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Material nº01: II° Período Septiembre
Guideline and worksheet: Unit 3: The Natural World
Teacher: Miss Florencia Sánchez
NAME: _____________________________________________________ 6 th Grade A B C

OA1. Escuchar y demostrar comprensión de información explícita en textos adaptados y auténticos simples, tanto no
literarios (textos expositivos, diálogos) como literarios (rimas, poemas canciones, cuentos)
OA5. Leer y demostrar comprensión de textos adaptados y auténticos simples, no literarios, que contengan palabras de
uso frecuente, familias de palabras y repetición de frases, y estén acompañados de apoyo visual y relacionados con los
temas y las siguientes funciones del año.
OA14. Escribir, de acuerdo a un modelo y con apoyo de lenguaje visual, textos no literarios y textos literarios con el
propósito de compartir información en torno a los temas del año.
Expresión oral

Hello students, how are you? Today we are going to continue talking and presenting unit nº3, the natural world.
First, we are going to learn how to ask questions using the phrase “ How many..?”. Then, we are going to review
some habitats that we talked about last class. Finally, we are going to listen an audio related to a famous place
of Chile in which you will have to answer some questions and complete a text.


1. Complete with how many, many, few or a lot of.

a. How many books are there in the library? There are _______________________ of books.
b. How many books do you have in your bag? I have a __________________ books in my bag. Only two.
c. ____________________________types of habitats are there in the world? There are many habitats.
d. How many parks does the city have? It doesn’t have _______________________ parks. Just two.
2. Ask a friend or someone from your house some questions using how many to complete this chart in
your notebook.
Number of friends on social Number of cities you know. Numbers of sports you like.

3. Transcribe the dialogue using the chart below and the information in the Language Noticeboard
above. Use exercise 1 as a model.

You: How many friends do you have on social media?

Your partner: _______________________________________________________________________
You: How_____________________________________________________________?
Your partner: _______________________________________________________________________
You: How__________________________________________________________________________?
Your partner: _______________________________________________________________________

1. Read the descriptions and match the correct habitat.

This habitat has a dry climate with few plants.

There are extremely hot days and very cold nights.
It may appear that this habitat does not have many animals or plants, Rainforest
but a closer inspection can reveal high biodiversity.

This habitat is wet and warm. It always rains a lot and they
have an incredible diversity of life. There you can see a lot of types
of animals and plants, too. Desert
In this habitat the temperatures are normally low. At very high altitudes
there is also less oxygen, making life difficult for both animals and plants.

2. Match the sentences to their corresponding pictures. then, check with your teacher.

3. Look at the pictures and try to identify which place in the world they show. listen to the recording
and check if you were correct. Audio nº1.

4. Listen again and focus on the words related to habitats.

5. Listen again and answer the following questions.

a. What is Easter Island famous for?


b. What interesting places can be found on the island?


c. Which kind of tree is characteristic of this island?


6. Listen once more and complete this short description of Easter island.

___________________________________________________ or “Rapa Nui” is an island located in the

_________________________________. It has a _________________________________temperature. As
natural attractions it has three extinct___________________________________, a few fresh
water_______________________________ and a sand_________________________________________ .
It is famous for the ___________________________________and you can get there
Which natural habitats are there in your country? Discuss with your class.
Transcription of the audio:

Rapa Nui Rapa Nui is an island located in the southeastern area of the Pacific Ocean. Rapa Nui is the
Polynesian name of Easter Island; its Spanish name is “Isla de Pascua”. It has a warm tropical climate. It is
famous for its big stone statues called “Moais”, that can be up to twenty meters tall. It has a few freshwater
lakes, there are three important extinct volcanoes, covered in low vegetation, and there is one main sand
beach, called Anakena. There are a lot of species of animals and plants, which are characteristic of this island,
but there aren’t many trees. It only has a few palm trees. Most tourists get to the island by plane.
Material nº01: II° Período Septiembre
Guideline and worksheet: Unit 3: The Natural World
Teacher: Miss Florencia Sánchez
NAME: _____________________________________________________ 6 th Grade A B C

OA1. Escuchar y demostrar comprensión de información explícita en textos adaptados y auténticos simples, tanto no
literarios (textos expositivos, diálogos) como literarios (rimas, poemas canciones, cuentos)
OA5. Leer y demostrar comprensión de textos adaptados y auténticos simples, no literarios, que contengan palabras de
uso frecuente, familias de palabras y repetición de frases, y estén acompañados de apoyo visual y relacionados con los
temas y las siguientes funciones del año.
OA14. Escribir, de acuerdo a un modelo y con apoyo de lenguaje visual, textos no literarios y textos literarios con el
propósito de compartir información en torno a los temas del año.
Expresión oral

Hello students, how are you? Today we are going to reflect on the way animals live and reflect on their habitats.
Then, we are going to read a text about the engendered animals and answer the questions about it. Finally, we
are going to practice a little bit of quantifiers and how to use them properly.

1. Look , listen and repeat.
2. Look at the sentences in exercise 1 and classify the animals according to their habitats.


3. Make a list of other animals and their habitats. if necessary, find out more information on the
internet or an encyclopedia. Use the chart in exercise nº2 to write more animals.

1. Before you read the text Endangered animals, look at the picture of the three animals. What do they
have in common?

2. Now read the title of the text. Do you know what endangered means? What do you think the text is

a. The text mentions the animals which are endangered.

b. The text explains why animals are endangered.
c. The text explains how to protect endangered animals.

3. Read the text and check your predictions in exercise 2. Were you right? If not, correct your answer.
4. Read the questions a – c. Read the text one more time and underline the parts where the answer to
each question is given.

a. Why do animals extinct? There are two causes:

i. _________________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________________

b. Which habitats are affected by extinction?


c. Is there any hope for endangered animals?


5. Read the text once again and circle the words that express quantity.

6. Read the text for the last time and find the definition of the underlined words. Write them on the
space provided.

a. endangered: ______________________________________________________________________
b. overhunting: ______________________________________________________________________

7. Are you optimistic or pessimistic about protecting endangered animals? Why? Write your opinion.

I feel__________________________________________________ about protecting endangered animals

because I think that_____________________________________________________________________.


1. Complete the sentences with how many, many, a few or a lot of.

a. There is _____________________________money in the wallet.

b. There aren’t _____________________________________apples in the fridge. We need to buy some more.
c. __________________________________________endangered species can you name?
d. There is __________________________________________pizza in the fridge if you are hungry.
e. ________________________________________students are there in your class?
f. There are ____________________________________people at the cinema. The film is not very good.

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