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CÓDIGO DEL PLANTEL PD00292005 / RIF V-11507972-3

Clase 1

Regular and Irregular verbs

Simple Past and
auxiliary Did

PLANIFICACIÓN SEMANA DEL 09 -01 AL 03 -02- 2023.

Clases planificadas: 16

AÑO ESCOLAR 2022 – 2023
Happy new year 2023
I want to wish you success and many blessings in this new year .I hope you had had a spectacular
and relaxing time together your family. Welcome to the second period of your 3rd year. In this time we
are going to work on regular and irregular verbs in English, Simple Past and the use of the auxiliary did.
We are going to write new English sentences in the simple past time in an affirmative, negative
and interrogative way, also we will read some paragraphs and dialogues in English to answer the
questions according to the readings.
Finally I want to tell you Never give up!

Plan de Evaluación
N° de Tema Estrategia Fecha
Verbos regulares e irregulares
Del 23- 01- 23
1 Dar pedir y recibir información acerca de hechos o acciones que se realizaron Taller escrito en el aula
(Pasado simple)
03 – 02 – 23.
Auxiliar Did
Lista de verbos en participio pasado
2 Dar pedir y recibir información acerca de hechos o acciones que se han
realizado Febrero 2023
Prueba Escrita
(Presente perfecto) Auxiliar Has or have
Dar pedir y recibir información acerca de hechos o acciones que se habían
realizado (Pasado perfecto) Auxiliar had
Lista de Adjetivos
3 Dar pedir y recibir información acerca de la comparación de personas, Galería de
animales o cosas. Marzo 2023
Adjetivos comparativos y superlativos
Cumplimiento de sus deberes, participación y seguimiento de instrucciones Durante
Lista de Cotejo
4 en cada actividad evaluativa todo el lapso
En ingles se trabajan dos grupos de verbos conocidos como Verbos Regulares y verbos
Verbos Los Verbos Regulares forman su pasado solo agregando d o ed al final del verbo, mientras los
verbos Irregulares cambian totalmente su escritura de presente a pasado simple. A Continuación una
lista de Verbos a estudiar

Lista de verbos regulares Lista de verbos irregulares

be ser hide esconderse
Act Actuar Kill Matar
begin comenzar hold mantener
Add Sumar Laugh Reir
blow soplar keep guardar
Ask Preguntar Like Gustar
break romper leave dejar
Answer Responder Look Mirar bring traer lose perder

Arrive Llegar Miss Extrañar build construir make hacer

Brush Cepillar Marry Casar (Se) Encontrar/

buy comprar meet
Belong Pertenecer Open Abrir
choose elegir pay pagar
Beg Suplicar Play Jugar
come venir ride montar
Believe Creer Prefer Preferir
cut Cortar run correr
Close Cerrar Promise Prometer
Cook Cocinar Repeat Repetir do hacer say decir

Call Llamar Rain Llover draw dibujar see ver

Change Cambiar Remember Recordar drink beber sell vender

Charge Cargar Smile Sonreir drive conducir send enviar

Clean Limpiar Study Estudiar eat comer sleep dormir

Cry Llorar Smoke Fumar fall caer speak hablar

Dance Bailar Stop Detener feed Alimentar spend gastar

Dress Vestir Talk Conversar fight pelear stand estar de pie

Die Morir Thank Agradecer find Encontrar swim nadar

Dry Secar Touch Tocar fly volar take tomar

Enjoy Disfrutar Use Usar forget olvidar teach enseñar

Explain Explicar Visit Visitar freeze congelar tell decir

Follow Seguir Wait Esperar get obtener think pensar

Finish Terminar Want Querer give dar throw lanzar

Help Ayudar Walk Caminar go ir understand entender

Hope Desear Wash Lavar grow crecer wake despertarse

Happen Suceder Watch Observar hang colgar wear Vestir/ usar

Imagine Imaginar Wish Desear have tener win ganar

Kiss Besar Work Trabajar hear oír write escribir

Pasado simple El "simple past" se utiliza para hablar de una acción que concluyó en un tiempo anterior
al actual. La duración no es relevante. El tiempo en que se sitúa la acción puede ser el pasado
reciente o un pasado lejano.

Este es uno de los tiempos verbales más importantes y más usados en el inglés. El pasado simple no es difícil de
aprender, solo se debe tener en cuenta que cuando se usa, describes una situación o acción que inició y ya terminó y cuya
duración no tiene relevancia para su descripción

La estructura a utilizar es: En el tiempo pasado

simple no importa quién sea
el sujeto, lo realmente
importante es que el verbo
principal esté en pasado.

Ejemplo Some usefull expressions to the

Ejemplo: Mr park bought a suit yesterday simple past are:
Alice Cleanes the windows
They ran in the park Expression Spanish
Albert went to the park last Sunday Yesterday ayer
I watched that movie two weeks ago Last week la semana pasada
I participated in a car race last year.
I listened to your radio program the day before yesterday. Last month el mes pasado
Last year el año pasado
Four days ago hace cuatro días

Auxiliar did A week ago hace una semana

A year ago hace un año

Did es un auxiliar que se usa en inglés para señalare o indicar el Five years ago hace cinco años
tiempo verbal pasado simple. Se usa para el caso negativo e The day before yesterday anteayer
interrogativo de las oraciones y su significado es nulo.
Al usarse el auxiliar Did el verbo en Inglés queda en su forma base.
Estructuras a utilizar

Para la oración negativa se trabajará la

siguiente estructura:
Sujeto + did not + Verbo en presente + complemento Sujeto + didn´t + Verbo en presente + complemento

Ejemplo: I did not call you yesterday. Please use the following subjets and verbs to write
Let´s Practice this dialogue
new negative english sentences into the simple past.
Marieh: What? I did not know we were going to  The class/begin at 7
have a chemistry test!  my little brother/ break a leg
Charles: Marieh I told you yesterday.  my aunt/ bring many presents for us
Marieh: But I didn´t remember. We were so busy  the children /hide behind the trees
that I didn´t pay attention to you.  I /win the lottery
Charles: Really? You never pay attention to what I  my sister /lose her cellular phone
say.  the teacher /teach some grammar rules
 I /come to class this morning

Para la oración interrogativa se trabajará

la siguiente estructura:

Did+Sujeto + Verbo en presente + complemento Wh… + did + Sujeto + t + Verbo en presente +complemento

 Did the class start at 7 today?

 Did you have breakfast this morning?  What did you do at 7 today?
 Did the teacher explain the class?  when did you come to class?
 Did you understand the English class?  where did you find your classmate?
 Did your mom prepare arepas for breakfast?  who got up early this morning?
 Did you do your homework?  why did you come to class?
 Did you study the english verbs?
 Did you learn some english verbs?
Let´s review the class.
Please read this paragraph and answer the following questions according to the

This is the Phillip´s diary. What did Phillip do last weekend?

I had a great weekend last weekend. On Friday I went to a bar with my friends. I ate a delicious hamburger and french fries.
I entered a pool tournament and I played really well. I won the tournament and won 15000 euros. I was very happy. I met
new people from Germany and they showed me a popular drink in Germany that is similar to a Bloody Mary.
On Saturday I was a bit tired. I stayed in bed until 11 o’clock in the morning and then I had a nice brunch. I ate toast with
tomatoes and mushrooms and I drank coffee. I went out and walked around the town where I live with my girlfriend. We
went to the supermarket and bought a lot of vegetables. My bags were heavy and we walked home up the hill. My
girlfriend made Lasagna for dinner and then we watched a movie.
On Sunday I woke up late again. I had a very lazy weekend! I had a nice brunch again (beans on toast this time). We went to
a nice hotel and used their spa facilities. I went swimming but the water in the jacuzzi was too hot so I didn’t use the
jacuzzi. I love reading a book beside the swimming pool. I spent about 4 hours there. When I arrived home I called my friend
on Whatsapp and we talked for one hour. I had a great weekend.

How much did he win in the pool tournament?

What did he do on Saturday evening?
Why didn’t he use the Jacuzzi?
How long did he talk to his friend.
 What did phillip´s girlfriend for dinner?
 what did he do after dinner?

Please read the following paragraph and correct the verb in simple past form, then
underline the affirmative sentences and write two new negative sentences.

Yesterday, I go to Liverpool and I visit the job fair.

First, I talk to an artist. At the school, she paint pictures and make models. She study art at university. After university, she
work in a museum and paint in her free time, the she win a prize for an abstract painting.
Then I talk to a journalist. When he is eleven he like writing stories and talking to people. He study English and
Frenchat university. He is very good at languages. After university, he work for a newspaper, the become a tv journalist.
Finally, I also talk to a musician. At the school, she play the piano and the guitar. When she is 15, she play the piano and sing
in a band in London there they make a cd
Let´s practice
Let´s do the following practice, please.

Estar en contacto continuo con el blog institucional, docente guía y personal del plantel ante cualquier duda.
Mantener las medidas de bioseguridad, por su salud y la nuestra.
Cumplir con la asistencia, explicación de contenidos y las fechas de las evaluaciones, ya que de perder cualquier evaluación se
debe contactar con el departamento de evaluación para notificar su excusa y esperar autorización para su reprogramación a
través del correo

Evaluación Se ha planificado un taller escrito

en el aula para este tema.

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