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TIPO Revisión

PUBLICADO 30 de agosto de 2022

DOI 10.3389/fimmu.2022.988536

El papel de las células B en la

OPEN ACCESS infección por COVID-19y la
Liwei Lu,
La Universidad de Hong Kong,
Hong Kong SAR, China

REVISADO POR Shiru Chen1,2, Fei Guan1, Fabio Candotti3, Kamel Benlagha4, Niels Olsen Saraiva Camara5,
Kun Li, Andrés A. Herrada6,
Cleveland Clinic, Estados Unidos
Wei Luo,
Universidad de Indiana, Universidad de
Louisa K. James 7, Jiahui Lei1, Heather Miller8, Masato Kubo9, Qin Ning10*y Chaohong
Indianapolis, Estados Unidos de América 1Departamento
de Biología de Patógenos, Facultad de Medicina Básica, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of
Nima Taefehshokr, Science Technology, Wuhan, China, 2Departamento de Medicina Interna, División de Gastroenterología y Hepatología,
Universidad Western, Canadá Tongji Medical College, Universidad Huazhong de Ciencia y Tecnología, Wuhan, China, 3División de Inmunología y
Alergia, Hospital Universitario de Lausana y Universidad de Lausana, Lausana, Suiza, 4 Institut de Recherche Saint-
Louis, Universite de Paris, París, Francia, 5Laboratorio de Inmunología Humana, Departamento de Inmunología, Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas, Universidad de São
Chaohong Liu
Paulo (USP), São Paulo, SP, Brasil, Lymphatic and Infl
ammation Research Laboratory, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Instituto de Ciencias
Biomédicas, Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Talca, Chile, 7Centre de Inmunobiología, Instituto Bizard, Queen Mary
Qin Ning University of London, Londres, Reino Unido, 8Cytek Biosciences, R&D Clinical Reagents, Fremont, Estados Unidos, 9
Laboratory for Cytokine Regulation, Center for Integrative Medical Science (IMS), Rikagaku Kenkyusho, Instituto de
Investigación Física y Química (RIKEN) Instituto de Yokohama, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japón, 10Departamento de
Enfermedades Infecciosas, Hospital de Tongji, Colegio Médico de Tongji, Universidad de Ciencias y Tecnología de
Este artículo fue enviado a B
Huazhong, Wuhan, China
Cell Biology,
una sección de la revista
Fronteras en Inmunología

RECIBIDAS 07 de julio de 2022

ACEPTADO el 26 de julio de 2022
PUBLISHED30 de agosto de 2022
Las células B secretan anticuerpos y median la respuesta inmune humoral, lo que las
Chen S, Guan F, Candotti F,
hace extremadamente importantes en la inmunidad protectora contra el SARS-CoV-2,
Benlagha K, Camara NOS, que causó la pandemia del coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). En esta revisión, resumimos
Herrada AA, James LK, Lei J, Miller H, la función positiva y la respuesta patológica de las células B en la infección por SARS-
Kubo M, Ning Q y Liu C (2022).
Frente. Immunol. 13:988536. CoV-2 y la reinfección. Luego, estructuramos las respuestas inmunitarias que las
doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.988536 células B mediaron en los tejidos periféricos. Además, discutimos el papel de las
DERECHO DE AUTOR células B durante la vacunación, incluyendo la efectividad de los anticuerpos y las
© 2022 Chen, Guan, Candotti, Benlagha, células B de memoria, los mecanismos de evolución viral y el futuro desarrollo de
Camara, Herrada, James, Lei, Miller, Kubo,
Ning y Liu. Este es un artículo de acceso vacunas. Esta revisión podría ayudar a los trabajadores médicos e investigadores a
abierto distribuido bajo los términos de la comprender mejor la interacción entre las células B y el SARS-CoV-2 y ampliar su
Licencia de Atribución de Creative
visión para futuras investigaciones.
Commons Attution (CC BY). Se permite el
uso, distribución o reproducción en otros
foros, siempre que se acredite el autor(es)
original y el propietario(es) de los derechos
de autor y que se cite la publicación
original en esta revista, de acuerdo con la Células B, anticuerpos, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, células B de memoria, vacunación
práctica académica aceptada. No se permite
el uso, distribución o reproducción que no
cumpla con estos términos.

1 Introducción
El nuevo coronavirus, el síndrome respiratorio agudo severo coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-
2), ha causado más de 550 millones de infecciones y más de 6 millones de muertes hasta el
18 de julio de 2022. El Centro Chino para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades
identificó el virus como un nuevo coronavirus el 7 de enero de 2020 e informó los
resultados de la identificación de patógenos a la Organización Mundial de la Salud
(OMS) el 9 de enero de 2020. Entonces, lo más importante,
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la secuencia genómica de este nuevo virus se registró en la base de invasores como virus y bacterias. El papel de las células B en la
datos mundial de intercambio de gripe el 12 de enero de 2020 (1). infección viral es dinámico y de largo alcance, involucrando la
La OMS declaró este brote una emergencia de salud pública de producción de citoquinas, la presentación de antígenos y la
preocupación internacional como una alarma para los países de secreción de anticuerpos.
todo el mundo el 23 de enero de 2020 y nombró a la enfermedad Las células B se desarrollan a través de las células pro-B,
infecciosa coronavirus COVID-19 (2). Los murciélagos son los células pre-B y células B inmaduras en células B maduras en el
posibles reservorios de SARS-CoV-2, mientras que otras especies hígado fetal antes del nacimiento y después en la médula o sea.
son huéspedes intermedios que albergan el virus para permitir la Algunas subpoblaciones de células B maduras, como las células B-
replicación y, por lo tanto, las mutaciones necesarias para 1, B-2 y las células B reguladoras, son componentes necesarios en
convertirse en altamente transmisibles y patógenas para los las respuestas de las células B antivirales. Las células B-1
humanos (3, 4). En la actualidad, en muchos países se están derivadas del hígado fetal podrían dividirse en subpoblaciones B-
produciendo e inoculando vacunas selectivas y eficaces, que han 1a y B-1b (13). Las células B-2 procedentes de la médula o sea
facilitado la prevención y el control de la pandemia. contienen células foliculares B (FO B) y células de la zona
El SARS-CoV-2 pertenece a la familia Coronaviridae, en marginal B (MZ B). En general, las células MZ B y las células B-1
la que 229E, HKU1, NL63 y OC43 han causado pequeñas participan en las respuestas independientes de la T para producir
infecciones endémicas, así como brotes mundiales no previstos inmunidad a corto plazo, mientras que las células FO B participan
de SAR-CoV y MERS-CoV (5, 6). Los coronavirus humanos en las respuestas dependientes de la T para producir una protección
que son responsables de numerosas enfermedades respiratorias duradera contra la reinfección con el mismo patógeno (14). Sin
crónicas o agudas que van desde el resfriado común auto- embargo, los estudios revelaron que las células MZ B no solo
detectable hasta la neumonía severa, contienen una envoltura y pueden provocar respuestas de anticuerpos generados temprano,
tienen genomas de ARN positivo de cadena única (7, 8). El sino que también juegan un papel en la formación del centro
genoma de SARS-CoV-2 codifica cuatro proteínas germinal (GC) con alta similitud en comparación con los CG
estructurales incluyendo membrana (M), envolvente (E), derivados de FO, excepto por un retraso en las respuestas
nucleocápsida (N), y el punto (S). La proteína S permite que el dependientes de T (15). Las células B reguladoras funcionan
virus infecte las células y las mutaciones en esta proteína como células inmunosupresoras para apoyar la tolerancia
ayudan al virus a escapar de los anticuerpos neutralizantes inmunológica al producir factores pro-inflamatorios como la
existentes. Además, las proteínas no estructurales (NSP) interleucina-10 (IL-10) para inhibir la multiplicación de células T y
también son necesarias e importantes para la infección por otras células pro-inflamatorias (16).
virus (9, 10). La proteína de la espiga contiene el dominio
receptor-obligatorio (RBD) y junto con el nucleocápsido,
actuando como antígenos eficaces que provoquen la respuesta Respuesta de 3 células
del anticuerpo mediada célula B (11). Los estudios sobre casos B en la infección por
graves de COVID-19 han reportado una mayor respuesta de
anticuerpos contra la proteína S y N y una mayor respuesta de
células B de memoria hacia la proteína S, lo que sugiere que la
3.1 Inmunidad humoral
infección COVID-19 más grave podría proporcionar una
protección superior contra la reinfección con SARS-CoV-2
Las respuestas inmunitarias humorales son los mecanismos
inmunológicos más eficaces y duraderos para la eliminación y
En esta revisión, discutimos la función de las células B en la
prevención de la reinfección y son fundamentales para las
infección viral por SARS-CoV-2 y la reinfección. De los
personas infectadas con SARS-CoV-2. Las respuestas
anticuerpos las células B secretan a otros subconjuntos como las
humorales limitadas conducen a un aclaramiento ineficaz del
células B de la memoria y las células B reguladoras, del papel de
SARS-CoV-2 en pacientes con inmunodeficiencia, por lo que
la respuesta antivirus al deterioro patológico, y de la infección
se produce recidiva (17).
natural a la vacunación.
La interacción de las células B ingenuas con el antígeno y
las células T CD4+ en las CG induce a las células B a pasar por
el proceso de proliferación, recombinación de interruptor de
2 Visión general del sistema clase (CSR) a la maduración de afinidad y, finalmente, la
inmunitario y el papel general de las diferenciación en LLPC y MBC que producen anticuerpos
células B (Abs) con alta afinidad (figura 1). Después de la interacción T-
B, algunas células B generan reacciones extrafoliculares en las
En los seres humanos, hay dos tipos de respuestas inmunes que, en lugar de formar GCs, proliferan rápidamente y se
contra las infecciones que incluyen el sistema inmune innato y diferencian en SLPCs que secretan bajoAfinidad Abs y MBCs
el sistema inmune adaptativo. Las células B desempeñan un pre-GC que participan en la diferenciación en plasmablastos o
papel importante e insustituible en la respuesta inmune la iniciación de respuestas GC secundarias junto con MBCs
adaptativa, que contribuye al control, la destrucción y la generados en GCs. T ayudantes foliculares (Tfh) activan y
eliminación de regulan la actividad de las células B en la respuesta GC (19)
(Figura 1).
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El papel de las células B en la infección por COVID-19 y la reinfección. Las células B ingenuas se activan mediante la ayuda de células foliculat T (Tfh) después
de la invasión del virus SARS-CoV-2. Después de la interacción T-B, las células B pasan por una rápida proliferación y diferenciación, produciendo células B de
memoria del centro pre-germinal (CMM pre-GC) y células plasmáticas de corta duración (LSPC) produciendo anticuerpos tempranos con baja afinidad. Otras
células B entran en el centro germinal (GC) para aumentar la afinidad de anticuerpos por la expansión clonal y la hipermutación somática (SHM), y
cambian la estructura a través de la recombinación de conmutación de clases (CSR), lo que resulta en células plasmáticas de larga duración (LPCs) y células B de
memoria (MBCs). Si se cuestiona con una segunda invasión o vacunación, tanto los MBC pre-GC como los MBC generados después de las reacciones de GC se
diferencian en células plasmáticas o generan un segundo GC en un corto período de tiempo para producir anticuerpos de alta afinidad. Esas células B y
anticuerpos secretados entran en la circulación sanguínea y los tejidos periféricos como la mucosa para defenderse de la infección viral y la
reinfección. Figura adaptada de (18).

3.2 Respuesta inmune primaria en la aumentar la eficacia de unión a patógenos (32). Abs se
infección por SARS-COV-2 generan en diferentes isotipos que tienen diversidad en la
estructura de la región constante de la cadena pesada (CH),
3.2.1 Respuesta funcional de GC y incluyendo IgA, IgG, IgM, IgD e IgE. Esta transformación del
generación de LLPCs isotipo se logra mediante la RSC (33) (figura 1). La deaminasa
Después de la respuesta de GC, los LLPCs migran y cítida inducida por activación (AID) es crítica en la
localizan en la médula o sea y podrían producir Abs recombinación genómica para SHM y CSR (34) y la
neutralizante continuamente para proteger a las personas de la deficiencia de AID se asocia con el síndrome de hiper-IgM en
reinfección. Un estudio ha encontrado que los LLPCs pacientes (35).
específicos del SARS-CoV-2 podrían existir de 7 a 11 Los anticuerpos de los pacientes COVID-19 se unen a las
meses en la médula o sea y proporcionar protección proteínas S e inhiben la entrada de virus en las células huésped
efectiva en infecciones leves de COVID-19 (20). Por otra al bloquear estéricamente la interacción del dominio de unión
parte, las investigaciones muestran que las vacunas con ARNm de receptores (RBD) con ACE2 (36-38). Mientras que el RBD
podrían inducir reacciones persistentes en el centro germinal, sigue siendo el objetivo dominante para neutralizar anticuerpos,
resultando en la producción incesante de LLPCs y la los estudios revelan que otros epítopos en las proteínas de S,
neutralización de Abs (21, 22). Estos podrían ser el mecanismo como el dominio N-terminal (NTD), también interactúan con
de la memoria inmune de larga duración en casos leves los anticuerpos neutralizadores de virus (39, 40). Sin embargo,
infectados. En individuos severamente infectados, los títulos de un estudio indica que la proteína N tiene poca reactividad a los
anticuerpos elevados y la respuesta de MBCs se correlacionan anticuerpos neutralizantes y que los anticuerpos que se unen a
con la respuesta extrafolicular robusta más bien que la proteínas no S proporcionan poca protección contra la
respuesta de GC (23-25). Esto podría atribuirse a la falla en la infección por COVID-19 (31).
formación funcional de GC debido a la disminución Generalmente, en las infecciones por virus, la generación
significativa en la cantidad de células de Tfh, lo que resulta en de IgM sérica es dominante sobre otros anticuerpos específicos
la generación defectuosa de LLPCs y MBCs a partir de la del antígeno incluyendo IgA e IgG (41). Sin embargo, la
respuesta de GC y la protección a largo plazo deteriorada (26). producción de anticuerpos séricos de IgM, IgA e IgG contra las
proteínas SARS-CoV-2 S y N ocurre casi simultáneamente en
3.2.2 Generación y respuesta de anticuerpos pacientes con COVID-19 (42, 43). Los estudios demuestran
Después de la activación, las células B se diferencian en además que la IgA contribuyó más a neutralizar virus que la
células productoras de anticuerpos y secretan Abs como un arma IgG y dominó la respuesta humoral específica al SARS-CoV-
poderosa contra la infección primaria o secundaria (27). En la 2 en la fase inicial de la infección por COVID-19 en la
infección por SARS-CoV-2, los datos muestran que los mucosa (44).
anticuerpos neutralizantes se generan a partir de células B La heterogeneidad observada en la gravedad de la
ingenuas y no de células B de memoria preexistentes (28-31). La enfermedad de los pacientes, la inmunidad humoral, la
afinidad de Abs mejora por SHM y la evolución clonal en GCs respuesta de las células B y los títulos de anticuerpos se asocia
a con la edad, el género y la raza (45-47). Mientras tanto, el
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la gravedad de la enfermedad también está muy asociada con la 3.3 Secondary response in
carga de antígenos y los correspondientes títulos de anticuerpos SARS-CoV-2 infection
neutralizantes (nAb), con los pacientes más enfermos con alta
carga de virus, inducir títulos altos de nAb y los individuos 3.3.1 Memory B cell subsets
más leves o asintomáticos que tienen títulos bajos o sin nAb Memory B cells (MBCs) take an important part in deciding
debido a la carga baja del antígeno (48, 49). Estos resultados the occurrence and severity of COVID-19 re-infection, thus
también se observan en la infección por SRAS y SRMO (50). finding ways to elicit widely reactive MBCs is key in vaccine
Esto sugiere que un título alto de nAb no necesariamente development. MBCs develop through either GC-dependent or
significa una mejor protección humoral contra el virus. GC-independent pathways (60) and are classified into different
Además, el rápido declive de los títulos específicos de nAb de subsets with distinct functions and markers (61, 62). One
SARS-CoV-2 (dentro de los 2 meses) entre pacientes atypical MBC is characterized by CD11c + T-bet+, develops
graves, leves y asintomáticos indica además que la independently from GCs, and plays a protective role in
protección contra la respuesta humoral no solo es COVID-19 infection (25, 63, 64). In general, MBCs that do not
limitada en el tiempo, sino también insuficiente (51, 52). undergo GC response lack class switching and affinity
Además, la inconsistencia entre la respuesta del anticuerpo y el maturation and are incapable of producing effective nAbs
resultado de la enfermedad demuestra que algunos individuos against viral variants (60, 65, 66). Additionally, CD80-PD-L2
resuelven la infección del virus antes de la producción del double negative population of MBCs do not go through GC
anticuerpo, indicando que la inmunidad innata y la respuesta reaction and differentiate into antibody-secreting cells in a
temprana de los linfocitos T pueden ser los factores que short period of time. However, they are able to re-enter GCs for
determinan la duración y la gravedad de la infección primaria activation and development into antibody secreting cells that
por SAR-CoV-2 (53). produce nAbs with high-affinity (66, 67). Therefore, methods
Los anticuerpos evitan que los patógenos entren en las to promote the re-entrance of MBCs into GCs to generate
células huésped y también aglutinan virus libres y matan protective nAbs are important for creating potential therapies
células infectadas por virus (49). Aunque aún no se ha against COVID-19.
demostrado en los casos humanos de COVID-19, estos
mecanismos significativos han sido estudiados en ratones (52, 3.3.2 B cell memory effector functions in
54). Estos modelos han demostrado que los anticuerpos con COVID-19 infection
actividad efectora de Fc alta proporcionan la mayor protección During COVID-19 re-infection, MBCs circulating
contra la infección por SARS-CoV-2 ( 52), y que la throughout the whole body are activated and quickly
vacunación con actividad basada en RBD-Fc fue una infección differentiate into Ab-secreting cells. However, if these
COVID-19 efectiva (54). Además, los pacientes humanos circulating Abs are deficient or activated by a variant of the
que han muerto de COVID-19 produjeron anticuerpos primary pathogen, the MBCs are induced to generate new GCs
con disminución de la actividad del efector de Fc, que for producing higher affinity Abs (68). The antigen-specific
también resultó en respuestas inmunes humorales inducidas Abs are lost in the large majority of SARS-CoV-infected
deficientes (55). En conjunto, estos resultados patients. This may be similar to what is seen in SARs patients,
proporcionan un nuevo enfoque en el desarrollo de where specific MBC responses are undetectable in 100% of the
vacunas eficientes y de amplio espectro involucradas en la recovered individuals 6 years after infection (69). Overall, the
protección contra la reinfección del SAR-CoV-2. Sin embargo, protection offered by immune memory against reinfection of
incluso cambios menores en la estructura de anticuerpos Fc, coronaviruses only persists for a short period of time (70).
como IgG que contiene glicanos Fc fucosilados, pueden influir There are limited human studies on the memory immune
negativamente en la interacción relacionada con Fc. Esto response in COVID-19 re-infection. The common method to
podría dar lugar a un aumento de la secreción de citoquinas evaluate B cell memory is monitoring the amount and duration
inflamatorias y la gravedad de la enfermedad que se asemeja a of circulating antibodies in serum. One study indicates that the
lo que se ha observado en pacientes gravemente infectados antigen-specific IgG titers keep steady for 3-4 months after
(56). Although the treatment of COVID-19 with antibody Fc infection, while IgA and IgG are maintained for an even shorter
appears to be a promising therapy, further studies are needed. time (71, 72). In contrast, many other studies have shown
Apart from the function of antibody secretion, B cells also durability in immune memory. In one cohort study, 25 patients
play an important role in inflammatory cytokines. The expression grouped as mild, moderate, or severe were assessed for RBD or
of several inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-a, Interleukin-2, N-specific MBCs and it was found that all groups had increased
Interleukin-6, monocyte chemoattractant proteins (MCPs), and MBCs from the beginning to 150 days after infection
IFN-g-inducible protein 10 (IP-10) as well as relevant chemokines
such as CXCL2 and CCL2 are elevated in COVID-19 patients,
accounting for the cytokine storm observed in these patients (57–
59). However, the mechanism of the cytokine storm formation and
amplification remains to be unknown, and more investigations are
needed to explore it in order to give proper suggestion on clinical
treatment and therapy.
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(73). Additionally, the RBD- or N-specific MBCs mainly contain SARS-CoV-2 are nearly 15 times more potent than IgA
IgM and IgG with various immunophenotypes, and the quantity of monomers, which play a major role in neutralizing viruses and
RBD-specific IgG MBCs also correlates with the number of Tfh preventing initial viral spread and amplification (80). One study
cells. In the early stage of re-infection, IgM secreting MBCs detected the level of antibody responses in both serum and
represent the majority of MBCs, but they decrease after 20 days as saliva and described that the IgG response was similar and
IgG secreting MBCs steadily increase and become the dominant lasted for several months while the titers of IgA and IgM
MBCs that are detectable between 120-240 days post-symptom declined rapidly (81). Further investigations revealed that there
onset (PSO). As for long term studies, a cohort evaluation of 188 is a positive correlation of IgG and IgM responses between
cases found that circulating MBCs specific for RBD, N and S blood and mucosa, while the relation with IgA is less
proteins could exist for more than 6 months and up to 8 months comparable (81, 82). In nasal samples collected from COVID-
PSO. Additionally, a large proportion of RBD memory B cells that 19 patients, severely infected individuals had higher IgG
increased over time from 1 month to 6 months PSO secreted IgG responses while those with mild or moderate symptoms showed
(24). Another longitudinal study investigated the amount of MBCs higher IgA responses (83). These findings on mucosal
in mild cases and found that IgG MBCs persisted and increased immunity may not be universally applied in all cases, but they
through 3 months after COVID-19 infection (74). RBD-specific are evidences that B cells and antibody responses are playing a
MBCs that have undergone SHM in GCs and produce high affinity critical role in immune mechanisms against SARS-CoV-2 and
nAbs have frequencies that remain unchanged or even rise 6 may influence the outcome of infection.
months after infection (75, 76). Moreover, a recent study showed
an encouraging discovery that functional IgG MBCs persist after 3.4.2 Memory B cell response
5-8 months in infected patients, while the level of serum SARS- Although existing antibodies in mucosal tissues can prevent
CoV-2 specific IgG is eventually lost (77). This might suggest that humans from pathogen infections like COVID-19, MBCs play
the level of MBCs is more sensitive for detection of previous an important role during reinfection by responding locally to
infection and prediction of long-term protection. Overall, these increase production of antigen-specific antibodies in a short
results show that the B cell-mediated humoral response, which period of time. MBCs are present in multiple human tissues,
produces short-term or long-term MBCs and antibodies, provides such as lung, spleen, lymph nodes and gut (84–87). MBCs in
indispensable protection during reinfection. Clinical findings also the lung enhance immune responses against viruses and
support the research above, with nearly 1200 individuals showing provide cross-reactive antibodies through clonal selection in
no symptoms during COVID-19 reinfection (78). However, due to germinal centers (85–88). In the gut, MBCs enable continued
the limited re-infected populations and insufficient information,
clonal selection in mucosal to generate B cells which secrete
more researches are required to further investigate the time span
antigen-specific antibodies with high affinity (75). MBCs in
and protective magnitude of B cell responses in reinfections.
peripheral tissues, like lung, require tertiary lymphoid
structures induced by inflammation to undergo reactivation and
produce antibodies to clear viruses rapidly (89, 90).
The development of a vaccine that induces mucosal B cell
responses to generate SARS-CoV-2 specific antibodies and
3.4 B cell response in mucosal immunity relevant memory B cells are of great significance to prevent and
protect against viruses. One investigation revealed that even
Respiratory viruses like SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 enter
individuals fully vaccinated with mRNA vaccines could still be
organisms mainly via the mucosal surfaces of the respiratory tract.
infected by SARS-CoV-2 variants (91). The level of IgA and
Antibody and B cell responses are critical in controlling virus IgG in saliva is much lower than in serum, accounting for the
adherence and invasion effectively in the peripheral tissues. ineffective protection in mucosal compartment induced by
Collecting blood samples to assess immune responses is the most intramuscular vaccines (92). However, animal studies have
common method because it is the most direct and convenient way, shown that a single dose of the adenovirus-vectored SARS-
but blood samples do not represent the immune cells and response CoV-2 vaccine had better protective effects in upper and lower
in peripheral tissues, like mucosa (79). Thus, it is important to respiratory tracts in mice and hamsters compared to other
understand the relationship between B cells and antibody response vaccines (93, 94). Further investigation confirmed that this
not only in blood, but in tissues too. adenovirus-vectored SARS-CoV-2 vaccine could provide
general mucosal immunity against SARS-CoV-2 and the
3.4.1 Antibody response variants (95). A phase I/II clinical trial of a novel vaccine,
Currently, less is known about mucosal immunity against NASVAC, was designed to measure its effectiveness in
SARS-CoV-2 compared to systemic immunity. Both IgA and inducing mucosal immune response in COVID-19 patients via
IgG are produced in mucosal tissues. IgA dimers specific to intranasal approach, declaring the safety and tolerance of this

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vaccine to infected patients (96). Other studies also found that number of memory B cells pre-existing in the SARS-CoV-2
an intranasal approach of vaccination and antibody therapies infected individuals (65, 107). However, the second dose did
could be effective to protect individuals against COVID-19 not further increase the B cell memory antibody response,
infection (97, 98). Overall, the existence of memory B cells suggesting that only the first dose of the mRNA-based vaccines
and secreted Abs in mucosal tissues provide important goals in is helpful in reaching the peak of humoral immunity in
vaccine development since the response of mucosal immunity recovered SARS-CoV-2 individuals (109). While the quantity
measures the protective level in uninfected individuals and the of memory B cells in recovered individuals was higher than
disease outcome in infected patients (99). those in uninfected individuals at 3 months post-vaccination,
the number of memory B cells at 6 months and the decline rate
afterward remained similar (110). Furthermore, several studies
4 B cell response in vaccination showed that mRNA-based vaccines induce cross-reactive nAbs
against SARS-CoV-2 variants in not only naïve but also
The rapid spread and frightful mortality of SARS-CoV-2 recovered individuals (65, 111).
sounded a global alarm and the research and development for an One article revealed that most vaccines are safe even in
effective vaccine to control the epidemic became an emergency. cancer patients, but a customized vaccination approach is
Several different types of vaccines have been used worldwide. preferred (112). While the vaccines above have been proven
At first, two inactivated vaccines including BBIBP-CorV and safe in clinical investigations, they are insufficient to provide
CoronaVac and one RBD-based protein subunit vaccine, ZF2001, enough protection for this universal outbreak, therefore,
were authorized for wide use (100–103). Three clinical trials in creating new vaccines with diverse protective mechanisms is
phases I and II, which included the candidate vaccine, CoronaVac, necessary. A study of one influenza virus vaccine, which can
revealed effective production of neutralizing antibodies with low alternatively induce stalk-reactive memory B cells in
rates of adverse reactions in three healthy age groups of 3 to17- comparison with conventional influenza virus vaccines, has
years old, 18 to 59-years old and more than 60 years old (100– completed the phase I trial and has proven safe and efficient in
102). Other two studies focusing on the safety and effectiveness of generating a more prolonged and broader B cell and antibody
BBIBP-CorV revealed similar outcomes, with most individuals response (62). Targeting the conserved and immunodominant
having a humoral response in 28 days post-vaccination with no antigen of hemagglutinin, this vaccine has a novel approach to
severe adverse events (103, 104). However, one study that was vaccine production, but whether this finding can be applied to
randomized, double-blinded and placebo-controlled showed that making SARS-CoV-2 vaccines is unclear because of the less
ZF2001, the RBD-based protein subunit vaccine, caused more and protective c r o s s - r e a c t i o n b e t w e e n SA R S - C o V -
worse side-effects compared to the other two vaccines, but still 2 a n d s e a s o n a l coronaviruses (31).
was beneficial in protection against COVID-19 (105).

Later, mRNA-based BNT162b22 (Pfizer-BioNTech), mRNA-

1273 (Moderna) and viral vector-based Johnson & Johnson 5 SARS-CoV-2 variants
Janssen vaccine were authorized by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) for emergency use. In the individuals who Coronaviruses, like SARS-CoV-2, have a decreased mutation
were not infected before, mRNA-based vaccines induced B cell rate compared to other smaller RNA viruses because of their 3′-5′
responses and antibody generation effectively, enabling acquired exoribonuclease, which has an efficient proofreading function in
immunity against SARS-CoV-2 infection (53, 106, 107). Half of mismatch correction (113, 114). However, various mutations with
the vaccinated individuals developed detectable nAbs with one enhanced pathogenicity, transmissibility, or escaping capability
dose and the majority generated adequate antibodies and enhanced from neutralizing antibodies have been reported in new waves of
B cell memory after a second dose (106, 107). In addition, the first epidemics around the world.
dose of both Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines induced anti- An early study following the viral genome evolution of the
S IgG titers that declined after 6 weeks, thus further confirming the Wuhan-Hu-1 strain after one year found 75 non-synonymous
necessity of a second dose (53). These two mRNA-based vaccines nucleotide mutations in 3,823 samples compared to the initial viral
also promote a protective B cell immune response in individuals copy (EPI_ISL_402125) from January 2021 (115). The viral
that recovered from COVID-19 infection (65, 107– 109). With variant D614G, with a mutation in the nucleotide fragment
these individuals, after the first dose, vaccination successfully encoding the spike protein, was more infectious and rapidly
induced an enhanced memory B cell response with neutralizing replaced the former Wuhan-Hu-1 during the early stage of the
antibodies specific to SARS-CoV-2 (108). Also, the number of COVID-19 epidemic (116). Ever since then, several changes in the
existing memory B cells all increased after the vaccination and the amino acid of the S protein have been identified and variants with
degree of enhancement correlated with the increased spread and escape from vaccination and natural
immunity are emerging (117). Studies also showed that the

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sensitivity of neutralizing antibodies to the spike proteins has 6 Pathological B cell response
decreased against several virus variants (9, 118–121).
Consequently, vaccination for inducing effective antivirus The humoral response is important in defending against
immunity including MBCs and nAbs have become significant in viral infections such as COVID-19, but the damage to the host
protecting against infection or reinfection by SARS-CoV-2 by its own B cells also needs to be considered to have a better
variants. One dose of mRNA vaccine is sufficient to elicit understanding of the immune system and the mechanism in
enhanced antibody responses with higher antibody titer specific to COVID-19.
Alpha (B.1.1.7) and Beta (B.1.351) variants in previously infected
patients (107). But there needs to be two doses to induce enough
nAbs against the S protein of Alpha, Beta and Delta (B.1.617) 6.1 Double-negative B cells
variants (107, 108, 122). The mutation E484 was especially adept
at escaping neutralization by antibodies in vaccinated individuals
Double-negative (DN) B cells are peripheral B cells which
(123, 124). Interestingly, the titer of antibodies against Beta
have gone through maturation but lack of IgD and CD27
variants was not reduced in vaccinated individuals who were
expression (133). Former studies have shown the association
previously infected by SARS-CoV-2 (65, 107). Antibodies specific
between DN B cells and rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus
to both wild-type and viral variants from those vaccinated who
erythematosus (SLE), HIV, and other immunopathological
were previously infected showed an increase in neutralizing titer in
diseases, in which DN B cells expand, release cytokines and
comparison to naïve individuals vaccinated (107, 125). No
produce autoimmune antibodies that enhance disease
significant increase was found in the quantity of MBCs against
progression (134–136). Recently, one study showed that DN B
variants post vaccination in previously infected individuals (65).
cell subsets are associated with the severity of COVID-19
These results suggest that vaccinated individuals with previous
infection (137), but it is unclear the specific role of each subset
COVID-19 infections have more intensive humoral responses
and the mechanism of DN B cells in the SAR-CoV-2 outcome.
compared to those individuals who remained uninfected. This
might also be due to clonal evolution increasing the breadth of B
cell responses after infection (65, 126). Also, that could be an
explanation of some breakthrough infection caused by delta 6.2 Early antibodies with antibody-
variant with low frequencies of the memory B cells resulted from dependent enhancement of disease
the impaired clonal evolution, neutralizing potency and (ADE)
neutralizing breadth (127). Memory B cells undergo clonal
evolution persistently after at least one year of infection and While antibodies secreted by B cells are great weapons to
secreting antibodies specific to Alpha, Beta and Delta variants fight SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogens, they could be harmful
were important in preventing reinfection and influencing disease in some cases. Previous studies have shown that SARS patients
outcomes in severely infected patients (65, 110). Consistent with who respond to viral infection early and produce detectable
the research above, there were 10 in 15 MBC clones at 12 months antibodies within two weeks have higher mortality than
generating antibodies capable of neutralizing all tested variants patients that are later responders (138). This same outcome has
while only 1 of 15 clones at 1.3 months (65), which further proves been observed in COVID-19 infected patients too (139). An
the critical role of MBCs in protective immunity mechanisms in explanation for this is that a skewed macrophage response
infection and reinfection. The fifth SARS-CoV-2 variant, Omicron, increases a pro-inflammatory M1 phenotype, which enhances
was reported on Nov 25, 2021 and characterized by the high inflammation and impairs tissues in patients who generate early
resistance against the antibodies induced by infection and antibodies, especially IgGs against spike protein (140). This is
vaccination (128, 129). In symptomatic infection caused by the known as an antibody-dependent enhancement of disease
omicron variant, two doses of BNT162b2 or ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (ADE), which also occurs in SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV
became mostly ineffective 6 months after vaccination (130, 131).
infections (141, 142). ADE develops when early produced
Three doses of BNT162b2 might be more protective, however,
antibodies promote viral entry into macrophages and other
antibody neutralization evasion still exist in omicron infected
innate and adaptive cells via binding to both the spike protein
disease (129). The neutralizing Abs induced by mRNA vaccination
of viruses and the Fc receptor on cell surfaces to form a
in COVID-19 patients with primary antibody deficiency (PAD)
functional complex (142). The timing of an antibody response
were found to have limited protective function against Omicron
is significant in antibody-based therapies, in which the outcome
variant (132). Studies also indicated that this newly generated
for patients is influenced by the timing of treatment application.
variant, especially its spike protein, could evade most therapeutic
However, there are no methods to differentiate viral infections
antibodies (129). Therefore, improvement in vaccination appliance
from ADE and the risk of ADE is unpredictable, therefore the
and clinical treatment is of great emergency.
possibility of ADE-antibodies occurring in vaccinated
individuals is of concern (143). Interestingly, there is no

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evidence of ADE during infection of COVID-19 vaccinated samples. Moreover, the higher levels of aPLs have a positive
individuals by escape variants. association with neutrophil activation, NETs release, platelet
quantity, and COVID-19 disease severity (144). All of these
antibodies might be generated by a subpopulation of extrafollicular
B cells, known as DN B cells which we have discussed before (25).
6.3 Autoimmune antibodies
These studies suggest that COVID-19 infection could trigger the
autoantibody production, resulting in the de novo autoimmune
Autoimmune antibodies have been reported in SARS-CoV-2
disease and life-threatening infection.
infected individuals. However, there is no conclusion whether
these antibodies are common, short-lived types from anti-viral
responses or pathogenic autoantibodies that cause autoimmune
diseases like rheumatic heart disease (144). A particular B cell-
6.4 Immune evasion
mediated autoimmunity that lowers serum levels of IFNs by
producing neutralizing IgG against type I IFNs was found in at
Viruses have developed multiple ways to escape the
least 10% of patients with life-threatening COVID-19 pneumonia
immune system, including SARS-CoV-2, which is likely to
(145). Additionally, a group of severe COVID-19 patients also
escape early neutralizing antibodies via antibody-driven
suffered from worse symptoms due to an inborn error of type I
evolution and other mechanisms that have not been discovered
IFNs (146). These two factors of lower IFN levels in patients
yet. One mutation, D614G, enhanced furin-mediated spike
cause devastating disease because of insufficient natural and
cleavage to increase syncytium formation and viral titer, which
acquired immunity, which indicates that the preexistence of
caused the virus to become more infectious with higher viral
autoimmune antibodies increase the severity of COVID-19
loads compared to the former viruses (159–161). Other recent
infection. Consistent with the hypotheses, these autoantibodies
variants, for example, B.1.351, B.1.1.7 and P1, became
neutralizing type I IFN were also founded in nearly 20% COVID-
resistant to neutralizing antibodies by changing infected host
19 deaths (147, 148). Samples from more than 34,000 uninfected
cell reactions to escape immune clearance, which allowed for
individuals were analyzed and showed that the level of these
re-infection of recovered individuals and new waves of
autoimmune antibodies increased with age, which account for the
COVID-19 (121, 162). However, specific mutations that may
risk of severe COVID-19 infection cases associated with age
have the greatest antigenicity and pathogenicity remain unclear.
(147). Furthermore, a previous investigation on a yellow fever live
Therefore, understanding viral evolution mechanisms and
attenuated vaccine revealed that more than 10% of vaccinated
preferences is extremely significant in vaccine design.
cases had a high titer of autoantibodies against type I IFNs, which
Antigen presentation is the initiation process for adaptive
explained the adverse effects in more than half of the life-
immune response (163). The downregulation of major
threatening vaccine-associated disease (149). The connection
histocompatibility complex (MHC) I and II molecules and
between autoantibodies and vaccine side effects is a cause of
pathways in antigen presenting cells, such dendritic cells and B
concern in SARS-CoV-2 vaccination, thus further r e s e a r c h i s
cells, suggested that the antigen presentation was inhibited by
n e c e s s a r y t o u n c o v e r t h e l i n k a g e a n d mechanisms
SARS-CoV-2, leading to the inhibition of T cell-mediated
immune response (164, 165). T cells not only participate in T
cell immune response against SARS-CoV-2 (166), but also
Numerous case reports showed that de novo autoimmune
various B cell-associated immune responses, such the T-B
disease would develop following COVID-19 infection, such as
interaction and cytokine production (167). Therefore, the
rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and predict a worse disease
impaired T cell activity would result in the less protective
outcome and prognosis (150–153). The most common antibodies
humoral and cellular response against SARS-CoV-2 as well as
are screened in SARS-CoV-2 patients, in which antinuclear
viral evasion from adaptive immunity.
antibodies, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, and ASCA
immunoglobulin A antibodies showed great prevalence (153).
Another functional antibody, antiphospholipid autoantibodies
(aPLs), which cause abnormal coagulation along with 7 Discussion and outlook
microvascular and macrovascular thrombosis, is found in severe
COVID-19 infected patients as well as Antiphospholipid syndrome Multiple studies have been focusing on questions about the
(154, 155). Antiphospholipid syndrome is an autoimmune humoral response and the function of antibody-generating B cell
thromboinflammatory disease associated with aPLs, which and memory B cell responses. Several key problems still need
stimulate endothelial cells and platelets activation and neutrophil answers such as: 1) the duration of antibodies and memory B cells
extracellular traps (NETs) release from neutrophils (156–158). in serum and mucosa, 2) the difference between the titers of
More than half of hospitalized SARS-CoV-2 infected patients had neutralizing antibody and population of memory B cells in
the presence of aPLs in serum

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vaccination and infection, and 3) the factors influencing the Funding

outcome of disease in infected patients. Whether and how
vaccination could induce an effective B cell response in This work was supported by HUST Academic Frontier
mucosa requires further investigation. Current research has Youth Team (2018QYTD10).
revealed that vaccination provides effective protection for
naïve and previously infected individuals. However, with the
ongoing viral evolution, vaccines also need to be continually
updated and new approaches to defend against viral invasion Conflict of interest
are also urgently required for vaccine development, such as
inducing effective mucosal immunity of dimeric IgA and The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
memory B cells specific to SARS-CoV-2. Additionally, cross- absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could
reactive antibodies induced by infection or vaccination, which be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
protects against not only COVID-19 but also other
coronaviruses infections are important areas of study.

Publisher’s note
Author contributions All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the
authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated
SC wrote the article. FG, FC, KB, NOSC, AH, LJ, JL, HM, organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
and MK revised the draft. CL and QN organized and revised reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
the draft. All authors contributed to the article and approved claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed
the submitted version. or endorsed by the publisher.

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