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RELATIVE PRONOUNS Los pronombres relativos son palabras que utilizamos para unir oraciones con el fin de identificar

o proporcionar ms informacin sobre una persona o cosa previamente mencionada. QU FUNCIONES HACEN? 1) Identifican a una persona o cosa. Este tipo de oraciones se llaman defining relative clauses Ej. 1: He is the person whom I spoke about. l es la persona de la que habl. Ej. 2: The bag which you gave me. La bolsa que me diste. 2) Proporcionan ms informacin sobre una persona o cosa previamente identificada. Este tipo de oraciones se llaman: non-defining relative clauses. Ej. 1: You already know Mr. Smith, who is one of my best friends. T ya conoces al Sr. Smith que es uno de mis mejores amigos. Nota: En la primera parte de la oracin ya hemos identificado a la persona es el Sr. Smith al cual ya conoces; luego aadimos ms informacin. Ej. 2: Thirty years ago my uncle built this house, which is now worth 4.000.000 euros. Importante: Las non-defining relative clauses llevan comas. Si la oracin va en medio, necesito dos comas, una para abrir y otra para cerrar. Ej.: My friend, who you don't know, is coming today. Mi amigo, a quien no conoces, viene hoy.

LOS PRONOMBRES RELATIVOS SON: who que, quin, el cual, la cual, los cuales, las cuales (para personas)

Who tiene las funciones de sujeto y su antecedente (el sujeto al que refiere) debe ser una persona, aunque puede ocasionalmente referir un animal personificado, como por ejemplo en cuentos. Ej. The man who knew too much / El hombre que saba demasiado whom a quien, al cual, a la cual, a los cuales, a las cuales (para personas)

Whom Es muy formal y se emplea en lenguaje escrto, no siendo muy habitual su uso en lenguaje hablado.. whose de que, de quien, del cual, de la cual, de los cuales, de las cuales, cuyo, cuya, cuyos, cuyas (para personas) Whose expresa posesin y pertenencia y se refiere nicamente a personas, (tambin excepcionalmente a animales y a nombres colectivos). Ej. The family whose house we stayed in / La familia en cuya casa estuvimos which que, lo que, el cual, lo cual, la cual, los cuales, las cuales (para cosas)

Which se emplea como sujeto y como complemento y se refiere solamente a cosas o animales: Ej. The car which is in the garage / El coche que est en el garage. This is the car which I go to work in / ste es el coche con el cual voy a trabajar. that que, el que, la que, los que, las que (para personas y cosas)

That se emplea como sujeto o complemento directo y puede referirse a personas, cosas o animales: Ej. The letter that came yesterday is from my mother / La carta que lleg ayer es de mi madre. The man that came to our house / El hombre que vino a nuestra casa. what lo que

What generalmente hace referencia a acciones o situaciones. Ej: I know what you're thinking / S lo que ests pensando Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow / Nadie sabe que pasar maana where donde

Where se emplea para referirse a lugares. Ej. Yesterday was the day when all the people in my office said the truth. /Ayer fue el da cuando toda la gente en mi oficina dijo la verdad. When cuando

When se refiere al tiempo u hora Ej. The day, when she came, was very warm./El da, cuando ella vino, estaba muy calido. "who, which, when" a veces pueden ser reemplazados por "that" Ej.: The book which (that) is on the table is mine. He is the man who (that) is very good playing football. The day when (that) she came was warm. "where" se puede sustituir por "in which" o por "on which" (en el/la cual) segn lo que se quiera dar a entender. Ej.: The office where (in which) i work is next to that shop. This is the street where (on which) i live.

Consejo: Siempre que vayas a utilizar who/which piensa antes si te vas a referir a una persona o cosa y no te equivocars. Recuerda: who [hu] para personas y which [gich] para cosas. Regla importante: That se utiliza generalmente para identificar personas y cosas en las identifying relative clauses (no se usa generalmente en las non-identifying)

DIFERENCIA ENTRE WHO Y THAT Generalmente, es indiferente usar 'who' y 'that'. Sin embargo, existen diferencias entre ambos que hacen ms apropiado el uso de uno u otro pronombre dependiendo de si se est identificando o no al sujeto. EJ. Where is the girl (who / that) sells the ice cream? / Dnde est la chica que vende el helado? (ambos usos, 'who' y 'that' son correctos) This is Carol, who sells the ice cream / sta es Carol, la cual vende el helado. This is Carol, that sells the ice cream (uso inadecuado de 'that') 'That' normalmente no puede ir precedido de una preposicin Despus de superlativos y pronombres indefinidos debemos emplear 'that' en lugar de 'who' Ej. It's the best film that I've ever seen / Es la mejor pelcula que he visto nunca. It's something that makes him cry / Es algo que le hace llorar.

RELATIVOS DEMOSTRATIVOS he who el que los que that of those of el de, la de los de, las de

those who

RELATIVOS COMPUESTOS whoever cualquiera que (personas) whomever cualquiera que (personas, ms formal) whatever cualquier cosa que

whichever cualquiera que (personas, cosas)

RELATIVE PRONOUNS 1. Choose the correct relative pronoun. 1. I have a friend - _____________ - who which what whose lives in Madrid. 2. - _____________ - who which what whose beer is this? Its mine. 3. A credit card is a piece of plastic - _____________ - who which what whose helps you spend money. 4. - _____________ - who which what whose are you doing with that knife? 5. I dont like people - _____________ - who which what whose never say thank you.

2. Write the appropriate relative pronoun in each sentence: 1. The student _______ studies hard will pass the final exam. 2. Mr. Richard is the man to ______ we all admire!. 3. ________ am I speaking to?. 4. He ____________ car is big, is my best friend. 5. The glasses _________ were on the table, were mine. 6. Those were the houses __________ I was telling you about!. 7. April the second is the day _________ he celebrates his birthday. 8. The book _______ she wrote was a best-seller. 9. The book _______ inspired many students was written many years ago. 10. The teacher _______ I was talking about now lives in Canada. 11. The teacher _______ inspired many students was well-known. 12. Ms Tate's publications, _______ have inspired many, are all on my bookshelves. 13. The book _______ many readers have learnt a lot from was written by that teacher. 14. The teacher _______ many students were inspired by taught English literature. 15. The teacher _______ every student looked up to retired 10 years ago. 16. The teacher _______ now lives in Canada was respected by many of her students. 17. The book _______ was written by her is still talked about. 18. The teacher _______ everybody respected remains single all her life. 19. The book _______ she wrote is used as a textbook in many literature courses. 20. The book _______ many courses use is published in only paperback editions. 21. The book _______ everybody is talking about does not cost much. 22. The teacher _______ every student loved is still writing to her students. 23. Ms Tate, _______ was trained in literature, has taught literature all her life.

24. The teacher _______ many students owe their success has taught in many countries. 25. The teaching _______ many students owe their technique is captured in this book. 26. Ms Tate's letters, _______ her students are still inspired by, show how much she still cares for her students. 27. Ms Tate, _______ many past students are still writing to, replies to all the letters. 28. Ms Tate's letters, _______ her students all treasure, contain words of wisdom. 29. Ms Tate, _______ many of her students are writing, is living happily and peacefully in Canada. 30. I know a man _______ loves dogs.

3. Rewrite the following sentences. 1. Nessie is a monster. It lives in Loch Ness. 2. A fridge is a thing. It keeps food cool. 3. A DJ is a person. He plays music in a disco. 4. A bee is an insect. It makes honey. 5. A lemon is a fruit. It is yellow and sour. 6. A watch is a thing. It tells the time. 7. A ferry is a ship. It carries people across the water.

8. A shop assistant is a person. She works ina shop. 9. A key is a thing. It can open and lock doors. 10. I gave you a book. It had many pictures. 11. I am reading a book at the moment. It is very interesting. 12. The town is very old. My grandparents live there. 13. The sweets are delicious. I bought them yesterday. 14. The football match was very exciting. My friend played in it. 15. The letter hasn't arrived yet. I posted it three days ago. 16. The house is not very big. I used to live there.

17. Sue is going out with a boy. I don't like him. 18. We spent our holiday in Scotland last year. Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. 19. People live in Scotland. They are called Scots. 20. We first went to Edinburgh. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. 21. Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh. He wrote the Sherlock Holmes stories. 22. Then we visited a lake. It is in the Highlands. 23. Loch Ness is 37 km long. People know it for its friendly monster. 24. There we met an old man. He told us that he had seen Nessie. 25. We then travelled to a mountain. The mountain is near the town of Fort William. 26. The mountain is the highest mountain in Great Britain. It is called Ben Nevis. 27. I sent you a postcard. It was written on the summit of Ben Nevis. 28. I have three brothers. They came to see me last month. 29. I have one sister. She spent her holiday in France. 30. Bob's mum has lost her keys. She is a musician. 31. My friend Jane moved to Canada. Her husband is Canadian. 32. The shoes are very comfortable. I bought them yesterday. 33. Mr Robinson is a very famous inventor. I met him at the trade fair. 34. Tamaras cats can play outside. Both of them are black. 35. Yesterday we visited a church. It is a very old church. 36. A monk is a man. The man has devoted his life to God. 37. I have one black cat. His name is Blacky. 38. A herbivore is an animal. The animal feeds upon vegetation. 39. Carol plays the piano brilliantly. She is only 9 years old.

40. Sydney is the largest Australian city. It is not the capital of Australia. 41. We ordered a book. It was very expensive. 42. You are sitting on a bench. The paint on the bench is still wet. 43. The photographer could not develop the pictures. I had taken them in Australia. 44. One of the bins smells awful. You havent emptied the bin for 3 weeks. 45. They are singing a song. I dont know the song. 46. The city seems to be abandoned. It is usually crowded with people. 47. You made an offer. We cannot accept it. 48. A midwife is a woman. She assists other women in childbirth. 49. Three youngsters were arrested by the police. They had committed criminal offences. 50. The World Wide Web has become an essential part of our lives. It was invented by Tim BernersLee.

4. Write definitions for the following words using relative clauses. 1. A library is a 2. A butterfly is a 3. A waiter is a 4. A bricklayer is a 5. A dictionary is a 6. A pickpocket is a 7. A carnivore is a 8. A synonym is 9. Spring is a

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