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12/3/24, 23:35 2 circuitos simples de calentadores de inducción - Placas de cocción calientes - Proyectos de circuitos caseros

Proyectos de circuitos caseros

2 circuitos simples delas calentadores
Obtenga ayuda gratuita para el circuito 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana de

inducción: cocinas con placa caliente

Ultima actualización en2 de enero de 2024por Swagatam (https://www.homemade-

En esta publicación, aprenderemos 2 circuitos calentadores de inducción fáciles de

construir que funcionan con principios de inducción magnética de alta frecuencia
para generar una magnitud sustancial de calor en un radio pequeño específico.

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Los circuitos de cocina de inducción discutidos son realmente simples y utilizan solo
unos pocos componentes ordinarios activos y pasivos para las acciones requeridas. 1/67
12/3/24, 23:35 2 circuitos simples de calentadores de inducción - Placas de cocción calientes - Proyectos de circuitos caseros

Actualización: Es posible que también desee aprender cómo diseñar su propia

placa de cocción con calentador de inducción personalizada:
Diseño de un circuito de calentador de inducción - Tutorial (https://www.homemade-

Principio de funcionamiento del calentador de

Un calentador de inducción es un dispositivo que utiliza un campo magnético de alta
frecuencia para calentar una carga de hierro o cualquier metal ferromagnético a
través de corrientes parásitas.

Durante este proceso, los electrones dentro del hierro no pueden moverse tan rápido
como la frecuencia, y esto da lugar a una corriente inversa en el metal denominada
corriente de Foucault. Este desarrollo de altas corrientes parásitas finalmente hace
que el hierro se caliente.

El calor generado es proporcional a la corriente 2 x la resistencia del metal. Dado

que se supone que el metal de carga está compuesto de hierro, consideramos la
resistencia R para el hierro metálico.

Calor = I 2 x R (Hierro)

La resistividad del hierro es: 97 nΩ·m

How to start
solar factory? 2/67
12/3/24, 23:35 2 circuitos simples de calentadores de inducción - Placas de cocción calientes - Proyectos de circuitos caseros

5MW Solar Panel
Production Line Solar
Panel Making Machines

Ooitech Open

El calor anterior también es directamente proporcional a la frecuencia inducida y es

por eso que los transformadores estampados de hierro ordinarios no se usan en
aplicaciones de conmutación de alta frecuencia, sino que se usan materiales de
ferrita como núcleos.

Discover related topics



Diagram Of

The Driver

The Switch

Sin embargo, aquí se aprovecha el inconveniente anterior para adquirir calor a partir
de inducción magnética de alta frecuencia.

Refiriéndose a los circuitos de calentador de inducción propuestos a continuación,

encontramos el concepto que utiliza ZVS o tecnología de conmutación de voltaje
cero para la activación requerida de los MOSFET. 3/67
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La tecnología garantiza un calentamiento mínimo de los dispositivos, lo que hace

que el funcionamiento sea muy eficiente y eficaz.

Además, el circuito, que es autoresonante por naturaleza, se ajusta

automáticamente a la frecuencia de resonancia de la bobina y el condensador
conectados, de manera bastante idéntica a un circuito de tanque.

Usando el oscilador Royer

El circuito utiliza fundamentalmente un oscilador Royer que se caracteriza por su
simplicidad y su principio de funcionamiento autorresonante.

El funcionamiento del circuito se podría entender con los siguientes puntos:

1. Cuando se enciende la alimentación, la corriente positiva comienza a fluir desde

las dos mitades de la bobina de trabajo hacia los drenajes de los mosfets.
2. Al mismo tiempo, la tensión de alimentación también llega a las puertas de los
mosfets y las enciende.
3. Sin embargo, debido al hecho de que no hay dos mosfets o dispositivos
electrónicos que puedan tener especificaciones de conducción exactamente
similares, ambos mosfets no se encienden juntos, sino que uno de ellos se
enciende primero.
4. Imaginemos que T1 se enciende primero. Cuando esto sucede, debido a la
fuerte corriente que fluye a través de T1, su voltaje de drenaje tiende a caer a

cero, lo que a su vez absorbe el voltaje de puerta del otro Mosfet T2 a través del
diodo Schottky adjunto.
5. En este caso, puede parecer que T1 podría continuar conduciéndose y 4/67
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destruyéndose a sí mismo.
6. Sin embargo, este es el momento en el que el circuito del tanque L1C1 entra en
acción y juega un papel crucial. La conducción repentina de T1 provoca que un
pulso sinusoidal aumente y colapse en el drenaje de T2. Cuando el pulso
sinusoidal colapsa, reduce el voltaje de la puerta de T1 y lo apaga. Esto da
como resultado un aumento de voltaje en el drenaje de T1, lo que permite que
se restablezca el voltaje de compuerta para T2. Ahora es el turno de T2 de
conducir, T2 ahora conduce, lo que desencadena un tipo de repetición similar a
la que ocurrió con T1.
7. Este ciclo ahora continúa rápidamente haciendo que el circuito oscile a la
frecuencia de resonancia del circuito del tanque LC. La resonancia se ajusta
automáticamente a un punto óptimo dependiendo de qué tan bien coincidan los
valores de LC.

Sin embargo, la principal desventaja del diseño es que emplea una bobina con
derivación central como transformador, lo que hace que la implementación del
devanado sea un poco más complicada. Sin embargo, el grifo central permite un
efecto push-pull eficiente sobre la bobina a través de solo un par de dispositivos
activos, como los mosfets.

Como se puede ver, hay diodos de conmutación de alta velocidad o recuperación

rápida conectados a través de la puerta/fuente de cada mosfet.

Estos diodos realizan la importante función de descargar la capacitancia de puerta

de los respectivos mosfets durante sus estados no conductores, lo que hace que la
operación de conmutación sea ágil y rápida. 5/67
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Cómo funciona ZVS

Como comentamos anteriormente, este circuito de calentador por inducción funciona
con la tecnología ZVS.

ZVS significa conmutación de voltaje cero, es decir, los mosfets en el circuito se

encienden cuando tienen una cantidad mínima de corriente o corriente cero en sus
drenajes, ya hemos aprendido esto de la explicación anterior.

En realidad, esto ayuda a que los mosfets se enciendan de forma segura y, por lo
tanto, esta característica se vuelve muy ventajosa para los dispositivos.

Esta característica podría compararse con la conducción de cruce por cero para
triacs en circuitos de red de CA.

Debido a esta propiedad, los mosfets en circuitos autoresonantes ZVS como este
requieren disipadores de calor mucho más pequeños y pueden funcionar incluso con
cargas masivas de hasta 1 kva.

Al ser resonante por naturaleza, la frecuencia del circuito depende directamente de

la inductancia de la bobina de trabajo L1 y del condensador C1.

La frecuencia se podría calcular utilizando la siguiente fórmula:

f = 1 / ( 2π * √[ L * C] )

Donde f es la frecuencia, calculada en Hertz,

L es la inductancia de la bobina de calentamiento principal L1, presentada en
Henries 6/67
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y C es la capacitancia del capacitor C1 en faradios.

Puede utilizar IRF540 (
specifications-datasheet/) como mosfets que tienen una potencia nominal de 110 V,
33 amperios. Se podrían utilizar disipadores de calor, aunque el calor generado no
es preocupante, pero aún así es mejor reforzarlos sobre metales que absorban el
calor. Sin embargo, se puede utilizar cualquier otro MOSFET de canal N con
clasificación adecuada; no existen restricciones específicas para esto.

El inductor o inductores asociados con la bobina calentadora principal (bobina de

trabajo) es una especie de estrangulador que ayuda a eliminar cualquier posible
entrada del contenido de alta frecuencia a la fuente de alimentación y también a
restringir la corriente a límites seguros.

El valor de este inductor debería ser mucho mayor en comparación con el de la

bobina de trabajo. Generalmente, 2 mH es suficiente para este propósito. Sin
embargo, debe construirse utilizando cables de alto calibre para facilitar un rango de
corriente alto a través de él de forma segura.

El circuito del tanque

C1 y L1 constituyen aquí el circuito tanque para el enganche de alta frecuencia de
resonancia previsto. Nuevamente, estos también deben estar clasificados para
soportar altas magnitudes de corriente y calor.

Aquí podemos ver la incorporación de unos condensadores de PP metalizado de


)P t t l t d d i d ió tili d t d 7/67
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1) Potente calentador de inducción utilizando un concepto de

controlador Mazzilli
El primer diseño que se explica a continuación es un concepto de inducción ZVS
altamente eficiente basado en la popular teoría del controlador Mazilli.

Utiliza una sola bobina de trabajo y dos bobinas limitadoras de corriente. La

configuración evita la necesidad de un grifo central desde el serpentín de trabajo
principal, lo que hace que el sistema sea extremadamente eficaz y de calentamiento
rápido de la carga con dimensiones formidables. El serpentín de calentamiento
calienta la carga a través de una acción de empuje y tracción de puente completo.

De hecho, el módulo está disponible en línea y se puede comprar fácilmente a un

costo muy razonable.

El diagrama de circuito para este diseño se puede ver a continuación: 8/67
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El diagrama original se puede presenciar en la siguiente imagen: 9/67
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El principio de funcionamiento es la misma tecnología ZVS, utilizando dos MOSFET

de alta potencia. La entrada de suministro puede ser de entre 5 V y 12 V, y la
corriente de 5 a 20 amperios, según la carga utilizada.

Salida de potencia
La potencia de salida del diseño anterior puede llegar a 1200 vatios, cuando el
voltaje de entrada se eleva hasta 48 V y la corriente hasta 25 amperios.

En este nivel, el calor generado por la bobina de trabajo puede ser lo

suficientemente alto como para derretir un perno de 1 cm de espesor en un
minuto. 11/67
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Dimensiones de la bobina de trabajo

Demostración en vídeo

( 12/67
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2) Calentador de inducción que utiliza una bobina de trabajo

con grifo central
Este segundo concepto también es un calentador de inducción ZVS, pero utiliza una
bifurcación central para la bobina de trabajo, que puede ser ligeramente menos
eficiente en comparación con el diseño anterior. La L1, que es el elemento más
crucial de todo el circuito. Debe construirse con alambres de cobre extremadamente
gruesos para que soporte las altas temperaturas durante las operaciones de
inducción. 13/67
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Lo ideal es que el condensador, como se explicó anteriormente, esté conectado lo

más cerca posible de los terminales L1. Esto es importante para mantener la
frecuencia resonante en la frecuencia especificada de 200 kHz.

Especificaciones de la bobina de trabajo primaria

Para la bobina L1 del calentador de inducción, se pueden enrollar muchos cables de
cobre de 1 mm en paralelo o de manera bifilar para disipar la corriente de manera
más efectiva, provocando una menor generación de calor en la bobina.

Incluso después de esto, la bobina podría estar sujeta a calores extremos y podría
deformarse debido a ello, por lo que se puede probar un método alternativo para

En este método lo enrollamos en forma de dos bobinas separadas unidas en el

centro para adquirir el grifo central requerido.

En este método se pueden probar vueltas menores para reducir la impedancia de la

bobina y, a su vez, aumentar su capacidad de manejo de corriente. 14/67
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Por el contrario, la capacidad de esta disposición se puede aumentar para reducir

proporcionalmente la frecuencia de resonancia.

Condensadores del tanque:

En total, se podrían usar 330 nF x 6 para adquirir una capacitancia neta de 2 uF
aproximadamente. 15/67
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Cómo conectar un condensador a la bobina de trabajo de inducción

La siguiente imagen muestra el método preciso para conectar los condensadores en
paralelo con los terminales finales de la bobina de cobre, preferiblemente a través de
una PCB bien dimensionada. 16/67
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Lista de piezas para el circuito de calentador de inducción o circuito de placa

calefactora de inducción anterior

R1, R2 = 330 ohmios 1/2 vatio

D1, D2 = FR107 o BA159

T1, T2 = IRF540
C1 = 10.000 uF/25 V
C2 = 2uF/400V hecho conectando en paralelo las 6 tapas de 330nF/400V que
se muestran a continuación 17/67
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D3----D6 = diodos de 25 amperios

IC1 = 7812
L1 = tubo de latón de 2 mm enrollado como se muestra en las siguientes
imágenes, el diámetro puede estar cerca de 30 mm (diámetro interno de las
L2 = estrangulador de 2 mH fabricado enrollando un cable magnético de 2 mm
en cualquier varilla de ferrita adecuada
TR1 = 0-15 V/20 amperios
FUENTE DE ENERGÍA: Utilice una fuente de alimentación CC regulada de 15 V
y 20 amperios.

Usando transistores BC547 en lugar de diodos de alta velocidad

En el diagrama del circuito del calentador de inducción anterior podemos ver las
compuertas MOSFET que consisten en diodos de recuperación rápida, que pueden
ser difíciles de obtener en algunas partes del país.

Una alternativa simple a esto puede ser la forma de transistores BC547 conectados
en lugar de diodos, como se muestra en el siguiente diagrama. 18/67
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Los transistores realizarían la misma función que los diodos, ya que el BC547 puede
funcionar bien en frecuencias de 1 MHz.

Otro diseño simple de bricolaje

El siguiente esquema muestra otro diseño simple, similar al anterior, que se puede
construir rápidamente en casa para implementar un sistema de calentamiento por
inducción personal. 19/67
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Lista de partes
R1, R4 = 1K 1/4 vatio MFR 1%
R2, R3 = 10K 1/4 vatio MFR 1%
D1, D2 = BA159 o FR107
Z1, Z2 = 12 V, diodos zener de 1/2 vatio
Q1, Q2 = IRFZ44n mosfet on heatsink
C1 = 0.33uF/400V or 3 nos 0.1uF/400V in parallel
L1, L2, as shown in the following images:
L2 is salvaged from any old ATX computer power supply. 20/67
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How L2 is Built

Modifying into a Hot Plate Cookware

The above sections helped us to learn a simple induction heater circuit using a spring
like coil, however this coil cannot be used for cooking food, and needs some serious

The following section of the article explains, how the above idea can be modified and
used like a simple small induction cookware heater circuit or an induction kadai
circuit. 22/67
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The design is a low tech, low power design, and may not be on par with the
conventional units. The circuit was requested by Mr. Dipesh Gupta

Technical Specifications

I have read ur article Simple Induction Heater Circuit - Hot Plate Cooker Circuit And
was very happy to find that there are people ready to help youngsters like us to do
something ....

Sir I am trying to understand the working and trying to develop an induction kadai for
myself ... Sir please help me understanding the designing as I m nt so good in

I want to develop an induction to heat up a kadai of dia 20 inch with 10khz frequency
at a very low cost !!!

I saw your diagrams and article but was a bit confused about

1. Transformer used 23/67
12/3/24, 23:35 2 circuitos simples de calentadores de inducción - Placas de cocción calientes - Proyectos de circuitos caseros

2. How to make L2
3. And any other changes in the circuit for 10 to 20 kHz frequency with 25ams

Please help me sir as soon as possible ..It will be help full if u could provide with the
exact components detail needed .. PlzzAnd lastly u had mentioned to use POWER
SUPPLY: Use regulated 15V 20 amp DC power supply. Where is it used ....


Dipesh gupta

The Design
The proposed induction kadai circuit design presented here is just for experimental
purpose and may not serve like the conventional units. It may be used for making a
cup of tea or cooking an omelet quickly and nothing more should be expected.

The referred circuit was originally designed for heating iron rod like objects such as a
bolt head. a screwdriver metal etc, however with some modification the same circuit
can be applied for heating metal pans or vessels with convex base like a "kadai". 24/67
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For implementing the above, the original circuit wouldn't need any modification,
except the main working coil which will need to be tweaked a bit to form a flat spiral
instead of the spring like arrangement.

As an example, in order to convert the design into an induction cookware so that it

supports vessels having a convex bottom such as a kadai, the coil must be
fabricated into a spherical-helical shape as given in the figure below :


The schematic would be the same as explained in my above sevction, which is

basically a Royer based design, as shown here: 25/67
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Designing the Helical Work Coil

L1 is made by using 5 to 6 turns of 8mm copper tube into a spherical-helical shape
as shown above in order to accommodate a small steel bowl in the middle.

The coil may be also compressed flat into a spiral form if a small steel pan is
intended to be used as the cookware as shown below: 26/67
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Designing the Current Limiter Coil

L2 may be built by winding a 3mm thick super enameled copper wire over a thick
ferrite rod, the number of turns must be experimented until a 2mH value is achieved
across its terminals.

TR1 could be a 20V 30amp transformer or an SMPS power supply.

The actual induction heater circuit is quite basic with its design and does not need 27/67
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much of an explanation, the few things that needs to be taken care of are as follows:

The resonance capacitor must be relatively closer to the main working coil L1 and
should be made by connecting around 10nos of 0.22uF/400V in parallel. The
capacitors must be strictly non-polar and metalized polyester type.

Although the design may look quite straightforward, finding the center tap within the
spirally wound design could pose some headache because a spiral coil would have
an unsymmetrical layout making it difficult to locate the exact center tap for the

It could be done by some trial and error or by using an LC meter.

A wrongly located center tap could force the circuit to function abnormally or
producing unequal heating of the mosfets, or the entire circuit may just fail to oscillate
under a worst situation.

Reference: Wikipedia (

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12/3/24, 23:35 2 circuitos simples de calentadores de inducción - Placas de cocción calientes - Proyectos de circuitos caseros

You'll also like:

1. Temperature Controlled Relay Switch Circuit (https://www.homemade-
2. Temperature Regulator Circuits using IC LM335 (https://www.homemade-
3. Temperature Controller Circuit for Reptile Racks (https://www.homemade-
4. Temperature to Voltage Converter Circuit (https://www.homemade-
5. 100 °C to 1000 °C Thermocouple Temperature Meter Circuit

6. 3 Useful Temperature Alarm Circuits Explained (https://www.homemade- 29/67
12/3/24, 23:35 2 circuitos simples de calentadores de inducción - Placas de cocción calientes - Proyectos de circuitos caseros

About Swagatam
Swagatam is an electronic engineer, hobbyist, inventor,
schematic/PCB designer, manufacturer. He has more than 15
years of experience in practical electronics. He is also the founder and the
author of the website:, where he loves
sharing his innovative circuit ideas and tutorials.
If you have any circuit related queries, you may interact through comments, and
get guaranteed replies from the author.

harshit says
March 7, 2024 30/67
12/3/24, 23:35 2 circuitos simples de calentadores de inducción - Placas de cocción calientes - Proyectos de circuitos caseros

hii sir i want to make a 10kw induction heater can you tell me a how to calculate a L,R,C in resonant tank
and how to calculate a transformer turn at resonant side please you give a calculation with any example


Swagatam ( says

March 7, 2024

Hi Harshit,
I do not have tested calculations for induction LC tank circuit. However you can do it with some trial and
error method.
You can buy a ready made 1000 watt induction heater unit and then through some experimentation
upgrade it to 10kva. I can help with this experimentation.


sedighhosein says
January 30, 2024

hi dear sir i want to find out prenciple in zvs please


Swagatam ( says

January 30, 2024

Hi Sedigh, The ZVS principle is explained in the above article, please read it again, and let me know if you
have any further questions.


Harsh says
March 9, 2024 31/67
12/3/24, 23:35 2 circuitos simples de calentadores de inducción - Placas de cocción calientes - Proyectos de circuitos caseros

sir, I want to design a induction heater so how to calculate a L, C, R and transform ratio


Peter Pappas says

December 27, 2023

I am interested in heating up an aluminum rod to approx. 400-450 °F inside of a metal tube. This is inorder
to extrude through a due. My question is, can this be done by placing the widings of the heater around a
metal, (steel, or stainless) that would have an extrusion die on one end and a ram/piston on the other


Swagatam ( says

December 27, 2023

Yes, that may be possible if the metal tube is perfectly magnetic.


Peter Pappas says

December 29, 2023

So a carbin steel pipe will work, does it matter how many turns of wire are made? Would 12 guage copper
wire work with a variable power supply?


Swagatam ( says

December 29, 2023

If the carbon steel is magnetic then it might work. 12 Guage should be fine, however the number of turns
must be exactly as indicated in the circuit diagram. You may also have to upgrade the MOSFET
specification for getting the required amount of power output from the induction heater. 32/67
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Peter Pappas says

December 29, 2023

Can you provide a brief explanation of the number of turns? I am think the AL rod would be about 1 cm
dia. and the carbon steel pipe would have an ID of about 1.1 cm with a die screwed onto the end. A ram
rod would be used to push the softened AL rod through the die. I am thinking the heating area would be
about 0.3 m or so with a total of 1 m carbon pipe, maybe the middle 1/3 as the heating section. Thoughs?


Swagatam ( says

December 30, 2023

The number of turns is fixed and cannot be changed. It has to be exactly as specified in the diagram or in
the readymade unit. In the readymade unit which I tested had 10 turns, and it could make a 4mm
screwdriver rod red hot within 20 seconds.


Ambrose Michura Albert says

November 15, 2023

Hello sir, am currently doing a research on portable solar pv induction cooker and I want to power my
model with a 10 W solar panel. Could you please provide me with a circuit diagram of the system and what
you deemed correct to be included in the system.


Swagatam ( says

November 15, 2023

Hello Ambrose induction heaters require high power supply for operating 10 watt is too low and cannot 33/67
12/3/24, 23:35 2 circuitos simples de calentadores de inducción - Placas de cocción calientes - Proyectos de circuitos caseros

Hello Ambrose, induction heaters require high power supply for operating, 10 watt is too low, and cannot
be used to power an induction heater circuit. You will need at least a 100 watt solar panel to get a
reasonable output from the induction heater.


Tesfaye says
July 8, 2023

Thank you for your kind of sharing this circuit.


Begenc says
May 20, 2023

можно схемы для индукционного котла


Swagatam ( says

May 20, 2023

Sorry, I do not have induction heater circuit for boilers.


Begenc says
May 20, 2023

многоуважаемый Сватагам болшое спасибо вам за ваш веб сайт


Swagatam ( says

May 20, 2023 34/67
12/3/24, 23:35 2 circuitos simples de calentadores de inducción - Placas de cocción calientes - Proyectos de circuitos caseros

You are most welcome Begenc.


Tidyluckystar says
May 9, 2023

Please on the first experiment (Powerful Induction Heater using a Mazzilli Driver Concept) can I replace
the L1 to heating element



Swagatam ( says

May 9, 2023

L1 is supposed to be an inductor coil, it cannot be replaced with a heating element.


Ilie Bologa says

February 1, 2023

The resonant circuit consisting of a 1.1 micro Henry coil and a 2 micro Farad capacitor resonates at
approximately 100 KHz. Isn’t the oscillation frequency too high? Thanks!


Moban says
September 4, 2022

Thank you Sir 35/67
12/3/24, 23:35 2 circuitos simples de calentadores de inducción - Placas de cocción calientes - Proyectos de circuitos caseros

Thank you Sir

this project Subject useful me
but Small doubt to me
uses of Capacitor in induction heater .


Swagatam ( says

September 4, 2022

Thanks Moban,
The capacitors are for creating resonance effect in the LC circuit


j k barik says
August 25, 2022

Hello Swagatam
I have purchased ZVS driver (5-12V 120watt) from amazon.
What can be the inductance value of the coil in uH?
If I want 240watt can I supply 24V DC ?


Swagatam ( says

August 25, 2022

Hi JK,
The inductance will need to be measured with a inductance meter for getting the correct value.
If it is rated to work with 12V, then I don’t think 24v can be used as the supply.


j k barik says
August 30, 2022 36/67
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Hello Swagatam
Congratulations for this very good presentation you have done !
what modifications can be done to increase the power of 5-12V ZVS module?



Swagatam ( says

August 30, 2022

Thank you JK,

I am glad you liked the explanation.
I think to increase the power the mosfet and the coil rating can be increased and along with this the input
current can be also increased. Once these upgrades are done, a higher wattage load would be
automatically allowed to heat up with appropriate high wattage.


Patrick says
August 2, 2022

Dear Swantam,

Thank you for your nice work.

I would like to have a microcontroller to control the temperature. How can it be added to this circuit?
Perhaps an arduino or pyboard (Micropython) can work well.


Swagatam ( says

August 2, 2022

Thank you Patrick 37/67
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Thank you Patrick,

Sorry, my Arduino knowledge is not good, so it can be difficult for me to help you with this concept.


Suat Kaleli says

June 21, 2022

Hi Swagatam;
The environment volume is about 1,2 cubic meter. Desired maximum heat would be below 40 degrees C. I
also have got chrome nickel wires in diameters of 0.2 mm and/or 0.4 mm. I may also use thick copper
tube. Voltage is AC 220. Please advise if I may make my own low watt (about 20 or 40 Watt) heater
resistor? Thanks and regards.


Swagatam ( says

June 21, 2022

Hi Suat,

It can be difficult to calculate and create a resistor that would give 40 degrees C heat at 220V inside 1.2
cubic meter space. It is better to use a ready-made resistor instead of making one. You can get any
desired amount of heat by experimenting with several wire wound resistors rated at 10K, or 20K 15 watt,
connected in parallel across a 220V source.


Isiaka Abdurrahman says

June 2, 2022

Hi, your work is an excellent job. I have designed the ZVS and it works perfectly. Can you please help me
with a circuit diagram of 5kw to 10kw using right and with and input supply of 220vac

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Swagatam ( says

June 2, 2022

Thank you, and glad you found the article useful. However, presently I do not have a 5 kW to 10 kW
design with me, I will look for it, if I find it I will update the same in the above article soon


Emmanuel Philip says

June 28, 2022

Please can I used 555timer to drive the MOSFET


Swagatam ( says

June 28, 2022

I don’t think 555 can be used to build an induction heater circuit


fuzzbutt77 says
May 22, 2023

a 555 could be used but a tl494 would be better. start your circuit with lowish voltage to your output
devices. use 10 to 12v for your 555 and “mosfet driver”. vary your pwm for best waveform, then vary your
frequency for resonance. use a shunt and one channel on you scope to monitor current. use the other
channel to look at the voltage waveforms across your switching devices. parasitics are an issue at high
current levels. flat wide copper strip or foil works well for conductors. for higher power. .as you push up
your power level you might use litz wire-round copper tubing-rectangular tubing to improve efficiency.
water cooled capacitors are used at very high power levels. phase locked loops will keep your circuit
automatically tuned within a given range of frequencies. you will need heatsinks for your igbt, gan-fets or
other switching devices. make yourself a sand box to work over so you dont start a fire. if you are melting
steel put a cup shaped depression under your crucible in case it cracks or melts(my first crucible for steel 39/67
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wasnt up to the job – i speak from experience) i was glad i had the sandbox the tl494 prevents shoot-
through, and has good waveform symmetry good luck

Swagatam ( says

May 22, 2023

Thank you for your valuable feedback. Much appreciated.


Rakibul Alam says

May 8, 2022

The circuit with two current limiter coils is more interesting. I don’t understand that how is switching is
done. Because both L2 and L3 coil is connected to 12v and mosfet. Current will take shortest path and
don’t bother go through the working coil L1. But i understand well the circuit with 1 current limiting coil.
Could you please explain. Thank You


Swagatam ( says

May 8, 2022

Yes indeed the working of ZVS circuit is confusing and not easy to simulate. I think have explained it in the
article. It’s the mosfets that do the actual switching of the work coil.


Ali says
March 15, 2022

Can i use the second circuit to melt silver?

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Swagatam ( says

March 15, 2022

Yes you can use it!


Omkar says
March 2, 2022

Thank you so much


Swagatam ( says

March 2, 2022

You are welcome!


Omkar says
February 28, 2022

Thanks Swagatam
In induction noobheater,
1.What is purpose of connecting diodes D3 and D4?
2. How rating of 2 choke coils is seleacted. Please clarify these doubts.


Swagatam ( says

February 28, 2022 41/67
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Hi Omkar, what is noob heater? Are you referring to the diodes D1, D2 in the first diagram? Ratings of the
two coils L2, L3 in the first concept is determined by their inductance value and the wire thickness.


Omkar says
March 1, 2022

Yes D1, D2 in first diagram. What is purpose of those diodes?


Swagatam ( says

March 1, 2022

The gates of the respective MOSFETs are grounded and switched OFF through these diodes, when the
opposite MOSFETs conduct. This gives rise to the required high frequency oscillations.


Omkar says
February 25, 2022

Great article Swagatam, I am studying this circuit. can We design 2KW induction heater with voltage rating
318 V (With low current rating) with same topology/ Mazzilli driver circuit ? What modifications we need to
make for it (Deciding rating of components)? If you have documents/ research papers related to this,
please share….


Swagatam ( says

February 25, 2022

Thank you Omkar yes that seems possible You will have to upgrade the MOSFET rating accordingly 42/67
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Thank you Omkar, yes that seems possible. You will have to upgrade the MOSFET rating accordingly,
along with the coil wire thickness, and finally use a power supply which can supply the required amount of
current for the 2kw output


Omkar says
February 25, 2022

Okay, Can you give me some hints to start and find ratings of all components. Like I have voltage and
power rating of 318 V and 2kw. From this I will get approx input current. Now should I select resonant
frequency as 27 KHz and calculate L and C values (same as full bridge) and go further on use other
approch to start finding ratings?

If I analyze voltage and current waveforms for all components in 48V, 1200W model. will it help to design

please give me hints to start…..


Swagatam ( says

February 25, 2022

318V induction heater may not be available easily, you will have to select from 12V or 24V or units.


Omkar says
March 24, 2022

I am trying to design 318V,2KW induction heater using same topology. As voltage between drain and
source will be very high I am using IGBTs instead of mosfets(Using same gate driver circuit around 12 to
20 V). Will IGBTs support this topology? 43/67
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What other changes I need to do (I am using heat sinks to reduce over heating and changing component
ratings according to voltage rating) to switch IGBTs properly?


Swagatam ( says

March 24, 2022

Hi, I think IGBTs will also work since their gate triggering is identical to mosfets. Alternatively you can also
try using 500 V mosfets for the same, which can make things easier.

However I am not sure what other changes may be required for a 318V switching. I guess the number of
turns of the work coil will need to changed accordingly.


Omkar says
March 29, 2022

Hii, I have simulation of this circuit in LTspice, it is working fine with 48V(With same components) and
318V(with modifying some values). I have hardware of this board, replaced mosfets with 650V, 20A and
given 24V supply( Kept gate voltage 12V as it is). After switching it ON circuit was drawing very high
current and MOSFETs got heated a lot in very less time also input voltage dropped to 8V. What can be the
reason and how to tackle this problem?


Swagatam ( says

March 29, 2022

Hi, if the circuit is drawing high current it means the LC circuit is not resonating or there may be some
other serious technical issues. I don’t think the above designs are suitable for 318 V operation. The circuit
can be much complicated than this, and might require an H bridge mosfet configuration with a separate H
bridge driver oscillator circuit. 44/67
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Justice I. says
January 1, 2022

I am not an electronic engineer but I have very little experience in the works, so, my main work is
mechanical engineering but I can not create my workshop now because i am struggling to make an
induction heater to forge metals and it is not sold in my locality.
So can you help tell me how I can make it in other ways without all these plenty materials like MOSFETs
etc, that I don’t understand? For instance I try connect an induction coil to a welding machine, there was
magnetic field in the coil and it heated a small iron very poorly for me, but the most heat was on the coil as
it bridge the welding machine. So I don’t know if there is any other way. But I would prefer the one I can
connection to AC power supply and not that DC to be converted to AC though inverter because my
problem is that inverter but I have electricity in my place.


Swagatam ( says

January 1, 2022

There’s only one method of building an induction heater which is explained in the above article, and it the
most efficient and the correct method of implementing induction heating.


Yuriy Tsybulya says

December 16, 2021

Thank you very much for prompt answer.

I’ll try to do so …

Kind regards. 45/67
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Swagatam ( says

December 16, 2021

You are welcome!


Yuriy Tsybulya says

December 16, 2021

I bought “standard” mini ZVS heater 5-12V, 120W. It operates good for heating of different metal elements
introduced in the coil L1 with the frequency around 200 kHz. However for my heating process I need the
frequency 20-50 kHz. Is it possible to change the resonant frequency of my heater to lower values?
Thanks in advance for support.


Swagatam ( says

December 16, 2021

Hi, it can be probably done by adjusting the coil turns and the parallel capacitor values, however I do not
have the information regarding its calculations.


Philip B says
October 22, 2021

Hello i see that you say we can calculate the frequency from the formula but what i don’t understand is 46/67
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Hello i see that you say we can calculate the frequency from the formula but what i don t understand is
based on what do you chose the coil and the capacitors??Because you just calculate it and suddenly you
have the frequency and from the formulas you can’t get the answer for this.


Swagatam ( says

October 22, 2021

Hello, I did not build this circuit…I bought it ready made. If you are having problems calculating the parts,
you can also buy one from the market and then compare the practical results with the formula results.


j k barik says
October 20, 2021

Hello Swagat
what is the Henry value in main heater coil L1 in ZVS mini 120watt module that is available in the market?
I want to put a another coil of same value to make it a cooker.

J K barik


Swagatam ( says

October 20, 2021

Hello JK, sorry I do not have any information regarding the inductance value of the coil.


j k barik says
October 18, 2021 47/67
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Hello Swagat as you say is :

( the easiest way is to restrict the input supply current to the desired lower level.)
But how do I lower the current ?
Pl answer.



Swagatam ( says

October 18, 2021

Hello JK, you will have to locate from where the induction heater is getting the power. It is probably from
an SMPS power supply which could be modified so that its current output is reduced appropriately.

Otherwise you can replace the SMPS with a lower rated SMPS, or a lower rated transformer power supply


j k barik says
October 18, 2021

Hello Swagat
I have an induction cooker. It is ON/OFF type means 1000watt/ 0watt. When it is ON it consumes
1000watt. I want to reduce. So what should I do? Reduce voltage by capacitor network ; put a low value
capacitor in series or reduce coil and tank capacitor? what is most easy method to do? I want some 200
J K barik


Swagatam ( says

October 18, 2021 48/67
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Hello Jk, the easiest way is to restrict the input supply current to the desired lower level, any other
optimization in the circuit can be dangerous for the circuit.


Daniel says
October 3, 2021

Quelle fréquence pour fondre du bronze ?


yan says
May 18, 2021

Dear Swagatam,
Your article is very useful for me, thank you and may god bless you.


Swagatam ( says

May 18, 2021

It is my pleasure Yan, wish you all the best!


Randy says

April 29, 2021

Hi Swagatam 49/67
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Hi Swagatam,

Thanks for all the helpful information on induction heating circuits. Not being well versed in electronics, I
am trying to better understand what’s happening in your version of the Induction Noobheater circuit
diagram, especially mosfet switching and the timing in the circuit.

In the section on the functioning of a Royer oscillator, point 4 says “Let’s imagine T1 turns ON first. When
this happens, due to heavy current flowing through T1, its drain voltage tends to drop to zero, which in turn
sucks out the gate voltage of the other mosfet T2 via the attached schottky diode.”. I’m not sure I’m
thinking about this correctly, so I’m hoping you can correct or confirm my assumptions and answer some
questions. My assumptions on point 4 are:
– Before mosfet T1 turns on, the voltage on the drain of T1 is positive (from point 1) because there’s a
small timing delay in turning on T1, so the T1 drain voltage is initially positive. The T2 drain voltage is also
initially positive.
– IRF540N mosfets are being used, which are N channel, making the current flowing to the gate of T1
– The negative current flowing out of the T1 gate causes the voltage signal on the gate to drop from
positive to zero.

– Are these assumptions correct?

– What is the force responsible for sucking the positive gate voltage out of T2 via the schottky diode? In
my limited understanding, I would have thought that a zero voltage on the T1 drain would not have an
effect on the T2 gate voltage.

In point 6, it says “However, this is the moment when the L1C1 tank circuit comes into action and plays a
crucial part. The sudden conduction of T1 causes a sine pulse to spike and collapse at the drain of T2.
When the sine pulse collapses, it dries down the gate voltage of T1, and shuts it down. This results in a
rise in voltage at the drain of T1, which allows a gate voltage to restore for T2. Now, its the turn of T2 to
conduct, T2 now conducts, triggering a similar kind of repetition that occurred for T1.”

– Is it true that up until this point, the tank circuit has not had an effect on the mosfets?
– is the sine pulse spike a voltage or current spike?
– My understanding of tank circuits is that the inductor in the circuit reacts to a change in current from the
capacitor by creating a voltage opposing the direction of that current, thereby charging up the capacitor 50/67
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with the opposite polarity from what it had before. Does the sudden conduction of T1 create the change in
current that causes the creation of the voltage from the L1 inductor which causes the spike?
– Could you help me understand why the collapsing of the sine pulse would dry down the gate voltage of
T1, why this would result in a rise in voltage at the drain of T1, and why this would allow the gate voltage
to be restored on T2? I feel like I’m missing some crucial knowledge.

Sorry for asking so many questions.

Thanks again.

Swagatam ( says

April 29, 2021

Sorry Randy, Due to lack of time I am unable to analyze your question and reply to it. The above article
was written a long time ago and don’t remember the explanations very well. I will have to read the article
again, then recall the details, and then compare it with your analysis which can take a lot of time, and
presently due to work load I am unable to dedicate time for lengthy questions.


Randy says
May 1, 2021

Thanks for your reply and I understand. I have to say I’m very impressed with your knowledge and
explanations. Maybe you could respond to some basic electronics timing information that I’ve been
studying and confirm/correct my thinking. It may help clear up some of the mystery I have about circuits in
general. I was always under the impression that electrons move very quickly in a circuit and that has
created some confusion/ambiguity in my mind about voltages and current at various points in a circuit.
However, recently I found some articles about electron drift velocity and voltage. To my surprise, I’ve read
that electrons in a circuit tend to move very slowly – on average, somewhere in the neighborhood of 1

meter per hour! According to these articles, what makes a current appear to be so quick is that the electric
fields supplying the force to move these particles move at nearly the speed of light. These fields signal to a
large number of electrons in the circuit to start moving at virtually the same time. Even though the
electrons move very slowly, there are so many of them that the number crossing a given cross sectional 51/67
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area per unit time tends to be large, which can generate in a large current. As the voltage increases, the
electron drift velocity increases, resulting in a higher current.

Can you tell me if this information is accurate?


Swagatam ( says

May 1, 2021

I am so glad to have a truly inquisitive visitor like you, and I appreciate that!

Since all the other online sources are confirming with the details that you have provided so it must be
correct… although it sounds very strange since we always believed that electrons travel at the speed of

But these facts are something which are very difficult to simulate in our minds, therefore again it may be
difficult for me to provide the correct interpretation or my personal opinion regarding the subject.


Randy says
May 2, 2021

Thanks! I’m in the same boat. I have seen some circuit simulation videos on youtube, but they don’t seem
to really address this apparently huge difference in velocity between charged particles and electric field
voltage. Like many people, I’m a visual learner, so I’m hopeful that a visual simulation will be available at
some point that will help. (Maybe one already exists and I just don’t know about it.)


Swagatam ( says

May 2, 2021

You are absolutely correct thanks for your valuable feedback! 52/67
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You are absolutely correct, thanks for your valuable feedback!


Srikant says
March 20, 2021

Thank you, Swagatam


Srikant says
March 19, 2021

Thank you so much Swagatam, for your prompt reply.

It looks like matching the LC frequency may be an issue. Would it be a better option to use a 555 with a
2N3055 as in your other circuit, so the frequency can be adjusted?

I have no way to measure the inductance of any coil.

Is there any way to connect the work coil to the circuit and use a multimeter to find out if the LC is

Will a pancake coil wound using insulated 3/20 wire work?


Swagatam ( says

March 19, 2021

You are welcome Srikant, you will have to buy an inductance meter for checking and matching the
inductance values precisely. IC 555 will not give you proper results. You can try the pancake coil only after
matching the pancake coil’s inductance with the existing coil inductance.


Srikant says
March 18, 2021 53/67
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Hi Swagatam,
This is one of the best pages on the net discussing induction cooker circuits.
Im interested in making a low wattage cooker of 500W. The difficult part seems to be making the work coil.
Would these circuits work with the ready induction cooker coils available for sale on Amazon?
Do you think any any modifications to these circuits are needed, if so what?
Would all the circuits here work with a commercial work coil?


Swagatam ( says

March 18, 2021

Thank you Srikant,

You can use any type of work coil with any shape provided it matches the inductance value of the original
work coil. Suppose the original work coil inductance is 10 mH, then the new work coil inductance must be
also adjusted to this 10 mH value, and then integrated with the circuit.


Seun says
February 27, 2021

Good day Sir, please how can zvs model can be modified to use 96v,10amps to make more efficient and
reduce drawing current.


Swagatam ( says

February 27, 2021

That might require a lot of calculations for the inductors 54/67
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That might require a lot of calculations for the inductors


Seun says
March 1, 2021

OK Sir, thanks.
I saw fairly used induction cooker being sold in my neighborhood. Please does it have much difference
with new cooker in terms of efficiency and latest development.


Swagatam ( says

March 2, 2021

Hi Seun, as long as the parts are not worn out or degraded, the old ones will also be good enough, and


Seun says
March 4, 2021

Thanks so much Sir, I saw 6.1kw(title, in foreign language) at the back of an induction cooker, please what
can it signify.


Swagatam ( says

March 4, 2021

6.1 kw can be 6.1 kilowatt


Seun says 55/67
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Seun says
March 4, 2021

Sir, is that the power consumption rate, that is too high


Dinesh Kumar Bohre says

November 20, 2020

Yes, the purpose is to design an Induction heater that produces variable power output (from around 100
watts to 1000 or 1200 watts).I want to use this circuit in an automated appliance (that I want to design).


Swagatam ( says

November 20, 2020

You can try applying the 3rd last design from the following article, to control current and wattages for the
induction heaters: (https://www.homemade-


Dinesh Kumar Bohre says

November 19, 2020

Hi Swagatam,

Is it possible (1) to design circuit with variable power, having 10 to 12 power settings, (2) To produce
multiple circuits using the same design and they all give same power output (10-12 settings) ?

If this is possible, then I am looking to get such a circuit designed, for a project that I am working on. 56/67
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p , g g g , p j g

(post note: I am exploring possible ways to get such a circuit designed, the other ways to produce variable
power was by using a microprocessor (such as 555) and changing the frequency, but looks like this is
tedious to design and operate)


Swagatam ( says

November 19, 2020

Hi Dinesh, for what purpose do you need this power supply, is it for induction heater? because the above
article is regarding induction heater…


Czesław Załęski says

November 19, 2020



Dinesh Kumar Bohre says

November 18, 2020

How can we make a variable power Induction circuit, for example a circuit that can deliver power from 100
watts, 200 watts, ….. upto 1000 watts (10 power settings) ?

The consumer induction heater are not good for the purpose, as they control output power just by
switching on/off the coil (full power has continuous power in coil, where as minimum power has around 5
sec power in duration of 25 sec – which is not good for my purpose)
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Swagatam ( says

November 18, 2020

It can be simply done by using a power supply with an adjustable current output. By reducing the input
power supply current you can reduce the output power of the induction heater and vice versa.


Divine Prosper says

November 6, 2020

Hi. I love the clear explanation you gave concerning the Induction heater.
I just built my circuit with all the components, except for the gate 12v zener diode, because I’m using a
12v, 18Ah battery power source. When I switched power ON, I put an iron nail into the coil, but it doesn’t
heat up at all. The whole copper coil heats up(as a result of current passing through), but the nail doesn’t
heat up, looks like it doesn’t induce any current on the nail, I tried using other metals and materials, but it’s
still the same. Pls do you know why it is like that, I really have interest in getting this heater to work.


Swagatam ( says

November 6, 2020

Hi, thanks, what inductor value did you use for L1, L2, L3??


Divine Prosper says

November 20, 2020

Sorry for the late reply. Actually, I built the circuit with a center tapped coil which was about 7 turns of 1mm
copper wire with 20mm internal diameter. For L2, I wound 34 turns of 0.5mm coil on a toroid of around
18mm external diameter. My capacitor was 330nF(334) metalized pp, 400v. But this time around, only one
part of the coil heated red hot after some seconds, but the work metal in the coil doesn’t heat up, except 58/67
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for the little heat from the coil. I’ve tried changing the capacitor’s value to 660nF, 1.5uF,
3.16uF(combination), and as small as 47nF, but all the same. I will be glad to hear from you soon. Thanks
Mr. Swagatam.


Swagatam ( says

November 20, 2020

The coils should be exactly as given in the picture. L2 should be built over a 25mm torroid, or the
inductance should be around 2mH


rami says
October 29, 2020

The circuit was successfully built but overheating was observed in the capacitors
Is there a suggestion


Swagatam ( says

October 30, 2020

In my experiment it did not heat much, did you assemble the parts exactly as given in the original


rami says
November 1, 2020

What advice would you give 59/67
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What advice would you give

Note that the file also warms up a little and the rest of the components are not hot


mohammadali says
October 5, 2020

I want t oask if the middle object (for example, the same drill bit) is rotating, will it still heat up?
Does it also depend on the rotation speed?
thank a lot


Swagatam ( says

October 5, 2020

Yes it will still become hot according to me….


mohammadali says
October 5, 2020

Did you have any experience or not ?

If I have a simple DC voltage withe required current , will it still heating up ?


spandan says
September 14, 2020

the original scheme calls for fast diodes rated 400v+ how can the bc547 even work??/ 60/67
12/3/24, 23:35 2 circuitos simples de calentadores de inducción - Placas de cocción calientes - Proyectos de circuitos caseros

the original scheme calls for fast diodes rated 400v+ , how can the bc547 even work??/


Swagatam ( says

September 14, 2020

in the schematic only 12V is involved, not 400V….and the BC547 is rated to handle over 100 MHz


Arpit Jain says

September 6, 2020

Hi Swagatam,
i just love ur enthusiasm. My best wishes with u for ur future endeavour.
Could u pls let us know how domestic indiction cooker works, how much frequency and how much voltage
is there. Can we make mini version of domestic induction heater with this cirucit which runs on AC 230V
what changes we need to do for that.
Thanks in advance.


Swagatam ( says

September 6, 2020

Thank you Arpit, The working concept is quite the same as explained in the above article, expect that a H-
bridge design is typically used in commercial units. Nevertheless, you can easily make a mini version by
modifying the first concept explained in the above article, by converting the existing coil into a flat spiral
coil, and by matching the inductance values so that they are exactly similar.


Nishad Naik says

August 16, 2020 61/67
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If dimensions of L1 ( Working coil)inside dia. 19 mm increased to 150 mm whether circuit will still work


Swagatam ( says

August 16, 2020

It may work, but the number of turns might need to be increased.


Vinay says
August 4, 2020

I need a help.
Can we use the circuit of induction cook top, to heat metal externally. I am of with the view, of replacing the
flat coil that comes with the induction cook top with the spiral coil formed of copper, as with shown in all
tutorials. Thank You


Swagatam ( says

August 5, 2020

Hi, I won’t recommend that. It is a lot better to buy the second design explained in the above article from
the market, which is much easier and cheaper to implement.



July 11, 2020

Hi I made a first attempt of the induction heather with the Mazzili driver concept version and it was 62/67
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Hi, I made a first attempt of the induction heather with the Mazzili driver concept version and it was
unsuccessful. Reviewing the info and comparing the simple drawing and the original one, I found
something that caught my attention. The original drawing shows the symbol of Zener diode arranged as
voltage regulators and in the simple version of the drawing the diodes are shown as fast recovery diodes.
In my first construction attempt I used a couple of fast recovery diodes and one of the mosfet become hot
as soon as I turned on the power supply.
My question is; the diodes are arranged as voltage regs or as blocking elements ?

Thank in advance for your attention and for your kind response to my question.


Swagatam ( says

July 12, 2020

Hi, the 1N4007 diodes shown in the first diagram were probably used for simplicity and for cost cutting.
These are also used in the original diagram as D3, D4. The function of these diodes are to ground the gate
of the opposite MOSFETs alternately, to trigger and sustain the oscillations. The 12 V zener shown in the
original diagram is for regulating the gate voltage of the MOSFET to 12 V in case higher input supply
voltages are used



July 14, 2020

Hi there, thank you for your response. Regarding the problem that I described to you about one of the
mosfit get hot as soon as the power is on, I think, is in a cold solder in one of diodes what perhaps inhibit
the oscillation of the circuit. I´ll let you know the result of the new circuit.


Swagatam ( says

July 14, 2020 63/67
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No problem, Thanks for letting us know.


Bart says
March 3, 2020

Can FGA60n65 IGBT be used in place of IRFP260 mosfet in a induction heater circuit. thank you


Swagatam ( says

March 3, 2020

Please check and compare their datasheet information regarding VDs and ID.


Shankar says
June 10, 2020

Sir. I have a bajaj induction cooker 1400w coil and body with ceramic plate but no motherboard to
operated this. (I got this from bhangarwala)Can you design a simple circuit for me so I can use this for
cooking food.
I have a 95w HP laptop charger. Is this power supply sufficient enough, I have a single p channel igbt
,coils and some caps


Swagatam ( says

June 11, 2020

Shankar you can buy any standard ZVS based induction circuit like the one explained in the first example 64/67
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Shankar, you can buy any standard ZVS based induction circuit like the one explained in the first example
and then try replacing the coil with your coil, and see if the circuit locks in to your coil. The power supply
will depend on the circuit and the coil specification, and the intended load power.


D ramesh says
February 29, 2020

thank u sir ,suggest me an power circuit of 1500w 24 to36 voltsdc from ac220v induction heater supply
beacuse an low capacity eats the power like any thing


Swagatam ( says

February 29, 2020

D Ramesh, you will need a 0-24V, 62 amps transformer, 100 amp bridge rectifier and 10000uF/50V filter
capacitor to build it. I do not have a SMPS design for such huge power suply.


D ramesh says
February 24, 2020

d ramesh, estimado señor, se puede usar un pequeño curcible de 25 mm de diámetro y el circuito no



Swagatam ( dice

24 de febrero de 2020

Hola puedes utilizar una carga de hierro de 25 mm de diámetro con los circuitos que se muestran 65/67
12/3/24, 23:35 2 circuitos simples de calentadores de inducción - Placas de cocción calientes - Proyectos de circuitos caseros

Hola, puedes utilizar una carga de hierro de 25 mm de diámetro con los circuitos que se muestran.


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