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NIT:860.532.337-1 DANE: 111102000753

Resolución de integración No. 2196 de 30 de Julio de 2002
Licencia de Funcionamiento # 014 del 20 de marzo de 1979
Aprobación Oficial Resolución 2166 del 25 de mayo de 2007 .



JORNADA: Mañana ÁREA: Humanidades

DOCENTE: William Delgado GRADOS: 701, 702, 703, 704


Describing integral personal care trying to relate the information to the actions students do by themselves in order to stay
physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy. Cross-content. Health (Integral Personal Care)

• Express feelings and emotions

• Give and request information
• Past situations
• Discuss social values
• Talk about the past
• Describe past experiences and situations
• Ask and answer questions about your life and the lives of others.


• Students can’t express feelings and emotions

• Students can’t express past situations
• Students can’t discuss social values
• Students can’t talk about the past
• Students can’t describe past experiences and situations
• Students can’t ask and answer questions about their life and the lives of others.

Feelings and emotions
Grammar: Ethical values
Past simple: was/were Personal characteristics
Imperative Adjectives to describe situations
Asking for information in the present and the past simple (to be) Time expressions in the past
Verb to be in past: was/were Connectors of sequence: first, then, finally
Past tense: regular/ irregular/questions (open/yes/no) /
Expressions of opinions


Estimados estudiantes de grado 7°, a continuación, encontraran las indicaciones y actividades a realizar como plan de
mejoramiento de inglés correspondiente al SEGUNDO periodo. El plan debe ser desarrollado en su totalidad a mano en
hojas de examen. Cualquier duda será aclarada por el docente en la clase de inglés.


Identifica las palabras (adjetivos y sustantivos) para expresar sentimientos y emociones. Escribe oraciones en inglés y
español utilizando cada una de ellas.

(Happy – happiness) (Motivated – motivation) (Concerned – concern) (Afraid – fear) (Honest – honesty)
(Sad - sadness) (Respectful – respect) (disappointed – disappointment) (excited – excitement)
(aggressive – aggressiveness)


(Happy – happiness)

My brother was extremely happy because his team won the championship. His happiness was incredible.
(Mi hermano estaba extremadamente feliz, porque su equipo ganó el campeonato. Su felicidad era increíble)
NIT:860.532.337-1 DANE: 111102000753
Resolución de integración No. 2196 de 30 de Julio de 2002
Licencia de Funcionamiento # 014 del 20 de marzo de 1979
Aprobación Oficial Resolución 2166 del 25 de mayo de 2007 .


Busca la forma en pasado de los siguientes verbos y escribe una oración con cada uno de ellos y con una expresión de
tiempo del pasado sin repetir expresiones.

Verbos: play - work - visit - win - listen - buy - live - go - write - learn - see

Expresiones de tiempo: yesterday – last week - last month – last Sunday – last year - last night - two weeks ago -
Three months ago - two years ago - an hour ago - yesterday morning.

Ejemplo: win - two years ago

• My favorite team won the championship two years ago

(mi equipo favorito ganó el campeonato hace dos años)


Escribe las oraciones que creaste en el punto anterior en forma negativa e interrogativa. Recuerda que los verbos en la
forma negativa e interrogativa se escriben en infinitivo y en forma afirmativa se escriben en pasado.


• Affirmative: My favorite team won the championship two years ago.

• Negative: My favorite team didn’t win the championship two years ago.
• Interrogative: Did My favorite team won the championship two years ago?


Lee acerca del viaje de excursión de Michael y contesta las preguntas.

Yesterday, my class went on an amazing school trip to Parque Explora.

First, we visited the aquarium and I saw some wonderful fish there. Some of them only exist in Colombia! It was
awesome! Then, we visited the vivarium – this was full of spiders, snakes and other reptiles. I saw a boa, a chameleon,
and a tarantula, and I took beautiful pictures. That was my favourite place. It was incredible!
Finally, we went to the planetarium, and I tried a Black Hole Flight Simulator. We also looked at the stars and learned
interesting facts about the universe. It was terrific!

1. Where did he go? ________________________________________________________

2. What did he visit first? ________________________________________________________
3. What did he see in the aquarium? ________________________________________________________
4. What was his favorite place? ________________________________________________________
5. What animals did he see? ________________________________________________________
6. When did he go to Parque Explora? ________________________________________________________
7. Where did they go finally? ________________________________________________________
8. What did they learn? ________________________________________________________
9. How was the trip? ________________________________________________________


Basado en el ejercicio anterior, escribe un texto en inglés en el cual relates tu experiencia en el último o algún viaje que
hayas realizado. Mínimo 120 palabras. En el texto deben aparecer detalles como: cuando fue el viaje, a donde, que
lugares visitaste, que viste en esos lugares, que aprendiste, como estuvo.
NIT:860.532.337-1 DANE: 111102000753
Resolución de integración No. 2196 de 30 de Julio de 2002
Licencia de Funcionamiento # 014 del 20 de marzo de 1979
Aprobación Oficial Resolución 2166 del 25 de mayo de 2007 .

Lee acerca del viaje de Carolina y traduce el texto a español y responde las preguntas.

Name: Carolina G.
Date of birth: 8 June, 2001
From: Bogotá, Colombia
Holiday Destination: San Gil, Colombia
Last week we went to San Gil in Santander, Colombia and we had an awesome time. We stayed at the hotel ‘Balcony on
the River’ which was fine. It wasn’t the best hotel I have stayed at, but I liked it. On Monday I went white water rafting
and it was fantastic. We were tired after that, so in the afternoon we slept in a hammock.
On Tuesday we visited the Parque Gallineral. The trees that we saw there were incredible. We sat under them and
meditated. It was such a wonderful feeling to be connected to nature.
Wednesday was our last day, so we relaxed and walked around the city. We went to the square
and ate goat meat in a beautiful restaurant.
I definitely recommend San Gil to anyone who loves nature and wants to have a relaxing
holiday away from the busy city.

1. When was she born? ________________________________________________________

2. Where was she born? ________________________________________________________
3. Where did Carolina go on last week? ________________________________________________________
4. What did Carolina do on Monday? ________________________________________________________
5. Where did she stay? ________________________________________________________
6. When did she visit the Parque Gallineral? ________________________________________________________
7. What did she see in Parque Gallineral? ________________________________________________________
8. Did she recommend San Gil? ________________________________________________________
9. What did she do on Wednesday? ________________________________________________________
10. What did she eat? ________________________________________________________


Escribe en inglés tu auto-biografía de acuerdo al ejemplo visto en clase. Mínimo 140 palabras. Utiliza los verbos en
pasado correctamente.

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