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Producto Integrador de Aprendizaje – Reporte de análisis de una organización

sobre la situación de sus costos, ingresos y utilidades.

Lic En Administración

Semestre: 3° Grupo: CB

Contenido Mínimo A Evaluar Cumplimiento

Índice ☐

Introducción. - incluye valores ☐

UANL aplicados

Análisis y emisión de juicio ☐

Conclusiones individuales ☐

Conclusión del equipo ☐

Actividad en inglés ☐


Calificación PIA Calificación final.

Ciudad Universitaria, 30 de octubre de 2023
Maestro: Sánchez Roqueñi María del Pilar.

Integrantes de equipo:

Alarcón González Ariana – 2007423

Cerda Macias Xóchitl Paola – 1952496

Coronado Hernández Valeria Estaferia – 2051489

De León Nolazco Jonathan David – 2054778

De León Salinas Christopher Alain – 2041264

Diaz Orzua Cynthia Guadalupe – 2011705

Guevara Monsiváis Liliana – 2049977

López Rangel Carol Atana – 2043305

Mendoza Valdez Martha Mariana – 1997195

Moreno González Ashley Monserrat – 2053561

Solis Lopez Kassandra Yamilet – 2129222

Villarreal Cantu Alexandra – 2134180

Valores de FACPYA

Responsabilidad: somos responsables cuando hacemos y entregamos las tareas.

Libertad: todos podemos opinar o expresarnos.

Equidad: todos los estudiantes participamos en las actividades de clases.

Honestidad: somos honestos al momento de aplicar un examen, no nos copiamos.

Solidaridad: somos solidarios cuando realizamos colectas para donaciones específicas.

Integridad: somos íntegros cuando como estudiantes nos comprometemos a llegar

puntualmente a nuestras horas de clases.


Introduction………………………………………………………………………………… 4 pág.

Contenido………………………………………………………………………………...… 6 pág.

Responsabilidad Social……………………………………………………….…………… 11 pág.

Cultura de la empresa………………………………………….…………….…………..… 12 pág.

Proceso de la microeconomía en herrería…………………………………..……………… 13 pág.

Conclusion…………………………………………………………………….…………… 15 pág.

Individual Conclusions…………………………………………………….….…………… 16 pág.

Bibliografía………………………………………………………………...….…………… 23 pág.


In our Integrative Learning Product, the topics seen during the semester were addressed.

There are issues that are studied in economics, such as the analysis of decisions such as

production, consumption and interaction, consumption and investment decisions,

interrelationships between economic agents, forces and trends that affect the economy, such as

income, employment, prices, and its growth.

It is often thought that the economy is difficult to understand, but it is the set of human

behavior, all the decisions that everyone makes, their mission and vision will be mentioned,

which is to be a leading company in quality services and products. at fair prices, thus achieving

exceed expectations and satisfy the needs of our clients, through an excellent comprehensive

service and totally personalized and exclusive works.

The mission and vision are postulates through which a company or organization sets out

the objectives it wants to achieve in the medium and long term. Together they describe the

identity and theoretical basis of an organization, company, or brand.

Both have characteristics that distinguish them, so they should not be confused, but they

must be formulated together since it is important that they are consistent with each other and that

they foresee situations that may occur within a certain period.

Within each organization there are different concepts that must be addressed appropriately

to be profitable and generate profits. Each company or organization is aimed at a certain market

niche depending on its scope and how emphasized the business is. You will be able to observe

the comparison and explanation of their costs, expenses, quality, what is inside, and it will end

with individual conclusions from each participant.

Nombre de la empresa: Herrería ROCASA


Los Cavacitos Escobedo, calle A, local 102, Sin Nombre de Col 17, 66052 Cd Gral

Escobedo, N.L.


Hacer de nuestra empresa un líder a nivel regional en la rama de la herrería, fortaleciendo

e innovando nuestros servicios, así como ser un modelo a seguir que inspire.


Brindar el mejor servicio y hacer los mejores trabajos, satisfaciendo totalmente las

necesidades de nuestros clientes.


Si la empresa realiza una inversión de $60,000.00 y después de se vende a un precio de

$40,000.00, tendrán una rentabilidad del 100%.

Objetivos económicos:

Mantener o aumentar la rentabilidad del negocio, y ofrecer una mayor productividad.

Utilidad de $2,672.00 = 31%

Empresas competidoras:

-Herrería Rojo

-Herrería Rodbel

Producto: Puerta de forja, “Conchas en las esquinas”

Costos Implícitos:

La dueña y administradora de la empresa de “Herrería Sayro”, invirtió́ $30,000 de su

capital personal, para la producción de puertas para venta (exhibición) en su local de ventas, y es

considerado como costo implícito porque esta cantidad, podría haberse invertido en agrandar el

negocio y generar mayores ingresos.

Costos Explícitos:

Costo Fijo = $2,650.00

Costo de sueldos fijos = $1,800.00

Costo de renta fija = $5,900.00 = $850 cu

Costo Variable = $5,978.00

Costo de materia prima = $3,787.00

Gastos variables = $2,191.00

Costo Total por puerta = $8,628.00

Previo de venta = $11,300.00

Cantidad (Q) = 7 puertas de “Conchas en las esquinas”, son producidas mensualmente.


Costos Marginales:

Si la empresa llegase a vender una o más puertas de las estimadas, los costos totales

aumentan a un $2,650.

Ingresos / Utilidades = $2,672.00 por puerta

Punto de Equilibrio:

Estructuras de Herrería Sayro:

1. Monopolio: La empresa de "Herrería Sayro" tiene el control total sobre la oferta de

productos de fierro forjado y puede establecer los precios a su voluntad. En este caso, los

clientes que necesiten productos como puertas, no tienen más opciones para comparar

precios o calidad; ademas, puede aprovechar su posición de monopolio para fijar precios

altos y obtener mayores ganancias, al no tener competidores directos, no se sentirá

presionada para mejorar la calidad de sus productos o servicios. Como resultado, los

clientes pueden encontrarse en una situación desfavorable, ya que no tienen alternativas

viables y pueden estar obligados a pagar precios más altos por los productos que

necesitan. Esto muestra cómo un monopolio en el contexto de una herrería podría afectar

a los consumidores. Es importante destacar que los monopolios suelen ser objeto de

regulaciones y leyes antimonopolio en muchos países, ya que la competencia se considera

beneficiosa para el bienestar económico.

2. Competencia monopolística: En la competencia monopolística, tenemos un grupo de

clientes leales que aprecian la singularidad de sus productos. Los consumidores pueden

tener preferencias individuales basadas en el estilo, la calidad o la reputación de cada

herrería. Sin embargo, también tienen la opción de elegir entre las diferentes herrerías en

función de sus preferencias personales. Debido a la diferenciación de productos, se tienen

cierto grado de control sobre los precios. Pueden fijar precios más altos debido a la

demanda de clientes leales que valoran sus productos exclusivos. Sin embargo, también

deben tener cuidado de no fijar precios excesivamente altos, ya que los consumidores

pueden optar por comprar productos similares en otras herrerías.

Responsabilidad Social

La empresa de Herrería ROCASA, están comprometidos con el medio ambiente y

saben que tienen una responsabilidad hacia la sociedad para ayudar y tratar de no

contaminar; los desperdicios que dejan en el área de producción se les llama “chatarra”,

los juntas y los llevan a “Metales El Padrino”, para que les dé un proceso de reciclaje de

forma correcta.

Además en su local de ventas y en una tienda local, tienen instalado dos bote de

fierro hechos por la misma empresa, para que las personas de la comunidad o mismos

trabajadores de la empresa, depositen su botella de plástico y en otra depositen sus latas

de aluminio para que estos sean recicladas y un corazón de fierro para depositar las tapas

y estas sean llevadas a hospitales y sean canjeables por quimios por niños que ocupen de

ellos, a lo contrarios estos desperdicios podrían terminar en la calle causando un daño al

medio ambiente y como pro trae beneficio tanto para la comunidad como para el medio


Cultura de la empresa

La empresa de Herrería ROCASA, tiene como valores:

Dedicación: todos como organización están involucrados en dar lo mejor de ellos

mismos, para sacar adelanté el trabajo.

Honestidad: todos como organización están comprometidos como a no utilizar los

recursos de la empresa para su uso personal.

Respeto: todos como organización están comprometidos a tratarse con respeto.

Transparencia: todos como organización están comprometidos a dar información clara,

comprensible, sin adornos innecesarios que puedan generar duda, a gente interna de la


Proceso de la microeconomia en la rama de la Herreria

En una herrería, puedes identificar aspectos relacionados con la microeconomía de la

siguiente manera:

Precios y costos individuales: la microeconomía se centra en cómo las empresas toman

decisiones sobre los precios de los productos y los costos de producción. En una herrería, se

pueden analizar los precios de los productos que fabrican, como rejas, puertas, ventanas, etc., y

cómo estos precios se determinan en función de los costos de los materiales, la mano de obra y

otros factores.

Oferta y demanda: la microeconomía estudia cómo las empresas responden a la demanda

del mercado. En una herrería, puedes observar cómo la oferta y la demanda de servicios de

herrería afectan a la cantidad de trabajo que la herrería está dispuesta a realizar y cómo esto

influye en los precios.

Maximización de utilidades: las herrerías también buscan maximizar sus utilidades al

tomar decisiones sobre la cantidad de trabajo que aceptan, la inversión en equipos y tecnología, y

la gestión de los costos.

Competencia y mercado: la microeconomía considera la competencia en el mercado y

cómo afecta las decisiones de las empresas. En una herrería, puedes analizar la competencia local

y cómo eso influye en las estrategias comerciales y los precios.

Toma de decisiones individuales: cada decisión que toma una herrería, como contratación

de personal, la compra de suministros o la fijación de precios, se puede analizar desde una

perspectiva microeconómica.

La microeconomía se aplica en una herrería al examinar cómo la empresa toma decisiones

económicas individuales que afectan a su funcionamiento, sus precios y su rentabilidad, así como

cómo responde a las condiciones del mercado y la competencia.


In summary, the Integrative Learning Product addresses a wide range of topics related to

economics and business management. The importance of understanding the economic decisions

that influence production, consumption and the interaction between economic agents is

highlighted. In addition, the relevance of defining a solid business mission and vision is

emphasized, which act as guides to achieve medium and long-term objectives. Coherence

between these two aspects is essential for organizational success.

Likewise, the diversity of concepts that must be managed efficiently to achieve

profitability and the generation of profits in different market niches is recognized. The work

concludes with an analysis of costs, expenses, and quality, as well as individual reflections of the

participants, which allows a more complete understanding of the topics discussed.

Individual Conclusions

Alarcón González Ariana:

In conclusion, this subject is fundamental since its objective is to analyze and predict

behavioral patterns at the lowest economic levels and deals with the problems of choice between

producers and consumers.

On the one hand, supply and demand are fundamental concepts in economics since they

describe how prices and quantities of goods and services are determined in a market, supply

describes the quantity of a good or service that producers are willing and therefore on the other

hand, demand refers to the quantities of an industry's product that consumers are willing to buy at

possible market prices.

Also on the other hand, the analysis of production costs promotes companies to produce

with the maximum possible economic efficiency, this will depend on the use of production

elements efficiently and within the limits of the company's productive capacity. Therefore, the

entrepreneur will seek to reach an adequate level to combine both factors so that the cost of

producing a unit of the product turns out to be the lowest possible.

Cerda Macias Xóchitl Paola:

In my opinion, during this work, we were able to work and analyze each type of business

chain, such as the one we worked on, which was the Herrería Sayro, where my team and I were

working with various means to determine the costs, each of the products that are made in this

company, from there, we had to take into account that when working to determine the marginal

cost and the break-even point, we worked to extract it in a graphic way where, it was determined

if there was any loss or some gain of each of the graphs implemented and analyzed during the

course of the Microeconomics subject where microeconomics allows us to understand decisions

by comparing what would happen in the event of a certain change, and not only allows us to

study what would change, but also the path which leads to a different situation, on the subject

taught, from our teacher, we were able to understand several topics and evidence that is related to

our final work, where each topic considers that economic agents are rational, and each one

already understood and reflected in our integrative learning product, where finally we were

working on the costs and comparing with another company, reaching the conclusion that the

costs and losses of each company's product.

Coronado Hernández Valeria Estaferia

In conclusion, I really liked our Integrative Learning Product since we saw everything

about our company, from the smallest to the most important, we were researching about the "

“Herrería Sayro", we saw its economic objectives, the competing companies, its mission and

vision and The product we focused on was the Forge Door, it was very good to put into practice

everything seen in the semester in this final project, such as implicit and explicit costs, all types

of expenses, variable and fixed, marginal costs, income, profits and the break-even point, we

learned to identify each of them, we graphed, made tables and in the end I was able to realize

how important it is to analyze all these things about a company.

De León Nolazco Jonathan David

The subject left me a lot of truth since I thought it was just numbers and sales but not

since with the first topic, we realized that not even microeconomics is a way of thinking since we

were taught the ten principles of economics. which involved a great variety of thoughts and

actions that happened since that's why they did them, which if you stop to think about them, were

the right and true ones. Several important topics were seen for companies such as supply demand,

i think this is the most seen and used as it can be in personal life since this way, we get a better

idea of how the market works, at least that's how I understood it. In this last work we were able to

notice that what we learned in class already applied to the company is very useful for us as

administrators because this way we can make more convenient decisions for the company as well

as know how the market is working.

De León Salinas Christopher Alain

In conclusion of this PIA, I was very clear in the semester about the concept that

microeconomics entails, which is a discipline that focuses on analyzing the behavior of individual

economic agents, such as consumers and companies, and how these interactions influence the

allocation of resources and the formation of prices in the markets, there are some topics that

caught my attention which would be supply and demand, production cost, market structures,

monopoly companies, etc. It studies small-scale economic phenomena to better understand how

markets work and how individual decisions affect the economy as a whole and analyzes the

behavior of individual economic agents and how they interact in markets, its tools provide the

analytical framework to understand everyday economic issues.

Diaz Orzua Cynthia Guadalupe

In accordance with what was presented above, I can conclude that microeconomics plays

a very important role in companies' decision-making as it allows us to better understand market

behavior and at the same time analyze how consumers respond to changes in different variables.

In this PIA we were able to focus on the different types of market to which the company

belongs, identify its prices, production, production, costs, benefits, and losses; to make the best

decision where the company will go.

Guevara Monsiváis Liliana

After carrying out this analysis report of the company we chose about its costs, revenues

and profits, it can provide a deep understanding of its financial performance. This helps identify

areas for improvement, optimize resources and make informed strategic decisions to ensure long-

term profitability and growth.

López Rangel Carol Atana

In conclusion, after having concluded this investigation throughout the semester on the

different aspects that must be seen with the view of an economist, its costs, how this affects the

economy as well as the company and the family to acquire this benefit.

This subject is essential for the use of one's own knowledge, because not only speaking

professionally, but by reading the chapters of the book we learned to think like an economist, see

the supply and demand of the goods or services that companies provide and when it is best to

acquire something, its principles, etc. very interesting in my opinion.

When carrying out this PIA, we collected each of the acquired knowledge and planted it

in a real company, Herrería Sayro, we obtained this information with the other evidence, so all

that remained was to correct and select the correct information. And finally, speaking in our

professional career, the issue of costs and supply and demand helped us so much, since it is more

favorable for them to produce their maximum capacity, profits, and losses and how we can solve


Mendoza Valdez Martha Mariana

My conclusion about this work is that it is important to visualize in detail what the

company entails, and for that we can be guided by graphs or tables as we have seen in this matter,

in addition to the fact that microeconomics is a branch of economics that focuses on the study of

the individual behavior of economic agents, such as consumers and companies, as well as the

allocation of resources at the micro level. In short, it serves to analyze how economic decisions

are made at the individual level and how they affect prices, production, and the well-being of

society. It allows us to understand phenomena such as supply and demand, competition,

consumer utility, and is essential for making business decisions and economic policies.

Moreno González Ashley Monserrat

Personally, throughout the semester, according to each activity that was carried out, I

learned how it affects demand and supply, how they intersect at a point of equilibrium, and what

consequences or effects this cause. As well as the principles of economics, how each one is

carried out and what they mean. Costs, especially opportunity costs, when you must reject

something to take advantage of another opportunity that can give you more benefit. The marginal

cost, which represents the increase in production costs due to the production of more units of a

product. It is also known as the marginal cost of production. I can conclude that microeconomics

is responsible for studying the economic behavior of companies, families, and the movement

with markets, as well as the many subtopics of three very important variables: what it is to

produce, for whom to produce, and where to produce. It is important because through it we can

analyze the needs of the main agents, which are families and companies. In conclusion, each of

the concepts were important to base the complements and begin the end of each microeconomic

process that is carried out in each phase of the economy.

Solis Lopez Kassandra Yamilet

Our integrative learning product will mention different topics addressed in class, making

references to the selected company as one of them is the mission and vision, its mission and

vision is to be a leading company in quality services and products at fair prices, the control of

Income and expenses allow us to know what financial situation our business is in. This way we

can classify the nature of these movements, information that gives us the keys to the company's

profitability. To know if we are profitable, it is vital to have up-to-date control of income and


For a company to be successful, it must be strongly attached to its values and mission and

vision that the company has. Thanks to these topics we were able to make comparisons of the

different points of different companies and be able to see their professional ethics, learn and

know their objectives.

Villareal Cantu Alexandra

Our Comprehensive Learning Project will address various topics discussed in class,

including references to the chosen company. The company's goal is to become a benchmark in

the provision of high-quality services and products at fair prices. The company wants to be the

best in offering quality products and services at fair prices. Keeping track of how much money

comes in and goes out helps us understand how our business is doing and whether it is profitable.

By exploring these topics, we were able to compare different companies and understand how they

behave professionally, in addition to knowing their goals.


Trabajo académico ficticio y fue elaborado con información sacada de páginas web y por

un empleado.

Se entrevisto a una persona que labora en la empresa de Herrería ROCASA.

Rodbel Herrería (n.d.). Home [Facebook page]. Facebook. Recuperado el 27 de octubre

de 2023. Link:

Herrera Sayro (n.d.). Home [Facebook page]. Facebook. Recuperado el 27 de octubre de

2023. Link:

Mankiw, G. (2021). Microeconomía (7.a ed., pp. 73-75). Cengage Learning . Cengage

Learning .

Parkin, M; Loria, E; Sánchez, M; García, A. (2010). Producción y Costos.

Microeconomía. México. 9na. Recuperado el 27 de octubre de 2023 Link:

Federico. (2017). Producto total, medio y marginal | Zona Económica. Rcuperado el 27 de

octubre de 2023. Link:


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