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Gestión de Formación Profesional Integral

Bilingualism Education
English Workshop

Programa de Formación: Gestión Contable y Financiera

Actividad: Describir situaciones del contexto actual y pasado.
Taller: Adverbios de frecuencia
Objetivo: Participar en intercambios conversacionales básicos en forma oral y escrita en inglés
en diferentes situaciones sociales tanto en la cotidianidad
Descripción del producto: Descriptions

Palabras con EA
Reach: The phone cord doesn't reach.
Teach: They teach them to dance.
Dream: No one knew that this was my dream.
Please: Please let me know if you have any questions.
Spear: I put everything into my spear technique.
Squeak: His shoes squeak as he turns away.
Leave: The bus leaves every fifteen minutes.
Least: My least favorite class.
Squeal: The radio erupts in squeals of delight.
Cream: The cream of comedy will be there.

Palabras con EY
Money: The money was used to build houses, schools, and hospitals.
Valley: The city has a beautiful lake and a picturesque valley.
Monkey: It looks like my monkey has evolved into a man.
Trolley: Very comfortable we found the trolley with the big wheels.
Donkey: So, they saddled him the donkey.
Key: The key benefit to LOCTITE GC 10 is its stability.
Jockey: Alex Solis, from Panama, was the first Latin jockey to win this event in 2004.
Hockey: Finland is always a contender in ice hockey.
Turkey: The Spiderman musical was a complete turkey.
Pulley: We just need to free her ankle from the pulley.


Every day we are in constant movement, in some cases waking up early

in the morning to go to work, study, care the family and so on.
La presente Guía de Aprendizaje tiene el objetivo de dar a conocer el
tiempo gramatical presente simple “simple present”, los adverbios de frecuencia.

Para el buen desarrollo de la misma se propone el trabajo autónomo y colaborativo por parte del
aprendiz. Teniendo en cuenta que el tiempo gramatical presente simple permite
desarrollar habilidades comunicativas, tanto orales como escritas, su aprendizaje ofrece la destreza
de diferenciar las demás estructuras gramaticales, según tiempo en que se esté
comunicando, incluyendo las expresiones y vocabulario adecuado para cada caso.

Sin dejar de lado los adverbios de frecuencia, encargados de determinar la periodicidad o que tan a
menudo se realiza una acción.
Estos se usan en presente simple para hábitos y costumbres. En preguntas usamos la expresión
How often. Ejemplo: How often do you read a book? Lo que quiere decir ¿Con qué frecuencia lees
un libro?
What does he do?

He often goes to study on Mondays. She always sends emails in the morning.
1.1 My schedule or time table: Create a chart about your daily activities and
routines._Escribir actividades que realizabas anteriormente de forma rutina, que
nunca realizas y que te gustaría hacer.


WEEKDAY From Monday to Friday (de lunes a Viernes 8 activities) :


I wake up at 5:00 am, I get up, I take off my clothes to take a cold shower,

WEEKEND I never go swimming. I visit friends near my house, I go to supermarket. ..

S Go+ verb ing (go dancing)
(fin de

1.2 Family member activities: Describe what activities a family member does.

2 Presente simple

También llamado presente simple corresponde al presente de el indicativo español y se utiliza para
expresar acciones del presente que se producen una vez o repetidamente, suceden
consecutivamente, tienen validez general o son establecidas por un calendario, horario o
programa. Se utiliza una regla gramatical para la conjugación en tercera persona ( she, he, it ),
agregando al verbo o acción una s, es o ies, segÚn la terminación del verbo, por ejemplo: She
goes to the beach on vacation. La regla gramatical indica que los verbos terminados en s, ss, sh,
ch, x, y o se les agrega es ( she goes ).


Habits and Routines
Feeling and emotions
General truth

Time Expressions In Simple present

Adverbs of frequency are using in English specify how often we do an activity, how often an event
or action is happening. / Adverbs of Frequency y/o Time Expressions tales como usually, always,
never, on Wednesdays, every Wednesday, twice a week, once a month, in general, every
other day. etc. Expresiones de tiempo: Son expresiones que permiten especificar la frecuencia
con la cual se realiza una actividad o rutina, entre ellas podemos encontrar.

● Examples: I sometimes visit my family (Adverb of frequency)

▪ She visits her friend every day (time expression)

2.Questionnaire Answer the following questions: Responder el siguiente cuestionario.

1. What do you do every Monday? ¿Qué haces todos los lunes?

Normally on Mondays I wake up early to organize, clean everything at home, when I finish, I have my
breakfast and I do my pending study work to do.
2. What do you do on your birthdays?
I don't like to celebrate my birthday, it's just another day, at the end of the day you just buy a cake
and spend a little time with your family.
3. What do you like to do on the weekends?
on weekends we are always in classes, it usually takes up our whole day, but when there are no
classes, I usually go out, I like to walk, meet people.
4. How often do you read a book?
I used to do it a lot, but now it's a rare thing to pick up a book and start reading.
5. How often do you study?
I do like to keep myself informed about all the topics in general, current issues and a lot of politics of
different countries and maybe see if that can affect our country in the long term.
3. Set your ideas about the simple present time, creating a mind map. / Realiza un mapa conceptual
sobre la estructura simple, incluyendo la regla gramatical s, ies, es y algunos ejemplos.

3.1 Reading comprehension and new vocabulary. / Lee el texto “Tom’s Job”. escribe el
vocabulario desconocido y su significado. Responde las preguntas.
Tom’s Job
Tom works at a bank. He is the manager. He starts working every day at 8:00 am. He finishes
to work every day at 6:00 pm. He lives very close to the bank. He walks to work every day. His
brother and sister also work at the bank. But they do not live close to the bank. They drive their
car to work. They start working at 9:00 am.
In the bank, Tom is the boss. He helps all the workers and tells them what to do. He likes his
job. He is also very good at his job. Many customers like Tom, and they say hello to him when
they come to the bank. Tom likes to talk to the customers and make them feel happy. Tom really
likes his job.

3. Question
Questions according to the reading: Does Tom live close to the
1. Question Yes
What time does Tom start to work?
9.00 am 4. Question
8:00 am Does Tom talk to
2. Question No
Does Tom drive a car to work? Yes
Yes 5. Question
How does Tom feel about
his job?
3.2 Describes the activities at the workplace. Realice un escrito similar al texto “Tom’s Job” con su propia
información dentro del contexto laboral.

Describing your activities and functions at work

Accounting functions
The accounting helps in the maintenance of bookkeeping and record keeping.
Accounting helps in the collection and storage of the financial information, transactions
happening within the organization, and financial activities happening in the organization.
It helps in the creation and documentation from day to the latest period.
It helps in the formulation of comprehensive financial policy for the business.
It is also utilized in the preparation of budgets and financial projections
It also helps in the reconciliation of information between two sources of financial systems.
The accounted information can be shared with the external stakeholders with the intent for business
planning and growth.
Accounting does not focus on the activities about the capital budgeting
It also helps in audit functions and curbs the internal weakness as it makes the systems
A business or an organization can prepare and work on several journals to maintain different
A comprehensive accounting system ensures that the accounts of corporates expenses do not get
mixed with the personal accounts of vice presidents or managers.

Describe your daily routine in the office or work

I work in an office. I start working at 7:00 am
3.3 Creates eight (8) Wh- question in English with answers.

● Where does Miriam study? She studies at the English institute.

1) What do you do for a living? I work in a car body shop.

2) What happened to Peter? A bad accident happened to him today.

3) Who won the game? Colombia won the game.

4) What color is your dress? It’s purple.

5) What will happen if our team loses this time? We’ll be out of the game.

6) When are you going to visit James? I’m going to see him tomorrow.

7) Where’s the coffee bar? It’s between the supermarket and the cinema.

8) Whom should we talk to? We should talk to the principal. She’s responsible for student issues.
3.4 Create 4 questions using Do and 4 questions using Does as an auxiliary of question, including Time
Expressions: always, frequently, seldom, never, every day, every moth, usually, often, etc.

Does your son listen to the radio? Yes, He always listens to news on the radio.

4. Actividades de transferencia del conocimiento.

Preparing an interview. Answer the following questions and ask about the pronunciation for some words.

Questions and Answers. Practice with your classmate or teacher.

1. Tell me about yourself
My name is Wido Perez, I am from the Colombian coast. I am 24 years old; I am an accounting
and finance student.
2. How would you describe yourself?
As an organized and highly motivated person, I am able to adapt to any circumstance and always
give my best in any project, at the same time that I strive to work in a team and promote values
such as fellowship.
3. What is your best quality?
committed, I like to be responsible, punctual and face different challenges.
4. Why do you want to work here?
I believe that the qualities that I bring to the table can be very useful for this company.
5. What interests you about this company?
the experience and knowledge that I can continue acquiring in this company is something that is
very useful for me as a professional or if I plan to start my own business in the future.
6. What motivates you?
I am motivated by the desire to move forward, to gain experience, to test my knowledge.
7. Why are you leaving your current job?

I have no previous work.

8. What are your greatest strengths?

Communication skills, Active listening skills, Leadership capacity, Ability to adapt to change,
Ability to work as part of a team.
9. What are your greatest weaknesses?
I focus a lot on the details, I get very involved in projects, I find it hard to turn people down, I find it
hard to handle stress when I am approaching a deadline.

10. Can you tell me how you will overcome a difficult work situation?
Develop the right attitude, take on difficulties as challenges and respond with determination.
Forget fear, self-pity, or guilt. The best way to ensure greater resilience in the face of a limiting
situation is to try to understand it from a positive point of view.
11. How do you see yourself in five years?
I see myself as a public accountant, having finished my accounting career and starting another
one which is more of a hobby and that is Anthropology.

Practice Exercises_ / Preposition of time

Sam went to China at__November and
came back on Christmas.
He arrived in China on the
thirtieth of November in the afternoon.
He stayed with Uncle Joe on the
twenty-third of December at night

1. Preposition of Place.

Next to Behind In front of On

Between In Above Under


* Above / Over
Over means at a higher position, in different ways, but above refers to being directly (vertically) above you.

Activity : Describing the office supplies using preposition of place. Example: The desk is in front of the window.
The computer is on the desk.
The desktop is between the file and monitor.
Swivel chair is behind the desk.
Filing cabinet is under out tray.
Telephone is next to keyboard.
In-tray is above desk.
Wastebasket is under desk


Describing your office or workplace including the words in the picture

2. Reading comprehension. Read the article “What a story!” and answer the questions below.
Example : Stephen Hawking became a sick person 3. His second book was
when A. easier to read.
A. he was a student. B. for famous people.
B. he was born. C. very advanced.
C. he was popular.
4. When did he start needing help
to communicate?
1. After his 21st birthday, he believed A. in 1985
he was going to B. in 1988
A. die soon. C. in 2005
B. study more.
C. discover new things. 5. Being sick, he decided to
A. help the planet.
2. Before he died, he could talk using B. be interesting.
A. his face. C. get better at numbers.
B. a machine.
C. some letters. 6. Hawking thought his dreams had
come true thanks to his
A. professors.
B. family.
C. company

Participar en intercambios conversacionales básicos en forma oral y escrita en inglés en diferentes situaciones
sociales tanto en la cotidianidad

Evidencias de Aprendizaje Criterios de Evaluación Técnicas e Instrumentos de

Identify and understand main Reading comprehension and
Evidencias de Conocimiento ideas thought reading. create questions.

Evidencias de Desempeño Expresses ideas about social Writing ideas about your
and personal events. common activities in life.

Evidencias de Producto Participate in basic Conversation based on

conversational interchange. questionnaire writing and
speaking form.
Learning virtual environment
Google Classroom
Personal computer
Notebook, blog, etc.
Available Resources

always siempre
usually usualmente
often con frecuencia, frecuentemente
frequently frecuentemente
sometimes a veces
seldom rara vez
never nunca
every day todos los días
once a month una vez por mes
twice a month dos veces por mes
three times a month tres veces por mes
once a week una vez por semana
twice a week dos veces por semana
three times a week tres veces por semana



Indeed. Interview questions and answers. (2020) reciver from

Trucoslondres. Vocabulary. (2019) recover from

Eslbuzz. English (2020) taken from

Cloudfront course (2021) taken from

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