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Vigilancia epidemiológica como prevención de la neumoconiosis del minero de

carbón en el departamento de Boyacá en el año 2022

- Antecedentes:

Estudio Objetivo Diseñ Año Resultado


1 Estimar la prevalencia de Corte 2018 La prevalencia de la neumoconiosis

neumoconiosis y sus factores transv fue de 33,8 %. En el modelo de
asociados en mineros de ersal regresión multivariado de Cox, con
carbón de Boyacá, tiempo de riesgo constante para la
Cundinamarca y Norte de neumoconiosis, esta se asoció
Santander significativamente con el trabajo en
empresas medianas

2 Describir los principales Revisi 2020 Queda claro que la exposición a la

polimorfismos causados a ón de minería de carbón y sus
personas expuestas a los la componentes en la polución, tiene
residuos de las minas de literatu una afectación muy marcada en el
carbón ra daño fisiológico de las personas, y
llevamos a cabo la presencia de
ciertas patologías y muy relacionado
con las respiratorias; no solo este tipo
si no también con alteración en piel,
gastrointestinales entre otras

3 Establecer las enfermedades Investi 2021 El resultado parcial da a conocer el

laborales generadas por gación alto nivel de exposición al
exposición a polvo inorgánico transv polvo de carbón, encontrándose
en C.I. ersal relacionado directamente con la
Minas la Aurora S.A.S; Mina de tipo exposición, la intensidad
Aurora I - Sardinata, Norte de descri Horario y la antigüedad y/o
Santander. ptivo. permanencia del cargo laboral donde
la incidencia de adquirir una
enfermedad respiratoria asociada al
factor químico de estudio es del

4 Evaluar la asociación entre el Casos 2015 Trabajar 10 o más años en una

tiempo de trabajo tercerizado y y empresa tercerizadora se asoció
el desarrollo de neumoconiosis control significativamente con mayor
en trabajadores mineros es frecuencia de neumoconiosis, Los
peruanos atendidos en el retros casos presentaron mayor
Centro Nacional de Salud pectiv probabilidad de no tener ningún tipo
Ocupacional y Protección al o no de estudio, residir en la sierra
Ambiente para la Salud entre parea peruana y haber trabajado más de
2008 y 2011 do 20 años en subsuelo

5 Determinar los factores de Cuanti 2018 Los resultados de mayor relevancia

riesgo y neumoconiosis en tativo con referencia a estas características
asociados a la minería analíti son: el género, siendo el 97 %
co, hombres, para un total de 111
transv personas, el 32 % de la población
ersal y tiene entre 46 a 55 años, siendo el
descri rango de edad más frecuente. El
ptivo mayor porcentaje de la población
tiene un nivel de escolaridad bajo; el
68 % no está afiliada a seguridad
social, que abarca salud, pensión y
aseguradora de riesgos laborales

6 Our study aimed at evaluating Revisi 2017 RNFL thickness values in Group 1
ocular findings and structural ón de and 2 were lower than in Group 3, the
changes in coal mine workers literatu control group, in all quadrants except
who were chronically exposed ra the temporal quadrant. However,
to coal mine dust and there was no statistically significant
diagnosed with difference in peripapillary RNFL
pneumoconiosis. thickness values in any quadrants
among the three groups (p > 0.05).

7 Evaluar la asociación entre las casos 2020 Identificamos una asociación

variantes genéticas de los y significativa de alelos entre NAF1
genes relacionados con control rs4691896 y neumoconiosis del
telómeros y el riesgo de es minero de carbón al comparar
neumoconiosis de los pacientes con controles (22,0 %
trabajadores del carbón frente a 13,0 %, razón de
probabilidad: 1,89, intervalo de
confianza del 95 %. La frecuencia del
genotipo de rs4691896 difirió
significativamente entre los pacientes
y los controles. Además, rs4691896
se correlacionó con NMC en un
modelo genético aditivo y un modelo

8 This review summarizes recent 2020 The latest research shows that the
research on pneumoconiosis in prevalence of pneumoconiosis,
coal workers following the including progressive massive
identification of the resurgence fibrosis, continues to increase,
of this disease among US coal especially in central Appalachia.
miners in the early 2000s. Contributing factors may include
mining of thin coal seams or cutting
rock to access coal, which may
expose miners to coal mine dust with
a higher content of silica and silicates
than in the past.

9 This research was aimed at cohort 2016 It was estimated that 141 redeployed
estimating possible Coal coal workers might have suffered
workers’ pneumoconiosis from CWP as of 2012, and 221
(CWP) cases as of 2012, and redeployed coal workers could suffer
predicting future CWP cases from CWP in the future. It is crucial to
among redeployed coal establish a set of feasible and
workers from the Fuxin Mining affordable regulations on CWP
Industry Group screening and diagnosis as well as
labor insurance policies for
redeployed coal workers of resource-
exhausted coal mines in China

10 This paper systematically Syste 2018 Regarding coal dust management,

compared and analyzed the matic this paper found that coal workers in
multi-elements of coal dust review China are more susceptible to lung
management and health of the diseases compared to workers in the
management in these three literatu USA and Australia, considering
countries to provide a reference re fundamental aspects such as mine
for China. type, coal rank, and geological
conditions. In addition, the
controllable aspects such as
advanced mitigation, monitoring
methods, and the personal protective
equipment of coal dust were relatively
inadequate in China compared to the
USA and Australia. Health
management in China was found to
have multiple deficiencies in health
examination, co-governance, and
compensations for coal workers
suffering from lung diseases and
healthcare for retired coal workers.

11 To predict the future incidence Estudi 2021 Chinese incidence trend of

trend of pneumoconiosis in o pneumoconiosis would decrease in
China, and to evaluate three diagnó the future. Predicted value of GAM
predictive models. stico / (14,566) and Curve Fitting Method
Estudi (15,781) in 2019 was close to the
o de actual value (15,898). Relative error
incide of prediction of GAM and Curve
ncia / Fitting Method was -8.38% and -
Estudi 0.73%, respectively.
tico /
es de

12 To investigate the status of Syste 2021 In the 376 sputum samples, the
infections caused by respiratory matic detection rates of pathogens, viruses,
pathogens and the patterns of review bacteria and fungi were 42.29%
infections caused by pathogens of the (159/376), 32.98% (124/376), 9.57%
in different seasons, age literatu (36/376) and 6.12% (23/376),
groups and stages of re respectively. The six pathogens with
pneumoconiosis so as to the highest detection rates were
explore the pathogen spectrum parainfluenza virus, rhinovirus,
of respiratory tract infections in influenza virus, Candida albicans,
pneumoconiosis patients. Klebsiella pneumoniae and Candida
krousei. The severity of respiratory
tract infection did not show significant
difference in different seasons, age
groups, and pneumoconiosis stages.

13 To examine components of the Estudi 2020 Changes in the perceived

Health Belief Model (HBM) as o susceptibility, perceived severity,
mediators and socio- pronós perceived benefits, cues to action,
demographic characteristics as tico and self-efficacy mediated the
moderators of the effects of an intervention's efficacy in improving
educational intervention on intention to practise pneumoconiosis
intention to practise prevention. The intervention was
pneumoconiosis prevention more effective in reducing perceived
among South Asian barriers in younger workers,
construction workers. enhancing self-efficacy in older
workers and relatively new
employees, and improving the
intention in unmarried workers.
14 This study aimed to describe a 2020 COPD prevalence overall was 32.7%
the prevalence and cross- (221/675) and was the highest in
characteristics as well as the sectio silicosis (84/221) and coal workers’
risk factors of the combined nal pneumoconiosis (100/221). COPD
diseases. study prevalence increased with smoking
pack-years, dust exposure duration
and pneumoconiosis stage. Patients
with combined diseases had lower
body mass index, higher smoking
index and worse pulmonary function.
Risk factors for combined diseases
included heavy smoking, silica or coal
exposure and advanced

15 In this study, we aimed to 2022 The cytotoxic, inflammatory and pro‐

establish the association fibrotic response varied considerably
between the detrimental between coal samples. There was a
cellular response and the high level of collinearity in the cell
chemical composition of coal responses and between the chemical
particles. compounds within the coal samples.
PCA identified three factors that
explained 75% of the variance in the
cell response.

16 We characterized the Syste 2018 There were 4,679 unique PMF cases
proportion of PMF among matic among claimants for federal black
former U.S. coal miners review lung benefits between 1970 and
applying for Federal Black Lung of the 2016, with 2,474 miners determined
Program benefits, 1970-2016. literatu to have PMF since 1996. The number
re of PMF cases among Federal Black
Lung Program claimants fell from 404
(0.5% of claimants) in 1978 to a low
of 18 cases (0.6%) in 1988, and then
increased to 353 cases (8.3%) in

17 The presented study aimed to Cohort 2022 The risk of lung cancer in miners with
analyze the (i) incidence of lung CWP was 1.82 times higher than in
carcinoma in miners, (ii) those without CWP. Squamous cell
histopathological findings in carcinoma (37%) was the most
cohorts with and without CWP, common histopathological type,
and (iii) effect of smoking followed by adenocarcinoma (22%)
cessation on the and small cell carcinoma (21%). A
histopathological profile statistically significant difference
between the cohorts (p = 0.003) was
found in the histopathological
subtypes, with the incidence of small
cell carcinoma being 2 times higher in
miners without CWP than in those
with CWP. Only a few individuals with
lung carcinoma were non-smokers.
The incidence of small cell
carcinoma, which is strongly
associated with smoking

18 To investigate right ventricular Cohort 2018 There were significant differences in

function in patients with Tei index and TAPSE between all
pneumoconiosis, and to groups (P <0.05) except between the
provide a basis for quantitative stage I group and the control group in
diagnosis and treatment of terms of Tei index (P>0.05) and
pneumoconiosis in clinical between the stage I group and the
practice. stage II group in terms of TAPSE
(P>0.05). Right ventricular Tei index
was negatively correlated with
TAPSE (r=-0.547,P<0.05).

19 Analizar el comportamiento Estudi 2019 La frecuencia de los AT está

tanto de los accidentes de o aumentando anualmente en un 8,6%
trabajo (AT) como las descri aproximadamente. La tasa promedio
enfermedades laborales (EL) ptivo- de EL es de 60 casos por cada
por separado, y en su conjunto analíti 100.000 trabajadores. Finalmente, se
en Colombia para el periodo co y proyectan 725.000 casos anuales de
1994 a 2016. longitu AT aproximadamente
de un
o de

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