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2005 Caterpillar Inc.

INTRODUCCIN Esta presentacin discute las mayores caractersticas y cambios, la ubicacin de componentes, la identificacin y la operacin de los sistemas del Tractor de Cadenas D10T. El D10T es similar en apariencia al D10R. La estacin del operador incorpora, la cabina comn que es tambin usado en los Tractotres de Cadenas D8T y el D9T. El D10T es potenciado por un motor electrnico C27 ACERT (Advanced Combustion Emissions Reduction Technology), el cul es equipado con un sistema de combustible de inyector unitario electrnico mecnico (MEUI). Este motor utiliza el A4 Mdulo Control Electrnico (ECM) del control del motor y es equipado con un sistema de enfriamiento de aire de admisin (RATAAC) remoto post-enfriador aire a aire. El motor C27 es de 12-cylindros en "V" arreglo con un desplazamiento de 27 litros. El C27 tiene una potencia de 432 kW (580 caballos de fuerza) a 1800 rpm. Otra carasterstica standard incluida en el sistema hidrulico de la transmisin es el uso de la mxima presin de operacin para la transmisin y los frenos, una demanda de ventilador electro-hidrulico, un sistema de implementos electro-hidrulico, el radiador con sistema de enfriamiento modular avanzado (AMOCS), y el sistema de vizualizacin y monitoreo Caterpillar Advisor. El D10T puede tambin ser equipado con un arreglo adicional por un ejemplo un motor con sistema de pre-lubricacin, un arreglo de ambiente fro, un ventilador reversible y/o arreglo de derivacin del ventilador, inclinacin doble de la hoja, un control con asistencia automatica de la hoja (ABA), y AutoCarry. El D10T puede ser usado con el sistema automatizado de movimiento de tierra (CAES). El prefijo de nmero de serie para el D10T es RJG.


2 COMPARTIMIENTO DEL OPERADOR El compartimiento del operador para el D10T incorpora el diseo de una cabina comn, el cul es usado en los Tractores de Cadenas D8T, el D9T, y el D10T. La cabina es ocho pulgada mas ancha que la cabina usada en los modelos anteriores de los Tractores de Cadena. La cabina tiene puertas ms anchas 20 ms lejos para una entrada y una salida ms fcil. Contiene un rea ms de cristal que permita mejor visibilidad para el operador. El diseo de la nueva cabina tambien incluye: - El sistema de vizualizacin y monitoreo Caterpillar con Advisor. - Un nuevo estilo de panel de intrumento cluster - Una nueva consola a la derecha con controles rediseado para la iluminacin y otros sistemas de la mquina.


3 Los apoyabrazos izquierdos rellenados delantera son ajustable usando la palanca (1). Moviendo la palanca hacia arriba el apoya brazo se movera a la posicin deseada. Liberando la palanca mecanicamente trabar el apoya brazo es esa posicin. El ajuste de la altura del apoya brazo se ajustar con el interruptor (2). El presionar y sujetar la parte superior del interruptor levantar y dar la altura al apoya brazo. El presionar y sujetar la parte inferior del interruptor bajar y cambiar la altura del aopya brazo. Las palanca de control de las puntas de los dedos de la direccin (FTC) (4) son conectados para cada sensor de posicin de rotacin (3), el cual enva una seal PWM para el ECM de transmisin, cuando son tirado hacia atrs. Las seales PWM son proporcionales para el movimiento de las palancas de direccin. El estado de los sensores de posicin de la palanca de direccin enva un porcentaje de ciclo de trabajo/porcentaje de la posicin de la palanca, que puede ser visto a travs del panel del Advisor (pantalla de estado de servicio del sistema de direccin) o por la herramienta electrnica Caterpillar Electronic Technician (Cat ET).


2 3

4 6

4 Los controles de las punta de los dedos (FTC) es ubicada en la parte delantera izquierda del apoya brazo. Las dos pequeas palancas permite que el operador control el giro derecho y izquierdo. Una seal PWM es enviada para el ECM de transmisin, cuando las palancas son tiradas hacia atrs. El ECM entonces enva una seal a la vlvula de control electrnica de los embragues de freno y direccin el cual control el circuito hidrulico del pistn del embrague de freno y direccin. Moviendo la palanca de direccin izquierda (1) hacia la mitad del recorrido liberar el embrague de direccin izquierdo, el cual desenganchar la potencia a la cadena izquierda. Esta accin resultar un giro gradual a la izquierda. Moviendo la palanca de direccin izquierda (1) completamente hacia atrs enganchar el freno. Esta accin resultar un giro agudo a la izquierda. La respuesta de la direccin es directamente proporcioanl para la cantidad de movimiento de la palanca de direccin. La palanca de direccin derecha (2) opera igual como la izquierda. La direccin del Tractor es controlada por la rotacin de la palanca de direccin F-N-R (3). La palanca es conectada a un sensor de posicin de rotacin, el cual enva una seal PWM para el ECM de transmisin. Moviendo la palanca hacia adelante selecciona la direccin de AVANCE. Moviendo la palanca hacia atrs selecciona la direccin de REVERSA .. La posicin del centro de la palanca selecciona el NEUTRAL. Cada posicin de la palanca es identificado con su correspondiente muesca que sujeta en el lugar la palanca.


El presionar el botn superior amarillo (4) realizar un cambio ascendente en la transmisin uno a la vez. El presionar el botn inperior amarillo (5) realizar un cambio descendente en la transmisin uno a la vez. El interruptor del freno de estacionamiento (6) cambia la transmisin en PRIMERA- NEUTRAL y energiza el solenoide del freno de estacionamiento y el solenoide del freno secundario (como medida de respaldo) en la vlvula de control electrnica de freno y direccin, el cual engancgar los frenos. El estado del sensor de posicin de la palanca de direccin F-N-R enva (porcentaje de cilclo de trabajo/ posicin de la palanca de direccin), los interruptores de cambios ascedentes y descendentes, y el interruptor del freno de estacionamiento pueden ser visto en el panel del Advisor (pantalla de estado de servicio de la transmisin) o por la herramienta electrnica Caterpillar Electronic Technician (Cat ET). NOTA: La palanca de la direccin de F-N-R tambin est conectada con un interruptor de AVANCE y un interruptor de REVERSA, el cual sirne para confirmar la posicin de la palanca. El control anterior FTC inclua solo un interruptor de REVERSA. estos dos interruptores pueden ser monitoreados, a travs del panel del Advisor o usando el ET Cat.

NOTA: Cuando el interruptor del freno de estacionamiento es movido a la posicin ON, el interruptor del freno de estacionamiento crea una coneccin directa entre vlvula solenoide del freno estacionamiento y la batera. esta coneccin energiza la vlvula solenoide del freno de estacionamiento, el cual drena todo el aceite desde el circuito del freno, permitiendo que los resortes apliquen los frenos. El ECM de transmisin monitorea el interruptor del freno de estacionamiento. El ECM aplica corriente para la vlvula solenoide del freno secundario y energiza este cuando detecta que el interruptor del freno de estacionamiento se ha activado. El interruptor del freno de estacionamiento es un interruptor de polo doble. Uno la alimentacin directa desde el panel de los fusibles para el solenoide de freno y el otro polo es el terminal de tierra en el ECM para confirmar que se ha accionado la palanca del interruptor. Una vez que el ECM detecte que el interruptor se ha activado, este alimentar al solenoide secunadrio. Adems de la estrategia discutida arriba, una vez que el ECM detecte que el interruptor del freno de estacionamiento sea activado, este tambin alimentar al solenoide del freno de estacionamiento. Esto da un tercer nivel de la redundancia al sistema en caso de que se interrunpa la energa de la batera. Esto hace que el sistema de freno de estacionamiento tenga una accin triple.


1 2

5 La consola derecha contiene los controles del instrumento y la mayora de los controles de los sistemas y funciones de la maquina. La vlvula de control de la hoja (1) permite que el operador controle todas las funciones de la hoja con una palanca. Si la mquina es equipada con un desgarrador, el control del desgarrador (2) es ubicado atrs de la palanca de control de la hoja. La palanca de control del desgarrador permite que el operador controle todas las funciones. Est situada en la parte trasera la palanca del desgarrador y en el panel vertical de la consola derecha la lmpara de accin (3), el cual alerta al operador de un sistema de la mquina que la operacin esta fuera del rango normal. Adelante de la lmpara de accin hay un adaptador de potencia de 12-volt (4). Para la derecha de la palanca de control de la hoja esta lel botn de la bocina. El interruptor de arranque (6) est situado en el panel vertical sobre el botn de la bocina. El mdulo de vizualizacin grfica del Advisor (7) esta ubicado adelante de la palanca de control de la hoja. El Advisor ser discutido mas adelante en esta presentacin.


3 2 4

5 6

6 La palanca de control de la hoja (1) permite que el operador controle todas las funciones con una palanca. Cuando la palanca se mueva ADELANTE, la hoja BAJAR. Moviendo la palanca adelante a un punto dentro de 3- 4 de la suave muesca de FLOTANTE causa la activacin de la vlvula de cada rpida. El movimiento completamente de la palanca hacia adelante activa la funcin de FLOTANTE. La palanca puede ser retornado para la posicin del centro y mantener la funcin de FLOTANTE. Moviendo la palanca en cualquiera posicin adelante o atrs desde la posicin del centro desactivar la funcin FLOTANTE. Moviendo la palanca para atrs desde la posicin del centro (HOLD) causar que la hoja LEVANTE. Moviendo la palanca de control de la hoja para la inclinacin derecha esta bajara el lado derecho. Moviendo la palanca de inclinacin izquierda esta bajar el lado izquierdo. La funcin FLOTANTE puede desabilitarse a travs del Advisor, usando el "Implement Setup" opcin desde el "Settings" menu. Si la mquina es equipado con inclinacin doble, moviendo la palanca pulgar (2) para la derecha permite al operador descargar la hoja (PITCH FORWARD). Moviendo la palanca pulgar para la izquierda permite desplazar haca atrs la hoja. El botn izquierdo amarillo (4) permite que el operador active segmentos secuenciales en el ciclo de la Asistencia automatica de la hoja (ABA) y/o el ciclo AutoCarry, si es equipado con ABA o AutoCarry. Los modos ABA y/o AutoCarry deben ser armado por este boton para que realice esta funcin.


El botn derecho amarillo (3) cancela los ciclo del ABA o el AutoCarry . La hoja puede ser controlado manualmente en cualquier momento durante el ABA o los ciclos de AutoCarry. El interruptor del disparador (no visible) est ubicado en el frente de la palanca de control de la hoja. El interruptor cambiar entre el modo de nica inclinacin e inclinacin doble cuando es presionado. Liberando el interruptor quedar el modo de inclinacin que esta ajustado. Cualquiera inclinacin nica o doble puede ser ajustado usando el modo de inclinacin a travs del Cat Advisor. El interruptor izquierdo (5) en el panel delante de la palanca de control de la hoja y debajo del panel Advisor, es del interruptor del ABA .. Este es usado para armar el modo ABA. Todo el ajuste del Auto Blade Pitch para LOAD, CARRY, and SPREAD puede ser configurado usando el Cat Advisor. El interruptor derecho (6) manualmente activa el ciclo invertido del ventilador, si la mquina es equipado con un ventilador invertido. (El interruptor del ventilador invertido no es instalado en la ilustracin No. 6.) El estado del interruptor del ABA puede ser visto a travs del panel del Advisor panel (Service/System Status/Implement screens) o usando el Cat ET. El estado del interruptor del ventilador invertido manual puede ser visto, a travs del panel del Advisor (Service/System Status/Engine screens) o usando el Cat ET. El estado de todos los interruptores y el estado de los sensores de posicin (porcentaje de ciclo trabajo/ porcentaje de posicin de la palanca) usado en la palanca de control de la hoja puede ser visto a travs del panel del Advisor (Service/System Status/Implement screens) o usando el Cat ET. NOTA: Existen tres diferentes palancas de control de la hoja que son instalado en el D10T, dependiendo en como la mquin es equipada. La palanca de control de la hoja mostrada en la ilustracin No. 6 es usado en las mquinas que son equipadas con inclinacin doble. Mquinas equipada con inclinacin doble y tambin incluye la funcin ABA. Si la mquina no es equipada con inclinacin doble, pero es equipada con AutoCarry, la palanca de control ser igual, pero el interruptor pulgar no es activo. Si la mquina no tiene ni el uno ni otros inclinacin doble y AutoCarry (Mquina standard nica inclinacin) la palanca de control de la hoja no incluir el interruptor pulgar y los dos botones amarillos. El interruptor del disparador no es incluido con la mquina standard nica inclinacin.


7 La manilla de control del desgarrador (1) es ubicado atrs de la palanca de control de la hoja. Este es similar a la manilla de control que es usado en el Tractor de cadenas. Aplicando la manilla del interruptor de los dedos a la izquierda (2) mueve la extremidad del desgarrador SHANK IN. Aplicando la manilla del interruptor de los dedos a la derecha mueve la extremidad del desgarrador SHANK OUT. A la izquierda de la manilla de control del desgarrador esta el interruptor pulgar (3), el cual controla el levante y la bajada del desgarrador .. Aplicando hacia arriba el interruptor realiza el levante del desgarrador. Aplicando hacia abajo el interruptor realiza la bajada el desgarrador. Aplicando el botn Auto-Stow button (4) levante el desgarrador para la altura mxima y puede mover la extremidad del desgarradorpper para el mxima posicin SHANK IN o SHANK OUT, dependiendo del ajuste del operador que puede ser configurado usando Advisor. Existen tres posicin del Auto-Stow que pueden configurado. Las tres posicin son: RIPPER RAISE - RIPPER RAISE/SHANK IN o RIPPER RAISE/SHANK OUT. El estado del interruptor del AutoStow y el estado de los sensores de posicin usado en la manilla de control del desgarrador (porcentaje de ciclo de trabajo/porcentaje de la posicin de la palanca) puede ser visto por el panel del Advisor (Service/System Status/Implement screens) o usando el Cat ET.



8 El panel en el exterior de la consola derecha contiene un nmero de interruptores que controlan varias funciones de la mquina. A la derecha inmediatamente de la llave interruptor de arranque esta el interruptor de baja RPM en vaco y alta RPM en vaco (1). Casi sobre el interruptor de Baja/Alta en vaco esta el interruptor de traba de implemento (2), el cual desabilita el movimiento de los implementos e ilumina la luz indicadora en el panel de indicadores cluster cuando es activado. Activando el interruptor de traba de implemento desenergiza el solenoide de traba el cual cierra (bloquea) el flujo de aceite piloto para las vlvulas de control de implementos. Los implementos no pueden moverse sin aceite piloto disponible en las vlvulas de control de implementos. El interruptor de modo AutoShift (3) activa el modo AutoShift . El modo AutoShift puede ser cofigurado usando el Cat Advisor, o usando el Cat ET. El interruptor del modo Auto KickDown (4) permite el modo de Auto KickDown, cuando es activado el punto de sensibilidad de cambio por el modo Auto KickDown (baja, medio y alto) puede ser configurado usando el Cat Advisor, o usando el ET.



Si la mquina es equipada con el AutoCarry, el interruptor de modo del AutoCarry (5) arma el modo AutoCarry cuando es activado. El angulo para el segmento de LOAD y CARRY del ciclo del AutoCarry puede ser configurado por el Cat Advisor. El interruptor de retiro del pasador del desgarrador (6) es usado para retraer automaticamente el pasador del vstago del desgarrador. Si la mquina es equipado con un solo vstago del desgarrador. Los cuatros interruptores (7) atrs de la consola activa todas las luces exteriores de la mquina. El estado del interruptor de baja/alta RPM en vaco puede ser visto en el panel del Advisor (Service/System Status/Engine screens) o usando el Cat ET. El estado del interruptor del modo AutoShift y el interruptor del modo Auto KickDown puede ser visto a travs del panel del Advisor (Service/System Status/Powertrain screens) o usando el Cat ET. El estado del interruptor de traba de implemento y el interruptor de modo AutoCarry puede ser visto a travs del panel del Advisor (Service/System Status/Implement screens) o usando el Cat ET.



1 6

5 7

9 El panel principal de fusible, el circuito de termicos y el conector de diagnsticos son ubicados abajo de la consola izquierda, en el interior de la puerta izquierda de la cabina. Abriendo la puerta con bisagra accede : 1. El circuito trmico del condensador del aire acondicionado (si es equipado, no mostrado) 2. El circuito trmico de los motores del ventilador de la calefaccin 3. El conector de diagnstico para el ET 4. . El suministro de alimentacin de 12 volt (para accionar una computadora porttil u otros dispositivos 5. El fusible del alternador de 175 amperios 6. El panel principal elctrico de fusibles Una carta de identificacin de fusibles y trmicos (7) es puestos en el interior de la tapa abisagrada. La carta identifica la ubicacin de los fusibles y sus circuitos elctricos asociados. Varios fusibles de repuestos, fusible del alternador de 175 amperios y una herramienta de desmontaje de fusibles todo esta ubicado en la tapa abisagrada. NOTA: La bisagra en la puerta del panel es por resorte y la puerta puede ser fcilmente removida, si es necesario.



10 Los controles HVAC (ventilador de calefaccin y aire acondicionado) y los limpia parabrizas son ubicado arriba en la consola derecha. Desde izquierda a derecha, los controles son : 1. Interruptor de velocidad del ventilador, con 4 posiciones de velocidad 2. Control de temperatura 3. Interruptor selector del aire acondicionado (ON/OFF) 4. Interruptor de control del limpia parabrizas delantero 5. Interruptor de control del limpia parabrizas de la puerta izquierda de la cabina 6. Interruptor de control del limpia parabrizas de la puerta derecha de la cabina 7. Interruptor de control del limpia parabrizas de la ventana trasera de la cabina Los interruptores de control de los limpia parabrizas son de ajuste intermitente y de ajuste de baja y alta velocidad.



1 6 5

11 El tablero en la nueva cabina contiene un sellado en los intrumentos, el cual sustituye el mdulo de indicadores cuadrado, el mdulo de velocmetro/tacometro, y el centro de mensaje del sistema de visualizacin de informacin vital (VIDS) usado en los Tractores D10R. Los intrumentos sellados contiene los siguientes 4 indicadores anlogos: 1. Indicador de temperatura de aceite hidrulico 2. Indicador de temperatura de refrigerante motor 3. Indicador de temperatura de aceite convertidor 4. Indicador de nivel de combustible El tablero de instrumento tambin contiene el tacmetro (5) y quince indicadores de luces que alertarn al operador de diferentes condiciones o modos de operacin. La pantalla de cristal lquido (6) es posicionado debajo del tacmetro. exhibe las horas de servicio en el fondo de la pantalla, la velocidad de desplazamiento superior izquierda, y la seleccin de engranaje de la transmisin y direccin en la derecha superior. La lmpara de accin y el convertidor de energa de 24V-12V son instalado detrs del compartimiento (7). El panel del tablero debe ser removido para el acceso a esto componentes. NOTA DEL INSTRUCTOR: El panel de instrumentos y el nuevo sistema de monitoreo ser explicado ms adelante en esta presentacin.



12 Debajo del tablero esta el pedal del freno de freno de servicio (1) y el pedal del desacelerador (2). El pedal del freno de servicio aplica los frenos de servicio (ambos lados) proporcionalmente con la cantidad de presin aplicada por el operador. Cuando se esta presionando, el pedal provee una seal para el ECM de transmisin de la rotacin del sensor de posicin conectado en el pedal. El ECM de transmisin entrega una seal para controlar electronicamente la vlvula de freno. Cuando se oprime completamente el pedal, se realizar el mximo de frenado. El pedal ms pequeo a la derecha es el pedal del desacelerador. Durante la operacin normal, la mquina opera a alta en vaco. Oprimiendo el pedal del desacelerador disminuye las RPM del motor por una seal del ECM de motor desde la rotacin del sensor de posicin conectado en el pedal. La velocidad intermedia se logra de la manera siguiente. Ajuste el interruptor de velocidad alta/baja en vaco en la posicin alta en vaco y oprima el pedal del desacelerador para una velocidad deseada. Entonces presione y sujete el lado de alta en vaco (conejo) del interruptor por tres segundos aproximadamente. Entonces libere el interruptor para ajustar la velocidad intermedia del motor. La velocidad del motor puede ser reducida desde la velocidad intermedia del motor oprimiendo el pedal del desacelerador. Cuando el pedal del desacelerador es liberado, la velocidad del motor retornar al ajuste intermedio. El ajuste de la velocidad intermedia del motor puede ser cancelado presionando nuevamente el lado del interruptor de alta en vaco (conejo) o baja en vaco (tortuga).



El estado del sensor de posicin del pedal de freno (porcentaje de ciclo de trabajo/porcentaje de posicin del pedal) y el interruptor de freno secundario puede ser visto a travs del panel del Advisor (Service/System Status/Powertrain screens) o usando el ET. El estado del sensor de posicin del pedal del desacelerador (porcentaje de ciclo de trabajo/porcentaje de posicin del pedal) puede ser visto a travs del panel del Advisor (Service/System Status/Engine screens) o usando el ET.



13 El ECM de transmisin (1) y el ECM de implemento (2) son ubicado en la parte trasera de la cabina. El ECM de transmisin puede tener acceso al remover el asiento del operador y el panel de sonido trasero de la cabina. El panel debajo de la consola derecha muestra ser tambin removido para acceder al ECM de implementos. Otros componentes y puntos de servicio son ubicados aqu tambin: 3. J1/P1 conector para el ECM de implementos 4. J2/P2 conector para el ECM de implementos 5. J1/P1 conector para el ECM de transmisin. 6. J2/P2 conector para el ECM de transmisin. 7. Relays externos de la iluminacin 8. Convertidor de energa 24V DC a 12V DC (accesorio) NOTA: Los cdigos de enchufe de los ECM de transmisin e implementos son atados al arns de cableado, cul es la va del canal debajo de los ECMs. El convertidor de energa 24V DC a 12V DC mostrado arriba es usado para accionar los accesorios con excepcin de la mquina con equipamiento estandar. Es un accesorio que se puede pedir de fbrica. Si el coventidor de energa no es pedido desde fbrica, los conectores estarn presentes en esta localizacin y un convertidor se puede agregar mas adelante.



14 SISTEMA DE MONITOREO CATERPILLAR Y SISTEMA DE VISUALIZACIN CON ADVISOR El sistema de monitoreo para el D10T se ha mejorado para el sistema de vizualizacin y monitoreo caterpillar con Advisor. Este sistema es de equipamiento estandar para las series "T " de los Tractores de Cadenas. Los componentes principales en el nuevo sistema de monitoreo que consiste en un mdulo grfico de visualizacin con Advisor (1) y el panel de instrumentos (cluster) (2). El mdulo grfico es uno mismo contenido por el ECM del Advisor. El Advisor Caterpillar permite al operador configurar la mquina y la operacin de los implementos, las opciones de pantalla y entonces grabar el perfil de operacin que puede ser seleccionado siempre que el operador lo desee. El Advisor tambin permite que el mecnico configure funciones de la mquina protegidas por contrasea y ver la informacin del estado del motor, la transmisin, la direccin y los sistemas de implementos. El mecnico tambin puede usar el panel del Advisor para realizar calibraciones de la mquina, los controles de implementos, la transmisin, los frenos y el sistema de direccin.




Implement ECM



Power Train ECM CAN A Dat a Link

Key St art Swit ch

J2 J1

Engine ECM



Product Link

CAT Dat a Link


20 25
X1 0 0


Implement Cont rol Syst ems AccuGrade Aut oCarry CAES

n/ min


CAN B Dat a Link

CAN C Dat a Link Advisor


2 .3


1 3 2 .1

Inst rument Clust er

Comm Adapt er II

Fuel Level Sensor

Rear Act ion Lamp Alt ernat or ( R-Terminal)

Act ion Alarm


15 El sistema de visualizacin y monitoreo (CMDS) continuamente monitorea todos los sistemas de la mquina. El CMDS consiste de ambos componentes sofware y hardware . El componente hardware consiste en el mdulo de visualizacin grfico del Advisor, un instrumentos (cluster), el ECM de motor, el ECM de implementos, el ECM de transmisin, la lmpara de accin, la lmpara de accin trasera, varios interruptores, sensores, y senders. La mquina tambin puede ser equipada con la coneccin para el ECM de enlace del producto o un Computador para el sistema asistencia de movimiento de tierra (CAES). Los componentes del CMDS comunica con cada uno de los controles electrnicos de los componentes de la mquina a travs de los enlaces de datos Caterpillar y a travs del enlace de controlador de rea de red de trabajo (CAN). Una mquina con equipamiento estandar usa un enlace de datos CAT, el enlacet CAN A y el enlace de datos CAN C. Con el accesorio AutoCarry , CMDS incluir un enlace de datos CAN B (mostrado en lneas discontinuas, arriba) y un enlace de datos CAN D (no mostrado arriba). El Advisor constantemente monitorea todos los ECMs, el terminal "R" del alternador, el sistema de entrada de voltaje y el sensor de nivel de combustible. El Advisor entonces informa al instrumento (cluster), activa los modos y los indicadores de alerta, las pantallas y los medidores. Esta informacin se puede tener acceso a travs de la pantalla de visualizacin del Advisor o con el ET.



Auto KickDown Activated (5) Winch Freespool or Release (4) Winch Low Speed Lock (3) Winch Disabled (2) Engine Prelube Activated (1) AutoCarry Charging Parking AutoShift Brake On (7) System Fault (9) Active (11) Activated (6) Action ABA Lamp (8) Enabled (10) Implement Lockout Activated (12) Float Active (13) Single Tilt Enabled (14)


20 25 X100




Dual Tilt Enabled (15) Not Used


2.3 132.1


Not Used

16 Adems de los cuatro medidores anlogos, el tacmetro y la pantalla de visualizacin de cristal lquido (mencionado mas tarde), el instrumento cluster contiene en lo superior quince LED indicatores que muestran al operador el estado de un nmero de funciones de la mquina. Cuando se enciende estos indicadores las funciones son las siguientes: 1. Pre-lubricacin del motor activado (solo si equipado con el sistema de pre-lubricacin) 2. Winche inhabilitado (no es funcional para el D10T) 3. Traba de baja velocidad del winche (no es funcional para el D10T) 4. Carrete libre o liberacin del winche (no es funcional para el D10T) 5. Cambios de reversa automticos Activado 6. Cambios rpidos Activado 7. Freno de estacionamiento encendido 8. . Lmpara de accin 9. Avera en el sistema de Carga (salida anormal en el terminal "R" ) 10. Asistencia automatica de la hoja disponible (activado solo si la mquina es equipado con ABA) 11. Automatica posicin de la hoja Activado (activado solo si la mquina es equipado con AutoCarry) 12. Traba de los implementos activado 13. Posicin FLOTANTE Activado 14. Inclinacin nica disponible 15. Doble inclinacin disponible (activado solo si la mquina es equipado con dual tilt).



1 2

17 El corazn del CMDS es el mdulo de visualizacin grfica, cul est situado en la consola derecha, delante de la palanca de control de la hoja. El mdulo de visualizacin grfica se refiere al Advisor. El Advisor consiste de la pantalla de visualizacin (1), los botones de navegacin (2) y un ECM interno autnomo (no visible). El Advisor es usado para tener acceso, supervisar, y visualizar las caractersticas de funcionamiento, diagnsticos, eventos y modos de operacin. El Advisor es tambin usado para ver y cambiar las preferencias del operador, parametros, como el sistema de visualizacin de informacin vital (VIDS) anterior en los Tractores de cadenas D10R y D11R. El Advisor tambin permite que el mecnico localice averas y ajuste de los sistemas de la mquina : -Vista de cdigos y sucesos activos, registrados y borrar los cdigos registrados. - Vista del estado de los sistemas de la mquina y sus componentes. - Ejecucin de calibraciones para la direccin, el implemento y sistemas del tren de potencia.




Gear / Direction Display Area Dozer Mode Display Area Auto-Shift Mode Display Area (1) Left / Up Arrow Button


Home Menu Performance Settings Operator Service


(2) Right / Down Arrow Button

(3) Back Button (Delete / Backspace Button)


(4) Home Button

"More Options" Icon

Data Display / Menu Selection Display Area

(5) OK Button (Enter / Select Button)

18 El Advisor es la interface entre el operador o el mecnico y el CMDS. La informacin es exhibido en la pantalla de iluminacin de cristal lquido. La parte superior de la pantalla se llama"Top Banner" y esto exhibe siempre la informacin vital de la mquina. El Top Banner puede exhibir diferente informacin desde la mquina para la mquina, dependiendo de los accesorios y la configuracin de la mquina. Mostrado en la base de la mquina y en el visualizador: - Marcha y direccin de la transmisin, en la izquierda - Modo de la hoja, en el centro - Cambios rpidos, en la derecha. En el rea visualiza la marcha y la direccin de la transmisin, en que esta actualmente seleccionado la transmisin. El visualizador puede mostrar cualquier de las siguientes combinaciones de engranajes y direccin : "1F, 2F, 3F, 1R, 2R, 3R, or 1N."



La zona de visualizacin del modo de la hojar puede exhibir un nmero de mensajes, el cual muestra el modo de la hoja, el segmento actual durante el ciclo Auto Blade Assist (ABA) o el ciclo AutoCarry, o el estado del implemento o el sistema de implemento. El modo de visualizacin de la hoja puede mostrar los siguientes mensajes: - Carry (CARRY segmento activo - hoja en la posicin CARRY) - Extensin (hoja es movida desde CARRY para una presente extensin) - Listo para retornar (hoja en el fin del segmento de extensin - engranaje es Neutral) - Retorno (reajustar la hoja - no en engranaje de avance) - Listo para el Carry (hoja cargando, siguiente movimiento posicionar para CARRY) - Manual (modo activo manual de la hoja modo activo - ABA o AutoCarry no armado) - No reajuste (ECM no conoce la posicin de la hoja) - Reajuste (blade automaticamente movida para encontrar la posicin de carga) - Flotante (hoja en flotante - palanca de control de la hoja en posicin Flotante) - Baja velocidad motor (velocidad motor baja para los modos de ABA/AutoCarry) - Engranaje incorrecto (engranaje incorrecto para el modo del AutoCarry - cambia la transmisin a 1F) - Servicio (exhibido durante las calibraciones del implemento) - Implements Off (cierre de implementos encendido, o activo) - Extensin del desgarrador (desgarrador movido para la posicin de extensin - AutoStow activado) El area muestra el modo de cambio rpidos actualmente que es seleccionado, usando el interruptor selector del modo de cambios rpidos en la consola derecha del operador. Dependiendo en como el Tractor es configurado, esto puede mostrar "1F-2R," "2F-2R," "2F-1R," o "Inactivo," si no es seleccionado el modo de AutoShift. La porcin inferior de la pantalla de visualizacin de la pantalla del Advisor muestra el menu de seleccin. Esta visualizacin numerosos menus y sub-menus usados para la navegacin de la pantalla. Este tambin puede visualizar puede tambin exhibir las advertencias al operador, la informacin del sistema, el estado de los sistemas dependiendo en que seleccin de menu o sub-menu se ha hecho. Un icono de "ms opciones" puede tambin aparecer en la pantalla de visualizacin. este es un indicador de mas informacin que es disponible para seleccionar y visualizar de la posicin destacada actual. Este icono puede sealar abajo, arriba, izquierdo, o derecho. Usando el botn de la flecha que corresponde al icono de ms opciones" permitir que el operador o el mecnico navegue y/o visualice la informacin adicional. En la derecha de la pantalla de visualizacin est una columna de cinco botones de interface. Estos botones son usados para navegar a travs de los nmeros de la pantalla del advisor, para realizar las selecciones de los menus y entrar a la informacin.



Los cincos botones del interface, desde arriba a abajo son: 1. Botn flecha arriba/izquierda- Este botn es usado para navegar en la pantalla o entrar a los datos. Este puede ser usado: - Para la lista vertical (botn flecha arriba) o la lista horizontal (botn flecha izquierda). - Para disminuir un valor para ser ajustado, tal como disminuir el brillo/contraste. 2. Botn flecha abajo/derecha - este botn es tambin usado para navegar en la pantalla o entrar a los datos. Este puede ser usado: - Para la lista vertical (botn flecha abajo) o la lista horizontal (botn flecha derecha) - Para incrementar un valor para ser ajustado, tal como incrementar el brillo/contraste. 3. Botn de regreso (volver) - Este botn es usado: - Para ir en un nivel paso a paso (jerrquico) del men de la estructura, o para retornar a la pantalla anterior, adems, el mismo botn es usado en Windows Internet Explorer; - Como un tecla de retroceso o una llave de cancelacin cuando el operador o el mecnico desea suprimir caracteres incorporados. 4. Botn CASA - Este botn se utiliza para volver a la pantalla de men casa, sin importar lo que muestra la pantalla actualmente. 5. OK botn - Este botn es usado: - Para realizar selecciones desde la pantallas; - Para confirmar una entrada, tal como una contrasea, o para ajustar la entrada del perfil del operador. La navegacin en los mens y los sub-menus es lograda usando los botones de las FLECHAS para ajustar la seleccin deseada, presionando el botn OK. Los botones con la flecha son tambin usado para destacar un modo o para ajustar un parmetro. Presionando el botn OK selecciona la opcin. (Ejemplo: Elegir "permitir" o "inhabilitar" la opcin de FLOTANTE en el men de los ajustes del implemento).

NOTA: La columna de cinco botones a la izquierda de la pantalla de visualizacin no tiene actualmente ninguna funcin.






Recall Operator Settings

Default Settings Activated in 10 Seconds Or Press

To Recall Previous Settings



Comienzo de partida El Advisor realizar una rutina de auto prueba en el comienzo de partida de la mquina (llave ON). Despus de unos pocos segundos la pantalla preliminar aparecer (illustration No. 19). La visualizacin preliminar de la pantalla mostrar el ajuste activado por defecto en 10 segundos o presione OK para recordar el ajuste anterior, realizado por el operador que fue activado la ltima vez en la mquina operado por el conocimiento del operador "SI"presionando el botn OK. No es asumido el ajuste al esperar despus de 10 segundos. Si el operador responde SI presionando el botn OK, el Advisor cargar en esta memoria el perfil del operador que fue el ltimo usado, sobre los ajustes asociados para la operacin de la mquina. Si el operador espera 10 segundos, el efecto del ajuste (o ajuste de fbrica) ser cargado en la memoria del Advisor. En otra situacin, si el operador desea utilizar un perfil del operador (ajustes) con excepcin del perfil usado por el ltimo o de los ajustes por defecto, otro perfil del operador se puede seleccionar desde el menu de seleccin"Operator" , desde el menu Home. Despus la pantalla preliminar ha reconocido o ha expirado, "pop-up" las pantallas de advertencias pueden ser exhibidas si hay algunas fallas activas en cualquiera de los sistemas de la mquina (ver ilustracin No. 20).



1F Engine ECM MID 36

ID 164-3



Injection Actuation Pressure Sensor Voltage Above Normal Shorted High



La ilustracin de arriba muestra un "pop-up" pantalla de advertencia generada por el ECM de motor y reportado por el Advisor. Puede haber ms pantallas de advertencia si hay alguna otra falla activa o eventos reportados para el Advisor por el ECM de motor, o cualquier ECM de la mquina. El Advisor mostrar todas las pantallas de advertencia generadas por todas las fallas y acontecimientos activos . Cada uno de estas pantallas de advertenciadebe ser reconocida individualmente presionando el botn "OK". Cada uno de estas pantallas de advertencia contiene la siguiente informacin: - El reporte de ECM (en texto) - El reporte MID (identificacin del mdulo o cdigo ECM ) - El ID (Componente ID e identificador del modo de falla) - Un mensaje del texto que indica el componente fallado - Un mensaje del texto que indica el modo de falla del componente - Un aviso para que el operador reconozca la advertencia El reconocimiento de estas advertencias no se puede borrar del reporte de la memoria de los ECMs. El reconocimiento de ellos se borra solamente los de la pantalla, o "snoozes" de ellos. Pueden ocurrir de nuevo despus de una cantidad de tiempo predeterminada, dependiendo de su severidad. El CMDS provee tres indicadores de categora de advertencia (niveles), utilizando"pop-up" mensaje de advertencia en la pantalla del Advisor (ver arriba), la luz de accin frontal (contenido en el panel de instrumento cluster), la lmpara de accin trasera y la alarma de accin.



Los tres indicadores de categoria de advertencia y el resultado de combinaciones de la lmpara de accin y la alarma de accin son: - Indicador de categora de advertencia 1: Una advertencia aparece en la pantalla del Advisor, describiendo el evento o diagnstico de falla. La lmpara de accin delantera iluminar solamente. La advertencia se puede reconocer (snoozed) presionando el botn OK no reaparecer por varias horas dependiendo de la falla o del acontecimiento (o si no ocurre de nuevo el acontecimiento o la falla). - Indicador de categora de advertencia 2: Una advertencia aparece en la pantalla del Advisor, describiendo el evento o diagnstico de falla. La luz de accin y la lmpara roja destellar alertando al operador para el cambio del modo de operacin de la mquina. La advertencia puede ser (snoozed) reconocida presionando elbotn OK , y no reaparecer por una hora, dependiendo del evento o la falla (o si no ocurre de nuevo el acontecimiento o la falaa) y la luz de accin y la lmpara parar el su destellar . - Indicador de categora de advertencia 3: Una advertencia aparece en la pantalla del Advisor, describiendo el evento o diagnstico de falla. La luz de accin, la lmpara roja destellar y la Alarma de accin pulsar para alertar al operador para detener la mquina. La advertencia puede ser reconocido (snoozed) y continuar apareciendo cada cinco minutos. la luz de accin y la lmpara roja continuar su detello y la alarma de accin continuar pulsando pulsando despus de que el operador reconozca la advertencia NOTA: Si el indicador de advertencia de categora (falla) se relaciona con una falla del control del implemento, la advertencia del Advisor preguntar si el operador desea ir "modo traslado casa." Si el operador elige la opcin del S, el consejero exhibir la pantalla traslado casa. La pantalla traslado casa permite que el operador utilice el Advisor para incrementar y mover lentamente los implementos para la posicin que permita que la mquina sea movida para el servicio de trabajo. La seleccin de la marcha de la transmisin ser limitada en primera adelante, o en primera reversa para el modo de traslado a casa. NOTA: Como la mquina comienza la partida (key ON), la pantalla de cristal lquido en el instrumento cluster exhibe brevemente el nmero de pieza del instrumento. Aunque los todos los Tractores serie T tiene una cabina comn, el instrumento cluster es diferente al D8T, al D9T, y al D10T. Esto es debido principalmente a las diferencias en las RPM de motor entre estos modelos.





Engine Speed


Engine Coolant Temp Hydraulic Oil Temperature

1 of 2

87.8 C 76.6 C

TCO Temperature

1410 RPM 68.8 C





1F Engine Oil Pressure



Performance 506.0 kPa 75 %


Air Inlet Temperature System Voltage

2 of 2 40 C

Fuel Level

26.3 Volts


Despus de que las pantallas de advertencia se hayan reconocido el "funcionamiento 1 de 2" la pantalla exhibir (ilustracin No. 21). sta es la pantalla del defecto. Presionando el botn de la FLECHA derecha exhibir el "funcionamiento 2 de" la pantalla 2 (ilustracin No. 22). Usar los botones izquierdos y derechos de la FLECHA permite que el operador cambie hacia adelante y hacia atrs entre las dos pantallas del funcionamiento. La informacin vital sobre los sistemas principales de la mquina puede ser facilmente monitoreado usando estas dos pantallas y en el tablero del cluster.



Las dos pantallas del funcionamiento exhiben la informacin del texto en tiempo real para lo siguiente : - Temperatura del Lquido refrigerante del Motor - Velocidad Del Motor - Temperatura de Aceite Hidrulico - Temperatura de Aceite del Convertidor del Torque - Presin del Aceite de Motor - Temperatura de entrada de aire (temperatura del aire de admisin del motor) - Nivel de combustible - Voltage del sistema El men HOME puede exhibir cualquier pantalla presionando el botn HOME. NOTA: Si el contraste de la pantalla, el contraluz de la pantalla, o el lenguaje exhibido, si el operador o el mecnico no puede ver o leer lo exhibido, un modo de reajuste simple se ha agregado al software ms reciente para el Advisor. El procedimiento siguiente ayudar a superar este problema: 1. Ajuste el interruptor a APAGADO (off) y entonces de nuevo a ENCENDIDO (on). 2. Espere aproximadamente 15 segundos. 3. Si la lmpara de accin es iluminada o destella, presione el botn OK un nmero de veces hasta que la lmpara de accin no se ilumine. Si la lmpara de la accin no est iluminada, proceda al paso 4. 4. Presione y sostenga el botn OK por cinco segundo. La ejecucin de este procedimiento causar el brillo y poner en contraste para ser reajustado hasta el 50% y la pantalla exhibir el men de la seleccin del lenguaje. El operador o el mecnico puede entonces seleccionar el lenguaje deseado. La publicacin de entrenamiento de servico de la informacin de arriba es SERV1790, "Caterpillar Monitoring and Display System with Advisor para Tractores de Cadenas. NOTA DEL INSTRUCTOR: Para una informacin ms detallada sobre el nuevo sistema de monitoreo y el Advisor y cmo tener acceso y utilizar todas las opciones, refierase al SERV1790 (STMG 790), "Caterpillar Monitoring and Display System with Advisor para Tractor-type Cadenas. SERV1790 tambin contiene varias estructuras, los ejercicios de laboratorios que requieren los estudiantes para crear los perfiles de los operadores, cambiar ajustes de la mquina y grabar estos, tener acceso y registrar la informacin del estado de los sistemas de la mquina y realizar varios trabajos de calibraciones del sistema de la mquina. Cuando est utilizado conjuntamente con esta presentacin, STMG 790 proporcionar un entendimiento de un uso prctico de esta herramienta informativa y de diagnstico.


23 MOTOR La tecnologa del motor C27 ACERT es nuevo para el Tractor de Cadenas D10T. El motor es equipado con una unidad de inyeccin electrnica - mecnica (MEUI), un sistema de demanda del ventilador electro-hidrulico y un sistema Remoto del post-enfriador aire a aire (RATAAC). El motor C27 tambin utiliza el A4 mdulo de control electrnico del motor (ECM), el cual es refrigerado por aire. El C27 es clasificado con una potencia de 432 kW (580 horsepower) en 1800 rpm. El motor C27 es de 12 cilindros en "V" un arreglo de desplazamiento de 27 litros. La mayora de los puntos de servicio para el C27 han estado situados en el lado izquierdo del motor. El motor C27 ACERT reune regulaciones de emisiones Norte Americanas Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Tier III y regulaciones de emisiones Europeas Stage III . Los intervalos de cambio de aceite y del filtro de motor se han aumentado en intervalos de 500 horas, bajo la mayora de condiciones de operacin. Sin embargo, factor de carga del motor, niveles de sulfuro en el combustible, calidad del aceite y altitudes, afectan negativamente en los intervalos extendidos de cambio de aceite. Las muestras regulares del aceite de motor se deben realizar cada 250 horas para confirmar la limpieza del aceite.



El C27 es mecanicamente similar al motor 3412E usado en el D10R, excepto que el eje de levas es ahora ubicado en cada culatas, en lugar un nico eje de leva en el block del motor. El tren de engranajes para el eje de leva tiene que ser movido en la parte trasera del motor. El ECM de motor, su software, los levas, los inyectores, el cigueal, los vstagos del pistn, los pistones, y algn otro componente son tambin diferentes en la tecnologa ACERT. Un ventilador con demanda electro-hidrulico es de equipamiento estandar para el D10T y puede ser equipado con una caracterstica de el invertir el ventilador automatico/manual para aplicaciones requeridas. Las especificaciones del rendimiento del motor para el Tractor de Cadena D10T son : -.Serie No. Prefijo: EHX - Rendimiento Spec: 0K4650 (for North America) - Max Altitud: 3657 m (12,000 ft.) - Potencia bruta: 483 kW (648 hp) - Potencia neta: 433 kW (580 hp) - RPM a plena carga : 1800 - RPM alta en vaco (aceleracin mxima, neutral): 2010 10 (para Norte America), 1970 10 (para E.U.) - RPM baja en vaco : 700 NOTA: El motor C27 usa un software de estratega "governador de velocidad de tierra" para prevenir la sbrevelocidad del motor y para mantener una velocidad constante en situaciones de pendientes cuando hay poco o nada de carga en la hoja. El ECM de motor constantemente monitorea la velocidad del motor y la velocidad de salida del convertidor de torque, para realizar los siguientes ajustes: - Si el motor est en alta en vaco mientras que est viajando la mquina cuesta abajo, el ECM motor bajar automaticamente las RPM de motor para mantener constante una velocidad de salida del convertidor del convertidor de torque. en situaciones cuesta arriba, el ECM de motor incrementar automaticamente las RPM de motor para mantener constante una velocidad de salida del convertidor de torque, a un mximo de 2000 rpm. - Si el operador ha fijado una velocidad del motor intermedia usando el desacelerador y el interruptor de alta/baja en vaco, esta estrategia es ignorada en las situaciones cuesta arriba. NOTA: En las mquinas construidas para los E.E.U.U, la velocidad de salida del convertidor de torque es de aproximadamente 5% ms bajo que sos construidos para Norteamrica, debido a un requerimiento de ruido mas riguroso. Por consiguiente la velocidad de tierra es tambin un poco lento. Esto resultar en velocidades levemente ms reducidas en "traslado" de la mquina y cuando retrocede.


4 3 2

24 Los componentes importantes y los puntos de servicio accesibles en el lado izquierdo del motor son: 1. Compresor del aire acondicionado 2. Filtro de combustible secundario 3. Dos filtros de aceite de motor, (sealado mas tarde en esta presentacin) 4. Tubo de llenado de aceite de motor 5. Varilla de nivel del aceite de motor 6. Filtro de aire del lado izquierdo 7. Lnea de lubricacin del tren de engranaje del lado izquierdo (aceite de motor) 8. Motor de partida (arranque) 9. Turbocargador del lado izquierdo


8 1 2

4 7 6 5

25 Los componentes importantes y los puntos de servicio accesibles del lado derecho del motor son: 1. ECM de motor 2. Punto del muestreo del lquido refrigerante (S.O.S) 3. Alternador 4. Enfriador externo del aceite de motor 5. Enfriadores de aceite de la transmisin (el enfriador de motor esta detrs de los de transmisin). 6. Turbocargador del lado derecho 7. Lnea de lubricacin del tren de engranaje del lado derecho (aceite de motor) 8. Filtro de aire del lado derecho NOTA: Los mltiples de escape, la turbina de los turbocargadores, y las pipas de escape conectados en los turbocargadores para los silenciadores son cubierto con protectores, fundas de aislamiento de calor. Este aislamiento se utiliza para evitar precalentar el aire exterior que pasa a travs de las puertas del compartimiento del motor por la demanda del ventilador hidrulico. El propsito del aire se usa para refrigerar (el radiador, el enfriador de aceite hidrulico, y el condensador del aire acondicionado).


4 5 3 6

1 7

26 El filtro primario de combustible es de10-micrones (1) y el separador de agua (7) son ubicados en el compartimiento trasero de la defensa izquierda. El filtro primario de combustible es montado adelante del tanque de combustible. El filtro primario de combustible contiene un separador de agua, el cul remueve el agua del combustible. El agua en un sistema de alta presin de combustible puede causar prematuras fallas de los inyectores de combustible debido a la corrosin o a la carencia de lubricacin. El agua debe ser drenada desde el separador de agua diariamente usando la vlvula de drenaje ubicado en el fondo del filtro. El combustible es enviado desde el filtro primario por la bomba de combustible (mostrado mas tarde) y es entonces dirijido al filtro secundario (no mostrado arriba). El filtro secundario de combustible remueve los contaminantes que podran daar a los inyectores de combustible . Los filtros de combustible deben ser remllazados regularmente de acuerdo a la gua del manual de mantencin y operacin del D10T(SEBU7764), para asegurar que el combustible limpio se entregue siempre a los inyectores de combustible. La bomba elctrica primaria de combustible (3) es integrada en la base del filtro primario de combustible. Este es activado por un interruptor de la bomba eltrica (4). La bomba primaria de combustible es usado para llenar los filtros de combustibles he fuel filters despus de que se hayan reemplazado. La bomba de combustible es capaz de forzar el aire desde la entrada al sistema de combustible.


Despus de que se hayan substituido los filtros de combustible, active la bomba primaria y entonces abra el fitting de la lnea de salida del filtro para purgar todo el aire desde el filtro primario de combustible, de la lnea de combustible y de la bomba primaria. (Coloque siempre un envase debajo del filtro de combustible para recoger cualquier salida combustible a travs de la lnea mientras se purga el aire del sistema). El aire atrapado y el combustible intermitente escaparn a travs del fitting de la lnea cuando se active la bomba. Cuando muestre solamente salida de combustible por el fitting, entonces aprete nuevamente. Como al mismo tiempo, continua operando la bomba primaria hasta que todo el aire sea forzado desde la lnea de entrada al sistema de combustible - desde la bomba primaria el combustible regresar al tanque de combustible. La bomba primaria produce bastante presin para forzar el combustible ms all de la vlvula de derivacin de la bomba de transferencia y mas all del regulador de presin de combustible. Nota : Observe que el interruptor principal de desconeccin de la mquina debe ser girado en posicin ON y la llave de contacto debe ser en posicin OFF para la operacin de la bomba primaria de combustible. Tambin muestra en la ilustracin No. 26 la vlvula de corte de combustible (2). Cuando la vvula de corte es movida manualmente para la posicin perpendicular a la lnea de combustible, el flujo desde el tanque cierra el paso de combustible para el filtro primario. La lnea de suministro de combustible (6) conecta el tanque de combustible para la bomba primaria y el filtro primario de combustible. La lnea de retorno de combustible (5) dirige el excedente de combustible desde el regulador de presin al tanque.


6 7

27 La bomba de transferencia de combustible (1) est situado encima del motor, atrs . La bomba esta instalada delante de la tapa del engranaje de sincronizacin y comanda por el engranaje del tren de engranaje trasero. la bomba de transferencia enva combustible desde el filtro primario a travs de la lnea conectada a la coneccin de entrada de la bomba (3). La bomba fuerza el combustible a travs de la coneccin de salida (2) para el filtro secundario de combustible, el cual esta ubicado adelante izquierdo del motor. Tambin se demuestra en la ilustracin No. 27 el mltiple del regulador de la presin de combustible (4). El excedente de combustible de la galera de la culata izquierda entra en el mltiple de entrada (6). El excedente de combustible de la galera de la culata derecha entra en el mltiple de entrada (5). El regulador de presin de combustible es una vlvula check (8) que es instalado delante del mltiple. El regulador de presin de combustible mantiene la presin de combustible aproximadamente 550 kPa (80 psi), a plena carga del motor (convertidor en condicin de calado (stall). El combustible que fluye pasado el regulador de presin es dirijido de regreso al tanque de combustible, a travs de la lnea conectada a la salida del mltiple (7).


4 3

28 El filtro de combustible secundario 4-micron (1) est situado delante de los filtros de aceite de motor, a la izquierda delante del motor. El sensor de temperatura de combustible (5), el sensor de la presin del combustible (4), el toma de prueba de presin (3), y el interruptor de presin diferencial del filtro de combustible (2) est instalado en la base del filtro secundario. El interruptor de presin diferencial (2) compara la presin de la entrada al filtro a la presin de salida del filtro. Este interruptor es normalmente cerrado. Si el filtro de combustible secundario se satura, la diferencia entre la presin de la entrada y la presin de salida filtro hace que el interruptor se abra y advertir al operador a travs del panel del Advisor , "Fuel Filter Is Plugged - Change Fuel Filter Soon." Cuando ocurre este evento, el funcionamiento del motor puede reducir su potencia cuando el flujo del combustible es restringido y los inyectores de combustible no teniendo alimentacin. Si esta condicin, es ignorada, podra causar dao a los inyectores de combustibles. El puerto de prueba de la presin del combustible (3) permitir que el mecnico pruebe la presin. El puerto de se sita en la salida del filtro secundario de combustible. El estado del sensor de presin de combustible, el sensor de temperatura de combustible y el interruptor de presin diferencial pude ser visto a travs del panel del Advisor (Service/System Status/Engine screens) o usando el ET.


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29 Los dos filtros de aceite de motor (1) estn situados en el frente izquierdo del motor, detrs del filtro secundario de combustible. El puerto del muestreo del aceite de motor (SOS) (5) est situado en el frente de la base externa del filtro . El puerto de SOS proporciona una muestra del aceite antes de que se filtre el aceite . El puerto de la prueba de presin del aceite de motor (2) est situado detrs de los filtros y colocado en la salida del filtro de aceite (despus de filtrar el aceite). Tambin se muestra en la ilustracin No. 29 la varilla de nivel del aceite (3) y el tubo de llenado del aceite de motor (4).


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30 Un nmero de sensores del motor se ubican encima del motor, cerca del frente. Estos sensores son : 1. Sensor de presin de aire del mltiple izquierdo (boost) 2. Sensor de temperatura del lquido refrigerante del motor 3. Sensor de presin atmosfrica 4. Sensor de presin de aire del mltiple derecho (boost) 5. Sensor de temperatura del aire de admisin La presin de boost (ambas a la izquierda y a la derecha) se puede leer en la pantalla del estado en el ET. La presin de boost es un clculo de la diferencia entre la seal del sensor de presin atmosfrica y la seal del sensor de presin de aire de admisin. En el C27, las seales de los sensores izquierdos y derechos de presin de aire del mltiple de admisin son utilizadas por el ECM del motor para calcular la presin de boost para el banco de cilindros izquierdo y derecho. Una falla de un sensor de presin de aire del mltiple de admisin puede hacer que el ECM del motor percibir una condicin de "boost cero ", dando por resultado una reduccin de potencia de un 60%. El estado de los cinco de estos sensores del motor se puede ver con el panel del Advisor (Service/System Status/Engine screens) o usando el ET. La temperatura del aire del mltiple de admisin se puede tambin ver en el panel del Advisor en la pantalla del funcionamiento 2.



NOTA: El ECM del motor utiliza solamente el sensor de presin de aire del mltiple de admisin derecho para calcular la relacin de aire-combustible Si el sensor de presin de aire del mltiple de admisin derecho fallara, ocurrir una reduccin de potencia del motor. El motor reduce la potencia causado principalmente por la inhabilidad del ECM de motor par calcular la relacin de aire-combustible y/o Boost. El sensor izquierdo de presin de aire de admisin se utiliza solamente para calcular la presin de "boost" para el banco de cilindro izquierdo. El ET se pueden utilizar para comparar las presiones de aire izquierda y derecha de admisin para el diagnstico y los propsitos de localizacin de averas, tales como falla del turbocargador o restriccin del filtro de aire. NOTA: La seal del sensor de presin atmosfrica es utilizada por el ECM del motor para calcular un nmero de medidas de presin en la mayora de los motores electrnicos. La seal del sensor de presin atmosfrica se compara a la seal de los otros sensores de presin del motor para determinar lo siguiente : - La presin (absoluta) ambiente es la presin atmosfrica; - La presin de boost es determinada comparando la presin atmosfrica (sensor) a la presin de aire del mltiple de admisin (sensor); - La presin del aceite de motor (manomtrica) es determinada comparando la presin atmosfrica (sensor) a la presin del aceite de motor (sensor); - La restriccin del filtro de aire es determinada comparando la presin atmosfrica (sensor) a la presin de la entrada de turbo (sensor); -La presin del combustible (manomtrica) es determinada comparando la presin atmosfrica (sensor) a la presin de combustible (sensor). Tambin, cuando se enciende el motor, el ECM del motor utiliza la seal del sensor de la presin atmosfrica como punto de referencia para la calibracin de los otros sensores de presin en el motor (si la llave de contacto esta en posicin ON-encendido por lo menos cinco segundos antes encender el motor).





El sensor primario de speed/timing (velocidad del cigeal) (1) est situado en el frente inferior izquierdo del motor, detrs del amortiguador (damper) del cigeal. Este sensor proporciona informacin de la velocidad del motor al ECM del motor. Esta informacin tambin se comparte con el ECM de la transmisin a travs del enlace de datos CAT, eliminando la necesidad de un sensor de velocidad de la salida del motor. El motor de partida (2) est instalado en la parte delantera de la caja del volante, en la parte posterior izquierda del motor .Un segundo motor de partida se puede instalar en el mismo lugar en el derecho del motor si el tractor se equipa con un arreglo para ambiente fro. Los puertos para insertar la herramienta que gira el motor 9S9082 y el perno de sincronizacin (no visible) tambin estn situados en la parte delantera de la caja del volante, sobre el puerto del montaje del motor de partida.



Un elemento del calentador del block del motor (3) es un accesorio instalado en los tractores con un arreglo de ambiente fro. Un segundo elemento del calentador del block sera instalado en el derecho del motor en la misma localizacin si la mquina es equipada con un arreglo de ambiente fro




34 3

El drenaje ecolgico para el aceite de motor (1) est situado en el frente de crter del aceite de motor. Puede tener acceso a travs de una placa en la proteccin inferior, directamente debajo de la vlvula de drenaje. El motor elctrico del pre-lube del motor (3) se monta en el interior del bastidor izquierdo, adyacente al crter del de motor (4) si la mquina se equipa con este accesorio. La bomba del motor elctrico del pre-lube (2) es conducida por un motor elctrico (3). (la bomba del pre-lube no es conducida por el motor de partida, como en los modelos anteriores.) El pre-lube tiene la estrategia de prevenir el desgaste prematuro de los elementos del motor asegurando una presin mnima del aceite de motor a travs del sistema de aceite de motor antes de que el motor arranque. Cuando el interruptor de partida se mueve a la posicin de ENCENDIDO, el motor prelube la bomba puede funcionar por un tiempo corto antes de que el motor de partida enganche.



El ECM del motor determina cuando activar la bomba del pre-lube monitoreado por el sensor de presin del aceite de motor. Si la presin del aceite est menos de 30 kPa (4,4 PSI) el ECM del motor activar la bomba del pre-lube hasta que la presin del aceite alcanza 30 kPa (4,4 PSI), o para un mximo de 45 segundos, cualquiera ocurre primero. Para eliminar la estrategia del pre-lube del motor , da vuelta al interruptor de encendido a la posicin de comienzo (ON). Entonces, durante el ciclo mueva el interruptor de comienzo a la posicin de apagado (OFF) y entonces de nuevo a la posicin de COMIENZO (ON) en un segundo. Esta accin permitir que el motor de partida enganche sin completar un ciclo de pre-lube del motor. NOTA: Cuando se activa el ciclo del pre-lube, el Advisor informar al operador que est activado el pre-lube del motor . Adems, el Advisor mandar al operador a mantener el interruptor de comienzo de encendido a la posicin de " COMIENZO " ON, hasta que el motor arranque.



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El interruptor de desconexin de partida (1) y el interruptor elctrico principal de desconexin (2) pueden tener acceso abriendo una puerta con bisagras, situada a la izquierdo de la puerta del compartimiento motor y la plataforma delantero izquierda. El interruptor de desconexin de partida inhabilitar el arranque(s) cuando el interruptor se fija a la POSICIN DE APAGADO (OFF). El conector auxiliar de partida (4) est instalado en este mismo compartimiento. Un receptculo del calentador del block (3) tambin se localiza aqu, si la mquina es equipada con arreglo de ambiente en fro. ( 120V AC o una versin de la 240V AC del calentador del block est disponible.) El solenoide de la ayuda del ter (5) y el soporte de montaje de la botella del ter (6) estn situados debajo de los interruptores elctricos de la desconexin (el frasco del ter no est instalado). Cuando se energiza el solenoide de la ayuda del ter, el ter se inyecta en el tubo de la entrada del mltiple de admisin a travs de la lnea pequea del dimetro (7) para ayudar a encender el motor en el tiempo fro.



El ECM del motor controla la inyeccin del ter cuando las condiciones autorizan su uso. El ECM del motor monitorea el sensor de temperatura del aire de admisin y el sensor de temperatura del del lquido refrigerante para determinar si se requiere la inyeccin del ter. Si la temperatura del lquido refrigerante del motor o del aire de admisin es menos que 0 C (32 F), Y la velocidad del motor es mayor de 35 RPM, pero menos de 700 RPM (velocidad baja en vaco), la inyeccin del ter ser activada. Una vez que el motor comience y se logra la velocidad de baja en vaco, el ECM del motor observa el mapa de la inyeccin del ter (contenido en el software del motor) para determinar cunto tiempo y cmo a menudo proporcionar la inyeccin del ter. Esto ayuda a lograr las regulaciones de las emisiones eliminando el humo blanco cuando el motor inicialmente arranque. El estado del solenoide de ayuda del ter puede ser visto a trvs del panel del Advisor (Service/System Status/Engine screens) o usando el ET.



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37 La caja del regulador de temperatura del lquido refrigerante (termstato) (1) est situada adelante derecho del motor. Dos termstatos se contienen en la cubierta del termstato. Cuando el agua de las camisas es fra y los termstatos todava no se han abierto, el agua de las camisas se dirige directamente de nuevo a la bomba de agua de las camisas a travs del tubo de derivacin (3). La bomba de agua de las camisas fuerza el lquido refrigerante a travs del enfriador del aceite de motor y de los enfriadores de aceite de la transmisin antes de que el lquido refrigerante entre en el block del motor y luego a la culata. Las muestras del agua de las camisas (lquido refrigerante) (SOS) se pueden tomar en el puerto del muestreo del lquido refrigerante (2), que es identificado por la tapa protectora verde. Las muestras del lquido refrigerante deben ser tomadas cuando solamente el motor est en la temperatura de funcionamiento y el lquido refrigerante est circulando a travs del sistema entero. Utilice siempre una toalla limpia, sin pelusa para limpiar el puerto de la prueba antes de tomar una muestra flida. Substituya siempre la tapa protectora despus de que se haya tomado una muestra flida. El prevenir el dao en el puerto de la prueba, disminuir la probabilidad de introducir la contaminacin en las muestras flidas subsecuentes. La bomba de agua de las camisas (4) tambin est situada en el frente derecho del motor, debajo de la caja del termstato.



2 3

38 El ECM A4 enfriador por aire del motor (1) est instalado sobre la caja delantera derecha de la vlvula. El conector J1/P1 (2) es un conector de 70-pines y el conector J2/P2 (3) es un conector de 120-pines. No hay conector de prueba de calibracin de la sincronizacin del motor C27. La punta de prueba de la calibracin de la sincronizacin est instalada permanentemente en la caja del volante del motor (demostrada ms adelante). La punta de prueba tambin se ata con alambre permanentemente en un arns de cableado del motor, de modo que no hay cable necesario para conectar la punta de prueba con el ECM del motor. NOTA: El ECM del motor no se refrigera usando con combustible. El ECM del motor es refrigerado por aire.



39 El sensor de presin del aceite de motor (1) est instalado en el frente superior de culata derecha, entre la caja delantera de la vlvula y la caja delantera del engranaje de sincronizacin (rbol de levas). El sensor secundario de speed/timing (2) est instalado en la parte posterior de la caja del engranaje de sincronizacin, en el frente derecho del motor. Este sensor lee los dientes en la cara trasera del engranaje del balance del leva. El engranaje del balance se une al frente del rbol de levas derecho. La lnea de suministro de combustible para culata derecha (3) es tambin visible visible. El estado del sensor de la presin del aceite de motor se puede ver a travs del panel del Advisor (Service/System Status/Engine screen and the Performance 2 screen) o usando el ET.




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El sensor de presin de la entrada de turbo (1) est instalado en la parte posterior del mltiple que conecta con los depsitos de los filtros de aire izquierdos y derechos . El ECM del motor compara la seal del sensor de presin de aire de entrada de turbo y la seal del sensor de presin atmosfrica y calcula la diferencia entre estas dos presiones. Si el diferencial de presin es demasiado grande, puede indicar que el filtro de aire est saturado y necesita ser substituido. Un diferencial de presin demasiado grande (restriccin del aire) har que el motor redusca su potencia y degradar el funcionamiento de motor. El conector y los enchufes de " Crank-Without-Inject " "arranque sin inyeccin" (2) se aseguran al arns de cableado debajo del depsito derecho del filtro de aire.



Remover el enchufe (4) del conector de " Crank-Without-Inject " (3) e insertarlo en el enchufe (5) inhabilit electrnicamente los inyectores de combustible. Esto permite que el motor gire con el motor de partida, pero sin el arranque del motor. No se inyectar ningn combustible en los cilindros en este modo. El motor no puede comenzar a funcionar. El estado del sensor de la presin de entrada de turbo y el estado de " Crank-Without-Inject " se pueden ver a travs del panel del Advisor (pantallas de Service/System Status/Engine) o a travs del ET. NOTA: Al usar la caracterstica de " Crank-Without-Inject ", asegrese siempre de que el solenoide de la ayuda del ter est desenchufado antes de usar la partida para girar el motor. Aunque los inyectores de combustible se inhabilitan electrnicamente, el ECM del motor ordenar la inyeccin del ter si todos los requisitos (condiciones) que requiere la inyeccin del ter se reunn. El motor intentar comenzar a funcionar con la inyeccin del ter.




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El enfriador externo del aceite de motor es un enfriador del tipo del aceite-a-agua. El aceite de motor fluye de la bomba del aceite de motor en la parte posterior del enfriador de aceite de motor (1) donde fluye alrededor de los tubos llenados del lquido refrigerante. Cuando el aceite es fro, algo del aceite atraviesa el tubo de derivacin (no visible). El aceite de motor fluye adelante del enfriador donde sale y fluye a los filtros de aceite (mostrados anteriormente). Desde los filtros de aceite, el aceite de motor entra a la galera de aceite en el block del motor donde se utiliza para los propsitos de lubricacin. El lquido refrigerante de la bomba de agua de las camisas fluye en el frente del enfriador a travs de la entrada del lquido refrigerante (5). El enfriador del aceite de motor est en paralelo a los dos enfriadores de aceite de transmisin.(2). La lnea de suministro del lquido refrigerante caliente conecta con la vlvula de cierre del agua inferior (3). La lnea de retorno del lquido refrigerante conecta con la vlvula de cierre superior del agua superior (4).



El interruptor de flujo del lquido refrigerante (6) est instalado en el ducto de entrada del enfriador de aceite de motor. La punta de prueba de calibracin de la sincronizacin (7) est instalada en fbrica. La punta de prueba est situada sobre la posicin del motor de arranque lado derecho, con respecto al frente de la caja del volante (delante del soporte de montaje trasero derecho del motor). La punta de prueba esta atada permanentemente con el harns del ECM del motor. No hay cables necesarios para hacer la conexin entre la punta de prueba y un conector cuando realizan una rutina de la calibracin de la sincronizacin del motor. El estado del interruptor de flujo del lquido refrigerante se puede ver a travs del panel del Advisor. (Service/System Status/Engine screens) or through Cat ET. NOTA: Al localizar averas en el sistema de enfriamiento, debe entender que el enfriador de aceite de motor y los enfriadores de aceite de transmisin son las fuentes de calor que aumenta la temperatura del lquido refrigerante antes de que entre al block del motor.



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El motor de C27 ACERT contiene una leva en cada culata, en vez de una sola leva en el block del motor, como en el motor 3412E que fue utilizado en el D10R. El tren de engranaje de sincronizacin para el C27 se ha movido en la parte trasera del motor. La ilustracin No. 44 muestra el tren de engranaje delantero con la tapa delantera del engranaje removida. Los componentes identificados en la ilustracin No. 44 son: 1. Un engranaje libre (comandado por el engranaje de mando de la bomba del aceite) 2. Un engranaje del cigueal delantero 3.. Un engranaje libre 4. Un engranaje libre para el engranaje de mando de la bomba de agua (no demostrado) Observe que las marcas que miden la sincronizacin en los engranajes del tren de engranaje delantero no se usan para ningn propsito.



La ilustracin No. 45 muestra el tren de engranaje trasero de sincronizacin del C27 con la tapa trasera del tren de engranaje removida. Los componentes identificados en la ilustracin No.45 son: 5. Engranaje trasero del cigueal 6. Engranaje libre (comanda la bomba de implemento y la bomba de transmisin) 7. Engranaje libre (comandado por el engranaje No. 6) 8.Engranaje de sincronizacin y comando eje de leva izquierdo 9.Marca de sincronizacin eje leva izquierdo (estampada en la superficie maquinada) 10.Engranaje libre (comanda ambos eje de levas y la bomba de la transferencia de combustible) 11.Marca de sincronizacin eje de leva derecho (estampado en la superficie maquinada) 12. Engranaje de sincronizacin y comando eje de leva derecho Cuando el pasador de sincronizacin es usado para localizar la posicin del punto muerto superior del cilindro No. 1 PMS en la carrera de compresin y el cilindro No. 11 estar en la carrera de escape PMS cuando las marcas del engranaje del eje de levas son alineadas con la marca de sincronizacin en la caja de engranaje trasera (vase la ilustracin No. 45). El orden de encendido el motor C27 es: 1, 10, 9, 6, 5, 12, 11, 4, 3, 8, 7, 2. La tapa del engranaje de sincronizacintrasera tiene una tapa de inspeccin detrs del engranaje del eje de levas que permita que el mecnico examine las marcas que miden la sincronizacin, para determinar las relacin de posicin exactas entre el eje de levas y el cigeal. NOTA DEL INSTRUCTOR: Los mecnico deben ser informados que el procedimiento para encontrar el TDC en la carrera de compresin del cilindro No. 1, es diferente para los motores de C27 ACERT usados en los primeros tractores de D10T construidos, con respecto al procedimiento del PMS descrito anteriormente. Esta informacin es extremadamente importante para el ajuste de vlvula y el ajuste de la altura del inyector de combustible. El procedimiento para estos motores de la ltimas producciones de fbrica es: - Cuando el pasador de sincronizacin es usado para localizar la posicin del punto muerto superior del cilindro No. 1 que estar en la carrera de escape y el cilindro No. 11 estar en el la carrera de compresin cuando las marcas de sincronizacin el engranaje del eje de levas sean alineados con las marcas de sincronizacin de la caja de engranajes trasero (ver ilustracin No. 45). - Cuando el cigeal se rota otro 360 y se fija otra vez en la posicin del punto muerto superior, el cilindro No. 1 estar en el carrera de compresin y el cilindro No. 11 posicionar, el cilindro No. 1 en la carrera de compresin y el cilindro No. 11 marcar la sincronizacin en la caja trasera del engranaje. La estrategia del PMS cambiar en algn tiempo futuro para reflejar la estrategia de la sincronizacin estndar usada para el 3412E, pero los motores usados temprano en el plan de fabricacin del D10T reflejarn la informacin descrita arriba. Refiera siempre a la revisin ms ltima de las especificaciones del motor C27 manuales (la forma No. SENR9936) para una informacin ms detallada sobre estos procedimientos y para el nmero de serie que indica qu estrategia se utiliza para el motor en la mquina a realizar.




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Los dos turbocargadores no usan vlvula de derivacin de gases en el motor C27 . Los rodamientos del turbocharger se lubrican con el aceite de motor. El suministro de aceite est a travs de la lnea superior de aceite (1). El aceite retorna al block del motor a travs de la lnea inferior de aceite (4). El lquido refrigerante del motor se utiliza para refrigerar los rodamientos del turbocharger. El suministro del lquido refrigerante de los rodamientos est a travs del tubo inferior (3). El retorno del lquido refrigerante al tanque de expansin es a travs del tubo superior (2). La ilustracin No. 47 muestra el calentador de combustible (5) que es un accesorio incluido en el arreglo de ambiente fro. El calentador de combustible se monta en el interior de la defensa izquierda, debajo del piso del compartimiento del operador.



Se calienta el combustible usando el suministro caliente del lquido refrigerante de las lneas del calentadorde la cabina. El lquido refrigerante caliente entra en el calentador en la entrada (7) y retorna a travs de la salida del refrigerante (8). El combustible del filtro primario es enviado a travs del calentador por la bomba de la transferencia de combustible. El combustible entra en el calentador de combustible a travs de la admisin de combustible (6) y sale del calentador en la salida del combustible (9), donde contina a la bomba de la transferencia de combustible. El combustible no se debe calentar en un ambiente ms caliente. Las vlvulas de cierre del agua al calentador de la cabina se deben cerrar para inhabilitar la funcin de calefaccin del calentador de combustible. Las vlvulas de cierre del agua estn situadas en el derecho del motor y fueron mostradas anterior en esta presentacin (ilustracin No. 42).

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The sonar type fuel level sensor (1) is installed on the underside of the fuel tank, near the center. The fuel tank is located at the rear of the machine. The fuel level sensor is directly monitored by the Advisor ECM. The Advisor ECM then provides a signal to the analog type fuel level gauge in the instrument cluster. The Performance 2 screen on the Advisor panel also displays a digital readout showing the percent of remaining fuel. Advisor will alert the operator with a pop-up warning when the fuel level reaches 10% of tank capacity (Warning Category Indicator 1). A second, and more severe pop-up warning will be generated by Advisor (Warning Category Indicator 2) if the fuel tank reaches 5% of capacity. The fuel tank should be filled immediately if the second (Level II) warning is generated. The fuel injectors can be badly damaged if they are starved of fuel, due to the lack of cooling and lubrication properties provided by the fuel. The fuel tank will hold 1204 liters (318 U.S. gal.) of fuel.

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Electric Fuel Priming Pump

Right Fuel Gallery Fuel Transfer Pump

(Optional) Fuel Heater

Fuel Tank

Fuel Shutoff Valve

Fuel Pressure Regulator

Primary Fuel Filter

Left Fuel Gallery Secondary Fuel Filter

49 Fuel Delivery System Fuel is drawn from the fuel tank through the primary fuel filter (10-micron) and water separator by a gear-type fuel transfer pump. The fuel transfer pump forces the fuel through the secondary fuel filter (4-micron). The fuel is then directed through a fuel line to a "tee" fitting that divides the fuel flow and directs the fuel to both the left and right cylinder heads. The fuel enters the front of the cylinder heads and flows into the fuel galleries, where it is made available to each of the twelve MEUI fuel injectors. Any excess fuel not injected into the cylinders by the fuel injectors leaves the rear of the cylinder heads and is directed to the fuel pressure regulator. The fuel pressure regulator maintains a fuel system pressure of approximately 560 kPa (80 psi). The excess fuel flow returns to the fuel tank from the fuel pressure regulator. The ratio of fuel used for combustion and fuel returned to tank is approximately 3:1 (i.e. four times the volume required for combustion is supplied to the system for combustion and injector cooling purposes).

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A pressure differential switch is installed in the secondary fuel filter base and will alert the operator, via Advisor, of a fuel filter restriction. The pressure differential switch compares the filter inlet pressure to the filter outlet pressure. When the difference in the inlet and outlet pressures causes the switch to activate, the Advisor panel will warn the operator that the secondary fuel filter is clogged and that fuel flow is restricted. The secondary fuel filter will not be bypassed. However, engine performance can be degraded due to the restriction of fuel flow to the injectors. If the restriction is too great, the injectors could be damaged because of the reduction in fuel flow that is used for cooling the injectors. The fuel used by the injectors also provides lubrication qualities that protect the small component parts of the injectors. The status of the fuel pressure differential switch may be viewed through the Advisor panel (Service/System Status/Engine screens) or by using Cat ET.

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5 7

10 13 11 13



11 12

50 Engine Air System Engine intake air is drawn into the engine air (rear) pre-cleaner (2) by the vacuum created by the compressor wheels in the turbochargers (12). The engine intake air is then drawn through the air filter inlet bonnet (6), which divides the air flow evenly to the left and right air cleaner canisters (8). Fine contaminants are removed by the air filter elements inside the canisters. The filtered engine intake air is then drawn into the air inlets of the turbochargers (11). At the same time, exhaust gasses passing through both mufflers (4) flow past a dust ejector tube (3) in each exhaust stack. As the exhaust gasses flow past the ejector tubes (3), they create a (venturi effect) vacuum in the ejector tubes. The dust ejector tubes are connected to the precleaner by flexible hoses (5). These connections create a secondary vacuum in the pre-cleaner housing which serves to draw large contaminant particles from the engine intake air as it passes through the pre-cleaner. The large contaminant particles drawn through the ejector tubes and are ejected through the exhaust stack. The turbochargers compress the engine intake air and force it out of the compressor outlets and then into the (red) RATAAC inlet tubes (10). The compressed engine intake air then enters both the left and the right Remote Air To Air AfterCooler (RATAAC) heat exchanger cores (7).

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As the engine intake air passes through the RATAAC heat exchanger cores, the air is cooled and becomes more dense. The engine intake air then exits the RATAAC cores through the RATAAC outlets. (Note that the engine intake air flow through the left RATAAC core is from front to rear. The flow of engine intake air through the right RATAAC core is from rear to front.) The compressed, cooled engine intake air is then directed to the intake manifold through the (blue) intake air tubes (9). From the intake manifold, the engine intake air enters the cylinder heads. The cooler, more dense intake air then enters the cylinders through the intake valves in the cylinder heads. As the pistons rise in their respective cylinders, they compress the air. The compressed air then becomes super-heated. Combustion occurs when fuel is injected into the super-heated air at the top of the compression stroke of each piston. The combustion of the fuel/air mixture forces the pistons down. As the pistons are forced down, the energy is transferred to the crankshaft through the piston rods. As the crankshaft rotates, it causes the pistons to rise and fall in their respective cylinders. As the pistons rise during their exhaust strokes, the exhaust gasses flow out of the exhaust valves in the cylinder heads, where they enter the exhaust manifolds (behind the turbochargers). The exhaust manifolds then direct the hot exhaust gasses into the inlets of the turbine side of the turbochargers. These hot, high-pressure gasses are used to power the turbine wheels as they expand and pass through the turbochargers. The turbine wheel is connected to the compressor wheel by a shaft in each turbocharger. As the turbines rotate, so do the compressor wheels. The exhaust gasses then exit the turbochargers through the exhaust outlets (13), which direct the gasses to the mufflers (4) and the exhaust stacks. Simultaneously, a hydraulically driven fan inside the RATAAC assembly draws cooling air into the RATAAC through the forward pre-cleaner (1). The exhaust gasses passing through the left muffler (4) flow past the dust ejector tube (3) in the left exhaust stack. As the exhaust gasses flow past the ejector tube (3), they create a (venturi effect) vacuum in the ejector tube. The dust ejector tube is connected to the pre-cleaner by a flexible hose (5). This connection creates the secondary vacuum in the pre-cleaner housing which serves to draw large contaminant particles from the precleaner through the tube. The large particles are then ejected through the left exhaust stack. The cooling air is then forced through the assembly housing, flowing around left and right heat exchanger cores. As the cooling air passes through the fins of the heat exchanger cores, it cools the intake air. The cooling air then exits the front of the RATAAC assembly through two ducts (one on each side) that direct the cooling air out through the outlets at the upper left and upper right of the radiator guard. The RATAAC system operation will be discussed in greater later in this presentation.

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Vent Line Shunt Tank Radiator Turbo
> 92 C Hottest

Thermostat Housing C27 Engine

87 C

Increasing Coolant Temperature Coldest

< 82 C

Cab Heater Turbo Power Train Oil Cooler 2 Power Train Oil Cooler 1 Engine Oil Cooler Jacket Water Pump Hydraulic Oil Cooler

51 Cooling System Shown above is a schematic of the cooling system for the D10T Track-type Tractor. The C27 ACERT technology engine uses a Remote Air To Air AfterCooler (RATAAC) to cool the intake air. The RATAAC is located beneath the hood and above the engine (not shown in the above illustration). The AMOCS radiator contains twelve cores that are the standard "two-pass" type cores. The hydraulic demand fan is mounted in front of the radiator and is controlled by the Engine ECM. This arrangement draws air in from the sides and/or the top of the engine compartment, through the radiator, and out the front of the tractor. This arrangement reduces the possibility of the fan ejecting debris into the radiator cores. Coolant flows from the water pump through the power train and engine oil coolers, then to the engine block. Coolant then flows through the engine block and into the cylinder heads. From the cylinder heads, the coolant flows to the temperature regulators (thermostats) and either goes directly to the water pump through the bypass tube or to the radiator, depending on the temperature of the coolant. If the thermostats are open, the hot coolant enters the bottom of the radiator and flows up through the front side of the cores, then down the back side of the cores.

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The coolant exits the radiator at the bottom through two outlets. Some of the coolant passes through the hydraulic oil cooler and some of the coolant bypasses the hydraulic oil cooler. These two flows combine after the hydraulic oil cooler and return to the jacket water pump. A small amount of coolant flows to the turbochargers, which is used to cool the bearings, and is then directed to the shunt tank. Coolant from the shunt tank is directed to the water pump. The air vent lines allow air to escape from the cooling system while the system is being filled and during operation. The vent lines also aid in draining the system by eliminating any vacuum in the system caused by draining. The shunt tank is a reservoir which retains the expansion volume of the coolant as the coolant temperature increases. The level of the coolant in the shunt tank will rise as the coolant temperature increases. The coolant level in the shunt tank will fall as the temperature of the coolant decreases. A drain valve (shown later) is present below the radiator and is used to drain coolant from the radiator cores, the engine oil cooler, the power train oil cooler, and the cab heater circuit. NOTE: The thermostat housing for the C27 engine contains two thermostats. The opening temperature for these thermostats is 81 - 84 C (178 - 183 F). The thermostats should be fully open at 92 C (198 F).

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4 3 9 8

The twelve AMOCS radiator cores (1) and the shunt tank (2) are shown above, from the rear of the radiator guard. Hot coolant enters the radiator at the inlet tube (4), at the bottom left of the radiator. The hot coolant flows up through the front side of the AMOCS cores, then down the back side, passing twice through the cores. The hydraulic oil cooler (3) is located beneath the radiator guard. Some of the coolant exits the radiator through the cooler inlet bonnet (5) and flows through the "oil-to-water" type hydraulic oil cooler. The remainder of the coolant exits the radiator through the radiator outlet bonnet (6) where it mixes with the coolant from the hydraulic oil cooler. The combined coolant flow exits the bonnet through the outlet tube (7) and returns to the water pump. The coolant drain line from the engine oil cooler and power train oil coolers, and the coolant drain line from the engine block all connect to the fittings (8). This allows coolant to be drained from the entire system through the radiator drain valve (9).

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54 1

4 55

The fan (1) and the hydraulic fan motor (2) may be accessed by opening the grill doors on the front of the radiator guard, as shown in illustration No. 54. The hydraulic demand fan pump is mounted to the rear of the engine flywheel housing, at the upper left corner of the housing. (The hydraulic demand fan system will be discussed in greater detail later in this presentation.) Air that passes through the RATAAC heat exchanger cores exits the front of the tractor through the two openings (3) at the upper left and right of the radiator guard. The radiator fill cap (4) and coolant level sight glass (5) are located under the spring-hinged door (6) on top of the hood, at the front, left. The coolant sight glass (5) is installed in the coolant shunt tank and is visible when the access door is opened. If coolant is visible in the sight glass, it is at or above the ADD mark in the tank. If there is no coolant showing in the sight glass, coolant should be added until coolant is visible in the sight glass.

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Fan Pump Pressure Cont rol Valve and Solenoid

Engine Coolant Temperat ure Sensor

Engine ECM

Fan Pump Pressure Sensor

Fan Pump

Orifice Pump Cont rol Valve

Fan Mot or wit h Makeup Valve


Hydraulic Oil Cooler Bypass Valve Hydraulic Oil Cooler

To Tank

56 Hydraulic Demand Fan System The hydraulic demand fan is standard on the D10T Track-type Tractor. The fan is part of the hydraulic system, but it is controlled by the Engine ECM. The Engine ECM considers two inputs for controlling the fan. The engine coolant temperature sensor provides temperature information to the Engine ECM. The Engine ECM constantly monitors this temperature input. The fan pump discharge pressure sensor is the second input to the Engine ECM. Fan pump discharge pressure is controlled by the Engine ECM. Fan speed is determined by fan system pressure. The Engine ECM monitors the temperature input and also considers fan pump discharge pressure to provide a signal to the (proportional) fan pump pressure control solenoid. Maximum flow is sent to the fan motor, causing the fan to turn at the maximum controlled rpm, when the solenoid receives minimum current from the Engine ECM. Maximum mechanical pump pressure (high pressure cutoff) can be achieved by disconnecting the electrical connection to the solenoid or by using Cat ET to turn OFF the fan control (Engine ECM/Configuration screen).

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Illustration No. 56 shows a schematic of the standard hydraulic demand fan system with the fan system at maximum controlled pressure, resulting in maximum controlled fan speed. When maximum fan speed is required, the fan pump pressure control solenoid is de-energized according to the temperature input, causing the fan to turn at a faster speed. Maximum controlled fan speed is attained when the fan pump pressure control solenoid receives the least amount of current from the Engine ECM. If communication is lost between the Engine ECM and the fan pump pressure control solenoid, the fan will default to the maximum mechanical pressure setting (high pressure cutoff). This results in a higher system pressure and fan speed than the maximum controlled pressure and speed. Cat ET may be used to reset the maximum controlled fan system pressure (from the maximum pressure set at the factory). This adjustment may be necessary to correct the maximum controlled fan speed due to differences in the initial factory settings and the tractor's current working environment. The Systems Operation Test and Adjust manual for the D10T hydraulic system (Form No. RENR7545) provides details of the fan speed/pressure adjustment procedure. After the correct pressures have been verified for the minimum controlled fan pump pressure and the maximum mechanical fan pump pressure (high pressure cutoff), a photo-tachometer must be used to determine the fan speed at a given pressure. If the fan speed is not within the specification at the given pressure, Cat ET must be used to override the pump control solenoid until the correct fan speed is attained. The pressure observed at the correct fan speed must then be entered and saved to the Engine ECM (Clip Pressure, found in the Engine Configuration screen). The new clip pressure then becomes the target pressure that the Engine ECM seeks under the maximum controlled fan system pressure condition. In cooler weather, the Engine ECM may utilize an engine software strategy called "Cool Engine Elevated Idle Strategy" when the following conditions are met: - Coolant Temperature is less than 70C (158F) - Parking brake is set to ON - Transmission is in NEUTRAL - Throttle switch is set to LOW IDLE Under these conditions, the Engine ECM will automatically increase engine speed, up to 1100 rpm, in an effort to increase coolant temperature. This strategy is ignored when any of the four conditions are not met. NOTE: Refer to the Hydraulic Schematic Color Code chart at the end of this presentation to interpret the meaning of each color/pattern in the schematic.

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Fan Pump Pressure Cont rol Valve and Solenoid

Engine Coolant Temperat ure Sensor

Engine ECM

Fan Pump Pressure Sensor

Fan Pump

Orifice Pump Cont rol Valve

Fan Mot or wit h Makeup Valve


Hydraulic Oil Cooler Bypass Valve Hydraulic Oil Cooler

To Tank

57 Shown above is a schematic of the D10T standard hydraulic demand fan system with the fan at minimum speed. The fan pump pressure control solenoid is energized, causing the fan to turn at a slower speed if maximum fan speed is not required. Minimum fan speed is attained when the fan pump pressure control solenoid is completely energized. When the fan pump pressure control solenoid is completely energized, the pressure control spool is unseated by the solenoid, allowing pump pressure to drain to tank. This action lowers the pressure in the spring chamber of the pump control spool and the pump control spool shifts up. Pump flow is then allowed to fill and pressurize the large actuator in the fan pump and the pump destrokes. With the pump destroked, oil flow to the fan motor is reduced and the fan speed is reduced. The fan will default to the maximum mechanical pressure setting if communication is lost between the Engine ECM and the fan pump pressure control solenoid. This results in a fan speed that is higher than the maximum controlled fan speed.

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Pressure Control Solenoid Pressure Control Spool Pump Output to Fan Motor Case Drain Passage Spring MAXIMUM FAN SPEED

Large Actuator



Orifice Pump Control Spool Adjustment Screw Signal Passage to Actuator Piston

Drive Shaft

Small Actuator and Bias Spring Piston and Barrel Assembly

58 The Engine ECM de-energizes the fan pump pressure control solenoid, sending the least amount of current when conditions require maximum controlled fan speed. (With no current, the mechanical high pressure cutoff will raise the fan speed to its absolute maximum rpm. This state can be achieved by disconnecting the fan pump control solenoid or by using Cat ET to turn fan control OFF. This procedure is required when making adjustments to the fan system pressure settings.) The pressure control spool spring forces the top half of the pressure control spool up, against the solenoid pin and holds the land of the upper pressure control spool against the seat when the solenoid receives minimum signal. This blocks most of the pump output oil in the pump control spool spring chamber from draining to tank through the case drain passage, which causes the pump control spool spring chamber to become pressurized. The force of the spring at the top of the pump control spool, plus the pressure of the oil, is then greater than the oil pressure at the bottom of the pump control spool. The pump control spool is held down, blocking pump output oil from entering the signal passage to the large actuator piston in the pump. The large actuator piston is then open to drain and is at tank pressure.

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The bias spring moves the pump swashplate to an increased angle, which causes the pump to UPSTROKE when only tank pressure is present in the large actuator piston. This condition provides a controlled maximum flow of oil to the fan motor and creates maximum controlled fan pump system pressure, which results in maximum controlled fan speed. The solenoid pin does not force the top half of the pressure control spool down against the spring if the solenoid fails (no current to the solenoid). This condition causes the pressure control spool to be completely seated. Pump pressure will then increase until the upper half of the pressure control spool is forced down by oil pressure, against the force of the pressure control spool spring. The oil in the pump control spool spring chamber can then flow past the upper control spool and drain to tank through the case drain passage. This lowers the pressure in the pump control spool spring chamber. The force of the spring at the top of the pump control spool plus the pressure of the oil in the pump control spool spring chamber is now less than the oil pressure at the bottom of the pump control spool, due to the orifice effect of the passage through the pump control spool. The higher pressure at the bottom of the pump control spool forces the spool up, allowing pump output oil to enter the signal passage. This causes pressure in the pump's large actuator piston to increase. The increased pressure in the large actuator piston overcomes the pressure in the pump's small actuator plus the force of the pump bias spring. This causes the swashplate to move to a decreased angle and the pump DESTROKES until a balance is attained in the pressures. This condition results in mechanical high pressure cutoff. The pump then provides maximum flow to the fan motor, resulting in a higher fan pump system pressure than that allowed by the control of the Engine ECM. The fan motor will then turn at its highest speed, which is higher than the maximum controlled fan speed. The mechanical high pressure cutoff is adjusted using the adjustment screw. When the adjustment screw is turned in (clockwise), it increases the force of the pressure control spool spring, which increases the the pump pressure required to unseat the land of the upper pump control spool, thereby increasing maximum cutoff pressure. Maximum cutoff pressure will be lowered when the screw is turned out (counter-clockwise).

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Pressure Cont rol Solenoid Pressure Cont rol Spool Pump Out put t o Fan Mot or Case Drain Passage Spring MINIMUM FAN SPEED

Large Act uat or

Swashplat e

Spring Orifice Drive Shaft Pump Cont rol Spool Adjust ment Screw Signal Passage t o Act uat or Pist on

Small Act uat or and Bias Spring Pist on and Barrel Assembly

59 The Engine ECM energizes the fan pump pressure control solenoid (proportional to the coolant temperature sensor signal) when a slower fan speed is required. The solenoid pin pushes down on the upper half of the pressure control spool when the solenoid is energized. This unseats the spool against the force of the pressure control spool spring, allowing oil in the pump control spool spring chamber to drain to tank through the case drain passage. This lowers the pressure in the pump control spool spring chamber. The force of the spring at the top of the pump control spool plus the pressure of the oil in the pump control spool spring chamber is now less than the oil pressure at the bottom of the spool, due to the orifice effect of the passage through the pump control spool. The higher pressure beneath the pump control spool then forces the spool up, allowing pump output oil to enter the signal passage. This causes pressure in the pump's large actuator piston to increase. The increased pressure in the large actuator piston overcomes the oil pressure in the pump's small actuator plus the force of the pump bias spring. This causes the swashplate to move to a decreased angle, and the pump DESTROKES. The pump then provides less flow to the fan motor, resulting in lower fan pump system pressure and a slower fan speed.

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Illustration No. 59 shows the fan pump swashplate at minimum angle, which produces minimum flow. This will cause the fan motor to turn at its slowest speed. Refer to RENR7545, "Systems Operation/Testing and Adjusting - D10T Track-type Tractor Hydraulic System" for information regarding the adjustment of the hydraulic demand fan.

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Fan Bypass Solenoid Valve Crossover Relief Valves Fan Pump Pressure Cont rol Valve and Solenoid Fan Pump Pressure Sensor Pump Cont rol Valve

Fan Reversing / Bypass Valve

Relief Valve

Fan Pump

HDFP Bi-direct ional Fan Mot or Pilot Operat ed Reversing Valves

Fan Reversing Solenoid Valve

Hydraulic Oil Cooler Bypass Valve To Tank Hydraulic Oil Cooler Engine Coolant Temp. Sensor

Engine ECM

60 A combination fan reversing/bypass valve will be installed on the bottom plate of the radiator guard, at the lower right, if the machine is equipped with either the reversing fan feature or the fan bypass feature. A bi-directional fan motor will replace the standard fan motor with the reversing fan feature. The valve body contains all of the components for either feature, regardless of which way the demand fan system is configured. The software (flash file) contained in the Engine ECM contains the code that activates either strategy. The Engine ECM will automatically activate the fan reversing solenoid valve at pre-determined intervals, if the machine is equipped with the optional reversing fan. Fan reversing intervals and reversing duration may be re-configured using Cat ET. The fan may also be reversed manually using the manual fan reversing switch, which is located below the Advisor display panel in the operator compartment. The combination fan reversing/bypass valve contains the following components: - Fan Bypass Solenoid Valve - The Engine ECM will energize the fan bypass solenoid valve when cold weather requires fan speeds lower than the minimum fan speed of the standard fan strategy. The solenoid valve opens and allows most of the oil to bypass the fan circuit. Most of the oil then flows directly to the hydraulic oil cooler. Some of the oil still flows to the fan motor, but the fan turns slowly and the cooling effect of the fan is extremely low.

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- Fan Reversing Solenoid Valve - The fan reversing solenoid valve is DE-ENERGIZED when the system is in the normal, or fan forward condition. When the Engine ECM energizes the fan reversing solenoid valve, some of the fan pump output oil is directed by the solenoid valve to the pilot operated reversing valves. This action shifts the reversing valves, which reverses the flow of oil to and from the fan motor, which results in driving the bi-directional fan motor in the reverse direction. - Pilot Operated Reversing Valves - The pilot operated reversing valves are shifted by fan pump oil when the fan reversing solenoid valve is ENERGIZED. When the reversing valves are shifted, they reverse the flow of pump oil to and from the fan motor. - Crossover Relief Valves - The momentum of the fan prevents the fan motor from immediate directional change when the fan is first commanded to change directions (either reverse or forward). One of the crossover relief valves will open to help dissipate excess pressure during the directional change. The crossover relief valves also serve as anticavitation valves when the engine is shut down and the momentum of the fan continues to drive the fan motor. (In either case, the crossover relief valve that opens is dependent on the direction of oil flow in the system.) - Relief Valve - The relief valve opens momentarily whenever there are any pressure spikes in the system. The relief valve also opens when the fan is first commanded to change directions (either reverse or forward). The momentum of the fan prevents the fan motor from immediate directional change when the flow of oil is reversed. The relief valve helps dissipate excess pressure that may damage the system during a directional change. Illustration No. 60 shows the fan hydraulic system with the reversing/bypass valve installed in the demand fan hydraulic system, with the fan at maximum controlled speed and neither the fan reversing function nor the fan bypass function activated. A reversing fan is standard on landfill machines and some other special applications. It may also be added as an attachment to a machine with a standard demand fan system. The fan bypass feature is standard on all machines that are equipped with the cold weather arrangement.

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Fan Bypass Solenoid Valve Crossover Relief Valves Fan Pump Pressure Cont rol Valve and Solenoid Fan Pump Pressure Sensor Pump Cont rol Valve

Fan Reversing / Bypass Valve

Relief Valve

Fan Pump

HDFP Bi-direct ional Fan Mot or Pilot Operat ed Reversing Valves

Fan Reversing Solenoid Valve

Hydraulic Oil Cooler Bypass Valve To Tank Hydraulic Oil Cooler

Engine Coolant Temp. Sensor

Engine ECM

61 Illustration No. 61 shows the fan hydraulic system with the fan reversing function activated. Either a command from the Engine ECM or the operator activating the manual fan reversing switch will energize the fan reversing solenoid valve. Supply oil is directed to shift the two pilot operated reversing valves when the solenoid valve is ENERGIZED. This action reverses the flow of oil to and from the fan motor. The fan will then reverse direction, causing air to flow in from the front to rear through the radiator. During a fan motor directional change, pump flow has been redirected and conflicts with the flow of oil from the outlet port of the fan motor (due to the momentum of the fan and the "pumping effect" of the motor). The lower crossover relief valve will open during the transition from forward to reverse until the fan has changed direction and has attained most of the target speed. Excess oil flow is directed back to the (new) tank passage when the crossover relief valve is open. The upper crossover relief valve performs the same function when the flow of oil changes from reverse to forward. The Engine ECM software determines when it is time for the fan to reverse direction. The Engine ECM will energize the reversing valve solenoid only when the transmission is shifted to reverse. This strategy helps lessen the chance that any material spilling over the top of the dozer blade will be ejected into the fan blades and/or into the radiator cores, minimizing the potential for damage to the fan blades and the radiator fins.

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Fan Bypass Solenoid Valve Crossover Relief Valves Fan Pump Pressure Cont rol Valve and Solenoid Fan Pump Pressure Sensor Pump Cont rol Valve

Fan Reversing / Bypass Valve

Relief Valve

Fan Pump

HDFP Bi-direct ional Fan Mot or Pilot Operat ed Reversing Valves

Fan Reversing Solenoid Valve

Hydraulic Oil Cooler Bypass Valve To Tank Hydraulic Oil Cooler Engine Coolant Temp. Sensor

Engine ECM

62 The illustration above shows the fan hydraulic system with minimum oil flow and the fan bypass function activated. The Engine ECM will ENERGIZE the fan bypass solenoid valve when the temperature conditions specified in the software (flash file) have been met. Most of the oil flow from the fan pump is directed back to tank when the fan bypass solenoid is energized. Some oil still flows to the fan motor, but the fan turns at a greatly reduced rpm that is below the minimum fan speed of the standard fan system. The fan bypass strategy results in minimal air to flow through the radiator.

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7 6

63 5

3 4

9 10 64

The hydraulic demand fan pump (1) is mounted at the upper left of of the flywheel housing. Shown above is the pressure test port for Hydraulic Demand Fan Pump discharge pressure (HDFP) (2), the fan pump pressure sensor (3), the pump pressure control spool adjustment screw (4), the pump control spool adjustment screw (5), and the fan pump pressure control solenoid (6). The drive hub (7) at the rear of the fan pump is connected to a drive shaft for the power train oil pump. The hydraulic demand fan motor (8) is mounted to a bracket at the front of the radiator guard. Shown in illustration No. 64 is the fan motor case drain line (10), and the fan motor inlet and outlet ports (9). The status of the fan pump pressure sensor may be viewed through the Advisor panel (Service/System Status/Engine screens) or by using Cat ET.

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7 65

The combination fan reversing/bypass valve (1) is mounted on top of the bottom plate of the radiator guard, at the right side if the machine is equipped with a reversing fan or if it is equipped for cold weather. It may be accessed through the front grill doors on the radiator guard. Service points on the fan reversing/bypass valve shown here are: 2. the pilot operated reversing (diverter) valve (the other reversing valve is located on the other side of the valve body) 3. the two crossover relief valves 4. fan pump supply lines to/from the fan motor (the supply lines to/from the valve are connected beneath the valve) 5. fan reversing solenoid valve 6. fan bypass solenoid valve 7. check valves The status of the fan reversing solenoid and the fan bypass solenoid may be viewed through the Advisor panel (Service/System Status/Engine screens) or by using Cat ET.

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To Pressure Reducing Manifold Sequencer Valve To Case Drain HFMI Accumulator


RATAAC Fan Small Pump for RATAAC Fan and Pilot Supply RATAAC Fan Speed Control Valve Relief Valve

66 Remote Air To Air AfterCooler System The Remote Air To Air AfterCooler (RATAAC) system provides cooled air to the engine intake manifold. Air is drawn in through the pre-cleaner and the twin air filters by the turbochargers. The turbochargers compress the air and force it through the RATAAC heat exchanger cores. From the heat exchanger cores, the air flows into the intake manifold. The RATAAC heat exchangers cool the intake air that passes through them. A hydraulic fan in the RATAAC draws air in through a separate pre-cleaner and distributes the air evenly over the heat exchangers to cool the intake air. The air passing over the heat exchangers is vented to the outside through air ducts located at the upper left and right corners of the radiator guard. The RATAAC fan motor and fan shaft bearings have been redesigned in the D10T to improve durability and to reduce noise levels. The bearings are lubricated with case drain oil from the RATAAC hydraulic motor. The RATAAC fan motor is driven by hydraulic oil supplied from the rear (small) section of the implement pump. The rear section also supplies oil to the pressure reducing manifold and pilot supply oil to the dual tilt valve.

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Illustration No. 66 shows the hydraulic circuit for the RATAAC fan system. Oil from the small (rear) hydraulic pump enters the RATAAC fan speed control valve where the sequencer valve ensures that a sufficient supply of oil is first available to the pressure reducing manifold. The pressure reducing manifold supply has priority over the RATAAC supply. The sequencer valve maintains a minimum oil pressure to the pressure reducing manifold. The relief valve is installed to limit the maximum RATAAC fan system pressure and the maximum RATAAC fan speed. The relief valve is pilot operated. Oil enters the left end of the relief valve and the pressure moves the spool to the right, against the spring. At the same time, oil flows through an orificed passage in the center of the spool and acts against the right end of the spool. The reduced oil pressure plus the force of the spring at the right end of the spool balances against the pressure at the left end of the spool. The result is a constant pressure in the fan system, proportional to the engine rpm. Oil that is drained by the relief valve returns to the hydraulic tank. The accumulator helps maintain a constant system pressure when there are pressure fluctuations in the fan circuit. The accumulator also serves as a "shock absorber" for the system during pressure spikes. INSTRUCTOR NOTE: During lab exercises, the following pressures may be observed: - The sequencer valve is adjusted at low idle and the pressure observed (HFPD) should be approximately 4068 kPa (590 psi). At high idle, the pressure observed should be approximately 5860 kPa (850 psi). (Note that once the sequencer valve opens, at approximately 4068 kPa (590 psi), the pressure in the small pump circuit is then controlled by the relief valve for fan system pressure.) - The relief valve for fan system pressure is adjusted at high idle and the pressure observed (HFMI) should be approximately 5690 kPa (825 psi). The RATAAC fan speed at high idle should be approximately 3100 rpm. Always refer to the latest revision of the Service Manual for your machine serial number, "Specifications, Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting - Hydraulic System" (Form No. RENR7540) for the most recent specifications of system pressures.

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5 6

5 6


The RATAAC components are mounted to the under side of the hood. These components are: 1. air intake and pre-cleaner for the RATAAC (cooling air) 2. air intake and pre-cleaner for engine intake air (cooled air) 3. left and right exhaust pipes (with ejector tubes) 4. left and right muffler inlets 5. dust ejector hoses (connecting the pre-cleaners to the dust ejector tubes in exhaust pipes) 6. intake air tubes to air cleaner canister inlets (from RATAAC air pre-cleaner) 7. RATAAC heat exchanger core outlets (cooled intake air to intake manifold) 8. RATAAC heat exchanger core inlets (from air cleaners)

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The illustration above shows the RATAAC sub-assembly (upside down). The major components identified are: 1. RATAAC hydraulic fan motor 2. dust ejector tubes (from pre-cleaner to exhaust pipe) 3. heat exchanger cores The heat exchanger core access panels (4) are removed in the illustration above. The cores may be accessed and cleaned through these passages. Refer to the D10T Operation and Maintenance Manual (Form No. SEBU7764) for information about recommendations for cleaning the RATAAC heat exchanger cores.

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2 1

3 4

6 10

70 Shown above is the implement pump. The rear section of the implement pump (1) provides high pressure oil for the RATAAC fan motor and for pilot supply to the pressure reducing valve and the dual tilt valve. Attached to the pump is the RATAAC fan speed control valve (2). Components and service points identified above are: 3. Hydraulic Fan Pump Discharge pressure test port (HFPD) 4. Hydraulic Fan Motor Inlet pressure test port (HFMI) 5. RATAAC fan motor supply 6. sequencer valve (ensures that pilot supply has priority over RATAAC supply) 7. relief valve (limits the maximum pressure in the RATAAC circuit) 8. relief to tank 9. accumulator (ensures continuous RATAAC circuit pressure and protects against surges) 10. supply to the pilot manifold NOTE: The fitting for dual tilt pilot supply oil is on the front side of the manifold, beneath the fan supply line. It cannot be seen in the illustration, above.



Torque Divider Power Train Oil Fill Tube and Dipstick Power Train Oil Pump C27 ACERT Engine Power Train Oil Cooler No. 2 Power Train Oil Cooler No. 1 Torque Converter Outlet Relief Valve Torque Converter Intlet Relief Valve Lube Distribution Manifold


Electronic Steering Clutch and Brake Valve

Power Train ECM

Steering Clutches and Brakes Transmission Charging Filter Transfer and Bevel Gears Transmission Hydraulic Control

Final Drives Torque Converter Charging Filter Transmission

71 TREN DE POTENCIA Se muestra arriba una ilustracin que identifica la localizacin relativa de todos los componentes principales del tren de potencia para el D10T. components for the D10T Track-type Tractor. Las numerosas mejoras se han implementado en el tren de potencia para el tractor de cadenas D10T, con respecto a la mquina de D10R. El ms prominentes de estas mejoras incluyen: - el impelente del convertidor de torque con una re-ingenieria para proporcionar levemente ms estirn del motor; - la eliminacin de los sensores de velocidad intermedios de la transmisin; - sensores de velocidad de la salida de la transmisin que son facilmente instalados i no requieren ajuste; - la eliminacin de la vlvula de prioridad y de la vlvula de administracin del lubricante simplifica el sistema, hacindola ms confiable y ms fcil mantener el servicio y localizar averas; - un ECM nuevo de la transmisin A4 controla la transmisin, freno, y la direccin; - una bomba nueva del aceite de la transmisin de cuatro-seccin; - acceso fcil a dos filtros de aceite del tren de potencia de 6-micron; e - intervalos extendidos de cambio para los filtros de aceite del tren de potencia.



Left Steering Clutch and Brake Parking Brake Switch Transmission Charging Filter FTC Transmission Controls Advisor CAN C Data Link Instrument Cluster

2.3 132.1


CAT Data Link Service Brake Pedal Electronic Steering Clutch and Brake Valve Power Train Inputs/ Outputs CAN A Data Link

Data Port

Transmission M odulating Valves

3 4 2 1

Parking and Secondary Brake Valve Torque Divider

Power Train ECM

Engine ECM

M ain Relief Valve

Torque Converter Inlet Relief Valve

Torque Converter Outlet Relief Valve Primary (Crankshaft) Speed / Timing Sensor Power Train Oil Coolers

Lube Distribution M anifold To Clutch / Brake and Transmission Lube Torque Converter Charging Filter

Right Steering Clutch and Brake

72 Sistema de control electrnico de la transmisin La ilustracin arriba es un diagrama esquemtico simplificado que muestra todos los componentes hydrulicos principales y todos los componentes electrnicos principales en el sistema de la tren de potencia. El sistema de control electrnico de la transmisin consiste en el ECM de la transmisin y todas las entradas a y salidas del ECM de la transmisin. El ECM de la transmisin y su software considera la informacin de entrada, tal como el sensor de posicin del pedal de freno del servicio, y controla los componentes de salida de la transmisin, tales como la vlvula de control electrnica del embrague de direccin y freno. El ECM de la transmisin mantendr informado al sistema de visualizacin y monitoreo Caterpillar si cualesquiera de los controles o de los componentes estn funcionando incorrectamente o estn realizando una operacin. El Advisor entonces advertir al operador o al mecnico de la condicin anormal especfica. Refiera a STMG 790, " Sistema de visualizacin y monitoreo Caterpillar, con Advisor para los tractores de cadena " (SERV1790) para mas informacin e instrucccin para : - Acceso y vista a los estatus de los componentes de la transmisin - Como cambiar los parmetros o configuracin de la transmisin - Como rendir las calibraciones para cualquier componente de la transmisin



Power Train Breather Filter Bypass Switch Transmission Charging Filter C1 B1 LB1 Transmission Scavenge Section Torque Converter Scavenge Section Torque Converter Charging Section Power Train Oil Pump


Electronic Clutch / Brake Valve Transmission Pump Pressure (TP) Transmission Controls Temp. Sensor 4 Transmission Main Relief Valve Pressure (P) 3 2 5 1 C1 B1 B2 C2

D Transmission & Torque Converter Charging Section

Fan Pump

Vent Line

ECPC Transmission Torque Converter Supply Pressure (M)

Torque Converter Supply Pressure (M1)

T/C Outlet Relief Pressure (N)

Torque Converter

Flywheel Housing

C27 Engine

Transmission Lube Pressure (L1) Torque Converter Inlet Relief Valve Lube Distribution Manifold

Cooler Lube Pressure (CL)

Torque Divider

Fluid Sampling Port (SOS) T/C Charging Filter B2 C2

TC Outlet Temperature Sensor

Implement Pump

Power Train Cooler 2 Torque Converter Outlet Relief Valve Lube Manifold Pressure (L2) Power Train Cooler 1


73 Sistema hidrulico de la transmisin La bomba fija de aceite para la transmisin es de cuatro-secciones est instalada en el frente izquierdo de la carcaza principal. La bomba es conducida por un eje impulsor conectado en la parte trasera de la bomba del ventilador. En RPM a alta en vaco, la seccin de carga " D " del convertidor de torque de la bomba de transmisin suministra aproximadamente 190 L/min (50,2 gpm) para el control hidrulico de la transmisin y la vlvula de control electrnica de la direccin y de freno. La vlvula de alivio principal de la transmisin mantiene la presin correcta para la operacin de las vlvulas de modulacin de la transmisin y para la operacin de la vlvula de control electrnica de la direccin y de freno. Los embragues de la transmisin, los embragues de la direccin, y los frenos funcionan con la misma presin, debido a la estrategia de presin comn para el tren de potenci. Las calibraciones de la presin de enganchamiento d la transmisin y los ajustes de la presin de los frenos no se requiere. (las calibraciones del tiempo de llenado del embrague de la transmisin, las calibraciones de alta presin del embrague de direccin, y las calibraciones del toque de freno todava se requieren.) La presin del aceite correcta est disponible para la operacin de los embragues de la transmisin, de los embragues de la direccin , y de los frenos cuando la vlvula de alivio principal de la transmisin se ajusta correctamente.


En RPM alta en vaco, la seccin de carga " C " del convertidor de torque de la bomba del aceite de la transmisin enva aproximadamente 140 L/min (37 gpm) del aceite al convertidor de la torque, a travs de la vlvula de alivio de entrada del convertidor de la torque. El aceite de la seccin de carga transmisin y de carga del convertidor fluyen pasado la vlvula de alivio y se mezcla con el aceite de carga del convertidor de torque. Los dos flujos de aceite se mezclan dentro de la vlvula de alivio de entrada del convertidor de torque. La vlvula de alivio de entrada del convertidor de torque limita la mxima presin del aceite al convertidor de torque. La vlvula de alivio de salida del convertidor de torque mantiene la presin mnima dentro del convertidor de la torque. El aceite sale del convertidor de torque a travs de la vlvula de alivio de salida del convertidor y se dirige a los enfriadores de aceite de la transmisin. El aceite sale de los enfriadores de aceite de la transmisin y enviado para lubricar al mltiple de la distribucin . La lubricacin del mltiple de la distribucin proporciona aceite enfriado para lubricar la transmisin, los engranajes cnicos, y los embragues de los frenos y los embragues de la direccin. La seccin "B " de barrido del convertidor de torque de la bomba de transmisin enva aceite desde la caja de convertidor a travs del puerto de los coladores. Este aceite entonces regresa directo de nuevo al colector de aceite principal. La seccin de barrido del convertidor enva aproximadamente 20 L/min (5,3 gpm) de aceite en RPM en alta en vaco. La seccin "A" de barrido de la transmisin de la bomba de transmisin enva el aceite a la caja de engranajes cnico y a la transmisin a travs de un puerto de los coladores. Este aceite se dirige para lubricar el mltiple de distribucin en donde se mezcla con el aceite de los enfriadores de la transmisin. Los aceites combinados se utilizan para lubricar la transmisin y los engranajes cnicos y los embragues de freno y direccin. La presin de la bomba de transmisin (TP), la presin de alivio principal de la transmisin (p), la presin de suministro del convertidor de torque (m), la presin de lubricacin de la transmisin (L1), y el toma de muestra de flido del aceite de la transmisn (SOS) son toda fcilmente accesible de la parte posterior de la mquina. Todos los otros tomas de presin de la transmisin es retirando el piso de la cabina del operador. NOTA DEL INSTRUCTOR: Debe saber que no usa vlvula de prioridad en ninguna aplicacin del D10T.


2 3 4

74 La vlvula de alivio de entrada del convertidor de torque y el mltiple de la distribucin de lubricacin se montan al frente derecho de la caja principal. Se consolidan en una cubierta (1). La vlvula de control electrnica de la direccin y de freno (2) se monta en la parte superior de la caja principal. La bomba del aceite de la transmisin de cuatro-seccin (4) es conducida por un eje que conecte a la maza de mando (3) con una maza de mando en la parte posterior de la bomba hidrulica del ventilador de la demanda (no representada). El eje impulsor es cubierto por un protector cuando la mquina est armada completamente. La seccin de carga de la transmisin y la seccin de carga del convertidor de torque del drenaje de la bomba de la transmisin (4) su aceite del colector principal es a travs del mltiple de suministro de succin (5). La rejilla de succin es accesible para limpiar quitando la tapa (6) en el frente del mltiple de la succin.

La lnea de respiradero (7) conecta la cubierta del convertidor de torque y la caja principal para mantener una presin atmosfrica igual dentro de ambos componentes. El respiradero de la transmisin se monta remotamente en el compartimiento en la parte posterior de la defensa izquierda. La lnea alejada para el respiradero (no todava instalado en la ilustracin, arriba) conecta con la lnea de respiradero con una " te ".


2 8

1 9

75 La cuatro-seccin, bomba de desplazamiento fijo de aceite de la transmisin es montada al izquierdo, frente de la caja principal. Esta bomba de engranaje de desplazamiento fijo consiste en: 1. la seccin de carga del convertidor y de carga de la transmisin "D" 2. La seccin de carga del convertidor de torque "C" 3.-La seccin de barrido del convertidor de torque "B" 4.-La seccin de barrido de la transmisin "A" L maza de mando del bomba (5) conecta con un eje que es conducido por el cubo en la parte posterior de la bomba hidrulica del ventilador de la demanda (demostrada anterior en esta presentacin). Otros componentes de la transmisin mostrados en la ilustracin arriba son: 6. El tubo de llena do de la transmisin 7.-Tubo de la varilla de la transmisin 8. Mltiple de rejillas de succin del sumidero principal 9.-Tapa de acceso de rejillas de succin del sumidero principal


4 3

76 Los dos, filtros de aceite del tren de potencia de 6-micron estn situados en la parte posterior de la mquina. Se muestra en la ilustracin arriba el filtro la carga del convertidor de torque (1) y el filtro de carga de transmisin (2). El drenaje ecologco (3) para la caja de la transmisin tambin est situado en la parte posterior de la mquina, caja de la transmisin. El control hidrulico de la transmisin, que contiene las vlvulas de modulacin de la transmisin y la vlvula de alivio principal de la transmisin, el acceso es retirando la tapa de inspeccin de la transmisin (5), en lo superior de la caja de la transmisin. Los sensores de velocidad de salida de la transmisin pueden tener acceso retirando los tornillos de la tapa principal para la caja de la transmisin (4) y despus deslizando la transmisin hacia atrs, de la caja de la transmisin y del engranaje cnico. (los cuatro tornillos que sostienen la caja de la transmisin y del engranaje cnico permanecer a la caja principal .) Este procedimiento permite el acceso a los sensores de velocidad sin el drenaje de todo el aceite del tren de potencia y sin remover los ejes.

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The transmission charging filter (1) is located at the upper left, rear of the main case. Service points located on this filter base are: 2. power train filter oil filter bypass switch 3. transmission controls temperature sensor 4. transmission pump pressure test port (TP) The torque converter charging filter (6) is located at the upper right, rear of the main case. Power train oil fluid samples (SOS) maybe taken from the test port (5), located on the right side of the filter base.

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The transmission controls temperature sensor monitors the temperature of the power train oil from the main sump. This is the sensor that that is considered when using the Advisor panel or Cat ET to perform power train calibration routines. This is also the sensor that provides the signal for the "Transmission Oil Temperature" readout on the Advisor panel (Service/System Status/Power Train screens). The power train oil filter bypass switch is a normally open switch that is held CLOSED by the bypass valve. When the bypass valve opens, the bypass switch OPENS also and Advisor will alert the operator that the filter is being bypassed The status of the power train oil filter bypass switch may be viewed using the Advisor panel (Service/System Status/Power Train screens) or by using Cat ET.

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Located at the top of the transmission case are the following pressure test ports: 1. transmission main relief pressure (P) 2. torque converter supply pressure (M) 3. transmission lube pressure (L1)

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4 2

5 1

6 7

80 Power train oil exiting the torque converter passes through the power train oil coolers and then flows through the hose at the left (1) and into the lube distribution manifold (3). Oil from the transmission scavenge section of the power train oil pump is directed to the lube distribution manifold through the steel tube (4), where it combines with the oil from the coolers. This combined oil is used for lubrication purposes and is distributed to the left and right steering clutches and brakes and to the transmission and bevel gears. System lube pressure (L2) can be checked using the alternate lube system pressure tap (2) (partially hidden, above), on the right side of the manifold. Oil from the torque converter charge section of the power train oil pump flows through the torque converter charge filter and then to the torque converter inlet relief valve (6) where it mixes with the oil that flows past the transmission main relief valve. Most of this oil is supplied to the torque converter through the hose at the right (7). Relief oil from the torque converter inlet relief valve flows back into the main sump through a port (not visible) at the back of the housing. Torque converter supply pressure (M1) can be tested at the alternate pressure tap (5) on the left side of the housing.

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Spool Tank Passage To Torque Convert er Inlet Passage Hole Poppet

Spring From Main Relief Valve From TC Charging Filt er

81 The torque converter inlet relief valve protects the components in the torque converter by limiting the maximum oil pressure to the torque converter during pressure spikes in the system. This valve also protects the torque converter components when the engine is started and the oil is cold. Oil from the torque converter charging section of the power train oil pump is directed to the torque converter inlet relief valve through a passage in the front of the main case. Transmission and torque converter charge oil that flows past the transmission main relief valve combines with the torque converter charge oil through another passage in the front of the main case. The two flows combine in the valve body and then flow past the torque converter inlet relief valve to the torque converter through a connecting hose. Oil flows into the torque converter inlet relief valve through the inlet passage. The oil then flows into the cross-drilled hole in the small diameter of the spool and through the center passage of the spool. The oil then flows through the center of the poppet and then into the chamber at the right end of the spool, pressurizing the chamber. When the oil pressure at the right end of the spool overcomes the force of the spring at the left end, the spool shifts to the left and dumps the excess oil back into the main case through the tank passage. This limits the pressure in the torque converter circuit.

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The torque converter inlet relief valve is not adjustable. There is no adjustment screw for the torque converter inlet relief valve. Do not add or remove shims. The spring and/or the spool or other components must be replaced if the torque converter inlet relief valve is not operating properly.


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3 4

2 1

5 8

82 Torque Divider The D10T Track-type Tractor uses a torque divider (1) to transfer engine power to the transmission. The torque divider is similar to those used on other Caterpillar Track-type Tractors. The torque divider provides both a hydraulic and a mechanical connection from the engine to the transmission. The torque converter provides the hydraulic connection, while the planetary gear set provides the mechanical connection. During operation, the planetary gear set and the torque converter work together to provide an increase in torque as the load on the machine increases. The illustration above shows the torque divider used in the D10T. The torque converter output speed sensor (2) is installed above the torque divider output shaft (5) and senses the speed of the output shaft. The Power Train ECM monitors the signal from this sensor and uses it, along with the signal from the engine primary (crankshaft) speed/timing sensor to determine engine lug and shifting points for the Auto KickDown strategies. This signal is also used as one of the inputs to determine track speed, which is displayed on the LCD display in the instrument cluster.

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Torque converter charge oil from the torque converter inlet relief valve enters the torque converter through the torque converter inlet port (3), at the top of the torque divider housing. A vent line between the torque converter housing and the main case installs at the fitting (4) near the top of the torque converter housing. A breather is installed on the vent line (remotely mounted inside the rear compartment on the left fender) to ensure that case pressures are equal to the atmospheric air pressure. The breather needs to be cleaned periodically. The ecology drain valve for the torque divider housing (7) is located at the bottom of the torque divider housing. It may be accessed through a plate in the bottom guard, directly below the drain valve. The scavenge section of the power train oil pump draws oil from the torque divider housing through the port (6) to the left of the ecology drain. The torque converter scavenge screen (not visible) is located inside the hose flanges. The torque converter outlet relief valve (8) is located on the right side of the torque divider housing. The status of the torque converter output speed sensor may be viewed through the Advisor panel (Service/System Status/Power Train screens) or through Cat ET.



Flywheel Spline Housing Inlet Passage Carrier

Ring Gear Planet Carrier

Output Shaft

Sun Gear Planet Gears Outlet Passage Stator Turbine Impeller

83 This illustration shows a typical torque divider as used in the D10T. The impeller, the rotating housing, and the sun gear are shown in red. These components are on a direct mechanical connection to the engine flywheel. The turbine and the ring gear, shown in blue, are mechanically connected. The planetary carrier and the output shaft, shown in purple, are also mechanically connected. The stator and carrier are shown in green. The planetary gears and shafts are orange. Because the sun gear and the impeller are connected to the flywheel, they will always rotate at engine speed. As the impeller rotates, it directs oil against the turbine blades, causing the turbine to rotate. Turbine rotation causes the ring gear to rotate. During NO LOAD conditions, the components of the planetary gear set rotate as a unit at the same rpm and the planet gears do not rotate on their shafts. As the operator loads the machine, the output shaft slows down. A decrease in output shaft speed causes the rpm of the planetary carrier to decrease. Decreasing the planetary carrier rotation causes the relative motion between the sun gear and the planet carrier to cause the planet gears to rotate. Rotating the planet gears decreases the rpm of the ring gear and the turbine. At this point, the torque splits with the torque converter multiplying the torque hydraulically and the planetary gear set multiplying the torque mechanically.

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An extremely heavy load can stall the machine. If the machine stalls, the output shaft and the planetary carrier will not rotate. This condition causes the ring gear and turbine to rotate in the opposite direction of engine rotation. Maximum torque multiplication is achieved just as the ring gear and turbine begin to turn in the opposite direction. The torque divider is also equipped with a freewheel stator. The stator is splined to a cam which rotates around the stationary carrier in only one direction. Machined into the cam are tapered openings, each of which contain a roller and a spring. Spring force holds the roller against the taper and the carrier. This restricts the cam from turning. When the machine is under a load, and the impeller and turbine are rotating at different speeds, the stator is held stationary. The stator directs oil flow to the impeller, multiplying the torque. During all load conditions, the torque converter provides 70% of the output, and the planetary gear set provides the remaining 30% of the output.

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3 6 2 1 7

84 The torque converter outlet relief valve (1) is installed at the right rear of the torque divider housing. Torque converter oil exiting the torque converter enters the torque converter outlet relief valve through the inlet passage in the valve body (1), where it connects to the outlet port of the torque converter. The oil then exits the outlet relief valve at the valve outlet passage and is then directed to the power train oil cooler through the upper steel tube (5). The cooled power train oil returns from the coolers through the lower steel tube (6). The oil is then directed to the lube distribution manifold through a hose that connects to the outlet (7) at the rear of the valve body. Torque converter outlet relief pressure (N) can be tested at the left pressure test port (3). Cooler lube pressure (CL) can be tested at the right pressure test port (2). The torque converter oil temperature sensor (4) is installed in the torque converter outlet relief valve. It senses the temperature of the power train oil exiting the torque converter and provides a signal to the Power Train ECM. Cat Advisor monitors this temperature data from the Power Train ECM and uses it to operate the torque converter oil temperature gauge (analog), located at the upper right of the instrument cluster. The status of the torque converter oil temperature sensor (in degrees) may also be viewed through the Advisor panel (Service/System Status/Power Train screens and Performance 1 screen) or by using Cat ET. Access to the torque converter outlet relief valve components is through the plate at the bottom of the valve body.

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Torque Converter Outlet Relief Pressure Tap Inlet Passage from Torque Converter Orifice Spool Outlet Passage to Power Train Oil Cooler



85 The torque converter outlet relief valve maintains a constant minimum pressure inside the torque converter. Oil from the torque converter enters the inlet of the torque converter outlet relief valve through the outlet passage of the torque converter. The pressure of the oil acts against the top of the spool. The spool shifts down when the pressure of the torque converter oil becomes greater than the force of the spring. Torque converter oil then flows through the holes around the circumference of the spool to the outlet passage. The outlet passage directs the hot torque converter oil to the power train oil coolers. The orificed passage that bypasses the valve spool increases the stability of the valve when there are shocks to the system. This passage also helps ensure that a minimum amount of oil is always available to the power train oil coolers, regardless of the state of the valve. The torque converter outlet relief valve may be adjusted by adding or removing shims between the spring and the spool.

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5 6 7

8 11


86 The D10T uses two power train oil coolers to cool the oil coming from the torque converter. The power train oil coolers are oil-to-water type oil coolers and are located along the right side of the engine. Hot power train oil exits the torque converter outlet relief valve and is directed to the power train oil coolers by the upper steel tube (1). Some of the oil passes through passage (2) into the No. 1 power train oil cooler (3). The remainder of the oil enters the No. 2 power train oil cooler (4) at the forward inlet (5). The oil is cooled as it passes front to rear through the oil-to-water type coolers. The cooled oil exits the No. 2 cooler through the cooler outlet (8), at the front of the cooler. Cooled oil exits the No. 1 cooler through the outlet (9) at the rear of the cooler, where it combines with the oil from the No. 2 cooler (10). The cooled oil returns to the front side of the torque converter outlet relief valve (see illustration No. 84) through the lower steel tube (11). The cooled oil is then directed to the lube distribution manifold. Engine coolant enters the power train oil coolers through the cast tubes (7) that are connected to the water pump. The coolant exits the coolers through an outlet passages on the engine side (not visible) where it is directed into the water jacket of the engine block.

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87 Power Shift Transmission The planetary power shift transmission is capable of three speeds FORWARD and three speeds REVERSE. Power is transferred from the engine and the torque converter to the transmission through the input shaft, which is inside the output shaft. Power is transferred from the transmission to the transfer and bevel gears through the output shaft (1). The transmission contains three hydraulically controlled speed clutches and two hydraulically controlled directional clutches, which are located in the planetary group (2). The Power Train Electronic Control System consists of the Power Train ECM and all the inputs to and outputs from the Power Train ECM. The transmission shifting function is controlled by the Power Train ECM. The Power Train ECM receives signals from the upshift switch, the downshift switch, and/or the FNR direction lever position sensor when the operator requests a speed or directional change. The Power Train ECM responds to the shifting requests by controlling the electrical current to the solenoids on the transmission modulating valves (4), located on the transmission hydraulic control manifold (3). The transmission modulating valves engage and disengage the transmission clutches by controlling the flow of oil to and from the clutches. The Power Train ECM may also make automatic shift requests, if the AutoShift or the Auto KickDown functions are active.

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The Power Train ECM uses the transmission speed, the engine speed, and the power train oil temperature signals to control the smooth engagement of the clutches and a smooth transition from one clutch to another clutch. Each transmission clutch in the planetary group has a corresponding transmission modulating valve located on the transmission hydraulic control manifold. Electronic clutch modulation by the Power Train ECM controls the time required to fill a clutch with oil. Clutch engagement pressure calibrations no longer need to be performed with the "common top pressure" power train strategy. However, clutch fill time calibrations are still required. The automated clutch fill time calibration procedure can be performed using Cat Advisor or by using Cat ET. This calibration routine "teaches" the Power Train ECM the length of time required for each clutch modulating valve to attain its clutch engagement pressure. During the calibration routine, the ECM applies current to a clutch solenoid until the Power Train ECM detects a change in the ratio between engine speed and torque converter output speed. This change in the ratio occurs because the parking brake is applied, which will not allow the transmission output shaft to turn (the transmission input shaft rotates freely at this point because no transmission clutches are engaged). When a clutch is pressurized to engagement pressure, the inability of the transmission output shaft to rotate causes the transmission to stall. When the transmission stalls, the transmission input shaft now cannot turn. This causes the torque converter to begin to stall, which lugs the engine down. This action changes the ratio between torque converter output speed and engine speed. The ECM has then "learned" the time required to pressurize the clutch to its engagement pressure. This calibration routine is performed several times for each clutch and the Power Train ECM actually stores in its memory the average length of time required to pressurize a clutch to engagement pressure. This routine is automatically repeated for each transmission clutch until all five clutch solenoid valves have been calibrated.

NOTE: With the "common top pressure" strategy, clutch No. 1 (reverse direction), clutch No. 2 (forward direction), clutch No. 3 (speed 3), and clutch No. 4 (speed 2) operate at main relief pressure. The Power Train ECM sends approximately 1.0 amp of current to these four transmission modulating valve solenoids to attain the clutch engagement pressure. Clutch No. 5 (speed 1) operates at a reduced pressure. The Power Train ECM regulates the pressure to the No. 5 clutch by sending a reduced current (approximately 0.7 - 0.8 amps) to the No. 5 transmission modulating valve solenoid.

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NOTE: A new "No Clutch Neutral" strategy The Power Train ECM commands the transmission to 3rd speed/Neutral (No. 3 clutch engaged and no directional clutch engagement) when the transmission is shifted to NEUTRAL. This strategy is AUTOMATIC for the first 10 seconds after ANY start-up situation, regardless of power train oil temperature. If the operator releases the parking brake (switch OFF) within the first 10 seconds after start-up, the brakes will remain ENGAGED indefinitely until the operator toggles the parking brake switch, requests a transmission shift, or tries to steer the machine. The Power Train ECM constantly monitors the torque converter output speed and the engine speed. The Power Train ECM uses the pre-programmed speed maps (in the software) to determine what the torque converter output speed should be, considering power train oil temperature and engine speed. If the Power Train ECM determines that the torque converter output speed is too low (torque load too high), the assumption is that the transmission is trying to move the machine (example: a directional clutch is trying to be applied or is "dragging"). The Power Train ECM will then incorporate the "No Clutch Neutral" strategy under these conditions, and will automatically disengage clutch No. 3. The Power Train ECM will also ensure that the brakes are applied (proportional brake solenoid is de-energized) if the power train oil is below 40 C (104 F).

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88 Transmission output speed and rotational direction is sensed by the two transmission output speed sensors (1). The speed/direction pick-up wheel (2) is splined to the transmission output shaft (3). The wheel induces a current (signal) into each sensor as the speed/direction pick-up wheel moves past the sensors. The difference in the timing between the signals of the two sensors determines the output shaft speed. Output shaft rotational direction is determined by sensing which sensor provides a signal first. The signals from the sensors are monitored by the Power Train ECM. These signals are used by the Power Train Electronic Control System to monitor the transmission's output shaft speed and direction. These sensor signals are also used to optimize the timing of clutch engagements during speed and directional shifts and to help detect transmission clutch slippage. The transmission output speed sensors do not require adjusting when they are installed. They are held in place with two clips, which maintain the proper air gap between the sensors and the speed/direction pick-up wheel. The status of transmission output speed sensors may be viewed through the Advisor panel (Service/System Status/Power Train screens) or by using Cat ET.

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Ball Orifice Edge Filter Valve Spool Passage Spring

Hole Solenoid Pin To Clutch Supply Oil from Pump

Ball Orifice Edge Filter Valve Spool Passage Spring

Hole Solenoid Pin To Clutch Supply Oil from Pump

89 The transmission clutches are hydraulically engaged and spring released. When a clutch is not requested, its associated clutch modulating valve solenoid is DE-ENERGIZED, as shown in the top illustration. In the DE-ENERGIZED state, the solenoid pin is retracted, allowing the ball to be unseated from the orifice. Pump supply oil enters the cross-drilled hole in the valve spool and flows through the center of the spool, past the edge filter and then flows freely to the drain passage. The spring at the right end of the valve spool keeps the spool shifted to the left. Pump supply oil is blocked by the valve spool. The passage to the clutch piston is open to drain. With no pressure to the clutch piston, the springs in the clutch keeps the clutch DISENGAGED. When the operator requests a speed or directional shift, the Power Train ECM sends a PWM signal to the associated transmission modulating valve solenoid and it is ENERGIZED, as shown in the bottom illustration. As current is applied to the solenoid, the solenoid pin extends to the right and moves the ball closer to the orifice. The ball restricts the amount of oil allowed to flow to drain through the orifice. This restriction causes the pressure to increase at the left end of the valve spool. As the pressure at the left end of the valve spool increases, the spool shifts to the right against the spring, closing off the passage from the clutch to the drain. At the same time, the movement of the valve spool to the right opens the passage from the pump supply to the clutch. This movement causes the clutch pressure to increase. The clutch becomes ENGAGED when clutch engagement pressure is reached.

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At the same time, as the valve spool moves to the right, supply oil to the clutch also flows through the drilled passage in the valve spool that connects the clutch passage to the right end of the valve spool. As the pressure to the clutch increases, the same pressure is felt at the right end of the valve spool. This pressure adds to the spring force, which balances the pressures and forces. This results in a more smooth and controlled clutch engagement, or clutch modulation. De-energizing the solenoid decreases the force of the pin against the ball. This decreased force allows the pressure at the left end of the valve spool to unseat the ball, de-pressurizing the chamber at the left end of the spool. With lower pressure at the left end of the spool, the valve spool shifts to the left due to the spring force plus the supply oil pressure to the clutch. This condition reduces the pressure to the clutch by closing off the supply passage to the clutch and opening up the drain passage. When the pressure to the clutch falls below the clutch engagement pressure, the clutch will be released by spring force. When the transmission is in NEUTRAL, the transmission modulating valve that controls engagement of the No. 3 clutch allows flow to the clutch. The other modulating valves stop flow to their clutches, thereby allowing the clutches to be released by spring force. Since neither the No. 1 nor the No. 2 directional clutches are engaged, no power is transmitted to the output shaft of the transmission. When the transmission is in FIRST SPEED FORWARD, the modulating valves that control flow to the No. 2 and the No. 5 clutches receive a signal from the Power Train ECM. These signals energize the solenoids which send flow to engage the clutches. The status of all five transmission modulating valve solenoids may be viewed through the Advisor panel (Power Train System Status screens) or by using Cat ET. NOTE: Clutch Engagement Pressure Calibrations are no longer necessary due to the common top pressure strategy. However, transmission Clutch Fill Time Calibrations must be performed when any of the following repair procedures have been performed: -Transmission modulating valve and/or solenoid is replaced. -Transmission is serviced or replaced. -Power Train ECM is replaced. - Power Train ECM is re-flashed. Transmission Clutch Fill Time Calibrations may be performed using Cat Advisor or by using Cat ET.

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Adjustment Screw Spring Spool Slug Chamber Slug

Locknut From Trans. / TC Charging Section of PTO Pump To Transmission Hydraulic Cont rol

To TC Inlet Relief Valve

90 The transmission main relief valve is located in the transmission hydraulic control manifold. The manifold is on top of the transmission planetary group. The transmission main relief valve maintains the "common top pressure" from the transmission charging section of the power train oil pump. This oil is used to operate the brakes, the steering clutches, and the transmission clutches. Oil to the main relief valve is supplied by the transmission charging section of the power train oil pump, when the priority valve is in the Normal Mode. If the priority valve is in the Priority Mode, the oil supply to the transmission main relief valve is a mixture of transmission charge oil and torque converter charge oil. Oil from the power train oil pump flows through the transmission charge oil filter and then to the electronic brake control valve and the transmission modulating valves. The transmission main relief valve is downstream from the electronic brake control valve and the transmission modulating valves. The excess oil that flows over the main relief valve combines with the oil that flows past the priority valve and supplies the torque converter inlet relief valve.

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2 1

91 The transmission main relief valve may be accessed by removing the transmission inspection cover, which is located at the top of the main transmission cover. The transmission main relief valve is installed in the transmission hydraulic control manifold (1). The transmission main relief valve may be adjusted by using the adjustment screw and locknut (2), at the right of the transmission hydraulic control manifold. Each of the transmission clutch modulating valves (3) have a pressure test port installed on top of the valve body (see illustration No. 89). Individual clutch pressures may be tested by connecting a hose and pressure gauge to the test port on the corresponding transmission modulating valve.

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Ring Gears Input Sun Gears

Ring Gears

Input Shaft


CLUTCHES 5 -2 4 -2 3 -2 5 -1 4 -1 3 -1 3

Output Shaft Planetary Carrier Output Sun Gears 1 2 3 4 5


92 This visual shows a sectional view of a typical transmission group like that used in the D10T Track-type Tractor. The planetary group has two directional and three speed clutches which are numbered in sequence (1 through 5) from the rear of the transmission to the front. Clutches No. 1 and No. 2 are the reverse and forward directional clutches. Clutches No. 3, No. 4, and No. 5 are the third, second, and first speed clutches. The No. 5 clutch is a rotating clutch. In this sectional view of the transmission, the input shaft and input sun gears are shown in red. The output shaft and output sun gears are blue. The ring gears are shown in green. The planetary carrier is brown. The planet gears and shafts are shown in orange. The clutch discs, the clutch plates, the pistons, the springs and the bearings are shown in yellow. The stationary clutch housings are shown in gray. The input sun gears are splined to the input shaft and drive the directional gear trains. The output shaft is driven by output sun gears No. 3 and No. 4 and rotating clutch No. 5. When the No. 2, No. 3, or No. 4 clutches are engaged, their respective ring gears are held stationary. The No. 1 planetary carrier is held when the No. 1 clutch is engaged. When engaged, the No. 5 rotating clutch locks the output components (for FIRST gear) to the output shaft.

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INSTRUCTOR NOTE: Whenever a transmission speed or directional change is requested by the operator, the Power Train ECM always implements the following transmission shifting strategy: - Current directional clutch is DISENGAGED - Current speed clutch is DISENGAGED - Requested speed clutch is ENGAGED - Requested directional clutch is ENGAGED This shifting strategy is followed when changing direction or when upshifting/downshifting.

In addition to the above strategy, a Controlled Throttle Shifting (CTS) strategy is also employed during transmission speed/directional changes. The Power Train ECM sends a command to the Engine ECM, requesting an engine rpm decrease during the shift and then an engine rpm increase back to the original rpm selection. This slight lowering, then raising of engine rpm during the shift aids in a smooth transition from one clutch to the next.

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5 2 3 4

93 Electronic Steering and Brake Control Valve The electronic steering and brake control valve (1) is installed on the top of the main case, below the operator's seat. The steering and brake control valve may be accessed by removing the operator seat, the seat pedestal, and the rear floor plate in the operator compartment. The valve body contains four proportional solenoid valves that are controlled by the Power Train ECM. The Power Train ECM receives signals from the PWM rotary position sensors of the FTC steering levers and from the PWM rotary position sensor that is connected to the service brake pedal. The right steering clutch solenoid (2), the right brake solenoid (3), the left brake solenoid (4), and the left steering clutch solenoid (5) are identified in illustration No. 93. The brakes are spring applied and hydraulically released. The steering clutches are hydraulically applied and spring released. The four proportional solenoids are normally ENERGIZED when the steering clutches are engaged and the brakes are released. Pulling back on the left steering control lever begins to DECREASE the amount of current to the left steering clutch solenoid (5) and DE-ENERGIZES it. This begins releasing the left clutch and disengaging power to the left track. When the left steering control lever is pulled back to approximately one-half of the lever's travel distance, the left steering clutch solenoid is completely DE-ENERGIZED and the left clutch is completely DISENGAGED. This results in a gradual left turn.

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Pulling back further on the left steering control lever begins to DECREASE the amount of current to the left brake solenoid (4) and DE-ENERGIZES it, to begin engaging the left brake. When the left steering lever is pulled all the way to the rear, the left brake solenoid is completely DE-ENERGIZED and the left brake is completely ENGAGED, stopping the left track. This results in a sharp left turn. Depressing the service brake pedal DECREASES the amount of current to both the left and the right brake solenoids and DE-ENERGIZES them to apply both the left and the right brakes. The secondary brake valve is controlled by an ON/OFF solenoid (7). The ON/OFF solenoid is ENERGIZED by connecting it to the battery when the secondary brake switch is activated. The brake switch is a part of the service brake pedal and it is activated near the end of travel of the service brake pedal. The parking brake valve is also controlled by an ON/OFF solenoid (6). The parking brake solenoid is ENERGIZED by connecting the solenoid to the battery when the operator activates the parking brake switch. The steering clutch solenoids are also DE-ENERGIZED when the parking brake switch is activated. (The secondary brake valve solenoid is also ENERGIZED, along with the parking brake valve solenoid when the parking brake switch is set to ON. This is a new parking brake backup strategy and is a change for this type of electronic brake control valve. This strategy is used by all of the T-Series Track-type Tractors.) The status of all four brake solenoids and the steering clutch solenoids may be viewed through the Advisor panel (Service/System Status/Power Train screens) or by using Cat ET. All four pressures for the steering clutches and the brakes (C1, B1, B2, C2) may be tested at the pressure test ports that are located on top, and at the rear of the brake control valve. The pressure test port (8) for the right steering clutch (C1) can be seen in illustration No. 93. The other three pressure test ports correspond to the solenoids that are identified in the illustration. INSTRUCTOR NOTE: The following information outlines the state of the four brake valve solenoids in the three possible conditions for the service brakes (brake pedal): Service Brakes Released - Proportional brake valve solenoids (L & R) - ENERGIZED - Parking brake valve solenoid - DE-ENERGIZED - Secondary brake valve solenoid - DE-ENERGIZED Service Brakes Applied (full) - Proportional brake valve solenoids (L & R) - DE-ENERGIZED - Parking brake valve solenoid - DE-ENERGIZED - Secondary brake valve solenoid - ENERGIZED Parking Brake Applied - Proportional brake valve solenoids (L & R) - DE-ENERGIZED - Parking brake valve solenoid - ENERGIZED - Secondary brake valve solenoid - ENERGIZED

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Parking Brake Solenoid Valve and Secondary Brake Solenoid Valve Parking / Secondary Brake Valve

Parking/Secondary Brake Valve Pilot Chamber Check Valve

Accumulator Piston Pilot Valve Reducing Spool

Pressure Feedback Chamber


Accumulator Chamber Proportional Solenoid Valve To Brakes

Pilot Pressure Chamber Shutoff Valve

Slot Holes Shutoff Spool

Supply Oil from Pump

94 The proportional solenoid valves for the steering clutches and the brakes are controlled by the Power Train ECM. The solenoid valves are ENERGIZED to engage the steering clutches and to release the brakes. The Power Train ECM determines the amount of current sent to the solenoid by the position of the FTC steering control levers or by the position of the service brake pedal. The explanation that follows describes the operation of the service brakes. This explanation, however applies to both the left and right brake circuits when the steering levers are used to control the clutches and the brakes for steering. The steering clutches operate similarly, except that the steering clutches do not use a shutoff valve or a shutoff spool in the valve body. Hydraulic pressure is applied to release the brakes. Hydraulic pressure is applied to engage the steering clutches. When the proportional solenoid (valve) is ENERGIZED, the pilot valve is closed. This allows pump supply oil to pressurize the pilot pressure the chambers at the proportional solenoid valve, the parking brake valve and the secondary brake valve, and in the accumulator chamber. As the accumulator chamber pressure increases, the reducing spool moves to the right against the spring, closing off the drain passage. At the same time, the passage to the brakes is opened to the passage from the pump supply oil. Pressure then builds in the pressure feedback chamber and in the passage to the brakes. As the pressure increases, the spring applied brakes are released.

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When the operator depresses the service brake pedal, the PWM sensor attached to the service brake pedal sends a signal to the Power Train ECM. The Power Train ECM then decreases the current to the proportional solenoid at a rate that is directly proportional to the movement of the pedal. As the solenoid is DE-ENERGIZED, the pilot valve opens and allows the pump supply oil in the pilot pressure chamber to drain to tank. This reduces the pressure in the pilot pressure chamber at the solenoid valve. The accumulator chamber and the parking/secondary brake valve pilot chamber are also reduced by draining oil through the holes in the shutoff spool. As the pilot pressure at the left end of the shutoff spool decreases, the pilot pressure at the right end of the shutoff spool moves the spool to the left, against the spring. When the spool moves all the way to the left, the holes in the spool are opened to drain due to the slot that is machined in the shutoff valve. The pressures in the accumulator chamber and the parking/secondary brake valve pilot chamber are now allowed to drain through the holes in the spool. As the pilot pressure decreases, the spring begins to move the shutoff spool back to the right. As the shutoff spool moves back to the right, the holes in the spool are covered again by the right end of the shutoff valve. This reduces the rate of reduction in pilot pressure, allowing the brakes to be slowly applied. The pilot oil can then only escape by flowing between the outer diameter of the shutoff spool and the inner diameter of the shutoff valve, and then through the holes in the shutoff spool. As the pilot pressure slowly decreases, the spring moves the shutoff spool further to the right until the holes in the spool are uncovered again at the right end of the shutoff valve. The remainder of the pilot pressure then completely drains to tank through the shutoff spool. As the pilot pressure decreases, the combined force of the reducing spool spring and the pressure in the feedback chamber moves the reducing spool to the left. The accumulator piston acts as a cushion and aids in preventing the reducing spool from moving too rapidly. As the reducing spool moves to the left, the pump oil supply passage to the reducing spool is closed off. At the same time, the tank passage to the reducing spool is opened, allowing the pressure oil in the brakes to drain to tank. As the pressure to the brakes decreases, the Belville springs begin to engage the brakes. If the operator depresses the service brake pedal completely, the secondary brake switch is activated. The secondary brake switch makes a direct connection between the battery and the secondary brake valve solenoid, which ENERGIZES the secondary brake solenoid. When the secondary brake solenoid is energized, all the oil in the brake circuits is drained and the brakes are applied.

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When the parking brake switch is set to the ON position, the parking brake valve solenoid is connected directly to the battery, which ENERGIZES the parking brake solenoid. The secondary brake solenoid is also ENERGIZED by the battery when the parking brake switch is set to the ON position as a backup measure. Again, all the oil is drained and the brakes are applied. Energizing either of the solenoids for the parking brake valve or the secondary brake valve completely drains all pilot pressure oil, resulting in all of the oil being drained from the brakes. The brakes are then fully engaged. NOTE: The check valves that are installed in the valve body between the reducing spools and the pressure chamber for the parking brake and the secondary brake valves are only present on FTC machines. They serve to isolate the left brake circuit and the right brake circuit from each other, for steering purposes. The check valves allow one brake circuit to be depressurized while maintaining the brake pressure in the other brake circuit. The brake valve used on differential steer machines operates the same way, but the check valves are not present because the brakes are not used for steering and therefore, need not isolate the left and right brake circuits.

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Parking Brake Solenoid

Secondary Brake Solenoid


Right Clutch Solenoid To Right Clutch Right Brake Solenoid To Right Brake

Supply Oil Left Brake Solenoid To Left Brake Left Clutch Solenoid To Left Clutch

95 The illustration above, and those on the next few pages, show the electronic steering and brake control valve as if it had been sliced in half, horizontally, with the upper half laid over to the top. The external lines in the illustrations represent the internal passages of the steering and brake control valve as they would normally be connected. Illustration 95 shows the electronic steering and brake control valve in the STRAIGHT TRAVEL, or NO STEER condition. Both brakes are DISENGAGED and the steering clutches are fully ENGAGED. When the service brake pedal is released and neither FTC steering control lever is moved rearward, the rotary position sensors (connected to the brake pedal and the steering levers) send PWM signals to the Power Train ECM. The Power Train ECM then sends maximum current to all four of the (proportional) clutch and brake solenoids. This maximum current completely ENERGIZES the solenoids, which close the poppets in the solenoid valves and shuts off the flow of pump supply oil and pilot oil to drain. The result is increased pilot pressure to all four pressure reducing spools. This increased pressure moves the reducing spools to the right.

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As the spools move to the right, the passages to the drain are closed off and the passages to the brake and clutch circuits are opened. High pressure pump supply oil flows into the clutch and brake passages and then out to the clutches and the brakes. This increased pressure ENGAGES the clutches and DISENGAGES, or releases the brakes against their springs. With the clutches ENGAGED and the brakes DISENGAGED, power is transferred to the left and to the right final drives and the tracks move the machine in a straight line.

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Parking Brake Solenoid

Secondary Brake Solenoid


Right Clutch Solenoid To Right Clutch Right Brake Solenoid To Right Brake

Supply Oil Left Brake Solenoid To Left Brake Left Clutch Solenoid To Left Clutch

96 Illustration 96 shows the electronic steering and brake control valve when the brakes are fully engaged. When the operator depresses the service brake pedal, the brake pedal position sensor sends a signal to the Power Train ECM. The Power Train ECM then decreases the current to both the left and the right proportional brake solenoids. The amount of current sent to the solenoid is directly proportional to the position of the service brake pedal. The decreased current DE-ENERGIZES the solenoids, which open the poppets in the solenoid valves and opens the flow of pump supply oil and pilot oil to drain. The result is decreased pilot pressure to both brake pressure reducing spools. This decreased pressure allows the springs to move the brake reducing spools to the left. As the spools move to the left, the passages from the brake circuits are connected to the drain passages and the high pressure supply passages are closed off. This decreases the oil pressure to both the left and the right brakes. The decreased pressure allows the brake springs to begin engaging the brakes.

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When the operator completely depresses the service brake pedal, the secondary brake switch is activated. The secondary brake switch then connects the battery to the secondary brake solenoid and it is ENERGIZED. The secondary brake solenoid valve completely drains the brake pilot oil to tank, which causes the reducing spools to move all the way to the left. As the spools move to the left, pump supply is completely closed off and the brake circuits are completely open to the drain passages. This decreases the pressure to the brakes and the brakes are then fully engaged. The clutches are still pressurized and ENGAGED however, and will try to move the machine against the brakes.

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Parking Brake Solenoid

Secondary Brake Solenoid


Right Clutch Solenoid To Right Clutch Right Brake Solenoid To Right Brake

Supply Oil Left Brake Solenoid To Left Brake Left Clutch Solenoid To Left Clutch

97 Illustration 97 shows the electronic steering and brake control valve with the parking brakes ENGAGED. When the operator sets the parking brake switch to ON, the parking brake valve solenoid is connected to the battery and the solenoid is ENERGIZED. The secondary brake solenoid is also ENERGIZED by the Power Train ECM as a backup measure. The left and the right proportional brake solenoids are also DE-ENERGIZED by the Power Train ECM when the parking brake switch is set to ON. The parking brake valve and the secondary brake valve completely drain the pilot oil from the left and right brake reducing spools to tank through the check valves. This causes the pilot pressure in the brake circuits to decrease and the brake reducing spools move to the left. As the spools move to the left, the high pressure supply passages are closed off and the passages from the brake circuits are connected to the drain passages, which decreases the pressure to the brakes. This decreased pressure allows the brake springs to fully ENGAGE the brakes. At the same time, both of the proportional steering clutch solenoids remain ENERGIZED. With the steering clutch solenoids ENERGIZED, high pressure supply to the steering clutches is maintained. This high pressure supply keeps the steering clutches ENGAGED against the springs.

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Parking Brake Solenoid

Secondary Brake Solenoid


Right Clutch Solenoid To Right Clutch Right Brake Solenoid To Right Brake

Supply Oil Left Brake Solenoid To Left Brake Left Clutch Solenoid To Left Clutch

98 Illustration 98 shows the electronic steering and brake control valve with the right steering clutch DISENGAGED. When the operator pulls the right FTC steering control lever rearward, the right steering lever position sensor sends a signal to the Power Train ECM. The Power Train ECM then decreases the current to the right proportional clutch solenoid. The amount of current sent to the solenoid is directly proportional to the position of the right FTC steering control lever. The decreased current begins to DE-ENERGIZE the right clutch solenoid, which opens the poppet in the solenoid valve and opens the flow of pump supply oil and pilot oil to drain. The result is decreased pilot pressure to the right steering clutch pressure reducing spool. This decreased pressure allows the spring to move the reducing spool to the left. As the spool moves to the left, the high pressure supply passage to the clutch is closed off and the passage to the drain is opened. This spool movement begins decreasing the pressure in the right steering clutch circuit. The decreased pressure in the right steering clutch circuit allows the springs to begin DISENGAGING the right steering clutch.

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When the operator moves the right FTC steering control lever to approximately half of its travel distance, the right proportional clutch solenoid is nearly completely DE-ENERGIZED. The pilot oil to the right steering clutch reducing spool is completely drained to tank, which allows the spring to move the spool all the way to the left. This spool movement completely closes off pump supply to the clutch circuit and completely opens the right clutch circuit to drain. With no oil pressure to the clutch, the clutch springs completely DISENGAGE the right clutch. With the right clutch DISENGAGED, power is disconnected to the right track and the machine makes a gradual right turn. NOTE: The steering clutch solenoids are never completely DE-ENERGIZED during a turn or when the parking brake is applied. In reality, a small amount of current is sent to the solenoid so that the oil is not completely drained from the steering clutches. Approximately 10 kPa (1.5 psi) is maintained in the steering clutch when the solenoid is DE-ENERGIZED. This pressure is referred to as "Steering Clutch Low Pressure."

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Parking Brake Solenoid

Secondary Brake Solenoid


Right Clutch Solenoid To Right Clutch Right Brake Solenoid To Right Brake

Supply Oil Left Brake Solenoid To Left Brake Left Clutch Solenoid To Left Clutch

99 Illustration 99 shows the electronic steering and brake control valve with the right steering clutch DISENGAGED and the right brake ENGAGED. When the operator pulls the right FTC steering control lever rearward, past the half-way position, the right steering lever position sensor sends an increased signal to the Power Train ECM. The Power Train ECM then decreases the current to the right proportional brake solenoid. The amount of current sent to the right brake solenoid is directly proportional to the position of the right FTC steering control lever. The decreased current DE-ENERGIZES the right brake solenoid, which opens the poppet in the solenoid valve and opens the flow of pump supply oil and pilot oil to drain. The result is decreased pilot pressure to the right brake pressure reducing spool. This decreased pressure allows the spring to move the reducing spool to the left. As the spool moves to the left, the high pressure pump supply passage to the brake is closed off and the passage from the right brake circuit is opened to drain. This spool movement begins decreasing the pressure to the right brake. The decreased pressure allows the springs to begin ENGAGING the right brake.

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When the operator moves the right FTC steering control lever all the way to the rear, the right proportional brake solenoid is completely DE-ENERGIZED. The pilot oil to the right brake reducing spool is completely drained to tank, which allows the spring to move the reducing spool all the way to the left. This spool movement completely closes off pump supply to the brake circuit and completely opens the right brake circuit to drain. With no oil pressure to the brake, the springs completely ENGAGE the right brake. With the right brake ENGAGED, the right track is completely stopped and the machine makes a sharp right turn.

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100 1


The power train oil fill tube (1) and the power train oil dipstick (2) may be easily accessed by opening the spring-hinged door beside the step at the front of the left fender. The remote mounted power train breather (3) is located inside the compartment at the rear of the left fender. The breather is connected to the vent line that connects the torque divider case to the main case. The breather should be periodically cleaned. Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual for the D10T (Form No. SEBU7764) for the power train breather maintenance intervals.

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103 4

Brake pressure for the left brake (B1) may be tested by removing the plug (1) at the top of the left final drive and installing a pressure test tap. Clutch pressure for the left steering clutch (C1) may be tested in a like manner at the middle port (2). Lube pressure (LB1) for the left steering clutch and left brake may also be tested at the rear port (3). The test ports for right brake pressure (B2) and for right steering clutch pressure (C2) are reversed on the right final drive. The service brake pedal (4) is connected to a rotary position sensor (5). The rotary position sensor sends a PWM signal to the Power Train ECM which, in turn, controls the proportional solenoids for the service brakes. The secondary brake switch may be accessed through the cover (6). The status of service brake pedal position sensor and the secondary brake switch may be viewed through the Advisor panel (Service/System Status/Power Train screens) or by using Cat ET.

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2 105 3

The high speed oil change connector for power train oil (1) may be accessed by opening the left engine compartment door and then unlatching and lowering the valance below the door opening. If the machine is equipped with a single-shank ripper, the pin puller valve (2) and solenoid (3) are mounted to a bracket located at the right side of the transmission cover, near the top of the cover. The pin puller is activated with the pin puller rocker switch, which is located on the right console in the operator's compartment. When the pin puller switch is moved to the "Pin Out" position, the solenoid is ENERGIZED. The valve uses power train oil to operate the hydraulic pin puller cylinder (not shown).



Quick-drop Valves Dual Tilt Valve Hydraulic Oil Cooler RATAAC Fan Motor Fan Reversing Valve Implement Pump RATAAC Fan Control Valve Pilot Oil Filter Blade Lift / Tilt Control Valves Pressure Reducing Manifold EH Pilot Manifold Ripper Lift / Tip Control Valves Hydraulic Tank Drain Valve Return Oil Filters and Bypass Case Drain Return Screen Hydraulic Oil Temp. Sensor

Implement ECM

106 SISTEMA HIDRAULICO DE IMPLEMENTOS El sistema hidrulico de implemento tambin se ha mejorado para el D10T. Estas mejoras incluyen: - una tres-seccin, bomba con engranaje del implemento de desplazamiento fijo con aproximadamente 7% ms caudal que el D10R; - un ECM nuevo del implemento A4; - lo adicional de un mltiple separado de reduccin de presin y la mejoras del mltiple piloto electrohidrulico; - nuevo solenoide proporcional para todas las funciones de la hoja y solenoide ON./OFF para todas las funciones del desgarrador (ripper); - Dos filtros de aceite hidrulico de alta eficiencia 6-micron; - un filtro de aceite; - un tanque de aceite hidrulico ms grande con aproximadamente 35% ms capacidad que el tanque de D10R; - un enfriador de aceite hidrulico que se reubicado debajo del radiador; y - AutoCarry est disponible ahora como accesorio.


El estado de todos los sensores y solenoides en el sistema hidrulico de implemento se puede ver a travs del panel del Advisor (pantallas de Service/System Status/Implement) o usando el ET. El D10T es equipado con un sistema electrohidrulico de implemento (EH) similar al sistema de implemento usado en el D10R. El ECM de implemento recibe las seales de entrada de los sensores de posicin de la palanca de control de la hoja , los sensores de posicin de la palanca de control del desgarrador (ripper) y varios otros sensores e interruptores. El ECM enva las seales de salida correspondientes a energizar las vlvulas pilotos controladas por su apropiado solenoide en el mltiple piloto EH. El solenoide controla las vlvulas piloto para controlar la cantidad de aceite que se enva a la vlvula de control de la hoja y la del desgarrador (ripper) para cambiar de posicin los carretes apropiados y para dirigir el aceite de la bomba del implemento a los extremos de cabeza o a los extremos de vstagos de los cilindros de implemento. El ECM de implemento tambin enva las seales de salida correspondientes a energizar las vlvulas de solenoide ON/OFF de la inclinacin nica y de puntear (pitch) en la vlvula de doble inclinacin. Las vlvulas de solenoide ON/OFF de la inclinacin nica y de puntear (pitch) dirije el aceite para cambiar de posicin la vlvula de doble inclinacin, que determina los modos de la inclinacin de la hoja y los ngulos de la hoja. El sistema hidrulico de implemento para el tractor de cadena D10T es de flujo de desplazamiento fijo que permite una presin mnima en el sistema cuando las vlvulas de control de implemento no son activados. El flujo del aceite para la operacin de la hoja y del desgarrador es proporcionado por dos secciones (elevacin e inclinacin) de la bomba de engranaje de implemento de tres-secciones. La tercera seccin (parte posterior, o pequea) de la bomba del implemento provee el aceite al motor de ventilador de RATAAC y proporciona aceite piloto para la operacin de la vlvula de doble inclinacin, si la mquina es equipada con doble inclinacin.. La seccin trasera de la bomba de implemento tambin proporciona aceite al mltiple de reduccin de presin, que suministra aceite piloto al mltiple EH para la operacin de las vlvulas de control de implemento. Una vlvula de invalidacin de compensacin de presin (PCO) proporciona la proteccin de la velocidad excesiva del motor cuando es energizada por el ECM del motor. La vlvula de PCO tambin es energizada por el ECM de implemento siempre que se solicite una funcin del desgarrador (ripper). La vlvula de PCO permite que la vlvula de alivio de elevacin de la hoja acte como vlvula de alivio tambin para el circuito del desgarrador. La seal de trabajo transmite la presin ms alta del cilindro de implemento al mltiple de reduccin de presin. La alta presin resuelta es dirigida al mltiple de reduccin de presin por la vlvula divisora y acta como aceite piloto para bajar los implementos en caso que el motor no funcione o la bomba de implemento fallara.

Si el motor no funciona y la corriente elctrica de la mquina no est disponible, la vlvula " bajada manual " se utiliza para bajar los implementos. La vlvula de bajada manual permite el flujo del aceite de los cilindros de implemento a travs de la seal de trabajo, y entonces al tanque de aceite hidrulico. Esto permite que el mecnico baje lentamente los implementos.

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107 Implement Hydraulic System Component Identification Most of the major components of the implement hydraulic system can be seen in the illustration above. The implement pump is not visible, above, but is mounted to the upper right, rear of the flywheel housing. The dozer control valve (1) is mounted to the inside of the left fender. The dozer control valve controls the blade raise/lower/float functions and the blade tilt left/right functions. The pressure reducing manifold (2) is mounted to the front of the main case. The pressure reducing manifold is supplied oil from the rear section of the gear-type implement pump (not visible above), and in turn, supplies pilot oil to the EH pilot manifold via the pilot oil filter. The EH pilot manifold (3) is mounted to the top of the main case and contains all the solenoid controlled pilot valves. The pilot valves supply pilot oil to the implement control valves for the operation of all of the implement functions. The ripper valve (4) is mounted to a bracket at the top rear of the main case. The ripper valve controls the ripper raise/lower functions and the ripper shank in/out functions. The hydraulic tank is mounted to the rear of the right fender.

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108 The hydraulic tank is located on top of the right fender, forward of the right rollover support post. The hydraulic tank provides oil for the operation of the implements, the RATAAC fan, and the hydraulic demand fan. Components and service points shown in the above illustration are: 1. the vacuum breaker 2. the hydraulic filter access covers (two, 6-micron filters) 3. the hydraulic oil fill tube and locking cap 4. the hydraulic oil level sight glass 5. the hydraulic oil sampling port (SOS) 6. the hydraulic tank drain valve 7. the hydraulic oil filter bypass switch (for the RATAAC and demand fan circuit filter) 8. the RATAAC and demand fan circuit return 9. the case drain return (to internal screen) 10. the hydraulic oil temperature sensor 11. the main hydraulic oil suction manifold (for all hydraulic pumps) 12. the implement circuit return

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The hydraulic oil tank contains two internal filters - one for return oil from the implements and one for the return oil from the demand fan and the RATAAC fan circuits. The hydraulic oil tank also contains a screen for case drain return oil. (Not visible above, is the pilot oil drain return. It is located at the lower right. It is hidden in this illustration by the main suction manifold.) The hydraulic filter bypass switch is a normally open pressure switch that senses the pressure of the return oil in the circuit (before the filter). The switch provides a signal to the Implement ECM at a specified pressure, indicating a filter restriction. Advisor will illuminate the Action Lamp and light, and display a warning on the Advisor panel that the hydraulic oil filter is clogged and is being bypassed. The hydraulic oil temperature sensor (10) provides a signal to the Implement ECM. This signal is considered when using the Advisor panel or Cat ET to perform calibration routines of the implement pilot valve solenoids. If the signal indicates the temperature of the oil is below the temperature specified in the calibration routine conditions, the routine will be aborted. The status of the hydraulic oil temperature sensor and the hydraulic oil filter bypass switch may be viewed through the Advisor panel (Service/System Status/Implement screens) or by using Cat ET. Advisor also displays a digital readout of the hydraulic oil temperature on the Performance 1 screen. NOTE: The vacuum breaker on the hydraulic oil tank should always be used to equalize the pressure inside the hydraulic oil tank with the atmospheric pressure before removing the cap from the filler tube. This will prevent scalding injuries due to hot hydraulic oil being expelled through the filler tube when the cap is removed.

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109 The three-section fixed displacement gear-type implement pump is mounted to the rear of the flywheel housing, at the upper right. This pump supplies oil to the implement valves, the RATAAC fan system, and the pressure reducing manifold. The lift (front) section (1) supplies oil to the blade lift section of the dozer control valve and to the ripper control valve. Pump discharge from the lift section is through the forward pump outlet (9). Discharge pressure for the lift section (HPD1) may be tested at the forward pressure test port (10), and may be monitored through the Advisor panel or by using Cat ET. The tilt (middle) section (2) supplies oil to the blade tilt section of the dozer control valve. Pump discharge from the tilt section is through the middle pump outlet (7). Discharge pressure for the tilt section (HPD2) may be tested at the middle pressure test port (8), and may also be monitored through the Advisor panel or by using Cat ET. The rear section of the implement pump (3) supplies oil to the RATAAC fan motor through the pilot pressure and RATAAC fan speed control valve (6). The rear section also provides oil to the pressure reducing manifold. This oil is pilot oil for the EH pilot manifold and for the dual tilt valve. The two discharge pressure test ports on the RATAAC fan speed control valve are used to test Hydraulic Fan Pump Discharge pressure (HFPD) (4) and Hydraulic Fan Motor Inlet pressure (HFMI) (5). The Hydraulic Fan Motor Inlet Pressure is the RATAAC fan system pressure.

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INSTRUCTOR NOTE: The following standby pressures may be observed during lab exercises. - Lift pump (HPD1) pressure at high idle (implements in HOLD) should be approximately 760 kPa (110 psi). - Tilt pump (HPD2) pressure at high idle (implements in HOLD) should be approximately 827 kPa (120 psi). - Small pump (HFPD) pressure at high idle (implements in HOLD) should be approximately 5860 kPa (850 psi). Always refer to the latest revision of the Service Manual for your machine serial number, "Specifications, Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting - Hydraulic System" (Form No. RENR7540) for the most recent specifications of system pressures.

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110 Shown above is the dozer control valve. It is mounted to the inside of the right fender, above the right frame rail. It may be accessed by removing the floor plates in the operator's compartment. The dozer control valve is supplied with oil from the lift and tilt sections of the implement pump. The oil from both sections of the pump is combined when raising or lowering the blade. When tilting the blade left or right, the oil from the two sections is segregated so that only the oil from the tilt section of the implement pump is used for tilting the blade and the oil from the lift section of the implement pump is used for raising and lowering the blade. High pressure pump supply oil from the lift (front) section of the implement pump enters the dozer valve at the dozer lift valve inlet (4). High pressure pump supply oil from the tilt (middle) section of the implement pump enters the dozer valve at the dozer tilt valve inlet (8). The lift pump pressure sensor (3) is installed at the dozer lift valve inlet. This sensor detects the Hydraulic Pump Discharge pressure (HPD1) in the lift circuit. The status of this sensor may be viewed using the Advisor panel (Service/System Status/Implement screens) and is identified as "Main Hyd Pump Oil Pressure." The tilt pump pressure sensor (5) is installed at the dozer tilt valve inlet. This sensor detects the Hydraulic Pump Discharge pressure (HPD2) in the tilt circuit. The status of this sensor may also be viewed using the Advisor panel (Service/System Status/Implement screens) and is identified as "Tilt Hyd Pump Oil Pressure."

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High pressure pump supply oil is sent to and returns from the dozer lift cylinders through the larger high pressure hydraulic lines (2). High pressure pump supply oil is sent to and returns from the dozer tilt cylinder (or the dual tilt valve) through the smaller high pressure hydraulic lines (1). High pressure pump supply oil to the ripper valve is sent through a hose connected to the ripper supply outlet (9). This oil is a combination of the flows from both the lift and the tilt sections of the implement pump, unless a blade tilt function is commanded. During blade tilt operation, only the lift section of the implement pump supplies oil to the ripper valve. Return oil from the ripper cylinders flows into the implement return oil manifold (6) through the manifold inlet (7) where it combines with the return oil from the lift cylinders and the tilt cylinders. The combined return oil is then directed back to the hydraulic tank where it is filtered before being recirculated by the implement pump. The signals from the two implement pump pressure sensors are considered by the Implement ECM for the operation of several implement system strategies. The following list outlines when the sensors are used: - During the solenoid calibration routines for the implement pilot valves (using Advisor or Cat ET), the Implement ECM looks for a drop in implement pump discharge pressure to determine the amount of solenoid current needed to move an implement. When the pilot pressure becomes great enough to move the implement control valve spool, high pressure supply oil begins to flow past the main valve spool and out to the implement cylinders. This will cause a brief drop in pressure in that circuit. The drop in pressure causes a change in signal from the sensor that indicates the necessary current value has been achieved and the Implement ECM will store this value in its memory. - The signal from the lift pump sensor is also used for the ripper AutoStow strategy. When the operator presses the AutoStow switch, the Implement ECM energizes the ripper raise solenoid and the PCO valve solenoid (and either the ripper tip in or ripper tip out solenoid, if AutoStow is so configured). The ripper will then raise until the end of the cylinder stroke is reached. When the end of cylinder stroke is attained, the hydraulic system pressure rises and the sensor signal reflects the change in pressure. This change in signal indicates that the end of stroke has been attained and the Implement ECM will then de-energize the implement solenoids. - During the operation of the ABA or the AutoCarry cycles, the Implement ECM looks for a change in the signal from either sensor. The change in signals indicate when the tilt cylinders have reached the end of stroke during the "spread" and "blade reset" segments of the automatic cycles, and when the lift cylinders have reached the end of stroke during the "raise" and "return" segments of the automatic cycles.

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111 The ripper control valve assembly is shown in the illustration above. It is mounted to the rear of the main case, above the transmission inspection cover and below the fuel tank. The ripper control valve controls the ripper raise/lower functions and the shank in/out functions. The ripper valve contains two valve sections - the ripper shank in/out valve section (4) and the ripper raise/lower valve section (3). The ripper valve is supplied with high pressure oil from the lift section of the implement pump and from the tilt section, when the blade tilt function is not activated. Pump supply oil to the ripper valve flows through the far high pressure hydraulic hose (1). Return oil from the ripper cylinders flows through the near high pressure hydraulic hose (2) to the return oil manifold, and then back to the hydraulic oil tank. High pressure supply oil to the right ripper shank cylinder and return oil from the right ripper shank cylinder is through the rear hose connections (5). High pressure supply oil to the right ripper raise cylinder and return oil from the right ripper raise cylinder is through the forward hose connections (6). Identical connections for the left ripper lift and shank cylinders are located in the same positions on the left side of the valve assembly.

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The hard steel line (7) connects the two internal supply passages to the ripper lift valve with an external resolver valve. The highest resolved pressure is transmitted through the resolver network so that the ripper may be lowered manually with the dead electric lower valve. If electricity is available, the ripper control control handle can be used to lower the ripper in a dead engine situation. A ripper warming valve will be installed in the ripper control valve on machines equipped with a cold weather arrangement. The warming valve allows a small amount of warm hydraulic oil to circulate through the valve body and return to tank when the ripper is not being operated. The warming valve helps prevent thermal shock from occurring inside the valve when a ripper function is requested in an extremely cold environment. Without the ripper warming valve, hot oil could cause a cold valve stem to expand faster than the valve body, causing the valve stem to seize in the valve body during ripper operation.

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112 The hydraulic oil cooler (1) is an oil-to-water type cooler. It is located beneath the radiator guard. Return oil from the hydraulic demand fan enters the cooler at the cooler inlet (2). The cooler bypass valve is contained inside the housing (3). Only return oil from the hydraulic demand fan passes through the hydraulic oil cooler. The cooler bypass valve is pressure activated, only. The thicker (more viscous) oil creates more pressure, which causes the bypass valve to open when the oil is cold. This allows most of the oil to bypass the cooler. Once the oil is warm (less viscous), the pressure is less for the same volume of oil and the bypass valve remains closed. All of the oil from the demand fan motor will then pass through the cooler. All of the oil exits the cooler, or the bypass valve, through the cooler outlet (4) and returns to the hydraulic oil tank in either condition.



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113 Sistema hidrulico piloto El mltiple de reduccin de presin (1) est situada en el frente de la caja principal, debajo del mltiple piloto EH. El mltiple de reduccin de presin contiene la vlvula de reduccin de presin (10). La vlvula de reduccin de presin baja la presin del aceite de suministro de la bomba de implemento desde la vlvula de control de velocidad del ventilador de RATAAC. El suministro de aceite entra en el mltiple de entrada (3). La presin piloto de suministro (HPS) se puede probar en el puerto de la toma de presin (5), instalado en el fondo del mltiple de reduccin piloto. La lnea desde el circuito de la seal de trabajo (2) provee el aceite a la vlvula divisora (11) cuando el motor est apagado y los implementos estn sobre el piso. Despus de que el aceite es reducida a presin piloto se dirige al filtro de aceite piloto a travs de una manguera conectada con el fitting del mltiple de salida (4). La vlvula de traba de implemento es operada por el solenoide (6) que est instalado en el lado izquierdo del mltiple de reduccin de presin. El aceite que fluye pasado la vlvula de bajada manual (9) o del aceite que fluye ms all de la vlvula de alivio piloto (8) se dirige de nuevo al tanque hidrulico a travs de la lnea de acero duro (7).

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To EH Pilot Manifold Dead Electric Lower Valve To Tank From Resolver Network Pilot Relief Valve Pilot Filter

Filter Bypass Valve

HPS Implement Lockout Valve


From Pilot (Rear) Pump

Diverter Valve

Pressure Reducing Valve

114 The pressure reducing manifold supplies pilot supply oil to the EH pilot manifold via the pilot oil filter, and to the AutoCarry diverter valve (if the machine is equipped with AutoCarry). The pressure reducing manifold is supplied with oil from the rear section of the implement pump, through the pilot pressure and RATAAC fan speed control valve. Oil enters the pressure reducing manifold and passes through a screen before it reaches the diverter valve. High pressure pump supply oil acts on the end of the diverter valve to move it up, against the spring. The supply oil passes through the diverter valve, where it enters the pressure reducing valve. The pressure reducing valve is infinitely variable, and meters the oil to provide pilot oil pressure of approximately 4000 207 kPa (580 30 psi), at high idle. The reduced pressure pilot oil then passes through the implement lockout valve. The implement lockout valve is solenoid controlled and is ENERGIZED in the UNLOCKED position. The ON/OFF solenoid is controlled by the implement lockout switch, which is located on the right console in the operator's compartment. The implement lockout valve is DE-ENERGIZED in the LOCKED position and the supply of pilot oil to the EH pilot manifold is blocked. The implements cannot be moved using the implement controls when the implement lockout valve solenoid is DE-ENERGIZED and the valve is in the LOCKED position.

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When engine speed is below 900 rpm, the Implement ECM automatically DE-ENERGIZES the implement lockout solenoid and the valve is in the LOCKED position. The solenoid will be ENERGIZED as soon as an implement control is moved. This strategy helps prevent inadvertent implement movement during service procedures by shutting off the pilot supply to the EH manifold. When the operator activates an implement, the appropriate solenoid controlled pilot valve directs the pilot oil into the pilot chamber of the implement control valve. The pilot pressure then shifts the implement valve spool. From the implement lockout valve, the pilot oil is directed to the remote mounted pilot oil filter. The oil is directed to the EH pilot manifold from the pilot oil filter. Also contained in the pressure reducing manifold is the pilot relief valve. The pilot relief valve limits the pressure past the pressure reducing valve to approximately 6500 kPa (940 psi). This valve opens to dissipate the excess pressure, in the event of pressure spikes in the pilot system. When the implement lockout valve is in the LOCKED condition, the pilot relief valve opens to direct the flow of pilot oil back to the hydraulic oil tank. The diverter valve is used to provide pilot pressure for lowering the implements in a dead engine situation. When the engine is OFF and any implements are suspended above the ground, the weight of the implements creates pressure in the rod ends of the ripper and/or blade lift cylinders. The highest resolved pressure from the implement cylinders is transmitted through the resolver network and is directed into the passage between the diverter valve and the dead electric lower valve. With no supply oil pressure from the implement pump, the spring in the pilot operated diverter valve moves the valve down, allowing the highest resolved pressure from the resolver network to pass through to the pressure reducing valve. This oil now becomes pilot oil for lowering the implements. The implements may be lowered using the EH implement controls in the operator's compartment until all implements come into contact with the ground (if there is electric power available to the implement controls) in this condition. In a dead (no) electric situation, the EH implement controls will not function. The implements must be slowly lowered by manually adjusting out the dead electric lower valve (screw and locknut). This will allow all the oil from the rod ends of the ripper lift cylinders and the dozer lift cylinders to slowly drain to the hydraulic tank through the resolver network until the implements come into contact with the ground. INSTRUCTOR NOTE: During lab exercises, the following pressures may be observed: - The sequencer valve on the RATAAC fan speed control valve supplies oil to the pressure reducing manifold. The sequencer valve is is adjusted at low idle and the pressure observed (HFPD) should be approximately 4068 kPa (590 psi). - Hydraulic Pilot Supply (HPS) should be tested at high idle, with the implement lockout switch set to ON. The pilot pressure (HPS) should be approximately 4000 kPa (580 psi). Always refer to the latest revision of the Service Manual for your machine serial number, "Specifications, Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting - Hydraulic System" (Form No. RENR7540) for the most recent specifications of system pressures.

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115 The remote mounted pilot oil filter base is mounted to the inside of the right fender, toward the front. It may be accessed by removing the cover beside the step at the front of the right fender. The pilot oil filter (1) is a spin-on type filter. Pilot oil from the pressure reducing manifold enters the filter base at the filter inlet (2). The pilot oil returns to the EH pilot manifold through a line connected to the outlet of the filter base (3) after the oil is filtered. The filter base contains a filter bypass valve, but no filter bypass switch. Filtration of the pilot oil is very important to ensure the proper operation of the implement system. Contaminants in the pilot oil will clog the small openings in the solenoid controlled pilot valves and could cause damage to the valve's small components. Refer to the D10T Operation and Maintenance Manual (OMM) (Form No. SEBU7764) for recommendations concerning filter change frequency intervals.

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116 The EH pilot manifold (1) is located on top of the main case, below the floor plates in the operator's compartment. Reduced pressure pilot oil is sent to the pilot oil filter from the pressure reducing manifold. The filtered pilot oil returns to the EH pilot manifold and enters the manifold at the inlet fitting (4). The pilot oil is then distributed to each of the solenoid valves through internal passages in the manifold. When an implement lever is moved, the Implement ECM energizes the appropriate solenoid (2), sending pilot oil to the implement control valve, which shifts the main valve spool. The pilot pressure to that implement control valve may be tested at the corresponding pressure test port (3) while the implement is moving. Return oil from the pilot relief valve and the dead electric lower valve in the pressure reducing manifold flows through the hard steel line (6) where it combines with return oil from the pilot manifold at the "tee" fitting (5). This oil then returns to the hydraulic oil tank.

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To Blade Lift Control Valve (Blade Lower / Float)

To Ripper Tip Control Valve (Shank Out) To Ripper Lift Control Valve (Ripper Lower) To Ripper Tip Control Valve (Shank In) To Ripper Lift Control Valve (Ripper Raise)





Pilot Supply from Pilot Filter / Pressure Reducing Manifold





To Tank

Drain from Pressure Reducing Manifold To Blade Lift Control Valve (Blade Raise)






To Shuttle Valve To Blade Tilt Control Valve (Blade Tilt Left) To Blade Tilt Control Valve (Blade Tilt Right)

117 The EH pilot manifold receives pilot supply oil from the pressure reducing manifold, after passing through the pilot oil filter. The EH pilot manifold contains four proportional solenoid valves that receive PWM signals from the Implement ECM for operating the blade lift and the blade tilt functions. The EH pilot manifold also contains five ON/OFF solenoid valves - two each for the ripper raise/lower function and the ripper shank in/out function, and one solenoid valve for engine overspeed protection and ripper operation (PCO valve). All of these solenoid valves are present as standard equipment, regardless of attachments. Each solenoid valve has a corresponding pressure tap for checking the pilot pressure to the implement control valve (except the PCO valve, which has a plug installed instead of a pressure tap). These nine solenoid valves are: - blade raise, or dozer raise solenoid (DR) - PCO valve solenoid (RV) - blade tilt left solenoid (TL) - blade tilt right solenoid (TR) - blade lower/float, or dozer lower solenoid (DL) - ripper shank out, or tip out solenoid (TO) - ripper lower, or ripper down solenoid (RD) - ripper shank in, or tip in solenoid (TI) - ripper raise, or ripper up solenoid (RU)

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For blade lift and blade tilt control, the solenoid plunger movement is proportional to the electrical current sent from the Implement ECM. Solenoid plunger position determines the amount of pilot oil pressure felt at the ends of the dozer lift and tilt spools. An increase in electrical current causes an increase in oil pressure which moves the dozer lift and the dozer tilt control valve spools proportionately. The electrical current sent to the dozer lift and tilt solenoids by the Implement ECM is in direct proportion to the amount of movement of the dozer control lever by the operator. The Implement ECM sends only high current signals to the PCO valve solenoid and the ripper solenoid valves. These five solenoid valves are ON/OFF solenoid valves. They operate similarly to the dozer lift and dozer tilt solenoid controlled pilot valves. However, the five ON/OFF solenoid controlled pilot valves provide full pilot oil pressure to the ends of the ripper lift and ripper tip control valve spools when they are energized. (Refer to the D10T hydraulic system schematic for the rest of the explanation that follows.) The Pressure Compensation Override (PCO) valve provides engine overspeed protection when it is energized by the Engine ECM. Energizing the PCO valve solenoid directs pilot oil to the end of the shuttle valve (contained in the dozer control valve). The shuttle valve then directs high pressure implement pump supply oil to the end of the dump valve, shutting off the flow of high pressure pump oil to tank. This condition causes an extra load on the fixed displacement implement pump, which increases the load on the engine and slows engine rpm. The PCO valve is also energized whenever a ripper function is requested. When the operator requests a ripper function, the PCO valve is energized by the Implement ECM. The PCO valve again directs pilot oil to shift the shuttle valve (in the dozer control valve), shutting off the flow of high pressure pump oil to tank. This ensures that maximum oil pressure is available for ripper operation. In either of these situations, the PCO valve causes the dozer lift relief valve to act as the relief valve for the ripper circuit and for the engine overspeed situation. INSTRUCTOR NOTE: The following pilot pressures should be observed at the pilot pressure test ports on the EH pilot manifold during lab exercises. - Dozer RAISE (HPDR) pressure should be approximately 3100 kPa (450 psi). - Dozer LOWER (HPDL) pressure should be approximately 1725 kPa (250 psi). - Dozer FLOAT (HPDL) pressure should be approximately 3450 kPa (500 psi). - TILT LEFT/RIGHT (HPTL/HPTR) - pressures should be approximately 3100 kPa (450 psi). - ALL ripper functions - pressures should be approximately 3100 kPa (450 psi). - Hydraulic Pilot Supply (HPS) at the pressure reducing manifold should be approximately 4000 kPa (580 psi). Always refer to the latest revision of the Service Manual for your machine serial number, "Specifications, Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting - Hydraulic System" (Form No. RENR7540) for the most recent specifications of system pressures.


Lift Relief Valve Passage to Lift Relief Valve and Lift Dump Valve Supply From Lift Section Signal Resolver Passage


From Pressure Compensation Override Valve Signal Resolver to Shuttle Valve Passage to Tank Shuttle Valve

Load Check Valve Rod End Makeup Valve Rod End Head End Pump Inlet Tilt Section

Pump Inlet Lift Section

Head End Makeup Valve

118 Vlvula de control de la hoja La vlvula de control de la hoja contiene un carrete de levante de la hoja de cuatro posiciones (LEVANTE, MANTENER, BAJADA, y FLOTANTE) y un carrete de la inclinacin de la hoja de tres posiciones ( INCLINACIN DERECHA , MANTENER, e INCLINACIN IZQUIERDA). El carrete de levante de la hoja es un carrete de " centro-cerrado ", y el carrete de la inclinacin de hoja es un carrete del " centro-abierto ". En esta vista y en la pgina siguiente, la vlvula de la hoja muestra la condicin de levante de la hoja. La vlvula de la hoja contiene los siguientes componentes principales : Carrete de la Levante de la hoja: Una vlvula de centro-cerrado que controla el flujo de aceite a los cilindros de levante de la hoja. Cuando esta en la posicin de levante o bajada, el carrete de levante tambin enva el aceite como seal de trabajo, alternadamente enva tambin el aceite a travs de la vlvula de lanzadera y a un pasaje entre la vlvula de alivio de levante y la vlvula de descarga de levant. Carrete de Inclinacin de la hoja: Una vlvula de centro-abierto que controla el flujo de aceite de la seccin de la bomba hidrulica para los cilindros de inclinacin de la hoja, cuando el carrete es movidoa la funcin de inclinacin. En la posicin central normal, el aceite de la seccin de la inclinacin de la bomba de implemento fluye ms all del carrete y combina con el aceite de la seccin de la bomba de levante. Cuando en la posicin INCLINACIN DERECHA o la INCLINACIN IZQUIERDA , el aceite tambin se enva a un pasaje entre la vlvula de alivio de inclinacin y la vlvula de descarga de inclinacin.


Signal Resolver Valve Shuttle Valve From PCO Valve Tank Passage Lift Relief Valve

Lift Spool

Load Check Valve

To Lift Cylinders

Pump Inlet from Lift Section

To Tilt Cylinders Tilt Relief Valve Spring Chamber Dump Valves Load Check Valve Tilt Spool


Pump Inlet from Tilt Section

119 Resolvedora de Seal de Trabajo: Durante las funciones de la hoja, la seal de la presin de la carga del cilindro se transmite a la vlvula resolvedora de la seal, a travs de la vlvula lanzadera, al compartimiento del resorte de la vlvula de descarga. La seal de presin de carga del cilindro del extremo del vstago durante el levante y del extremo de cabeza del cilindro durante la bajada. La vlvula resolvedora de seal dirije la alta presin del lado de vstago o lado cabeza de los cilindros a la vlvula de lanzadera. Vlvula Lanzadera: En su posicin normalmente predispuesta por el resorte, la vlvula de lanzadera dirige el aceite de suministro de la bomba a un pasaje entre la vlvula de alivio de levante de la hoja y la vlvula de descarga de la hoja durante las funciones de levante de la hoja. En una condicin de velocidad excesiva del motor o durante una funcin del desgarrador, se energiza la vlvula de PCO. Esto enva el aceite piloto para cambiar de posicin la vlvula de lanzadera, que abre un pasaje para que el aceite sea disponible a la vlvula de alivio de levante y vlvula de descarga de la hoja disponible para el sistema durante estas dos condiciones. Vlvula de alivio de levante: Durante las funciones de la hoja, la presin de carga del cilindro de la levante se enva a travs de la vlvula resolvedorade seal y a la vlvula lanzadera para un pasaje entre la vlvula de alivio de la elevacin de la hoja y la vlvula de descarga de la elevacin de levante y la vlvula de descarga de levante de la hoja. La vlvula de aliviodel circuito de levante limita la presin mxima en el circuito de levante. La vlvula de alivio de levante de la hoja es ajustada aproximadamente 18790 kPa (2725 PSI).


Vlvula de descarga de levante: Durante las funciones de levante de la hoja, la presin de carga del cilindro de levante se enva a travs de la vlvula resolvedora de seal y a la vlvula de lanzadera a un pasaje entre la vlvula de alivio y a la vlvula de descarga de levante de la hoja. La presin del cilindro mantiene la vlvula de descarga cerrada, el cual cierra el flujo de suministro de la bomba hacia el tanque. Esto se asegura de que la presin mxima del sistema est disponible para la operacin del cilindro de levante. La vlvula de descarga de levante debe mantener una presin mnima del circuito de levnate de aproximadamente 400 kPa (58 PSI) en baja en vaco, y aproximadamente 760 kPa (110 PSI) en alta en vaco. Vlvula de alivio de inclinacin: Durante las funciones de la inclinacin de la hoja, la presin decarga del cilindro de inclinacin se enva a un pasaj entre la vlvula de alivio y la vlvula de descarga de la inclinacin. La vlvula de alivio del circuito de la inclinacin de la hoja limita la mxima presin en el circuito de la inclinacin de la hoja. La vlvula de alivio de inclinacin es ajustada aproximadamente 20.340 kPa (2950 PSI). Vlvula de descarga de la Inclinacin: Durante las funciones de la inclinacin de la hoja, la presin de carga del cilindro de la inclinacin se enva a un pasaje entre la vlvula de alivio y la vlvula de descarga de la inclinacin. La presin del cilindro de la inclinacin mantiene la vlvula de descarga cerrada, que cierra el flujo del aceite de suministro de la bomba al tanque. Esto se asegura de que la presin mxima del circuito de la inclinacin est disponible para la operacin del cilindro de la inclinacin. La vlvula de descarga de la inclinacin debe mantener una presin mnima del circuito de la inclinacin de aproximadamente 415 kPa (60 PSI) en baja en vaco, y aproximadamente 830 kPa (120 PSI) en alta en vaco. Vlvula de retencin de carga: La vlvula de retencin de carga previene el flujo reverso del aceite de los cilindros de implemento cuando el carrete principal de la vlvula se mueve desde la posicin MANTENER y la presin del sistema es inferior que del cilindro, o de la presin de trabajo. Sin la vlvula de retencin de carga, el implemento bajara levemente (inclinacin) cuando se da comienza al movimiento. La vlvula de retencin de carga se abrir para permitir que el aceite de suministro atraviese la vlvula de control cuando la presin de sistema es ms alta que la presin de trabajo o la del cilindro. Vlvula compensadora: Las vlvulas compensadoras estn solamente presentes en el circuito de levante en la vlvula de la hoja. Hay una vlvula compensadora para los vstagos y para la cabeza de los cilindros de levante Estas vlvulas se mantienen cerradas por un resorte. Las vlvulas compensadoras se abren siempre que la presin de trabajo este por debajo de la presin del tanque. En esta situacin de cada rpida, la vlvula compensadora para el lado de cabeza del cilindro de levante se abrir para permitir que el aceite del tanque supla la falta de flujo de la bomba. Cuando en FLOTANTE, la vlvula compensadora para el lado vstago de los cilindros de levante pueden abrirse si se levanta la hoja rpidamente. (la vlvula compensadora para la cabeza de los cilindros de levante no se abrir, sin embargo, cuando la hoja cae durante la condicin de FLOTANTE. Esto es debido a una presin leve de carga lado cabeza de los cilindros de levante, que sern discutidos ms adelante en esta presentacin.)

Dual Tilt Valve
Left Tilt Cylinder Left Lift Cylinder Quick-drop Valves Right Lift Cylinder Typical for Blade Right Tilt Cylinder



Pilot Filter

Single Tilt (S2) Pitch (S1) Resolver Network

Lift and Tilt Cylinders To Case Drain Dead Electric Lower Valve

Dump Valve


PCO Valve

EH Pilot Manifold


HPDR Lift Relief Valve Blade Lift Spool

Dozer Valve

Blade Tilt Spool

HPDL Blade Lower / Float Blade Raise HPTL

Pressure Reducing Manifold

Shuttle Valve Signal Resolver Dump Valve Tilt Relief Valve

HPTR Tilt Right Ripper Raise Shank Out Tilt Pump Pressure Sensor HFPD Lift Pump Pressure Sensor HPD2 HPD1 Ripper Lower Shank In Tilt Left HPRL

Case Drain from Demand Fan Pump Case Drain from Demand Fan Motor





Return from Hydraulic Oil Cooler

Demand Fan Supply

Ripper Valve

Ripper Warming Valve

Ripper Lift RATAAC Cont rol Valve Ripper Tip Vacuum Valve Group



Ripper Lift Cylinder

Ripper Tip Cylinders

Ripper Lift Cylinder

120 Circuito de levante e inclinacin de la hoja Se muestra arriba un diagrama esquemtico a color del sistema hidrulico de implemento del D10T en la condicin de levante de la hoja. Cuando el operador mueve la palanca de control de la hoja desde MANTENER a LEVANTE, una seal se enva al ECM de implemento. El ECM de implemento alternadamente enva una seal para energizar el solenoide de la vlvula piloto de levante de la hoja en el mltiple piloto de la EH (HPDR). La vlvula piloto de LEVANTE de la hoja, entonces dirije el aceite piloto para cambiar de puesto del carrete de levante de la hoja a la derecha, en la posicin de LEVANTE. El aceite de alta presin combinado con la seccin de levante y de la seccin de inclinacin de la bomba de implemento entonces fluye ms all de la vlvula de retencin de carga y del carrete de levante de la hoja, hacia los vstagos de los cilindros de levante para levantar la hoja. Mientras que se levanta la hoja, el aceite de cabeza de los cilindros de levante vuelve a travs del pasaje principal de la vlvula de control de la hoja y fluye por el carrete de levante, hacia el tanque hidrulico.


En el mismo tiempo, el aceite de alta presin del pasaje del extremo de vstago del cilindro fluye a travs de las ranuras maquinadas del izquierdo del carrete de la vlvula principal y en el pasaje de la resolvedora de seal. Este aceite cambia de puesto la bola resolvedora para la derecha y el aceite entra por el pasaje a la vlvula de lanzadera. El aceite de alta presin despus fluye alrededor del vstago de centro de la vlvula de lanzadera e incorpora un pasaje que dirije el aceite a la cmara del resorte entre la vlvula de alivio de levante y la vlvula de descarga. El aceite de alta presin en la cmara del resorte ms la fuerza del resorte mantiene la vlvula de descarga en la posicin cerrada de modo que la presin del aceite mxima est disponible para mover los cilindros de la elevacin.

A la vez que el aceite de alta presin fluye hacia fuera de los extremos de vstagos de los cilindros de levante, el aceite de alta presin tambin fluye en la resolvedora de seal conectado con el pasaje del extremo de vstago de los cilindros de levante. Esta es la presin ms alta del sistema de implemento, esta presin se transmite con el resto de la resolvedoras de seal, en la vlvula divisora, contenida en el mltiple de reduccin de presin, donde se bloquea en la vlvula divisora. Si el motor est apagado y se suspende la hoja, la gravedad hace que el peso de la hoja produzca alta presin de aceite en los extremos de vstagos de los cilindros de la levante. Sin la presin piloto presente de la bomba, la vlvula divisora se fuerza hacia abajo por su resorte, que entonces dirige la presin resolvida desde la seal de trabajo a la vlvula de reduccin de presin. Esto ahora servir como presin de aceite piloto para bajar los implementos con los controles hidrulicos de implemento. Si la electricidad no est disponible para bajar los implementos con los controles hidrulicos de implementos o si los controles de implemento han fallado, los implementos ser bajados manualmente abriendo la " vlvula de bajada manual "Dead Electric Lower Valve", tambin contenida en la vlvula de reduccin de presin. Este procedimiento drena lentamente el aceite de los extremos de vstagos de los cilindros de levante a travs de la seal de trabajo y de regreso al tanque.

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Text Reference

Left Tilt Cylinder

Left Lift Cylinder

Quick-drop Valves

Right Lift Cylinder

Right Tilt Cylinder

Typical for Blade


Dual Tilt Valve


Pilot Filter

Single Tilt (S2) Pitch (S1) Resolver Network

Lift and Tilt Cylinders To Case Drain Dead Electric Lower Valve

HPS Dump Valve HPRV PCO Valve

EH Pilot Manifold

Lift Relief Valve

Blade Lift Spool

Dozer Valve

Blade Tilt Spool

HPDL Blade Lower / Float Blade Raise HPTL

Pressure Reducing Manifold

Shuttle Valve Signal Resolver Dump Valve Tilt Relief Valve

HPTR Tilt Right Ripper Raise Shank Out Tilt Pump Pressure Sensor HFPD Lift Pump Pressure Sensor HPD2 HPD1 Ripper Lower Shank In Tilt Left HPRL

Case Drain from Demand Fan Pump Case Drain from Demand Fan Motor





Return from Hydraulic Oil Cooler

Demand Fan Supply

Ripper Valve

Ripper Warming Valve

Ripper Lift RATAAC Cont rol Valve Ripper Tip Vacuum Valve Group



Ripper Lift Cylinder

Ripper Tip Cylinders

Ripper Lift Cylinder

121 Shown above is a color schematic of the D10T implement hydraulic system in the BLADE FLOAT condition. Refer to illustration No. 122 to see the state of the dozer control valve components during the following explanation of the dozer lift circuit. When the operator moves the dozer control lever from HOLD to FLOAT, a signal is sent to the Implement ECM. The Implement ECM in turn sends a signal to energize the solenoid of the BLADE LOWER/FLOAT pilot valve on the EH pilot manifold (HPDL). The BLADE LOWER/FLOAT pilot valve then directs pilot oil to shift the blade lift spool to the left, into the FLOAT position. INSTRUCTOR NOTE: Refer to the color cutaway illustration of the dozer lift valve (illustration No. 122) during the next few paragraphs of the explanation. The combined high pressure oil from the lift section and the tilt section of the implement pump flows past the internal load check valve to the blade lift spool. When the blade lift spool is shifted all the way to the left, the rod ends of the lift cylinders are open to tank. However, the head ends of the lift cylinders are only partially open to the tank passage. The head ends of the lift cylinders are partially open to the pump supply passage, also. This results in a slight pressure in the head-end of both lift cylinders. Although the blade will follow the contour of the ground in FLOAT, there is a slight resistance to the blade rising and the blade is quick to fall.

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Lift Relief Valve

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Shuttle Valve

Passage to Lift Relief Valve and Lift Dump Valve

From Pressure Compensation Override Valve Signal Resolver to Shuttle Valve

Supply From Large Pump

Head End Tank Passage

Rod End Tank Passage Rod End Makeup Valve Load Check Valve Rod End Head End Pump Inlet Tilt Section

Pump Inlet Lift Section

Head End Makeup Valve

122 Because the head ends of the lift cylinders have a slight pressure present, the signal passage from the head ends of the lift cylinders to the signal resolver are at the same pressure. This slight pressure shifts the resolver ball to the left, allowing this low pressure to be felt at the ends of the lift relief valve and the lift dump valve. INSTRUCTOR NOTE: Refer back to the color schematic (illustration No. 121) for the remainder of the explanation. Although there is a slight pressure in the chamber between the lift relief valve and the lift dump valve, the high pressure oil in the lift circuit keeps the dump valve in the open position so that pump flow is returned to tank. Also note that as the blade follows the contour of the ground in FLOAT, the makeup valve for the head-ends of the lift cylinders will not open if the blade falls quickly over a short distance. This is due to the slight pressure in the head-ends of the lift cylinders, which is also felt against the makeup valve in that side of the circuit. As the blade falls, pump flow will fill the void, which also serves to prevent the makeup valve from opening.

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Typical for Blade Right Tilt Cylinder

Text Reference

Left Lift Cylinder

Quick-drop Valves

Right Lift Cylinder

Pilot Filter

Lift and Tilt Cylinders

Dead Electric Lower Valve

Resolver Network PCO Valve

Dump Valve

EH Pilot Manifold



HPDR Lift Relief Valve Blade Lift Spool Blade Tilt Spool HPDL Blade Lower/Float Blade Raise HPTL Dump Valve HPTR Tilt Relief Valve HPRR Tilt Right Ripper Raise Shank Out Tilt Pump Pressure Sensor HFPD Lift Pump Pressure Sensor HPD2 HPD1 Ripper Lower Shank In Tilt Left HPRL Case Drain from Demand Fan Pump Case Drain from Demand Fan Motor

Dozer Valve

Pressure Reducing Manifold

Shuttle Valve Signal Resolver




Return from Hydraulic Oil Cooler

Demand Fan Supply

Ripper Valve

Ripper Warming Valve

Ripper Lift RATAAC Cont rol Valve Ripper Tip Vacuum Valve Group



Ripper Lift Cylinder

Ripper Tip Cylinders

Ripper Lift Cylinder

123 Shown above is a color schematic of the D10T implement hydraulic system in the BLADE TILT LEFT condition. Refer to illustration No. 124 to see the state of the tilt control valve components during the following explanation of the dozer tilt circuit. When the operator moves the dozer control lever from HOLD to TILT LEFT, a signal is sent to the Implement ECM. The Implement ECM in turn sends a signal to energize the solenoid of the BLADE TILT LEFT pilot valve on the EH pilot manifold (HPTL). The BLADE TILT LEFT pilot valve then directs pilot oil to shift the blade tilt spool to the left, into the TILT LEFT position. INSTRUCTOR NOTE: Refer to the color cutaway illustration of the dozer tilt valve (illustration No. 124) during the next paragraph of the explanation.

The high pressure oil from the tilt section of the implement pump then flows past the left internal load check valve and the blade tilt spool, and then out through the tilt cylinder head end passage of the dozer valve to the head end of the (right) tilt cylinder. The left side of the blade is braced against the blade push-arm to provide the mechanical leverage to tilt the blade.

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BLADE TILT LEFT Tilt Cylinder Head End Passage to Resolver Network Head End Tank Passage Passages to Lift Valve Stem Tilt Cylinder Rod End Passage to Resolver Network Head End Tank Passage

Pilot Supply

Pilot Supply

Load Check Valve

Small Pump Inlet

Load Check Valve

124 INSTRUCTOR NOTE: Refer back to the color schematic (illustration No. 123) for the rest of the explanation. As the cylinder rod extends, it forces oil from the rod end of the tilt cylinder back to the tilt cylinder rod end passage of the dozer valve where it flows past the tilt valve spool, and into the head end tank passage back to the hydraulic oil tank. At the same time that high pressure oil flows out to the right tilt cylinder, high pressure oil also flows into the resolver connected to the tilt cylinder head end passage of the dozer valve. If this is the highest pressure in the implement system, this pressure is transmitted to the diverter valve, contained in the pressure reducing manifold, where it is blocked at the diverter valve. The TILT RIGHT function operates in the same fashion, except that the tilt spool is shifted to the right and oil flows into the rod end of the tilt cylinder . Oil from the head end of the tilt cylinder flows back to the hydraulic oil tank.

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Text Reference

Left Tilt Cylinder

Left Lift Cylinder


Quick-drop Valves

Right Lift Cylinder

Typical for Blade


Right Tilt Cylinder


Pilot Filter

Single Tilt (S2) Pitch (S1) Resolver Network PCO Valve

Lift and Tilt Cylinders To Case Drain Dead Electric Lower Valve

Dump Valve

EH Pilot Manifold



HPDR Lift Relief Valve Blade Lift Spool Blade Tilt Spool HPDL Blade Lower/Float Blade Raise HPTL Dump Valve HPTR Tilt Relief Valve HPRR Tilt Right Ripper Raise Shank Out Tilt Pump Pressure Sensor HFPD Lift Pump Pressure Sensor HPD2 HPD1 Ripper Lower Shank In Tilt Left HPRL Case Drain from Demand Fan Pump Case Drain from Demand Fan Motor

Dozer Valve

Pressure Reducing Manifold

Shuttle Valve Signal Resolver




Return from Hydraulic Oil Cooler

Demand Fan Supply

Ripper Valve

Ripper Warming Valve

Ripper Lift RATAAC Cont rol Valve Ripper Tip Vacuum Valve Group



Ripper Lift Cylinder

Ripper Tip Cylinders

Ripper Lift Cylinder

125 Shown above is a color schematic of the D10T implement hydraulic system in the BLADE TILT LEFT condition, with DUAL TILT. Refer to illustration No. 124 to see the state of the tilt control valve components during the following explanation of the dozer tilt circuit. When the operator moves the dozer control lever from HOLD to TILT LEFT, a signal is sent to the Implement ECM. The Implement ECM in turn sends a signal to energize the solenoid of the BLADE TILT LEFT pilot valve on the EH pilot manifold (HPTL). The BLADE TILT LEFT pilot valve then directs pilot oil to shift the blade tilt spool to the left, into the TILT LEFT position. INSTRUCTOR NOTE: Refer to the color cutaway illustration of the dozer tilt valve (illustration No. 124) during the next paragraph of the explanation. The high pressure oil from the tilt section of the implement pump then flows past the left internal load check valve and the blade tilt spool, and then out through the tilt cylinder head end passage of the dozer valve to the dual tilt valve. INSTRUCTOR NOTE: Refer back to the color schematic (illustration No. 125) for the rest of the explanation.

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From the dual tilt valve, the oil flows to the head end of the right tilt cylinder and the cylinder rod extends, which causes the right side of the blade to move up. As the right tilt cylinder rod extends, it forces oil from the rod end back to the dual tilt valve where the oil is then directed to flow to the rod end of the left tilt cylinder. The left tilt cylinder rod then retracts, which causes the left side of the blade to move down. As the left cylinder rod retracts, it forces oil from the head end of the left tilt cylinder back to the dual tilt valve. This oil then flows back to the tilt cylinder rod end passage of the dozer valve where it flows past the tilt valve spool, and into the head end tank passage back to the hydraulic oil tank. At the same time that high pressure oil flows out to the right tilt cylinder, high pressure oil also flows into the resolver connected to the tilt cylinder head end passage. If this is the highest pressure in the implement system, this pressure is transmitted from the resolver network to the diverter valve, contained in the pressure reducing manifold, where it is blocked at the diverter valve. The TILT RIGHT function operates in the same fashion, except that the oil flows into the head end of the left tilt cylinder, from the rod end of the left tilt cylinder to the rod end of the right tilt cylinder, and then from the head end of the right tilt cylinder back to the hydraulic oil tank. NOTE: When a single tilt function is requested on a machine equipped with dual tilt, the RIGHT tilt cylinder is isolated by the dual tilt valve and acts as the brace for the mechanical leverage needed to tilt the blade. This is the opposite strategy used on a single tilt machine, which uses a single tilt cylinder on the right and a brace on the left. Dual tilt operation will be discussed in greater detail, later in this presentation.

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Load Check Valve Passage to Rod End Tank Passage Pilot Supply (Ripper Raise) Pump Inlet ( Combined) Passage to Head End Tank Passage Ripper Raise Spool Pilot Supply (Ripper Lower) Plug or Ripper Warming Valve Pilot Supply (Shank Out)

Pilot Supply (Shank In)

Passage to Head End

Passage to Rod End

Ripper Tip Spool

126 Ripper Control Valve The ripper control valve contains two "closed-center" spools. One spool controls ripper RAISE and LOWER. The other spool controls ripper SHANK IN and SHANK OUT. The dozer valve contains the following major components: Ripper Raise Spool: A closed-center valve that controls the flow of oil to and from the ripper lift cylinders. When in the RAISE or LOWER position, the ripper raise spool also sends oil to an external signal resolver, which in turn sends the oil through the series of resolvers in the resolver network and then to the diverter valve in the pressure reducing manifold. Ripper Tip Spool: A closed-center valve that controls the flow of oil to and from the ripper tip cylinders. No oil is sent to the series of resolvers in the resolver network during a ripper tip function. Load Check Valve: The load check valve prevents reverse oil flow from the implement cylinders when the main valve spool moves from the HOLD position and system pressure is lower than the cylinder, or work port pressure. Without the load check valve, the implement would drift slightly (droop) before moving as commanded. The load check valve will open to allow supply oil to flow through the control valve when the system pressure becomes higher than the work port pressure.

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Makeup Valve: There are two makeup valves present in the ripper control valve. The makeup valves open whenever workport pressure falls below tank pressure. One makeup valve is in the head end circuit for ripper raise and will open if the ripper falls faster than the pump's ability to supply oil to the head end of the ripper lift cylinders. The other makeup valve is in the rod end of the circuit for the ripper tip and will open if the ripper shank (tip) is forced rearward when using the ripper. (The makeup valves are not shown in illustration No. 126.) The ripper valve contains no relief valves or dump valves. During any ripper operation, the PCO pilot valve on the EH pilot manifold is energized. The PCO pilot valve sends pilot oil to the end of the shuttle valve (contained in the dozer valve) to shift it. When the shuttle valve shifts, high pressure pump supply oil is directed by the shuttle valve to the passage between the lift dump valve and the lift relief valve. This strategy closes the lift dump valve to block the flow of combined pump supply oil to tank and also uses the lift relief valve as the relief valve for the ripper circuit.

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Text Reference

Left Tilt Cylinder

Left Lift Cylinder

Quick-drop Valves

Right Lift Cylinder

Dual Tilt Valve

Right Tilt Cylinder

Typical for Blade



Pilot Filter

Single Tilt (S2) Pitch (S1) Resolver Network PCO Valve

Lift and Tilt Cylinders To Case Drain Dead Electric Lower Valve

Dump Valve

EH Pilot Manifold



HPDR Lift Relief Valve Blade Lift Spool Blade Tilt Spool HPDL Blade Lower/ Float Blade Raise HPTL Dump Valve HPTR Tilt Relief Valve HPRR Tilt Right Ripper Raise Shank Out Tilt Pump Pressure Sensor HFPD Lift Pump Pressure Sensor HPD2 HPD1 Ripper Lower Shank In Tilt Left HPRL Case Drain from Demand Fan Pump Case Drain from Demand Fan Motor

Dozer Valve

Pressure Reducing Manifold

Shuttle Valve Signal Resolver




Return from Hydraulic Oil Cooler

Demand Fan Supply

Ripper Valve

Ripper Warming Valve

Ripper Lift RATAAC Cont rol Valve Ripper Tip Vacuum Valve Group



Ripper Lift Cylinder

Ripper Tip Cylinders

Ripper Lift Cylinder

127 Ripper Lift and Tip Circuits Shown above is a color schematic of the D10T implement hydraulic system in the RIPPER RAISE condition. Refer to illustration No. 126 to see the state of the ripper control valve components during the following explanation of the ripper raise circuit. When the operator moves the ripper lift control from HOLD to RAISE, a signal is sent to the Implement ECM. The Implement ECM in turn sends a signal to energize the solenoids for the RIPPER RAISE pilot valve and the PCO pilot valve on the EH pilot manifold (HPRR and HPRV). The RIPPER RAISE pilot valve then directs pilot oil to shift the ripper raise spool to the right, into the RIPPER RAISE position. The PCO valve directs pilot oil to shift the shuttle valve down, which directs high pressure pump supply oil into the passage between the lift dump valve and the lift relief valve (in the dozer valve). The high pressure oil in this passage plus the force of the spring keeps the dump valve in the closed position so that maximum oil pressure is available to move the ripper cylinders. The lift relief valve is also available to be used as the relief valve for the ripper circuit. INSTRUCTOR NOTE: Refer to the color cutaway illustration of the ripper control valve (illustration No. 126) during the next paragraph of the explanation.

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The high pressure oil from the implement pump then flows past the internal load check valve and the ripper raise spool, and then out through the rod end passages to the ripper lift cylinders. This causes the ripper cylinder rods to retract and the ripper raises. As the ripper lift cylinder rods retract, head end oil from the ripper lift cylinders flows back to the ripper control valve through the ripper raise head end passages in the control valve. This return oil flows past the ripper raise spool and into the tank passage and then returns to the hydraulic oil tank. INSTRUCTOR NOTE: Refer back to the color schematic (illustration No. 127) for the rest of the explanation. At the same time that high pressure oil flows out to the rod ends of the ripper lift cylinders, high pressure oil also flows into the resolver connected to the rod end passage to the ripper lift cylinders. If this is the highest pressure in the implement system, this pressure is transmitted through the rest of the resolvers in the resolver network, then on to the diverter valve, (contained in the pressure reducing manifold) where it is blocked at the diverter valve. If the ripper lift cylinders reach the end of their stroke in either direction, or if external forces cause the ripper lift cylinders to move up, the lift relief valve will open to protect the ripper circuit from undue high pressures.

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Text Reference

Left Tilt Cylinder

Left Lift Cylinder

Quick-drop Valves

Right Lift Cylinder

Dual Tilt Valve

Right Tilt Cylinder

Typical for Blade



Pilot Filter

Single Tilt (S2) Pitch (S1) Resolver Network PCO Valve

Lift and Tilt Cylinders To Case Drain Dead Electric Lower Valve

Dump Valve

EH Pilot Manifold



HPDR Lift Relief Valve Blade Lift Spool Blade Tilt Spool HPDL Blade Lower/ Float Blade Raise HPTL Dump Valve HPTR Tilt Relief Valve HPRR Tilt Right Ripper Raise Shank Out Tilt Pump Pressure Sensor HFPD Lift Pump Pressure Sensor HPD2 HPD1 Ripper Lower Shank In Tilt Left HPRL Case Drain from Demand Fan Pump Case Drain from Demand Fan Motor

Dozer Valve

Pressure Reducing Manifold

Shuttle Valve Signal Resolver




Return from Hydraulic Oil Cooler

Demand Fan Supply

Ripper Valve

Ripper Warming Valve

Ripper Lift RATAAC Cont rol Valve Ripper Tip Vacuum Valve Group



Ripper Lift Cylinder

Ripper Tip Cylinders

Ripper Lift Cylinder

128 Shown above is a color schematic of the D10T implement hydraulic system in the RIPPER SHANK IN condition. Refer to illustration No. 129 to see the state of the ripper control valve components during the following explanation of the ripper raise circuit. When the operator moves the ripper shank control from HOLD to SHANK IN, a signal is sent to the Implement ECM. The Implement ECM in turn sends a signal to energize the solenoids for the ripper SHANK IN pilot valve and the PCO pilot valve on the EH pilot manifold (HPSI and HPRV). The ripper SHANK IN pilot valve then directs pilot oil to shift the raise spool to the right, into the SHANK IN position. The PCO valve directs pilot oil to shift the shuttle valve down, which directs high pressure pump supply oil into the passage between the lift dump valve and the lift relief valve (in the dozer valve). The high pressure oil in this passage plus the force of the spring keeps the dump valve in the closed position so that maximum oil pressure is available to move the ripper cylinders. The lift relief valve is also available to be used as the relief valve for the ripper circuit. INSTRUCTOR NOTE: Refer to the color cutaway illustration of the dozer tilt valve (illustration No. 129) during the next paragraph of the explanation.

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Load Check Valve Passage to Rod End Tank Passage Tank Passage Pilot Supply (Ripper Raise) Ripper Raise Spool Pilot Supply (Ripper Lower) Plug or Ripper Warming Valve Pilot Supply (Shank Out) Pump Inlet (Combined) Passage to Head End

Pilot Supply (Shank In)

Passage to Head End

Passage to Rod End

Ripper Tip Spool

129 The high pressure oil from the implement pump then flows past the internal load check valve and the ripper tip spool, and then out through the head end passages to the ripper lift cylinders. This causes the ripper cylinder rods to extend and the tip of the ripper shank moves in. As the ripper tip cylinder rods extend, rod end oil from the ripper tip cylinders flows back to the ripper control valve through the rod end passages in the control valve. This return oil flows past the ripper tip spool and into the tank passage and then returns to the hydraulic oil tank. INSTRUCTOR NOTE: Refer back to the color schematic (illustration No. 128) for the rest of the explanation. The ripper tip circuit has no connection to the resolver network. If the ripper tip cylinders reach the end of their stroke in either direction, or if external forces cause the shank to move in or out, the lift relief valve will open to protect the ripper circuit from undue high pressures.

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3 7 4

5 6

130 Dual Tilt Operation For machines equipped with dual tilt, the dual tilt valve (1) is mounted to the inside of the radiator guard, behind the left grill door. A second tilt cylinder is installed on the left side of the blade. The dual tilt valve is installed between the tilt control valve and the two tilt cylinders in the dual tilt circuit. The rod end passage and the head end passage designation of the tilt control valve are reversed from the single tilt configuration. The dual tilt valve allows the operator to tilt the blade right and left to a greater degree than single tilt, pitch the blade forward (dump), and rack the blade back. Service points identified in the above illustration are: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. high pressure supply/return from/to blade tilt control valve (depending on tilt direction) case drain line pilot supply line (from the RATAAC fan speed control valve) dual tilt solenoid high pressure supply/return from/to blade tilt control valve (depending on tilt direction) high pressure lines to the left tilt cylinder high pressure lines to the right tilt cylinder

Auto Blade Assist (ABA) is standard on machines equipped with dual tilt.

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From Tilt Control Valve Left Tilt Cylinder To Rod End

Right Tilt Cylinder

To Head End

To Tilt Control Valve Pilot Supply

Tilt Coil rom f Trigger Switch Pitch Coil rom f Thumb Switch

131 The dual tilt valve has three modes of operation. They are: - DUAL TILT - SINGLE TILT - BLADE PITCH Oil from the rear section of the implement pump is used as pilot oil to control the dual tilt valve spool. The pilot oil is controlled by a dual action solenoid valve. The dual action solenoid valve has two coils - a "tilt coil" and a "pitch coil." When the thumb switch on the dozer control lever is moved to the right or to the left, the pitch solenoid coil is ENERGIZED and the solenoid valve directs pilot oil to the bottom of the dual tilt valve spool, moving the spool up. The blade will then PITCH FORWARD or RACK BACK, depending on which direction the switch is moved. When the trigger switch on the dozer control lever is depressed, the tilt solenoid coil is energized (when the default tilt mode is set to DUAL TILT) and the solenoid valve directs pilot oil to the top of the dual tilt valve spool, moving the spool down. If the default tilt mode is set to SINGLE TILT, the tilt solenoid coil is always ENERGIZED. The trigger switch will then toggle to the DUAL TILT mode when the switch is depressed and the tilt coil is then DE-ENERGIZED. (The default tilt mode can be set using Cat Advisor.)

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Illustration 131 shows the dual tilt valve in the DUAL TILT RIGHT condition. This is the default mode of operation unless the operator has set the default tilt mode to single tilt, using Cat Advisor. In the dual tilt mode, the tilt solenoid coil is always DE-ENERGIZED and the dual tilt spool remains centered by the springs on either end of the spool. When the operator moves the dozer control lever to the right, commanding the TILT RIGHT function, the tilt control valve operates in the fashion described earlier in this presentation. The pump supply oil from the head end passage of the blade tilt control valve flows out to the head end of the left tilt cylinder. The left tilt cylinder rod extends and forces the left tilt cylinder rod end oil out to the dual tilt valve. The left cylinder rod end oil flows around the dual tilt spool and out to the rod end of the right tilt cylinder. The right tilt cylinder rod retracts. The right tilt cylinder head end oil is then forced out, back to the dual tilt valve where it flows around the dual tilt spool and returns to the rod end passage of the blade tilt control valve as return oil. The blade tilts right when the left tilt cylinder rod extends and the right tilt cylinder rod retracts. For DUAL TILT LEFT, the flow of oil through the tilt circuit is reversed. In the DUAL TILT LEFT condition, the left tilt cylinder rod retracts and the right tilt cylinder rod extends. The status of the dual tilt solenoid, the dozer control lever tilt position sensor, the rotary thumb switch (position sensor) on the dozer control lever, and the trigger switch on the dozer control lever may be viewed through the Advisor panel (Service/System Status/Implement screens) or by using Cat ET. NOTE: For information about how to set the default tilt mode for the dual tilt valve, refer to the "Caterpillar Monitoring and Display System with Advisor for Track-type Tractors," STMG 790 (Form No. SERV1790).

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From Tilt Control Valve Left Tilt Cylinder To Rod End

Right Tilt Cylinder

To Head End

To Tilt Control Valve Pilot Supply

Tilt Coil from Trigger Switch Pitch Coil from Thumb Switch

132 Illustration 132 shows the dual tilt valve in the SINGLE TILT RIGHT condition. If dual tilt has been selected as the default tilt mode, the operator must depress and hold the trigger switch to toggle to SINGLE TILT mode. The operator may also set SINGLE TILT as the default tilt mode using the Advisor panel. Either condition results in the tilt solenoid coil being ENERGIZED and the solenoid valve directs pilot oil to the top of the dual tilt spool, moving the spool down. With the dual tilt spool in this position, the right tilt cylinder is isolated from the circuit and acts as a brace to provide the mechanical leverage needed to tilt the blade. When the operator moves the dozer control lever to the right, commanding a TILT RIGHT function in the SINGLE TILT mode, pump supply oil from the head end passage of the blade tilt control valve flows out to the head end of the left tilt cylinder. The left tilt cylinder rod extends and forces the rod end oil back to the dual tilt valve. The left cylinder rod end oil flows around the dual tilt spool. With the spool shifted down, the passages to the right tilt cylinder are blocked, but the passage back to the blade tilt control valve is open. The left tilt cylinder rod end oil flows back to the rod end passage of the blade tilt control valve and returns to the tank. When the left tilt cylinder rod extends and the right tilt cylinder remains stationary, the blade TILTS RIGHT, but the angle of the tilt is not as acute as in the dual tilt mode. For SINGLE TILT LEFT, the flow of oil through the tilt circuit is reversed. In the SINGLE TILT LEFT condition, the left tilt cylinder rod retracts and the right tilt cylinder remains stationary.

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From Tilt Control Valve Left Tilt Cylinder To Rod End

Right Tilt Cylinder

To Head End

To Tilt Control Valve Pilot Supply

Tilt Coil from Trigger Switch Pitch Coil from Thumb Switch

133 Illustration 133 shows the dual tilt valve in the PITCH FORWARD condition. To pitch the blade forward, the operator must move the thumb rocker switch on the dozer control lever to the right (away from the operator). This results in the pitch solenoid coil being ENERGIZED and the TILT LEFT pilot valve solenoid being ENERGIZED. The pitch solenoid valve directs pilot oil to the bottom of the dual tilt spool, moving it up. When the operator has commanded a PITCH FORWARD function, pump supply oil from the head end passage of the blade tilt control valve flows to the head end of the left tilt cylinder. The left tilt cylinder rod extends and forces the left tilt cylinder rod end oil to the dual tilt valve. The left cylinder rod end oil flows around the dual tilt spool. With the spool shifted up, the oil flows through the passage to the head end of the right tilt cylinder. The right tilt cylinder rod extends also, forcing the right tilt cylinder rod end oil to the dual tilt valve. The right tilt cylinder rod end oil then flows through the blade tilt control valve and returns to the tank. Since the volume of rod end oil in the left tilt cylinder is less than the capacity of the head end of the right tilt cylinder, the left cylinder rod will fully extend before the right tilt cylinder head is filled with oil. When the left tilt cylinder reaches its full extension, the bypass valve will open and oil will continue to flow to the head end of the right tilt cylinder. This results in the left tilt cylinder reaching its full extension slightly before the right tilt cylinder.

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When the left and the right tilt cylinder rods extend, the blade will PITCH FORWARD. To RACK BACK the blade, the operator must move the thumb rocker switch on the dozer control lever to the left (toward the operator). The flow of oil through the tilt circuit is reversed. In the RACK BACK condition, both the left and the right tilt cylinder rods retract. When the left and the right tilt cylinder rods retract, the blade will RACK BACK. INSTRUCTOR NOTE: When the thumb rocker switch on the dozer control lever is moved to the PITCH FORWARD position, the TILT RIGHT solenoid controlled pilot valve for the blade tilt control valve is ENERGIZED to send pump supply oil to the dual tilt valve. When the thumb rocker switch on the dozer control lever is moved to the RACK BACK position, the TILT LEFT solenoid controlled pilot valve for the blade tilt control valve is ENERGIZED to send pump supply oil to the dual tilt valve.

NOTE: Machines equipped with dual tilt are also equipped with the Auto Blade Assist (ABA) feature. Blade positions for ABA are LOAD, CARRY, and SPREAD (or DUMP). All three of these functions automatically activate the dual tilt valve and the tilt control valve and will PITCH FORWARD or RACK BACK the blade to preset positions. These positions can be adjusted using Cat Advisor. Briefly, these three blade positions are defined as: - LOAD position is when the dozer blade is pitched slightly forward for an aggressive cutting edge angle to LOAD the blade. - CARRY position is when the dozer blade is racked back in a fully retracted, nonaggressive cutting edge angle so that the blade tends to CARRY material. - SPREAD position is when the dozer blade is pitched fully forward to quickly and cleanly empty the dozer blade and SPREAD the material. The blade may be raised and lowered manually during these automatic cycles without interrupting the cycles.

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To Blade From Blade Lift Control Lift Control Valve Valve Head End Rod End

134 Quick-Drop Valve Operation Two quick-drop valves are used on the D10T. One quick-drop valve is installed on top of each blade lift cylinder. The quick-drop valves allow the bulldozer blade to drop rapidly to the ground when the dozer control lever is moved forward to approximately 80% of the control lever movement. The quick-drop valves help prevent cavitation in the head-ends of the blade lift cylinders by directing rod end return oil into the head ends of the cylinders during quick-drop mode. The quick-drop valves also help to minimize the pause time after the blade hits the ground and before full down pressure is exerted. All oil flow to and from the blade lift cylinders must go through the quick-drop valves. The quick-drop valves are activated when a sufficient pressure difference occurs between the cylinder rod end oil and the oil in the spring cavity. This pressure difference is caused by rod end oil flow through an orifice in the quick-drop valve. The quick-drop valve is de-activated by high pressure in the head end felt through a slot in the spool. The quick-drop valves help control four functions of the bulldozer: RAISE, LOWER at slow speeds, rapid LOWER (quick-drop), and LOWER with down pressure. These are the same type of quick-drop valves used on the D10R machine.

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Rod End Inlet Passage Small Orifice Large Orifice Valve Spool Rod End Oil

Head End Inlet Passage

Spring Chamber

Head End Oil


To Blade Lift Control Valve

From Blade Lift Control Valve

135 When the dozer control lever is moved from HOLD to a RAISE position, supply oil from the dozer control valve enters the quick-drop valve through the rod end inlet passage. The oil flows through the large orifice and is then directed to the rod end of the lift cylinder. A small amount of oil also flows through the small orifice and fills the spring chamber behind the plunger. Oil also flows through a small passage in the spool and fills the chamber at the right end of the spool. The pressure of the oil in the spring chamber adds to the force of the spring. The combined pressure and spring force pushes the plunger to the right, against the valve spool. The force of the plunger is greater than the oil pressure at the right end of the valve spool, so the spool remains shifted to the right. This condition causes all the of oil entering the quick-drop valve to be directed to the rod ends of the lift cylinders and all the of oil from the head ends of the lift cylinders to return to the tank through the head end passage of the quick drop valve and then through the dozer control valve.

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Rod End Inlet Passage Small Orifice Large Orifice Valve Spool Rod End Oil

Head End Inlet Passage

Spring Head End Plunger Oil Chamber

From Blade Lift Control Valve

To Blade Lift Control Valve

136 When the dozer control lever is moved to a BLADE LOWER position that is less than approximately 80% of full lever travel, the lowering of the blade is controlled. The flow of oil that can pass through the dozer control valve at any given spool position is a function of the pressure difference across the spool and the temperature of the oil. As stated earlier, the quick-drop valve is activated by high oil flow from the lift cylinder rod end in combination with low lift cylinder head end pressure. For this reason, the actual position of the control lever when the quick-drop valve is actuated can vary based on oil temperature and the weight of the blade. When the dozer control lever is moved to a controlled LOWER position, supply oil from the dozer control valve enters the quick-drop valve through the head end inlet and flows through the passage to the head end of the lift cylinders. The oil being forced from the rod end of the cylinders returns through the quick-drop valve and then through the dozer control valve to the tank. Because of the weight of the blade and the resistance to oil flow through the quick-drop valve and the control valve, the pressure of the rod end oil may be higher than that of the head end oil.

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The flow of cylinder rod end oil through the quick-drop valve's large orifice and also through its small orifice (into the spring chamber) is not high enough to create a large pressure difference between the oil in the rod end inlet passage and the oil behind the plunger. The spring force and oil pressure in the spring chamber is still greater than the oil pressure at the right of the spool. This keeps the plunger and the valve spool shifted to the right and all of the oil leaving the rod end of the lift cylinder returns through the dozer control valve to the hydraulic tank.

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Rod End Inlet Passage Small Orifice Large Orifice Valve Spool Rod End Oil

Head End Inlet Passage

Spring Head End Plunger Chamber Oil

From Blade To Blade Lift Control Lift Control Valve Valve

137 When the dozer control lever is moved forward to a position that exceeds approximately 80% of lever travel and the blade is raised above the ground, the cylinder head end pressure is lower than the rod end pressure, and the quick-drop valve is activated. The blade will drop very rapidly until it contacts the ground. The oil flow for a quick-drop is the same as the controlled lower except that some of the oil leaving the rod end of the lift cylinder is directed into the head end of the cylinder. When the flow of rod end oil through the large orifice is high enough, the large orifice restricts the oil flow to the dozer control valve. The pressure of the oil flowing through the small orifice into the spring chamber is the same pressure as the oil returning to the dozer control valve. This creates a large pressure differential between the rod end oil at the right end of the valve spool and the combined oil pressure and spring force at the left end of the plunger. The valve spool and plunger will shift to the left and permit oil leaving the rod end to supplement the supply oil filling the head end of the lift cylinders. As stated earlier, during a rapid blade drop, the rod end pressure will be higher than the head end pressure due to the blade weight. The resulting pressure differential and valve movement allows the rod end oil to flow to the head end of the cylinder and helps minimize cylinder voiding.

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Rod End Inlet Passage Small Orifice Large Orifice Valve Rod End Spool Oil


Head End Inlet Passage

Spring Head End Chamber Oil


From Blade Lift Control Valve

To Blade Lift Control Valve

138 When down pressure must be applied to the blade, the operator moves the dozer control lever forward to the LOWER position. High pressure supply oil from the dozer control valve flows into the quick-drop valve through the head end inlet passage and is sent to the head end of the lift cylinders. At the same time, this high pressure supply oil fills the chamber at the left end of valve spools. The head end pressure of the supply oil increases as the resistance to downward movement increases. The flow of oil from the rod end of the lift cylinder is near tank pressure, as is the pressure of the oil at the right end of the valve spool. The flow of oil returning through the large orifice and the oil returning to the dozer control valve are also near tank pressure. This causes the oil pressure in the spring chamber at the left end of the plunger to also be near tank pressure. Since the pressure in the chamber at the left end of the valve spool is greater than the pressure at the right end, the valve spool shifts to the right. The pressure at the right end of the plunger is less than the combined pressure and spring force at the left end of the plunger, so the plunger is shifted to the left against the force of the spring. In this condition, all of the oil from the dozer control valve is then sent to the head end of the lift cylinders and all the rod end oil is returned through the dozer control valve to the tank.

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139 AutoCarry For machines equipped with AutoCarry, there are three major components included in the implement system (not including software and wiring harnesses). These components are: - dozer lift cylinder position sensor (right lift cylinder only) - dynamic inclination sensor - ground speed radar The illustration above shows the lift cylinder position sensor (1) installed on the top of the right dozer lift cylinder. This sensor provides a feedback signal to the Implement ECM. The Implement ECM uses this information to determine how much the lift cylinder piston moves when cylinder movement is automatically commanded by the Implement ECM during the CARRY segment of the AutoCarry cycle. The wiring harness for the position sensor is attached at the connector (2). The lift cylinder position sensor replaces the right quick-drop valve. The oil from both lift cylinders passes through the quick-drop valve when the quick-drop mode is invoked. There is a calibration routine for the lift cylinder position sensor. It may be performed by accessing the Blade Calibrations within the Service option of Cat Advisor, or by using Cat ET.

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3 2


A dynamic inclination sensor (1) is another component present on machines equipped with AutoCarry. The dynamic inclination sensor (illustration No. 140) is installed to the left of the EH pilot manifold, on top of the main case. The dynamic inclination sensor determines the angle of incline on which the machine is operating. It transmits that information to the Implement ECM. This data is used when determining blade height adjustments during the Carry segment of the AutoCarry cycle. Also present on machines with AutoCarry is the Ground Speed Radar (2), as shown in illustration No. 141. This component is mounted to a bracket that is attached to the bottom of the drive shaft guard. The radar senses actual ground speed through an opening in the bottom guard (3).

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The ground speed signal is sent to the Implement ECM. Actual ground speed is compared to the target ground speed (considering torque converter output speed and the slope on which the machine is operating). This information is used by the Implement ECM when making blade height adjustments during the "Carry" segment of the AutoCarry cycle, ensuring maximum dozing cycle efficiency. Ground speed is compared to the "target speed" during the CARRY segment of the AutoCarry cycle. The Implement ECM calculates "Target speed" by considering the following variables: - the torque converter output speed sensor (from the Power Train ECM); - the angle of inclination on which the machine is operating (from the dynamic inclination sensor); and - the Load Factor setting (which is an "offset" in Cat Advisor that the operator can adjust to allow for a larger or smaller load in the blade). All of this information is used by the Implement ECM (which contains the AutoCarry software) to make automatic adjustments to blade height during the CARRY segment of the AutoCarry cycle. If the Implement ECM determines that the actual ground speed has fallen below the target ground speed (within a certain percentage), the Implement ECM will automatically operate the blade lift control valve to raise and/or lower the blade until the target speed is once again attained. This strategy ensures that the optimum amount of material is kept in the blade during the CARRY segment. AutoCarry results in improved efficiency when pushing material over long distances, and ensuring maximum dozing cycle efficiency. (Dozing cycle efficiency refers to the amount of material moved per gallon of fuel consumed.) NOTE: During the AutoCarry cycle, the transmission operation will be limited to FIRST GEAR FORWARD and FIRST GEAR REVERSE.

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142 The diverter valve (1) is a component that is present on the D10T if the machine is equipped with AutoCarry. It is mounted to the front of the main case, to the right of the drive shaft. The diverter valve is solenoid operated. Its purpose is to divert all of the pump flow from the large (front) section of the implement pump (lift pump) back to the tank during the CARRY segment of the AutoCarry cycle. The purpose of this strategy is to prevent overheating the hydraulic oil when using AutoCarry. The Implement ECM constantly makes automatic adjustments to the blade height during the CARRY segment. The combined flow of both the lift pump and the tilt pump creates too much heat in the hydraulic system when the dozer valve is being constantly manipulated during the CARRY segment of the AutoCarry cycle. Only the tilt pump is supplying oil to the dozer valve, with all the flow from the lift pump diverted to the tank. The reduced flow through the dozer valve during automatic valve manipulation creates less heat in the hydraulic oil system. The diverter valve solenoid (2) and a pressure test port (3) for HPD3 are located on the front of the diverter valve. The HPD3 pressure test port will allow the serviceman to test the hydraulic oil pressure in the lift pump circuit when the solenoid is either energized or de-energized. When the diverter valve solenoid is DE-ENERGIZED, HPD3 pressure should be equal to HPD1.

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Text Reference

Left Tilt Cylinder

Left Lift Cylinder

Quick-drop Valve

Right Lift Cylinder

Typical for All

Dual Tilt Valve

Right Tilt Cylinder



Pilot Filter

Lift Cylinder Position Sensor

Single Tilt (S2) Pitch (S1)

Lift and Tilt Cylinders To Case Drain Dead Electric Lower Valve

Resolver Network PCO Valve

Dump Valve

EH Pilot Manifold



HPDR Lift Relief Valve Blade Raise Tilt Left HPDL Blade Lower/Float Blade Raise HPTL HPTR Dump Valve Tilt Relief Valve HPRR Tilt Right Ripper Raise Shank Out Ripper Lower Shank In Tilt Left HPRL Case Drain from Demand Fan Pump Case Drain from Demand Fan Mot or

Dozer Valve
Shuttle Valve

Pressure Reducing Manifold




Return from Hydraulic Oil Cooler

Demand Fan Supply

Ripper Valve

Ripper Warming Valve


Ripper Lift

Diverter Valve

HPD3 RATAAC Control Valve


Ripper Tip Vacuum Valve Group


Ripper Lift Cylinder

Ripper Tip Cylinders

Ripper Lift Cylinder

143 The AutoCarry cycle has six distinctive segments that position the blade height and blade pitch automatically. The segments are invoked by pushing the left yellow button on the dozer control lever and/or by shifting the transmission from FORWARD to REVERSE and back to FORWARD. These six AutoCarry segments are: - READY TO CARRY (blade is pitched to the LOAD position - aggressive cutting angle) - CARRY (blade is racked back to the CARRY position - less aggressive cutting angle) - SPREAD (blade automatically pitches all the way forward to DUMP the blade contents) - READY TO RETURN (blade pitch all the way forward and is at the end of stroke) - RESETTING (blade raises to top of lift cylinder stroke during REVERSE direction) - RETURN (blade height returns to ground level and pitches forward to LOAD position) During the CARRY segment, the Implement ECM constantly makes numerous automatic adjustments to the blade height due to changes in the operating incline and variations in ground speed. The combined flow of both the lift pump (front section) and the tilt pump (middle section) creates too much heat in the hydraulic system when the dozer valve is being constantly manipulated. This is due to the high volume of oil that flows through the dozer lift circuit, the orifice effect of the blade lift spool when it opens and closes, and the flow of oil through passages to the dump valve and other components in the dozer control valve.

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The diverter valve helps reduce heat by dumping the entire flow from the lift pump directly back to the hydraulic oil tank. Illustration No. 143 shows the implement hydraulic system in a condition during the CARRY segment when the Implement ECM is commanding an automatic BLADE RAISE function. When the blade is in the LOAD position and the operator determines that the blade is full of material, the operator must push the left yellow button on the dozer control lever to invoke the CARRY segment of the AutoCarry cycle. The Implement ECM will then automatically rack the blade back to the preset CARRY position. In this position, the cutting angle of the blade is less aggressive and will serve to push the material already in the blade. The Implement ECM will then automatically make adjustments to the blade height in order to compensate for changes in ground slope and when the actual ground speed falls below the target ground speed. When the Implement ECM initiates the CARRY segment of the AutoCarry cycle, it also energizes the solenoid operated pilot valve on the diverter valve. The pilot valve then directs pilot oil to the bottom of the pilot operated diverter valve spool, shifting it up against the spring. In this position, the diverter valve spool directs the flow of high pressure oil from the lift pump back to the hydraulic oil tank. The diverter valve spool also blocks the flow of oil from the dozer lift circuit that is now filled with oil exclusively by the tilt pump, through the open-center tilt valve spool. When the next segment in the AutoCarry cycle is invoked, the pilot valve solenoid on the diverter valve is DE-ENERGIZED and normal pump flow and operation of the dozer lift circuit is resumed.

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Implement ECM



Power Train ECM CAN A Dat a Link

Key St art Swit ch

J2 J1

Engine ECM



Product Link

CAT Dat a Link


20 25
X1 0 0


Implement Cont rol Syst ems AccuGrade Aut oCarry CAES

n/ min


CAN B Dat a Link

CAN C Dat a Link Advisor


2 .3


1 3 2 .1

Inst rument Clust er

Comm Adapt er II

Fuel Level Sensor

Rear Act ion Lamp Alt ernat or ( R-Terminal)

Act ion Alarm


144 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM The illustration above shows a graphical representation of the The Caterpillar Monitoring and Display System for the D10T Track-type Tractor. The hardware components in the system include Cat Advisor, the instrument cluster, the Engine ECM, the Implement ECM, the Power Train ECM, the Action Alarm, the rear Action Lamp, and various switches, sensors and senders. The illustrations on the following pages show the engine, the power train, and the implement electrical systems. They also identify all of the switches, the sensors, the senders, and the solenoids that are the input and the output devices used in each system. Depending on how the machine is equipped, some or all of these devices may be present. Also shown in these illustrations is the means by which these components and systems communicate with each other and how the information from the input and output devices is shared between systems. Communication of information on standard machines occurs through the Cat Data Link, the CAN A Data Link (high speed), or the CAN C Data Link (high speed) With AutoCarry, CAES (Computer Aided Earthmoving System), or other automated earthmoving attachments, the D10T will also include a CAN B Data Link (shown in dashed lines) that connects these systems to the machine electrical system. The CAN D Data Link (not shown) is used within the CAES or other automated earthmoving system, for communications between the components within these automated earthmoving system.

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Key St art Swit ch J2 J1 Pre-lube Relay

Engine ECM

CAN A Dat a Link CAT Dat a Link

CAN A Dat a Link CAT Dat a Link


Right Int ake Air Pressure Sensor Left Int ake Air Pressure Sensor Int ake Manifold Air Temp. Sensor Engine Oil Pressure Sensor

Secondary Fuel Filt er Pressure Swit ch Coolant Flow Swit ch Coolant Temp. Sensor Fuel Pressure Sensor High / Low Idle Swit ch

Inject or No. 7

Inject or No. 1

Inject or No. 8

Inject or No. 2

Inject or No. 9

Inject or No. 3

Inject or No. 1 0

Inject or No. 4

Inject or No. 1 1

Inject or No. 5

Decelerat or Posit ion Sensor

Inject or No. 1 2 Fuel Temp. Sensor Turbo Inlet Pressure Sensor Demand Fan Pump Pressure Sensor At mospheric Pressure Sensor Reversing Fan Swit ch ( At t achment )

Inject or No. 6

Cam Speed / Timing Sensor Crank Speed / Timing Sensor Crank wit hout Inject Plug Timing Calibrat ion Probe

Fan Pump Cont rol Solenoid Et her Aid Solenoid Fan Bypass Solenoid ( At t achment ) Fan Reversing Valve Solenoid ( At t achment )



145 Shown above is an illustration of the electrical system for the C27 ACERT engine used in the D10T Track-type Tractor. The Engine ECM considers only the engine coolant temperature as an input for controlling the hydraulic demand fan. To view the status of all the engine components shown above using Cat Advisor: - select the "Service" option from the Home Menu to display the Service Menu - select "System Status" from the Service Menu to display the System Status Menu - select "Engine" from the System Status Menu - use the ARROW buttons to page through the list of components Cat ET may also be used to view the status of these components. Since the timing calibration probe is permanently installed in the flywheel housing, the serviceman need only invoke the timing calibration routine using Cat ET to perform that operation.

SERV1800 09/05

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Text Reference


Key St art Swit ch

Engine ECM



Power Train ECM



CAN A Dat a Link CAT Dat a Link CAT Dat a Link


Trans. Charge Filt er Bypass Swit ch

Transmission Out put Speed Sensor No. 1 Transmission Out put Speed Sensor No. 2 Torque Convert er Out put Speed Sensor

Service Brake Posit ion Sensor Secondary Brake Swit ch Aut oShift Swit ch Aut o Kickdown Swit ch

Transmission Reverse Clut ch ( Solenoid No. 1 ) Transmission Forward Clut ch ( Solenoid No. 2 ) Transmission Third Gear Clut ch ( Solenoid No. 3 ) Transmission Second Gear Clut ch ( Solenoid No. 4 ) Transmission First Gear Clut ch ( Solenoid No. 5 ) Left St eering Clut ch Solenoid Valve Left Brake Solenoid Valve Right St eering Clut ch Solenoid Valve Right Brake Solenoid Valve Secondary Brake Solenoid Valve Parking Brake Solenoid Valve Back-up Alarm

Torque Convert er Oil Temp. Sensor

Trans. Cont rols Temp. Sensor ( Filt er)

Left FTC Lever Posit ion Sensor Forward Swit ch Reverse Swit ch

Right FTC Lever Posit ion Sensor

F-N-R Posit ion Sensor

Crank Speed / Timing Sensor

Upshift Swit ch

Parking Brake Swit ch Finger Tip Control

Harness Code Plug Locat ion Code

Downshift Swit ch



146 Shown above is an illustration of the electrical system for the D10T Track-type Tractor power train system. The Power Train ECM determines engine lug and torque curves by comparing engine speed data to the torque converter output speed data. The Power Train ECM uses this information to determine when to automatically downshift the transmission for the Auto KickDown feature. Since the D10T does not have an engine output speed sensor, the primary (crankshaft) speed/timing sensor provides engine speed data to the Engine ECM, which shares that data with the Power Train ECM through the CAN A Data Link. To view the status of all the power train components shown above using Cat Advisor: - select the "Service" option from the Home Menu to display the Service Menu - select "System Status" from the Service Menu to display the System Status Menu - select "Powertrain" from the System Status Menu - use the ARROW buttons to page through the list of components Cat ET may also be used to view the status of these components. Calibrations for the power train system (transmission, brakes, etc.) may be performed through the Advisor panel, or by using Cat ET.

SERV1800 09/05

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Text Reference


Key St art Swit ch

Engine ECM



Power Train ECM



Implement Hydraulics ECM



CAT Dat a Link CAN A Dat a Link

Lift Pump Pressure Sensor Blade Raise / Lower Posit ion Sensor ( Forward / Rearward) Tilt Pump Pressure Sensor


PCO Valve Solenoid

Blade Raise Solenoid

Blade Tilt Posit ion Sensor ( Left / Right )

Implement Lockout Swit ch

Hydraulic Oil Temp. Sensor Blade Tilt Right Solenoid Harness Code Plug Locat ion Code Blade Tilt Left Solenoid Shank In Solenoid Blade Lower Solenoid

Blade Mode Select Swit ch ( Left Push-But t on) Crank Speed Sensor Torque Convert er Out put Speed Sensor

Aut o Blade Assist Swit ch ( At t achment )


Blade Manual Select Swit ch ( Right Push-But t on)

Aut o Carry Swit ch ( At t achment )

Ground Speed Radar Dual Tilt Solenoid ( At t achment ) Shank Out Solenoid

Dual/ Single Tilt Toggle Trigger Swit ch

Hydraulic Oil Filt er Bypass Swit ch

Right Lift Cylinder Posit ion Sensor ( At t achment )

Blade Pit ch / Angle Posit ion Sensor ( Thumb Swit ch)

Ripper Tip In / Out Posit ion Sensor ( Cont rol Handle) Ripper Raise / Lower Posit ion Sensor ( Cont rol Handle)

Ripper Aut o St ow Swit ch

Divert er Valve Solenoid

Ripper Raise Solenoid

Blade Control Lever

Ripper Control Handle

Implement Lockout Solenoid

Ripper Lower Solenoid



147 Shown above is an illustration of the electrical system for the D10T Track-type Tractor implement hydraulic system. The Implement ECM requires torque converter output speed data to determine track speed, if the machine is equipped with AutoCarry. Track speed is determined by a calculation using torque converter output speed sensor data. The Power Train ECM monitors this sensor and shares this information with the Implement ECM through the CAN A Data Link. The Implement Lockout switch is automatically DE-ENERGIZED by the Implement ECM when engine speed is below 900 rpm. The Engine ECM shares the engine speed information (from the crank speed/timing sensor) with the Implement ECM to accomplish this strategy. To view the status of all the implement hydraulic system components shown above using Cat Advisor: -select the "Service" option from the Home Menu to display the Service Menu -select "System Status" from the Service Menu to display the System Status Menu -select "Implement" from the System Status Menu -use the ARROW buttons to page through the list of components Cat ET may also be used to view the status of these components.

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Text Reference


CONCLUSION This presentation has discussed locations of components and the systems operation of the engine, the cooling system, the power train, the implement hydraulics, the electrical system, and the Caterpillar Monitoring and Display System (Advisor) for the D10T Track-type Tractor. When used in conjunction with the Service Manual and the STMG 790, "Caterpillar Monitoring and Display System with Advisor for Track-type Tractors," the information in this package will help the serviceman analyze problems in any of the major systems of the D10T Track-type Tractor.

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Text Reference


Black - Mechanical Connection. Seal Dark Gray - Cutaway Section Light Gray - Surface Color Red - High Pressure Oil

Red / White Stripes - 1st Pressure Reduction

Red Crosshatch - 2nd Reduction in Pressure Pink - 3rd Reduction in Pressure

White - Atmosphere Or Air (No Pressure) Purple - Pneumatic Pressure

Red / Pink Stripes - Secondary Source Oil Pressure

Yellow - Moving or Activated Components Cat Yellow - (Restricted Usage) Identification of Components within a Moving Group Brown - Lubricating Oil Green - Tank, Sump, o r Return Oil Green / White Stripes Scavenge / Suction Oil or Hydraulic Void

Orange - Pilot, Signal or Torque Converter Oil Orange / White Stripes - Reduced Pilot, Signal or TC Oil Pressure Orange / Crosshatch - 2nd Reduction in Pilot, Signal or TC Oil Pressure Blue - Trapped Oil

HYDRAULIC SCHEMATIC COLOR CODE This illustration identifies the meanings of the colors used in the hydraulic schematics and cross-sectional views shown throughout this presentation.

SERV1800 03/05

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Text Reference

SERV1800-01 CHANGES LISTING The following list outlines the changes made to the original SERV1800 document that was published in March, 2005. Some corrections/additions have been made to graphics, some to callouts, and some to text explanations. Two extra pages have been inserted also, due to lengthened text explanations. PAGE # 8 9 11 12 23 41 46 55 71 73 74 75 78 80 81 91 97 99 110 111 112 113 114 115 118 130 145 149 153 154 155 158 160 161 162 CHANGE Text explanation Text - callout Text - callout Text - callout Graphic No. 15 Text - callout Text page added Text (spelling) Graphic No. 56 Graphic No. 57 Graphic No. 58 Graphic No. 59 Graphic No. 60 Graphic No. 61 Graphic No. 62 Graphic No. 73 Text explanation Graphic No. 80 Text explanation New page inserted - text explanation continued from page 109 Text explanation (was page 110) Text explanation and graphic No. 89 (was page 111) Text explanation (was page 112) Text explanation (was page 113) New page added (Instructor Note) Text - Note added (was page 127) Text - callouts (was page 142) Graphic No. 114 (was page 146) Graphic No. 117 (was page 150) Text (was page 151) Graphic No. 118 (was page 152) Graphic No. 120 (was page 155) Graphic No. 121 (was page 157) Graphic No. 122 (was page 158) Graphic No. 123 (was page 159)

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Text Reference

PAGE # 164 168 170 188 190 191 192 193

CHANGE Graphic No. 125 (was page 161) Graphic No. 127 (was page 165) Graphic No. 128 (was page 167) Graphic No. 143 (was page 185) Graphic No. 144 (was page 187) Graphic No. 145 (was page 188) Graphic No. 146 (was page 189) Graphic No. 147 (was page 190)

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Visual List

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.

VISUAL LIST Title slide 42. Oil coolers and coolant flow switch Operator compartment view 43. Timing calibration probe Left console controls - front view 44. Front gear train - cover removed Left console controls - overhead view 45. Rear gear train - cover removed Right console 46. Turbo oil and coolant lines Dozer control lever 47. Fuel heater Ripper control handle 48. Fuel level sensor Machine function switches - right console 49. Fuel system schematic Fuse panel and Cat ET comm port 50. Engine air system components HVAC and wiper/washer controls 51. Cooling system schematic Dash 52. Cooling system components Brake pedal and decelerator pedal 53. Hydraulic oil cooler Power Train and Implement ECMs 54. Fan and hydraulic demand fan motor Monitoring system components view 55. Coolant fill tube/cap and sight glass Monitoring system components ID 56. Standard fan system schematic - Max speed Instrument cluster ID 57. Standard fan system schematic - Min speed Advisor panel 58. Fan pump color cutaway - Max fan speed Advisor panel components ID 59. Fan pump color cutaway - Min fan speed Advisor Start-Up screen 60. Fan system schematic - fan reverse/bypass Advisor warning screen 61. Fan system schematic- fan reverse active Advisor Performance 1 of 2 screen 62. Fan system schematic- fan bypass active Advisor Performance 2 of 2 screen 63. Fan pump components ID and location C27 ACERT engine section title slide 64. Fan motor components ID and location C27 left side engine view 65. Fan reversing/bypass valve location and ID C27 right side engine view 66. RATAAC system schematic Primary fuel filter 67. RATAAC components - hood top Fuel transfer pump and pressure regulator 68. RATAAC components - under hood Secondary fuel filter components ID 69. RATAAC heat exchanger cores Engine oil filters 70. RATAAC pump and fan speed control valve Engine sensors - overhead engine view 71. Power train component location diagram Primary (crank) speed/timing sensor 72. Power Train Electronic Control System Starter (left side) and block heater element 73. Power train hydraulic schematic Engine oil ecology drain valve 74. Power train major components location Engine pre-lube pump 75. Power train oil pump Electrical disconnects 76. Power train filters, brake valve location Ether aid and solenoid 77. Transmission charge filter components C27 engine front view 78. Torque converter charge filter components A4 Engine ECM 79. Rear power train pressure test ports Engine oil pressure sensor - cam sensor 80. TC inlet relief valve/lube distribution man. Turbo inlet pressure sensor 81. Torque converter inlet relief valve operation Crank Without Inject connector/plugs 82. Torque divider and components ID/location

SERV1800 09/05

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Visual List

83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123.

VISUAL LIST Torque divider cutaway 124. Tilt control valve cutaway - tilt left Torque converter outlet relief valve 125. Hydraulic schematic - tilt left/dual tilt Torque converter outlet relief valve operation 126. Ripper valve cutaway - ripper raise Power train oil coolers 127. Hydraulic schematic - ripper raise Power shift trans. - removed from case 128. Hydraulic schematic - ripper shank in Transmission output speed sensors 129. Ripper valve cutaway - shank in Transmission modulating valve operation 130. Dual tilt valve component ID Transmission main relief valve operation 131. Dual tilt valve cutaway (dual tilt right) Transmission main relief valve 132. Dual tilt valve cutaway (single tilt right) Power shift transmission cutaway 133. Dual tilt valve cutaway (blade pitch fwd.) Electronic steering/brake control valve 134. Quick-drop valve circuit (schematic) Steering/brake control valve cutaway 135. Quick-drop valve cutaway (dozer raise) Steer/brake valve operation - released 136. Quick-drop valve cutaway (dozer lower) Steer/brake valve operation - engaged 137. Quick-drop valve cutaway (quick-drop) Steer/brake valve operation - park engaged 138. Quick-drop valve cutaway (down pressure) Steer/brake valve operation - grad. rt. turn 139. Lift cylinder position sensor Steer/brake valve operation - sharp rt. turn 140. Dynamic inclination sensor Power train oil fill tube and dipstick 141. Ground speed radar Power train breather location 142. AutoCarry diverter valve Brake lube/brake pressure taps (final drive) 143. Hydr. schem. - AutoCarry active-blade raise Brake pedal position sensor 144. Monitoring system/electrical schematic High-Speed power train oil change port 145. C27 engine electrical components Ripper pin puller solenoid and valve 146. Power train electrical components Imp. hydraulic system component location 147. Implement hydraulics electrical components Implement hydr. - major components ID 148. D10T rear view - conclusion Hydraulic oil tank component ID Implement pump component ID Dozer valve components ID Ripper valve components ID Hydraulic oil cooler bypass valve location Pressure reducing manifold compon. ID Pressure reducing manifold schematic Pilot oil filter location and ID EH pilot manifold location and ID EH pilot manifold operation Dozer control valve cutaway - front view Dozer control valve cutaway - side view Hydraulic schematic - blade raise Hydraulic schematic - blade float Dozer control valve cutaway - front float Hydraulic schematic - tilt left/single tilt

SERV1800 09/05

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Handout No. 1

Engine System Components Identification

Directions: Use this sheet to take notes during the presentation. During the lab exercise, use this sheet as a checklist when locating and identifying the components. Engine Components ____ Primary and Secondary fuel filters ____ Electric fuel priming pump and switch ____ Fuel transfer pump ____ Engine oil fill tube and dipstick ____ Engine oil filters ____ Engine oil SOS test port ____ Engine oil pressure test port ____ Engine oil pressure sensor ____ Engine pre-lube motor and pump ____ Engine oil cooler ____ Air filters ____ Turbochargers ____ AMOCS radiator and shunt tank ____ Engine coolant SOS test port ____ Jacket water pump ____ Temperature regulator housing ____ Main electrical disconnect switch ____ Starter Disconnect switch ____ A4 Engine ECM ____ Alternator ____ Ether injection control solenoid ____ Intake manifold air pressure sensors (2) ____ Atmospheric air pressure sensor ____ Intake manifold air temperature sensor ____ Fuel temperature sensor ____ Fuel pressure sensor ____ Fuel filter differential pressure switch ____ Turbo inlet pressure sensor ____ "Crank-without-Inject" connector/plug ____ Primary (crank) speed/timing sensor ____ Secondary (cam) speed/timing sensor ____ Starter ____ Coolant temperature sensor ____ Coolant flow switch ____ Timing calibration probe ____ Block heater element ____ Block heater AC power receptacle ____ Auxiliary start receptacle

SERV1800 09/05

- 201 -

Handout No. 2

Cooling System and Demand Fan System Components Identification

Directions: Use this sheet to take notes during the presentation. During a lab exercise, use this sheet as a checklist when locating and identifying the components. Cooling System Components ____ Engine oil cooler ____ Power train oil coolers ____ Jacket water pump ____ AMOCS radiator cores ____ Water temperature regulator housing ____ Coolant shunt tank ____ Fan motor ____ Coolant fill tube and cap ____ Fan reversing/bypass valve (if equipped) ____ Coolant level sight glass ____ Manual fan reversing switch (if equipped) ____ Cooling system drain valve ____ Engine coolant temperature sensor ____ RATAAC cores ____ A4 Engine ECM ____ RATAAC fan motor ____ RATAAC fan pump ____ RATAAC fan speed control valve ____ Hydraulic Fan Pump Discharge pressure test port (HFPD) ____ Hydraulic Fan Motor Inlet pressure test port (HFMI) Demand Fan System Components ____ Hydraulic demand fan pump ____ Fan pump control valve ____ Fan pump pressure control solenoid ____ Fan pump discharge pressure sensor ____ Hydraulic Fan Pump Discharge pressure test port (HDFP)

SERV1800 09/05

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Handout No. 3

Power Train Components Identification

Directions: Use this sheet to take notes during the presentation. During a lab exercise, use this sheet as a checklist when locating and identifying the components. Power Train Components ____ Power Train ECM ____ Power train oil pump ____ Cooler Lube pressure test port (CL) ____ Power train oil fill tube and dipstick ____ Power train system lube pressure (L1) ____ Power train lube distribution manifold ____ Lube distribution manifold pressure (L2) ____ Torque converter inlet relief valve ____ Torque converter outlet relief valve ____ Torque converter outlet temp. sensor ____ Power train oil coolers ____ Transmission charging filter ____ Torque converter charging filter ____ Power train oil temperature sensor (sump) ____ Power train oil filter bypass switch ____ Torque converter output speed sensor ____ Electronic steering/brake control valve ____ Service brake pedal position sensor ____ Parking brake switch ____ Left and right steering lever position sensors (FTC control lever sensors) ____ Torque converter inlet relief (supply) pressure test port (M) ____ Transmission main relief pressure test port (P) ____ Transmission pump pressure test port (TP) ____ Power train oil SOS port ____ Right brake lube pressure test port (LB2) ____ Left brake lube pressure test port (LB1) ____ Brake and steering clutch pressure test ports (B1/B2/C1/C2) ____ Right brake pressure test port (B2 - at final drive) ____ Right clutch pressure test port (C2 - at final drive) ____ Left brake pressure test port (B1 - at final drive) ____ Left clutch pressure test port (C1 - at final drive) Power Train Pressure Test Ports ____ Torque converter outlet relief pressure test port (N)

SERV1800 09/05

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Handout No. 4

Hydraulic System Components Identification

Directions: Use this sheet to take notes during the presentation. During a lab exercise, use this sheet as a checklist when locating and identifying the components. Implement Hydraulic Components ____ Hydraulic oil tank ____ Hydraulic oil fill tube and sight glass ____ Implement return oil filters (2) ____ Implement pump ____ Pilot supply pressure test port (HPS) ____ Pressure reducing manifold ____ EH pilot manifold ____ Implement lockout solenoid valve ____ "Dead Electric" lower valve ____ Pilot oil filter ____ Dozer control valve ____ Ripper control valve ____ Lift pump pressure sensor ____ Tilt pump pressure sensor ____ Quick-drop valves ____ Dual tilt valve (if equipped) ____ Fan reversing valve (if equipped) ____ Implement ECM ____ Hydraulic oil cooler and bypass valve ____ Hydraulic oil temperature sensor ____ Pilot pressure test ports (9 ports, at EH pilot manifold) ____ Hydraulic oil SOS (fluid sampling) port Implement Hydraulic Pressure Test Ports ____ Lift pump pressure test port (HPD1) ____ Tilt pump pressure test port (HPD2) ____ Hydraulic Fan Pump Discharge pressure test port (HFPD)

SERV1800 09/05

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Handout No. 5A

MACHINE SYSTEMS POSTTEST Using any of the provided classroom materials, demonstrate your knowledge of the various machine systems by circling the BEST ANSWER for each of following questions. The C27 ACERT Engine 1. The atmospheric pressure sensor is used: A. to calculate boost pressure and air filter restriction B. to determine ambient air pressure and as a reference for all other engine pressure sensors C. to calculate gauge pressure for engine oil and fuel D. all of the above answers (A, B, and C) E. answers A and C 2. The intake manifold air pressure sensor is used to: A. calculate boost pressure B. determine air filter restriction C. determine RATAAC restriction D. all of the above 3. The turbo inlet air pressure sensor is used to: A. calculate boost pressure B. determine air filter restriction C. determine turbocharger failure D. answers A and B 4. The fuel transfer pump: A. draws fuel from the secondary fuel filter B. draws fuel from the primary fuel filter C. maintains fuel system pressure D. provides fuel flow through the entire fuel system E. answers A, C, and D F. answers B and D 5. The fuel pressure regulator: A. maintains fuel system pressure B. is positioned between the fuel injectors and the fuel tank C. is positioned between the fuel injectors and the fuel transfer pump D. answers A and B E. answers A and C 6. The primary (crank) speed/timing sensor: A. provides engine speed information to the Engine ECM B. provides engine speed information to the Power Train ECM C. is used to calculate shifting points for the Auto KickDown shifting strategy D. all of the above answers (A, B, and C) E. answers A and B

SERV1800 09/05

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Handout No. 5B

MACHINE SYSTEMS POSTTEST (continued) Using any of the provided classroom materials, demonstrate your knowledge of the various machine systems by circling the BEST ANSWER for each of following questions. The Hydraulic Demand Fan System 7. The sensors (inputs) used to control the hydraulic demand fan are: A. intake air temperature, coolant temperature, and fan pump discharge pressure B. intake air temperature and fan pump discharge pressure C. coolant temperature and fan pump discharge pressure D. hydraulic oil temperature, intake air temperature, coolant temperature, and fan pump discharge pressure 8. When controlling the hydraulic demand fan, the Engine ECM: A. sends maximum current to the fan pump control solenoid to produce minimum speed B. sends minimum current to the fan pump control solenoid to produce maximum speed C. sends maximum current to the fan pump control solenoid to produce maximum speed D. sends minimum current to the fan pump control solenoid to produce minimum speed E. answers A and B F. answers C and D 9. The hydraulic demand fan may be shut OFF by: A. disconnecting the fan pump control solenoid B. using the Cat Advisor Configuration screen to turn fan control OFF C. using the Cat ET Configuration screen to turn fan control OFF D. answers B and C E. answers A and C F. none of the above 10. Maximum fan speed (high pressure cutoff) can be attained by: A. disconnecting the fan pump control solenoid B. using the Cat Advisor Configuration screen to turn fan control OFF C. using the Cat ET Configuration screen to turn fan control OFF D. answers A and B E. answers A and C F. none of the above

SERV1800 09/05

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Handout No. 5C

MACHINE SYSTEMS POSTTEST (continued) Using any of the provided classroom materials, demonstrate your knowledge of the various machine systems by circling the BEST ANSWER for each of following questions. The Power Train System 11. The Torque Converter Inlet Relief Valve: A. limits the maximum oil pressure to the torque converter B. limits the maximum oil pressure in the torque converter C. protects the components in the torque converter when the oil is cold D. answers A and C E. answers B and C 12. The Torque Converter Outlet Relief Valve: A. ensures a constant oil pressure to the torque converter B. maintains a constant maximum oil pressure inside the torque converter C. maintains a constant minimum oil pressure inside the torque converter D. limits the maximum temperature inside the torque converter E. answers C and D 13. The Transmission Main Relief Valve maintains the oil pressure: A. for the operation of the transmission B. for the operation of the torque converter C. for the operation of the steering clutches and the brakes D. all of the above answers E. answers A and C 14. The steering clutches are: A. spring applied and hydraulically released B. hydraulically applied and spring released C. hydraulically applied and hydraulically released 15. The brakes are: A. spring applied and hydraulically released B. hydraulically applied and spring released C. hydraulically applied and hydraulically released 16. When the service brakes are FULLY APPLIED (ENGAGED) using the service brake pedal: A. the proportional brake valve solenoids are DE-ENERGIZED and the secondary brake valve solenoid is ENERGIZED B. the proportional brake valve solenoids are ENERGIZED and the secondary brake valve solenoid is DE-ENERGIZED C. the proportional brake valve solenoids are DE-ENERGIZED and the secondary brake valve solenoid is DE-ENERGIZED D. the proportional brake valve solenoids are ENERGIZED and the secondary brake valve solenoid is ENERGIZED E. none of the above answers

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Handout No. 5D

MACHINE SYSTEMS POSTTEST (continued) Using any of the provided classroom materials, demonstrate your knowledge of the implement system by entering the letter of the BEST ANSWER for each of the implement system components listed at the left. The Implement Hydraulic System ____ Hydraulic oil tank ____ Implement pump ____ Pressure reducing manifold ____ Implement lockout solenoid valve ____ Pilot oil filter ____ Dozer and ripper control valves ____ Lift dump valve ____ Tilt dump valve ____ Shuttle valve ____ Solenoid controlled pilot valve ____ Quick-drop valve ____ Implement ECM ____ Hydraulic oil cooler bypass valve A. Direct the flow of high pressure pump supply oil to the implement cylinders. B. Ensures that clean oil is delivered to the solenoid controlled pilot valves. C. Opens to bypass the cooler when the hydraulic oil is cold and closes when the hydraulic oil is warm to direct oil through the cooler. D. Provides oil flow through the entire hydraulic system for the operation of the implements. E. ENERGIZED by the Implement ECM to direct pilot pressure oil to move an implement control valve spool. F. Receives signals from implement control lever sensors and sends corresponding currents to the appropriate solenoid controlled pilot valves. G. Blocks the flow of pilot pressure oil to the EH pilot manifold when DE-ENERGIZED. H. Directs rod-end oil from the blade lift cylinders into the head-ends when the blade falls rapidly to the ground. I. Serves as a reservoir for the hydraulic oil. J. Is closed by high pressure supply oil to shut off oil flow to tank when a blade lift or a ripper function is active. K. Contains the pressure reducing valve and the Dead Electric Lower valve. L. Directs high pressure supply oil to the lift dump valve and the lift relief valve when a blade lift function is active. M. Is closed by high pressure supply oil to shut off oil flow to tank when a blade tilt function is active.

SERV1800 09/05




____ Transmission & TC Charging Section Power Train Oil Pump ____ Torque Converter Charging Section Power Train Oil Pump ____ Transmission Scavenge Section Power Train Oil Pump ____ Torque Converter Scavenge Section Power Train Oil Pump ____ Lube Distribution Manifold ____ Power Train Breather ____ Torque Converter Outlet Temp. Sensor ____ Torque Convert er Out let Relief Valve ____ Main Relief Valve ____ Transmission Charging Filter


Fan Pump

Torque Converter Flywheel Housing C27 Engine

Torque Divider

Implement Pump

- 208 -


____ Electronic Steering Clutch and Brake Control Valve ____ Torque Converter Inlet Relief Valve ____ Power Train Oil Coolers ____ Torque Converter Charging Filter ____ Transmission Controls Temp. Sensor


Transmission Lube Pressure ( L1 ) Power Train Oil Sampling ( SOS) Lube Manifold Pressure ( L2 ) Torque Convert er Supply Pressure ( M) Torque Convert er Inlet Relief Pressure ( M1 ) Cooler Lube Pressure ( CL) Torque Convert er Out let Relief Pressure ( N) Transmission Pump Pressure ( TP) Transmission Main Relief Pressure ( P)


Handout No. 6

COMPONENTS IDENTIFICATION: Write the letter of the Power Train component or service point next to the name of the component or service point listed in the right hand box and/or the bottom box.

SERV1800 09/05

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Handout No. 5A Posttest Answers

MACHINE SYSTEMS POSTTEST ANSWERS Using any of the provided classroom materials, demonstrate your knowledge of the various machine systems by circling the BEST ANSWER for each of following questions. The C27 ACERT Engine 1. The atmospheric pressure sensor is used: A. to calculate boost pressure and air filter restriction B. to determine ambient air pressure and as a reference for all other engine pressure sensors C. to calculate gauge pressure for engine oil and fuel D. all of the above answers (A, B, and C) E. answers A and C 2. The intake manifold air pressure sensor is used to: A. calculate boost pressure B. determine air filter restriction C. determine RATAAC restriction D. all of the above 3. The turbo inlet air pressure sensor is used to: A. calculate boost pressure B. determine air filter restriction C. determine turbocharger failure D. answers A and B 4. The fuel transfer pump: A. draws fuel from the secondary fuel filter B. draws fuel from the primary fuel filter C. maintains fuel system pressure D. provides fuel flow through the entire fuel system E. answers A, C, and D F. answers B and D 5. The fuel pressure regulator: A. maintains fuel system pressure B. is positioned between the fuel injectors and the fuel tank C. is positioned between the fuel injectors and the fuel transfer pump D. answers A and B E. answers A and C 6. The primary (crank) speed/timing sensor: A. provides engine speed information to the Engine ECM B. provides engine speed information to the Power Train ECM C. is used to calculate shifting points for the Auto KickDown shifting strategy D. all of the above answers (A, B, and C) E. answers A and B

SERV1800 09/05

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Handout No. 5B Posttest Answers

MACHINE SYSTEMS POSTTEST ANSWERS (continued) Using any of the provided classroom materials, demonstrate your knowledge of the various machine systems by circling the BEST ANSWER for each of following questions. The Hydraulic Demand Fan System 7. The sensors (inputs) used to control the hydraulic demand fan are: A. intake air temperature, coolant temperature, and fan pump discharge pressure B. intake air temperature and fan pump discharge pressure C. coolant temperature and fan pump discharge pressure D. hydraulic oil temperature, intake air temperature, coolant temperature, and fan pump discharge pressure 8. When controlling the hydraulic demand fan, the Engine ECM: A. sends maximum current to the fan pump control solenoid to produce minimum speed B. sends minimum current to the fan pump control solenoid to produce maximum speed C. sends maximum current to the fan pump control solenoid to produce maximum speed D. sends minimum current to the fan pump control solenoid to produce minimum speed E. answers A and B F. answers C and D 9. The hydraulic demand fan may be shut OFF by: A. disconnecting the fan pump control solenoid B. using the Cat Advisor Configuration screen to turn fan control OFF C. using the Cat ET Configuration screen to turn fan control OFF D. answers B and C E. answers A and C F. none of the above 10. Maximum fan speed (high pressure cutoff) can be attained by: A. disconnecting the fan pump control solenoid B. using the Cat Advisor Configuration screen to turn fan control OFF C. using the Cat ET Configuration screen to turn fan control OFF D. answers A and B E. answers A and C F. none of the above

SERV1800 09/05

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Handout No. 5C Posttest Answers

MACHINE SYSTEMS POSTTEST ANSWERS (continued) Using any of the provided classroom materials, demonstrate your knowledge of the various machine systems by circling the BEST ANSWER for each of following questions. 11. The Torque Converter Inlet Relief Valve: A. limits the maximum oil pressure to the torque converter B. limits the maximum oil pressure in the torque converter C. protects the components in the torque converter when the oil is cold D. answers A and C E. answers B and C 12. The Torque Converter Outlet Relief Valve: A. ensures a constant oil pressure to the torque converter B. maintains a constant maximum oil pressure inside the torque converter C. maintains a constant minimum oil pressure inside the torque converter D. limits the maximum temperature inside the torque converter E. answers C and D 13. The Transmission Main Relief Valve maintains the oil pressure: A. for the operation of the transmission B. for the operation of the torque converter C. for the operation of the steering clutches and the brakes D. all of the above answers E. answers A and C 14. The steering clutches are: A. spring applied and hydraulically released B. hydraulically applied and spring released C. hydraulically applied and hydraulically released 15. The brakes are: A. spring applied and hydraulically released B. hydraulically applied and spring released C. hydraulically applied and hydraulically released 16. When the service brakes are FULLY APPLIED (ENGAGED) using the service brake pedal: A. the proportional brake valve solenoids are DE-ENERGIZED and the secondary brake valve solenoid is ENERGIZED B. the proportional brake valve solenoids are ENERGIZED and the secondary brake valve solenoid is DE-ENERGIZED C. the proportional brake valve solenoids are DE-ENERGIZED and the secondary brake valve solenoid is DE-ENERGIZED D. the proportional brake valve solenoids are ENERGIZED and the secondary brake valve solenoid is ENERGIZED E. none of the above answers

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Handout No. 5D Posttest Answers

MACHINE SYSTEMS POSTTEST ANSWERS (continued) Using any of the provided classroom materials, demonstrate your knowledge of the implement system by entering the letter of the BEST ANSWER for each of the implement system components listed at the left. The Implement Hydraulic System I Hydraulic oil tank D Implement pump A. Direct the flow of high pressure pump supply oil to the implement cylinders. B. Ensures that clean oil is delivered to the solenoid controlled pilot valves. C. Opens to bypass the cooler when the hydraulic oil is cold and closes when the hydraulic oil is warm to direct oil through the cooler. D. Provides oil flow through the entire hydraulic system for the operation of the implements. E. ENERGIZED by the Implement ECM to direct pilot pressure oil to move an implement control valve spool. F. Receives signals from implement control lever sensors and sends corresponding currents to the appropriate solenoid controlled pilot valves. G. Blocks the flow of pilot pressure oil to the EH pilot manifold when DE-ENERGIZED. H. Directs rod-end oil from the blade lift cylinders into the head-ends when the blade falls rapidly to the ground. I. Serves as a reservoir for the hydraulic oil. J. Is closed by high pressure supply oil to shut off oil flow to tank when a blade lift or a ripper function is active. K. Contains the pressure reducing valve and the Dead Electric Lower valve. L. Directs high pressure supply oil to the lift dump valve and the lift relief valve when a blade lift function is active. M. Is closed by high pressure supply oil to shut off oil flow to tank when a blade tilt function is active.

K Pressure reducing manifold G Implement lockout solenoid valve

B Pilot oil filter A Dozer and ripper control valves J M Lift dump valve Tilt dump valve

L Shuttle valve E Solenoid controlled pilot valve H Quick-drop valve F Implement ECM C Hydraulic oil cooler bypass valve




SERV1800 09/05



Transmission & TC Charging Section Power Train Oil Pump Torque Converter Charging Section Power Train Oil Pump Transmission Scavenge Section Power Train Oil Pump Torque Converter Scavenge Section Power Train Oil Pump Lube Distribution Manifold Power Train Breather Q G M Torque Converter Outlet Temp. Sensor Torque Convert er Out let Relief Valve R W Main Relief Valve Transmission Charging Filter K Y Electronic Steering Clutch and Brake Control Valve Torque Converter Inlet Relief Valve P C Z Power Train Oil Coolers Torque Converter Charging Filter Transmission Controls Temp. Sensor


Fan Pump

Torque Converter Flywheel Housing C27 Engine

Torque Divider

Implement Pump

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A F B U D Transmission Lube Pressure ( L1 ) Power Train Oil Sampling ( SOS) Lube Manifold Pressure ( L2 ) Torque Convert er Supply Pressure ( M) Torque Convert er Inlet Relief Pressure ( M1 ) S T J E Cooler Lube Pressure ( CL) Torque Convert er Out let Relief Pressure ( N) Transmission Pump Pressure ( TP) Transmission Main Relief Pressure ( P)


Handout No. 6 Posttest Answers

COMPONENTS IDENTIFICATION: Write the letter of the Power Train component or service point next to the name of the component or service point listed in the right hand box and/or the bottom box.

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