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1) Señale dos características de la lectura crítica (2 puntos).

1. Verificar la veracidad de la información y las fuentes consultadas.

2. Interpretar la intención o propósito del autor.

2) Mencione en este cuadro, cuatro cosas que debe hacer un lector crítico
cuando lee un texto, aún en inglés (2 puntos)
1. Contextualizar el autor y el texto: propósito del autor, época y
circunstancias en las que lo escribió, ideología dominante, hechos
precedentes, posibles consecuencias.
2. Relacionar la información que ofrece el texto con nuestros
conocimientos precedentes.
3. adoptar perspectivas y puntos de vista diferentes a los que se sugieren
en el texto.
4. Comparar lo escrito con otro trabajo sobre el tema y cuestionar las
afirmaciones del autor.

3) Explique brevemente ¿Cómo puede beneficiarte la «Lectura Crítica» en

el aprendizaje o adquisición de un nuevo idioma como el inglés? (3
La lectura crítica permite no solo se adquieren conocimientos, también
estimula hábitos, el compartir y comprender las experiencias propias y ajenas,
crear historias, encontrar el valor, sentido y aporte ineludible de comunicar
algo con significado. De allí, el artículo enfatiza en reflexionar sobre la lectura
crítica como medio para la mejora de los niveles de comprensión,
interpretación y argumentación de los distintos saberes.

4) Lea el siguiente texto redactado en inglés y responda las preguntas que se

indican a continuación (8 puntos).
New book connects the climate crisis and violence
Posted Feb 22, 2022 8:30 am
AMES, IA – A new book from researchers at Iowa State University
bridges the gap between climate science and psychology by explaining
how a rapidly warming planet increases aggression and violence.

“Climate Change and Human Behavior” maps out how hotter

temperatures and more frequent and severe weather events can directly
and indirectly alter the way people think and interact with others.
Leaning on decades of previous research, the authors demonstrate how
these impacts at the individual and group levels can escalate to political
unrest, civil war and other forms of violence. They say proactively
addressing these challenges now could help buffer some of the long-term
costs in the future.

Hotter temperatures directly affect thoughts and behaviors

The authors explained high temperatures cause the brain to divert
resources to other parts of the body in an effort to cool down. When this
happens, areas of the brain are not running at full capacity, making it
harder for someone to process new information, manage emotions and
control impulses. People who are hot also perceive other people as
behaving aggressively, which increases the odds of hostile confrontations.

“Heat stress primes people to act more aggressively,” said Anderson.

“We can see this play out on a larger scale across geographic regions and
over time.”

Indirect effects of climate change on aggression and violence

“What struck me when I really started delving into this a decade or so
ago was how many of the risk factors for adulthood violence are going to
become much more common as a result of rapid climate change,” said

As the climate crisis causes more extreme and frequent droughts,

wildfires, floods and hurricanes, the authors explained, people around the
world will be at higher risk of hunger and malnutrition, economic
instability, and poverty. This can drive mass migrations to areas with
more resources (e.g., better grazing land, cities with more jobs), which
can lead to real (or perceived) competition over resources.

Don’t panic, act

The authors emphasized that no matter how bleak the climate future may
seem, there are solutions to mitigate the impacts of climate change. They
said one of the first steps should be changing the narrative around
climate change. Scientists, politicians and media outlets, the authors
argued, should help people understand the causal link between rapid
global warming and the threats people experience in their daily lives (e.g.,
poverty, crime) rather than debate whether climate change is real.

Another important step is shifting some of the burden from individuals to

governments and corporations.

The authors said other examples of proactive responses that can lessen
the impacts of climate change on individuals and communities include
bolstering programs that support pre-natal and post-natal nutrition,
which can help offset some of the risk factors for violence-prone adults.

Anderson said governments and international organizations need to start

preparing for ecomigrations in a positive way that integrates people into
communities where they can live sustainably and makes use of their
talents, skills and aspirations to benefit the community as well as their
own families.

Fuente: IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY (Universidad Estatal de Iowa.

Ames, Iowa-Servicio de noticias).

(Autores del libro “Climate Change and Human Behavior” mencionado en el

artículo: Andreas Miles-Novelo y Craig A. Anderson 2022).

Marca con ‘X’ la respuesta que consideres correcta en base a la lectura “New
book connects the climate crisis and violence”.
1.- The text's introduction presents:
State University Iowa and its researchers __ _
A new book connects the climate science and psychology __ _
A rapidly warming planet __X _

2.- Which can be an effect of hotter temperatures and more frequent and
severe weather events?
Economic stability __ _
Costs in the present and in the future __ _
Alter the way people think and interact with others __ X_

3.- All of the following are consequences of climate impact at the individual
and group levels, except:
Escalate to political unrest __ _
Civil war and other forms of violence __ _
Space travel __X _

4.- What does heat stress do to people?

It causes discouragement __ _
It causes more aggressively __X _
It causes less deaths __ _

5.- The authors emphasized that no matter how bleak the climate future may
a) There are solutions to mitigate the impacts of climate change __X _
b) There are not solutions to mitigate the impacts of climate
change __ _
c) No problem __ _

6.- As part of solutions, they said: “one of the first steps should be changing the
narrative around climate change. Scientists, politicians and media outlets, should help
people understand the causal link between rapid global warming and the threats
people experience in their daily lives rather than debate whether climate change is
real”. Do you agree with this?
Yes, I agree __X _
b) I think must be both things __ _
c) I think neither of them__ _

7.) What do you think of the theme?

It’s interesting and topical __X _
It’s interesting but outdated __ _
It isn’t interesting but updated __ _

8) The sourse of this information can be considered:

Trustworthy __ X_
Doubtful __ _
Deficient __ _

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