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Cuaderno de trabajo de Inglés III

Primera Edición, agosto de 2021

© Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Tamaulipas, 2021.

Calle Hidalgo Pte., 238 Zona Centro, Cd. Victoria, Tamaulipas, México C.P. 87000.



La situación de emergencia sanitaria generada por el virus identificado como SARS-CoV-

2 a nivel mundial, causante de la enfermedad llamada COVID-19 y declarada pandemia por

la Organización Mundial de la Salud por su alto nivel de contagio, deriva un cambio por

completo en las formas en que la humanidad ha realizado toda actividad económica y social,

éste inesperado cambio conlleva a los gobiernos del mundo entero a establecer medidas

de confinamiento y distanciamiento social con el fin de reducir la exposición al riesgo y evitar

su propagación entre las personas.

Muchas son las situaciones que este cambio ha traído consigo, en el sentido de que

nadie está preparado para hacer frente a una pandemia que ha trastocado a los sistemas

de salud de todos los países, incluidos los considerados potencia mundial. Este cambio de

roles y de nuevas formas de convivencia que veníamos realizando ha tenido un impacto sin

precedente en el ámbito de la educación.

Como institución educativa del nivel medio superior y ante las medidas de restricción en

cuanto a la concentración de personas en un mismo espacio y la regulación del uso de

lugares públicos, que están sujetas a las condiciones que arroja el semáforo de riesgo

epidemiológico, ha demandado un compromiso hacia el diseño de estrategias que permitan

dar continuidad al proceso formativo de enseñanza, aprendizaje y evaluación, con el fin de

que nuestros estudiantes concluyan con éxito el ciclo escolar.

El Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Tamaulipas asume este compromiso con

nuestros estudiantes, con el desarrollo de competencias y el logro de los aprendizajes

requeridos en el trayecto curricular de este tipo y nivel educativo, conscientes de los retos

en los que hoy la contingencia de salud coloca al sistema educativo, así como de las

dificultades que en algunos casos imposibilitan el acceso a las herramientas tecnológicas

que se han convertido en un recurso indispensable para ofrecer el servicio educativo con

base en la nueva normalidad de convivencia e interacción.

Con el propósito de afectar lo menos posible el logro del aprendizaje, donde cambian las

formas y los medios, pero no el fin, para el estudiantado de los centros educativos del

Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Tamaulipas, se pone a disposición este cuaderno de

trabajo como un material didáctico de apoyo para el desarrollo de los contenidos que se

contemplan en los programas de estudio de las asignaturas que comprenden el

componente básico del plan vigente.

Esta obra integra los contenidos temáticos, las evidencias de aprendizaje y el método de

evaluación de cada asignatura, en correspondencia al desarrollo de los atributos de las

competencias genéricas y disciplinares básicas o extendidas establecidas para cada

secuencia didáctica en la “Red de los Aprendizajes Esperados”.

Ofrecer un servicio educativo de calidad es el compromiso del Gobernador del Estado,

el Lic. Francisco García Cabeza de Vaca, que favorezca la inclusión y el desarrollo del

factor humano y que llegue hasta el último rincón de nuestro estado; requiere de plantear

estrategias de trabajo con una clara visión, que no esté limitada por las condiciones de vida,

físicas, económicas y ahora de salud, sino que esto nos permite transformarlas en fortaleza

para que sean el motivo que nos impulse a alcanzar nuestras metas.




El Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Tamaulipas, a través de la Dirección Académica

y principalmente docentes, han diseñado el abordaje de su estructura curricular a través de

una recopilación de referencias representativas de cada asignatura, del componente básico

del plan de estudios. Su finalidad, es promover la enseñanza centrada en nuestros

estudiantes a partir de sus distintos contextos de aprendizaje y el desarrollo de

competencias en los jóvenes bachilleres Tamaulipecos con estrategias didácticas y de

evaluación que por un lado, orienten al docente y le ayuden a centrar mejor su función como

figura principal de un proceso de construcción del aprendizaje, centrado en sus estudiantes

y en la consolidación de un buen ciudadano; y por otro, brindar al estudiante herramientas

que le permitan contextualizar mejor su experiencia de aprendizaje utilizando los recursos

a su alcance.

La didáctica de la educación media superior requiere ser distintiva, que posibilite el

aprendizaje de jóvenes adolescentes que van consolidando su personalidad y la

construcción de su ciudadanía a través del desarrollo de actividades auténticas, reales,

prácticas y transversales. En este sentido, este cuaderno de trabajo, es una herramienta

que parte de los programas de estudio, reorientando y enriqueciendo la información para

despertar el interés de la comunidad estudiantil. Se encuentra organizada en bloques

temáticos que contemplan contenidos, actividades de aprendizaje, evaluación del

aprendizaje, habilidades socioemocionales (lecciones Construye-T), cruce de caminos y el

proyecto transversal, que permite asociar los componentes curriculares con sus actividades


Estimado estudiante, recuerda que la formación y evaluación en el enfoque por

competencias es un proceso continuo, que permite recabar evidencias a través de tu trabajo


constante, donde se tomarán en cuenta los tres saberes: conceptual, procedimental y

actitudinal, con el propósito de que apoyado por tu maestro, mejores tu aprendizaje; el reto

principal es que adoptes un rol activo y participativo para la construcción de tu propio


¡Éxito en el semestre que hoy inicias!


Propósito de Inglés III 7
Diagnostic. - The aim of this activity is to identify what knowledge you have about the
topic. 9
1.1 Vocabulary: childhood memories 10
1.2 Grammar: Used to 11
1.3 Listening: Identify specific information 14
1.4 Speaking. Talking about memories 15
1.5. Disciplinary Intersection: writing history 16
Self-Assessment.- The aim of this activity is to promote your self-evaluation skills. 17
Lección Construye-T.- The aim of this activity is to develop your social and emotional
skills. 18
Interdisciplinary Project 19
Diagnostic. - the aim of this activity is to identify what knowledge you have about the
topic. 24
2.1 Vocabulary: verbs in past 26
2.2 Listening: identify specific information 28
2.3 Grammar: Simple past 29
2.4 Listening: identify specific information 31
2.5 Grammar: Past Progressive 32
2.6 Reading: Identify specific information 35
2.7 Grammar: when / while + past progressive and simple past 36
2.8 Reading: Newspaper article 38
2.9 Writing: Past Event in my community. 39
Self-Assessment.- The aim of this activity is to promote your self-evaluation skills. 41
LECCIÓN CONSTRUYE-T.- The aim of this activity is to develop your social and
emotional skills. 42

Diagnostic. - The aim of this activity is to identify what knowledge you have about the
topic. 49
3.2 Grammar: There is / There are 54
3.3 Grammar: relative pronouns 58
3.4 Reading: identify specific information. 61
3.6 Writing / Speaking: Talking about your favorite place and your traditions. 63
Self-Assessment.- The aim of this activity is to promote your self-evaluation skills. 64
LECCIÓN CONSTRUYE-T.- The aim of this activity is to develop your social and
emotional skills. 65
Diagnostic. - The aim of this activity is to identify what knowledge you have about the
topic. 68
4.1 Vocabulary: Phrasal Verbs 69
4.2 Grammar: Phrasal verbs 2
4.3 Grammar: Object pronouns 5
4.4 Reading: identify specific information. 4
4.5 Listening: identify specific information. 6
4.6 Speaking: Talking about your family 7
Self-Assessment.- The aim of this activity is to promote your self-evaluation skills. 8
Lección Construye-T.- The aim of this activity is to develop your social and emotional
skills. 9

Propósito de Inglés III

Consolidar y desarrollar la capacidad de comunicarse en un nivel de dominio intermedio de

acuerdo a estándares internacionales del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las

Lenguas para que el alumnado desarrolle las funciones del lenguaje y logre utilizar las

habilidades comunicativas con la intención de expresar su perfil personal, actividades

cotidianas, descripción de actividades que está sucediendo en un tiempo específico, el uso

de medidas y cuantificadores.


Horas asignadas: 12 horas

Propósito del Bloque. Explica experiencias, costumbres propias y de otras personas

usando la forma verbal “used to” a través de las habilidades comunicativas, favoreciendo la

asertividad que le permita la reflexión sobre los usos y costumbres.

Aprendizajes esperados. - Construye diálogos sobre costumbres propias y de otras

personas de manera oral y escrita, haciendo uso de la forma verbal “used to” favoreciendo

la comunicación asertiva que le permita reflexionar sobre los usos y costumbres de diversos



CG 4.4: Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas.

CG 8.3 Asume una actitud constructiva, congruente con los conocimientos y habilidades

con los que cuenta dentro de distintos equipos de trabajo.

C.G. 10.2 Dialoga y aprende de personas con distintos puntos de vista y tradiciones

culturales mediante la ubicación de sus propias circunstancias en un contexto más amplio.

CDBC 3. Plantea supuestos sobre los fenómenos naturales y culturales de su entorno con

base en la consulta de diversas fuentes.

CDBC 4 Produce textos con base en el uso normativo de la lengua, considerando la

intención y situación comunicativa.

CDBC 10 Identificar e interpretar la idea general y posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o

escrito en una segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no verbales

y contexto.

CDBC 11 Se comunica en una lengua extranjera mediante un discurso lógico, oral o escrito,

congruente con la situación comunicativa.


CDBC 12. Utiliza las tecnologías de la información y comunicación para investigar, resolver

problemas, producir materiales y transmitir información.

Diagnostic. - The aim of this activity is to identify what knowledge you have about the

I. Complete each sentence. Choose the correct answer.

1. I _____ listen to rock when I was 10 years old.
a) used b) used to c) use to
2. We ______ in the ranch, but now we live in a big city.
a) lives b) use to live c) used to live
3. I _____ to the cinema with friends, now I go with my girlfriend.
a) use to go b) used to go c) used to goes
4. She _____ up early in the morning, now I sleep late.
a) used to wake b) woke c) uses to wake
5. Mike _____ in a school band, now he is a professional musician.
a) plays b) used to play c) used play

II. Complete the sentences with personal information.

1. I used to drink ____________________________, but now I don’t.
2. I used to play ____________________________, but now I don’t.
3. I didn’t use to watch ____________________________, but now I do.
4. I didn’t use to eat ____________________________, but now I do.
5. I used to read ____________________________, but now I do.

III. Order the words to make questions.

1. use to / did / coffee / drink / you / ?
2. swim / did / your sister / use to / ?
3. games / did / what / with friends / you / play / use to /
4. where / use to / on weekends / did / you / go out / ?

1.1 Vocabulary: childhood memories

Activity 1. Childhood memories
Objective: To recall the activities you used to do when you were a child.

1. Classify the activities in the following three categories: things you eat, activities you do
at home, games you play.
snow cone ice pops jump rope
play with marbles play hopscotch play hide-and-seek
nachos ride a bike feed the pet
play hand games go to the park chips and hot sauce
watch cartoons clean the garden clean my room
chicken nuggets pick up toys



House Games /
chores Hobies

2. Now, make your own organizer with information about your childhood. Include things
you used to eat, activities you used to do at home, and games you used to play.

Assessment Criteria: Activity 1

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Classify the vocabulary in each category.

● Design an organizer with personal information.

1.2 Grammar: Used to

Activity 2. Used to
Objective: To analyze the structure of “used to” to express activities in the past.

1. Explore. Read the text.

Luis: Hey, Berenice, How’s it going?

Berenice: Nothing much, just enjoying this sunny day.
Luis: Are you really good at sports?
Berenice: Well, I used to play basketball when I was in middle school.
Luis: You really are in good shape.
Berenice: Thanks Luis, and how about you? Where did you learn to skate?
Luis: Well, I used to take classes in the park.
Berenice: Can you give me some lessons?
Luis: Sure, it’s really easy.
Berenice: Let’s try.

2. Pair work. Practice the conversation with your partner.

● Are you good at sports? What sports did you used to practice in middle school?
● What games did you used to play when you were a kid?

3. Analyze. Watch the following video about “used to” and complete the notes.

Used to
“Used to” refers to activities that you regularly did in the past but don’t do

Affirmative Statements

1.When I was a child, I

2.They ______________ read a lot of book
3. Liz has short hair now,
4. Amy ______________ have a piano

Negative Statements



4. Practice. Order the word to form sentences.

1. used to / My brother / cartoons / watch

2. We / didn’t use to / after school / eat nachos
3. play soccer / Julia / on Saturdays / used to
4. jump rope / used to / I / at school
5. used to / in the park / we / buy / snow cones
6. cook / Mom / nuggets / used to / chicken

5. Practice. Complete the sentences using “used to” or “didn't use to” and the verbs in the

take / watch / worry / walk / spend

1. I __________________ to school, but I ride my bike now.

2. We __________________ movies at home, but we go to the cinema now.
3. My family _________________ weekends in the pool, but now we go to the beach.
4. She __________________ about money, now she has to pay the rent.
5. We ___________________ notes on paper, but now we have a computer.

6 Practice. This is a group of friends talking about their memories. Complete the questions
with the information below.

1. What food did Mario use to eat during the school break?

2. What did Erika and Mike use to do on weekends?

3. What sports did Silvia use to practice in middle school?

4. Where did Mario and his friends use to go out?


5. What hobbies did Erika and Silvia use to have when they were kids?

7. Practice online: Click on the following link for extra practice.
Assessment Criteria: Activity 2

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Analyze the grammar structure of this unit.

● Complete 100% of the grammar exercises.

1.3 Listening: Identify specific information

Activity 3. Listening Activity

Objective: To identify specific information in a conversation.

1. Listen to Oscar talking about the activities his family used to do in the past. Match the
person to the correct activity.
Family member Activity
1. Father used to ______ a) play basketball
2.Mom used to ______ b) go to the beach in the summer.
3. Oscar used to ______ c) cook chicken nuggets
4. Miguel used to ______ d) ride the bike with friends
5. Oscar´s family used to ______ e) buy a snow cone after school.

2. Practice online: Click on the following link for extra practice.

Assessment Criteria: Activity 3


The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Analyze the content of the conversation.

● Identify specific information.

1.4 Speaking. Talking about memories

Objective: To ask questions about past habits and routines.

1. Pair work. Order the following words to form questions to ask for past habits.

1. did / sports / use to / you / play /

_____________________________________________________ when you were

2. food / did / to eat / use to / what /

_____________________________________________________ when you are a child?

3. you / use to / did / eat / healthy food / junk food / or

______________________________________________________ when you were in
middle school?

4. What / cartoons / use to / did / you watch

_____________________________________________________ when you are a child?
Add 2 extra questions.

5. ______________________________________________________________________


2. Write your answers to each question. Then interview a classmate.

Your answer Your classmate’s answer.


3. Class activity. Report to the class 2 interesting things about your classmate.
My friend ……… He used to ……

Assessment Criteria: Activity 4


The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Structures questions for the interview.

● Exchange information with classmates.
● Pronunciation
● Fluency

1.5. Disciplinary Intersection: writing history

The aim of this activity is to use the skills you have learned in different academic subjects.

Objective: To recall historical facts to understand habits and cultural practices in the
Search for information about activities, games, hobbies and food that Spanish brought to
Mexico during the Colonial period.

Write the name of the types of food, games or hobbies.

Food Games Hobbies

2. Interview your grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts about the types of activities they did
in the past or the food they used to eat.
Write sentences.

My grandpa used to eat sweet pumpkin candy.

My grandma used to ….

3. Pair work: Bring pictures to the class about the activities your family used to do in the
past. Tell your classmates the activities your family used to do in the past.

Assessment Criteria: Activity 5

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Classify activities that Spanish implemented in Mexico.

● Writing: vocabulary, sentence structure, spelling.
● Speaking: pronunciation, content, fluency.

Self-Assessment.- The aim of this activity is to promote your self-evaluation skills.

Analyze the following criteria and self-evaluate your own learning.

Aun no
Autónomo Destacado Suficiente
4 3 2
I am very good at this. I do this very well I need more practice I do this with


English 3 Module 1
1 2 3 4
1. Classify activities people used to do in the past.
2. Analyze the expression “used to” to talk about past events.
3. Identify specific information in a conversation about the activities in the
4. Exchange information about their events in the past.
5. Talks about the activities that family used to do in the past.

Planning my learning
What new words did I learn in this module? What things do I have to do to improve my

Lección Construye-T.- The aim of this activity is to develop your social and
emotional skills.


1 Conoce T Conciencia Social Lección 1 1.3 Herencias de familia

Interdisciplinary Project
Objective: To identify the structure of an academic abstract.

1. Complete the following text describing the purpose of the abstract. Use the words from
the box.

implications / the major findings / to describe / provides / discuss / overview /

key points summary / problem or issue / key words

What is an abstract?
An abstract is a 150- to 250-word paragraph that __________________ readers with a
quick __________________ of your essay or research report and its organization.

It should express your thesis (or central idea) and your __________________; it should
also suggest any __________________ or applications of the research you
__________________ in the paper.

According to Carole Slade, an abstract is “a concise __________________ of the entire


● The function of an abstract is __________________, not to evaluate or defend

the paper.

● The abstract should begin with a brief but precise statement of the
_________________, followed by a description of the research method and
design, __________________, and the conclusions reached.

● The abstract should contain the most important __________________ _ referring

to method and content: these facilitate access to the abstract by computer search
and enable a reader to decide whether to read the entire research paper.

2. Watch the video about Jessica Liu describing the elements in an abstract. Complete the
following notes. Use the answers below.

Possible answers
a) Include ONLY important findings.
b) using verbs such as investigate, test, analyze, evaluate
c) research problems or objectives, methods, results and conclusions.
d) Write a brief description of what you did
e) Mention any limitations of your research.
f) What research questions you plan to answer.
g) Write the answer to the main problem or question of your research.

Writing a clear and concise abstract

1. An abstract is a short summary of a longer work

● It has about 150 – 300 words.
● Include the following: __________

2. Research problem and objectives

● Include sentences to describe what practical or theoretical problem does the
research respond to.
● __________
● Include a brief context of the topic.
● State your objectives __________
● Use the simple present or the past, but NOT the future tense.

3. Research methods
● __________
● Write only 1 or 2 sentences for the research methods
● Use the past tense because you have completed the actions.

4. Results
● Summarize the most important research results.
● Use present or past simple tense.

5. Conclusions
● __________
● Readers should be able to understand the answer to your research question.
● Use simple present tense.
● __________

3. Match the following phrases for each one of the sections in the abstract.

Introduction / Background a) These findings suggest that…

b) This study aims to …
c) A quantitative method was used to compare…
Objectives____ d) very little is known about…
e) This paper proposes ….
Methods ____
f) X plays an important role….
Results ____ g) Results indicated / showed that ….
h) It is concluded that…
Conclusion ____
i) We divided the participants into two groups…
j) There was a significant…

4. Pair work: Analyze the content of your article and complete the following information about
your project.






Assessment Criteria:

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Identify the elements in an abstract.

● Design a graphic organizer about the abstract
● Register information about their project.


Cursos de Inglés ATS. (29 de mayo de 2021). Used to. [Video]. Youtube

Liu, Jessica,(29 de mayo de 2021). How to write a clear and concise abstract. [Video].

Mason, George University (2021) Writing an abstract. Recuperado el 29 de mayo de 2021


Mada, J. (2021) Used to, didn’t use to, did..use to? Recuperado el 29 de mayo de 2021

Marquina, E. (2021) Used to – listening comprehension? Recuperado el 29 de mayo de

2021 desde


Horas asignadas: 12 horas

Propósito del Bloque. Reconstruye acontecimientos haciendo uso del pasado simple, el

pasado progresivo y sus conectores, favoreciendo las habilidades comunicativas que

permitan el trabajo colaborativo y la reflexión de las circunstancias del entorno social.

Aprendizajes esperados. – Plantea acontecimientos de su contexto que ocurrieron en el

pasado, así como eventos que los interrumpieron, de manera oral y escrita, haciendo uso

del pasado simple en sus diferentes formas, permitiéndole relacionarse de forma



CG 4.4: Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas.

CG 8.3 Asume una actitud constructiva, congruente con los conocimientos y habilidades

con los que cuenta dentro de distintos equipos de trabajo.

C.G. 10.2 Dialoga y aprende de personas con distintos puntos de vista y tradiciones

culturales mediante la ubicación de sus propias circunstancias en un contexto más amplio.

CDBC 4 Produce textos con base en el uso normativo de la lengua, considerando la

intención y situación comunicativa.

CDBC 10 Identificar e interpretar la idea general y posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o

escrito en una segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no verbales

y contexto.

CDBC 11 Se comunica en una lengua extranjera mediante un discurso lógico, oral o escrito,

congruente con la situación comunicativa.


CDBC 12. Utiliza las tecnologías de la información y comunicación para investigar, resolver

problemas, producir materiales y transmitir información.

Diagnostic. - the aim of this activity is to identify what knowledge you have about the

I. Write the simple past of the following verbs. Write R for regular or I for
1 speak _____________( ) 6 sing
_____________ ( )
2 play _____________ ( ) 7 cry
_____________ ( )
3 take _____________ ( ) 8 cut
______________ ( )
4 dance _____________ ( ) 9 listen
______________ ( )
5 swim ______________( ) 10 write

______________ ( )

II. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in parentheses at the end of each
sentence and the auxiliary did, if necessary.
1. Maria __________ a sandwich this morning. (eat)
2. Carlos _________ to Matamoros last week. (go)
3. ______ you ________ your room yesterday? (clean)
4. The teachers didn´t _______ a party this year. (have)
5. We _________ that book last year in our literature class. (read)

III. Choose the correct answer.

1. My sister _____ cleaning ______ bedroom.
a) were / her b) are /her c) was / her d) is / his
2. ________ you ___________ them with the homework?
a) were / helping b) was / helping c) were / help d) were / helped
3. The dog _______ not _____________ with its toy.
a) are / playing b) was / play c) is / play d) was / playing
4. After dinner, the whole family ___________________ cards.
a) were / play b) was / playing c) was / played d) were / playing

IV. Choose when or while.

1. It was raining ________ I came this morning.
2. ________ they were watching a horror movie; they heard a strange noise.
3. ________ the accident happened; I was crossing the street.
4. The police officer caught the thief ________ he was running away.
5. My friends were having fun at the concert _________ I was sleeping at home.

2.1 Vocabulary: verbs in past

Activity 1. Everyday activities.
Objective: To classify regular and irregular verbs.

Match the actions with the appropriate picture. Use the third person rule for the verbs.

iron his clothes

play an instrument

1.My grandma____________ read a book 6. The

_____________________ women_____________________
play in the park

brush her teeth

check their social media

2. The 7. The little
housekeeper__________ girl____________________
do the dishes _____________________________
clean all the house

have a class on line

practice a sport
3. My 8.
dad_____________________ She__________________________

9. The
4. kids________________________

5. Josué and
Sofia_______________ 10. My

2. Match the following verbs in simple present with its corresponding verbs in simple past.
Use a different color for connecting each pair.
eat taught
check washed
go came
clean had
come understood
cry practiced
speak went
dance danced
understand took
brush helped
wash cleaned
have spoke
take checked
help cried
teach ate
practice brushed

3. Classify them as regular or irregular in the tables.




4. Pronunciation: Listen and practice the verbs in past tense.

Assessment Criteria: Activity 1

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Identify specific verbs in the past.
● Classify verbs in regular and irregular.

2.2 Listening: identify specific information

Activity 2: Listening Activity

Objective: To identify specific information in a conversation.

1. Listen to the audio between two friends talking about their weekend.
Double click on the following audio.


Complete the conversation according to the audio. Use the words in the box.
after / your / enjoyed / did (x2) / didn't / stayed / bought /

went (x2) / had / saw / ate / buy / restaurant/ last

Peter: Hi Mary, what did you do last weekend

Mary: I _________ a lot of things. On Saturday I _________ shopping.
Peter: What did you __________?
Mary: I ___________ a new dress. I also ______ a movie at the cinema.
Peter: Which movie __________ you see?
Mary: Jurassic Park 3.
Peter: What did you do _________?
Mary: Well, I ____________ home and took a shower. And then went out.
Peter: Did you eat in a ________________?
Mary: Yes, Tom and I ___________ at The Green Steak.
Peter: Did you enjoy __________ dinner?
Mary: Yes, we _____________ our dinner very much.
And you Peter, what did you do ______ weekend?
Peter: Unfortunately, I __________ go out this weekend.
Mary: What did you do?
Peter: I ___________ a cough and a fever and I ___________ home.
Mary: Poor you!
(Day by Day English, 2021)

Assessment Criteria: Activity 2

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Identify specific information

2.3 Grammar: Simple past

Activity 3. Language in context.
Objective: To analyze the use of simple past tense.

1. Explore: watch the following video and complete the table with the sentences in English.

El cerró la puerta. Ellos comieron pizza.

+ +

- -
? ?
Karla vió television ayer. Tu entendiste la lección fácilmente.
+ +
- -
? ?

2. Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. Andrea go / went out with her friends last Saturday.

2. We eat / ate a delicious lasagna for lunch yesterday.
3. Did you talk / talked to your friend last night?
4. We had / have a wonderful picnic last Sunday.
5. Did / Do you see your brother yesterday?
6. I didn´t play / played soccer last week.
7. I didn’t do / did my homework.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct simple past form of the verbs in the box.

drink / stay / dance / swim / have / play /

1. They _____________ a great time in the movies.

2. We _____________ some orange juice for breakfast.
3. They _____________ all night at the party.
4. My sister _____________ volleyball on the beach with her friends.
5. My family _____________ at a really nice hotel in Cancun.
6. I _____________ in the pool for 3 hours.

4. Unscramble the following past simple sentences.

last / Paris / Tom / week / went / to

1. ___________________________________________
the / pizza / in / park / We / ate
2. ___________________________________________
swam / I / last / Sam / night / and
3. ___________________________________________
English / kids / taught / the / Sara / to
4. ___________________________________________
milk / earlier / The / drank / cat / the
5. ___________________________________________
science / Dan / about / them / spoke / to
6. ___________________________________________
drove / party / the / them / to / Dad
7. ___________________________________________

5. Watch the following video, between friends talking about their last weekend activities and
answer the questions. Write complete sentences in the past tense.

1. Did Monica have a good weekend?

2. What did Monica do on Saturday?
3. What did she do on Sunday?
4. What did the other girl do on the weekend?
5. What did the boy do on the weekend?
6. Did Monica have a good day at school?

7. Did she like her math lesson?

8. What was the best thing that happened to her at school?

6. Online Practice. Access the following web link for an interactive worksheet.

Assessment Criteria: Activity 3

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Analyze the grammar structure of this unit.

● Complete 100% of the grammar exercises.

2.4 Listening: identify specific information

Activity 4: Identify specific information

1. Listen to people talking about their weekend.

Write the correct conversation number next to each event.

______ had a party

______ saw a movie
______ did nothing
______ went to the ocean
______ kids were a problem
______ didn’t play soccer
______went to Vancouver
______ was alone
(Lowes, 2007)
2. Pair work. Work with a partner and exchange information about your last weekend
● What did you do on the weekend?
● Where did you go?
● Did you do anything special?
● What did you eat?
● Who did you visit?

Assessment Criteria: Activity 4

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Identify specific information

2.5 Grammar: Past Progressive

Activity 5. Language in context.
Objective: To analyze the use of pasta progressive to describe events.

1. Read the text and underline the verbs was or were + verbs in gerund (-ing).
After that, circle the subject for each underlined pair of verbs.

Berna Ely´s Story

Yesterday, (it) was raining and thundering all day. Berna Ely was playing in his bedroom.
He wanted to play outside. He wasn't playing outside because it was raining. He was feeling
really bored of being trapped inside the house.

Berna Ely was trying to keep busy inside the house. He was reading a comic book until the
electricity went out for ten minutes. When the electricity came back, he decided to play a
video game. He was playing video games until lunch time. After lunch, he sat by the window
and watched the rain.

Berna Ely was watching the rain when his friend Jaime called to say he was coming home.
He was bringing a new videogame. Berna Ely and Jaime ate ice cream and were playing
the new videogame for three hours.

While they were playing the rain stopped! But they didn't even notice. They were having
such a great time!

Adapted from:

2. Complete the table with the information you circled and underlined in Berna Ely´s Story.


1. It was raining and thundering
2.Berna Ely was playing in his bedroom

3. Complete the following simple past verb to be table and same rule tables for verbs in
gerund (verb + -ing).
Simple past verb to be
I was
she was
they were
Verbs ending in e
write writing

Double consonant
sit sitting
Verbs ending in ie--
lie lying

Verbs ending in y
study studying

4. Explore: watch the following video and complete the table with the sentences in
English. Now complete the following table.


Subject was / were Verb-ing complement
1. The children/kids were jumping in the park yesterday.
2. My sister was preparing the lunch.
3. He was running with her friends.
4. You were sleeping on my bed.
5. That dog was playing with this cat.


Subject was / were not Verb-ing complement
3. He Was running with her friends.


Was / were subject Verb-ing complement
4. Were you sleeping on my bed.

5. Practice. Complete the following sentences. Use the verbs in parentheses. Answer the

1. My father ______________________ (talk) to my teachers this morning.

2. He ____________________ (sit) on the sofa, ___________ (watch) TV.
3. They ____________________ (swim) on the beach last week.
4. My friends and I ___________________ (not / drink) beer at the party.
5. That English teacher ____________________ (not / give) feedback for the activities.
6. Your dog ______________________ (not / feel) well yesterday.
7. _________ your father ______________ (help) your mom with the cooking?
8. _________ you ____________ (do) your homework for your math class?
9. _________ Albieri ______________ (listen) to music two hours ago?

6. Online Practice. Access the following web link for an interactive worksheet.

Assessment Criteria: Activity 3

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Analyze the grammar structure of this unit.

● Complete 100% of the grammar exercises.

2.6 Reading: Identify specific information

Activity 6. Reading for specific content
Objective: To identify specific information in a text.

7. Read the conversation and answer true or false.

Brenda: Hello Miaa, how are you doing?

Miaa: Hi Brenda. I´m fine, thank you. How about you?
Brenda: I´m fine too. Hey, I called you yesterday afternoon.
Why didn't you answer my call?
Miaa: Sorry I was very busy.
Brenda: What were you doing?
Miaa: I was helping my mother, because we had a special family dinner.
It was my father´s birthday and we were cooking his favorite dish.
I left my phone in my bedroom, so I didn't hear it when you called.
Brenda: Oh, now I know why you didn't answer.
Miaa: Why did you call me?
Brenda: I called you because I was doing our English homework and I wanted
to know if you can be my partner, because it's a pair work.
Miaa: Yes, of course. When do we have to turn it in?
Brenda: It's due the day after tomorrow. I was wondering if we could meet this
afternoon at my place.
Miaa: That´s fine for me. Oh sorry, I have to go. See you later then.
Brenda: Okay, bye. Don´t forget to bring your notes.

Circle true or false.

1. Brenda called Miaa the day before. TRUE
2. Miaa was helping her mom to clean the house. TRUE
3. Mia doesn't know what her father's favorite food is. TRUE
4. Brenda was doing her homework when she called Miaa. TRUE
5. They have two days to do the homework. TRUE
6. Miaa and Brenda are meeting today. TRUE

Assessment Criteria: Activity 6

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Underlines verbs in the text

● Complete grammar tables.
● Write complete sentences for each question.
● Identify specific information in a text.

2.7 Grammar: when / while + past progressive and simple past

Activity 7. Language in context.
Objective: To analyze the use of when y while and past simple and past progressive to
describe events.

1. Watch the following video about the progressive and simple past. Complete the notes.


Sentence in past + while + sentence in past progressive / While + sentence in past
progressive.+ sentence in past
1. I got a flat tire while I was driving / While I was driving, I got a flat tire.
2. She was working while she was flying to Europe. /
3. / While David was sleeping, a burglar
broke into his house.
4. Mike walked into the toilet while you were using it. /
5. / While I was working,
my computer crashed.


Sentence in past progressive + when + sentence in past / When + sentence in past, +
sentence in past progressive
1. Mary was driving when she got a flat tire. /
2. / When the phone rang, he was
taking a bath
3. I was doing my homework when my friend Victor called, /
4. / When She arrived, I
was painting my room.


Past progressive + while + past progressive / While + past progressive,+ past progressive
1. / While I was listening to music, my parents
were eating dinner.
2. His mother was cooking while his father was fixing his car, /
3. / While you were dancing,
I was trying to kiss you.
4. They were running while the couch was taking the time. /

2. Practice. Complete with when or while.

1. __________ her sister was sleeping, she took her cellphone.

2. __________ my teacher arrived, I was finishing the homework.
3. The old lady was crossing the street _________ her grandson found her.
4. His girlfriend was talking to her boss ________ he was looking for a place to park.
5. _________ the child was screaming, the man got really angry.
6. People started to cry ___________ they were watching the movie.
7. The supervisor was supervising the production line __________ the machine stopped
8. ___________ I was giving a speech, everybody was paying attention.
3. Complete the story with the words on the box.

stopped / called (x2) / was cooking / extinguished / was fixing /

said /
was trying / smelled / was doing / happened

Yesterday I _______________ my homework when my best friend Victor _________. He

told me that he was going to spend two or three days with me because his house got on fire.
He explained to me that while his mother _________________, his father
_________________ his car in the garage. Both of them __________________ what they
were doing because they _______________ that something was burning in the house. The
smell came from Victor´s bedroom. It was on fire! He ____________ that while his dad
_______________ to stop the fire, his mother ____________ to the nearest fire station. It
was three blocks away. The firemen arrived immediately and _________________ the fire.
Fortunately, my friend wasn't in his house when all that _________________. Now he has
to stay in my house until his room is ready.

4. Practice. Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the verb in parentheses.

1. My father __________________ (read) a book while my mother __________________

(cook) dinner.
2. When he ______________ (arrive), a beautiful young woman __________________
(wait) for him.
3. The students _________________ (pay attention) while the teacher
_________________ (explain).
4. While he ___________________ (eat) a sandwich, his little sister _______________
(start) to cry.
5. It __________________ (rain) when I ______________ (get up) this morning.

6. The police ______________ (catch) the thief while he _________________ (steal) a TV.
7. When the lights ___________ (go out), I _______________ (do) the math project.
8. Sandra ___________________ (wait) for us when we ____________ (get off) the plane.

5. Online Practice. Access the following web link for an interactive worksheet.

Assessment Criteria: Activity 7

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Analyze the grammar structure of this unit.

● Complete 100% of the grammar exercises.

2.8 Reading: Newspaper article

Activity 8. Disciplinary Intersection.
Objective: The aim of this activity is to use the skills you have learned in different
academic subjects.

1. Watch the following video.

Where did the event happen? What exactly happen in that place? What were the people

2. Read the article.

COSTCO Thieves Ran Right Out the Door and into Seattle Police
It was 5:30 p.m. on March 14th, 2018 when The Seattle Police Department received a call.
Someone called to inform them there was a suspicious black Toyota car parked outside the
back fire exit of the most recognized Costco store in the city. The police officers arrived
immediately. An 18 years old getaway driver was in the car waiting for the other thieves to
come out. They blocked the car from leaving. Police figured out the shoplifters were
repeating their previous theft, so they waited outside the emergency exit.

One police officer was talking to the getaway driver while the other officers were getting
ready to catch the rest of the thieves. The officers did not wait too long. At 6:05 p.m. when
the other thieves came out from the back door, the police officers were just waiting for them

to complete the arrest. They exited the building with stolen property in their hands only to
find police mere feet away.

The thieves were trying to make off with laptops and vacuums. They are suspected of
stealing similar products from other Costco stores. The shoplifters were an 18-year-old
woman, a 30-year-old man and a 21-year-old woman.

Choose TRUE or FALSE.

a) The arrest was three years ago. TRUE

b) While a man was waiting outside, the other thieves were stealing from the store TRUE
c) The police officers were waiting outside the store for more than one hour. TRUE
d) It was the first time the shoplifters committed a crime. TRUE
e) The officers arrested the thieves while they were coming out with the products. TRUE

Assessment Criteria: Activity 8

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Analyze information in a text.

● Identifies information in a text.

2.9 Writing: Past Event in my community.

Activity 9. Simultaneous and interrupted events in the past.
Objective: To write a short note about an event that happened in your community.

1. Analyze the following information. These elements are important to create an atmosphere
when writing about an anecdote or story.

a. Describe the Weather

Common verbs: raining, pouring, snowing, howling, blowing
● It was pouring outside.
● It was snowing heavily.
● The wind was howling through the trees.

b. Describe the Scene

Common verbs: hurrying, walking, rushing, talking, greeting
● Everywhere I looked, people were rushing by.
● Traffic was at a standstill, and everyone was honking their horns.
● When I arrived, the group members were greeting one another enthusiastically.
c. Describe the Clothing and Accessories
Common verbs: wearing, carrying, sporting
● He was wearing a long, dark trench coat.
● She was carrying a black briefcase.
● He was sporting a goatee and a smug look on his face.
d. Describe the Action
Common verbs: driving, going, running, walking, talking
● They were driving along a long, winding road.
● I was talking to my boyfriend on the phone for hours last night.
● We were running late, and we were arguing.
e. Add a Surprising (Short) Action
Common verbs: appeared, rang, hit, crashed, went out
● Suddenly, the power went out, and we were plunged into darkness.
● All of a sudden, the car in front of me swerved off the road.
● To my surprise, a UFO appeared in the sky.
(Trusler, 2014)

2. Watch the following video as an example for describing an event.
3. Now, think about an event that happened in your community recently.
● When did it happen?
● Where did it happen?
● Who was there? What were the people doing?
● What were they wearing or feeling?
● What other important information can you remember about the event?
Write 10 sentences about the event. (5 in simple past and 5 in past progressive)



3. Now write the story of the event using simple past, past progressive and connectors when
and while.

First write a title for the story on top and then, write the story. Make sure to follow the tips
on exercise 1.

4. Group Work. Now prepare a short presentation about your event. Make sure to explain
details of your story. Watch the video on exercise 2 as an example.

Assessment Criteria: Activity 7

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Writing: vocabulary, sentence structure, spelling.

● Speaking: pronunciation, content, fluency.

Self-Assessment.- The aim of this activity is to promote your self-evaluation skills.

Analyze the following criteria and self-evaluate your own learning.

Aun no
Autónomo Destacado Suficiente
4 3 2
I am very I do this I need I do this with
good at this. very well more difficulty.


English 3 Module 2
Learning outcomes 1 2 3 4

1. Classify regular and irregular verbs.

2. Analyze the simple past form to talk about events.
3. Analyze the use of past progressive to talk about events.
4. Identify specific information about past events.
5. Write a short story about an event in the community.
6. Describe an anecdote.

Planning my learning
What new words did I learn in this unit? How can I improve my skills?

LECCIÓN CONSTRUYE-T.- The aim of this activity is to develop your social and
emotional skills.


No. Dimensión HSE No. y nombre de lección No. y nombre de variación

8. Ampliar nuestro círculo de

1 Relaciona T En otros lugares, con otra gente

1. Look for a photo of a past event that you really enjoyed with people other than your family.
Who was in that event? What happened? Who was there? What was so special about that

Interdisciplinary Project
Objective: To compare the structure of two different academic abstracts.

1. Read the following lines and identify the sentences that correspond to each part of the
abstract. Write the name of each section.

Derksen, L., & Gartrell, J. (1993).

The Social Context of Recycling.
American Sociological Review,
58(3), 434-442.

1) Introduction / Background
2) Objectives
3) Methods
4) Results
5) Conclusion

______________________Results show that people with access to a structured recycling
program have much higher levels of recycling than do people lacking such access.
Furthermore, individual attitudes toward the environment affect recycling behavior only in
the community with easy access to a structured recycling program.

______________________ We examined the role of social context in the link between

individual attitudes about the environment and recycling behavior by comparing
communities that vary in their access to recycling programs.

______________________ Over the last several decades, sociologists have investigated

the public's increasing concern about the environment, but they have had little success
explaining attitudes toward the environment or the adoption of pro-environmental behaviors
like recycling.

______________________Individual concern about the environment enhances the effect

of the recycling program, but does not overcome the barriers presented by lack of access.

(Derksen, 1993)

2. Read the following abstract. Answer the questions below.

Tracy K.Y. Wong, Anne-Marie Parent, Chiaki Konishi,
Feeling connected: The roles of student-teacher relationships and sense of school
belonging on future orientation,
International Journal of Educational Research,
Volume 94, 2019, Pages 150-157,

The present study examined whether and the extent to which student-teacher relationships
(STRs) and sense of school belonging (SSB) fostered students’ educational and career
expectations. Data were obtained from 15-year-old Hong Kong students (N = 3, 238) who
participated in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) project in
2003. Findings from regression analyses indicated that although STRs and SSB both
promoted educational expectations, only the latter predicted higher career expectations.
Analyses of a multiple mediator model revealed mediating effects of SSB and educational
expectations on the association between STRs and career expectations.
(Tracy K, 2019)
1. What is the name of the article?


2. Who wrote the article?


3. What is the objective of the investigation?


4. Who participated in the investigation?


5. How did they obtain the information?


6. What were the results of the research?


Assessment Criteria

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Analyze the structure of an abstract.

● Identifies specific information in an abstract.

Billeiria, Maria (2021) Live worksheets. Simple Past Tense. Retrieved may 29, 2021, from

Derksen, L., & Gartrell, J. (1993). The Social Context of Recycling. American Sociological
Review, 58(3), 434-442.

Lowes, Ricky (2007). Attitude Workbook 1.Macmillan: Thailand

Ochoa, Francisco (2021) El pasado y su auxiliary did- afirmativa, negativo e interrogative.

[Video]. Youtube,

Ochoa, Francisco (2021) Pasado Continuo / pasado progresivo. [Video]. Youtube,

Sand, J. (2021) Past Progressive was/ were + íng + when / while. [Video]. Youtube,

Seth, L. (2021,mayo 29) Liveworksheet. Past Tense. Retrieved may 29, 2021, from

Day by Day English. (2021) Past Simple Tense Conversation. [Video]. Youtube,

Easy English. (2021 mayo 29) What did you do? Simple past tense. [Video]. Youtube,

Live Worksheets. (2021 mayo 29) Past Progressive. Retrieved may 29, 2021, from

Live Worksheets. (2021 mayo 29) Past simple and continuous When While. Retrieved may
29, 2021, from

Inside Edition (2021).Cops wait at back door of Costco for thieves. [Video]. Youtube,

Easy English. (2021) What were you doing? Past Continuous. Retrieved may 29, 2021, from

Tracy K.Y. Wong, Anne-Marie Parent, Chiaki Konishi.(2019). Feeling connected: The roles
of student-teacher relationships and sense of school belonging on future orientation.
International Journal of Educational Research, Volume 94, Pages 150-157

Trusler, T. (2014) Writing: using the past progressive to create atmosphere in a story.
Retrieved may 29, 2021, from

Zur, Ola (2021) Past Progressive Story 1. Retrieved may 29, 2021, from https://www.really-


Horas asignadas: 12 horas

Propósito del Bloque. Explica las características de personas, objetos y lugares de su

entorno haciendo uso de los pronombres relativos y habilidades comunicativas, propiciando

ambientes incluyentes que permitan apreciar las diferencias propias y de los demás

Aprendizajes esperados.

1. Relata las características de personas, objetos y lugares de su entorno de manera oral y

escrita, haciendo uso de los pronombres relativos, favoreciendo ambientes incluyentes.


CG 4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas.

CG 4.5 Maneja las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para obtener

información y expresar ideas.

C.G. 8.2 Aporta puntos de vista con apertura y considera los de otras personas de manera


CDBC 3 Plantea supuestos sobre los fenómenos naturales y culturales de su entorno con

base en la consulta de diversas fuentes.

CDBC 4 Produce textos con base en el uso normativo de la lengua, considerando la

intención y situación comunicativa.

CDBC 10 Identificar e interpretar la idea general y posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o

escrito en una segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no verbales

y contexto.

CDBC 11 Se comunica en una lengua extranjera mediante un discurso lógico, oral o escrito,

congruente con la situación comunicativa.


CDBC 12. Utiliza las tecnologías de la información y comunicación para investigar, resolver

problemas, producir materiales y transmitir información

Diagnostic. - The aim of this activity is to identify what knowledge you have about the

1. Write some adjectives that you can use to describe people, places and things.

____________________ ______________________

____________________ ______________________

____________________ ______________________

____________________ ______________________

____________________ ______________________

2. Complete the sentences with there is or There are.

_____________________ a book on the table.

_____________________ two red cars on the street.

_____________________ a computer and a TV in my room.

_____________________ some chairs in your classroom.

_____________________ a hospital in the city center.

3. Chose the correct answer.

The restaurant _________ I met my wife has been closed.

a. who b. where c. which d. that
I can’t find the bill ____________ I paid yesterday.
a. who b. where c.which d. that
He told me about the car ______________ was sold last week.
a. who b. where c. which d. that
It was a wonderful day _______________I meet Lucy.
a. who b. where c. which d. that
She is a girl ___________ never smiles, is serious all time.
who b. where c. which d. that

3.1 Vocabulary: verbs in past

Activity 1. Places
Objective: Identify places in a city.

1. Match each place with the correct description.

What’s a / an… It´s a place where you

a) have delicious breakfast, lunch or dinner.

1. Shopping mall
2. Airport b) stay overnight in a comfortable room
3. Amusement park
c) buy second hand objects. It is usually outdoors.
4. Museum
d) find many fancy stores for clothes, shoes, and many
5. Restaurant
other things
6. Park
e) see different amazing animals
7. Movie theater
8. Hotel f) drink hot or cold drinks and eat delicious desserts.
9. Coffee shop
g) watch movies and eat popcorn
10. Flea market
h) ride or play games, see shows and eat delicious food.
11. Zoo
i) take an airplane to travel

j) make a picnic with friends or ride your bike

k) see art or scientific objects

2. Think about 10 places you can visit in your city or in another city in your country.
Write the names of the places you can find in that city.

City: Tampico – Madero

✔ Super Cream Restaurant ✔ Metropolitano Park
✔ Plaza de Armas square ✔ Miramar Beach
✔ ✔

2. Pair work. Use your bilingual dictionary and investigate the English translation of the
following adjectives.

Spanish English Spanish English

Grande Bonito

Pequeño Barato

Inteligente Caro

Moderno Fragil

Famoso Alto

Importante Concurrido

3. Select the adjectives that you can use to describe the items below.

4. Answer the questions for each question. Highlight the adjectives in your answer.

What do you think of this dress?

a) It's a simple and casual dress.

b) It’s beautiful and special dress


What do you think of this cell phone?

a) It's old style and cheap.

b) It’s new and expensive.

What do you think of these sneakers?

a) They are old and dirty.

b) They are new and clean.

5. Analyze the following information

Where do adjectives go in a sentence?

We use adjectives to describe nouns

Adjectives can be used in front of a noun Or after a link verb like be, look or feel
They have a beautiful house. Their house is beautiful.
We saw a very exciting film last night That film looks interesting

Describe the next pictures.


6. Think about adjectives to describe people, places and objects.


1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5.

Assessment Criteria: Activity 1

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Identifies the names of places in a city.
● Identify specific adjectives to describe people.
● Writes 6 sentences to describe a photo.

3.2 Grammar: There is / There are

Activity 2: Describing places.
Objective: To analyze the use of the expressions there is / there are to describe places or

1. Listen and read the following dialogue.

Carlos: So, Miguel, do you like your hometown?

Miguel: I think it’s great. It’s very interesting.
Carlos: Oh, Okay. What is something I can do there? Is there a shopping mall?
Miguel: Yes, there are 2. They are really big.
Carlos: Are there any coffee shops or good restaurants?
Miguel: Yes, there are many, but they are always very noisy and packed with people.
Carlos: How about you? Do you like your hometown?
Miguel: Well, I like it, but my town is really boring.

Carlos: Why do you say that?

Miguel: Well, there is nothing to do in the evening.
Carlos: Come on! You can go to the park and there is a river near the town-
Miguel: You are right. We love to hang out with friends there.

2. Use the words in the box to make another conversation. Change the information.

Conversation 1 Conversation 2
1. big 1. amazing
2. park 2. fitness center
3. movie theaters 3. department stores
4. really expensive
4. really busy
5. small
5. small 6. movie theater
6. basketball court 7. soccer field
7. beach

Miles Craven (2013) Breakthrough Plus 1 Student Book. Macmillan: Thailand

3. Watch the following video about the use of THERE IS / THERE ARE

There is is used for the singular nouns, in other words, it is used when we
refer just to one thing
There are is used for the plural nouns, in other words, it is used when we refer
to more than one thing.

4. Now watch the following video. Miguel is talking about the places in Rio. Complete the
following sentences using theres is / there are .


● There are many people on the bus.



5. Complete the following sentences using there is / there are. For each sentence,
underline the adjective.

San Luis Potosi

1. ___________________ many interesting museums to visit in San Luis Potosi.
2. ___________________ 2 big parks in the city. People go to Tangamanga to exercise.
3. ___________________ 4 shopping malls with many important stores.
4. ___________________ one Cotsco supermarket and ___________________
three Walmart supercenters in the city.
5. ___________________ a famous bullring.

6. Online Practice.
Click on the following link to practice There is or There are.

7. Read the text about Puebla. Search in the Internet other places or things you can see in
the city.
Write 5 sentences using there is / there are / adjectives.

I’m from Puebla. It is an old city. There are lots of shops and cafés, and there are museums
and touristic places where people enjoy long walks.

1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________

Assessment Criteria: Activity 3

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Analyze the grammar structure of this unit.

● Complete 100% of the grammar exercises.
● Express information about family and friends.
● Pronunciation
● Fluency

3.3 Grammar: relative pronouns

Activity 3. Who / which / that / where
Objective: To analyze the use of relative pronouns, who, which, where, that, to give extra
information about people, places or objects.

1. Analyze the following information about relative pronouns.


According to the Cambridge Dictionary (2018), relative pronouns introduce relative clauses.
The relative pronoun we use depends on what we are referring to and the type of relative

Relative Pronoun Use Examples

The Doctor who is next to
WHO PEOPLE the door is my father’s
The car which is dirty needs
WHICH THINGS to be washed
The boys that are talking
THAT PEOPLE / THINGS about TV programs go to
this class.
The restaurant where they
WHERE PLACES eat is closed.

2. Watch the video and complete the examples.

We use WHO to talk about people

Sandro is the guy…
Pedro is the guy….
Mary is the woman …

We use WHICH to talk about things

This is the company …
This is the course …
Soccer is a sport ….
We use THAT to talk about people and things
Sandro is the guy …
This is the company…

3. Complete the sentences using the correct relative pronoun: who, which or that.

1. This is the new t-shirt ___________ I will be wearing at the party.

2. Messi is on the team ____________ won the match.
3. Do you know the man ____________ is living next to us?
4. She has a camera _______________ she got from her granddad.
5. He liked the film______________ we watched last weekend.

4. Choose the right word: who, which, that to complete the following sentences.

1. I met a woman _____________ can speak Chinese.

2. What is the name of the man ____________ / that lives next door?
3. What’s the name of the river _____________ / that goes through the town?
4. Everybody ___________ / that went to the party enjoyed it very much.
5. Do you know anybody _____________ / that wants to buy a car?

5. Rewrite the sentences. Use who, which or that.

Jimmy is a nice person Jimmy is a nice person who works in the hospital.
He works in a hospital in Tampico.
Tom is a good neighbor.
He writes poems.
I have a friend.
He exercises a lot.
Jane is a person.
She never gets early.
The dog is playing with the ball.
This dog is mine.

6. Look at the picture and write sentences about them using relative pronouns.

1.The Dog is playing with the cat. This dog is mine.

2.The man is repairing his car. The man is my granddad.
3.The girl is playing the piano. The girl is my daughter.
4.My neighbor lives in this house. He is 87years old.

7. Practice on line, use which or who, where . Complete the statements below.

Assessment Criteria: Activity 3

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Analyze the grammar structure of this unit.

● Complete 100% of the grammar exercises.

3.4 Reading: identify specific information.

Activity 4. Reading and using relative clauses

Objective: To analyze the use of relative pronouns, who, which, where, that, to give extra
information about a place you like.

1.Read the following text and describe to whom the relative pronouns are referring to.

Tamatan Park is my favorite place here in Ciudad Victoria.

It’s a Sunday evening in the city. Many people are enjoying the morning in this amazing
park, which (1) is near the zoo. There are two girls who are sitting where (2) the fountain
is. There are some birds which (3) are eating. We can see a girl who (4) has a ball in her
hand. There are 2 adults who (5) are with her. We can also see some people who (6) are
where (7) the trees are. Near the park, there’s a restaurant where (8) people like to go
for breakfast, lunch or dinner. We see a couple who (9) are eating some food which (10)
is on the table.

1.WHICH refers to 6.WHO refers to

2.WHERE refers to 7.WHERE refers to
3.WHICH refers to 8.WHERE refers to
4.WHO refers to 9.WHO refers to
5.WHO refers to 10.WHICH refers to

2. Pair work. Interview a partner about his / her favorite place.

What is your favorite place in your hometown? Why do you like it?

3. Practice online. Click on the following web link for extra practice for reading.
Assessment Criteria: Activity 4

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Analyze the grammar structure of this unit.

● Complete 100% of the grammar exercises.
● Express information about a place.
● Pronunciation
● Fluency

3.5 Writing: describing a holiday

Activity 5. Describing a holiday

Objective: To analyze the use of relative pronouns, who, which, where, that, to describe
an specific event or social activity.

1. Analyze the following information about relative clauses.

Adjectives clauses identify or describe people or things. Introduce adjective clauses about people
with who or that.
A mariachi singer is someone who or that sings traditional Mexican music
Carnaval is a great holiday for people who or that likes parades
Anyone who or that doesn’t wear a costume can’t go to festival

Use that not who for adjective clauses that describe things.
Day of the dead is a celebration that takes place in November
The parade that commemorates Bastille day is very exciting

Be careful! Don´t use a subject pronoun after the relative pronouns who or that.
Don’t say: Thanksgiving is a celebration that it takes place in November

2. Underline the adjective clauses and circle the relative pronouns.

1.Ramadan is a religious tradition that falls on a different day every day.

2.The woman who designed our Halloween costumes for the parade is really talented.

3.The celebrations that take place in Brazil during Carnival are a lot of fun.

4.People who celebrate April Fool’s Day have a lot of fun on April 1st.

3. Practice. Write five sentences with adjective clauses to describe some holiday and
tradition in your country.


Assessment Criteria: Activity 5

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Writing: vocabulary, sentence structure, spelling.

3.6 Writing / Speaking: Talking about your favorite place and your traditions.

Activity 6. Talking about your favorite place.

Objective: To talk about your favorite place and your community traditions.

1. Write a description of your favorite town or city. And explain what traditions or activities
are popular there.
● What's the name of the city or town?
● Where is it?
● Is it big or small?
● Are there any mountains, rivers, hills, lakes, etc?
Main part
● What places or tourist attractions are there?
● Are there any interesting places for teens?
● What can people do there?
● Are there any traditions or special activities people do there?
● What do you think of the town or city?
● What is something you enjoy doing there with friends or family?

-Use a variety of adjectives to make your description interesting
-Use relative clauses to describe people, objects and places.
-Use there is / there are

2. Class work. Bring photos of the city or town. Share the information with your

Assessment Criteria: Activity 6

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Writing: vocabulary, sentence structure, spelling.

● Speaking: pronunciation, content, fluency.

Self-Assessment.- The aim of this activity is to promote your self-evaluation skills.

Analyze the following criteria and self-evaluate your own learning.

Aún no
Autónomo Destacado Suficiente suficiente
4 3 2 1
I am very I do this I need I do this with
good in this. very well more difficulty.


English 3 Module 3
Learning outcomes 1 2 3 4
1. Recall names of different places in a town.
2. Classify adjectives to describe places, people and objects.
3. Use relative pronouns to talk about people, places and places.
4. Identify specific information in a text.
5. Describe a place and the activities you can do in that place.
6. Exchange information about a place, the people and the activities.

Planning my learning
What new words did I learn in this module? What strategies do I need to do to improve my

LECCIÓN CONSTRUYE-T.- The aim of this activity is to develop your social and
emotional skills.


Dimensión HSE No. y nombre de lección No. y nombre de variación
Modelo Simplificado
Relaciona Conciencia Lección 10 Perspectivas y
1 10 Perspectivas y
T Social Contextos.
Contextos diferentes

Miles Craven (2013) Breakthrough Plus 1 Student Book. Macmillan: Thailand

Montenegro, C. (2021). Places in San Luis. [Video]. Youtube,

Rosillos, C. (2021) Places in a town or city. Retrieved on May 29, 2021, from

Aprendes Ahora (2021) Relative pronouns who and which. [Video]. Youtube,

Chuck, Olenalin ( 2002) Relative Clauses. Retrieved on May 29, 2021, from

Vega, E. (2021). Relative Pronouns. Retrieved on May 29, 2021, from


Horas asignadas: 14 horas

Propósito del Bloque. Construye información sobre instrucciones y obligaciones haciendo

uso de “Phrasal verbs”, pronombres objetivos y las habilidades comunicativas, favoreciendo

la creatividad, la apertura a diferentes puntos de vista y maneras de conducirse en su


Aprendizajes esperados

1. Desarrolla información sobre instrucciones y obligaciones de manera oral y escrita de

su entorno haciendo uso de “phrasal verbs” y pronombres objetivos, reflexionando sobre

las diferentes maneras de conducirse en el contexto.


CG4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas según quienes sean sus interlocutores, el

contexto en el cual se encuentra y los objetivos que persigue.

CG4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas.

CG5.1 Sigue instrucciones y procedimientos de manera reflexiva, comprendiendo como

cada uno de sus pasos contribuyen al alcance de un objetivo.

CDBC 2: Evalúa un texto mediante la comparación de un contenido con el de otros, en

función de sus conocimientos previos y nuevos.

CDBC 4: Produce textos con base en el uso normativo de la lengua, considerando la

intención y situación comunicativa.

CDBC 10: Identificar e interpretar la idea general y posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o

escrito en una segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no verbales

y contexto.

CDBC 11: Se comunica en una lengua extranjera mediante un discurso lógico, oral o

escrito, congruente con la situación comunicativa.

CDBC 12: Utiliza las tecnologías de la información y comunicación.

Diagnostic. - The aim of this activity is to identify what knowledge you have about the

I. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences.

1. Please, _____________ your shoes.

a) clean up b) turn on c) take off d) throw away

2. The cupcakes are ready, please ___________ the oven.

a) hang up b) put away c) take out d) turn off

3. Jessica, instead of watching TV, go to your bedroom and _____________ your clothes.

a) take down b) put on c) hang up d) clean up

4. We need to ____________ the house, before our friends arrive.

a) put away b) clean up c) turn off d) take out

5. ____________ the toys, please.

a) Turn off b) Sit down c) Pick up d) Turn on


II.Match the pictures with the correct phrasal verb.

Turn off

Pick up

Put on

Sit down

4.1 Vocabulary: Phrasal Verbs

Activity 1. Chores in the house
Objective: To use phrasal verbs to talk about home chores.

Match the pictures with the correct phrasal verb.

1 2 3

5 6 7 8
Hang up your clothes ( )

Put away the dishes ( )

Turn on the lights ( )

Wipe off the windows ( )

Take out the trash ( )

Sweep off the floor ( )

Hang out the clothes ( )

Clean up your toys ( )


2. Watch the video. Write down the different chores each person has to





3. Helping in the house is very important. Make a list of the chores you usually do at

I always take out the trash, I…

Assessment Criteria: Activity 1

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Recall the vocabulary about chores at home.

● List 8 activities family members do at home.

4.2 Grammar: Phrasal verbs

Activity 2. Phrasal verbs
Objective: To analyze the use of phrasal verbs.

1. Analiza el siguiente video sobre los verbos compuestos (phrasal verbs). Elabora un
mapa mental sobre la explicación. Incluye Definición, tipos de phrasal verbs y ejemplos.



Types Examples

2. Watch the following video. Complete the text about Gina.

She is Gina. Every morning, the alarm….


3. Practice. Read the conversation between John and Ashley.

John: Ashley… Ashley! Turn off the radio, please.

Ashley: Oh, but this is my favorite song!
John: I know, but it's very loud
Ashley: Ok, I´ll turn it down.
John: Thank you Ashley.
Vanessa: Ashley, please pick up your shoes.
Ashley: Sure mom. Let me first take out the garbage.
Vanessa: Thank you sweetheart.

Write the correct phrasal verbs for each meaning.

1. ________________: lift someone or something.

2. ________________: to stop a piece of equipment working temporarily by pressing
a button or by moving a switch.
3. ________________: decrease the volume or strength.
4. ________________: remove from a place or thing.

4. Practice. Match the words and phrases in columns A and B. Look at the example.

You can use the Cambridge dictionary to check the definition.

Put away your jacket
Turn on your room
Take off the groceries
Turn down all the jeans
Clean up the music
Hang out the lamp

1. Clean up your room.___

2. ___________________
3. ___________________
4. ___________________
5. ___________________
6. ___________________

5. Practice. Use the phrasal verbs of the box to complete the sentences.

take out turn off hang up

clean up pick up

1. Laura is going to _______________ the children at 2:00 pm.

2. You need to ______________ the TV at 9:00 pm.
3. Luis ______________ the trash daily.
4. When you finish your homework, take the hangers and ________________ your
clothes, please.
5. ________________ your things if you want me to take you to the park.

6. Online Practice. Make a list of phrasal verbs and definitions of 10 common

phrasal verbs to do chores. Write an example using your own information

Phrasal verb Definition Your example

Clean up

Assessment Criteria: Activity 2

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● List the criteria for phrasal verbs.
● Analyze the grammar structure of this unit.
● Complete 100% of the grammar exercises.

4.3 Grammar: Object pronouns

Activity 3. Using object pronouns + phrasal verbs

Objective: To analyze the use of phrasal verbs + object pronouns.

1.What is an object pronoun? Watch the following video. Complete the notes.

a) Match the personal pronoun with the correct object pronoun.

I _____ us
You _____ it
He _____ them
She _____ me
It _____ her
We _____ you
They _____ him

b) Write some examples in your notebook.

2. Practice. Use the pronoun in the parenthesis to write the correct object pronoun in the
following sentences.
1. Jessica helps her mother at work. She really loves __________. (she)
2. Javier likes working with his friends. He helps __________ on the weekends. (they)
3. My shirt is new. I like ____________ very much. (it)
4. Ximena gave ____________ a gift on Valentine´s Day. (I)
5. The kids are swimming in the pool and Marcos is watching ____________.(they)
6. I have a cup of chocolate, but I can't drink _________. It's too hot. (it)
7. Melissa is going out with Edgar. She is dating __________. (he)
8. Carlos is a cool boy. Do you know __________? (he)
9. Take ___________ with you. They want to go to the party. (they)
10. Sara is a great cheerleader and a good person. I really admire _______. (she)

3. Practice: Complete the story using the correct object pronoun.

Hello! My name is Charlie and I live with my grandparents, Louis and Marie. I love

_________ very much. There is also my sister Stephanie and my dog Max. I always take

_________ for a walk after I finish my homework. He is very faithful to ______. He always

wants to follow ________ everywhere we go. My grandparents work very hard, they don't

have a lot of time to play with Max. But even so, Max loves _________ very much. When

my grandma goes to the store that is near to our house, Max always wants to go with

__________. In my family we love each other and I really hope that Max could be with us

for many more years.

4. Notice: We can use phrasal verbs and object pronouns to express our ideas.

Analyze the following table.

Phrasal verb + noun Separable phrasal verb + object Requests and

pronoun responses

Turn on the radio Turn it on. (correct) Please turn on the radio.

Turn the radio on Turn on it. (incorrect) Ok, I’ll turn it on.

Put away the dishes Put them away. (correct) Put away the dishes,

Put the dishes away Put away them. (incorrect) please.


Of course, I’ll put them


5. Practice. Choose the correct word

1. Turn on the _________ (mess / magazines / tablet )
2. Put away your _________ ( clothes / dog / car)
3. Turn down the _________ / drinks / TV / cars)
4. Take out the _________ (trash / food / garden)
5. Hang up _________ (notes / shoes / clothes)

6. Practice. Complete the requests with the next words. And use the object pronouns to
the lights the garbage the table the shoes the coat

1. Pick up ______________, please. Sure mom, I’ll pick ________ up.

2. Turn ______________on, please. Ok, I’ll turn _________ on.
3. Wipe off ____________, please. No, I won’t wipe ______ off. I need to do an
online exam.
4. Hang _______________ up, please. Yes mom, I’ll hang ________up in a second.
5. Please, take out ________________. Ok, I’ll take _________ out.

7. Practice. Write sentences using the given object pronouns.

1. Him.

2. Me.

3. Us.

4. Them

5. Her.

6. Online Practice. Click on the following web link for extra practice on phrasal verbs.

Assessment Criteria: Activity 3

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Analyze the grammar structure of this unit.

● Complete 100% of the grammar exercises.

4.4 Reading: identify specific information.

Activity 4. Chores at home
Objective: To identify specific information in a text about responsibilities and obligations at
home for men and women.

1. Read the following text about getting children to do chores. Then answer the questions.

Helping out at home.

In many families, house chores can be a problem. Who does the chores? Who is responsible
for doing them? In the past, many women stayed at home and did all the chores. Husbands
went out to work and their wives were used to cleaning and cooking. Nowadays, more and
more women have jobs outside the home. So most people think that both men and women
are responsible for doing house chores.

But what about kids? Should children help their parents around the house? If so, at what
age should they start? How often should they help? And should they get money for helping?

Many people agree that children should help around the house. Doing chores is one way
that children can learn to take responsibility for the mess they make.

Some even say that young children can help at home with easy jobs. For example, a child
of six or seven years old, can help do the laundry by separating dark-colored and light-
colored clothes.

One problem is making sure that children and teenagers help regularly with chores. To solve
this problem, some people suggest making a list of house chores, you can use a piece of
paper or on a computer or tablet. The list can have four parts: daily chores (such as picking
up toys, taking out the trash), weekly chores (washing up the car), monthly chores (cleaning
up the refrigerator) and yearly chores (cleaning the garage).

Another suggestion to make sure that children and teenagers do jobs around the house is
to pay them. Some people say that this helps them to learn how to administer their money,
but others think that it is wrong to pay them for helping because they are part of the family.
After all, no one pays Mom and Dad to do the chores!

(Richards, 2013)

Answer the questions

1.Why do some people think that both men and women have the responsibility to do house


2. Why do many people think that children should help to do house chores?


3. What types of chores can children and teenagers do?


4. What are some reasons for and against paying children to do their jobs?


Assessment Criteria: Activity 4

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Analyze the information in the text.
● Identify specific information for each question.

Closing Activity

This is the last activity of this English Course. The aim of this activity is twofold: to use the
skills you have learned in English I, and to promote the communicative skills you have
developed in this academic term.

4.5 Listening: identify specific information.

Activity 5: family life
Objective: To identify specific information in a conversation.

1. Listen to the results of a survey about family life. Answer each question with men (M),
women (W), boys (B) or girls (G).

€ Who is the messiest person in the house? ______________________

€ Who does most of the work in the kitchen? ______________________
€ Who usually takes out the garbage? ______________________
€ Who does the dishes and cleans up the kitchen? ______________________
€ Who usually puts groceries away? ______________________
€ Who worries most about expenses? ______________________
(Richards, 2013)

2. Helping with the house chores is a responsibility for all the members of the family. Now,
think about the chores you do in your house. Write 3 chores for each member of your

Mother Father
My mother sweeps out the floor.
My father cooks breakfast for me and my

ME Brother / Sister
I take out the trash every day… My brother cleans up the kitchen.

Assessment Criteria: Activity 5

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Analyze the information and complete 100% of the items.
● Writing: vocabulary, sentence structure, spelling.

4.6 Speaking: Talking about your family

Activity 6: Family life
Objective: To Exchange information about the responsibilities and obligations that men and women
have in their homes.

3. Class activity. Go around the class and ask your classmates about the chores each member in
his / her family does at home. Complete the table with information from your classmates.

Mother Father
What chores does your mother do at What chores does your father do at home?

ME Brother / Sister
What chores do you do at home? What chores does your brother do at home?

Assessment Criteria: Speaking

The following is the criteria for this activity:

● Speaking: pronunciation, content, fluency.


Self-Assessment.- The aim of this activity is to promote your self-evaluation skills.

Analyze the following criteria and self-evaluate you own learning.

Aún no
Autónomo Destacado Suficiente
4 3 2
I am very I do this I need I do this with
good in this. very well more difficulty.


English 3 Module 4

Learning outcomes 1 2 3 4

1. Identify words about home chores.

2. Analyze the structure of phrasal verbs.
3. Analyze the use of object pronouns.
4. Identify specific information in a text.
5. Identify specific information in an audio.
6. Exchange information about home chores.
Planning my learning
What new words did I learn in this module? What things do I have to do to improve my

Lección Construye-T.- The aim of this activity is to develop your social and emotional


Lección 9 Ayudar a
1 Conoce T Conciencia Social 9.4 Vamos a ayudar-nos

How can I develop my empathy for others? How can I help my family or friends with their

Interdisciplinary Project
Objective: To write an abstract about your interdisciplinary project.

1. Take your notes about the information of your research.






1. Analyze the infographic below to identify the structure for an abstract.

2. Now, write your own abstract about your interdisciplinary project.

✔ Write about 130 words

✔ Include introduction, objective, method, results and a brief conclusion.
✔ Make sure to explain why this research was important.
✔ Check your spelling and verb tenses for each part.

Assessment Criteria

The following is the criteria for this activity:


● The abstract includes, purpose of the study, methods, relevant findings and
● Coherence
● Vocabulary, sentence structure, spelling.


Bele, M. (2021). Phrasal verbs: household chores. Retrieved on May 29, 2021, from

Easy English (2021). Talking about household chores in English. [Video]. Youtube,

Ochoa, Francisco. (2021). 10 phrasal verbs comunues para la rutina de la mañana. [Video].

Richards, J., Hull, J., Proctor, S. (2013). New Interchange 2. Full Contact. Peru: Cambridge
University Press

Telebachilleratos. (2021). ¿Que son los phrasal verbs y como se usan? [Video]. Youtube,

Telebachilleratos. (2021).Pronombres objetivos: me,you, him, her, it, us, them . [Video].

Willis, Lesley. (2021). 10 phrasal verbs and object pronouns. Retrieved on May 29, 2021,

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