each word.

7. maintain

a. make something continue in the same way

b. lack of sleep
c. build up in some way
d. part of something’s basic nature

8. intrinsic

a. make something continue in the same way

b. lack of sleep
c. build up in some way
d. part of something’s basic nature

9. sleep deprivation

a. make something continue in the same way

b. lack of sleep
c. build up in some way
d. part of something’s basic nature


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

10. accumulate

a. make something continue in the same way

b. lack of sleep
c. build up in some way
d. part of something’s basic nature


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER


Figure 4. Animal intelligence

Retrieved from:

In this unit, we will talk about animals and their intelligence in many aspects.
Now let’s think about the title of the unit and what it tells you. Take some time to
do “brainstorming”, which is very important before you start this unit, so you can
write down everything you already know about the topic, before discovering and
learning new things about it.

4.1. Focus on the Topic

Start by referring to the picture that is in the first page of this unit. What can you
see there? Do you think that animals are intelligent? Or do they act by instinct?
Work on the questions provided in this section.

4.2. Focus on Listening

4.2.1. Listening One: Animal Intelligence

You are now reaching section Vocabulary in which you have to read a passage
about a lecture on animal intelligence. (You may also listen to your CD, if you
want to). Then, match the words or phrases from column 1-12 with their correct


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

definition (a-l). You will find the boldfaced words in the previous text. Try NOT
to use a dictionary at first, but understand the meaning of the words from the
context they may have in the reading. Only if you cannot understand them, use a
dictionary to help you.

Have a look at the instructions and the questions provided in the next section
Preview, listen to the animals and predict what information you might hear about
each one. Now, be ready to listen to the whole interview and get the Main Ideas in
order to fill in the information that this part requires. Check all the pictures provided
and pay attention to the listening in order to check the correct answer. Did you get
the answers right? I really hope so, because after you have done that exercise,
you should listen to the audio again, in order to pay attention to some Details in
order to do the exercise that follows (8 true-false questions). Don’t forget to correct
the false statements.

When you have done the previous sections, you can now do the section Make
Inferences. Follow the instructions in the textbook and listen to the corresponding
tracks. There are four excerpts to be listened and some multiple-choice questions
to answer. Make sure to listen carefully and concentrate well.

After that, you have the activity Express Opinions. You are required to work with
a group, but if it is not possible for you, do it on your own. Refresh your memory on
the previously done exercises to do this exercise.

4.2.2. Listening Two: What motivates animals?

As the previous listening, you have a Vocabulary section to work on; read the
passage and then match the words and expressions with the definitions provided
in the second exercise.

There is the section Comprehension, take a look at the 10 questions provided in

the textbook and after listening to your CD, answer all of them by marking the YES
or NO columns. Then try to discuss exercise 2 with someone else, related to the
same listening you have just heard.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

4.2.3. Connect the listenings

After you have done the previous activities, it is time to combine the two listenings,
therefore, you should remember what you just did, and then do the exercises that
follow. You have two parts do to here: Organize and Synthesize.

Step 1: Organize – remember and refer to all of the information you have acquired
throughout both listenings. Take a look at the chart and after analyzing it, fill it in
with the correct information according to both listenings you have heard.

Step 2: Synthesize – it is time to put your speaking ability into practice, but as you
don’t have a partner, just imagine you are doing what the book requires. If you are
doing it alone, try to speak at loud or record yourself.

4.3. Focus on Speaking

You have now finished the Listening section, and it is time to move forward to the
Focus on Speaking section; remember that it is really important for you to have in
mind all the new words and expressions you have learned so far.

The first part of this section is Vocabulary. The idea is to recognize synonyms of
the 10 words provided. Try not to use a dictionary unless it is really necessary.

Then you have the Expand exercise 1, where you have to read the transcript of
a radio show. There are several boldfaced words that you will use in the next
exercise. Then turn the page to do exercise 2, in which you have the same words
or expressions you found in the text in order to match them with their meaning to
show you understood them.

After that, go to do the Create part and try doing it even if you are alone (without a
partner). Follow the instructions in the textbook that ask you to look at the provided
questions, ask and answer the six questions. It is important that you take some
notes of your answers, as they will help you be more fluent when speaking.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

Now it is time to review some Grammar, this time we will refer to Reported
Speech. Do you know what it refers to? It is like “passing the message” of what
somebody else has said. So follow the instructions from the book and examine the
examples that are given, the boldfaced words are the ones using reported speech.
There is an explanation of the Grammar Point and some tips, to help you before
you actually have to put it into practice.

Then go to exercise 2, here you have to include the grammar points just reviewed.
If it is possible, work with a partner to help you do the next section. If you can’t
find someone to help you, then do it on your own but thinking carefully about the

The following part of this section is Pronunciation. This time, we will be focusing
on questions with “or”. The speakers will make you notice them, so listen carefully
to the tracks from the CD and follow the instructions. Repeat the examples as you
listen to them. You also have some questions to answer in exercise 1. Try imitating
the pronunciation you heard in the previous exercise.


Phrases like “such as”, “for example” and “e.g.” are vital for supporting
arguments in situations such as presentations, debates and academic
writing. They are also useful for clarifying meaning. Unlike much
functional language, it is well worth students having a good selection of
phrases for this point, as it is often necessary to give many examples
and good English style means not repeating yourself; for this purpose,
you can find a list of phrases that would be used instead of the common
ones. I invite you to check and use as many as you can!

Then you have the part of Speaking skill which concentrates in Giving and Asking
for Examples. In part 1 you have an important explanation, some examples and
phrases. Then in part 2, fill in the conversation with the most appropriate words
or phrases from the previous box. Finally in part 3 try to find someone with whom
to practice, because that is a really important part of learning. If you can’t do


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

that, then just try to do it alone, but speaking out loud, clearly and with accurate
pronunciation. You have 4 charts with some information about animal intelligence
that you have to talk about. Try doing it as well as possible.

To continue with this unit, you have the Final Speaking Task section. In this case,
it is about a class presentation that you will need to create. I know you are not in
a classroom with an audience of classmates to hear your presentation; however,
it is really important to practice this activity by doing it. Check the instructions on
the book and do your best in order to practice. Try looking for a partner to make it

Then you can find the Unit Project and some Alternative Speaking Topics from
which you can have a good amount of self- practice and that will help you improve
your fluency in speaking.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

Self-assessment 4

To conclude, try to complete the following questionnaire that summarizes the

contents reviewed in this unit

Choose the word that is not related to the word in bold.

1. context

a. setting
b. situation
c. fact

2. intriguing

a. interesting
b. difficult
c. fascinating

3. rote

a. fixed
b. hidden
c. routine

4. controversy

a. problem
b. opposition
c. ability


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

5. anticipate

a. create
b. expect
c. assume

Read the statements. Choose the sentence that is a correct form of reported
speech for the quote.

6. Dr. Pepperberg: You can talk to the birds the way you talk to a very young

a. Dr. Pepperberg said that you could talk to the birds the way you talk to a
very young human.
b. Dr. Pepperberg said that you can talk to the birds the way you talk to a
very young child.
c. Dr. Pepperberg said that you can have talked to the birds the way you
talk to a very young child.

7. Goodwin: An elephant secretly learned how to open his cage.

a. Goodwin reported that an elephant secretly learned how to open his

b. Goodwin reported that an elephant has secretly learned how to open
his cage.
c. Goodwin reported that an elephant had secretly learned how to open
his cage.

8. Liz: The chimp understands that a human is watching it.

a. Liz said the chimp understood that a human was watching it.
b. Liz said the chimp understood that a human is watching it.
c. Liz said the chimp understands a human was watching it.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV FIRST BIMESTER

9. Researcher: I must continue my research on animal intelligence.

a. The researcher said I had to continue my research on animal

b. The researcher said he had to continue his research on animal
c. The researcher said he must continue his research on animal

10. Koko’s caretaker: Koko could understand more than a thousand words.

a. Koko’s caretaker reported that Koko could have understood more than
a thousand words.
b. Koko’s caretaker reported that Koko could understand more than a
thousand words.
c. Koko’s caretaker reported that Koko could understood more than a
thousand words.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER



Figure 5. Active elderly people

Retrieved from:

In this unit, we will talk about longevity. As you know, before you start every unit,
have a look at the picture in the first page of this unit. What can you see there?
What do you think it will tell you about the topic of the unit? Take some time to do
a “brainstorming”, so you can write down all you already know about the topic,
before discovering and learning new things about it.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

5.1. Focus on the topic

In this part, you have some questions to predict the information you will find
through this unit. Read each questions and provide a well-supported answer. If you
find new words, try to guess their meaning, before you pass to the next section.

Longevity is used to refer to a long duration of someone’s life.

After that, you can look for information about life expectations in some countries,
and the proportion of elderly population in those countries. Make a comparison
and discover the country with the oldest population.

5.2. Focus on Listening

5.2.1. Listening One: The Longevity Project Report

Get ready to put into practice your listening skills! You should move to section
Vocabulary, this time you have to read a post (and listen to your CD, too) in a blog
that deals with the Golden Life. There are some boldfaced words and phrases
in the text; in the next exercise, you are asked to match them with their correct
definition in the list (a-m). Try NOT to use a dictionary at first, but understand the
meaning of the words from the context they may have in the reading. Only if you
cannot understand them, use a dictionary to help you.

Before listening, look at the predicting questions that are provided and then play
the CD to be able to fill in the information that this part requires. Were you able
to answer the questions? I really hope so, but if not, don’t worry because you will
listen to the radio report again in order to understand the Main Ideas, and check
the items that are myths.

After you have done that, listen to the audio one more time and pay attention to
Details and do the exercise that follows, decide if the statements are true or false
according to the information from the TV report.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

When you have done the previous sections, now you can do the section Make
Inferences. Follow the instructions in the textbook and listen to the corresponding
tracks. There are four excerpts to be listened to and some blank spaces to be
filled in with the correct information. Choose the option that best describes the
speaker’s opinion considering the stressed words.

After doing that, you have the activity called Express Opinions. Try looking for
a partner to work with, but if that is not possible, just do it alone. Speak aloud in
order to provide your reasons to agree or disagree with the statements.

5.2.2. Listening Two: Tobey Dichter, Generation Online

Now, it is time to review the second listening part in the unit. First, you will work
on Vocabulary just to have in mind the correct meaning of specific words and
phrases. You should match the expression on the left with the definition on the
right. The second part, Comprehension, requires that you choose the correct
information to complete six statements based on the information you hear in the


When you are learning to understand spoken English, you won’t just
have to understand what the speaker says. To really get the point, often
you will also have to notice clues about the speaker’s tone, attitude or
degree of certainty. In other words, it is not just about what someone
says; it’s about how he or she feels about it. Did he or she say it with
a confident tone, an angry tone, a defeated tone or something else?
Before we even get into the words themselves, we will cover three clues
that you can get just from listening to the sound of the speaker’s voice:
volume, pitch and speed.

One big clue that you can listen for is volume. Volume refers to how
loudly or quietly a speaker is talking. In English, volume can indicate
several different things; for instance, if a speaker thinks she’s saying


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

something important, she’ll probably say it louder; if a speaker has a

very strong opinion on something, her volume will probably increase.
This is true whether the emotion is positive or negative; and, people
who are sure of their opinions tend to speak more loudly. On the other
hand, people who aren’t confident tend to speak more quietly.

A second clue is pitch. Pitch is how high or low the speaker’s voice is.
A third clue is speed, or how fast the speaker is talking. In general, any
change from a steady speaking pace indicates that something important
is going on. For example, slowing down can indicate emphasis because
it’s a sign that the speaker wants you to pay attention to every single
word; on the other hand, speeding up can indicate strong emotion
because English speakers tend to talk faster when they get excited
about something.

5.2.3. Connect the listenings

After that, it is time to combine the two listenings, so you should refer to both
listening passages you heard, and then do the exercises that follow.

There are two parts do to here: Organize and Synthesize.

Step 1: Organize – remember and refer to all of the information you have acquired
throughout both listenings. Then fill in the chart given, which asks you to complete
information of the types of behavior and attitudes that help people live a long and
happy life.

Step 2: Synthesize – it is time to put into practice what you have learned about
this unit. This case is a role-play, so follow the instructions given, and try your best
to perform what the section requires. I know you are alone and without a partner,
however, you can pretend to be both characters and do this exercise in order to


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

5.3. Focus on Speaking

You have now finished the Listening section, and it is time we move forward to the
Focus on Speaking section. The first part of this section is vocabulary; for this
purpose, you should work on the Review exercise which is about filling the gaps of
a Cloze Reading with the correct words provided in the chart.

Then you have the Expand section; in exercise 1, you have an online magazine
article to read. Then two conversations with gaps should be filled in with the words
provided in the boxes. Be careful when choosing the options, wrong answers may
have different meaning from the wanted one.

After that, go to do the Create part and try doing the exercise that part 1 requires.
Follow the instructions in the textbook, it is a role-play again, but try doing alone as
you have done in the previous role play exercises.

Now, it is time to review some grammar, this time we will have a look to
Contrasting Simple, Progressive, and Perfect Verbs. Follow the instructions from
the book and read the conversation aloud so you can notice the intonation of
the Grammar Point you will review in this section. Then look at the chart with the
grammar explanation and analyze it carefully, before you actually have to put it into
practice. Then go to exercise 2, you are asked to complete the conversation by
using the correct form of the verb.

Right after the grammar point, you would be able to make predictions about what
people will and won’t be doing, and what will and won’t have happened.

Once you have finished the Grammar Section, you are heading to the
Pronunciation section. This time, we will be focusing on:


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER


A blend is when two or more letters are spoken together. Usually some
of the sounds from the letters is lost when they are a part of a blend. As
proficient English speakers, we already ‘know’ the entire word and can
easily break sounds apart and effortlessly understand the right meaning
mainly in informal situations. Thus, the pronoun you is commonly
reduced and pronounce as a short phoneme right next to a verb or
auxiliary. You can check the examples provided in your book to better
comprehend this practice.

Now, listen carefully to the speakers, because they will make you notice these
blended words. You can check with the boldfaced words from the example. Then
follow the instructions to do exercise 1, even if you are alone and not with a

Please make sure you practice the correct intonation and blend the
words as the example demonstrated.

Then do exercise 2, which requires you to fill in blank spaces with some phrases
given in the column 2. Be careful when you choose the answers.

When you have done the previous part, you reached the Speaking skill section,
which will focus on making suggestions. In exercise 1, you are asked to work
with a partner, but if you don’t have one, try doing it alone. You have to read the
conversation and underline the suggestions. The chart below will give you some
examples of making suggestions.

Then in exercise 2, you should create your own bucket list using the chart
provided, you can write anything you want, even if it seems impossible to


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

To continue with this unit, you have the Final Speaking Task section. In this
case, it is about a Family Meeting. You are once again asked to perform a role-
play; however, you can do it alone, because the topic is to talk about “how to
best take care of a family member”. Try to do your best; remember the more you
practice, the more you learn! Follow the instructions in the book and do your best
to practice. You have some ideas and examples given in the book but you could
present your own arguments about the topic.

After that, you can find the Unit Project and some Alternative Speaking Topics,
from which you can have a good amount of self-practice and that will help you
improve your fluency in speaking.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

Self-assessment 5

To conclude, try to complete the following questionnaire that summarizes the

contents reviewed in this unit.

Choose the correct definition of each word or phrase in bold.

1. thriving

a. healthy
b. careful
c. young

2. catch on

a. reveal
b. instruct
c. understand

3. myth

a. untrue story
b. inspiration
c. new idea

4. encounter

a. bring about
b. come upon
c. get rid of


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

5. tugging at me

a. amusing me
b. bothering me
c. escaping me

6. My father __________ to a meeting for his senior group yesterday.

a. went
b. was going
c. have gone

7. Next week, I __________ door-to-door to see if seniors need help.

a. will have gone

b. will be going
c. will go

8. Many seniors __________ together to improve this neighborhood through the


a. worked
b. are working
c. have worked

9. In the future, people __________ a lot longer.

a. will live
b. will have lived
c. lived


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

10. My mother __________ for her retirement when she was 30 years old.

a. was saving
b. saved
c. have saved


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER


Figure 6. Donation
Retrieved from:

In this unit, we will talk about Philanthropy. Throughout this unit, you will be able to
learn new and important vocabulary about generosity and related topics.

So let’s start by referring to the topic of this unit of the textbook. You will find an
interesting picture as the cover of the unit. Think about it... What can you see
there? What do you think the unit will tell you about the topic?


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

6.1. Focus on the topic

Take some time to do your “brainstorming” which is very important before you start
any unit, and write down all you already know about the topic before discovering
and learning new things about it.

After you have brainstormed, you can continue with the first section in the unit
called Focus on the topic and answer the questions. As it is a predicting task,
don’t worry about correct or incorrect answers, just give your opinions.

6.2. Focus on Listening

6.2.1. Listening One: Why we give

Now, let’s move to section Vocabulary, here you can find a text. It is the story
of four famous people who have done special thing to help the society: Bill and
Melinda Gates, Warren Buffet, Karen Pittelman, and Phoebe Russell. You can
also listen to the text while reading. Pay attention to the boldfaced words, because
in exercise 2, you will have to match new expressions of vocabulary with the
meanings you think correspond to them. Try NOT to use a dictionary at first,
but understand the meaning of the words from the context they may have in the
reading. Only if you cannot understand them, use a dictionary to help you.

After this, we continue with the next section which is aimed at predicting the
content of the listening passage you will hear. Therefore, before listening, read the
question and make sure you understand it. Choose your answer and get ready for
the listening now! Then take the audio and play the corresponding track; after you
listen, confirm if your predictions were right or not.

Now work on the exercises in the section Main Ideas, pay special attention to
the reasons people give in order to check the correct ones in the list provided in
your book. If you did not get you answers correct at the first time, try to listen to
the track again, but this time also pay attention to what the next task, Details,
requires. You have some statements with blank spaces to be completed with one


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

of the three options given in each one of the exercises. I hope you managed to
complete both exercises. If not, then you will need to play the track again in order
to get the correct answers.

Now you have to do the section Make Inferences. You have four excerpts to listen
to, so play the corresponding tracks and then mark the degree of certainty you
hear from Palmer’s responses. Please follow the instructions in the textbook and
good luck!

After that, you have the activity Express Opinions, in which you are supposed
to share with a small group. You are usually working alone at home, but for this
activity I suggest finding a friend who speaks English with whom you can discuss
this. If not, then try speaking on your own or recording yourself.

There are four comments from donors and volunteers, analyze them (by reading
them carefully) and then answer the two questions proposed in exercise 2. Be as
honest and as precise as possible when giving your answers.

6.2.2. Listening Two: The mystery donor

It is now time to review the second listening from this unit. Before you play the
corresponding tracks, you have some Vocabulary to learn; infer the meaning of
the words and phrases in order to complete the sentences below. The second part
is to foster your Comprehension, look at the questions provided in the textbook
(multiple-choice) so you can focus your attention on the information the questions
require. Then, play your CD, listen to the interview and do exercise 1 which asks
you to select the correct answer from the 6 questions given for you.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER


A single speech usually has three purposes, the three objectives


To convey information or insight. Oral presentation is an efficient

method of conveying information, particularly if it occurs in a situation in
which the audience can ask follow-up questions. Similarly, this objective
demands an almost complete command of the information by the

To persuade. Most oral communication goes beyond mere reporting of

information and attempts to persuade others that a specific conclusion,
interpretation, or assessment based on the information is true.

To motivate. Many speeches will try to stimulate the audience to take

that action. A speaker who wishes to motivate his or her audience will
assert not only a conclusion, but also a conviction: the conclusion is not
simply true, it is a moral imperative (Ferraro & Palmer, 2005).

After that, try doing the exercises proposed in the section Listening Skill, you
should pay attention to the intention of using each example. Don’t worry if you
cannot do it at the first time, you need more practice .

6.2.3. Connect the listenings

Now it’s time to integrate the listening passages you just heard, for this purpose, in
this section you have two parts: Organize and Synthesize.

Step 1: Organize – remember and refer to all of the information you have acquired
throughout both listenings and complete the chart provided. Take a look at the
chart and after analyzing it, fill it in with the correct information from both listenings
you have heard.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

Step 2: Synthesize – it is time to again create a role-play, so read the instructions

in the book very carefully and try your best. I know it is difficult if you don’t have a
work group, but sometimes being by yourself and performing different roles may
help you even more in developing your speaking skills. Try your best and do not
worry if you are alone.

6.3. Focus on speaking

Now that we have finished the Listening section, we are moving forward to the
Focus on Speaking section. The first subsection here is of Vocabulary. In the first
part you have the Review exercise. Look at the green box, the idea is to complete
the missing words with the correct part of the speech (noun, verb or adjective).
Could you do it? If so, congratulations! If you are not sure, I suggest you check
your answers with a dictionary. Later, use the appropriate form of the words in the
box to complete the speech.

Then on the next page, there is the Expand exercise which is a Cloze Reading.
Do you remember what that meant? Well, if you cannot remember, then it is a
reading with gaps. In this case, those gaps should be filled in with the words given
in the box above. Try NOT to use a dictionary at first, but understand the meaning
of the words from the context they may have in the reading. Only if you cannot
understand them use a dictionary to help you.

After that, you have the Create exercise. This will be good practice for you, since
here you will be able to practice questions and vocabulary similar to the ones you
have learned during the unit. Follow the instructions in the textbook, if you cannot
find a partner, try doing on your own, but try to practice. It is an imaginary situation.
It is an excellent opportunity to practice what the unit has taught you so far.

Now, you have reached the Grammar point, we will be revising the use of
Adjective Clauses. Read the instructions from section 1 of the book and if you
don’t have someone to work with, do it on your own. Make sure to read the
paragraph and pay attention to the boldfaced words. That is the example of
what the grammar section will be about. There is an explanation of the Grammar


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

Point and some tips to help you before you actually have to put it into practice in
exercise 2. In this exercise, you are asked to fill the blanks with the appropriate
relative pronoun. Make sure to check the explanation so you can answer the task
correctly. Try doing all the exercises provided in the book because you will have a
good amount of practice.


The rule for stress and intonation in lists is easy. Each item goes up
in pitch until the final item, which goes down in pitch. Let’s look at an
example: I’m driving you, Dan, and Cindy to the party. So here, we are
listing three things, three people: you, up in pitch; Dan, up in pitch; and
Cindy, down in pitch. In other words, the intonation always goes down
on the last item (to show that the list is finished), and up on all the items
that come before the last (to show that there is more to come).

This section is very important, especially the first part which is Pronunciation.
This time, we will be focusing on Intonation in Lists. The speakers will stress their
pronunciation so you can notice it. Try to repeat, as close as possible, after you
hear the example.

Once you have listened to the examples, do exercise 1, which requires you to
notice if the speaker finishes the items and ideas on the list or not. You have
five examples to mark this information. Then you can try working on exercise 2,
using the correct intonation you just learned. Finally, exercise 3 requires listening
to a conversation, underlining the words that are parts of a list, and mark their
intonation. Did you manage to do them well? If so, congratulations, if not, then
listen again until you get the intonation patterns correct.

Then you have the part of Speaking Skill which is about prioritizing or ranking
ideas. There is an example of a discussion between two students and some
expressions with boldfaced words. Then there is box with some expressions
to help you recognize them. Step 1 asks you to read some ads of some
organizations, and then go to step 2 where the idea is to prioritize the qualities


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

from the ads you just read. There is a box with information to help you, and then
an example of a conversation. Try practicing this exercise by performing the

Now, to nearly finish up with this unit, you have the Final Speaking Task section.
In this case, it is the creation of a public service announcement. Do you know
what it is? If not, read the explanation clearly and try to start developing the topic
according to the steps the book gives you. Step 1 asks you to listen to an example,
and answer some questions. Then step 2 requires you to select an organization
from the options listed, and finally step 3 is to make notes about the organization
you just selected. Read the instructions carefully because they will help you a lot,
then fill in the chart below, with the information you had.

Finally, you can find the Unit Project and some Alternative Speaking Topics
from which you can have a good amount of self- practice and that will help you
improve your fluency in speaking.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

Self-assessment 6

To conclude, try to complete the following questionnaire that summarizes the

contents reviewed in this unit.

Choose the word that best completes each statement.

1. Sedatives should be reserved for those who are really __________.

a. serious
b. anxious
c. elderly

2. He said that he had been Miss Brown’s ordinary medical __________ for at
least one year.

a. senior
b. widow
c. attendant

3. They may find coffee too __________, soft drinks too sweet, and full cream
milk too fatty.

a. ensemble
b. bitter
c. hard

4. The clients are mostly __________ with sight or mobility problems.

a. serious
b. widow
c. elderly


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

5. That school has a modern __________ boasting a 25 meter swimming pool.

a. facility
b. population
c. solidarity

6. She seemed to have lost some weight, she looked _________.

a. gorgeous
b. nurturing
c. flamboyant

7. Dogs can become very _________ with the arrival of a new baby.

a. elderly
b. jealous
c. senior

8. Both of these attributes help you head toward your goal of constant

a. pass away
b. bitterness
c. self-improvement

9. A good example of modern technology is being used to strengthen

international __________.

a. solidarity
b. generation
c. nurturing


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

10. At the age of twenty-five he was asked to marry a wealthy__________ who

was forty years old.

a. mourning
b. widow
c. senior


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER


Figure 7. Homework
Retrieved from:

In this unit, we will talk about education. Throughout this unit, you will be able to
learn new and important vocabulary about related topics and you may also form
your own opinion about them.

Let’s start by looking at the picture that is the cover of this unit. What can you see
there? What is the girl doing there? What do you think the unit will tell you about
the topic?

7.1. Focus on the topic

After you have done the brainstorming about the topic of this unit, let’s concentrate
on some questions to think about the cover. Did you answer them? If so let’s
move to the second question, this one asks you about your own information. It is
personal, so your answers are not correct or incorrect, just try being as honest and
accurate as possible, because that is very important for the development of this


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

7.2. Focus on Listening

7.2.1. Listening One: Homework Issues

Now you are getting to section Vocabulary, you have to read a paragraph and
listen to it, too. After doing it, in exercise 1 you are asked to determine the meaning
of the boldfaced words in context and then, on the next page match them with
their meanings.

After you have done that, get ready to work on the first listening passage. For this
purpose, before listening, read the two questions provided that ask you to predict
the information you will hear about. Then play your CD and check your predictions.

Now work on the exercises in the section Main Ideas, listen to the whole interview
and choose the correct option to answer each question. Are you answers correct?
Congratulations! If not, listen again to the track in order to do get the correct
ones and also to listen for Details, now you have six multiple-choice questions
to answer, according to the information from the listening. Remember that the
instructions require that you select only one option.


Several theories of humor stress the importance of frames in humorous

communication since part of the successful outcome of humorous
communication entails the activation of mental scripts to make sense
of the situation and events that are described in the initial part of the
joke. But a subsequent stretch of text in the joke introduces information
which is not compatible with that initial script, triggering a switch from
one script to another. The listener is forced to backtracking and realizing
that “a different interpretation (i.e. an alternative script) was possible
from the beginning. In order for the text to be viewed as humorous, this
second, overlapping script must be opposite to the first (Yus, 2013).


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

Then it is time for you to move to the Make Inferences section. Here you have
three excerpts to listen to. Follow the instructions in the textbook and listen to
the corresponding tracks, then, select the correct option. Be careful because the
options may confuse you.

It is now time to continue with the Express Opinions activity, here you are
supposed to work with a group. Work individually if you do not have a group, but
make sure to give reasons and examples to explain your opinion.

7.2.2. Listening Two: Tiger mom

We are now going to have the second listening part in the unit. Once more you
have some Vocabulary to learn. Secondly, look at the questions provided in the
Comprehension section and listen to your CD, in order to be able to correct
the statements based on the information given in the listening. It will be a good
practice for you.

To finish this section, you should listen to two excerpts and answer the questions
stated for each of them. This is an exercise to put into practice the listening skill of
this unit. Try to do your best!

7.2.3. Connect the listenings

After that, it is time to combine the two listening passages you have done so you
should refer to your textbook in which you have an integrated listening task.

In this section, you have two parts: Organize and Synthesize.

Step 1: Organize – this activity asks you to fill in a chart according to the
information received from both listening one and two. Look at it and mark your
answer in the correct column.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

Step 2: Synthesize – it is time to create a role-play again. As you may not have a
partner, try doing it on your own, based to the information that was provided for
you. Remember to choose one of the options of role plays provided, not both of

7.3. Focus on speaking

We are now moving forward to the Focus on Speaking section. In this section,
you will have important vocabulary referring to the main topic. The first section is
called Review, in which you are asked to read a transcript and complete 10 blank
spaces. Make sure to read them carefully in order to answer the task correctly.

Then you get to the Expand section, you have a conversation with some
boldfaced words and phrases. Use the context to match each word or expression
with the correct meaning. Try NOT to use a dictionary because you already have
the meanings given.

Now you are in the Create section, where you have six comments which should be
matched with the correct type of students. Follow the instructions in the textbook
and try to work with someone else who speaks English, but if you can’t, then do it
on your own, but practice those situations.

In this section, we will be taking a look at the Make, Let, Help and Get. You will find
out that the boldfaced words are the examples of the grammar point you are going
to review in this section. Then have a look at the chart, there is an explanation of
the Grammar Point and some tips, to help you before you actually have to put it
into practice. Then do exercise 2, and fill the gaps with the correct information from
the grammar point you just checked.

Then exercise 3 requires you to work with a group and ask for advice. Try
practicing this point even if you are alone. There are several examples (A to G) to
help you.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER


A syllable is a “beat” of spoken word. Every word is at least one syllable

in length, and many words have multiple syllables. The number of
syllables in a word is easier to discover directly than to have explained.
The process of discovery most easily begins with a physical movement
of some sort, such as tapping a finger on the table. In a stressed
syllable, the vowel curves up and down. In an unstressed syllable, it is
lower and flatter in pitch (, 2018).

Now you have reached a new part that deals with Pronunciation and we will
be focusing on Stressed and Unstressed Vowels. Read the instructions in
the textbook and listen to the corresponding tracks from your CD. Answer the
questions about the different sounds and try repeating them. Then go to exercises
1, 2 and 3 and do them based on what you hear. Repeat the examples as you
listen to them. This will help you identify the stress in each example provided. Then
try to find a partner with whom to work in exercise 3, and do what the instructions
suggest, but if that is not possible, then do it on your own.

After that, you have the part of Speaking Skill which is thought to help you
practice. This time it is about restating for clarity. Check the examples the book
gives you as a help. Then try doing the exercises given in the situations below.

To continue with this unit, you have the “Production” section. In this case, it is a
public school board meeting. We know you are working on your own; therefore,
there is no class or classmates with whom to work, nor a group for role playing.
However, I highly recommend that you try doing this activity so you can practice
your speaking abilities. You have some instructions related to the topic, and also a
chart with some ideas. All of these exercises will help you.

Finally, you can find the Unit Project and some Alternative Speaking Topics
from which you can have a good amount of self-practice and that will help you
improve your fluency in speaking.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

Self-assessment 7

To conclude, try to complete the following questionnaire that summarizes the

contents reviewed in this unit

Complete the sentences using the verbs in parentheses. Use the correct pronouns
where necessary.

1. I hate to do my homework, but my mom __________ (make, do) it before I

go to bed.

a. makes me do
b. make me to do
c. make to do

2. I don’t understand my science homework, but my dad doesn’t understand it

either, so he can’t __________ (help, finish) it.

a. make me finish
b. help me finish
c. let help me finish

3. This study says that parents should not tell their children when to do their
homework. Parents should __________ (let, decide) on their own.

a. let me to decide
b. let them deciding
c. let them decide


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

4. My son never wants to do his homework. I don’t know what I can do to

__________ (get, do) it without complaining.

a. get him to do
b. get him doing
c. get him does

5. When you see Helga, would you __________ (have, come) downstairs?

a. have her to come

b. have her come
c. have she come

6. If you’d like, I can _________ (help, solve) the math problem.

a. help you solving

b. help solve it
c. help you solve

Choose the word that best fits with the one in bold.

7. in brief form

a. privilege
b. in a nutshell
c. controversy

8. benefit or right

a. hesitation
b. privilege
c. in a nutshell


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

9. pausing from uncertainty

a. hesitation
b. privilege
c. in a nutshell

10. argument or dispute

a. hesitation
b. privilege
c. controversy


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER


Figure 8. Gaming
Retrieved from:

In this unit, we will talk about video games. Throughout this unit, you will be able to
learn new and important vocabulary about related topics.

8.1. Focus on the Topic

Start by referring to the cartoon on the first page of this unit. What can you see
there? What do you think the unit will be about? Then take some time to do a
“brainstorming” and write down all you already know about the topic.

Then, look at some questions that are presented in the cover of the unit. Try to
answer them, before you pass to the next section.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

8.2. Focus on Listening

8.2.1. Listening One: The darker side of video games

Then you should move to section Vocabulary in which you have to read an
interview about a Game company (and listen too). Read it carefully; then, you
have 12 vocabulary words and phrases to match to their meaning according to
the reading. Try NOT to use a dictionary, instead read the context to find out the
correct meaning.

Before listening, look at the instructions and then the predicting questions. Now
listen to your CD, in order to answer these questions and predict what you may
listen afterwards. Now play again your CD, you will listen to different interviews,
and you should understand the Main Ideas, and fill in the 6 questions provided
in the section. They require you to mark T (true) or F (false) for each of the
statements given. Be careful when answering them, because the options may
confuse you.

After you have done that, listen again to the audio, in order to pay attention to
Details and do the exercise that follows. You have eight multiple-choice questions
about the opinions of the gamers, take notes and answer the questions. Do you
think your answers were correct? I really hope so, but if you are not sure, then you
should play the track again and check your answers.

When you have done this, you can now do the section called Make Inferences.
Follow the instructions in the textbook and listen to the corresponding tracks.
There are two excerpts to be listened to and some questions to answer. Be careful
when you mark the answers, because they are implicit and not textually mentioned
in the report. You need to analyze the purpose of the speakers in this section.

After that, you have the activity Express Opinions. Read the instructions and
even if you cannot find groups to work with, try doing this activity by answering the
questions on your own, based on your personal opinions. Provide strong support
for each opinion you give.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

8.2.2. Listening Two: Truths and myths in Gaming

Now, it’s time to review the second listening part in the unit. First, you are going
to choose the option that is the correct definition of the words in bold. Next,
you should use the same words to complete a conversation. Then, there is an
interview with a game designer. Look at the multiple-choice questions provided in
the textbook, so you can pay attention to the answers while you are listening to
the CD, and answer all of them based on what you hear. If it is necessary, play the
track again in order to check your answers and to be sure they are correct.


Listening to an opposing side of an argument can be very

uncomfortable, especially if it is one that touches on something very
personal to you or is being argued in an aggressive manner. If you are
listening to a audio in which the speaker tries to persuade someone
else, you will hear an opposite argument that will be presented before
his or her point of view. This is a common practice in which you try to
darken the opposite side of your own view.

Then move to listen for counterargument, you have two excerpts with two question
in each. Pay attention to those specific details that will help you answer properly.

8.2.3. Connect the listenings

After that, it is time to combine the two listening, so you should refer to both
passages you just heard, and then do the exercises that follow.

There are two steps do follow here: Organize and Synthesize.

Step 1: Organize – Look at the chart and after analyzing it, fill it in with the correct
information according to both listenings you have heard. (You have to write your
answer in the correct column).


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

Step 2: Synthesize – it is time to discuss, but as you don’t have a partner, just
imagine you are discussing the questions provided. If you are doing it alone, try
to speak out loud so you better practice your speaking. Do not forget to use the
information received in both listenings: one and two.

8.3. Focus on Speaking

You have now finished the Listening section, and it is time we move forward to the
Focus on Speaking.

The first part of this section is Vocabulary. You first have a Review part in which
there is a transcript from two conversations. It is a Cloze Reading exercise. In this
case those gaps should be filled up with the words given on the box above. Try
NOT to use a dictionary.

After that you have the Expand exercise, once again you should complete a chart
with the different form a given word; the information in the chart will help you do
the following exercise.

Once you have done that, you can move to do the Create part. As usual, it is
meant to be done with a partner, but try doing it even if it is alone. Follow the
instructions in the textbook and try doing your best. It is an excellent way to
practice. You have an example provide to help you and a chart with some pictures
and names, which may help you plan your ideas. You have to write them down in
the same chart provided in the book.

Now it is time to review some grammar, this time we will have a look to Tag
Questions. Follow the instructions from the book and listen to the conversation,
then read the conversation aloud so you can notice the intonation of the Grammar
Point you will review in this section. Then have a look at the chart with the actual
Grammar explanation of Tag questions and analyze it carefully, before you
actually have to put it into practice. Then go to exercise 2, you have to include
the grammar points just reviewed, and don’t worry about a partner, you can do it


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

on your own. Then, listen to the conversation and mark the tag question with the
correct rising or falling tone.

As you know, another part of this section is Pronunciation. This time, we will be
focusing on Adverbial Particles. Listen carefully to the speakers, because they will
make you notice these stressed parts. You can check with the boldfaced words
from the example. Then follow the instructions to do exercise 1, please make
sure you practice the correct intonation and stress the words as the example

Then do exercise 2, which requires you to match the comments on the right with
some phrases given in the next column. Be careful when you choose the answers.


To achieve balance in any speech, it may be useful to incorporate

opinions that are different from your own. Useful linking words and
expressions include:

• Of course, many / some people argue…

• It is sometimes argued…
• Admittedly…
• While…

For example, it is sometimes argued that it is possible for conditions in

the zoo to replicate the wild animal’s natural habitat. While this may be
feasible for smaller reptiles, it will never be possible, in my view, for the
larger mammals which needs acres of space to roam around in.

When you have done the previous part, you reached the Speaking Skill section,
which will focus on using concessions. In exercise 1 you are asked to work with
a partner, but if you don’t have one, try doing it alone. You have to read the
conversation and underline the concessions. The chart below will give you some
examples of using concessions.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

To continue with this unit, you have the Final Speaking Task section. In this case,
it is about a small-group debate. You are once again asked to perform a role-
play; however, you can do it alone, because the topic is to talk about two sides of

Follow the instructions in the book and do your best to practice. You have some
ideas and examples given in the book but you could present your own arguments
about the topic.

After that, you can find the Unit Project and some Alternative Speaking Topics,
from which you can have a good amount of self-practice and that will help you
improve your fluency in speaking.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

Self-assessment 8

To conclude, try to complete the following questionnaire that summarizes the

contents reviewed in this unit

Read the concession and choose the correct conterargument for it.

1. It’s true that games can become addictive.

a. On the other hand, they also tend to fight more about details in the
b. But restricting how long you play can keep you from getting obsessed.
c. However, one must be careful meeting new people online.

2. I agree that video games can be very violent.

a. However, therapists also use games to improve mental and physical

b. On the other hand, there is no evidence that violent games make
someone become violent.
c. But I always feel very tense whenever I play.

3. I agree that games can help with stress relief.

a. However, therapists also use games to improve mental and physical

b. On the other hand, there is no evidence that violent games make
someone become violent.
c. But I always feel very tense whenever I play.


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

4. You’re correct that games can be bad for your health

a. However, therapists also use games to improve mental and physical

b. On the other hand, there is no evidence that violent games make
someone become violent.
c. But I always feel very tense whenever I play.

5. It’s true that students can make friends while playing video games.

a. On the other hand, they also tend to fight more about details in the
b. But restricting how long you play can keep you from getting obsessed.
c. However, one must be careful meeting new people online.

6. You’re correct in saying that kids learn how to cooperate when they play
games as a team.

a. On the other hand, they also tend to fight more about details in the
b. But restricting how long you play can keep you from getting obsessed.
c. However, one must be careful meeting new people online.

7. Let’s take a look at your résumé. You didn’t bring a portfolio, __________?

a. didn’t you
b. did you
c. did not you

8. Hmm. Allison Han from Human Resources contacted you, __________?

a. didn’t she
b. did she
c. didn’t her


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV SECOND BIMESTER

9. So, you’re here today about the entry-level game design position,

a. aren’t you
b. are not you
c. are you

10. You wouldn’t want to see some other pieces of art that I brought,

a. don’t you
b. didn’t you
c. would you


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV ANSWER KEY

7. Answer key

Self-assessment 1
1 a
2 c
3 c
4 d
5 d
6 b
7 d
8 a
9 b
10 c


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV ANSWER KEY

Self-assessment 2
1 b
2 a
3 b
4 c
5 a
6 b
7 c
8 b
9 b
10 a


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV ANSWER KEY

Self-assessment 3
1 c
2 d
3 d
4 d
5 b
6 a
7 a
8 d
9 b
10 c


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV ANSWER KEY

Self-assessment 4
1 c
2 b
3 b
4 c
5 a
6 a
7 c
8 a
9 b
10 b


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV ANSWER KEY

Self-assessment 5
1 a
2 c
3 a
4 b
5 b
6 a
7 b
8 c
9 a
10 b


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV ANSWER KEY

Self-assessment 6
1 c
2 b
3 a
4 b
5 c
6 a
7 b
8 b
9 a
10 b


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV ANSWER KEY

Self-assessment 7
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 a
5 b
6 c
7 b
8 b
9 a
10 c


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV ANSWER KEY

Self-assessment 8
1 b
2 b
3 c
4 a
5 c
6 a
7 b
8 a
9 a
10 c


Didactic guide: Listening and Speaking IV BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES

8. References

Ferraro, V., & Palmer, K. (2005). Speaking and Arguing: The Rhetoric of Peace
and War. South Hadley, MA.

Guo, J. (2015). Inference-Making and Linguistic Skills in Listening Comprehension:

An Observation of French Students Learning Chinese. Electronic Journal of
Foreign Language Teaching, 12(1), 318-331.

Sikos, L., Brown, S. W., Kim, A. E., Michaelis, L. A., & Palmer, M. (2008).
Figurative Language:” Meaning” is Often More than Just a Sum of the Parts.
In AAAI Fall Symposium: Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (pp.

Soleimani, M. (2017). What is fluency? In International Journal of Research in

Linguistics, Language Teaching and Testing, 2(1), 13-20.

YUS, F. (2013). An inference-centered analysis of jokes: the intersecting circles

model. Irony and Humor: From pragmatics to discourse, 231, 59.


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