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El pltano es muy nutritivo, combina la energa de los hidratos

elevado contenido en potasio, fsforo y magnesio hace que sea un
nios y deportistas, estos minerales son muy
fibra soluble ayuda a regular el nivel de colesterol.

Banana Flour

Bananas are very nutritious, it combines the energy of carbohydrates with vitamins such as C and B6 and minerals. High conten
potassium, phosphorus and magnesium makes it an ideal food for people with some physical activity, such as chil
minerals are very important for muscle function and prevent cramping. In addition, the soluble fiber helps regulate cholester

Humedad (%)
Grasa (%)
Fibra (%)
Protena (%)
Ceniza (%)
Hidratos de Carbono (%)
Valor energtico (Kcal./100g)
Calcio (mg/100g)
Hierro (mg/100g)
Fsforo (mg/100g)
-Caroteno (pg/100g)
Vitamina C (mg/100g)


combina la energa de los hidratos de carbono con vitaminas, como la
fsforo y magnesio hace que sea un alimento ideal para las personas con
deportistas, estos minerales son muy importantes para la funcin muscular y previene los calambres.
Bananas are very nutritious, it combines the energy of carbohydrates with vitamins such as C and B6 and minerals. High conten
potassium, phosphorus and magnesium makes it an ideal food for people with some physical activity, such as chil
minerals are very important for muscle function and prevent cramping. In addition, the soluble fiber helps regulate cholester
Anlisis harina de pltano
Humedad (%) 14.01
Grasa (%) 0.10
Protena (%) 3.72
Ceniza (%) 1.93
Hidratos de Carbono (%) 80.24
Valor energtico (Kcal./100g) 302.20
Calcio (mg/100g) 9.68
Hierro (mg/100g) 2.55
Fsforo (mg/100g) 84.35
Caroteno (pg/100g) 82.93
Vitamina C (mg/100g) 3.84
de carbono con vitaminas, como la C y la B6 y minerales esenciales. Su
alimento ideal para las personas con cierta actividad fsica, como
y previene los calambres. Adems, su contenido en
Bananas are very nutritious, it combines the energy of carbohydrates with vitamins such as C and B6 and minerals. High content of
potassium, phosphorus and magnesium makes it an ideal food for people with some physical activity, such as children and athletes, these
minerals are very important for muscle function and prevent cramping. In addition, the soluble fiber helps regulate cholesterol.

Analysis of banana flour

Humidity (%) 14.01
Fat (%) 0.10
Fiber (%) 1.44
Protein (%) 3.72
Ash (%) 1.93
Carbohydrates (%) 80.24
Energy value (Kcal./100g) 302.20
Calcium (mg/100g) 9.68
Iron (mg/100g) 2.55
Phosphorus (mg/100g) 84.35
-Carotene (pg/100g) 82.93
Vitamin C (mg/100g) 3.84

Esta fruta posee un alto contenido del trytophan, un antidepresivo natural. La investigacin fue realizada por investigadores
del Instituto de Investigacin de Alimento y Nutricin de Filipinas que, tras los resultados del estudio, recomendaron ingerir
dos o tres pltanos diarios. Dado que posee un considerable contenido de azcar de frutas (fructosa) nos permite el lujo de
poder proporcionarles abundante energa a nuestro cuerpo.
Por sus vitaminas y minerales que son tan necesarios para la formacin de sus tejidos. Podemos mencionar como ejemplo la
vitamina A, que colabora ampliamente en el normal crecimiento de los nios adems de conservar la salud de los ojos y la
piel. La vitamina B1 que atena y previene la fatiga (tiamina). La vitamina B2 que contribuye a liberar la energa de las
clulas proporcionando buen color a la piel y otorgando brillo a los ojos (riboflavina). La vitamina PP que acta favoreciendo
la salud de los nervios y tambin la digestin (niacina). Y por ltimo la vitamina C, que como ya sabemos contribuye a evitar
los resfros y el sangrado de las encas.

This fruit has a high content of trytophan, a natural antidepressant. The research was conducted by researchers at the
Research Institute of Food and Nutrition of the Philippines, following the results of the study, recommends eating two or three
bananas a day. Given that possesses considerable fruit sugar content (fructose) allows us the luxury of being able to provide
abundant energy to our body..
For vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for the formation of tissues. We can mention the example of vitamin A, which
works extensively in the normal growth of children in addition to maintaining the health of the eyes and skin. Vitamin B1
attenuates and prevents fatigue (thiamine). Vitamin B2 that helps release energy from cells providing good color to the skin
and giving sparkle to eyes (riboflavin). Vitamin PP that acts by promoting the health of nerves and digestion (niacin). And
finally, vitamin C, which as we know helps prevent colds and bleeding gums.

Luis Miguel Mndez Alonso
Mara Teresa Parilli
Telfono: 0034-618487645
SKYPE: fincantabria1

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